Listening Skills Practice: Man or Beast? - Exercises: Preparation

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Listening skills practice: Man or beast?

– exercises
Listen to the radio programme about Being a Beast by Charles Foster and do the exercises to practise and
improve your listening skills.

Match the words and expressions with the correct definition and write a–h next to the numbers 1–8.

1…….. a badger a. a large animal with brownish red fur; the male has antlers

a shy animal with a black and white striped face that is

2…….. a fox b.
active at night

3…….. an earthworm c. an animal with short brown fur that swims well and eats fish

4…….. a red deer d. a dog-like wild animal with reddish fur

a small bird with curved wings that can fly very fast and
5…….. an otter e.
makes a screaming noise

a small animal with a thick, bushy tail which climbs trees

6…….. a swift f.
and eats nuts

7…….. a squirrel g. a very common small animal with a long tail

a very small creature with no bones, arms or legs which

8…….. a mouse (plural: mice) h.
lives in soil

1. Check your understanding: ordering

In what order does the reviewer describe Charles Foster’s experiences with these creatures? Write a
number (1–6).

…………. red deer

…………. earthworm

…………. otter

…………. swift

…………. fox

…………. badger
2. Check your understanding: multiple choice
Circle the best answer or option.

1. What kind of book is being discussed?

a. a philosophy textbook
b. a mixture of different genres
c. a fascinating novel
2. Charles Foster decided to try and live as different animals because …
a. he wanted to understand how they live.
b. he was doing research into animals.
c. he was tired of living as a human being.
3. According to Foster, children are better than adults at living like animals because …
a. they are more physically agile.
b. they are more sociable.
c. they rely on their senses of sight and smell more.
4. What was Foster’s greatest problem with living as an otter?
a. He didn’t like spending hours in the water.
b. He wasn’t able to catch fish in his mouth.
c. It’s difficult to recreate the otter’s preoccupation with food.
5. Foster felt his experience living as a red deer …
a. was not very successful.
b. taught him the most about animals.
c. taught him more about another animal than the deer.
6. Why was Foster questioned by a policeman in London?
a. He was stealing food from bins.
b. He was sleeping in a public place.
c. He was pretending to be a fox.
7. Foster felt a great respect for foxes because …
a. they can survive in an urban environment.
b. he formed a relationship with one.
c. they are good at finding food anywhere.
8. Jon recommends the book Being a Beast because …
a. it’s funny.
b. it contains a lot of detailed information about animals.
c. it can help us understand what it means to be human.


What do you think of Charles Foster’s experiment?

Would you like to read the book?
If you were an animal, what would you like to be? Why?

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