Week 2

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Saint Anthony Academy

Batuan, Bohol, Philippines

Member: Bohol Association of Catholic Schools ( BACS)
Catholic Education Association of the Philippines (CEAP)

Name:___________________________ Year & Section:___________________________

Date:______________________________ Score: __________________
Teacher: Ms. Anabel A. Bahinting, LPT
(Week 2)
Topic: Nature and Functions of Humanities
Competency: Differentiate the nature and functions of Social Science disciplines with the natural sciences
and humanities
Objective: Explain the nature and functions of Humanities
Concept Notes:
HUMANITIES is a branch of knowledge that concerned with human beings and their culture or with
analytic and critical methods of inquiry derived from an appreciation of human values and of the unique ability
of the human spirit to express itself.

1. Humanities is a way of thinking about and responding to the world.
2. Humanities is about human beings, their culture and their intellectual achievements.
3. Humanities stimulate intellectual inquiry and seek answers, to the central questions of the meaning of
human life.
4. Humanities interprets answers to life as they emerge from products of human experience.
5. Humanities is the products of human experience such as Religion, Art, Music , Dance, Drama, Film and
6. Humanities seek the clarity of wisdom gained through a disciplined engagement. Through humanities, we
learn about ourselves and who we are. We learn also about how did we get here.
7. Humanities is about human beings, their culture and their intellectual achievements.
8. Humanities is about humans. Humanities is about what humans produced and why they produced it.

1. Humanities helps us understand others through their languages, histories and cultures.
2. It fosters social justice and equality.
3. It reveals how people have tried to make moral, spiritual and intellectual sense of the world.
4. Humanities teaches empathy.
5. It teaches us to deal critically and logically with subjective, complex, imperfect information.
6. It teaches us to weigh evidence skeptically and consider more than one side of every question.
7. Humanities builds skills in writing and critical reading.
8. Humanities encourages us to think creatively. They teach us to reason about being human and to ask
questions about our world.
9. Humanities develops informed and critical citizens. Without the humanities, democracy could not flourish.

Social Sciences
It is an academic discipline concerned with society and the relationships among individuals within a society,
which often rely primarily on empirical approaches. It includes anthropology, economics, political science,
psychology and sociology.
The study of how people process and document the human experience. Since humans have been able, we have
used philosophy, literature, religion, art, music and language to understand and record our world.
It is also about human beings, their culture and their intellectual achievements. This includes Ethics — the study
of Right and Wrong (Good and Evil) and Aesthetics — the study of the Beautiful.
1. One of the major differences between the two is that humanities involves a more critical and analytical
approach whereas social science deals with a more scientific approach.
2. Humanities are considered to be more philosophical than social sciences.
3. Humanities is more subjective, but Social Science is more objective. In other words, the studies of Humanities
are mostly based on assumptions and philosophies. Here comes the difference with Social Science as Social
Science is based on the studies of reality, whether it is in the ancient or related to the current world. There are
available facts and logic in the subjects of Social Science.
4. Humanities focus mostly on the tradition, culture, and heritage of the society on how human beings are
developed. On the other hand, Social Science critically studies the factual differences between Humanities
and Pure Sciences.
5. Humanities is a much older subject discipline whereas, Social Science is a modern branch of the
discipline. Thus, you can get traces of ancient Greek civilization in various subjects of Humanities.
Social Sciences have certain subjects which are entirely new, and further subjects also keep on
Science may be categorized into two broad areas: Natural Science and Social Science.



Natural Sciences
 It deals only with natural event (i.e. independents and dependents variables in nature) using scientific
method. It deals with objects and processes in nature and provide information on the nonhuman and
physical aspects in the natural world. The aim is to discover the laws that rule the world. The focus lies
hereby on the natural and not on the social world, although the differentiation is not always simple.
 Attempt to comprehend, explain, and predict events in our natural environments.

Social Sciences
 It deals with people, their behavior, and social systems. Human behavior includes a person’s dreams,
hopes, ambitions, activities and problems which involve other people.
 In contrast to the natural sciences, social sciences study the phenomena of social interaction and
coexistence of society.
 Examine human relationships.
 Attempt to objectively understand the social world.

Natural vs. Social Sciences

 An important difference between the natural sciences and the social sciences is that the subjects of study
in the natural sciences DO NOT TALK BACK TO THE RESEARCHER. There is no human
consciousness. The subjects in the social sciences CAN AND DO TALK BACK, and it is possible to
discern and change.
Instruction: Answer the following questions. (30 pts)
1. How helpful is the study of humanities in the transmission of culture to the present generation?
2. Give at least 3 differences between Social Science and Humanities.
3. Give at least 3 similarities between Social Science and Humanities.

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