Security Education Security Survey Security Inspection Security Investigation

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What is this? Security Education takes into account Security Survey is a foreign Security Inspection is a foreign Security Investigation determines
what knowledge and training have intelligence service that assists intelligence service that determines the cause of the incident and the
accomplished and attempts to assess how commanders in assessing the whether existing security policies extent to which it harmed or
well individuals have grasped security security measures needed to and procedures are being followed. threatened the protection of
procedures through assessments and protect critical facilities from persons, documents, or properties.
simulations. The result determines the sabotage, espionage, subversion,
level of ability and experience attained, as and unauthorized disclosure or
well as how much more training access to sensitive defense
awareness is needed. information or content.
Who conducts this? IT and Security Professionals Survey Team Personnel Security Inspector Security Investigators
Phases and/or procedures 1. Have a written Security Policy and 1. As directed or demanded. It 1. Check of all entrances and 1. Look for the immediate
make it readily accessible. needs: exists. security action
2. Give all workers a deadline for  An organization's or 2. Check of guards and duty 2. Plan the security
completing a mandatory (online) installation's activation. personnel. investigation
Security Awareness Course.  An agency or installation is 3. Check for possibility of 3. Data collection
3. Make this Security Awareness Course reactivated. unauthorized access to 4. Data analysis
a part of each new employee's  Significant changes to the installation. 5. Implement corrective
onboarding phase. installation's mission, 4. Check of clearance records. actions
4. Continued testing would keep all staff personnel, structures, or real 5. Check of receipting and 6. Report security
on their toes, with protection as a top estate. handling of classified material. investigation
priority. 2. Appointment of initial briefing 6. Check for possibility of
5. Never publicly name an employee which includes the installation's unauthorized storage of
who fails a simulated attack; instead, security officer facilitated this. classified material.
discuss it with their boss or HR. 3. Selection of security personnel.
4. Checking of file of
counterintelligence units.
5. Analyzing existing security.
6. Final briefing.
7. Reporting of security survey.
Tools Security Awareness Training (SAT) like Security assessment tools and Physical security, Security personnel
Proofpoint Security Awareness Training, survey tool and security information
Hook PsySec Security Awareness Training,
Inspired eLearning and IRONSCALES.

Type/Kind 1. Classroom-based training 1. Wireless security survey 1. Announced. 1. Personnel security

2. Visual aids (including video) a. Purpose investigation
3. Through simulated attacks b. Normally conducted on 2. Security incident
4. Computer-based training a recurring schedule. investigation
2. Unannounced. 3. Security background
a. Purpose investigation
b. Normally conducted 4.
during non-duty hours
3. Penetration.
a. Purpose
b. Scope must include all
facts of security
inspection or limited to
penetration mission.

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