Advances in Proboscidean Taxonomy & Classification, Anatomy & Physiology, and Ecology & Behavior

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Quaternary International 126–128 (2005) 5–20

Advances in proboscidean taxonomy & classification, anatomy &

physiology, and ecology & behavior
Jeheskel Shoshania,b,*, Pascal Tassyc
Department of Biology, University of Asmara, P.O. Box 1220, Asmara, Eritrea (Horn of Africa)
Elephant Research Foundation, 106 East Hickory Grove Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304, USA
Museum national d’Histoire naturelle Laboratoire de Paleontologie, 8 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France
Available online 26 June 2004


With the addition of 13 new taxa, we recognized 175 species and subspecies of proboscideans, classified in 42 genera and 10
families. The three extant species are: forest African elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis), bush African elephant (L. africana), and Asian
elephant (Elephas maximus, with three subspecies). Rigorous analysis of characters published or awaiting publication is imperative
for better understanding of the cladistic relationships among currently recognized proboscideans. Here we focus on ‘‘aquatic
ancestry’’ of Proboscidea, interordinal relationships within Placentalia, proboscidean taxonomy in general and South American in
particular, anatomy and physiology and some ecological considerations. New taxa above the family level include sister taxa
Mammutida and Elephantida, and Plesielephantiformes as a sister taxon to Elephantiformes. Neontological research is currently
under way on the hyoid apparatus, lungs, brain, hearing, ecology and behavior. Topics for future research include: phylogenetic
positions of anthracobunids, Moeritherium, tetralophodont gomphotheres, Stegolophodon and Stegodon, and intra-familial
relationships among Loxodonta, Elephas and Mammuthus, and continuing studies on encephalization quotient. Certain anatomical
features and functions (e.g., the hyoid apparatus that helps in food procurement, in production of infrasonic sounds, and in storing
water to be used in time of stress) evolved about 25 million years ago, in time for diversification into new niches when grasses
appeared in the landscape.
r 2004 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction discoveries of fossils, new studies, or new interpretations

of previously published material, or of elephants’
A landmark of evolution and natural history of the anatomy and physiology, ecology and behavior, ex-
Proboscidea was established with the publications of the ploration and conservation. In this paper, we will
two-part monograph by Osborn (1936, 1942). Regard- attempt to introduce briefly and summarize the recently
less if we agree or disagree with Osborn’s philosophy, he published material.
was the modern stimulus and driving force for research
on proboscideans. Such an august authority with the
proper connections is unique in his time and probably in
2. Taxonomy & classification
perpetuity. For this reason, the 1996 volume on the
Proboscidea (Shoshani and Tassy, 1996) was dedicated
2.1. Interordinal relationships
to Henry Fairfield Osborn, as well as to Heinz Tobien,
another great figure in the history of proboscidean
2.1.1. Aquatic ancestry
Janis (1988, p. 293, Fig. 1) presented ‘‘new views’’ and
Some of the recent advances in proboscidean research
depicted that ‘‘sirenians’’, ‘‘desmostylians’’, ‘‘Moerither-
were published in Shoshani and Tassy (1996) and in
ium’’, and ‘‘proboscideans’’ share aquatic adaptations.
Shoshani (2000). Almost every year there are new
Eleven years later, based on studies of a series of African
elephant embryos and fetuses estimated gestational ages
*Corresponding author. Department of Biology, University of 58–166 days, Gaeth et al. (1999) found nephrostomes, a
Asmara, P.O. Box 1220, Asmara, Eritrea (Horn of Africa). feature of aquatic vertebrates, in the mesonephric
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Shoshani). kidneys at all stages of development. This feature was

1040-6182/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
6 J. Shoshani, P. Tassy / Quaternary International 126–128 (2005) 5–20

not recorded in the mesonephric kidneys of other phothere fauna of this continent and their origins.
viviparous mammals, and thus the inference is that Examples of these publications include Alberdi et al.
elephants had aquatic ancestors. An alternative possible (2002), Campbell et al. (2000), Coltorti et al. (1998),
explanation surmised briefly by Gaeth et al. (1999) is Ficcarelli et al. (1997) and Prado et al. (2001, 2002).
that nephrostomes are normally present during early These are important additions since the summary
stages of development (therian plesiomorphy). Due to chapter of Casamiquela et al. (1996).
the long period of pregnancy and development in Prado et al. (2002) recognized only two South
elephants, nephrostomes are seen during a period longer American genera with a total of three species: Cuvier-
than that of other placentals. This simple explanation of onius, with one species, C. hyodon, and Stegomastodon,
a paedomorphic feature does not imply any aquatic with two species, S. waringi and S. platensis. Prado et al.
adaptation. (2002) concluded that Haplomastodon Hoffstetter, 1950
The idea that Moeritherium was adapted to an aquatic is a junior synonym of Stegomastodon Pohlig, 1912, and
or semi-aquatic habitat goes back to Andrews (1906), that Notiomastodon ornatus Cabrera, 1929 is a junior
Matsumoto (1923) and Osborn (1936). These authors synonym of Stegomastodon platensis (Ameghino, 1888).
relied on morphological and geological settings. It is one Comparing the five South American taxa listed by
thing to infer that some early members of the Casamiquela et al. (1996, p. 316) to the taxa employed
Proboscidea were adapted to aquatic or semi aquatic by Prado et al. (2002, pp. 276, 280, 282), we note these
habitat, and it is a much bigger step to infer that the changes: (1) Stegomastodon platensis includes Stegomas-
living proboscideans (specifically Loxodonta) had aqua- todon superbus and Notiomastodon ornatus, and (2)
tic ancestry. Almost everything is possible in the Stegomastodon waringi is now employed instead of
evolutionary biology of a lineage, and in this case, it is Haplomastodon waringi. Cuvieronius hyodon remains a
possible that Loxodonta developed nephrostomes in- valid taxon.
dependently of aquatic vertebrates. Alternatively, Lox-
odonta retained this plesiomorphic feature that dates Taxonomic revisions: general summary. New
further before (earlier than) the root of proboscidean proboscidean taxa discovered or redefined after the
origin. Many more data need to be evaluated before a summary of Shoshani and Tassy (1996) are given in
firmer conclusion can be drawn. Table 1, along with their geological ages and type
localities. Osborn (1936, 1942) recognized 352 species
2.1.2. Placental interordinal relationships and subspecies of proboscideans; they were classified in
A review of the literature of placental mammalian 40 genera, and eight families. Shoshani and Tassy’s
interordinal relationships is given in Shoshani (1986), (1996) corresponding numbers were 162, 38 (37+An-
beginning with Gill (1872). All recent publications (e.g., thracobune), and 8; not the same genera and families
Eizirik et al., 2001; Fischer, 1996; Murphy et al., 2001; (concerning Anthracobune’s taxonomy, see footnotes c
Novacek, 1992; Shoshani and McKenna, 1998; Springer and e in Table 2). In this report we recognized at least
and de Jong, 2001; Waddell et al., 1999), regardless 175 species and subspecies of proboscideans, classified in
whether the data analyzed are morphological, molecular 42 genera and 10 families (we know of at least two new
or combined, support the close relationships of Probos- taxa that are awaiting publication). The difference of
cidea and Sirenia (classified in Tethytheria; McKenna, five additional genera (42 vs. 37) results from those given
1975). Except for Fischer (see below) that opposed the in Table 1, whereas the difference of two additional
following statement, Tethytheria, in turn is joined by families (8 vs. 10) arises because, in this report, following
Hyracoidea, that is, Paenungulata (Simpson, 1945) a McKenna et al. (1997), we classify Palaeomastodon and
taxon classified in Uranotheria by McKenna et al. Phiomia in their respective monotypic families Palaeo-
(1997). mastodontidae and Phiomiidae. Of the 13 new taxa
An exception to the above summary is that of Fischer listed in Table 1, five were redefined or given new
(1989) and Fischer and Tassy (1993) who asserted that diagnosis (Deinotherium gigantissimum, Gomphotherium
Hyracoidea is the sister-group of Perissodactyla. Seven angustidens libycum, Morrillia barbouri, Loxodonta
years later Fischer (1996) depicted an uncertain phylo- cyclotis, and Palaeoloxodon). Thus, within the period
genetic position of Hyracoidea that might be related to of seven years at least eight new proboscidean taxa were
Perissodactyla or to Paenungulata (=Uranotheria). discovered.
An updated classification of the Proboscidea, incor-
2.2. Intraordinal relationships within Proboscidea porating the changes given in Table 1, is provided in
Table 2. This classification is not based on a cladistic
2.2.1. Above the family level analysis including new recently described taxa and Taxonomic revisions within South American characters from Gheerbrant et al. (2002); Saegusa and
taxa. Recent publications on South American probos- Matsubara (2001); Sanders and Kappelman (2001), and
cideans have increased our knowledge on the gom- Shoshani et al. (2001a, c). An alternative to this
J. Shoshani, P. Tassy / Quaternary International 126–128 (2005) 5–20 7

