Asbmb Certification Exam Example Questions

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February 14, 2018

Diane Dean
Daniel Dries
Peter Kennelly
Victoria Moore
Ludmila Tyler


The following sample questions have been prepared to assist students and their instructors in
familiarizing themselves with the focus and format of the ASBMB Certification Exam for
Baccalaureate Degrees in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. Questions are grouped by core
concept area and are accompanied by an answer key that describes the features of a Highly
Proficient response. In the rationale section, we have tried to provide additional information
illustrating the linkage between the question and fundamental concepts and skills in biochemistry
and molecular biology.

These questions are provided for informational purposes only. They are not to be distributed, in
part or whole, to outside parties or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and
retrieval system, without express permission in writing from ASBMB.
CONCEPT AREA: Energy and metabolism.

1. Explain why, when the two molecules shown below are metabolized, the quantity of ATP
generated is greater for lauric acid [Figure B] than for maltose [Figure A].

Figure A

Figure B

The carbon atoms in lauric acid are, on average, more highly reduced than those in maltose.
Oxidation of lauric acid yields more electrons than does the oxidation of maltose.
The oxidation of lauric acid supplies more electrons to the electron transport chain.
Oxidation of lauric acid reduces more molecules of NAD+ to NADH than does the oxidation of

The entire basis of bioenergetics is the generation of reduced or partially reduced carbon atoms
via photosynthesis and their subsequent oxidation by non-photosynthetic organisms. For the
latter, there is a strict relationship between the oxidation state of the carbon atoms in a given
nutrient and the yield of ATP from oxidative phosphorylation (since the number of protons
translocated is dependent upon the quantity of electrons donated to the electron transport
chain). Metabolism only makes sense if one understands the relationship between the
oxidation states of carbon and the generation of the pH gradient that powers ATP synthase,
also known as the F1F0-ATPase. The purpose of this question is to probe whether students
grasp this basic core concept that underlies bioenergetics and provides the thermodynamic
rationale for the sequences of enzyme-catalyzed steps that take place in core metabolic
pathways such as the TCA cycle, fatty acid biosynthesis, and beta-oxidation.
CONCEPT AREA: Energy and metabolism.

2. The final reaction of the citric acid cycle (see reaction below) has a standard free energy
change (∆G°’) of +29.7kJ/mol. Describe two specific ways cells drive this reaction forward.

When acetyl-CoA is available, the oxaloacetate produced by malate dehydrogenase is rapidly
converted to citrate (a thermodynamically favorable reaction), which drives down the
concentration of oxaloacetate and pulls the reaction to the right. In addition, this reaction is
driven forward by the very low concentration of NADH and the higher concentration of NAD +.
[NADH] in the mitochondria is kept very low by continual reaction with the electron transport
chain. Thus the reaction is driven forward by the electron transport chain functioning and
keeping the [NADH] very low.

This question is designed to probe the student’s understanding of how the conditions existing
inside a cell impact the thermodynamics of enzyme-catalyzed reactions. In this case, while ∆G°’
is unfavorable, this value applies to a specific circumstance in which 1) all reactants are present
in equal, 1 M, concentrations; 2) the reaction takes place in isolation; and 3) the pH is fixed at
7.0 (symbolized by the prime symbol [‘]).

1) Inside the cell the concentrations of substrates and products generally fall at or below
the millimolar range. Not only is this well below the 1M used to calculate the standard
free energy, but for any given enzyme-catalyzed reaction the physiological levels of
substrates and products are rarely equal to one another. For a typical enzyme-catalyzed


the actual free energy change, ∆G, under non-standard conditions can be calculated
from the standard free energy as follows:

∆G = ∆G°’ + RT ln [P][Q]/[A][B]
or, in this case

∆G = ∆G°’ + RT ln[Oxaloacetate][NADH]/ [L-Malate][NAD+]

[Note that ∆G°’ is determined at a pH of 7.0; therefore, the concentration of protons has
already been accounted for.] The ratio of [NADH] to [NAD+] thus can significantly
influence ∆G.

2) Inside the cell, metabolic reactions do not take place in isolation. In most cases the
“product(s)” of a given enzyme-catalyzed reaction are oftentimes the “substrate(s)” for
another enzyme in a biochemical pathway or cycle. Thus, as soon as these products
appear, they are siphoned away through their chemical transformation via a subsequent
enzyme-catalyzed reaction. Under such circumstances, the resulting reduction in the
concentration of the reaction product(s) will pull the equilibrium to the right, as
described by the equations above, enabling many seemingly thermodynamically
unfavorable enzyme-catalyzed reactions to proceed at a useful rate in vivo.
CONCEPT AREA: Energy and metabolism

3. The equilibrium constant for the reaction catalyzed by UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase is

approximately one (1.0):

How does the presence of the enzyme inorganic pyrophosphatase in our cells increase the
yield of UDP-glucose beyond that obtainable with UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase alone?

