Clinical Manifestations of Children With COVID 19: A Systematic Review

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Clinical Manifestations of Children with COVID‐19: a Systematic Review

Article  in  Pediatric Pulmonology · June 2020

DOI: 10.1002/ppul.24885


41 538

5 authors, including:

Tiago Henrique de Souza José Antonio Hersan Nadal

University of Campinas University of Campinas


Roberto José Negrão Nogueira Marcelo Barciela Brandão

University of Campinas University of Campinas


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Received: 7 April 2020 | Accepted: 1 June 2020
DOI: 10.1002/ppul.24885


Clinical manifestations of children with COVID‐19:

A systematic review

Tiago H. de Souza MD, PhD1 | José A. Nadal MD, MSc1 |

Roberto J. N. Nogueira MD, PhD1,2 | Ricardo M. Pereira MD, PhD1 |
Marcelo B. Brandão MD, PhD1

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Department of
Pediatrics, State University of Campinas Abstract
(UNICAMP), Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
2 Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) outbreak is an
Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine
São Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas, São Paulo, unprecedented global public health challenge, leading to thousands of deaths every
day worldwide. Despite the epidemiological importance, clinical patterns of children
Correspondence with COVID‐19 remain unclear. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical,
Tiago Henrique de Souza, MD, PhD, Pediatric
laboratorial, and radiological characteristics of children with COVID‐19.
Intensive Care Unit, Department of Pediatrics,
State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), 126, Methods: The Medline database was searched between December 1st 2019 and
Tessália Vieira de Camargo Street, Campinas—
April 6th 2020. No language restrictions were applied. Inclusion criteria were (a)
SP 13083‐887, Brazil.
Email: [email protected] studied patients younger than 18 years old; (b) presented original data from cases of
COVID‐19 confirmed by reverse‐transcription polymerase chain reaction; and (c)
contained descriptions of clinical manifestations, laboratory tests, or radiological
Results: A total of 38 studies (1124 cases) were included. From all the cases, 1117
had their severity classified: 14.2% were asymptomatic, 36.3% were mild, 46.0%
were moderate, 2.1% were severe, and 1.2% were critical. The most prevalent
symptom was fever (47.5%), followed by cough (41.5%), nasal symptoms (11.2%),
diarrhea (8.1%), and nausea/vomiting (7.1%). One hundred forty‐five (36.9%) chil-
dren were diagnosed with pneumonia and 43 (10.9%) upper airway infections were
reported. Reduced lymphocyte count was reported in 12.9% of cases. Abnormalities
in computed tomography were reported in 63.0% of cases. The most prevalent
abnormalities reported were ground‐glass opacities, patchy shadows, and
consolidations. Only one death was reported.
Conclusions: Clinical manifestations of children with COVID‐19 differ widely from
adult cases. Fever and respiratory symptoms should not be considered a hallmark of
COVID‐19 in children.


children, coronavirus, COVID‐19, SARS‐CoV‐2

Abbreviations: CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; COVID‐19, Coronavirus disease 2019; CT, Computed tomography; SARS‐CoV‐2, Severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2; WHO, World Health Organization.

Pediatric Pulmonology. 2020;1–8. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC | 1


1 | INTRODUCTION COVID‐19 confirmed by reverse‐transcription polymerase chain re-

