Week 1 Newsletter T1 2011

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Empowering our Children

2nd February 2011

Week 1 of 11 TAIRUA SCHOOL
Kia Ora tatou School Swimming Programme
Our summer swimming programme is all go as of
Welcome back to Tairua School and what promises to day one this term. All classrooms have a daily in-
be yet another exciting year full of change, develop-
structional swimming lesson with their teacher for
ment and progress. 2010 was a highly successful year
in so many ways and we will continue to build upon approximately 45mins. We will be offering an exten-
the robust systems and practises developed through- sion swimming programme for selected children af-
out last year. ter school on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00-3:30.
More details in next weeks newsletter.
Our open door policy is essential to the ongoing suc-
cess for your child. We will continue to develop and If your child is sick and unable to swim it is imperative
maintain our strong connections and relationships at that a note is provided. Aquatics education is essen-
the class level between parents, children and their tial and not something the children and can opt in
class teachers. If you have any questions, queries or
and out of. With this commitment to provide effec-
concerns please make contact with the classroom
teacher immediately. tive swimming lessons and training for the children it
is essential that togs and towels are presented eve-
Term 1 is always a busy time of the year with initiating ryday regardless of morning weather conditions.
new programmes, forging new relationships and Classroom Programmes:
building upon learning from the previous year. Term 1 Over the next couple of weeks the classroom pro-
of 2011 is no exception and as the term reveals itself to grammes will be centred round getting to know your
us and the children we will be communicating this ex-
child. Building positive, supportive relationships both
plicitly with our community.
in and outside the classroom along with gaining a
Staffing for Term 1, 2011 deep understanding of academic profiles will be
Here is your staff for 2011. I would like to extend a developed. Setting up routines, resources and sta-
warm welcome to Samantha Telfar joining us from tionery takes time, however, they are extremely
Dunedin and Stefanie Haddock who will be teacher beneficial for maintaining high expectations.
aiding in Room 2 whilst completing her teacher train-
ing qualifications. We will be completing a wide range of assessment
Brendan Finn Principal tools over the next 3-4 weeks. This data will be ana-
Catherine Browning D.P/Rm 3, Yr 2-3 lysed to gain an understanding of how best to sup-
Nel Bracegirdle Rm. 1, N.E– Yr 1 port your child’s learning. In week 6/7 of this term we
Lou van Jaarsveld Rm. 4, Yr 4-5 will be completing parent/teacher conferences with
Samantha Telfar Rm. 5, Yr 6-8 the purpose of sharing assessment data and aca-
Joan Boeglin Learner Support Teacher demic goals for 2011. Our open door policy is always
Annette Lloyd Reading Recovery in effect and any concerns, questions or words of
Vanessa Hoefsloot Teacher Aide encouragement should be communicated directly
Stefanie Haddock Teacher Aide to the classroom teacher.
New Faces in Room 1, Eston, Eva and Ema-Lee.
Office Administrator Louise Elliott
Property Manager Mark Cory-Wright
School Stationery
The purchasing of school stationery is available from
the office. The prices are competitive with all retailers
and the school also receives additional support from
school supplies. The sooner the children have their sta-
tionery and equipment available, the sooner pro-
grammes can begin. It would be ideal for children to
have their stationery by Friday the 11th of February. All
lists have been sent home with the children. If you did
not receive one please check with the office.

The Week Ahead at Tairua School

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday
T.O.D First Day back 2011 No Assembly
School email addresses: Term dates:
[email protected] [email protected] Term 1 02/02/2011 - 15/04/2011
[email protected] [email protected] Term 2 02/05/2011 - 15/07/2011
[email protected] Roger Elliott B.O.T chairmen. Term 3 01/08/2011 - 07/10/2011
[email protected] 07 864 7006. Term 4 24/10/2011 -

