Workshop Manual: Group 30 Electrical System E
Workshop Manual: Group 30 Electrical System E
Workshop Manual: Group 30 Electrical System E
General Information
00-0 General ................................................................................................ 2
03-3 Specifications, Electrical ................................................................... 6
Special tools
08-2 Special Service Tools ....................................................................... 20
39-0 General ............................................................................................ 190
Alphabetical index .................................................................................. 193
References to Service Bulletins ............................................................ 195
00-0 General
About this Workshop manual
General information Certified engines
This Service Manual contains technical data, descrip- When carrying out service and repair on emis-
tions and maintenance and repair instructions for sion-certified engines, it is important to be aware
standard model Volvo Penta products. A list of these of the following:
products may be found in the section Technical
Data. Certification means that an engine type has been
inspected and approved by the relevant authority.
The product designation and the serial number and The engine manufacturer guarantees that all engines
specification is indicated on the engine decal or type of the same type are manufactured to correspond to
plate. This information must be included in all corre- the certified engine.
spondence regarding the product. This places special demands on service and repair
work, namely:
The service manual is produced primarily for the use
of Volvo Penta workshops and their qualified person- • Maintenance and service intervals recom-
nel. It is assumed that any person using the Service mended by Volvo Penta must be complied with.
Manual has a fundamental knowledge of the product • Only spare parts approved by Volvo Penta may
and is able to carry out mechanical and electrical be used.
work to trade standard.
• Service on injection pumps, pump settings and
Volvo Penta continually develops its products; we injectors must always be carried out by an
therefore reserve the right to make changes. All infor- authorized Volvo Penta workshop.
mation in this manual is based on product data which
• The engine must not be converted or modified,
was available up to the date on which the manual was
except with accessories and service kits which
printed. New working methods and significant
Volvo Penta has approved for the engine.
changes introduced to the product after this date are
communicated in the form of Service bulletins. • No changes to the exhaust pipe and engine air
inlet duct installations may be made.
Spare Parts
• No warranty seals (where present on the prod-
Spare parts for the electrical and fuel systems are uct) may be broken by unauthorized persons.
subject to various national safety standards. Volvo
Penta Original Spare Parts meet these standards. No The general instructions in the Operator's Manual
damage of any kind caused by the use of spare parts concerning operation, service and maintenance
not approved by Volvo Penta will be compensated by apply.
any warranty undertaking.
Neglected or poorly-performed care/service and the
use of spare parts not approved by Volvo Penta, will
mean that AB Volvo Penta no longer guarantees that
the engine conforms to the certified model.
2 47700583 04-2009
00-0 General
Repair instructions
Introduction Our mutual responsibility
The working methods described in this manual are Each product comprises a large number of interacting
based on a workshop scenario where the product is systems and components. A deviation from the tech-
mounted in a holding fixture. Maintenance work is nical specification may dramatically increase the
often carried out in situ, in which case – if nothing else environmental impact of an otherwise reliable sys-
is indicated – using the same working methods as the tem. It is therefore critical that the stated wear toler-
workshop. ances be adhered to, that systems which can be
adjusted be correctly set up and that only Volvo Penta
Warning symbols that occur in the service manual. Original Parts are used. The intervals in the care and
For significance, refer to Safety Information . maintenance schedule must be followed.
! DANGER! Some systems, e.g. fuel systems, often require spe-
cial expertise and test equipment. A number of com-
! WARNING! ponents are factory-sealed, for among other things
environmental reasons. Warranty-sealed compo-
nents may not be worked on without authorization to
perform such work.
are by no means comprehensive since not everything Remember that most chemical products, incorrectly
can be foreseen as service work is carried out in the used, are harmful to the environment. Volvo Penta
most varied of circumstances. We call attention to recommends the use of biodegradable degreasers
risks that may occur due to incorrect handling during whenever components are cleaned, unless otherwise
work in a well-equipped workshop using working specified in the Service Manual. When working out-
methods and tools tried and tested by us. doors, take especial care to ensure that oils and wash
residues etc. are correctly properly for destruction.
The service manual describes work operations car-
ried out with the aid of Volvo Penta Special Tools,
where such have been developed. Volvo Penta Spe-
Tightening torques
cial Tools are designed to ensure the safest and most Tightening torques for vital fasteners that must be
rational working methods possible. It is therefore the applied using a torque wrench are indicated in the
responsibility of anyone using tools or working meth- Service Manual, chapter Tightening torques and in
ods other than those we recommend to ensure that the Manual's work descriptions. All torque indications
no risk of personal injury or mechanical damage is apply to clean threads, bolt heads and mating faces.
present, or that malfunction can result. Indicated torque data apply to lightly-oiled or dry
threads. If lubricants, locking fluids or sealants are
In some cases, special safety regulations and user required for fasteners, the correct type will be noted
instructions may be in force for the tools and chemi- in the job description.
cals mentioned in the Service Manual. These regu-
lations must always be followed, and no special
instructions regarding this are to be found in the Serv-
ice Manual.
47700583 04-2009 3
00-0 General
Example: For 90° angle tightening, the fastener is In each service manual section concerned, the seal-
turned a further 1/4 turn in one sequence, after the ants used in product manufacture are indicated. The
specified tightening torque has been achieved. same sealants, or sealants with equivalent proper-
ties, must be used for maintenance work.
Lock nuts
Make sure that mating surfaces are dry and free from
Removed locknuts may not be re-used; they must be oil, grease, paint and anti-corrosion agent before
replaced by new ones, as locking properties are applying sealant or locking fluid. Always follow the
impaired or lost with re-use. manufacturer's instructions regarding applicable
In the case of lock nuts with plastic inserts the tight- temperatures, hardening times and such.
ening torque indicated must be reduced if the nut has
the same nut height as a standard, all-metal hexag- Two basic types of compound are used:
onal nut.
RTV preparations (Room Temperature Vulcaniz-
Reduce the torque by 25% for bolt sizes of 8 mm or
Used most often together with gaskets, e.g. sealing
In the case of lock nuts with plastic inserts with a high
gasket joints, or are brushed on gaskets. RTV seal-
nut-height (where the all-metal thread is as high as a
ants are completely visible when the part has been
standard hexagonal nut), the indicated torque
removed. Old RTV sealant must be removed before
the component is sealed again. Use denatured alco-
Strength classes
Nuts and bolts are subdivided into different strength Anaerobic agents.
classes. The classification is shown by a marking on These agents cure (harden) in the absence of air.
the bolt head. Markings of a higher number indicate These preparations are used when two solid compo-
stronger material. For example, a bolt marked 10-9 is nents, e.g. two cast components, are fitted together
stronger than one marked 8-8. without a gasket. Common uses are also to lock and
seal plugs, stud threads, taps, oil pressure monitors
For this reason, it is important that when bolts are etc.
removed they are returned to their original locations
on re-assembly. When replacing bolts check the Hardened anaerobic preparations are glassy and for
applicable Spare parts catalogue to ensure the cor- this reason, the preparations are colored to make
rect bolt is used. them visible. Hardened anaerobic preparations are
highly resistant to solvents, and old compound can-
not be removed. On re-assembly, it is important to
carefully degrease and wipe dry components first,
before applying new sealant in accordance with the
4 47700583 04-2009
00-0 General
Safety regulations for fluorocarbon The following seals are most probably made from flu-
rubber orocarbon rubber:
Fluorocarbon rubber is a common material in sealing Seal rings for the crankshaft, camshaft, idler shafts.
rings for shafts, and in O-rings, for example.