Table 1
New proboscidean taxa discovered or redefined after the summary of Shoshani and Tassy (1996)a

Taxon, Authorship and Year of Publicationb Geological Age Type Locality

Numidotheriidae Shoshani and Tassy, 1992
Phosphatherium Gheerbrant et al., 1996
P. escuilliei Gheerbrant et al., 1996 early Eocenec Ouled Abdoun, Morocco
Daouitherium Gheerbrant and Sudre, 2002
D. rebouli Gheerbrant and Sudre, 2002d early Eocenec Ouled Abdoun, Morocco

Deinotheriidae Bonaparte, 1841w

Deinotherium Kaup, 1829w
D. gigantissimum Stefanescu, 1892e late Miocene Gaiceana, Romania

Mammutidae Hay, 1922w

Zygolophodon Vacek, 1877
Z. aegytensis Sanders and Miller, 2002 early Miocene Wadi Moghara, Egypt

Gomphotheriidae Hay, 1922w

Choerolophodontinae Gaziry, 1976
Afrochoerodon Pickford, 2001f
A. kisumuensis (MacInnes, 1942)f middle Miocene Maboko, Kenya
Gomphotheriinae Hay, 1922
Gomphotherium Burmeister, 1837
G. angustidens libycum (Fourtau, 1918)g early Miocene Wadi Moghara, Egypt
Amebelodontinae Barbour, 1927
Platybelodon Borissiak, 1928
P. dangheesis Wang and Qiu (2002)h early Miocene Danghe area, Gansu, China

Family incertae sedis (tetralophodont gomphothere)

Morrillia Osborn, 1924
M. barbouri (Osborn, 1921)i Pliocene, early Cambridge, Furnas County
Pleistocene Nebraska, USA

Stegodontidae Osborn, 1918w

Stegodon Falconer, 1857
S. sondaari van den Bergh, 1997 early Pleistocene Ola Bula Fm., Flores, Indonesia
S. trigonocephalus ngandongensis
(van den Bergh, 1997)j late Pleistocene Ngandong, Java, Indonesia

Elephantidae Gray, 1821

Elephantinae Gray, 1821
Loxodontini Osborn 1918
Loxodonta Anonymous, 1827
L. cyclotis (Matschie 1900)k Recent (Holocene) Yaunde, Cameroon
Elephantini Gray, 1821
Palaeoloxodon Matsumoto, 1924w,l late Pleistocene Hamamatsu Fm., Shizuoka
Prefecture, Japan
Elephas Linnaeus, 1758
E. nawataensis Tassy, 2003w,m late Miocene Lothagam, Kenya
=extinct taxon.
With the addition of these 13 taxa, we recognized 175 species and subspecies of proboscideans (see text for details). In addition to these changes,
there is another possible new species of Stegotetrabelodon, family Elephantidae, from the late Miocene of Chorora, Awash Basin, Ethiopia (Geraads
et al., 2002). Romero-Pitman (1996) and Campbell et al. (2000) reported on a new genus and species—Amahuacatherium peruvium. Amahuacatherium
and Haplomastodon are undistinguishable on morphological grounds, and Amahuacatherium peruvium matches the characters of Haplomastodon
waringi (PT, JS, and Marco P. Ferretti, personal communication). For these reasons this taxon is excluded from this table and from the classification,
Table 2. Other taxonomic related questions were encountered in the work of Poulakakis et al. (2002) who employed the name Mammuthus creticus
instead of Elephas creticus or E. (Palaeoloxodon) creticus, based on the work of Mol et al. (1996). They (Poulakakis et al., 2002) also used the taxon
name Elephas antiquus creutzburgi instead of Elephas creutzburgi or E. (Palaeoloxodon) creutzburgi. These are slight modifications to the works of
Caloi et al. (1996) and Shoshani and Tassy (1996). Gasparik (2001) allocated four proboscidean species to their respective genera as follows:
Prodeinotherium hungaricum, Deinotherium proavum, Stegotetrabelodon gigantorostris, and S. grandincisivus. Shoshani and Tassy (1996, pages 356,
363, 375) listed P. hungaricum and D. proavum as junior synonyms of D. giganteum, S. gigantorostris as Tetralophodon longirostris gigantorostris, and
S. grandincisivus in Proboscidea incertae sedis. The taxonomy and systematics of these taxa need to be studied in further detail.
To save space, except for references for authorships of new taxa, all other references to authorships that appear in Osborn (1936, 1942) and in
Shoshani and Tassy (1996) are not repeated here.
8 J. Shoshani, P. Tassy / Quaternary International 126–128 (2005) 5–20

Table 1 (footnote continued)

