Grade 7 4th Quarter 4-6 Week

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Name:__________________________________ Date: __________

Grade & Section: _________________________ Score: _________

Grade 7 Mathematics
Fourth Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 5

Activity Title : Graphs

Learning Competency: Uses appropriate graphs to represent organized data: pie chart, bar graph,
line graph, histogram, and ogive. (M7SP-IVd-e-1)
Reference : Grade 7 LM , Math World 7 pp. 326- 331.

There are many ways in presenting data, it could be through tabular form, textual presentation or
through graphical representation.

Graphical- visual representations of data. It is a picture that displays numerical information.

Types of Graph

1. Line graph is a graph that uses line segments to show the quantitative changes or trend in a
given set of data over a period of time. Usually, one of the quantities of a data in a line graph is
time and is plotted along the vertical axis.

Steps in constructing a line graph:

1. Give the title of the line graph.
2. Draw the horizontal and the vertical axes.
3. Determine the scale interval on the axes and then label the graph.
4. Plot a point to represent each entry in the data.
5. Join the successive points using the line segments.

Example of line graph which shows the changes in temperature (in degree Celsius) over a certain
week in Quezon City.
Monday – 25ºC Tuesday - 30ºC Wednesday - 32ºC Thursday - 35ºC
Friday - 20ºC Saturday - 30ºC Sunday - 35ºC

Changes in Temperature over a Week in Quezon City


Mon. Tue. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.

The line graph shows that the temperature is increasing over a week.
2. Bar graph is a graphical presentation of data using bars which can be drawn either horizontally
or vertically.

Steps in constructing bar graph.

1. Give the title of the bar graph.
2. Determine the label for each axis of the graph.
3. Decide if a vertical or horizontal bar graph will be used.
4. Draw bars with the same width and space them evenly on one axis. The height of the bar
corresponds to the frequency of the data.

The donation by each year level in a high school for the victims of typhoon Yolanda which happened
last November 2013 are as follows: First year- Php 1,000,Second year- Php 650, Third year –Php
850, and Fourth year-Php 400.

In a vertical bar graph, let the vertical axis represent the amount donated and the horizontal
axis the year level which donated the amount.


Amount of Donation





Year Level

Donation of Typhoon Victims

The bar graph shows that the first year students donated the highest amount of Php 1,000
and the fourth year students donated the least amount of Php 400.

3. Pie graph is a graph in the form of a circle divided into sectors whose relative areas represent
the frequencies of the given set of data.

Steps in constructing a pie graph.

1. Give the title of the pie graph
2. Compute the angle of each sector by using the formula
Degrees = frequency × 360º
3. Convert each frequency to a percentage using the formula
% = frequency × 100
4. Draw a circle and use a protractor and ruler to divide it according to the angle of each sector.
5. Label all sectors by writing the name and the corresponding percentage.
For school year 2013-2014, the Science Club had 80 members. The number per year level is as
First Year- 16 Third Year- 22
Second Year - 24 Fourth Year- 18

Let us construct the pie graph for this data.

For each year level, the number of degrees is obtained as follows:

First Year Third Year

16 22
Degrees = x 360 º = 72º Degrees = x 360º = 99º
80 80

Second Year Fourth Year

24 18
Degrees = x 360º = 108º Degrees = x 360º = 81º
80 80

For each year level, the percentage is obtained as follows:

First Year Third Year

16 22
x 100 = 20% x 100 = 27.5%
80 80

Second Year Fourth Year

24 18
x 100 = 30% x 100 = 22.5%
80 80

Number of Members Per Year Level

First Year
Fourth Year 20%

Second Year
Third Year 30%

The pie graph shows that the Second Year has the highest member of the Science club.