O-rings, regardless of where they are installed. O-
When fluorocarbon rubber is exposed to high tem- rings for cylinder liner sealing are almost always
peratures (above 300°C/572°F), hydrofluoric acid made of fluorocarbon rubber.
can form. This is highly corrosive. Contact with the
Please note that seals which have not been
skin can result in severe chemical burns. Splashes in
exposed to high temperature can be handled nor-
your eyes can result in chemical wounds. If you
breathe in the fumes, your lungs can be permanently
Seals must never be cut with a torch, or be burnt
afterwards in an uncontrolled manner. Risk for
poisonous gases.
Always use chloroprene rubber gloves (gloves for
chemicals handling) and goggles. Handle the
removed seal in the same way as corrosive acid. All
residue, including ash, can be highly corrosive. Never
use compressed air to blow clean.
Put the remains in a plastic container, seal it and
apply a warning label. Wash the gloves under running
water before removing them.
47700583 04-2009 5
03-3 Specifications, Electrical
Combined sensor (D9, D11, D12), oil pressure / oil temperature (engine)
Voltage 5V
Connector 4 pin
Working range, pressure 0–700 kPa (0–7 bar / 0–102 PSI)
Pressure signal 0.5–4.5 V
Working range, temperature -40 °C to +140 °C (-40 °F to +284 °F)
Type Linear/NTC
Max. tightening torque 30 ±5 Nm (22.1 ±3.7 lbf.ft.)
6 47700583 04-2009
03-3 Specifications, Electrical
Combined sensor (D9, D12), inlet air pressure / intake manifold temperature
Voltage 5V
Connector 4 pin
Working range, pressure 40–400 kPa (0.4–4 bar / 5.8–58 PSI)
Pressure signal 0.5–4.5 V
Working range, temperature -40 °C to +125 °C (-40 °F to +257 °F)
Type Linear/NTC
47700583 04-2009 7
03-3 Specifications, Electrical
8 47700583 04-2009
03-3 Specifications, Electrical
Wastegate valve
Operational voltage 20–32 V
Connector 2 pin
Working range, pressure 0–300 kPa (0-3 bar / 0-43.5 PSI)
Pressure signal 0.5–4.5 V
Working range, temperature -30 °C to +130 °C (-22 °F to +266 °F)
Coil resistance 90 ± 4.5 Ω at 20 °C (68 °F)
Voltage 14 / 28 V
Connector 2 pin
Capacity 115 A at V / 80 A at 28V
Starter motor
Voltage 12 / 24 V
Connector 2 pin
Capacity (applies to D9) 5.5 kW at 12/24 V
Capacity (applies to D11) 5.5 kW at 24 V
Capacity (applies to D12) 6.0 kW at 24 V
Capacity (applies to D16) 7.0 kW at 24 V
47700583 04-2009 9
03-3 Specifications, Electrical
Coolant pressure 500 rpm 1000 rpm 1500 rpm 1800 rpm 5 sec delay
Alarm level 0 kPa 20 kPa 50 kPa 70 kPa -
(0 PSI) (2.9 PSI) (7.3 PSI) (10.2 PSI)
Fuel pressure 500 rpm 1000 rpm 1500 rpm 1800 rpm 10 sec delay
Alarm level 100 kPa 200 kPa 300 kPa 300 kPa -
(14.5 PSI) (29.0 PSI) (43.5 PSI) (43.5 PSI)
Oil pressure 500 rpm 1000 rpm 1800 rpm 2300 rpm 5 sec delay
Alarm level 150 kPa 200 kPa 225 kPa 250 kPa -
(21.8 PSI) (29.0 PSI) (32.6 PSI) (36.3 PSI)
Seawater pressure 600 rpm 1400 rpm 1700 rpm 1900 rpm 5 sec delay
Alarm level 5 kPa 10 kPa 15 kPa 20 kPa -
(0.7 PSI) (1.5 PSI) (2.2 PSI) (2.9 PSI)
10 47700583 04-2009
03-3 Specifications, Electrical
D9 Propulsion
Sensors Warning / Alarm level Derating level Condition/delay Derating
Boost pressure 325 kPa (48.6 PSI) 335 kPa (48.6 PSI) - Yes, 50%
Boost temperature 80 °C (176 °F) 90 °C (194 °F) - See soft derate 3
Coolant temperature 98 °C (208.4 °F) 101 °C (213.8 °F) - See soft derate 1
Crankcase pressure Rapid pressure - - Yes, 75%
increase 100 rpm
Exhaust temperature 600 °C (1112 °F) 620 °C (1148 °F) - See soft derate 4
Oil level sensor <29.5 liters - - -
Oil temperature 125°C (257 °F) - - See soft derate 2
Piston cooling pres- 150 ±20 kPa (21.8 150 ±20 kPa (21.8 Above 1000 rpm Yes, 70%
sure ±2.9 PSI) ±2.9 PSI) Instant
Water in fuel Water in fuel - - -
Coolant pressure 500 rpm 1000 rpm 1500 rpm 1800 rpm Without -
Alarm level 0 kPa 20 kPa 50 kPa 70 kPa - -
(0 PSI) (2.9 PSI) (7.3 PSI) (10.2 PSI)
Derating limit -10 kPa 10 kPa 40 kPa 60 kPa - Yes, 50%
(-1.5 PSI) (1.5 PSI) (5.8 PSI) (8.7 PSI)
Fuel pressure 500 rpm 1000 rpm 1800 rpm 2300 rpm 10 sec -
Alarm level 100 kPa 150 kPa 250 kPa 250 kPa - -
(14.5 PSI) (21.8 PSI) (36.3 PSI) (36.3 PSI)
Oil pressure 500 rpm 1000 rpm 1800 rpm 2300 rpm 5 sec -
Alarm level 150 kPa 200 kPa 225 kPa 250 kPa - -
(21.8 PSI) (29.0 PSI) (32.6 PSI) (36.3 PSI)
Derating limit 130 kPa 180 kPa 205 kPa 230 kPa - 70 % in step
(18.9 PSI) (26.1 PSI) (29.7 PSI) (33.4 PSI) of 10 %
Seawater pressure 600 rpm 1400 rpm 1700 rpm 1900 rpm 5 sec -
Alarm level 5 kPa 10 kPa 15 kPa 20 kPa - -
(0.7 PSI) (1.5 PSI) (2.2 PSI) (2.9 PSI)
47700583 04-2009 11
03-3 Specifications, Electrical
D11 Propulsion
Derate to engine protection map
Parameter “Yellow lamp” “Red lamp” Derating
High coolant temperature 98 °C (208 °F) 101 °C (213.8 °F) 101 °C (213.8 °F) –0%
103 °C (217.4 °F) –25%
106 °C (222.8 °F) –50%
High oil temperature 120 °C (248 °F) 122 °C (251.6 °F) 122 °C (251.6 °F) –0%
124 °C (255.2 °F) –50%
126° (258.8 °F) –70%
High charge air temperature 75 °C (167 °F) 80 °C (176 °F) 80 °C (176 °F) –0%
85 °C (185 °F) –50%
90 °C (194 °F) –70%
High charge air pressure 270 kPa (39.2 PSI) 280 kPa (40.6 PSI) >280 kPa (40.6 PSI) –50%
Low coolant level Switch - -
Crankcase pressure
Red lamp and max. 1200 rpm and 75% derate.