In the original description, Gheerbrant et al. (1996) assigned the age of late Paleocene. In Gheerbrant et al. (2002), the age was corrected to
earliest Ypresian (early Eocene) not Thanetian (late Paleocene).
In Gheerbrant et al. (2002).
After Markov et al. (2002) and e-mail (May 28, 2003) from Georgi Markov.
After Pickford (2001, 2003), a paraphyletic taxon that includes C. chiotius and C. ngorora. Afrochoerodon kisumuensis is synonymous with
Choerolophodon ‘‘kisumuensis group’’ a stem paraphyletic group of all other species of Choerolophodon.
After Sanders and Miller (2002).
Full name of the type locality as given by Wang and Qiu (2002, page 297) is: DH 199910 of Xishuigou, Subei Mongol Autonomous County,
Gansu, China.
Morrillia Osborn, 1924 was added per McKenna and Bell et al. (1997, page 503), and note Mo1 in Shoshani and Tassy (1996, page 361). Osborn
(1921, page 10) described Tetralophodon barbouri a new species based on the type specimen, a molar, catalogue no. Nebraska State Museum Osborn (1924, page 1, also in 1936, pages 349-352, 377-379) considered Morrillia a subgenus of Tetralophodon. Yet, in Osborn (1936, pages
690, 739) Morrillia was described as a genus. Type locality for catalogue no. Neb. State Mus. 4-22-6-16 was given in Osborn, 1936 (pages 377, 379).
After van den Bergh (1997) and e-mail (May 28, 2003) from John de Vos.
Grubb et al. (2000) provided morphological evidence to justify the elevation of cyclotis from a subspecies of Loxodonta africana to a species
category. Roca et al. (2001) provided molecular data that corroborated Grubb et al.’s (2000) finding. Yet, Eggert et al. (2002), based also on
molecular data, noted that there is no differentiation between L. cyclotis and L. africana but a difference between geographical groups that do no fit
with a clear-cut cyclotis-africana separation.
Shoshani and Tassy (1996) considered Palaeoloxodon a subgenus of Elephas. Shoshani et al. (2001a), based on the work of Inuzuka (1977a, b) and
Shoshani and Takahashi’s morphological observations as well as studies of skeletons of P. naumanni (J. Shoshani, personal observation,
unpublished), suggested that Palaeoloxodon is a bona fide genus. There are, however, unresolved taxonomic questions concerning the relationships
and the separation of all species allocated to Palaeoloxodon and all species allocated to Elephas. There is also the question of geological age—if
Palaeoloxodon and Elephas are sister groups, what are their earliest known species and how to identify them?
E. nawataensis is the earliest known species assigned to Elephas (Tassy, 2003).

classification (given in McKenna et al., 1997, and ranking; see footnote a in Table 2. Thus, new higher
presented in part by Shoshani et al., 2001a), here taxa include Plesielephantiformes, Mammutida and
modified to state that taxa with two lophs, and without Elephantida (Shoshani et al., 1998). Subfamilies and
inflated postcingulum on M2 (that is, members of the tribes were added to elucidate cladistic findings. In
family Numidotheriidae, Barytheriidae, and Deinother- addition, we now include Choerolophodon (subfamily
iidae) could be monophyletic, and that this group is the Choerolophodontinae) in the family Gomphotheriidae
basal unit of Proboscidea, rather than taxa with for the sake of simplification, not on the basis of new
expanded M2 and M3 that have inflated postcingulum cladistic data.
on M2, and M3 with nearly three lophs (e.g.,
Moeritheriidae) or with three-lophed cheek teeth (e.g., Number of species and subspecies within the
Phiomiidae). Shoshani (1996, p. 171) conducted such a Proboscidea. The revision of the total of 175 species and
test and found that the score of the tree was raised by 13 subspecies of proboscideans includes living and extinct
steps from the most parsimonious tree. Shoshani et al. forms. Today we recognize three living species. Two are
(2001a) proposed the name Plesielephantiformes as a monotypic and one has three subspecies; they are: the
sister taxon to Elephantiformes. In that scheme, forest African elephant (L. cyclotis), the bush African
Plesielephantiformes includes: Moeritheriidae, Numi- elephant (L. africana), and the Asian elephant (E.
dotheriidae, Barytheriidae, and Deinotheriidae. Ele- maximus). Grubb et al. (2000) provided morphlogical
phantiformes includes: Palaeomastodontidae, evidence for elevating the African elephants subspecies
Phiomiidae, Mammutidae, Gomphotheriidae, tetralo- categories to species level, and Roca et al. (2001)
phodont gomphotheres, Stegodontidae, and Elephanti- provided molecular evidence corroborating these mor-
dae. Here, we exclude Moeritheriidae from phological findings. Debruyne et al. (2003) demonstrate
Plesielephantiformes, and suggest the synapomorphy on molecular grounds that so-called pigmy elephants of
of true bilophodonty (character 135 of Tassy, 1996; Central Africa belong to L. cyclotys. Shoshani and
character 53 of Shoshani, 1996) for Plesielephanti- Eisenberg (1982) recognized three subspecies of E.
formes. The Elephantiformes clade is supported by 13 maximus: the Sumatran Asian elephant (E. m. suma-
synapomorphies, 9 dental and 4 non-dental (Tassy, tranus), the mainland Asian elephant (E. m. indicus), and
1996), or by 11 synapomorphies, 8 dental and 3 non- the Sri Lankan Asian elephant (E. m. maximus). The
dental (Shoshani, 1996). sequence of listing represents an evolutionary trend
The modified classification (Table 2, incorporating (Shoshani, 2000). Thus, E. m. sumatranus is suggested to
taxa from Table 1) includes changes to facilitate easier be the most primitive of the three subspecies, E. m.
relationships in higher and lower categories or ranks, yet maximus the most derived, whereas E. m. indicus is an
this classification is non-ranked above the superfamily intermediate form. Evidence for this trend includes 20
J. Shoshani, P. Tassy / Quaternary International 126–128 (2005) 5–20 9

Table 2
A simplified non-ranked, classification of the Proboscidea at the genus level (modified after Shoshani et al., 1998, and McKenna, Bell et al., 1997),
incorporating genera given in Table 1.a,b

Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758

Theria Parker and Haswell, 1897
Placentalia Owen, 1837 (=Eutheria Huxley, 1880)
Epitheria McKenna, 1975
Ungulata Linnaeus, 1766
Uranotheria McKenna, Bell et al., 1997 (=Paenungulata Simpson, 1945, in part)
Tethytheria McKenna, 1975
Tethytheria incertae sedis Genus Anthracobune Pilgrim, 1906w,c
Proboscidea Illiger, 1811d,e
Proboscidea incertae sedis Family Moeritheriidae Andrews, 1906w
Genus Moeritherium Andrews, 1901w
Plesielephantiformes Shoshani et al., 2001a
Family Numidotheriidae Shoshani and Tassy, 1992w,f
Genus Phosphatherium Gheerbrant et al., 1996w
Genus Daouitherium Gheerbrant and Sudre, 2002 in Gheerbrant et al., 2002
Genus Numidotherium Mahboubi et al., 1986w
Family Barytheriidae Andrews, 1906w
Genus Barytherium Andrews, 1901w
Family Deinotheriidae Bonaparte, 1841w,g
Genus Prodeinotherium Ehik, 1930w
Genus Deinotherium Kaup, 1829w
Elephantiformes Tassy, 1988
Elephantiformes incertae sedis Genus Hemimastodon Pilgrim, 1912w,c
Family Palaeomastodontidae Andrews, 1906w
Genus Palaeomastodon Andrews, 1901w
Family Phiomiidae Kalandadze and Rautian, 1992w
Genus Phiomia Andrews and Beadnell, 1902w
Elephantimorpha Tassy and Shoshani, 1997 in Shoshani et al., 1998
Mammutida Tassy and Shoshani, 1997 in Shoshani et al., 1998w
Superfamily Mammutoidea Hay, 1922w
Family Mammutidae Hay, 1922w
Subfamily Eozygodontinae, McKenna, Bell and Shoshani, 1997 in McKenna, Bell et al., 1997w
Genus Eozygodon Tassy and Pickford, 1983w
Subfamily Mammutinae Hay, 1922w
Genus Zygolophodon Vacek, 1877w
Genus Mammut Blumenbach, 1799w
Elephantida Tassy and Shoshani, 1997 in Shoshani et al., 1998
Superfamily Gomphotherioidea Hay, 1922w
Family Gomphotheriidae Hay, 1922 (trilophodont gomphotheres)w
Gomphotheriidae incertae sedis Genus Gnathabelodon Barbour and Sternberg, 1935w,c
Subfamily Choerolophodontinae Gaziry, 1976w
Genus Afrochoerodon Pickford, 2001w,h
Genus Choerolophodon Schlesinger, 1917w
Subfamily Gomphotheriinae Hay, 1922w
Genus Gomphotherium Burmeister, 1837w
Subfamily Amebelodontinae Barbour, 1927w
Genus Archaeobelodon Tassy, 1984w
Genus Serbelodon Frick, 1933w,c
Genus Protanancus Arambourg, 1945w,c
Genus Amebelodon Barbour, 1927w
Genus Platybelodon Borissiak, 1928w
Subfamily incertae sedis Genus Sinomastodon Tobien, Chen, and Li, 1986w,c
Subfamily incertae sedis Genus Eubelodon Barbour 1914w,c
Subfamily Rhynchotheriinae Hay, 1922w
Genus Rhynchotherium Falconer, 1868w
Subfamily Cuvieroniinae Cabrera, 1929w,i
Genus Cuvieronius Osborn, 1923w
Genus Stegomastodon Pohlig, 1912w,j
Genus Haplomastodon Hoffstetter, 1950w,c,j
Genus Notiomastodon Cabrera, 1929w,c,j
Superfamily Elephantoidea Gray, 1821
Family incertae sedis Genus Tetralophodon Falconer, 1857 (tetralophodont gomphothere)w
10 J. Shoshani, P. Tassy / Quaternary International 126–128 (2005) 5–20

Table 2 (continued)
Family incertae sedis Genus Morrillia Osborn, 1924 (tetralophodont gomphothere)w
Family incertae sedis Genus Anancus Aymard, 1855 (tetralophodont gomphothere)w
Family incertae sedis Genus Paratetralophodon Tassy, 1983 (tetralophodont gomphothere)w,c
Family Stegodontidae Osborn, 1918w,k
Genus Stegolophodon Schlesinger, 1917w
Genus Stegodon Falconer, 1857w
Family Elephantidae Gray, 1821
Subfamily Stegotetrabelodontinae Aguirre, 1969w
Genus Stegotetrabelodon Petrocchi, 1941w
Genus Stegodibelodon Coppens, 1972w
Subfamily Elephantinae Gray, 1821
Genus Primelephas Maglio, 1970w
Tribe Loxodontini Osborn 1918
Genus Loxodonta Anonymous, 1827
Tribe Elephantini Gray, 1821
Genus Palaeoloxodon Matsumoto, 1924w
Genus Elephas Linnaeus, 1758
Genus Mammuthus Brookes, 1828w
=extinct taxon.
No categories were given for taxa above the Superfamily ranking because of inconsistencies in the literature (see example in note d). According to
the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (The Code; cf. Recommendation 29a and Article 36a), taxonomists have to abide by the rules for
the Family Group, but they are not required to follow any rules for ranks above the Family Group. A Family Group includes categories of
Superfamily, Family, Subfamily, and Tribe. The Genus category is governed by the Code, and is included for completion. For simplification, some
families and genera are listed without indentation but in the sequence as they would appear on a cladogram from the most primitive (listed first) to
the most derived (listed last), more or less true due to many cladistic uncertainties. We also followed The Code when it comes to deciding on the name
of a taxon and the year of publication. For example, the subfamily ‘‘Dinotherina’’ appears in Bonaparte, 1841, Dinotheridae appears in Bonaparte,
1845, and ‘‘Dinotheriidae’’ in Bonaparte, 1850. The correct citation is ‘‘Deinotheriidae Bonaparte, 1841’’ following The Code, Article, which
reads ‘‘A family-group name of which the family-group name suffix is incorrect is available with its original authorship and date, but with a corrected
suffix.’’ The correct spelling of ‘‘Deinotheriidae’’ is also attributed to Bonaparte, 1841, following The Code, Article 50d ‘‘A justified emendation is
attributed to the author of the name in its original incorrect spelling and not to the person making the emendation.’’
To save space, references for authorships that appear in Osborn (1936, 1942) and in Shoshani and Tassy (1996) are not repeated here.
Shoshani and Tassy (1996, pages 155–156, 352–368) provide additional notes on the taxonomic position and synonymy of this taxon;
Anthracobune for example has been considered a bona fide proboscidean.
Traditionally, Proboscidea was considered an Order, but recently it was given a rank of Parvorder (McKenna, Bell et al., 1997). Naming of the
Parvorder category is believed to better reflect the phylogenetic relationships among Sirenia, Desmostylia (extinct), and Proboscidea, all classified
within Uranotheria. Ranks are arbitrary choices, but the sequence of their listing and the nesting (indentations) is intended to convey certain
cladistic/phylogenetic relationships.
This classification includes 37 of the 38 proboscidean genera (Anthracobune is excluded until additional evidence becomes available) listed in
Appendices B and C of Shoshani and Tassy (1996), plus 5 genera from Table 1. This classification is based on the available literature; we emphasize,
however, that it is a non-cladistic classification, since a rigorous analysis of all the known proboscidean characters (some are not published) has not
been conducted. The estimated total number of species and subspecies of proboscideans (extinct and extant) is at least 175, of these only 3 are living,
all are classified in 42 genera and 10 families.
Listing of genera within Numidotheriidae is after Gheerbrant et al., 2002.
As noted in the text, and in note e above, certain relationships in this non-cladistic classification require confirmation. For example, deinotheres
are believed to be independently derived, and may be placed close to moeritheres and palaeomastodonts, as was suggested by Tassy’s (1982) cladistic
analysis, and much as Harris (1978) and later Court (1995) believed. This hypothesis appears to gain support based on the new evidence from Chilga,
Ethiopia (Sanders and Kappelman, 2001), who suggest that deinotheres are derived from bunolophodont forms.
The inclusion of Afrochoerodon in this table is an error, because it is a paraphyletic taxon and belongs within Choerolophodon (cf. footnote f in
Table 1); see also ‘‘Note Added in Proof’’.
The subfamily name of Cuvieroniinae is employed as in Shoshani and Tassy (1996) and in Campbell et al. (2000).
According to Prado et al. (2002) Stegomastodon Pohlig, 1912 includes Haplomastodon Hoffstetter, 1950 and Notiomastodon Cabrera, 1929. In this
study, until independent research is conducted, we retain Haplomastodon and Notiomastodon as valid taxa.
Kalb et al. (1996) proposed that Stegolophodon and Stegodon should be classified within the family Elephantidae.

