Dukler 1980
Dukler 1980
Dukler 1980
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Models for predicting flow pattern transitions during steady gas-liquid flow in A. E. DUKLER
vertical tubes are developed, based on physical mechanisms suggested for each
transition. These models incorporate the effect of fluid properties and pipe size Deportment of Chemical Engineering
and thus are largely free of the limitations of empirically based transition maps or University of Houston
correlations. Houston, Texas 77004
When gas-liquid mixtures flow in a conduit, the two phases well as the ffow rate pair at which transition between flow
may distribute in a variety of patterns. The particular pattern patterns will take place.
one observes depends on the flow rates, the fluid properties Many two-phase flow pattern maps have been proposed.
and the tube size. Figure 1 shows the expected patterns for a Most of these have been based primarily on experiments and
5.0 cm diameter vertical pipe, flowing water and air at low thus were limited to the conditions near those of the mea-
pressure. Heat and mass transfer rates, momentum loss, rates surements. It is the objective of this work to suggest physically
of back mixing and residence time distributions all vary greatly based mechanisms which underlie each transition and to model
with flow pattern. Given the existence of any one pattern, it is the transitions based on these mechanisms. The results are
possible to model the flow so as to predict the important process applicable for a wider range of properties and conduit sizes
design parameters. However, a central task is to predict which than would be expected from empirically determined transi-
flow pattern will exist under any set of operating conditions as tions.
motion of t h e liquid. (Some observers refer to a froth flow
pattern for higher liquid and gas rates where the system
appears more finely dispersed.)
4. Annular Flow: Annular flow is characterized by the con-
tinuity of the gas phase along the pipe in the core. The
liquid phase moves upwards partly as wavy liquid film and
Figure 1. Flow patterns in vertical flow. partially in the form of drops entrained in the gas core.
(Annular flow has been described as a whispy-annular
Predicting flow patterns for upward flow of gas-liquid mix- pattern when the entrained phase is in the form of large
tures in vertical pipes is as yet an unresolved problem. A typical lumps or “wisps.” Froth, mist or semi-annular flow pat-
approach has been to coordinate experimental observation by terns have also been used to describe the churn and annu-
plotting transition boundary lines on a two-dimensional plot. The lar patterns.)
coordinates have been more or less arbitrarily chosen, and the
lack of physical basis for their selection has limited their general-
ity and accuracy. Maps prepared from data taken for one pipe EXISTING FLOW PATTERN MAPS
size and fluid properties are not necessarily valid for other sizes
There is a wide variety of flow pattern maps for vertical flow in
or properties. Further, there is poor agreement among most
the literature. I t is important to understand that these maps
published maps.
propose transition boundaries in a two-dimensional coordinate
Part of the problem arises from lack of agreement in the
description and classification ofthe flow patterns and the subjec- system as determined from experiment, these experiments, in
tivity of the observer. The flow is often very chaotic and difficult some cases, being those ofthe author, and in other cases coming
from observations ofothers. The selection of coordinates for the
to describe, which leaves room for personal judgment and in-
published maps has been of two basic types:
terpretation. Hubbard and DukIer (1966) proposed a method for
a. One group uses dimensional coordinates such as super-
fingerprinting flow regimes using spectral analysis of wall
pressure fluctuations, but this method has not generally been ficial velocities U , and ULs (Sternling 1965, Wallis 1969)
adopted . or superficial momentum flux, p&& and pJ& (Hewitt
In this work, the main flow patterns are first described. To and Roberts 1969). Given any single pipe size and set of
fluid properties, these coordinates will map the transi-
correctly interpret and predict the conditions for transition, it is
essential to understand the mechanism by which the transition tions, but there is no reason to expect that the location of
these transition curves will be unchanged for changes in
from one flow pattern to another takes place. Physical models
these variables. Govier and Aziz (1972) attempt to mod+
that describe transitions are presented and used to develop
these dimensional coordinates for systems other than air-
theoretically-based transition equations, which can be used to
water by considering property ratios between the fluids of
construct maps. The approach here is similar in principle to that
interest and that of the air-water system. However, there
presented by Taitel and Dnkler (1976) for horizontal flow sys-
is no basis in theory to suggest this generalizes the results
tems. Since the maps presented are constructed on a physical
in any way.