12 47700583 04-2009
03-3 Specifications, Electrical
D12 Propulsion
Sensors Warning / Alarm level Derating level Condition/delay Derating
Boost temperature 80 °C (176 °F) 85 °C (185 °F) - Soft derate
Coolant tempera- 95 °C (203 °F) 98 °C (208.4 °F) - -
Crankcase pres- Rapid pressure - - 1000 rpm
sure increase
Oil temperature 125°C (257 °) 128°C (262,4 °F) - -
128°C (262.4 °F)
Piston cooling 150 ±20 kPa (21.8 150 ±20 kPa (21.8 Above 1300 rpm Yes, 70%
pressure ±2.9 PSI) ±2.9 PSI) instant
Water in fuel Water in fuel - - -
Boost pressure 1700 rpm 1900 rpm 2100 rpm 2300 rpm 2360 rpm -
Alarm level 450 kPa 440 kPa 430 kPa 395 kPa 390 kPa -
(65.3 PSI) (63.8 PSI) (62.4 PSI) (57.3 PSI) (56.6 PSI)
Derating limit 460 kPa 450 kPa 440 kPa 405 kPa 400 kPa Yes, 50%
(66.7 PSI) (65.3 PSI) (63.8 PSI) (58.7 PSI) (58.0 PSI)
Fuel pressure 500 rpm 1800 rpm 2300 rpm - - -
Alarm level 50 kPa 200 kPa 200 kPa - - -
(7.3 PSI) (29.0 PSI) (29.0 PSI)
Oil pressure 500 rpm 1000 rpm 1800 rpm 2300 rpm - -
Alarm level 150 kPa 200 kPa 225 kPa 250 kPa - -
(21.8 PSI) (29.0 PSI) (32.6 PSI) (36.3 PSI)
Derating limit 130 kPa 170 kPa 205 kPa 230 kPa - Yes, 70%
(18.9 PSI) (24.7 PSI) (29.7 PSI) (33.4 PSI)
47700583 04-2009 13
03-3 Specifications, Electrical
D16 Propulsion
Boost pressure 400 kPa (58.0 PSI) 410 kPa (59.5 PSI) Yes, 50% of engine prot. map
Boost temperature 80 °C (176 °F) 90 °C (194 °F) See soft derate 3
Coolant level Low - -
Coolant temperature 98 °C (218.4 °F) 101 °C (213.8 °F) See soft derate 1
Crankcase pressure Rapid pressure Rapid pressure Yes, max rpm=1000
increase increase
Exhaust temperature 650 °C (1202 °F) 665 °C (1229 °F) See soft derate 4
Oil temperature 125 °C (257 °F) 128 °C (262.4 °F) See soft derate 2
Piston cooling pressure 150 ±20 kPa (21.8 150 ±20 kPa (21.8 Yes, 70%
±2.9 PSI) ±2.9 PSI)
Water In fuel Water In fuel - -
Coolant pressure 600 rpm 1000 rpm 1500 rpm 1900 rpm 5 sec delay
Warning Level 5 kPa 55 kPa 100 kPa 130 kPa -
(0.7 PSI) (8.0 PSI) (14.5 PSI) (18.9 PSI)
Alarm level -45 kPa 5 kPa 50 kPa 80 kPa Yes, 50% of engine
(-6.5 PSI) (0.7 PSI) (7.3 PSI) (11.6 PSI) prot. map
Fuel pressure 600 rpm 1000 rpm 1800 rpm 1900 rpm -
Warning Level 50 kPa 75 kPa 200 kPa 200 kPa -
(7.3 PSI) (10.9 PSI) (29.0 PSI) (29.0 PSI)
Oil pressure 500 rpm 1000 rpm 1500 rpm 1900 rpm -
Warning Level 150 kPa 200 kPa 250 kPa 250 kPa -
(21.8 PSI) (29.0 PSI) (36.3 PSI) (36.3 PSI)
Alarm level 130 kPa 180 kPa 230 kPa 230 kPa Yes, 70% of engine
(18.9 PSI) (26.1 PSI) (33.4 PSI) (33.4 PSI) prot. map in step of
Seawater pressure 600 rpm 1400 rpm 1700 rpm 1900 rpm 5 sec delay
Warning Level 5 kPa 25 kPa 35 kPa 40 kPa -
(0.7 PSI) (3.6 PSI) (5.1 PSI) (5.8 PSI)
14 47700583 04-2009
03-3 Specifications, Electrical
1) Soft derate, cool- Speed 101 °C (213.8 °F) 103 °C (217.4 °F) 106 °C (222.8 °F)
ant temp
Remaining torque 600 rpm 100% 100% 100%
1200 rpm 100% 91% 82%
1800 rpm 100% 83% 66%
2) Soft derate, oil Speed 128 °C (262.4 °F) 130 °C (266 °F) 135 °C (275 °F)
Remaining torque 600 rpm 100% 100% 100%
1200 rpm 100% 91% 74%
1800 rpm 100% 83% 52%
3) Soft derate, Speed 90 °C (194 °F) 95 °C (203 °F) 105 °C (221 °F)
boost Temp Varvtal
Remaining torque 600 rpm 100% 100% 100%
1200 rpm 100% 82% 74%
1800 rpm 100% 66% 52%
4) Soft derate, Speed 665 °C (1229 °F) 675°C (1247 °F) 680°C (1256 °F) 685°C (1265 °F)
exhaust temp
Remaining torque 600 rpm 100% 100% 100% 100%
1200 rpm 100% 96% 93% 89%
1800 rpm 100% 93% 86% 80%
47700583 04-2009 15
05-1 Safety Instructions
Read the safety information below and the service manual section About this Workshop manual and Repair
instructions carefully before repair and service work is begun.