pairs of ribs in E. m. sumatranus, 19 pairs in E. m. Fernando et al. (2003) concluded that the elephants
maximus and E. m. indicus (Temminck, 1847). Other from Borneo island (specifically the Malaysian states of
characters include forested vs. less forested dwelling, Sabah and Sarawak) are ‘‘ygenetically distinct, with
small vs. large body size, ear size, possibly high vs. low molecular divergence indicative of a Pleistocene coloni-
incidence of tusks, tusk size and shape (e.g., straight vs. sation of Borneo and subsequent isolation’’. These
curved), and least vs. most skin depigmentation. authors suggest, however ‘‘ythat a formal reinstate-
Deraniyagala (1955) provided additional characters ment of the E. m. borneensis taxa await a detailed
and discussion on Asian elephant subspecies; cf. morphological analysis of Borneo elephants and their
Shoshani (2000). Based on DNA isolated from dung, comparison with other populations’’. We concur with
J. Shoshani, P. Tassy / Quaternary International 126–128 (2005) 5–20 11

Fernando et al. (2003) that there should also be Abstracts include seasonal dietary changes in elephants
morphological differences among the recognized Asian (Cerling et al., 2001), new proboscidean fauna from
elephant subspecies. Further, it would also be a stronger Ethiopia (Sanders and Kappelman, 2001), Eritrea
argument for the proposed subspecies if the recent (Shoshani et al., 2001c), and Thailand (Saegusa et al.,
findings of Fernando et al. (2003) would be repeated and 2001), and GPS-monitoring of elephants in Meru,
corroborated. Kenya (King et al., 2001).
In addition to the two species of African elephants
currently recognized above, Eggert et al. (2002) reported 2.2.2. Relationships within the family level
on what could be interpreted as a possible third species Relationships among Loxodonta; Elephas and
of African elephant for the populations of the forest and Mammuthus. The fossil record of the two modern
savannah elephants of West Africa. Their findings are genera has been augmented during the recent years. The
based on DNA extracted from dung of elephants in differentiation of Loxodonta and Elephas is contem-
Ghana, the Ivory Coast, Mali, and Cameroon. These poraneous with extinct genera Stegotetrabelodon and
elephants live in both forest and savannah habitats. Primelephas, this second genus once thought to be
Their study suggests that, based on genetic data, the ancestral to both lineages (Maglio, 1973). Earliest
West African populations have been isolated from loxodont remains were isolated molars labeled ‘‘Lox-
other elephant populations for as long as 2.4 million odonta sp. ‘Lukeino stage’’’ by Tassy (1995). This taxon
years. is found in the late Miocene Lukeino Formation,
There appear to be some confusion as to the concept Baringo Basin (Kenya), and at Lothagam, Kenya, that
of species in the classical sense of Mayr (1969) that is, between 7.3 and 5.4 Ma, and is in pene-contempora-
biological species do not interbreed under natural neous levels at Nkondo, Nkondo-Kaiso area (Uganda).
conditions, but if they do, the offspring are infertile. W.J. Sanders (personal communication, 2003) noted,
More recently species definitions have been modified to however, that there is no good faunal evidence to
allow hybridization (cf. Strickberger, 1996, pp. 228–232; support Nkondo being as old as 7 Ma. It has been
557–560), through introgressive hybridization, as ob- described recently at Toros-Menalla (Chad) the locality
served in Darwin’s finches (Grant and Grant, 1994). The which yielded the hominid Sahelanthropus tchadensis,
classical biological species concept has been slightly the fauna of which is estimated between 6 and 7 Ma
modified to accommodate species that hybridize in (Vignaud et al., 2002). The earliest known member of
nature as long as the hybrid zone is narrow, that is, only Elephas came from the Upper Member of the Nawata
a small percentage of the population hybridizes, the rest Formation, Lothagam area, Kenya (Elephas nawataen-
is ecologically distinct and remains away from the sis, Tassy, 2003). Upper Nawata is dated 6.7–5.2 Ma
hybrid zones and thus are unable to meet members of (Leakey et al., 1996; McDougall and Feibel, 1999). The
the other species, discussed in Grubb et al. (2000). new species of Elephas antedates Elephas ekorensis, the
species from the Kubi Algi Formation, Turkana, Kenya, Recently held meetings on Proboscidea and of early Pliocene age (Maglio, 1973). Earliest members
resulting publications. By chance in 2001 two probosci- of the genus Mammuthus are not known in the late
dean-related meeting were held (the 8th International Miocene. The controversial species Mammuthus sub-
Theriological Congress, Sun City, South Africa, August planifrons from the early Pliocene of southern Africa
12–17, and the 1st International Congress of ‘‘La Terra and East Africa is still the oldest known thus far. In any
degli Elefanti’’, The World of Elephants, Rome, Italy, of the two competing hypotheses (a Mammuthus–
October 16–20). Significant findings were reported in Elephas clade or a Mammuthus–Loxodonta clade, see
these meetings and in the proceedings and abstracts further), phylogeny and known stratigraphic record
volumes. The Rome proceedings volume (Cavarretta imply a ghost lineage for Mammuthus of circa 2 million
et al., 2001) is indeed packed with useful information years.
and new data, even though the papers included are Ever since Maglio (1973) published his monograph on
expanded abstracts. For example, the first Stegotetra- the Elephantidae, with morphological data depicting
belodon reported from southern Europe (Ferretti et al., Mammuthus and Elephas closer to each other than to
2001), new elephant fauna from the Republic of Loxodonta, many people had no reason to doubt his
Djibouti (Chavaillon and Berthelet, 2001), elephants in finding. With the advent of molecular techniques,
Rome (Manni, 2001), endemism in the Mediterranean however, it became possible to test this hypothesis using
Islands (Palombo, 2001), reconstruction of the facial nuclear DNA or mitochondrial DNA. Focusing on
morphology of deinotheres (Markov et al., 2001), and most recent publications, some studies, e.g., Debruyne
reports on the finding of the Jarkov mammoth (e.g., (2001), Debruyne et al. (2003), Thomas et al. (2000)
Mol et al., 2001). The abstract volume for the 8th emphasized that Mammuthus and Loxodonta share close
International Theriological Congress also contains new relationships, whereas others (e.g., Yang et al., 1996;
data and information, but it is limited in scope. Ozawa et al., 1997) reported that Mammuthus and
12 J. Shoshani, P. Tassy / Quaternary International 126–128 (2005) 5–20

