Vibration Problems and Application of Vibration Reduction System in Engineering

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2018 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Control and Computer Engineering

Vibration Problems and Application of Vibration

Reduction System in Engineering
Peng Jing-hui1,*, Wang Qiang1,2, Zhang Ying-dong1
School of Weaponry Engineering, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, China; [email protected]
School of power engineering, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, China;
*Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +86-159-2745-3031

Abstract: In order to reduce the influence of vibration to the Vibration is the phenomenon of system around its
system, construct the new reduction system was studied by the equilibrium position do reciprocating motion, caused by many
existing vibration theory and practical application of vibration ways, usually divided four stages: vibration energy generation,
reduction measures. First of all, the causes of the vibration were transmission of energy, diffusion of energy and radiation of
analyzed and classified. Then, vibration and vibration reduction energy[6]. The first three stages mainly study the phenomenon
were studied from three aspects of vibration test system, of vibration and impact but do not involve the generation and
analytical method and the application of vibration reduction in transmission of ambient noise by radiation waves among them.
engineering. Finally, a new vibration reduction system was
It’s not only need to reduce mechanical vibration noise
proposed on the basis of full consideration and synthesis the
produced by strike, friction and others, but also need to reduce
above research.
aerodynamic vibration noise in mechanical design[7].
Keywords: vibration; vibration test system; vibration Mechanical design do not lead to vibration, but the stand or
reduction fall of mechanical design seriously affects and restricts the
smooth operation of the machinery, so the mechanical parts or
I. INTRODUCTION processing conditions of equipment need clear requirements in
design. It’s a key link that product whether meet the design
Science and technology change with each passing day requirements under the effect of vibration produced in
when human society enters modern civilization, it promotes the machining process, such as the self-excited vibration, free
rapid development of aeronautics, ships, vehicles, civil vibration and forced vibration[8]. Usually the free vibration
engineering and other engineering fields. The designers have depends on whether produces generate mutate force within the
been plagued by the vibration problem since the first system. Self-excited vibration is independent of external
machinery was invented and used, failed to eliminate and excitation, but it is affected by cutting quantity and internal
reduce the mechanical vibration often impact the development structure of material. Forced vibration is the most common
of design progress, the vibration of the mechanical problems form of mechanical manufacturing process and affected by
also gradually got the attention of the people[1]. Excessive many factors, for example, vibration of machine tool,
vibration not only has a great impact on the safety and transmission mechanism and others. In conclusion, it can be
reliability of machinery and structures[2,3], but also on some seen that the mechanical vibration in the process of machining
precision equipment and components with high precision is mainly affected by the factors such as tool, machine tool and
requirements. At the same time, it also greatly reduces the materials.
service life of machinery and even causes heavy casualties for
personnel[4]. According to statistics, about 70% of mechanical
failures are related to or caused by vibration[5]. Similarly, in
civil engineering fields such as buildings and bridges, vibration
is still one of the main problems that designers need to solve in A. Vibration testing system
construction. Vibration measurement system usually use sensors such as
There are many studies of the vibration problems in piezoelectric acceleration sensor laser displacement sensor
engineering and the application of vibration reduction convert the physical signal input of the test piece or system
measures at present, but little to establish a new type of vibration into digital signal or analog signal output, the
vibration reduction system include vibration testing, measure control system processes the converted signal, then a series of
of vibration mitigation, vibration reduction maintenance and actions are performed according to the requirements to
others. analyze the inherent characteristics of the test piece or system,
test system is shown in fig. 1.


978-1-5386-8481-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 26

DOI 10.1109/ICMCCE.2018.00014

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Fig. 1 Test system of vibration