action; (c) contained descriptions of clinical manifestations, labora-
In late December 2019, Chinese authorities informed the World tory tests, or radiological examinations.
Health Organization (WHO) that, due to unknown cause, an outbreak
of pneumonia emerged in Wuhan, Hubei province. On 7 January 2020,
a new type of coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome cor- 2.2 | Data extraction
onavirus 2 [SARS‐CoV‐2]) was isolated, and later named “coronavirus
disease 2019” (abbreviated “COVID‐19”). The first death caused by A structured data extraction form was piloted and then used to ex-
COVID‐19 was on 9 January 2020, in Wuhan and since then more tract data from the reports of all included studies in duplicate and
than 370 000 cases and 16 000 deaths occurred worldwide.1 Cur- independently by two authors (THS and JAN). Discrepancies in ex-
rently, the death toll in Italy has far surpassed the number registered tracted data were resolved through discussion. The following data
in China, and the United States became the new COVID‐19 epicenter. were extracted, when available, from each selected article: first au-
In spite of stepped‐up efforts to contain the pandemic, the thor, publication year, study design, number of cases, gender, age,
number of affected patients and the death toll continue to rise. El- clinical manifestations, laboratory tests, radiological examinations,
derly patients infected with SARS‐CoV‐2 are at high risk to have and outcomes (discharged, still hospitalized, or death).
severe acute respiratory syndrome, complications, and death.2 Due When sufficient data were reported, the cases were classified
to unknown reasons, children with COVID‐19 appear to have a into the following clinical types9:
milder clinical course compared to adults, and reports of death are
scarce.3,4 However, the pediatric population may play a major role in 1. Asymptomatic infection: without any clinical symptoms and signs
the community spread of SARS‐CoV‐2. In addition to viral shedding in and the chest imaging is normal, while the SARS‐CoV‐2 nucleic
nasal secretions, there is evidence of fecal shedding for several acid test was positive or the serum‐specific antibody was retro-
weeks after diagnosis, which poses a challenge for infection control.5 spectively diagnosed as infection.
Despite the epidemiological importance, clinical patterns of children 2. Mild: symptoms of acute upper respiratory tract infection, in-
with COVID‐19 remain unclear. The WHO recommends testing all sus- cluding fever, fatigue, myalgia, cough, sore throat, runny nose, and
pected cases, however, children infected with SARS‐CoV‐2 may not sneezing. Physical examination shows the congestion of the
meet all the criteria required in the suspected case definition.6 The ob- pharynx and no auscultatory abnormalities. Some cases may have
jective of this study is to describe the clinical, laboratorial, and radiological no fever or have only digestive symptoms such as nausea,
characteristics of children with COVID‐19 reported in the literature. vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
3. Moderate: presented as pneumonia. Frequent fever and cough,
mostly dry cough, followed by productive cough, some may have
2 | METHODS wheezing, but no obvious hypoxemia or shortness of breath, and
lung auscultation may have rhonchi or dry stertor and/or wet
This review was performed in accordance with the Preferred Re- stertor. Some cases may have no.
porting Items for Systematic and Meta‐Analysis statement.7,8 The 4. clinical signs and symptoms, but chest computed tomography (CT)
Medline database was searched using the following search strategy: shows lung lesions, which are subclinical.
((((COVID‐19) OR coronavirus) OR SARS‐CoV‐2)) AND (((((((pedia- 5. Severe: early respiratory symptoms such as fever and cough, may
trics) OR children) OR neonates) OR child) OR neonate) OR infant) OR be accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea.
infants). No language restrictions were applied. Articles published The disease usually progresses around 1 week, and dyspnea oc-
between December 1st 2019 and April 7th 2020 were evaluated for curs, with central cyanosis. Oxygen saturation is less than 92%,
inclusion. No attempts were made to contact the study authors for with other hypoxia manifestations.
identifying missing and confusing data. A manual search of the refer- 6. Critical: children can quickly progress to acute respiratory dis-
ences found in the selected articles and reviews was also performed. tress syndrome or respiratory failure, and may also have shock,
encephalopathy, myocardial injury or heart failure, coagulation
dysfunction, and acute kidney injury, including multiple organ
2.1 | Study selection dysfunction.

Two authors (THS and JAN) screened the titles and abstracts in-
dependently and in duplicate for potential eligibility. They subse- 3 | RE SU LTS
quently read the full texts to determine final eligibility. Discrepancies
were resolved through discussion and consensus, and if necessary, 3.1 | Study selection and characteristics
the assistance of a third author (MBB) was sought.
Eligible studies fulfilled the following criteria: (a) studied patients Of 293 potentially relevant articles identified by the search strategy,
younger than 18 years old; (b) presented original data from cases of 38 met the inclusion criteria. A total of 1117 descriptions of pediatric

F I G U R E 1 PRISMA flow diagram for study

selection. PRISMA, Preferred Reporting Items
for Systematic and Meta‐Analysis [Color
figure can be viewed at]

cases3,5,10‐40 and seven neonate cases41‐45 of COVID‐19 were

obtained, including 643 males, 478 females, and three undisclosed.
The flow diagram (Figure 1) summarizes the steps followed to iden-
tify the studies meeting the inclusion criteria.
Twenty studies were case reports,20‐28,31,32,35,37‐43,45 11 were case
series5,15‐19,29,30,33,34,44 and six were retrospective studies.3,10‐14,36 With
the exception of five multicenter studies,5,10‐12,36 all others were
unicentric studies. Thirty‐three studies were conducted in
China,3,5,10‐22,24‐27,29,30,32‐37,39‐44 one in Italy,38 one in Iran,45 one in
Singapore,28 one in Korea,23 and one in Vietnam.31