basis, it is expected that they can be utilized over a wider range
of flow conditions and fluid properties. Finally, the newly de- b. A second group represents the results by dimensionless
veloped predictions are compared with those of recent maps coordinates, in the hope that the result will apply to line
which coordinate experimental data. sizes and fluid properties other than those of the data used
to locate t h e curves. In the absence of a theoretical basis,
the use of dimensionless coordinates is no more general
than the use ofdimensional ones. Further, it will be shown
below that one pair of dimensionless groups does not
When gas-liquid mixtures flow upward in a vertical tube, the characterize the variety of transition boundaries that exist.
two phases may distribute in a number of patterns, each charac- The dimensionless groups selected by Duns and Ros
terizing the radial and/or axial distribution of liquid and gas. The (1963) and also used by Gould (1974) seem arbitrary.
flow is usually quite chaotic, and these phase distributions are Griffith and Wallis (1961)were the: only investigators who
dimcult to describe. W e will follow the lead of Hewitt and attelnpted to invoke theory to arrive at suitable cwrdi-
Hall-Taylor (1970)who designate four basic patterns for upflow nates. They were able to show that the dimensionless
as follows: coordinates U$gD and U<;.&.y controlled the transition
1. Rubble Flow: The gas phase is approximatcly uniformly from the slug to annular patterns. The theory was not
distributed in the form of discrete bubbles in a continuous completed sufficiently to provide an analytical expression
liquid phase. for the transition curve, and experimental data were used
2. Slug Flow: Most of the gas is located in large bullet shaped to provide for the unknown constants. As discussed, the
bubbles which have a diameter almost equal to the pipe use of these same coordinates for the other transitions is
diameter. They move uniformly upward and are some- open to question.
eG I liquid slug will remain constant with time and position in the
direction of flow and stable slug flow exists.
But since the liquid slugs are shorter in the developing re-
gion, t h e velocity distribution in the liquid can be severely
distorted by the flow reversal near the wall as a result of the
LIQUID falling film. Consider the velocity distributions in the planes A-A
and B-B behind the leading Taylor bubble shown in Figure 4. If
the liquid slug is long, far enough behind the trailing edge of the
bubble (plane B-B), the velocity becomes that typical of turbu-
B lent flow. However, at A-A the flow is downward near the wallas
a result of the falling film around the bubble. In order to main-
tain mass continuity, the velocity at the centerline must in-
crease. Since the velocity of a Taylor bubble depends on the
centerline velocity plus its rise velocity, it is clear that for liquid
FALLING slugs too short to reestablish the turbulent velocity distribution,
the second bubble will overtake the first (Moissis and Griffith
0 0 0 0 0 1962). As a result, the two bubbles will coalesce, the liquid
0 0 0 0 0 bridge between them will disintegrate, and fall to a lower level
0 0 0 0 0 creating churn flow.
0 0 0 0 0
Experimental observations for water-air systems suggest that
the length of a stable slug relative to this diameter, 1slD is fairly
constant and independent of gas and liquid flow rates (Govier
and Aziz 1972, Akagawa and Sakaguchi 1966). The minimum
value of ls1D reported was 8. Studies in our laboratory, using
Figure 4. Slug flow geometry. very long, 2.5 and 5.0 cm diameter tubes, showed stable slug
lengths approach 16D. The earlier observations can be con-
sidered the result of two slugs, each not quite of stable length,
slug flow pattern is developed when (YT = 0.25, the liquid slug IslD = 8, which approach each other so slowly that they would
between the Taylor bubbles is assumed to contain small bubbles never coalesce except in a long tube. By use of the very approx-
at this bubble density. Further, the dispersed bubbles are as- imate argument which follows, it is possible to show that this
sumed to be confined to the region between the Taylor bubbles, stable length, lslD = 16, observed for ainvater, should be essen-
thus moving with the Taylor bubble velocity U G . Although tially independent of fluid properties or pipe diameter.
observations of slug flow show that some small bubbles are The liquid film falling along the Taylor bubble has an average
swept into the liquid film around the Taylor bubble, this as- velocity Ufand velocity relative to the liquid at plane A-A behind
sumption has little effect on the result.
