Week 8

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Saint Anthony Academy

Batuan, Bohol, Philippines

Member: Bohol Association of Catholic Schools ( BACS)
Catholic Education Association of the Philippines (CEAP)

Name:___________________________ Year & Section:___________________________

Date:______________________________ Score: __________________
Teacher: Ms. Anabel A. Bahinting, LPT
Topic: Basic Concepts and Principles of Psychoanalysis
Competency: Analyze the basic concepts and principles of the major social science theories.
Objective: Describe the basic concepts and principles of psychoanalysis.
Concept Notes:
PSYHOANALYSIS is defined as a set of psychological theories and therapeutic methods which have their
origin in the work and theories of Sigmund Freud. It is both a theory of the human mind and a therapeutic
practice. It was founded by Sigmund Freud between 1885 and 1939 and continues to be developed by
psychoanalysts all over the world. Psychoanalysis has four major areas of application
● as a theory of how the mind works
● as a treatment method for psychic problems
● as a method of research, and
● as a way of viewing cultural and social phenomena like literature, art, movies, performances, politics
and groups.

Psychoanalysis works on psychoanalytic theory that was founded by Sigmund Freud; he was the first person to
include the unconscious mind in a formal psychological theory. According to him there are three structures of
personalities which are Id, Superego and Ego.
1. A person's development is determined by often forgotten events in early childhood, rather than
by inherited traits alone.
2. Human behavior and cognition are largely determined by instinctual drives that are rooted in the
3. Attempts to bring such drives into awareness triggers resistance in the form of defense mechanisms,
particularly repression.
4. Conflicts between conscious and unconscious material can result in mental disturbances, such as
neurosis, neurotic traits, anxiety, and depression.
5. Unconscious material can be found in dreams and unintentional acts, including mannerisms and slips of
the tongue.
6. Liberation from the effects of the unconscious is achieved by bringing this material into the
conscious mind through therapeutic intervention.
7. The "centerpiece of the psychoanalytic process" is the transference, whereby patients relive their
infantile conflicts by projecting onto the analyst feelings of love, dependence and anger.


Freud compared the levels of mental functioning to an iceberg with the smallest part (the conscious mind) above
the water line and the rest below it is unconscious mind! He believes that unconscious is the key to
understanding our personality which is the Id, superego and ego.

Id – Unconscious; it is the person’s drives and instincts; it operates

on “pleasure principle”. The id says “I want it now.”

Superego – operates on the “moral principle”; it strives for

perfection and not pleasure; decides what is right or wrong. The
superego says “Nice people don’t do that.”

Ego – mediator; operates on the “reality principle”; resolves the

conflict between Id and Superego. The ego says “Maybe I can find
a compromise.”

Rational choice theory is an economic principle that assumes that individuals make prudent and
logical decisions that provide them with the greatest benefit or satisfaction and that are in their highest self-
interest. Generally, begins with consideration of the choice behavior of one or more individual decision-
making units- which in basic economics are most often consumer and/ or firms. This theory often presumes
that the individual decisions- making unit in question is “typical” or “representative” of some larger group such
as buyers or sellers in a particular market (collective actions).

Rational behavior is behavior that is suitable for the realization of specific goals, given the limitations
imposed by the situation. The key elements of all rational choice explanations are individual preferences,
beliefs, and constraints.
1. Preferences denote the positive or negative evaluations individuals attach to possible outcomes of their
actions. Preferences can have many roots, ranging from culturally transmitted tastes for food or other items, to
personal habits and commitments.
2. Beliefs refer to perceived cause-effect relations, including the perceived likelihood with which an individual’s
actions will result in different possible outcomes. For example, a village head may believe that raiding a
neighboring village A has a higher probability of success than raiding neighboring village B.
3. Constraints define the limits to the set of feasible actions (for example, the amount of credit one can get
imposes a budget constraint for those who consider to buy a house).
1. An investor choosing one stock over another because he believes that it offers higher returns. Savings may
also play rational choices.
2. Deciding to commit a crime is a choice based on rational calculation of the consequences.


1. Individuals are rational being with free will.
2. They can think in a logical way.
3. Individuals have interests.
4. The interests of a person define her utilities.
5. Individual make choices.
6. The choices people make influence their utilities.

Name:___________________________ Year & Section:___________________________

Date:______________________________ Score: __________________


A. Direction: Write T if the statement is True and F if False. (5 pts)

______1. Psychoanalysis is a therapy not a theory.
______2. Psychoanalysis aims to repressed emotions and memories in or to lead the client to catharsis, or healing.
______3. Psychoanalysis is a treatment method for psychic and physical problems.
______4. Conflicts between conscious and unconscious material can result in mental disturbances, such as
neurotic traits, anxiety, and depression.
______5. Psychoanalysis founded by Sigmund Freud.

B. Direction: Identify if the situation is Id, Ego or Super ego. Write your answer in the space provided.
(10 pts)
______1. I want Chocolate now.
______2. Let us pray before we eat.
______3. Great other people.
______4. We should bless to the elders as a respect.
______5. Don’t say bad words.
______6. It’s not good to eat a lot. Its better eat small amount of food at least I’m not Fat
______7. I want to sleep more but I have class.
______8. I want halo halo now.
______9. It’s better to give than to receive.
______10. I want fan now, it’s hot.

C. Direction: Put a check (/) before the number of the statement that gives a correct idea advocated by rational
choice theory while (X) if it is NOT or incorrect. (5 pts)
________1. Human behavior is based on man’s rational calculation
________2. References denote that positive or the negative evaluations individuals attach to possible
outcomes of their action.
________3. Making a choice is about cost benefit analysis
________4. All choices are aimed at maximizations of pleasure or profit
________5. No man will choice something that the will result to the cost greater than the benefit

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