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CHAPTER 7 Flooring

7.1 Flooring and its types

Floor are the horizontal elements of a building structure which divide the building into different level for the purpose of
creating more accommodation within a restricted space one above the other and provide support for the occupants,
furniture, equipment etc. of a building. Floor system is the building’s primary horizontal planes which support both live
and dead loads. Structurally the floor system must transfer these loads laterally to either beams or columns or to the
bearing walls while providing at the same time lateral support for adjacent walls.
 A floor consists of the following two components :
A Sub-floor (or Base Course, or Floor Base)
The purpose of this component is to impart strength and stability to support floor covering and all other superimposed
loads. For ground floor, its purpose is also to prevent settlement and to provide damp resistance and thermal insulation.
Floor Covering (or Paving, or Flooring)
This is the covering over the sub-floor and is meant to provide a hard, clean, smooth, impervious, durable and attractive
surface to the floor.

 Provide level surface with sufficient strength  Provide adequate fire resistance
 Supporting the occupants of building  Provide sound insulation
 Exclude passage of water and water vapor  Provide thermal insulation
 Provide resistance to heat loss through the

Ground Floor
Apart from giving good finished surface, these floors should have good damp resistance. The ground surface is rammed
well and a layer of red earth or sand is placed which is compacted. A layer of broken bricks, stones etc. is provided up to
150 mm below floor finish level and rammed. While ramming the surface is kept moist to get good compaction. Then 1:
4: 8 concrete of 100 to 150 mm thickness is provided as base course. Over this bed floor finish is laid.

The ground floors that rest directly on the ground are known as solid floors while the floors supported above the
ground level are called suspended floors. Suspended floors are generally made of timber.

Basement floor
A floor when provided for the accommodation below the natural ground level is termed as basement floor. A basement
floor is similar to ground floor except its location.

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A Lecture note By Kishor Thapa
Upper Floors
An upper floor is basically a principal structural element, and the general structural design of a building will greatly
influence the choice of the type of floor. Upper floors are supported either on the walls or on beams. In olden days upper
floors were made of timber floors or steel joist and stone slabs.
Nowadays R.C.C. floors are commonly used. It may consist of only slab, if span is less or it may be beam and slab flooring.
In halls of hotels and assembly, many provide flat slabs i.e. slabs directly supported over columns. The columns are
provided with widened portion called column head.
They give elegant look to halls, particularly when the
head room is high. R.C.C. floors need proper thickness
and reinforcements. They are arrived at by structural
design engineers. Figure below shows typical R.C.C.
In R.C.C., concrete is used to resist compression and
steel to resist tension. Hence the concrete in tension
zone do not contribute in resisting the load. It just
keeps the steel at required position.
In ribbed or hollow tiled flooring, the concrete in
tension portion is replaced by hollow tiles.

In precast concrete floor panels may be used which

helps in avoiding form works, storing of sand, coarse

aggregates etc. at the site and also curing. Factories
manufacture these units which are to be placed over
supports in the structure.

7.2 Special types of floor finishing

1. Mud and moorum 5. Terrazo 9. Timber

2. Brick 6. Mosaic 10. Rubber
3. Flag stone 7. Marble 11. P.V.C.
4. Cement concrete 8. Tiles

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A Lecture note By Kishor Thapa
1. Mud and Moorum Flooring: These floorings are used in low cost housing, especially in villages. Over the hard layer
of earth filling mud or moorum layer is provided. In order to prevent formation of cracks after drying, chopped straw in
small quantity is mixed with the moist earth before ramming. The floor needs a thin wash of cow dung at least once a
weak. They are cheap, hard, fairly impervious, easy in construction and easy in maintenance. They remain warm in
winter and cold in summer.

2. Brick Flooring: This is also a cheap floor construction. It is commonly used in warehouse and factories. Bricks are
laid flat or on edges. Bricks of good quality should be used for the construction. Brick layer is provided on sand bed or
on lean concrete (1: 8: 16) bed. In both cases joints are rendered flush and finished with cement mortar. It is durable,
hard, cheaper than cement concrete, non slippery and easily repairable. But it is absorbent.

3. Flag Stone Flooring: Laminated sand stones or slates of 20 mm to 40 mm thick in the form of slabs of 300 mm × 300
mm or 450 mm × 450 mm or in the form of rectangles of size 450 mm × 600 mm are used as floor finishes. The stone
slabs are laid on 20 to 25 mm thick mortar spread over concrete bed. The joints are to be finished with rich mortar. It is
hard, durable, resistant to wear and tear, easy in construction but its usage is not comfortable. Its uses are limited to
workshops, garages and store houses etc.