The velocity of the Taylor bubble is given quite accurately by
the bubble of (Uf U,). Consider this liquid sheet as a two
dimensional jet which enters a stagnant pool of liquid (the slug)
the relation (Nicklin e t al. 1962), +
at a uniform velocity, (Uf U G ) . The axial velocity, U , in the
UG = 1.2 UL + 0 . 3 5 v s (15) liquid induced by the jet will depend on the distance x in the
direction of the jet and y, the normal distance from the jet
In this equation the second term on the R.H. S. describes the centerline. Both experimental and theoretical studies have
rise velocity of a large bubble in stagnant liquid. It was derived shown that the ratio of U(x,y) to U,,,(o,y) varies as
theoretically by Davies and Taylor (1949) and by Dumitrescu
(1943). The first term of the R. H. S. adds the liquid velocity at
the centerline, since 1.2 is approximately the ratio ofcenterline
to average velocity in fully developed turbulent flow. The total
volumetric flow rate, Q , is constant across any cross section. where y is a universal constant approximately equal to 7.67
Therefore, (Schlichting 1968). A stable slug is one which is long enough that
the jet has been absorbed by the fluid and the velocities have
slowed to that of the surroundings. In this case, we explore the
distance x = ls which at the centerline, y = D/2, the velocity is
The Taylor gas bubble velocity can b e solved directly by essentially flat, say U/UmaX5 0.05, and thus the normal turbu-
eliminating UL between (15) and (16) arriving at lent distribution in the liquid slug is undistorted. Equation (19)
shows that this takes place atlslD 2 16. This is, ofcourse, only an
1.2 ~
+0.35dS approximate argument because the falling film is a wall jet, not a
u, = (17) free jet and the fluid is confined, not ofinfinite extent. However,
Pate1 (1971)showed that the velocity distributions in a wall jet on
1 + 1.2 ~
1- (YT the side of the velocity maximum away from the wall can be
estimated as in a free jet. Since the falling film is so thin, the
Using (16) the liquid velocity equals approximations used above become quite reasonable.
Entry Length for Churn Flow: Designate l E as the entry
length of pipe required to establish stable slug flow and there-
fore the region that one would observe churning. Consider a
Consider two consecutive Taylor bubbles (as shown in Figure coordinate x pointing downward from the trailing edge of the
4). The first (top) bubble moves at a velocity given by Equation leading Taylor bubble as in Figure 4. The velocity at the center
(15). The second (lower) bubble will move at the same speed of the pipe, U,,varies from U G atx = 0 to 1.2UL atx = 1s. Assume
when the slug length 1s is long enough so that the velocity profile exponential variation with x as follows
t, = ls [eolL1/fs - 11 (24)
where i takes successive values of 0, 1, 2 , 3 . . . . Lettinglu take
the sequence from 0 to 1~14,namely, k,= 1~14,1~18,1~116. . . 0 (29)
yields an infinite series for t i whose sum multiplied by UG yields
the estimated entrance length 1,. The drop size is determined by the balance between the impact
force of the gas that tends to shatter the drop and surface tension
forces that hold the drop together. Hinze (1955)showed that the
maximum stable drop size will be
O = 5.1 c m - 10
- 0.10
il I I I I
UGs( m/sec)
This simple criterion shows the transition to the annular pattern
As suggested by Turner et al. (1969) values of I< = 30 and c d =
is independent of liquid flow rate and pipe diameter. For
0.44 were selected. Note that K and c d appear in the power of
water-air at 25"C, 10 N/cm2this velocity is calculated tobe about
%. Thus, the result for U G is quite insensitive to their exact
15 m/sec, and the transition boundary is plotted as a vertical line
in Figures 2 and 3 designated as curve E. The dimensionless
The gas velocity given by Equation (31) will predict the
group in Equation (32) is recognized as the Kutataledze number.
minimum value below which stable annular flow will not exist.
