Operating Segment Students
Operating Segment Students
Operating Segment Students
Operating Segment
An operating segment may engage in business activities for which it has yet to earn revenues,
for example, start-up operations may be operating segments before earning revenues.
Not every part of an entity is necessary an operating segment or part of an operating segment.
For example, a corporate headquarter or some functional department ay not earn revenues or
may Ern revenues that are only incidental to the activities of the entity and would not be
operating segments. Post-employment benefit plan are not operating segments.
Chief operating decision maker identifies a function, not necessarily a manager with specific
title. That function is to allocate resources to and assess the performance of the operating
segments of an entity. Often the chief operating decision maker of an entity is its chief
executive officer or chief operating officer but for example, it may be a group of executive
directors or officers.
An entity shall report separately information about each operating segment that:
• Has been identified in accordance with criteria of reporting
• Exceeds the quantitative threshold
An entity shall report separately information about an operating segment that meets any of the
following quantitative thresholds:
• Its revenue, including both sales to external customers and inter-segment, of all
operating segments sales or transfers, is 10% or more of the combined revenues,
internal and external, of all operating segments
• The absolute amount of its reported profit or loss is 10% or more of the greater, in
absolute amount, of combined operating profit of all operating segments that did not
report a loss and the combined reported loss of all operating segments that reported loss
• Its assets are 10% or more of the combined assets of all operating segments
Operating segments that do not meet any of the quantitative threshold may be considered
reportable and separately disclosed, if management believes that information about segment
would be useful to users of the financial statements.
Segments Revenue from Outsiders Revenue from within Operating Profit Identifiable asset
A major customer disclosure is required if a company derives 10% or more of its revenue from a
single customer or group of entities under common control (P 50,000,000 x 10%)