Elephas are closer to each other. Thomas and Lister sequence where typical M. primigenius is not older than
(2001, p. 688) concluded ‘‘A Loxodonta–Mammuthus 190,000 years.
clade has the strongest support, but Elephas–Mam-
muthus cannot be ruled out’’. Until additional data are
available and more rigorous tests are applied, we leave 3. Anatomy & physiology
this issue open, because of the discrepancies of results
from molecular studies, and also because investigators 3.1. Brain: form, function, encephalization quotient
who use molecular data do not always employ an
outgroup that is the closest living relative from which Our knowledge on elephant brain anatomy and
sequencing is available. In addition, problems related to physiology has increased tremendously in the past few
denatured material have been encountered, and thus years. Cozzi et al. (2001) summarized the available
incomplete sequencing had also been encountered in literature they could find and stated that many writers
trying to resolve the trifurcation of the Elephantinae cited papers on brains of elephants from second hand
taxa by molecular methods. data of old papers dating to the XIX century. Based on
dissections and histological examinations of African and Evolutionary rates among Loxodonta; Elephas Asian elephant brains, Kupsky et al. (2001) provided
and Mammuthus. In his monograph Maglio (1973) illustrations to show the location of the hippocampus
provided evidence for evolutionary rates among Lox- within the limbic system and close association with the
odonta, Elephas and Mammuthus, and concluded that temporal lobe in elephants. Detailed structures are also
Mammuthus is the fastest evolving taxon (evolving depicted and described. Function of the hippocampus,
about twice the rate of Loxodonta). Yang et al. (1996) based on human’s anatomy and physiology, was
and Shoshani et al. (1998) provided molecular data that inferred by Kupsky et al. (2001) to include learning,
Elephas and Mammuthus evolved faster than Loxodonta, memory, and control of behavior. Shoshani et al.
corroborating results from morphological data of (2001b) noted that the temporal lobe is disproportion-
Shoshani (1986). ally large compared to that of humans; they added that
the temporal lobe, limbic lobe, and the hippocampus Possible mammoth ancestry and radiation in are associated with hearing, learning, memory, and
Africa, Eurasia and the Americas. A simplified mam- emotion.
moth ancestry and inter-relationships was depicted by The elephant brain possesses a highly convoluted
Shoshani et al. (1998, Fig. 3, p. 104), drawing data from cerebrum and cerebellum that control cognitive and
the available literature (e.g., Maglio, 1973; Coppens motor coordination, respectively. Further, its lateral
et al., 1978; Agenbroad, 1994; Lister and Bahn, 1994; portions of the cerebri, or its temporal lobes are
Webb and Dudley, 1995; Lambert, 1995; Lister, 1996). relatively very large compared to other brain areas,
These ancestor-descendant relationships that span dur- they are larger and more convoluted than the
ing the Pliocene and Pleistocene are summarized here temporal lobes of human brain. Temporal lobes (part
for easy reference; an arrow indicates possible direction of the brain’s limbic system) in humans are known to
of evolution. In Africa Mammuthus subplanifrons- M. function as memory centers. Inferring function from
africanavus. Either one of these taxa gave rise to M. structure, it is believed that elephants have good
meridionalis, a Eurasian taxon. In Eurasia M. meridio- memories.
nalis - M. trogontherii - M. primigenius. Still in Elephants are known to use and make tools (Gordon,
Eurasia, basal M. meridionalis - later form of M. 1966, summarized by Shoshani, 2000) and show com-
meridionalis - M. meridionalis in Africa. Close to the plex behaviors (Douglas-Hamilton and Douglas-Hamil-
M. trogontherii stock in Eurasia, ‘‘M’’ armeniacus ton, 1975; Moss, 1988; Payne, 1998). The large amount
appeared in the fossil record. In North and Central of cerebral cortex, especially in the temporal lobe, and
America: M. hayi (a descendant of a basal Eurasian M. the well developed olfactory and limbic systems, provide
meridionalis) - M. columbi, with three subspecies: M. c. anatomical corroboration for these observations.
columbi, M. c. jeffersonii and M. c. exilis. In North A measure of an animal to cope with daily living
America, M. primigenius (a descendant of a basal problems is said to be its intelligence. Intelligence is
Eurasian M. primigenius) is an immigrant to the New difficult to evaluate; the next best parameter is
World. Lister and Sher (2001) proposed an evolutionary encephalization quotient, or EQ. According to Jerison
scenario at the local population levels for Eurasia. (1973, p. 61) EQ is the ratio of actual brain size to
Northeastern Siberia is identified as an area of expected brain size. The novelty of this approach
successive allopatric innovations that spread to Europe. (adopted by many investigators, e.g., Eisenberg, 1981)
For example, in Siberia, circa 800,000–700,000 years is that it is an objective method of estimating the relative
ago, mammoths approached M. primigenius morphol- size of the brain to the body size. In this system, based
ogy in all dental characters, anticipating the European on numerous data points on living and extinct
J. Shoshani, P. Tassy / Quaternary International 126–128 (2005) 5–20 13

mammals, an EQ value of 1 is considered an ‘‘average’’, Based on the data presented in Eisenberg (1981) on
below 1 is considered ‘‘below average’’ and above 1, is mammals in general, and data presented in Shoshani
considered ‘‘above average’’ EQ value. A domestic (1998), as well as new data on EQ for elephants since
horse, for eample, has EQ value of 1.07, a Norway rat that article, it appears that one can make these general
has 0.79, and a domestic pig has an EQ value of 0.27 observations. Mammals that have been observed to use
(data from Eisenberg, 1981). No one has claimed that tools, have EQ values above 1, and mammals that have
there is any direct connection between intelligence and been observed to make tools, have EQ values close to or
EQ, but there appears to be at least a rough correlation. above 2, e.g., elephants, chimpanzees and hominids.
Members of the order Primates can help make this Generally, high EQ values are correlated with long
point. An early member of this order, a lemur (Lemus) period of learning situation, information retrieval based
has an EQ of 1.5, this value has became progressively on experience (not preprogrammed), rich but dispersed
larger during phylogeny, with a monkey (e.g., Presbytis) food source, late sexual maturation, increased active
having 1.7, gorilla has 1.4–1.7, a chimpanzee has 2.0– antipredator strategies, and increased potential long-
2.5, Australopithecus afarensis has 2.2, Homo habilis, 3.1, evity of life-span (Eisenberg, 1981).
late Homo erectus, 4.0, and Homo sapiens 5.8, or can
have an EQ as high as 7.7 (data after Eisenberg, 1981; 3.2. Hyoid apparatus: form and function
McHenry, 1994).
It is noted, however, that the EQ itself has been a Little known, the hyoid apparatus is an important
subject of natural selection during a phylogeny of a component of the skeletal system, yet, its function is
lineage, as noted, within Primates. Similarly, one of the associated with the digestive system—as the tongue
early proboscideans, the Moeritherium had an EQ close attached onto it helps to procure and swallow food, and
to 0.2 (Jerison, 1973), a value that increased during the the respiratory system—as the larynx attached on the
million of years and reached the value of up to 2.66 in hyoid helps control the volume of air inhaled or exhaled,
modern elephantids (Shoshani’s data; cf. Fig. 1). Of the and produces sounds. As will be discussed below, the
12 elephant brains investigated, 6 were Africans (3 hyoid apparatus of elephants is unique among mam-
males, 2 females, 1 sex unknown), and 6 were Asians (1 mals, and it together with extrinsic and intrinsic muscles
male, 3 females, 2 sex unknown). The average EQ for help produce the infrasonic calls discovered only
the African elephants is 1.58, and the corresponding recently (Payne, 1998).
average for the Asians is 2.03. Data available are meager Situated in the gular region, the hyoid apparatus in
to compare between the sexes. mammals in general is composed of nine bones (four