Equation (32) is almost identical to the empirical results of
While this analysis is applied to the droplets within the gas core,
Pushkin and Sorokin (1959), who determined the air velocity
the same treatment can be usedfor the crests ofthe waves on the
necessary to lift the liquid film for flooding experiments in tubes
rising film, which are pictured as being supported by the gas
varying from 6 to 309 mm in diameter. They correlated their
stream in a manner similar to the support of the liquid droplets.
I I I I .c I
I I I 10.0
I .o
I.o h
v) 0.1
0.I 3
Figure 7. Slug to churn transition comparison of theory with other maps Figure 8. Transition to annular flow comparison of theory with other maps
(see Figure 6 for legend). (see Figure 6 for legend).
Pushkin and Sorokin arrived at their result by dimensional
analysis and experiment, the above development places a BUBBLE I
theoretical basis under the result.
Fluid properties and pipe diameter enter into the transition
equations to differing degrees depending on the transition being h
considered. To illustrate this effect, the location of the transition Q)
boundaries are shown in Figure 5, for a crude oil-natural gas \
with natural gas at 0.05 gr/cu.cm with oil and gas viscosities of
0.5 and 0.015 cp. 9 0. 0 0 0 0
0.I I 10 100
Figure 9. Comparison with new data water-oir, 25°C. 10 N/cm2, D = 2.5
In Figures 6 through 8, each of the transitions predicted by cm, t = 13OD solid lines represent theory.
this theory are compared with published transition boundaries.
As discussed above, these published transition boundaries are
based on experimental data with little theoretical foundation. and magnitude between the theory and data curves as well as
The wide discrepancy in the location of these curves emphasizes between the various sets of data. In this region of high liquid
the role of observation and careful definition in the study of flow rate, the flow is extremely chaotic, and visual observations are
patterns. Location of curves in the published maps have been not very specific. Figures 9 and 10 show that the theoretical
based on experiments in pipes, ranging in size from 2.0-6.0 cm prediction of this transition is in excellent agreement with our
in diameter, and with air-water at low pressure. data taken in 2.5 and 5.0 cm diameter tubes.
Transition A and B (Figure 6). The theory presented here Theoretically predicted transitions for upflow have been
identifies two bubble-slug transitions. Large Taylor type bub- compared with the recommendations of many earlier investiga-
bles cannot exist above theoretical transition curve B due to tors whose results have been based primarily on experimental
turbulent dispersion. Transition to Taylor type bubbles or to measurements. There is considerable disagreement between
churn flow takes place to the right of theoretical transition curve the results of these various investigators. However, the theory
A. In the region between these two curves dispersed bubbles presented here is in satisfactory agreement with the weight of
should appear for 5.0 cm and larger diameter pipes and Taylor the earlier experimental results. In addition, comparisons with
bubbles should appear for 2.5 cm diameter pipes. "Bubble flow" new data taken in 2.5 and 5.0 cm tubes show good agreement,
has been used to describe the existence of both dispersed bub- since the theory was developed without the use of experimental
bles as well as Taylor bubbles that do not quite fill the pipe's data.
cross section area. Note that, except for the Govier and Aziz
curve, these two theoretical curves bound the range of the data.
It thus includes all possible descriptions. If one designates the
slug flow pattern only for these cases where Taylor bubbles
which nearly fill the pipe exist and rise with a velocity given by
Equation (15), then some of this ambiguity can be eliminated.
Figures 9 and 10 show experimental data taken in our labora-
tories in 2.5 and 5.0 cm tubes, which clearly demonstrate that
for 2.5 cm tubes the A transition does not exist while for 5.0 cm
tubes bubbly flow can be observed.
I .o