Bulletin of The Tychonian Society (Number 44 - July 1987)
Bulletin of The Tychonian Society (Number 44 - July 1987)
Bulletin of The Tychonian Society (Number 44 - July 1987)
■■ \ ' ; : / / / by
. \ \ U ! ! / / ./ Robert Schadewald
X \ \ \ W - i i - / y
■■■ / / ; /
-v -i-. \ \ Wf \ l / • ./ / / When I first got interested in the flat-earth era more than a decade
ago, I was surprised to learn th a t flat—earthism in the English—spealdng
world is and always has been entirely based upon the Bible. I have
since assembled and read an extensive collection of fla t-e a rth literature.
The Biblical argum ents for flat-e arth ism th a t follow come mainly from
my reading of flat—earth literature, augm ented by my own reading of
the Bible.
Psalm 96:10: "He has fixed the earth firm, immovable ..."
Isaiah 45:18: who made the earth and fashioned it, and himself
fixed it fast ..."
scriptures commonly cited by geocentrists have also been cited by
fiat-e arth ers. Consider them subsumed. T he fia t-e a rth view is
geocentricity w ith further restrictions.
Like more conventional geocentrists, fia t-e a rth advocates often give
Number 44 — July, 1987 long lists of texts. Samuel Birley Rowbotham, founder of the modern
d u t-e a rth movement, citcd 76 scriptures in the last chapter of his
iiioiiumental sccond edition of Earlh not a Globe (1873, 3C4-395|.
A|K)stle Anton Darms, assistant to the Reverend W ilbur Glenn Voliva,
America’s best known flat-e arth er, compiled 50 questions about the
The F l> l-E w tk BIbla M
1:22—26 and once in Ezekiel 10:1. In each case the context requires a
literal vault or dome. The vault appears above the "living creatures" Deuteronomy 4:15—19 recognizes the god-like status of stars, noting
and glitters "like a sheet of ice." Above the vault is a throne of th at they were created for other peoples to worship.
sapphire (or lapis lazvli). Seated on the throne is "a form in human
likeness," which is radiant and "like the appearance of the glory of the S tars can fall from the skies according to Daniel 8:10 and M atthew
Lord." In short, Ezekiel saw a vision of God sitting throned on the 24:29. T he sam e idea is found in the following snippets from
vault of heaven, as described in Isaiah 40:22. Revelation 6:13-16:
The Shape of the Earth ... the s ta n in th e aky fell to the earth, like figi ihakcn down by a (ale; the
aky vanished, as a scroll is rolled up ... they called out to th e m ountains
Disregarding the dome, the essential flatness of the earth ’s surface is and th e crags, 'P a ll on us and hide u i from the face of the O ne who sits
required by verses like Daniel 4:10-11. Daniel "saw a tree of great on the throne ..."
height at the centre of the earth ... reaching with its top to the sky
and visible to the ea rth ’s farthest bounds." If the earth were flat, a
sufTiciently tali tree would be visible to "the earth ’s farthest bounds," This is consistent with the Hebrew cosmology previously described, b ut
but this is impossible on a spherical earth. Likewise, in describing the it is ludicrous in the light of modern astronomy. If one sta r — let
temptation of Jesus by Satan, Matthew 4:8 says, "Once again, the devil alone all the sta rs in the sky —"fell" on the earth, no one would be
look him to a very high m ountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of hollering from any m ountain o r crag. T he w riter considered the stars
the world (cojmosj in their glory." Obviously, this would be possible small objects, all of which could fall to the earth w ithout eradicating
only if the earth were flat. T he sam e is true of Revelation 1:7: human life. He also viewed the sky as a physical object. T he stars
■Behold, he is coming with the clouds! Every eye shall see him ..." are inside the sky, and they fall before the sky opens. When it is
whisked away, it reveals the One throned above (see Isaiah 40:22).
flat—earth book is its references to the earth ’s "corners." For example, earth ’s sphericity is the King Jam es version of Job 26:7, "He stretcheth
"After this, I saw four angels stationed at the four corners [gonia] of out the north ((^apAon) over the em pty place, and hangeth the earth
the earth holding back the four winds... (Revelation 7:1)." Spherical upon nothing (6e/iymahj.* (The New English Bible translates it, "God
apologists are quick to point out th a t the Greek gonia can refer to spreads the canopy of the sky over chaos and suspends earth in the
regions rather than points. Most translations of the Bible opt for void.") It is not clear w hat this means. T he Hebrew taaphon literally
points (the King Jam es version says "on the corners of the earth"), m eant hidden or dark, and it was used in reference to the northern
implying that the w riter viewed the habitable earth as a four-cornered regions. Beliymah literally means "nothing." T h at would contradict all
area. (This was indeed the way m any early churchmen interpreted it of the scriptures which say the earth rests on foundations, b u t th at
(Cosmas, 548). The modern flat—earth model doesn’t have literal interpretation is n ot necessary. We will return to Job 26:7 later.
