Control BLDC Motor Speed Using PID Controller

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,

Vol. 11, No. 3, 2020

Control BLDC Motor Speed using PID Controller

Md Mahmud1, S. M. A. Motakabber2, A. H. M. Zahirul Alam3, Anis Nurashikin Nordin4
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
International Islamic University Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Abstract—At present, green technology is a major concern in The structure of the BLDC motor tuning control project
every country around the world and electricity is a clean energy selection, modelling simulation and so on. The design structure
which encourages the acquisition of this technology. The main of a BLDC motor is a complex task and depends on many
applications of electricity are made through the use of electric issues such as project selection, modeling, simulation, etc. In
motors. Electric power is converted to mechanical energy using a terms of the rapidity framework of the BLDC motor, a host of
motor, that is to say, the major applications of electrical energy modern control solutions have been proposed [3].
are accomplished through electric motors. Brushless direct
current (BLDC) motors have become very attractive in many The key features of a conventional PID controller algorithm
applications due to its low maintenance costs and compact are it is easily adjustable, steady operation and its simple
structure. The BLDC motors can be substituted to make the design, which making it widely used for controlling system.
industries more dynamic. To get better performance BLDC For practical reason, common speed control structure is applied
motor requires control drive facilitating to control its speed and in the PID controller. The mathematical model and speed
torque. This paper describes the design of the BLDC motor control of the BLDC motor have been proposed and validated
control system using in using MATLAB/SIMULINK software for using fuzzy logic and PID controller [4]. Most of the cases a
Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) algorithm that can more different finding is seen in terms of practical utility experiences
effectively improve the speed control of these types of motors. where the volatility of well-structured prototype, different units
The purpose of the paper is to provide an overview about the of nonlinear, low variability have been at work. For tuning a
functionality and design of the PID controller. Finally, the study
PID controller parameters are not that simple, hence, getting
undergoes some well-functioning tests that will support that the
PID regulator is far more applicable, better operational, and
the optimal position under the examined circumstances is
effective in achieving satisfactory control performance compared challenging [5]. This study proposes a PID controller through
to other controllers. modifying some changes thereto which, may increase the
regulation speed of BLDC motor. In this case parameters can
Keywords—PID controller; green technology; fuzzy logic be tuned at the actual moment under PID controller operation.
control; speed control; BLDC motor In the sake of better functioning of the PID controller scheme
requires input and membership function enhancement [6]. At
I. INTRODUCTION the same time, a set of values are applied for the PID
The present era is the era of the industrial revolution, which controller’s constant coefficients, Kp, Ki and Kd. By employing
began with the invention of motor. Various types of motors these values, the proposed modified controller would be
have been developed over time, but these motors are generally restructured to any adjusting dimension.
classified into two main categories, namely, AC motor and DC The purpose of this study is to show the dynamic response
motor. There exists a set of DC motors that can be used on to the rapid tuning results of the proposed modified PID
different devices. However, generally two types of DC motors controller; which can help to control the speed of the motor and
are set up in industrial applications. In the first type, the to maintain constant speed during load changes. Thus, the PID
magnetic flux is generated by the current through the field coil regulator can increase the overall performance of the BLDC
of static pole structure and in the second type, permanent motor. The simulation results showed that the functions of the
magnet supplies the required air gap flux [1]. A BLDC motor PID controller could be provided with a better control
is a special type of DC motor that does not apply a brush for performance [7].
transport, instead an electronic process system is used for this
purpose. The BLDC motor is usually a synchronous motor
composed of a trapezoidal back EMF waveform and a
permanent magnet. The current trend shows that high-
performance BLDC motor technologies are widely used for
global industrial applications and variable speed drives in
electric vehicles [2]. In fact, these types of motors depend on
its control circuit. In fact, these types of motors rely on its
control circuit and still developing a high performance circuit
is a challenging task for researchers. A basic control system is
shown in Fig. 1 for the BLDC motor. Fig 1. Basic Circuit Diagram for the BLDC Motor Control System.