By hydrolyzing one of the products of the reaction, inorganic pyrophosphate, and driving its
concentration downwards, the net effect is to shift or pull the equilibrium to the right, in favor of the
synthesis of more UDP-glucose.

One of the major challenges faced by all living organisms is to devise ways to efficiently synthesize
molecules whose formation is, under normal circumstances, thermodynamically disfavored.
Understanding the mechanisms employed by living organisms to overcome or circumvent these barriers
is thus fundamental to understanding the form and logic behind enzyme reaction mechanisms and the
structure of many biochemical pathways. This problem probes student understanding of one of the
most widely used of these mechanisms, the destruction/transformation or removal of one reaction
product to promote the high-yield synthesis of a desired, but disfavored, product(s); the question
determines whether students can recognize an example of this mechanism in action and describe it in a
cogent manner.
CONCEPT AREA: Macromolecular structure-function-regulation.

4. Maximization of the entropy, and the consequent minimization of the free energy, of water
is the predominant thermodynamic driving force behind which of the following molecular
phenomena? Check all that apply:

a) Assembly of phospholipid bilayers _________

b) Assembly of glycogen particles _________

c) Protein folding _________

d) Formation of DNA double helix _________

e) Assembly of DNA and histones to form nucleosomes _________

f) Folding of transfer RNA _________

The correct choices are a), c), d) and f). Glycogen lacks the kind of amphipathic repeating unit
found in lipid bilayers, proteins, and polynucleotides. Nucleosome assembly is driven primarily
by charge-charge interactions.

Understanding how the interaction of biomolecules with water drives the folding of
biopolymers into complex three-dimensional conformations, as well as the assembly of most
macromolecular complexes, is fundamental to understanding numerous biochemical processes,
including DNA replication, transcription, protein structure-function, membrane assembly, etc.
The realization that this simple, universal phenomenon drives complexity — folding and
assembly — across a wide range of organic biomolecules provides a key insight into evolution
as a process driven by basic, comprehensible forces rather than a series of fantastically
improbable events.

It is extremely important that students understand that the forces that drive macromolecular
assembly and folding (hydrophobic effect, ionic bonds / salt bridges, hydrogen bonding) are
universal and agnostic. This point is sometimes obscured by the employment of artificial
constructs such as “protein folding”, which imply different “rules” apply to proteins versus
polynucleotides, etc.
CONCEPT AREA: Macromolecular structure-function-regulation.

5. The image below offers a schematic representation of the catalytic mechanism of the
pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. The prosthetic factor lipoamide (BLACK) is attached to
the enzyme dihydrolipoyl transacetylase (LAVENDER) through a lysine residue. Three
versions of the prosthetic factor as it participates in steps 2, 3, and 4 of the reaction
pathway are shown. What chemical entity or entities does lipoamide transfer/carry going
from step 3 to step 4?

H2 OR 2e- and 2 H+ OR H- plus H+

There are several ways one can reason out the answer to this question. The first is to compare
the status of the lipoamide moiety before and after step 4. Two –SH groups are transformed to
a disulfide S-S, losing two H atoms, the elements of hydrogen. Second is to look at the change
in the status of the flavin prosthetic group, which changes from FAD to FADH 2, adding the
elements of hydrogen. Third is to look at the ultimate product of step three, the reduction of
NAD+ to NADH + H+. Lastly, the name of the enzyme catalyzing step 3, dihydrolipoamide
dehydrogenase, provides a clear clue as to the type of reaction that is taking place.
It is important to note that this question can be answered without any prior knowledge of the
catalytic mechanism of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex.
CONCEPT AREA: Macromolecular structure-function-regulation.

6. The two molecules shown below have the same chemical formula, C4O2H8, and molecular
mass; yet the boiling points (B.P.) of liquids comprised of solely and entirely (100%) of these
compounds differ from one another by nearly 130°C.

Briefly explain why their boiling points are so different.

Molecules of the compound with the higher boiling point can hydrogen bond with one another,
whereas molecules of the compound with the lower boiling point cannot. Both molecules
possess oxygen atoms with lone pairs of electrons, but only the molecules on the right contain
an unshielded hydrogen atom [hydrogen atom bound to an electronegative atom like O or N]
available to engage these lone pairs to form a hydrogen bond.