4. Ogive (pronounced as o-jayv) is a line graph where the cumulative frequency of each class is
plotted against the corresponding class boundaries. It has two types, less than ogive cf< or
greater than ogive cf>
How to graph using ogive?
1. There must be a frequency distribution
2. Determine the class boundaries or true limits and cumulative frequency (cf).
3. The intersection of the less than ogive and greater than ogive is the mean of the data
Table 5.38. Cumulative Frequency Distribution of a 30-pint Math Quiz
Apparen True Limits or f <cf >cf
t Limit Class
28-29 27.5-29.5 1 60 1 Note: Class boundary is plotted in
26-27 25.5-27.5 3 59 4 the x axis while the cumulative
24-25 23.5-25.5 3 56 7 frequency is plotted in the y axis.
22-23 21.5-23.5 3 53 10 For the less than ogive, less than
20-21 19.5- 21.5 6 50 16 cumulative frequencies are
18-19 17.5- 19.5 6 44 22 plotted against upper class
16-17 15.5- 17.5 8 38 30 boundaries. While for greater
14-15 13.5-15.5 6 30 36 that ogive, greater than
12-13 11.5-13.5 10 24 46 cumulative frequencies are
10-11 9.5-11.5 14 14 60 plotted against the lower class
N=60 boundaries.

How to interpret the table using Cf?

A score of 60 under the heading <cf means that there are 60 students who got a score less than
While a score of 22 under the heading >cf means that there are 22 students who got scores greater
than 17.5

5. Histogram is a graphical display of data using rectangles. The heights of the rectangle
correspond to the frequency per class interval. The bases of the rectangles are the class

How to calculate class boundaries?

Simply subtract 0.5 to the lower class, say 40-49 , 40 becomes 39.5. This is the lower class
boundaries. In getting the upper class boundaries, just add 0.5 to the upper class, so 49
becomes 49.5.

Grouped Frequency Distribution of Psychology Test Scores

Class interval Frequency Class boundaries
40-49 3 39.5- 49.5
50-59 10 49.5- 59.5
60-69 53 59.5-69.5
70-79 107 69.5- 79.5
80-89 147 79.5- 89.5
90-99 130 89.5- 99.5
100-109 78 99.5-109.5
110-119 59 109.5- 119.5
120-129 36 119.5-129.5
130-139 11 129.5- 139.5
140-149 6 139.5- 149.5
150-159 1 149.5- 159.5
160-169 1 159.5- 169.5



1. How many students are approximately 153.5 cm tall?

2. Approximately how many centimetres is the most common height in the class?

B. Create your family Monthly Budget. Use appropriate graph to represent your data given.
Name:__________________________________ Date: __________
Grade & Section: _________________________ Score: _________

Grade 7 Mathematics
Fourth Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 6

Activity Title : Measures of Central Tendency

Learning Competency: Illustrates the measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) of a
statistical data. (M7SP-IVf-1)
Reference : Grade 7 LM , Math World 7 pp. 334- 345.

Measure of central tendency is any measure indicating the center of data set, arranged in an
increasing or decreasing magnitude. It is the central point around which the values in a distribution
assemble. This is sometimes called the average or typical or representative of the group (value).

Measures of Central Tendency:

1. Mean is the sum of all entries divided by the sample size.
2. Median is the middle value when the entries in the data set are arranged in increasing or
decreasing order. If the sample size is even, the median is the average of the two middle
3. Mode is the value that occurs most frequently in a data set.

The easiest way to determine the center or single figure that maybe considered typical is
determining the mean. However, mean is easily influenced by extreme value (very high or very low).
If extreme values occur, mode or median will be used instead.