3.2 | Severity of illness

A total of 1117 cases had their severity classified based on the

reported clinical data. One hundred fifty‐nine (14.2%) cases were
asymptomatic, 406 (36.3%) were mild, 514 (46.0%) were moderate,
25 (2.1%) were severe, and 13 (1.2%) were critical cases. The severity
of illness of the reported cases is illustrated in Figure 2. Details on
the ventilatory support used were described in 10 critical cases
(nine children and one newborn).3,12,16,27,43 Eight children underwent
invasive mechanical ventilation and one premature newborn who
suffered fetal distress received noninvasive ventilation.
Table 1 summarizes the severity of illness reported in each
F I G U R E 2 Severity of illness of the reported cases. COVID‐19,
included study. coronavirus disease 2019 [Color figure can be viewed at]

T A B L E 1 Severity of illness and characteristics of cases reported

Gender Severity of illness

Studies N Age Males Females Asymptomatic Mild Moderate Severe Critical NR

Dong et al20 731 10 ya 420 311 94 (12.9%) 315 (43.1%) 300 (41.0%) 15 (2.5%) 3 (0.4%) 1 (0.1%)

Lu et al3 171 6 y (1 d‐15 y)a 104 67 27 (15.7%) 33 (19.3%) 107 (62.6%) 1 (0.6%) 3 (1.7%)

Qiu et al29 36 8 y (1‐16 y)b 23 13 10 (27.7%) 7 (19.4%) 19 (52.8%)

Wang et al31 31 7 (6 mo‐17 y)b 15 16 4 (12.9%) 13 (41.9%) 14 (45.1%)

Zheng et al35 25 3 y (3 mo‐14 y)b 14 11 8 (32.0%) 15 (60.0%) 2 (8.0%)

Xia et al36 20 2 y (1 d‐14 y)a 13 7 19 (95.0%) 1 (5.0%)

Feng et al37 15 7 (4‐14 y)b 5 10 3 (20.0%) 12 (80.0%)

5 a
Cai et al 10 74 mo (3‐131 mo) 4 6 6 4
38 a
Wei et al 9 6 mo (1‐11 mo) 2 7 1 6 2
26 a
Su et al 9 4.5 y (11 mo‐9 y) 3 6 6 3
27 b
Zhou et al 9 1 y (7 mo‐3 y) 4 5 5 4
39 a
Sun et al 8 6.8 y (2 mo‐15 y) 6 2 5 3
40 b
Liu et al 6 3 y (1‐7 y) 2 4 4 1 1
10 a
Hu et al 5 8 y (5‐15 y) 3 2 4 1
23 a
Liu et al 5 5.9 y (7 mo‐13 y) 4 1 3 2
11 a
Liu et al 4 3 y (2 mo‐9 y) 2 2 1 3
Lou et al 3 6 mo/6 y/8 y 1 2 3
Zeng et al 3 neonates 3 2 1
Zhang et al 3 6 y/8 y/9 y 3 3
Li et al 2 4 y/4 y 1 1 1 1
Ji et al 2 15 y/9 y 2 2
Aghdam et al 1 15 d NR NR 1
Canarruto et al 1 32 d 1 1
Le et al 1 3 mo 1 1
Lin et al 1 7y 1 1
Pan et al 1 3y 1 1
Wang et al 1 19 d 1 1
Zhang et al 1 1 y 2 mo 1 1
Yu et al 1 neonate NR NR 1
Park et al 1 10 y 1 1
Cui et al 1 55 d 1 1
Tang et al 1 10 y 1 1
Zhang et al 1 3 mo 1
Cai et al 1 7y 1 1
Zeng et al 1 17 d 1 1
Chen et al 1 1y 1 1
Kam et al 1 6 mo 1 1
Chan et al 1 10 y 1 1

Total 1121 643 478 159 (14.2%) 406 (36.3%) 514 (46.0%) 25 (2.1%) 13 (1.2%) 4

Note: NR = not reported.

Value expressed as mean (range).
Value expressed as median (range).