This symbol is used in the service manual and on the product, to call attention to the
fact that this is safety information. Always read such information very carefully.
Safety texts in the manual have the following order of priority:
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious
personal injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate
personal injury.
IMPORTANT! Is used to draw your attention to something that may cause minor dam-
age or a minor malfunction to the product or property.
NOTICE! Is used to draw your attention to important information that will facilitate the
work or operation in progress.
This symbol is used on our products in certain cases and refers to important information
in the instruction book. Make sure that warning and information symbols on the engine
are clearly visible and legible. Replace symbols which have been damaged or painted
A compilation of safety precautions that must be taken and risks which must be paid attention to is
presented in the following pages.
16 47700583 04-2009
05-1 Safety Instructions
Immobilize the engine by turning off the power Avoid opening the coolant filling cap when the
! supply to the engine at the main switch ! engine is hot. Steam or hot coolant can spray
(switches) and lock it (them) in the off position out and system pressure will be lost. Open the
before starting work. Post a warning notice at filler cap slowly, and release the pressure in the
the main circuit breaker. cooling system if the filler cap or valve has to be
opened, or if a plug or coolant hose has to be
removed when the engine is hot.
As a rule, all service operations must be carried Hot oil can cause burns. Avoid skin contact with
! out with the engine stopped. However, some ! hot oil. Ensure that the lubrication system is not
work, such as adjustments, will require the under pressure before any work is begun.
engine to be running. Approaching an engine Never start or operate the engine with the oil
which is running is a safety risk. Bear in mind filler cap removed, because of the risk of oil
that loose clothing or long hair can fasten in ejection.
rotating parts and cause serious personal
Be aware of hot surfaces (exhaust pipes, tur- Never start the engine without installing the air
! bos, charge air pipes, starting heaters etc.) and ! filter. The rotating compressor turbine in the tur-
hot fluids in pipes and hoses on an engine that bocharger can cause severe injury. Foreign
is running or has just stopped. objects entering the intake ducts can also cause
If work is done adjacent to a running engine, a mechanical damage. Install all protective cov-
careless movement or a dropped tool may in the ers before the engine is started.
worst case lead to personal injury.
Ensure that the warning symbols or information Only start the engine in a well-ventilated space.
! decals on the product are always clearly visible. ! When running in a confined space, exhaust
Replace decals which have been damaged or fumes and crankcase gases must be led away
painted over. from the engine bay or workshop area.
Avoid getting oil on your skin! Protracted or The majority of chemicals e.g. engine and trans-
! repeated exposure to oil can cause skin to ! mission oils, glycol, gasoline, and diesel oil,
become dry. Irritation, dryness, eczema and together with chemicals for workshop use such
other skin problems may then result. From a as degreasing agents, paints and solvents, are
health standpoint, used oil is more dangerous injurious to health. Carefully read the instruc-
than new. Use protective gloves and avoid oil- tions on the product packaging! Always follow a
soaked clothes and rags. Wash regularly, espe- product's safety directions, e.g. use of protec-
cially before eating. Use suitable barrier creams tive mask, glasses, gloves etc. Ensure that
to counteract drying out of the skin and to aid other personnel are not exposed to substances
dirt removal. that are injurious to health. Ensure good venti-
lation. Handle used and leftover chemicals in
the prescribed manner.
Stop the engine and turn off the electrical supply Clutch adjustments must be carried out with the
! at the main switch(es) before carrying out work ! engine stopped.
on the electrical system.
47700583 04-2009 17
05-1 Safety Instructions
Always use protective glasses or goggles when Never start the engine with the valve cover
! carrying out work where a risk of splinters, ! removed. There is a risk of personal injury.
grinding sparks, splashes from acid or other
chemicals is present. Your eyes are extremely
sensitive; injury may cause blindness!
Never use start gas or similar products as a Stop the engine before working on the cooling
! starting aid. They may cause an explosion in the ! system.
inlet manifold. Danger of personal injury. Marine engines: Close the sea cock / cooling
water inlet valve before work on the cooling sys-
tem is begun.
All fuels, as well as many chemicals, are flam- Make sure that oil, fuel-soaked rags, and used
! mable. Do not allow open flames or sparks in ! fuel and oil filters are stored in a safe manner.
their vicinity. Gasoline, some thinners, and Rags soaked in oil can spontaneously ignite
hydrogen gas from batteries are extremely under certain circumstances. Used fuel and oil
flammable and explosive when mixed with air in filters are environmentally hazardous waste
the correct proportions. No Smoking! Ensure and must be handed to an approved waste
that the work area is well ventilated and take the management facility for destruction, as must
necessary safety precautions before welding or any used lubrication oil, contaminated fuel,
grinding work is begun. Always ensure that paint residue, solvents, degreasers and wash
there are fire extinguishers close at hand in the residue.
work area.
Batteries must never be exposed to open Never work alone when removing heavy com-
! flames or electric sparks. Never smoke in the ! ponents, even when using lifting devices such
vicinity of the batteries; they generate hydrogen as locking tackle lifts. When using a lifting
gas when charged, which is explosive when device, two people are usually required to do
mixed with air. This gas is easily ignited and the work - one to take care of the lifting device
highly explosive. A spark, which can be caused and the other to ensure that components are
by incorrect battery connection, is sufficient to lifted clear and not damaged during the lifting
cause a battery to explode and cause damage. operations.
Never transpose the positive (+) and negative The existing lugs on the engine should be used
! (-) battery posts when installing batteries. Such ! for lifting. Always check that the lifting equip-
a transposition can result in serious damage to ment used is in good condition and has the load
electrical equipment. Refer to the wiring dia- capacity to lift the engine (engine weight includ-
gram. ing gearbox or extra equipment). For safe han-
Always use protective goggles when charging dling and to avoid damaging components fitted
and handling the batteries. Battery electrolyte to the top of the engine, the engine must be
contains sulfuric acid which is highly corrosive. lifted with a correctly adjusted lifting boom. All
Should the battery electrolyte come into contact chains or wires must run parallel to each other
with unprotected skin, wash it off immediately and as perpendicular to the engine as possible.
using soap and copious amounts of water. If you If other equipment attached to the engine has
get battery acid in your eyes, flush at once with altered its center of gravity, special lifting devi-
copious amounts of water and seek medical ces may be needed to obtain the correct bal-
assistance immediately. ance for safe handling. Never perform any work
on an engine that is only suspended from the
lifting equipment.