Characteristics/Measur Mean Median Mode

Computational or Rank or positional Inspectional or
Nature of Computation
calculated average average commercial average
Easily affected by an May or may not be May or may not be
increase or decrease affected by extreme affected by an
Sensitivity to other data
in the number of data values introduction of
other data
Most widely used Less widely used than Rarely used and
average and subject the mean but can be cannot be
Usability to further subjected to a few mathematically
mathematical mathematical manipulated
computation computation
Measure for interval Measure of ordinal Measure for nominal
or ratio scales such as scales such as test scales such as
Nature of data scores, grades, scores, salary number of certain
temperature and brand commodities

1. Use coins to duplicate the seven stacks given above. Each stacks represents a number in a set
of data
2. Arrange the stacks in order of the number of coins in each stack. Start with the stack
containing the least number of coins and end with the stack containing the greatest number of
coins. Record the number of coins in each stack.
3. Locate the middle stack. How many coins are in the middle? The median is the middle
number in an ordered set. What is the median of this data set?
4. Two of the stacks have the same number of coins. How many coins are in in each of these
stacks? The number that appears most often in a collection of data is called the mode.
5. There are seven stacks of coins. Rearrange the coins so that each of the seven stacks contains
the same number of coins. Describe how you do this.
6. When the coins are evenly distributed oven the seven stacks, the number in each stack is
called the mean. What is the mean of the data set? Can you solve this using arithmetic?
7. How are the numbers for the mean, median and mode of this example alike? How are they
Name:__________________________________ Date: __________
Grade & Section: _________________________ Score: _________

Grade 7 Mathematics
Fourth Quarter

A C T I V I T Y No. 7

Activity Title : Calculating Measures of Central Tendency

Learning Competency: Calculates the measures of central tendency of ungrouped and grouped data.
Reference : Grade 7 LM , Math World 7 pp. 334- 345.

Calculating Measures of Central Tendency of Ungrouped Data

1. Mean of an ungrouped data is the sum of the value of the data divided by the total number of
values. If we let x1,x2,x3,..., xnbe a set of n values, then x1+x2+x3+...+xn = ∑ x i . The formula for
the mean, by the symbol x́ is given by

∑ xi
x́= i=1
x́ – mean
xi – item from 1 to n
∑ −¿ ¿sum
n- number of items/values
i – item or values

How to solve the mean of ungrouped data?

1. Arrange the data from lowest to highest.
2. Count the number of cases or the number of values/items
3. Get the sum of the set of data
4. Divide the sum by the total number of values/items
5. The quotient is the mean

Let us find the mean of Janilyn’s daily savings. 35, 32, 18, 25, 25

Mean of Janilyn’s savings: Simply add all the data then divide it to number of items

32+ 35+25+25+18 135

x́ = = =27
5 5

2. Median is the middle value of a set of data when the values are arranged in ascending or
descending order. Half of the values are above the median and the other half are below the
median. The median is denoted by the symbol ~ x and it is not affected by extreme values.
In finding the median, it is important to remember the following:
1. The data must be arranged in ascending or descending order
2. If there is an odd number of a value in the set, the median is the middle value. If there is
an even number of values, the median is the mean of the two middle values.

To find the median of the sets of values 1,4,10,6,8, we must first arrange the data from lowest
to highest
1 4 6 8 10
Since there are 5 values, and 5 is an odd number, the median is the middle value. Therefore, ~
x =6.

Let us find the median of the set of values 2,7,5,6,3,9,8,4. Arrange the data from lowest to
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Since there are 8 values, and 8 is an even number, the median is the mean of the two middle
values. The two middle values are 5 and 6. Therefore, the median is ~ x= =5.5

3. Mode is the value that occurs most frequently in a data set. We can classify a set of data
according to the number of modes.

Unimodal – a set of data with one mode.

Bimodal – a set of data with two modes.
Multimodal – a set of data with more than two modes.
If no value occurs more than once, the data does not have a mode.

The mode of the set of data 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 8 and 10 is equal to 8 since it occurs more frequently in the
set. The set of data is unimodal.

The modes of the set of data 0, 2, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 9 are 2 and 9 since they occur most frequently in the
set. The set of data is bimodal.

Calculating Measures of Central Tendency of Grouped Data

When the number of items in a set of data is too big, items are grouped for convenience. To find the
mean of grouped data using class marks, the following formula can be used:

Mean = Σ(fX)

where: f -------- is the frequency of each class

X -------- is the class mark of class

Example: Calculate the mean of the Mid-year Test scores of Students in Mathematics.