Hydrogen bonding is a fundamental factor in the ability of water to serve as the molecule of
life, macromolecular folding and assembly, etc. This question probes a student’s understanding
of the structure and physicochemical impact of hydrogen bonding by presenting this concept in
an unfamiliar context – one in which water molecules are neither shown nor mentioned.

An error frequently encountered in questions of this type is the assumption that the question is
asking about the properties of a solution of these molecules in water, rather than the pure
liquids as intended.
CONCEPT AREA: Information storage and transfer.

7. The nucleotide base cytosine [C] can be deaminated in vivo to generate uracil [U]:

Cytosine Uridine

The table below gives the genetic code that determines the sequence of the polypeptide
encoded by a given messenger RNA. Predict the impact on the polypeptide product of an
mRNA molecule for which:

1. Cytosine deamination occurs in the codon for an asparagine residue:

KEY: No change. The amino acid sequence of the polypeptide product will be identical.

2. Cytosine deamination occurs in the codon for a glutamine residue:

KEY: Translation will stop, resulting in a shorter or truncated polypeptide.

This question requires students to demonstrate the basic, yet fundamental ability to accurately
translate the genetic code for the amino acids. In doing so, students will also be required to
recognize and correctly apply the concept of redundancy in the nucleotide triplets that specify
certain of the genetically-encoded amino acids.
CONCEPT AREA: Information storage and transfer.

8. One day, a graduate student working with all-white mice finds a single mouse with black
ears in the mouse colony. Standard practice in the colony is to clip the tails of all newborn mice
to provide tissue for genotype analysis. Using DNA from these tails clippings, the graduate
student compares the sequence of the agouti gene – known to influence coat color -- from the
black-eared mouse with the corresponding sequence from one of the all-white siblings of the
black-eared mouse. The researcher finds that the sequences for the agouti gene are identical.

Next, the graduate student analyzes DNA extracted from clippings taken from the ears of these
mice. While the sequence of the agouti gene from the ears of the all-white mouse matched
that from the tails of both the white- and black-eared mice, the gene from the black ear tissue
exhibited a mutation.

Confused, the student takes a third tissue for genotyping (toes) and once again finds that the
agouti gene sequences are identical to those from the tail tissue. The findings are summarized
in the table below:
Comparison of agouti gene
Tissue sequences reveals that the
two mice are genetically
Tail Identical (wild-type)
Toe Identical (wild-type)
Ear Different

The black-eared mouse was bred several times with multiple strains of white-eared mice. All of
its progeny displayed white ears that harbored a normal, wild-type agouti gene.

EXPLAIN in two to five sentences why the mutant agouti gene was not passed on to the
progeny of the black-eared mouse.

The fact that the mutation was found in some tissues but not others suggests that it is somatic
in nature. Somatic mutations occur locally (such as in the ear) in relatively mature,
differentiated cells. Germline mutations that occur in very early embryonic development
(gametes or blastomeres) are passed to tissues throughout the body. If a germline cell had been
affected, one would expect to see that the entire mouse would be black, not just the ears.
Since only the genes contained in sex / germline cells will be passed on to progeny, none of the
offspring will possess black ears (unless another, independent somatic mutation occurred).

This question probes students’ understanding of how the developmental and cellular context in
which a mutation takes place can influence the impact of the mutation. In order to be
successful, students need to recognize that, unlike a bacterium, organisms composed of
multiple, differentiated cell types will not automatically pass on genetic mutations to their
progeny and that the point in a developmental process at which a mutation takes place
determines what proportion of the cells / tissues in an organism will be impacted.
CONCEPT AREA: Information storage and transfer.

9. “Gene expression” is a term commonly used to identify the process by which the
information contained in a given gene is employed to synthesize the encoded protein product.
In many ways, the term “gene expression” is a misleadingly simple name for a multistep,
complex series of events. For each of the molecules or processes listed below, identify whether
they participate in the transcriptional, post-transcriptional, translational, or post-translational
stages of gene expression (Check one item for each):

Post- Post-
Transcriptional transcriptional Translational translational
mRNA splicing
Signal peptidase
mRNA deadenylases

Post- Post-
Transcriptional transcriptional Translational translational
mRNA splicing +++
Repressor +++
Signal peptidase +++
RNAi +++
mRNA deadenylases +++
Ribosome +++

Traditionally, gene expression has been taught as a two-stage process consisting of
transcription and translation. It is important, however, that students understand that
transcription and translation are not simple, monolithic processes of template-directed polymer
synthesis but rather complex and highly nuanced mosaics in which the nascent polymer
products must be processed in order to generate mature, functional mRNA and protein
products. Moreover, regulatory mechanisms impinging on these many steps determine not just
the timing and quantity of mRNA and protein synthesis, but also, through alternative splicing
and other events, the physical and functional nature of these key products. The objective of
this question is to probe the degree to which students appreciate the complexity of “gene
CONCEPT AREA: Scientific method and quantitative reasoning.