18 47700583 04-2009
05-1 Safety Instructions
The components in the electrical and fuel sys- Exercise extreme caution when leak-detecting
! tems on Volvo Penta products are designed and ! on the fuel system and testing the fuel injector
manufactured to minimize the risk of fire and nozzles. Use eye protection. The jet from a fuel
explosion. The engine must not be run in areas nozzle has very high pressure and great pene-
where there are explosive materials. tration power. Fuel can force its way deep into
body tissue and cause severe injury. There is a
risk of blood poisoning (septicemia).
Only use fuels and lubricating oils recom- Never use a high-pressure washer for cleaning
! mended by Volvo Penta. Refer to the Operator's ! the engine.
Manual for the product in question. Use of fuels Pay attention to the following when using a high-
that are of a lower grade may damage the pressure washer on components other than the
engine, the injection pump and the injectors. On actual engine: Never direct the water jet at
a diesel engine, low grade fuel can cause the seals, rubber hoses or electrical components.
control rod to bind and the engine to over-rev,
with the risk of engine damage and personal
injury as a result. Low fuel and oil grades may
result in high service, maintenance and repair
47700583 04-2009 19
08-2 Special Service Tools
p0005125 P0008793
9998534 Break out cable 9998699 Break-out box 9999324 Press tool
4-pin adapter cable for sensor Used for measurements. Used when joining electrical
test. cables for connectors.
20 47700583 04-2009
30-0 General
30-0 General
47700583 04-2009 21
30-0 General
Component location
Location of switches and sensors, D9
4 5
12 13
22 47700583 04-2009
30-0 General
47700583 04-2009 23
30-0 General
2 3
24 47700583 04-2009
30-0 General
47700583 04-2009 25
30-0 General
10 8
26 47700583 04-2009
30-0 General
13 10 9
12 11
47700583 04-2009 27
30-0 General
Component description
AUX stop button
There are two different kinds of AUX stop buttons.
When the AUX stop button is pressed the power supply
to the engine control unit is switched off and the engine
will shut down.
Starter motor
Starter motor The starter motor is installed in the fly-
wheel housing, on the right-hand side of the engine.
The starter motor relay is connected between battery
positive and the engine control unit. When the relay is
to be activated during the starting sequence the engine
control unit alter the potential of the output.
The starter motor solenoid is engaged via the starter
relay, which is activated when the starter key is turned
to position III.
The starter relay (1) is installed on the side of the
starter motor solenoid.
If there is no power module installed, a first-start relay
is also included in the starter motor circuit. This is
located underneath the plastic housing beside the stop
button bracket.
Overheating protection
The starter motor circuit is automatically cut for 30 sec-
onds to protect the starter motor against overheating.
Leave the starter motor to cool for at least five minutes
(if possible) before making a new start attempt.
28 47700583 04-2009
30-0 General
Alternator 24 V – 80 A, 12 V – 115 A
The alternator is belt driven and mounted on the front
of the engine, on the left.
Unit injector
The unit injectors are installed on the cylinder head,
underneath the valve cover.
The amount of fuel injected and injection duration is
controlled by the control unit, via electromagnetically
controlled fuel valves in the unit injectors. This means
that the engine always receives the correct volume of
fuel in all operating conditions, which offers lower fuel
consumption, minimal exhaust emissions etc.
The unit injectors are made and classified by tolerance.
47700583 04-2009 29
30-0 General
30 47700583 04-2009
30-0 General
47700583 04-2009 31
30-0 General
32 47700583 04-2009
30-0 General
47700583 04-2009 33
30-0 General
34 47700583 04-2009
30-0 General
• Throttle opening
P0007162 N M
• Oil pressure
Engine Control Unit (ECU)
• Oil temperature
A Engine speed
B Throttle opening • Crankcase pressure
C Oil pressure/-temperature • Boost air pressure/temperature
D Boost air pressure/-temperature
• Fuel pressure
E Crankcase pressure
F Coolant temperature • Fuel alarm, ”water in fuel”
G Diagnostics • Camshaft position
H Camshaft position
• Coolant level/oil level
I Fuel alarm, water in fuel
J Fuel pressure
• Piston cooling pressure
K Coolant level/oil level The information provides information about current
L Piston cooling pressure operation conditions and allows the processor to cal-
culate the correct fuel volume, monitor engine status
M Checking the wastegate control (D12)
N Fuel volume
O Injection advance
47700583 04-2009 35
30-0 General
Fuel control
The amount of fuel injected into the engine and the
injection advance are fully electronically controlled, via
fuel valves and the unit injectors, once the control unit
has analyzed the engine’s fuel requirements.
This means that the engine always receives the correct
volume of fuel in all operating conditions, which offers
lower fuel consumption, minimal exhaust emissions
Normal start
Both the camshaft sensor and flywheel sensor function
normally. The engine is cranked until the engine con-
trol unit discovers that cylinder 1 is next in line for injec-
tion. Fuel is injected and the engine starts.
36 47700583 04-2009
30-0 General
Cylinder balancing
During idling, the control unit can provide the cylinders
with different amounts of fuel. This is to give the engine
more even idling. At higher engine speeds, all cylinders
receive the same amount of fuel.
Diagnostic Function
The EMS system has a built-in diagnostic function
which can discover any faults in the engine and sen-
The function of the diagnostic function is to discover
and localize any function faults in the EMS system, to
protect the engine and guarantee continued operation
if a serious function fault should occur.
47700583 04-2009 37
30-0 General
Repair Instructions
General advice on working with EMS engines
The following advice must be followed to avoid damage to the engine control unit and other electronics.
The system must be switched off and the system cur-
rent disconnected when any of the connectors on the
engine control unit is connected or disconnected.
• Only batteries may be used for start help. A help
• Never disconnect the current with the main
start device can produce a very high voltage and
switches when an engine is running.
damage the control unit and other electronics.
• Never undo a battery cable when the engine is
• If damage is discovered in a cable harness the
two 36-pin connectors for the enginecontrol unit
• Turn the main switches off or disconnect the and the 8-pin connector between the engine and
battery cables during quick charging of the bat- the EVC system must be disconnected.
• If a connector is disconnected from a sensor, be
NOTICE! During normal trickle charging, it is not very careful to avoid allowing the contact pins to
necessary to turn the main switches off. come into contact with oil, water or dirt.