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 11, No. 3, 2020


A. Speed Control System
A controller circuit is essential to operate and control the
speed of a BLDC motor. There are many types of speed control
system developed for controllers but the speed controllers have
to modernize with the ages. However, they are generally
classified as closed loop and open loop control systems,
respectively. Closed loop techniques are used for high accuracy
control system. Fig. 2 shows a BLDC motor speed controller
block diagram using two closed loop systems. In this case, the
internal loop is used for tuning and sense the power supply
polarity and the external loop is used to control the speed. The
motor speed controller helps to adjust the voltage of the DC
bus. To control the system, DC supply is required and its value
depends on the motor speed (rpm) and its capacity. This system
also requires a controller, in which case a PID controller is
used that ultimately controls the inverter output voltage. A
sensor is an integral part of a closed loop controller for Fig 3. Back EMF of Decoder for MATLAB Drive.
controlling the speed of a motor. The primary function of the
sensor is to convert the physical position and condition of the
motor shaft into an equivalent electrical signal for the True Table For Decoder
controller circuit. Typically, BLDC motor requires an AC-like Table I.
voltage-waveform for its operation, so inverter circuit is used ha hb hc emf_a emf_b emf_c
to convert the DC power supply voltage into an equivalent AC 0 0 0 0 0 0
supply voltage [8], [9] for proper function. 0 0 1 0 -1 +1
B. The Back Electro Motive Fource (BEMF) 0 1 0 -1 +1 0
Typically, a 3-phase BLDC motor uses six electronic 0 1 1 -1 0 +1
switches (power transistors) to produce 3-phase voltage
1 0 0 +1 0 -1
simultaneously to a full-bridge configuration power converter.
The transistors have a rotor position, which will be defined as 1 0 1 +1 -1 0
the switching sequence. Most of the cases motor starter is 1 1 0 0 +1 -1
monitoring by using three hall sensor devices. The hall sensors
1 1 1 0 0 0
provide the information to the decoder block for producing the
sign of reference current signal vector to the back Similarly, Fig. 4 shows the functional block diagram of the
electromotive force (BEMF). To operate the motor in the inverter switching for MATLAB simulation, and Table II
opposite direction, the current is changed in reverse direction shows the decoder sequences of the proposed 3-phase PID
or the switching order of the controller is changed. controller for the BLDC motor to rotate in the
The MATLAB simulation block diagram for generating the counterclockwise motion.
back EMF of the decoder is shown in Fig. 3, and Table I shows
the decoder sequences of the proposed 3-phase PID controller
for the BLDC motor to rotate in the clockwise direction.

Fig 2. Block Diagram of BLDC Motor Speed Control. Fig 4. Inverter Switching for MATLAB Drive.

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 11, No. 3, 2020

TABLE II. TRUE TABLE FOR INVERTER SWITCHING Its applications are wide because of its ease and outstanding
performance, in many cases its efficiency is more than 95%.
Table True Table For Inverter Switching Typically a closed-loop PID controller is used for industry
II. emf_a emf_b emf_c Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 application. The four key features are most interested in the
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 response to the closed-loop step, they are, settling time,
overshoot, steady-state error and response time.
0 -1 +1 0 0 0 1 1 0
Table III shows the values of the PID controller parameters
-1 +1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
used for this design.
-1 0 +1 0 1 0 0 1 0

+1 -1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Values Of The PID Controller Parameters

Table III
0 +1 -1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Method Kp Ki Kd
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PID 100 0.5 500


For getting better performance of DC motors it is essential The performance of the proposed PID controller for
to use a controller circuit. For this purpose, a variety of brushless DC motor at 2500 rpm is shown in Fig. 6. In this
controller circuits and algorithms are used. However, among figure, X and Y axis represented the time in second (sec) and
them PID controller is the most suitable controller circuit for the speed (rpm) of the BLDC motor at no-load condition
BLDC motor. The PID controller is mainly composed of three respectively. From the figure, it is seen that the settling time of
block of circuits and they are proportional, integral and the controller is about 0.018 sec with a negligible amount of
derivative blocks. Each block of circuit is used to perform overshoot and undershoot. After 0.018 sec the motor runs at a
different mathematical operations as their name mentioned. constant speed of the preset value 2500 rpm.
The complete MATLAB design of the proposed controller for
3-phase brushless DC motor is shown in Fig. 5. The diagram Fig. 7 shows the output torque response performance of the
clearly shows how the reference source, PID controller, driver BLDC motor at no-load condition. In this figure, X and Y axis
circuit, sensors, converter circuit, inverter circuit, display scope represented the time in second (sec) and electromagnetic
and motor are interconnected. torque value in Newton-meter (Nm) of the BLDC motor at no-
load condition, respectively. From the figure, it is observed that
The foundational frequency transferring performance G(s) the motor electromagnetic torque (Nm) is fixed after about
of the PID controller can be represented by (1) and (2), 0.030 sec.
G(s) = Kp + Ki /s +Kd s (1)
G(s) = (Kd s2 + Kp s + Ki)/s (2)
Where, Kp = proportional gain coefficient, Ki = integral
gain coefficient, Kd = derivative gain coefficient and s is the
complex frequency.
The time derivative output U(t) of the controller for control
of the plant is equal to Kp times the magnitude of error pulse Kd
times the derivative of time function error signal e(t) and Ki
times the integral can be represented by (3).
U(t) = Kp e(t) + Ki ∫e(t)dt + Kd de(t)/dt (3) Fig 6. The no-load performance of the BDC motor using.