Major Events and Programmes for Term 1

Classroom Lists—2011 Here is a list of events and programmes to be aware
of this term. Dates and times will be confirmed this
week and communicated in next weeks newsletter
School swimming sports, Swimming extension groups,
Room 1: Mrs Bracegirdle, N.E—Yr 1 Inter-school swimming sports, Surf Wednesday after-
Cameron Kilpatrick, Ashdyn Rea, Ash Couper, Ange- noons), Waterwise (Sailing and Kayaking) Garden
line Ball, Jack Hoefsloot, Zoe Bourne, Emily Ryan, Ste- Competition, Parent teacher conferences, Sea Week/
vie Keyte, Benjamin Wilson, Eston Rowe-Smith, Eva Beach Day, Bike Day, Creative Writing groups, Project
Roberts and Ema-Lee Williams. Energise.
School Pool Project
Room 3: Ms Browning, Yr 2-3 The school enhancement project is now complete
providing the students, staff parents and wider com-
Jessica Kinzett, Georgia Land, Bella Muir, Trident Price,
Darnika Urlich, Cooper Bennett, Brett Takotohiwi, Stellamunity a sun-safe and highly practical area to teach
and learn aquatic skills. Carpentry Consultants and
Cory-Wright, Solomon Heath, Jade Lurman, Ella-Grace
Int/Ext Painters can be commended for going beyond
Metz, Carl Radford, Otama Roberts, Ana Fifita, Toby the requirements set out in the plan to ensure the finish
McNabb, Samara Elliman Durling, Reo Scott, Heidi on the pool area was robust. We have received mes-
Adam, Maika Rhind, Keei Sugawara, Jade Tangira, sages, e-mails and many comments of praise for the
Hunter Crowe, Jayden Kelly, Dylan Takotohiwi pool area throughout the holiday period. The pool
was constantly under heavy use throughout the holi-
Room 4: Miss V, Yr 4-5 days and well looked after by users. If you are using
Ella Cleary-Morgan, Bronte Hemmings, Zac Hemmings, the school pool on the weekend and after school
throughout Feb and March please park your car in
Leanna Hoefsloot, Jenna Keyte, Bryony McNabb, Ella
the car park. Our field is in a delicate state and large
Meechan, Angelle Stevenson, Harlee Vanbilsen, vehicles and cars constantly driving over isn’t helping.
Pippa Wright, Marlow Brown, Flynn Cleary-Morgan, Please ensure you use the car park and not the field
Layka Earley, Harrison Evans, Ahi Garrick, Ziggy Heath, for parking from now on.
Samuel Kinzett, Jordan Metz, Vita Rowe-Smith, Rhea School Bell Times for 2011:
Schmidt, Lily Scott, Greyson Takotohiwi, Denzel Waite,
James Wightman-Gould, Darrien Wilson, Flora Ingoe, Please ensure your child is at school no later than
Jack Laycock. 8:50am. This allows your child to set up his/hers materi-
als and equipment for the day and catch up with
peers before the bell at 8:55am.
Room 5: Miss Telfar, Yr 6-8
Cade Eliot, Sandy Hayward, Ruby Heath, Mohini Patel, 8:55 To classrooms, equipment ready.
Tara Raymond, Madeleine Wightman-Gould, Bayden
9:00 Start classroom programme.
Williams, Darcy Wright, Paris Wright, Jack Zimmerman,
Timothy Adam, Rebecca Read, Denise Kahui, Ivy Cory 10:30 Break for morning tea.
-Wright, Gregory Kern, Jaxon Haycock, Conor 10:50 Start classroom programme
Kilpatrick, Jesse Langereis, Tia Povey, Billy Turner, Joel 12:30 Lunch
Elliman Durling, Phoenix Tangira, Henry Laycock and 1:30 Start afternoon programme
Kory Boyd 2:50 Classrooms packed up
We have had a number of new enrolments over the
summer holiday period. We have an opening school 3:00 Ka kite, kids dismissed by the teacher
roll of 88. Once again we have to allow for roll growth from the classroom after the bell
in all areas of the school. Our junior classrooms will Health and Consent Forms:
have teacher aide support beginning in March and Attached to this Newsletter is the 2011 Health and
the senior rooms will also receive assistance through- Consent form. This is of high importance and must be
out the year. I would like to wish all of our students the
filled out accurately. If aspects of this survey need fur-
very best for their 2011 schooling year.
ther explanation please feel free to pop in and discuss
Summer Dress Code any concerns you may have. All forms must be com-
Hats, shorts and a t-shirt/polo is ideal for these hot pleted and sent back by Friday the 11th of February.
summer days. No jeans or hoodies to be worn. Sun- All the best for 2011 and what promises to be another
screen should be applied before and throughout the exciting year for the Tairua School Community.
day. School sunscreen is available. Please ensure that
the clothing your child wears to school doesn’t adver-
tise any alcohol or drug messages. Jewellery isn’t re-
quired for school, unless personel reasons have been
communicated with the classroom teacher.

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