Electrical Welding
Undo all connectors from the engine control unit before
you start electric welding.
Cut the engine current before the control unit connec-
tor is disconnected.
After welding is completed, the disconnected compo-
nents, such as alternator cables and battery cables
must be connected in the correct order.
38 47700583 04-2009
30-0 General
• Look for oxidation which can impair contact in Wear can also cause faults. For this reason, avoid
connectors. disconnecting a connector unless it is necessary.
• Check that terminals are undamaged, that they Other contact problems can be caused by damage to
are correctly inserted into their connectors, and pins, sockets and connectors etc.
that the cable is correctly terminated in the ter-
minal. Shake cables and pull connectors during measure-
ment, to find where the cable is damaged.
• Check that there is good mechanical contact in
the connector. Use a loose pin to check this. Contact resistance and oxidation
IMPORTANT! Resistance in connectors, cables and junctions
The multi-pin connectors for the engine control should be close to 0 Ω. A certain amount of resistance
unit must only be checked with gauge 9998482. will occur, however, because of oxidation in connec-
• Carefully insert gauge 9998482 into the multipin tors.
connector. Pull and push the connector in and If this resistance is too great, malfunctions occur. The
out a few times and feel whether the terminal amount of resistance that can be tolerated before
socket grasps the tool. If the terminal socket malfunctions occur varies, depending on the load in
does not grasp, or if it feels slack, the connection the circuit.
pins should be changed. Please refer to ”Joining
electrical cables for multi-connector” Check the Open circuit
secondary locking in the connector. Possible reasons for faults could be chafed or broken
cables, or connectors which have come undone.
47700583 04-2009 39
30-0 General
40 47700583 04-2009
30-0 General
999 7
4 21
3 20
11 28
2 19
10 27
1 18 35
9 26
17 34
8 25 42
16 33
24 41
15 32 49
23 40
31 48
22 39 56
30 47
38 55
29 46
37 54
45 62
36 53
44 61
43 60
47700583 04-2009 41
30-0 General
42 47700583 04-2009
30-0 General
If battery voltage falls below 24.7 V (measured at the
battery), the starter motor will not be able to crank the
engine at normal speed. A fully charged battery has an
open circuit voltage of about 25.4 V.
47700583 04-2009 43
30-0 General
Generally about alternators: 1 Check that all connectors at the battery is cor-
rectly assembled.
The voltage output from an alternator must be limited
to prevent the elecrolyte in the battery to evaporate. 2 Check the conditions of the cables to the battery.
The alternator output is regulated (limited) by the volt-
3 Check the water level in the battery.
age regulator in the alternator. The maximum current
that the alternator can deliver at regulated voltage 4 Check, if possible, the specific gravity of all cells.
output depends on the alternator revolution. To make
the alternator charging more efficient a sense cable when no charge
between the alternator and the battery+ can be added 1 Check the alternator belt tension.
to compensate if there is a voltage drop in the cable
between the alternator and the battery+. 2 Check that all connectors at the alternator and
at the battery is correctly assembled.
When the engine is started an excitation current is
needed to “wake up” the alternator. 3 Check the condition of all cables in the charging
NOTICE! It is the consumers (batteries included) system.
which decides the output current from the alternator. 4 Check the brushes length and condition.
5 Change, if possible, the regulator.
1 Engine off. when undercharge
2 Use multimeter 9812519 to do a voltage meas- 1 Check the alternator belt tension.
urement over the battery. The nominal voltage 2 Check that all connectors at the alternator and
over a full loaded battery is approx. 12.6V or at the battery is correctly assembled.
3 Check the condition of all cables in the charging
3 Engine on. Run at 1500 rpm. system.
4 Use multimeter 9812519 to do a voltage meas- 4 Check the brushes length and condition.
urement over the battery. The nominal charging
voltage over the battery should be approx. 13.6– 5 Change, if possible, the regulator.
14.4 V or 27.8–28.6 V (if the sense cable is con-
when overcharge
1 Change, if possible, the regulator.
44 47700583 04-2009
30-0 General
47700583 04-2009 45
30-0 General
46 47700583 04-2009
30-0 General
Alternator faulttracing
Valid for alternator 20409228.
• NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.
• Remove all connectors on the alternator. B+, B–,
• Remove the plastic cover over the diods. The plastic
cover is fixed with two nuts on B1+, B2+, and a pozi-
drive screw.
• Loosen the three screws that holds the brushes and
the regulator.
47700583 04-2009 47
30-0 General
Energizing sequence
1 When the main switch is closed, the engine con-
trol unit pin A8 (main relay hold) gets battery
potential. Main relay is not activated.
The PCU and HCU are energized (via the engine
connector pin 4).
2 When the starter key is turned to position I (ter-
minal 15a on the starter switch is connected to pin
30), the engine control unit pin A58 receives an
activation signal from the PCU via pin 5 in the
engine connector. Pin A8 alter its potential to
approx. 0.8 V and the main relay activates.
When the ignition is switched, the EVC equip-
ment such as the control panels and instruments
are activated. All relays connected to the starter
switch and start / stop panels are activated to
supply current to equipment which does not
belong to the EVC.
48 47700583 04-2009
30-0 General
The chassis number or engine serial number must be available to allow the software to be downloaded.
1 Log in to Volvo Penta Partner Networks web site,
2 Choose ”Vodia” in the left-hand menu.
3 Choose ”ECU Programming” in the left-hand menu.
4 Follow the instructions under ”Download software”. Choose the control units to be re-programmed and click
the ”Download” button. The software for the selected control units is now downloaded to the PDA (Personal
Digital Assistant).
5 Take a look under ”Settings”, ”Software information” in Vodia to check that the software has been down-
6 Connect the Vodia to the engine to be programmed.
7 Start with the engine control unit. Select ”Engine with mounting and equipment” in the Vodia menu.
Select ”MID 128 Control unit, programming”. Vodia will guide you through the entire programming process.
8 The next control unit is the vehicle control unit, PCU (Powertrain Control Unit). Select ”Electrical system and
instruments” in the Vodia menu. Select ”MID 187 Control unit, programming”. Vodia will guide you through
the entire programming process.
9 The next control unit to be programmed is the HCU (helm station control unit). Select ”Electrical system and
instruments” in the Vodia menu. Select ”MID 164 Control unit, programming”. Vodia will guide you through
the entire programming process.
NOTICE! All helm station control units on the same drive line should be programmed in one sequence.
47700583 04-2009 49
30-0 General
50 47700583 04-2009
30-0 General
Function fault
Fault code information
• MID (“Message Indication Description”): • SID (“Subsystem Indication Description”):
The MID consists of a number which designates The SID consists of a number that designates a
the control unit that sent the fault code message. component to which the fault code relates (tach-
(e.g. the engine control unit). ometer, for example).