corners.) The corners could, however, be those regions at the ends of
the earth referred to by Jerem iah: "(H)e brings up the mist from the Speaking of foundations, Gerardus Bouw, in an undated paper
ends of the earth, he opens rifts for the rain and brings the wind out entitled "The Form of the Earth," cites a barrage of scriptures about
of his storehouses (Jerem iah 51:16)." We shall return to the ends of the foundations of the earth or world as evidence for sphericity. All
the earth. (or nearly all) of these verses have traditionally been used by
flat-e arth ers to prove the earth flat. If one views the earth as an
The Biblical view of the universe is relatively clear and consistent. architectural stru ctu re with floor, curtain walls, ’and a roof, it is natural
Biblical statem ents bearing on cosmology are (with one possible to assume it has foundations (and, I might add, a cornerstone). Why a
exception yet to be discussed) consistent with the w ell-know n sphere would have foundations escapes me. Bouw’s argum ent th a t these
flat-earth cosmologies of the ancient Near East, but they are often scriptures refer to the earth ’s core seems strained at best. Also
flatly contradicted by modern science. How do spherical apologists strained is Bouw’s interpretation of "the ends of the earth" as the
reply? points m ost d istan t from Jerusalem, and his identification of the
Chukchi Peninsula of the Soviet Union, Alaska, Cape Horn, and the
souteastern tip of Australia as the "four corners" of the earth..
Spherical Apologetics
Bouw’s m ost interesting argum ent for sphericity b based on the
Those who claim Biblical support for a spherical earth typically gospel of Luke. He compares the King Jam es version of Luke 17:31
ignore this forest of consistency and focus on one or two aberrant trees. and 17:34. The form er says "In th at day, he which shall be upon the
Some take refuge in audacity. Henry Morris, president of the Institute house top..." and the latter "in that night there shall be two men in
for Creation Research, cites one of the more explicitly flat—earth verses one bed..." (italics added). ‘ Bouw then cites 1 Corinthians 15:52 to
in the Old Testam ent — Isaiah 40:22, the "grasshopper" verse quoted argue th a t the events are simultaneous, claiming sim ultaneity is possible
earlier - as evidence for the sphericity of the earth. Quoting the King only on a spherical earth. First of all, the latter claim is wrong. T he
James version — "he sitteth upon the circle of the earth" — Morris modern (though not the ancient) fla t-e a rth model has day and night
ignores the context and the grasshoppers and claims "circle" should occurring sim ultaneously at different points on earth. Second, the
read "sphericity" o r "roundness" (1956, 8], This divide and conquer Greek hem tra was used much like the English "day." It could mean
strategy is poor scholarship and worse logic. the daylight hours, a 2 4 -h o u r day, o r (figuratively) an epoch of
unspecified length. Third, Luke appears to have been writing
Heroic efforts have been m ade by apologists to explain away the figuratively, and citing Paul to prove otherwise begs the question.
prmament, which encloses the celestial bodies, has w aters above it, and
u a masterpiece proving the C reator’s craftsmanship. The late Harold One more spherical argum ent deserves notice. T he 1985 National
W. Arm strong argued that it is em pty Newtonian space, and th a t the Creation Conference in Cleveland ended with a formal debate on the
"waters above" still surround the edges of the universe, though perhaps relative m erits of heliocentricity and geocentricity. Richard Niessen of
. not in liquid form (1979, 20). T his simply ignores difficulties and Christian Heritage College, defending the Copernican view, remarked
invents evidence. G erardus Bouw tried to identify the firm am ent as a th a t the Bible teaches a spherical earth because it treats north and
mathematical plenum (1987). In my view, it is a grave error to south as absolutes, but east and west as relative. As evidence of the
reinterpret ancient docum ents to force their authors to speak with latter, he cited Psalm 103:12 which says, "As far as the east is from
modern voices. Gary Zukov (1979) and Fritjof C apra (19761, for the west, so far has he put our offences from us." Again, the modern
instance, read modern physics into the teachings of eastern mysticism. fla t-e a rth mo<lel holds th a t north and south are absolutes, but east and
I consider all such attem pts equally suspect. wc.st are relative. In the ancient fla t-e a rlh model, however, east and
west were about as far apart as you could get, which seems to be the
Perhaps the scripture most frequently offered as evidence of the image Psalm 103:12 was intended to invoke.
The F U t- E * itk BIbk 9S
The openings in the vault of heaven in the east and west are matched
to the seasons. On the longest day of the year, the sun rises and sets
Tbe r U t- E u U Bible u
u BuU ello o f th e T jr c k o n lu Soctetjf
Morris, Henry M., 1956. The Bible and Modern Science. Revised
edition. Chicago: Moody Press.
From their geographical and historical context, one would expect the
ancient Hebrews to have a flat—earth cosmology. Indeed, from the very Rowbotham, Samuel Birley, 1873. Earth Not a Globe. London; John
beginning, u ltra-o rth o d o x Christians have been flat-e arth ers, arguing B. Day. 2nd edition.
that to believe otherwise is to deny the literal tru th of the Bible. The
flat—earth implications of the Bible were rediscovered and popularized Shanks, Hershel, 1987. "Don’t Let the Pseudepigrapha Scare You,"
by English-speaking Christians in the raid—19th century. Liberal Bible Review, v. 3, n. 2 (Summer 1987), pp. 14-19, 3 4 -3 7 .
scriptural scholars later derived the sam e view. Thus, students with
remarkably disparate points of view independently concluded th at the Strong, James, 1894. The Exhauative Concordance o f the Bible.
ancient Hebrews had a fla t-e a rth cosmology, often deriving this view Reprint. Nashville: Abington Press, 1978.
from scripture alone. T heir conclusions were dram atically confirmed by
the rediscovery of 1 Enoch. Zukov, Gary, 1979. The Dancing Wu L i Maatera. New York: William
Morrow and Company, Inc.