Actual vibration test system is more elaborate than figure different regions and environments. Choose stable material to
1, such as signal acquisition include sensors, signal modulator avoid material change because of high temperature and cause
and data acquisition and analysis system. The basic vibration during processing should be considered in the
framework of vibration testing system as shown in fig. 1 mechanical design. Especially the choice of processing tools
though subjects and purpose of experiment is different. need a very good cohesion with the design of the whole, the
vibration of the whole system is reduced while the machining
B. Analytical method for vibration system precision is improved.
With the progress of mathematics and modeling simulation
software of increasingly mature, many ways can be used to In order to effectively reduce and resolve the effects of
analyze the vibration system. Common methods include modal vibration, there are two kinds of design in products[10]: rigid
analysis, finite-element method, system simulation model and flexible design, rigid design is more traditional among
based on MATLAB, and other methods such as statistical them, but flexible design has been widely application in recent
energy method and Rayleigh method. Modal analysis mainly years. For aero-engines such as turboshaft, turbojet and
analyzes the natural frequencies of vibration body within a turbofan, and ship gas turbine in high-speed rotating
range of frequencies, principal mode, damping ratio and others, machinery, most of the supporting structures of their rotor
and then optimizes the dynamic characteristic of the vibration system adopt flexible design[11], the squirrel cage elastic
system design. Finite-element method is divided a solution of support structure as shown in fig. 2.
continuous area into a finite number of overlapping and not in a
certain way of interconnected units, the approximation function
assumed in each unit is used to represent the unknown field
function to be solved in the total solution domain. However,
it’s the key that grid quality, number of unit degree of freedom
and boundary conditions to ensure accuracy of calculation[9].
System simulation based on MATLAB actually refers to the
numerical calculation and response analysis of the physical
model of the vibration system by using MATLAB software to
compile relevant calculation programs.
C. Application of vibration reduction measures in engineering
Fig. 2 The structure of squirrel cage elastic support
Research and analysis on the phenomenon of vibration in
order to ultimately form a system theory to better reduction or Vibration isolation is to study the relationship of the
use of vibration, usually make the inherent frequency far from vibration between objects, reduce the amount of vibration
working frequency to avoid the emergence of resonance transfer between each other. For the problem that the vibration
phenomenon in the design after the intrinsic characteristics of of gun barrel affects the firing accuracy cannon gun tube
research system. The transmission components should avoid affect the firing accuracy of vibration problems, the gun
the existence of sudden changes in speed and acceleration, absorber (fig. 3) is usually used to reduce the vibration of the
and transfer equably to eliminate rigidity impact. Different barrel muzzle to improve the density of projectile
lubricating oils and different oil clearance should be used dispersion[12].
reasonably for different machinery and different parts in


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Fig. 3 The absorber of gun Fig. 4 Suspension system of car

The road surface roughness will provoke car’s vibration with features of smooth transmission and buffer vibration
when the car is moving, and the stability of the vehicle was absorbing[14]. Using the herringbone gear or helical gear
seriously affected by the dynamic load between car and road. replaced the straight gear in gear transmission can ensure the
In order to reduce the vibration, usually adopt suspension smooth operation of the gear, reduce the impact load, and
system (fig. 4) to mitigate impact load produced by uneven improve the working stability of machinery and the service
road surface to the body, attenuate the vibration of the load life of parts.
bearing system due to the impact load[13].
The construction often use base isolation in the earthquake
Some flexible connections are often used in mechanical dynamics by introducing some type of support, and isolate
transmission, for example, cotton rope is used between the buildings from the ground of the vibration to protect the
motor and the rotating shaft. In order to reduce the influence buildings from the destruction of the earthquake[15]. Fig. 5
of power source on working parts, belt drive will be used as shows the vibration isolation system of monolayer building
high-speed transmission, because belt drive is a flexible drive and multilayer building.

Fig. 5 The vibration isolation system of monolayer building and multilayer building.

damage are inevitable in the working of machinery, in order to

IV. CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW VIBRATION REDUCTION SYSTEM meet the requirements continuously in equipment operation
With the development of science and technology level and need add functions such as intelligent detection and
the people on the improvement of equipment requirements, autonomous maintenance to vibration-absorbing system.
the traditional method and train of thought in the field of some Real-time monitoring and maintenance will change the mode
sophisticated and special industry still can’t meet the of one-time design and installation of traditional vibration
requirements of continuous use. In terms of the above reduction system until it is damaged, build intelligent
vibration reduction measures, it only have the features of time-varying adjustment and maintenance vibration reduction
vibration reduction but does not have the function of system(Fig. 6) keep the device in a stable working, and avoid
self-detection or self-maintenance, so it just implements situations, for example, local mutation or error between batch
realized the local damping instead of the overall damping of parts is too large.
the system. In addition, friction, vibration and other external


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Fig. 6 Model of a new vibration reduction system

New vibration reduction system can be effectively applied Wang Qiang systematically sorted out and modified the article.
to all kinds of simple and complex mechanical equipment, for Zhang Ying-dong consulted some theoretical knowledge
example, a large system can independently evaluate and select required in this paper and provided constructive suggestions
the best match with multiple different types and distribution of for the establishment of a new vibration reduction system
the shock absorber in work environment, makes the model.
equipment operation is more stable, less hazards to external
environmental and product performance is better. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
The purpose of this paper is to build a new model of
V. CONCLUSIONS vibration reduction system. Although some published
materials have been described, there is no conflict of interest
Vibration is the main cause of mechanical failure and with published publications.
scrap in mechanical engineering, and the influence of
vibration can effectively reduce by choice the research REFERENCES
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