4. Cement Concrete Floors: It is modestly cheap and durable floor and hence commonly used in residential,
commercial and industrial buildings. It consists of two courses-base course and wearing coat. Base course is laid over
well compacted soil. Its thickness is usually 75 mm to 100 mm. It consists of lean cement concrete mix (1 : 4 : 8) or lime
concrete containing 40% of 1 : 2 lime mortar and 60% of coarse aggregate of 40 mm size. After base course is hardened
wearing coat of 40 mm is laid. It consists of panels of 1 m × 1 m, 2 m × 2 m or 1 m × 2 m. Alternate panels are laid with 1:
2: 4 concrete using wooden, glass or asbestos strip separators of 1.5 mm to 2.0 mm thickness. To get good bond
between base coarse and wearing coat cement slurry wash is given before laying wearing coat panels. After 3–4 days of
laying of one set of panel, another alternate panels are laid. Top of these panels are finished by tamping the surface with
wooden floats and tapping with trowels, till cement slurry appears on top. It needs curing for 7 to 14 days. To get good
appearance many times red-oxide finishing coat is provided. It is non-absorbent and thus very useful for water stores,
durable, smooth, pleasing in appearance, economical and possesses good wearing properties.

5. Terrazo Flooring: Terrazo finishing coat is applied over concrete flooring to get pleasing appearance. Terrazo finish
consists of 75 to 80% of surface marble chips embedded in cement mortar. Marble chips are mixed in cement in the
proportion 1: 1.25 to 1: 2 and about 6 mm terrazo topping is laid. The top is tamped and rolled. Additional marble chips
are spread during tamping to get proper distribution of marble chips on the surface. After drying it for 12 to 20 hours, it
is cured for 2–3 days.
Then grinding is made in the following three steps:
Ist grinding—Using coarse grade (No. 60) carborundum stones.
IInd grinding—Using medium grade (No. 120) carborundum stones.
IIIrd grinding—Using fine grade (No. 320) carborundum stones.
Plenty of water is used during grinding. After each grinding, cement grout of cream-like consistency is applied and cured
for 6–7 days. After final grinding and curing the floor is washed with plenty of water and then with dilute oxalic acid
solution. Then floor is finished with polishing using machines and wax polish.

6. Mosaic Flooring: It consists of a finishing coat of small pieces of broken tiles of China glazed or of marble arranged in
different patterns set in lime-surkhi or cement mortar. The base course is concrete flooring and on it 30 to 40 mm
mortar layer is provided. On this mortar layer broken pieces of China glazed or marble are set to get different attractive
patterns. After 20 to 24 hours of drying the top is rubbed with carborundum stone to get smooth and polished surface.

7. Marble Flooring: Marble slabs are cut to get marble tiles of 20 to 25 mm thickness. They are laid on floors similar to
other tiles. With power driven machine surface is polished to get even and shining surface. This type of flooring is
widely used in hospitals and temples.

8. Tiled Flooring: This is an alternative to terrazo flooring, used commonly used in residential, office and commercial
buildings. Tiles of clay, cement or terrazo of standard sizes are manufactured in factories under controlled conditions.
On the concrete base, 25 mm to 30 mm thick mortar is laid and these tiles are placed and pressed with trowel or
wooden mallet. Before placing tiles care is taken to see that, neat cement slurry is applied to bottom side and sides of
tiles to get good bond. Next day joints are cleaned of loose mortar and raked up to 5 mm depth. Then that is filled with
coloured cement slurry to get uniform colour on the top surface. After curing for 7 days grinding and polishing is made
as in the case of terrazo flooring.

9. Timber Flooring: Timber flooring is used in dancing halls and in auditoriums. Timber plates may be directly placed
on concrete bed or may be provided over timber frame work. In latter case it is necessary to provide proper ventilation
below the floor. This flooring is costly.

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A Lecture note By Kishor Thapa
10. Rubber Flooring: Tiles or sheets of rubber with fillers such as cotton fibres, asbestos fibre or granulated cork are
manufactured in variety of patterns and colours. These sheets or tiles may be fixed to concrete or timber floors. These
floors are attractive and noise proof. However they are costly.

11. P.V.C. Flooring: Poly-Vinyl-Chloride (PVC) is a plastic which is available in different colour and shade. Nowadays
tiles of this material are used widely. Adhesives are applied on concrete base as well as on bottom of PVC tiles. Then the
tile is pressed gently with 5 kg wooden roller till the oozing of adhesive is seen. The oozed out adhesive is wiped and the
floor is washed with warm soap water. The floor finish is smooth, attractive and can be easily cleaned. However it is
slippery and costly.

7.3 Floor and wall ties

The floor and wall connection should be such that when overloaded it should fail in a ductile manner. There are two
general method of connection for a tensile connection between walls and floors. If such connection are going to fail at
all, it is desirable that the failure be in the tie element and be a ductile failure.

In the first method reinforced bars are precast in the wall elements at regular spacing adjacent the intended final
position of a floor slab. Each bar is bent out at right angles to the wall and one end is tied to the floor slab.

The second method incorporates a screw thread elements attached reinforced rod within the wall elements. A thread
bar is attached to the screw threaded element and tied to the floor slab. This overcomes the difficulty of the first method
but is more expensive method of connection. Also within the presence of screw thread if failure occurs, one cannot
readily get ductile failure of the metal element.

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A Lecture note By Kishor Thapa

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