Fig. 1. Simplified drawings of proboscidean brains drawn to scale: Moeritherium lyonsi on left and Elephas maximus on right. Encephalization
quotient (EQ) value of Moeritherium as calculated by Jerison (1973) is 0.2 and a high value for Elephas (calculated by Shoshani) is 2.7. EQ can be
viewed as a character subjected to natural selection during a phylogeny of a lineage, e.g., within Primates and Proboscidea (brain of Moeritherium
after Jerison, 1973; drawings by Gary H. Marchant).
14 J. Shoshani, P. Tassy / Quaternary International 126–128 (2005) 5–20

pairs and one odd) connected to the cranium as a box- the hyoid apparatus there is a pocket-like structure
like via the cartilaginous tympanohyal. Sometimes the called the pharyngeal pouch (described by Watson,
tympanohyal ossifies and the number of bones increases 1875). Observations on elephants in captive and field
to 11. In all proboscideans examined, from the Miocene conditions, show that elephants draw water from this
to the Holocene, the hyoid apparatus is composed of pouch and douse themselves when the ambient tem-
five bones: a pair stylohyoidea, a pair of thyrohyoidea, perature is high (e.g., Douglas-Hamilton and Douglas-
and a single basihyoideum. Shoshani and Marchant Hamilton, 1975; Payne, 1998; other details in Shoshani,
(2001) provide the most recent findings on the hyoid 1998).
apparatus of proboscideans. This study is based on Comparing processes and muscle scars on bones of
examination of 248 bones (194 stylohyoidea, 33 extinct and living proboscideans, it is suggested that the
thyrohyoidea, and 21 basihyoidea), some of which are morphology of the hyoid apparatus probably evolved
based on dissection of carcasses to understand the sometime close to the Oligocene and Miocene boundary,
muscular associations and functions. In brief, unlike some 25 million years ago. Cladistic analysis of
many mammals where the hyoid is a box-like structure, morphological characters resulted in the cladogram
in elephants it is composed of two parts, the upper shown in Fig. 2. Aside from the function of food
stylohyoidea and the lower, usually fused, thyrohyoidea procurement, the ability to communicate infrasonically
and basihyoideum. This lose connection between the appears to be an important element of herd cohesion
upper and lower hyoid elements, together with asso- over long distances. This plus the ability to store water
ciated musculature, enables the lowering of the larynx to be used in time of stress, appear to be paramount
(attached to the lower part) and be more flexible in the development for the diversification into new niches in
variation of sound production. Infrasonic calls produc- times when grasses appeared in the landscape (see
tion, it is suggested, is possible because of this unique discussion Shoshani, 1998).
development, as well as the size and laryngeal mechan-
ism, discussed in brief by Meng et al. (1997). 3.3. Respiratory: form and function
Another function of the hyoid apparatus and the
associated musculature is the ability to store water to be Early in the 20th century (Todd, 1913) and subse-
used in time of stress. In the gular region, at the base of quent investigators (e.g., Short, 1962) observed that

Fig. 2. A cladogram of proboscidean taxa based on hyoid characters presented in Shoshani and Marchant, 2001 (artwork by Gary H. Marchant).
J. Shoshani, P. Tassy / Quaternary International 126–128 (2005) 5–20 15

elephants have little or no pleural cavity in adult living 5. Future research

elephants. The function of this peculiarity has not been
addressed properly, however, West (2001) speculated on To conduct rigorous cladistic analysis incorporating
the possible functions of the lack of pleural cavity, all the new taxa reported here and soon to be published,
unfortunately, his arguments lack substance. For is paramount. This includes recently described or
example, West (2001) states that absence of a pleural mentioned taxa and characters from Gheerbrant et al.
cavity and the associated pressure or lack of it co- (2002), Saegusa and Matsubara (2001), Sanders and
evolved with the trunk, which ‘‘may have evolved to Kappelman (2001), and Shoshani et al. (2001a, c). Some
allow it to snorkel while living in the water’’. This is too of these publications are in abstract form, and thus it is
simplistic an explanation, and could be easily be not yet possible to access full description of the
reversed. In other words, swimming, displaying, drink- characters. Topics to be investigated in the future might
ing and eating (in response to growing taller over many include whether anthracobunids should be included in
generations) may have provided the stimulus for the the Proboscidea or as a sister group in the Tethytheria,
development of the trunk. It is probable that the whether Moeritherium should be placed in Plesielephan-
trunk evolved for use on land and secondarily proved tiformes (cf. Table 1), or as an earlier offshoot of
useful for snorkelling, and possibly the pleural features Proboscidea, what is the taxonomic position of Dei-
are an autapomorphic adaptation for this behavior notheriidae, and of tetralophodont gomphotheres (i.e.,
(but how often do elephants really snorkel?). Earliest those with four ridges on 4th premolars, the 1st and 2nd
proboscideans did not have a proboscis, thus this molars), should Stegolophodon and Stegodon be placed
feature cannot be used in support of the hypothesis in the family Stegodontidae or in the family Elephanti-
that the trunk is associated with the aquatic ancestry dae, and what are the intra-familial relationships among
of elephants, as proposed by Gaeth et al. (1999). Loxodonta, Elephas and Mammuthus—is it (Loxodonta
Further, sirenians, purely aquatic mammals, the (Mammuthus+Elephas)) as suggested by the classical
closest living relatives of proboscideans, have normal morphological data, or (Elephas (Mammuthus+Loxo-
lungs with pleural cavities (Rommel and Reynolds, donta)) based on some molecular data (see discussion
2000). Additionally, West (2001) erroneously claimed above)? In addition, it is suggested that future studies
the intra-abdominal testes in elephants as evidence should be continued on the form and function of the
for proboscidean aquatic ancestry (intra-abdominal brain, infrasonic production and perception, and collect
testes is a primitive mammalian character). As noted additional data on EQ. The phenomenon of the lack of
above, the hypothesis that proboscideans have aquatic pleural space in adult elephants is intriguing and
ancestors (Gaeth et al., 1999) requires further evidence, requires further research, so is the question of aquatic
also does the lung peculiar anatomy of adult living ancestry. Some of these topics were discussed in
elephants. Shoshani and Tassy (1996), other were noted above.