3.3 | Clinical manifestations 29 (16.6%) were decreased, and 132 (75.8%) were within normal ranges.
Normal or elevated lymphocytes counts were detailed in 28 studies,
The most prevalent symptom was fever, reported in 47.5% of the cases, involving 154 cases.11,13,16,17,19,21‐43,45 Normal lymphocyte counts were
followed by cough (41.5%), nasal symptoms (11.2%), diarrhea (8.1%), reported in 69.5% and elevated in 11.7% of cases. Reduced lymphocyte
nausea/vomiting (7.1%), fatigue (5.0%), and respiratory distress (3.5%). counts were reported in 45 of 350 (12.9%) cases.3,11‐13,16,17,19,21‐43,45
The nasal symptoms described were runny nose and nasal congestion, Zheng et al12 reported a median white blood cell count of 6.2 × 109/L
symptoms of loss of smell were not described. One hundred forty‐five (interquartile range [IQR]: 4.30‐9.85) and median lymphocyte count of
(36.9%) children were diagnosed with pneumonia and 43 (10.9%) upper 2.19 × 109/L (IQR: 1.15‐3.31) of 25 pediatric patients.
airway infections were reported. Amongst the most common clinical Normal or decreased platelet counts were detailed in 15 studies,
signs described were pharyngeal erythema (20.6%), tachycardia (18.6%), involving 32 cases.16,23‐25,27,29,31‐33,35,37,39‐41,45 Normal platelet
and tachypnea (13.4%) on admission. All the clinical manifestations re- counts were reported in 78.1% (22/32) and decreased in 3.2% (1/32)
ported in the selected studies and their relative frequencies are de- of cases. Increased platelet counts were reported in 6 of 63 (9.5%)
scribed in Table 2. All clinical manifestations described in each study are cases.11,16,23‐25,27,29,31‐33,35,37,39‐41,45
presented in E‐Table 1 in the Supporting Information. Elevated C‐reactive protein (CRP) levels were described in 59 of 305
cases (19.3%), reported in 25 studies.3,11,13,16,19‐24,26,27,29,31‐37,39‐42,45
Zheng et al12 reported a median CRP level of 15.5 mg/dL (IQR: 0.93‐
3.4 | Laboratorial characteristics 25.04) in 25 cases, and Cai et al5 a median of 7.5 mg/dL in 10 cases.
Procalcitonin levels were elevated in 139 of 279 cases (49.8%),
Twenty‐nine studies detailed the white blood cell count of reported in 16 studies.3,11,13,16,24,26,27,31,33,36,37,39‐43 Cai et al5
174 cases.11,13,14,16‐19,21‐43,45 Of these, 13 (7.5%) were elevated, reported a median procalcitonin level of 0.07 ng/dL in 10 cases.
Increased liver enzymes were described in 56 of 292 cases
T A B L E 2 Distributions of clinical manifestations of children with (19.2%), reported in 16 studies.3,11,13,16,21,24,27,29,31,33‐37,39‐41,43
COVID‐19 described in the selected studies Zheng et al12 reported a median alanine aminotransferase of

Clinical manifestations Frequency of occurrencea 12 U/L in 25 cases, and Cai et al5 a median alanine aminotransferase
and aspartate aminotransferase level of 18.5 U/L and 27.7 U/L,
Fever 187 (47.5%)
respectively, in 10 cases.
Cough 163 (41.5%) Nine studies described 70 cases tested for coinfections
Pneumonia 145 (36.9%) with other pathogens, of which 19 were positive
Pharyngeal erythema 81 (20.6%) (27.1%).5,12,13,16,19,26,34,37,41 Two patients were reported with
influenza A, five with influenza B, three with respiratory syncytial
Tachycardia on admission 73 (18.6%)
virus (RSV), one with cytomegalovirus, seven with Mycoplasma
Tachypnea on admission 53 (13.4%)
pneumoniae and one with Enterobacter aerogenes.
Nasal symptoms 44 (11.2%)

Upper airway infections 43 (10.9%)

Diarrhea 32 (8.1%)
3.5 | Radiological features

Nausea/Vomiting 28 (7.1%)
Twenty‐seven studies reported 184 cases which underwent chest
Fatigue 20 (5.0%) CT.3,11‐14,16‐27,29,30,32,34‐36,39‐42 One hundred sixteen (63.0%)
Respiratory distress 14 (3.5%) CT scans presented abnormalities. The most prevalent abnormalities

Sore throat 10 (2.5%) reported were ground‐glass opacities, patchy shadows, and
consolidations. In the study of Lu et al3 involving 171 cases,
Respiratory failure 7 (1.8%)
ground‐glass opacities and patchy shadowings were observed in
Creptations 6 (1.5%) 32.7% and 31% of cases, respectively.3 Pleural effusion was observed
Sputum 6 (1.5%) in a 2‐month‐old child with simultaneous RSV and SARS‐CoV‐2
Hypoxemia 5 (1.3%) infections.19

Abdominal pain 2 (0.5%)

Sneezing 2 (0.5%)
3.6 | Outcomes
Cyanosis 2 (0.5%)

Lymphadenopathy 1(0.2%) Clinical outcomes of death, discharged or still hospitalized were

described for 371 cases in 32 studies.3,5,11‐14,16‐18,20‐29,31,33‐42,44,45
Abbreviation: COVID‐19, coronavirus disease 2019.
Expressed in absolute number and percentage in relation to the total of Of these, 62 cases were still hospitalized when studies were
cases in which clinical manifestations were described (n = 393). submitted, 308 were discharged and one died.