10. A novel microorganism is discovered near the South Pole whose proteins contain a novel
amino acid, Antarctine:


In order to map out the biosynthetic pathway responsible for the synthesis of Antarctine, Dr.
Science exposes the microorganism to a chemical mutagen and selects for Antarctine
auxotrophs (mutant microorganisms that can only grow if supplied with Antarctine in the
culture media). DNA sequencing of auxotrophs identifies a mutation in the gene XYZ147.

In order to verify that gene XYZ147 encodes an enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway for
Antarctine, Dr. Science transforms the mutant microorganism with an intact, wild-type copy of
gene XYZ147 carried on a plasmid. However, transformation with this plasmid fails to rescue
the mutant phenotype. The plasmid-containing mutant still requires Antarctine for growth.
Antibodies show that the copy of the gene XYZ147 that is carried on the plasmid produces
levels of the protein product comparable to levels found in the wild-type microorganism.

Describe two plausible explanations that might account for the failure of the plasmid to rescue
the mutant from its dependency on added Antarctine and that do not involve an error on the
part of Dr. Science.

A highly proficient answer would contain any two of the following:
- A second, undetected mutation exists in the microorganism.
- The effect of the mutation was pleiotropic, affecting not just XYZ147 but other genes
and their products as well.
- The protein expressed by the mutated form of gene XYZ147 exerts a dominant
negative effect that blocks rescue.

This question probes students’ ability to formulate testable hypotheses from experimental
data. In this example, the data set was kept as simple as possible — a plus or minus outcome
— in order to focus student time and attention on formulating plausible explanations rather
than crunching numbers. The question also was intentionally structured to suggest a variety of
potential explanations rather than just one, all-or-nothing answer, to enable students to draw
upon their individual perspective and strengths. The first explanation is technical in nature, the
second draws upon a fundamental aspect of gene organization, and the third emphasizes the
potential impact of gene products.
CONCEPT AREA: Scientific method and quantitative reasoning.

11. The structure of the amino acid histidine is shown below, along with the pKa’s of its acidic
and basic functional groups.

pKa of carboxyl group = 1.8

pKa of imidazole side chain = 6.0
pKa of amino group = 9.2

Estimate the net charge of the amino acid histidine to the nearest integer value (e.g. +5, not
+4.76) when dissolved in an aqueous solution buffered to a pH of:

pH = 4 _________

pH = 7.5 _________

pH = 11 _________

pH = 4 +1
pH = 7.5 0
pH = 11 -1

Understanding protonic equilibria and the ability to apply this concept to the behavior of
biomolecules is fundamentally important. The question above is intended to probe whether
the student has a good operational understanding of the relationship between pKa, pH, and
protonation/charge state. The choice of pKa’s and pH’s is designed to let the student think
through the problem without any need to resort to a calculator.
CONCEPT AREA: Scientific method and quantitative reasoning.

12. A scientist has cloned the genes encoding two potential transcription factors, factors T
alpha and T-beta into plasmid vectors. The first plasmid encodes factor T-alpha, while the
second encodes both T-alpha and T-beta. When bacteria were transformed with the first
plasmid, no increase in the expression of a reporter gene was observed. However, when the
second plasmid was used, expression of the reporter gene increased twenty-fold.

Analysis of the two bacterial strains indicated that both transcription factors were expressed at
similar levels and that the protein products were intact and properly folded.

Construct statements describing two hypotheses that plausibly explain the results observed.

1. Expression of the reporter gene requires T-beta, but not T-alpha.
2. Expression of the reporter gene requires the presence of both T-alpha and T-beta.

Or words to that effect...

Responses that take the form of a question, rather than stating a hypothesis, will be scored as
Not Yet Proficient.

Formulating hypotheses is one of the key tenets of the scientific method. This question
attempts to present a realistic, straightforward situation that places the focus squarely upon
the student’s ability to formulate a hypothesis rather than to interpret a large and confusing
mass of data. The use of the phrase “Construct statements…” is intended to cue students that
while hypotheses are tools used to answer questions, hypotheses themselves are not questions
but declarative statements.

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