4. Recent thoughts on extinction of proboscideans 6. Concluding remarks

Various ideas have been proposed on the causes of It is the nature of scientific investigation that when
extinctions of proboscideans. Many are related to certain questions are answered, new ones surface. So is
climatic changes, ecological parameters, and overkill the case in this investigation. A glance at the section
hypothesis (Martin and Klein, 1984; Owen-Smith, 1989; Future Research gives this perspective. Nonetheless,
Putshkov, 1997; Graham, 2001). Shoshani and Fisher much progress has been made since the days when little
(1992) summarized the major possible causes for or no criticism were offered to manuscripts before
extinction of proboscideans as habitat changes, inter- publication. Modern molecular techniques are em-
specific competition, specialization, generation time, and ployed, but often even these do not produce any better
over hunting by Paleoindians. results than the morphological approaches—the Lox-
A different idea was proposed by MacPhee (1999) and odonta, Elephas, Mammuthus is a case in point.
MacPhee and Marx (1999) who believe that the From an evolutionary perspective and the surviva-
disappearance of mammoths and other species during bility of an individual, or a population (that is, of a
the Pleistocene was caused by an apocalyptic disease. species), the most fascinating is the EQ value. Can we
Possibly, a disease-causing organism (e.g., virulent correlate EQ value with degree of intelligence, and if so
viruses) may have been carried by humans or the to what extent? The answer is probably yes. It is
animals that traveled with them, as they entered North suggested that EQ values of close to 1+ may be
America. Animals of the New World had no immunity associated with tool using, and that EQ values of close
to the microbe and were helpless against this ‘Hyperdi- to 2+ may be associated with tool making. Concomi-
sease’. tant with the enlargement of the brain (and associated
16 J. Shoshani, P. Tassy / Quaternary International 126–128 (2005) 5–20

high EQ value) the co-evolution of infrasonic commu- Caloi, L., Kotsakis, T., Palombo, M.R., Petronio, C., 1996. The
nication and the ability to store water for many hours Pleistocene dwarf elephants of Mediterranean islands. In: Shosha-
and use it only in time of stress, are examples of ni, J., Tassy, P. (Eds.), The Proboscidea: Evolution and Palaeoe-
cology of Elephants and their Relatives. Oxford University Press,
characters that helped elephants to adapt to diverse Oxford, pp. 234–239.
habitats. Campbell Jr., K.E., Frailey, C.D., Romero-Pittman, L., 2000. The late
Miocene gomphothere Amahuacatherium peruvium (Proboscidea:
Gomphotheriidae) from the Amazonian Peru: Implications for the
6.1. Note added in proof Great American Faunal Interchange. Instituto Geologico! Minero y
Metalurgico, Republica del Peru, ! Bolet!ın 23, Serie D: Estudios
Kappelman et al. (2003) reported on five new Regionales, pp. 1–152.
proboscidean taxa (no names given) from the late Casamiquela, R.M., Shoshani, J., Dillehay, T.D., 1996. South
Oligocene site of Chilga, Ethiopia. Pickford (2003) American proboscideans: general introduction and reflections on
Pleistocene extinctions. In: Shoshani, J., Tassy, P. (Eds.), The
named two new genera and species: Progomphotherium Proboscidea: Evolution and Palaeoecology of Elephants and their
maraisi and Afromastodon coppensi, both placed in the Relatives. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 316–320.
family Gomphotheriidae, and both are from the early Cavarretta, G., Gioia, P., Mussi, M., Palombo, M.R., 2001.
Miocene of Namibia. With the deletion of Afrochoer- Proceedings of the First International Congress of La Terra degli
odon from Table 2, and with the addition of these taxa, Elefanti, The World of Elephants. Consiglio Nazionale delle
Ricerche, Roma.
we recognized 177 species and subspecies of probosci-
Cerling, T.E., Passey, B.H., Cook, C.S., Ehleringer, J.R., Harris, J.M.,
deans, classified in 43 genera. These changes will affect Dihdha, M., 2001. Seasonal dietary changes in elephants from
entries to Tables 1 and 2. Pickford (2003:217) also used isotopic composition of hair. Abstracts of Papers and Posters,
the name Afromastodon libycus instead of Mastodon Eighth International Theriological Congress, Sun City, South
spenceri whereas Sanders and Miller (2002:389–391) Africa, 12–17 August 2001, Abstract No. 61, p. 44.
assigned the name Gomphotherium angustidens libycum Chavaillon, J., Berthelet, A., 2001. The Elephas recki site of Ha.ıdalo
(Republic of Djibouti). In: Cavarretta, G., Gioia, P., Mussi, M.,
to Mastodon spenceri. In addition Pickford (2003:231– Palombo, M.R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the First Inter-
232) used the name Afrochoerodon ngorora instead of national Congress of La Terra degli Elefanti, The World
Choerolophodon ngorora of Tassy (1986), and Afrochoer- of Elephants. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma,
odon zaltaniensis instead of Choerolophodon zaltaniensis pp. 191–193.
of Gaziry (1987). Pickford (2001:99) also employed the Coltorti, M., Ficcarelli, G., Jahren, H., Rook, L., Torre, D., 1998. The
last occurrence of Pleistocene megafauna in the Ecuadorian Andes.
name Afrochoerodon chioticus instead of Choerolopho-
Journal of South American Earth Science 11 (6), 581–586.
don chioticus of Tobien (1980), but see note f in Table 1. Coppens, Y., Maglio, V.J., Madden, C.T., Beden, M., 1978.
Proboscidea. In: Maglio, V.J., Cooke, H.B.S. (Eds.), Evolution
of African Mammals. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA,
pp. 336–367.
Acknowledgements Court, N., 1995. A new species of Numidotherium (Mammalia:
Proboscidea) from the eocene of Libya and the early phylogeny
We are indebted to the editors who encouraged us to of the Proboscidea. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 15,
contribute to this volume. Gary H. Marchant prepared 650–671.
Cozzi, B., Spagnoli, S., Bruno, L., 2001. An overview of the central
Figs. 1 and 2. Susan K. Bell, Régis Debruyne, John de
nervous system of the elephant through a critical appraisal of the
Vos, Daryl P. Domning, Georgi Markov, Haruo literature published in the XIX and XX centuries. Brain Research
Saegusa, William J. Sanders, and Sandra Shoshani Bulletin 54 (2), 219–227.
helped in various aspects of this paper. Debruyne, R., 2001. New mitochondrial data demonstrating a close
relationship between Mammuthus primigenius (Blumenbach, 1799)
and Loxodonta africana (Blumenbach, 1797). In: Cavarretta, G.,
Gioia, P., Mussi, M., Palombo, M.R. (Eds.), Proceedings of
References the First International Congress of La Terra degli Elefanti, The
World of Elephants. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma,
Agenbroad, L.D., 1994. Taxonomy of North American Mammuthus pp. 630–632.
and biometrics of the Hot Springs mammoths. In: Agenbroad, Debruyne, R., Barriel, V., Tassy, P., 2003. Mitochondrial cytochrome
L.D., Mead, J.I. (Eds.), The Hot Springs Mammoth Site: A Decade b of the Lyakhov mammoth (Proboscidea, Mammalia): new data
of Field and Laboratory Research in Paleontology, Geology, and and phylogeentic analyses of elephantidae. Molecular Phyloge-
Paleoecology. Hot Springs, The Mammoth Site of South Dakota, netics and Evolution 26, 421–434.
pp. 158–207. Debruyne, R., Van Holt, A., Barriel, V., Tassy, P., 2003. Status of the
Alberdi, M.T., Prado, J.L., Cartelle, C., 2002. El registro de so-called African pygmy elephant (Loxodonta pumilio (Noach
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