Fig 7. Time Versus Electromagnetic Torque Response of the BLDC Motor.

Fig 5. Complete MATLAB Design of Controller for BLDC Motor.

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Fig. 8 shows the stator current of the BLDC motor at no- Fig. 11 shows the output performance of the PID controller.
load condition. In this figure X-axis represented the time in The X-axis and Y-axis represented the second (secs) and
second (secs) and Y-axis the motor stator current in Ampere reference signal value in RPM of the PID controller,
(A) respectively. In this figure the 3-phase stator currents are respectively. From the diagram, it is seen that the PID
illustrated by the green, pink and yellow color lines controller output under shoot and reach minimum value about
respectively. It is also observed that the stators current are 0.03 sec, then it reach at a stable condition after about 0.03 sec.
fixed after 0.030 (secs) which is the same as electromagnetic
torque fixing time of the result as shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 12 shows the performance comparison of the PI, PID
and Fuzzy logic controller. In this figure X-axis and Y-axis
Fig. 9 shows the back electromotive force (emf) of the represented the time in second (secs) and electromagnetic
BLDC motor at no-load condition. In this figure, X and Y axis torque value in Newton-meter (Nm) of the BLDC motor at no-
represented the time in second (secs) and back emf value in load condition, respectively. Here, the red, yellow and green
Volt (V) of the BLDC motor at no-load condition respectively. color lines are illustrated the PI, PID and Fuzzy logic
The 3-phase back emf voltages of the BLDC motor are controllers output performance in some respects. It is
illustrated by the green, pink and yellow color lines in this noteworthy that the performance of the PID controller is better
figure, respectively. It is clear from the figure that the 3-phase than the other two controllers. The BLDC motor predetermined
back emf voltages are fixed ±24V after 0.030 (secs), which reference speed of 2500 rpm has been chosen in this study.
justifies the result same as the results obtained in Fig. 6 and
Fig. 8. From Fig. 6 and Fig. 12 it is observed that the PID
controller settlement time about 18 milliseconds (msecs). The
Fig. 10 shows the 3-phase signals generated from Hall- overshoots and undershoots of this controller are 0.4% and
sensor. Here the green, pink and yellow color lines are 1.9%, respectively, which is within the tolerable range of a
represented the individual phase signal generated by the sensor. BLDC motor for suitable operation. The PID controller slew
rate about 92.27 (msecs) and per shoot 2.5%.
On the other hand, PI controller rise time is better than the
PID controller but, its slow rate is much higher as 621.35
(msecs). In the other aspects of the PI controller, the pre-shoot
0.66%, overshoot 32.67%, undershoot 1.68% and settling time
15.20 msec. The pre-shoot, overshoot and undershoot are
basically a high frequency nose and can be minimized by using
filter [10].

Fig 8. Phase Stator Current of the BLDC Motor.

Fig 11. PID Controller Output Performance with Time.

Fig 9. BLDC Motor 3-Phase Back Electromotive Force.

Fig 12. Performance Comparison among PI, PID and Fuzzy Logic
Fig 10. BLDC Motor Hall Effect Signal. Controllers.

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Vol. 11, No. 3, 2020

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Grant Scheme under the project ID: FRGS19-054-0662. [9] T. Rahman, S. M. A. Motakabber, M. I. Ibrahimy and Aliza ‘Aini, “A
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