Mitsubishi ETACS Rain-Light Sensor
Mitsubishi ETACS Rain-Light Sensor
Mitsubishi ETACS Rain-Light Sensor
Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) has developed a rain-light sensor that controls the auto-
light system and the rain-sensitive wiper system. It is installed in the new GALANT FORTIS. The
rain-light sensor controls the headlamps and windshield wipers, sending an activation request to
ETACS(1) (Electronic Time and Alarm Control System). This data consists of vehicle information
from ETACS, ambient light intensity, front light intensity and raindrop detection. Regarding the
auto-light function, the rain-light sensor distinguishes between entering a tunnel and passing under
a bridge, using front and ambient illumination sensors. It prevents the headlamps from blinking
when the vehicle passes under a bridge. The rain-sensitive wipers have newly designed lenses to
ensure uniform distribution of sensitivity for raindrops and improve the timing for the first wipe
when there are fewer raindrops on the windshield glass.
Key words: Rain-Light-Sensor, Auto-Light, Rain Sensitive Wiper, Electronic Control, Convenience
1. Foreword
Development of a Rain-Light Sensor
The rain-light sensor obtains all necessary data only the ambient light intensity, used to respond to
through this communications network, using only three momentary dips in light intensity such as when passing
harnesses that are for its power supply, grounding and under a bridge, and so a distance and time filter was
LIN communications. This configuration allows the sys- incorporated to ignore signals showing rapid changes
tem to be applied easily to those models that share the in light intensity. However, this filter caused a delay in
same electronic platform as the new GALANT FORTIS. illumination of the headlamps when the vehicle entered
a tunnel.
3. Rain-light sensor functions With the rain-light sensor on the new GALANT FOR-
TIS, the automatic lighting function detects not only the
3.1 Automatic lighting function ambient light intensity but also the intensity of the light
(1) Basic function ahead of the vehicle, as schematically indicated in Fig.
The automatic lighting function turns on and off the 5 by the blue line and red line, respectively. By process-
headlamps and other exterior lamps according to the ing these two light intensity data together, the automat-
intensity of ambient light when the lighting switch is in ic lighting function determines whether the vehicle has
the AUTO position and the ignition switch in the ON entered a tunnel, in which case it immediately turns on
position. The function also allows the user to advance the headlamps, or simply has passed under a bridge, in
the light-on time in two steps and retard it also in two which case the function does not trigger the headlamp-
steps using the customization function on the naviga- on control. Being also able to distinguish the conditions
tion screen. for lighting the headlamps upon entering a tunnel from
The light-on timing in the twilight for the headlamps those in the twilight, this logic enables the new auto-
is set different from the other exterior lamps on models matic lighting function to cause the headlamps to turn
for the Japanese market, whereas the headlamps and on earlier in the twilight and thus the vehicle to be more
other exterior lamps are set to light up simultaneously recognizable for other drivers than with the convention-
on models for other markets. al function, while preventing momentary illumination
(2) Improvements over the conventional automatic of the headlamps in the shade of trees and under
lighting system bridges.
The conventional auto-light sensor, which detects
Development of a Rain-Light Sensor
Development of a Rain-Light Sensor