• PID (“Parameter Indication Description”): • PSID (“Proprietary SID”)
The PID consists of a number that designates a The same as the SID, but this is a Volvo-specific
parameter (value) to which the fault code relates component.
(oil pressure, for example).
• FMI (“Failure Mode Identifier”):
• PPID (“Proprietary PID”): FMI indicates the type of fault (please refer to
The same as the PID, but this is a Volvo-specific the FMI table below).
47700583 04-2009 51
30-0 General
NOTICE! The following must be done before fault tracing continues, to avoid changing functional sensors:
If VODIA is not able to identify the engine control unit The starter motor is activated with the ignition on.
(MID 128), this will not be visible under ”Vehicle infor- If the starter motor is activated as soon as the switch
mation”. is turned, the diode in the key switch cable harness
might be short circuited. Fault trace the diode in
NOTICE! If the engine control unit has not been iden- accordance with the ”Checking the key switch diode”
tified, it can not be programmed. section.
52 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Fault Codes
MID 128, PID 20, Extended Range
Engine Coolant Pressure
MID 128: Engine control unit
Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
FMI 1: Engine is derated.
FMI 3, 5: None.
Cable description
The sensor is an active sensor, i.e. the sensor must
receive operating voltage. Pin 17 on the engine control
20 GN/SB 2 unit (EMS2) connector B provides pin 1 on the sensor
(+)17 R 1 with an operating voltage of +5 Volt. Pin 4 on the sen-
SB sor is connected to battery negative via pin 18 on the
(-)18 4
b a EMS2.
EMS 2 The output signal from the coolant pressure sensor, pin
P0007184 2 on the sensor to pin 20 on the EMS2, is a voltage
signal that is proportional to the coolant pressure. The
a Coolant Pressure output signal is linear within the sensors working
b Connector B range.
47700583 04-2009 53
30-2 Fault Tracing
Fault tracing
Coolant pressure too low.
Suitable action
1 Check the coolant level and the quality of the cool-
2 Check that no leakage occurs.
3 Check the coolant circulation pump.
4 Check the sensor by control measuring the coolant
Abnormally high voltage or short circuit to higher volt-
age has been detected.
Possible reason
• Open circuit in the sensor negative cable.
• Short circuit between sensor signal cable and 5V
supply or battery voltage to coolant pressure sensor.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check the cable harness between the sensor and
the EMS2.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 18 in the
engine connector B.
3 Check the sensor.
54 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Current below normal or open circuit.
Possible reason
• Open circuit in the sensor 5V supply cable.
• Open circuit in sensor signal cable.
• Short circuit between sensor signal cable and bat-
tery negative to coolant pressure sensor.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check the cable harness between the sensor and
the EMS2.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 18 in the
engine connector B.
3 Check the sensor.
Special Tools: 9812519, 9998534/885675.
Supply cable
1 NOTICE! Turn ignition off.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 between the
sensor and engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.
4 Turn ignition on.
47700583 04-2009 55
30-2 Fault Tracing
Negative cable
1 Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
Signal cable
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
56 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Component specification
Working range 0–300 kPa (0–3 bar)
Power supply 5.00 ± 0.25 VDC
47700583 04-2009 57
30-2 Fault Tracing
Fault indication
FMI 1: A red lamp flashes in the alarm display
+ audible warning.
FMI 3, 5: An orange lamp flashes in the alarm dis-
Cable description
a The sensor which measures fuel pressure is an active
sensor, which means that the sensor must have oper-
ating current.
The engine control unit, Connector B, pin 17, supplies
the sensor, pin 1 with +5 Volt. The sensor, pin 4, is
connected to battery negative via the engine control
unit, pin 18.
P0007189 The output signal from the pressure sensor (pin 2 on
sensor to pin 16 on the control unit) is a voltage signal
a Connector B which is proportional to the pressure measured by the
Color: Grey sensor. The output signal is linear within the sensors
working range.
58 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Fault tracing
Fuel pressure is too low. Fuel pressure depends on
engine revolution speed.
Suitable action
1 Check fuel level.
2 Open the fuel taps and check that no leakage
3 Check the fuel hoses to ensure that none have
been crushed or kinked.
4 Change the fuel filters (primary and secondary fil-
5 Check the sensor by checking the fuel pressure.
6 Check the overflow valve and change it if neces-
7 Check the feed pump.
Abnormally high voltage or short circuit to higher volt-
age has been detected.
Possible reason
• Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and
the sensor 5 Volt supply cable or battery voltage.
• Open circuit in the sensor negative cable.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 18 in the
engine connector B.
3 Check the sensor.
47700583 04-2009 59
30-2 Fault Tracing
Current below normal or open circuit.
Possible reason
• Open circuit in 5V supply cable.
• Open circuit in signal cable.
• Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and
the sensor negative cable.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 16 and 17 in
the engine connector B.
3 Check the sensor.
Special Tools: 9812519, 9998534/885675.
Supply cable
1 NOTICE! Turn the starter key to position 0.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 between the
sensor and engine control unit.
3 Turn the starter key to position 1.
4 Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.
60 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Negative cable
1 Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
Signal cable
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
47700583 04-2009 61
30-2 Fault Tracing
V Component specification
Working range 0–700 kPa (0–7 bar)
Power supply 5.00 ± 0.25 VDC
V Output voltage
kPa Fuel Pressure
62 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
47700583 04-2009 63
30-2 Fault Tracing
Cable description
D9, D12 A water in fuel switch is located in the water trap under
the fuel filter. The switch senses the resistance
between two copper pins. The copper pins are in con-
tact with the fuel. When there is no water in the fuel,
R/BL SB Y the resistance is very high. If there is any water in the
fuel, the resistance falls.
At a threshold resistance (water has been detected),
the switch output signal (yellow cable) to the engine
a control unit pin 8 will be pulled down to zero by a tran-
R/BL The engine control unit, pins 57 and 60 provides the
(+) 57
R/BL three pin switch with battery voltage. The switch is
(+) 60
(-) 10 connected via pin 10 on the engine control unit to bat-
SB tery negative.
a Connector B
Color: Grey
a SB
10 R /BL 4(+)
R /BL 5(+) 10 2
EMS2 b 8 3
P0007195 Y
a Connector B P0008540
Color: Grey
b Power Module
a Connector B
64 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Fault tracing
Water in Fuel
Possible reason
• Water in fuel trap.
• Short circuit between the yellow cable of the water
in fuel switch and battery negative.
Suitable action
1 Empty the water in the fuel trap.
2 Check the cables to the water in fuel switch.
3 Check the water in fuel switch.
Faulty sensor/Faulty switch circuit.