4 | D I S C U S SI O N the selected studies. Descriptions of chest X‐rays of pediatric cases are

scarce and would be useful for resource‐limited settings.
In our study, we described the main clinical, laboratorial, and Our study has some limitations. First, data from the same patient
radiological characteristics of children infected with SARS‐CoV‐2 may have been presented in more than one included study. Second,
reported in the literature. It was observed that only a small the majority of data are from China, and may not be generalized for
proportion of infected children became severely or critically ill. About other populations. Third, the presented results are from patients who
half of the children with COVID‐19 were asymptomatic or mild cases, presented to medical attention and likely overestimate the severity
and several were classified as moderate due to radiological ab- of illness in children. Fourth, this study could not describe patient
normalities in spite of their mild clinical manifestations. The prog- comorbidities or hospitalization rates, which would be helpful data
nosis seems to be very good, with recovery described in the vast for clinicians. Finally, at the time this manuscript was completed
majority of reported cases. Only one death was reported in the there was no report of children with a multisystem inflammatory
included studies, a 10‐month‐old child with intussusception.3 condition related to SARS‐CoV‐2 infection.
Since COVID‐19 has a favorable clinical course in children, the
importance of pediatric cases is mainly due to epidemiological issues.46
Despite being mild or asymptomatic cases, prolonged viral shedding in 5 | C O N CL U S I O N
stool and nasal secretions made children possible facilitators of viral
transmission.5,47 In the study of Xu et al,47 8 of 10 children with The vast majority of children with COVID‐19 have a favorable clinical
SARS‐CoV02 had persistently positive rectal swabs even after their course and their clinical manifestations differ widely from adult cases.
nasopharyngeal tests were negative. This raises concerns about the Fever and respiratory symptoms should not be considered a hallmark of
possibility of a fecal‐oral route of transmission. The role of children in COVID‐19 in children. Therefore, pediatricians should have a high level
the transmission chain needs to be urgently clarified to establish social of clinical suspicion to diagnose children infected with SARS‐Cov‐2, as
and public health policies for the protection of vulnerable populations, the majority of pediatric cases are asymptomatic or mild. Regardless of
such as the elderly and people with comorbidities. the favorable prognosis, it is important that the child's role in the con-
Testing of people who meet the COVID‐19 suspected case defi- tamination chain is precisely established and considered.
nition is essential for clinical management and outbreak control. The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that AC KNO WL EDG M EN TS
clinicians should decide to test patients based on the presence of signs The authors thank Carolina Grotta Ramos Telio for her review of the
and symptoms compatible with COVID‐19. The WHO, CDC, and manuscript.
several other government health agencies emphasize fever and re-
spiratory symptoms in the criteria for suspected cases, however, we CON F LI CT OF IN TE RES T S
observed in our study that only 47.5% of pediatric cases had fever.48,49 The authors declare that there are no conflict of interests.
Since many are asymptomatic or mild cases, children may not be
tested as often as adults, leading to an underestimate of the true AU TH OR CO NTRIB UTION
numbers of infected people and increased transmission of the virus. Tiago Henrique de Souza conceptualized and designed the study,
Guan et al4 demonstrated pronounced lymphopenia in adults drafted the initial manuscript, and reviewed and revised the manu-
with COVID‐19, especially in severe cases, where the observed script. Tiago Henrique de Souza and José Antonio Hersan Nadal
prevalence was 96.1%. Some authors even suggest that lymphopenia designed the data collection instruments, collected data, carried out
is a predictor of prognosis in adult patients with COVID‐19.50 In our the initial analyses, and reviewed and revised the manuscript.
study, decreased lymphocyte count was described in only 12.9% of Roberto José Negrão Nogueira, Ricardo Mendes Pereira, and
infected children, in contrast to adults, in which 80% of the non- Marcelo Barciela Brandão coordinated and supervised data collec-
severe cases have lymphopenia. Therefore, lymphopenia may not be tion, and critically reviewed the manuscript for important intellectual
a reliable indicator of COVID‐19 in children. content. All authors approved the final manuscript as submitted and
We observed that a significant number of children with COVID‐19 agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
were also infected with other pathogens. Similar results have been
published involving adults.51 Kim et al51 observed that 20.7% of the ORCI D
116 specimens positive for SARS‐CoV‐2 were positive for one or more Tiago H. de Souza
additional pathogens. Based on these results, the identification of other
respiratory pathogens during the COVID‐19 pandemic does not rule out
SARS‐CoV‐2 infection.
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