Mid-year Test Scores of Students in Mathematics

Score Frequency Class Mark fX
(f) (X)
41 – 45 1 43 43
36 – 40 8 38 304
31 – 35 8 33 264
26 – 30 14 28 392
21 – 25 7 23 161
16 – 20 2 18 36
i=5 Σf = 40 Σ(fX) = 1,200

Mean = Σ(fX) = 1,200 = 30

Σf 40
Therefore, the mean of mid-year test is 30.

The median is the middle value in a set of quantities. It separates an ordered set of data into two
equal parts. Half of the quantities is located above the median and the other half is found below it,
whenever the quantities are arranged according to magnitude (from highest to lowest.)
In computing for the median of grouped data, the following formula is used:

Σ f /2−¿ cf
Median = lbmc + [ f mc ]i

lbmc ------------- is the lower boundary of the median class;
f --------------- is the frequency of each class;
<cf ---------------is the cumulative frequency of the lower class next to the median class;
fmc --------------is the frequency of the median class; and
i-------------------is the class interval.
The median class is the class that contains the Σ f/2 th quantity. The computed median must be
within the median class.

Example: Calculate the median of the Mid-year Test Scores of students in mathematics.
Score Frequency Lb <cf
a. Σf/2 = 40/2 = 20
The 20th score is contained in the class 26-30. 41 – 45 1 40.5 40
This means that the median falls within the
class boundaries of 26-30. That is, 25.5-30.5 36 – 40 8 35.5 39
b. <cf = 9
c. fmc = 14 31 – 35 8 30.5 31
d. lbmc = 25.5
e. i = 5 26 – 30 14 25.5 23 median
Σ f /2−¿ cf
Median = lbmc + [ f mc ]i 21 – 25

16 – 20


15.5 2

edian=25.5+ 0.38
14 [ ]
i=5 Σf = 40

Median=25.5+ [ ] 14
5 Median=25.88

Median=25.5+ [ ]14

Therefore, the median of the mid-year test scores is 25.88. (Note: The median 25.88 falls within the
class boundaries of 26-30 which is 25.5-30.5)


Mode for Grouped Data can be approximated using the following formula:
Mode = lbmo +
D1 + D2
[ ]

lbmo -------------------is the lower boundary of the modal class;

D1---------------------is the difference between the frequencies of the modal class and the next upper
D2---------------------is the difference between the frequencies of the modal class and the next lower
class; and
i------------------------is the class interval.
The modal class is the class with the highest frequency.

Example: Calculate the mode of the Mid-year Test Scores of students in mathematics.
Score Frequency lb
41 – 45 1 40.5
36 – 40 8 35.5
31 – 35 8 30.5
26 – 30 14 25.5
21 – 25 7 20.5
16 – 20 2 15.5

Since class 26-30 has the highest frequency, therefore the modal class is 26-30.
lbmo = 25.5 D1 = 14 – 8 = 6 D2 = 14 – 7 = 7 i=5
D1 30
Mode = lb +
D1 + D2
] Mode = 25.5 +
Therefore, the mode of the mid-year

test is 27.81

Mode = 25.5 + [ ]
6+ 7
5 Mode = 25.5 + 2.31

Mode = 25.5 + [ ]
5 Mode = 27.81

If there are two or more classes having the same highest frequency, the formula to be used is:
Mode = 3(Median) − 2(Mean)


A. Consider the following data:

Time (in minutes) it took 10 students to solve a number puzzle
11 15 6 14 10 4 11 7 14 8

Find the mean, median and mode of ungrouped data.

B. Consider the following FDT:

The number of incorrect responses of 50 students in a quiz

Class Limits Frequency (f) Midpoint (x) Cumulative

Frequency (CF)
1-3 9 2 9
4-6 11 5 20
7-9 6 8 26
10-12 8 11 34
13-15 5 14 39
16-18 7 17 46
19-21 4 20 50

Find the mean, median and mode of grouped data.

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