Possible reason
Short circuit between the signal cable and the supply
cable to the water in fuel switch.
Suitable action
1 Check the cable harness between water in fuel
switch and EMS2.
47700583 04-2009 65
30-2 Fault Tracing
Special Tools: Multimeter 9812519.
Supply cable
1 NOTICE! Turn the starter key to position 0.
2 Disconnect the connector from the water in fuel
3 Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.
4 NOTICE! Turn the starter key to position 1.
Negative cable
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the water in fuel
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
Signal cable
1 NOTICE! Turn the starter key to position 0.
2 Disconnect the connector from the water in fuel
3 Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.
4 NOTICE! Turn the starter key to position 1.
66 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
1 Remove the switch.
2 Disconnect the connector to the water in fuel
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
47700583 04-2009 67
30-2 Fault Tracing
Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
68 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Cable description
(-)10 SB
(+)57,60 R/BL
a Connector A
1 c b Connector B
b 3 c Oil level switch
47700583 04-2009 69
30-2 Fault Tracing
Fault tracing
Oil level too low.
Suitable action
1 Check the oil level in the engine.
2 Check that no leakage occurs.
3 Check the sensor.
Current below normal or open circuit.
Possible reason
• Open circuit in the sensor 5V supply cable.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check the cable harness between the sensor and
the EMS2.
2 Level sensor: Check the contact pressure in socket
3 and 4 in the engine connector B.
3 Check the sensor.
70 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Special Tools: 9812519, 9998534/885675.
Supply cable
1 NOTICE! Turn the starter key to position 0.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 between the
sensor and engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.
4 NOTICE! Turn the starter key to position 1.
Negative cable
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
47700583 04-2009 71
30-2 Fault Tracing
Engine stopped
1 Put a suitable vessel underneath the oil pan.
2 Undo the connector and remove the switch from the
NOTICE! Temporarily install a plug (M18 x 1.5) with
gasket (part no. 960632 and 11998) in the oil pan
to prevent oil from running out.
Hot oil and hot surfaces can cause burns.
72 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
D9, D11, D12 FMI 1: Engine is derated.
a c FMI 3, 5: None.
47700583 04-2009 73
30-2 Fault Tracing
Fault tracing
Oil pressure too low.
Suitable action
1 Check the oil level in the engine and the oil quality.
2 Check that no leakage occurs.
3 Check that the oil filters are not blocked. Change oil
filters and engine oil.
4 Check the sensor by checking the engine oil pres-
5 Check if the safety valve or the pressure relief valve
is stucked open.
Abnormally high voltage or short circuit to higher volt-
age has been detected.
Possible reason
• Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and
the sensor 5 Volt supply cable or battery voltage.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the sensor.
74 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Current below normal or open circuit.
Possible reason
• Open circuit in 5V supply cable.
• Open circuit in signal cable.
• Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and
the sensor 5 Volt supply cable or battery voltage.
• Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and
the sensor negative cable.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 11 in the
engine connector B and in the socket 7 in the
engine connector A.
3 Check the sensor.
47700583 04-2009 75
30-2 Fault Tracing
Special Tools: 9812519, 9998534/885675.
Supply cable
1 NOTICE! Turn the starter key to position 0.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 between the
sensor and engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.
4 NOTICE! Turn the starter key to position 1.
Negative cable
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
76 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Signal cable
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
47700583 04-2009 77
30-2 Fault Tracing
V Component specification
Working range 0–700 kPa (0–7 bar)
Power supply 5.00 ± 0,25 VDC
V Output voltage
kPa Oil pressure
78 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
FMI 0: Engine is derated.
FMI 4, 5: None.
47700583 04-2009 79
30-2 Fault Tracing
a Connector A
b Air inlet pressure/intake manifold temperature
Fault tracing
Boost air temperature too high.
Suitable action
1 Check that the engine temperature, coolant tem-
perature, has a normal value.
2 Check the sensor.
80 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
The voltage is less than the normal value or is short
circuited to battery negative.
Possible reason
• Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and
the sensor negative cable.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the sensor.
Current below normal or open circuit.
Possible reason
• Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and
the sensor 5 Volt supply cable or battery voltage.
• Open circuit in signal cable.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 47 in the
engine connector A.
3 Check the sensor.
47700583 04-2009 81
30-2 Fault Tracing
Special Tools: 9812519, 9998534/885675.
Negative cable
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
Signal cable
1 NOTICE! Turn the starter key to position 0.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Turn the starter key to position 1.
4 Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.
Measurement points Nominal value
D9, D12 3-4 U≈5V
D11, D16 1-2 U≈5V
82 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
47700583 04-2009 83
30-2 Fault Tracing
Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
FMI 0: Engine is derated.
FMI 3, 5: None.
84 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Cable description
D9, D12 The sensor, which measures air inlet pressure is a
combined sensor, which means that it also measures
intake manifold air temperature. The sensor is an
active sensor, i.e. the sensor must have operating volt-
The engine control unit, pin 7, supplies the sensor, pin
1 with +5 Volt. The sensor, pin 4, is connected to bat-
tery negative via the engine control unit, pin 11.
The output signal from the pressure sensor (pin 2 on
sensor to connector A pin 22 on the engine control unit)
is a voltage signal which is proportional to the pressure
a Connector A measured by the sensor. The output signal is linear
Color: Black within the sensors working range.
b Air inlet pressure/intake manifold temperature
D11, D16
a Connector A
b Air inlet pressure/intake manifold temperature
Fault tracing
Air inlet pressure too high.
Suitable action
1 Check the compressor unit. The turbocharger must
comply with the specification for the engine.
2 Check the sensor by checking the air inlet pressure.
3 Check the wastegate valve function.
NOTICE! Only applies to D12.
47700583 04-2009 85
30-2 Fault Tracing
Abnormally high voltage or short circuit to higher volt-
age has been detected.
Possible reason
• Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and
the sensor 5 Volt supply cable or battery voltage.
• Open circuit in the sensor negative cable.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 11 in the
engine connector B.
3 Check the sensor.
Current below normal or open circuit.
Possible reason
• Open circuit in 5V supply cable.
• Open circuit in signal cable.
• Short circuit between the sensor power 5V supply
cable and the sensor negative cable.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 22 and 7 in
the engine connector A.
3 Check the sensor.
86 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Special Tools: 9812519, 9998534/885675.
Negative cable
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
Signal cable
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
47700583 04-2009 87
30-2 Fault Tracing
Supply cable
1 Turn the starter key to position 0.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 between the
sensor and engine control unit.
3 Turn the starter key to position 1.
4 Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.
88 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Component specification
D9, D12
Working range 40–400 kPa (0.4–4.0 bar)
Power supply 5.00 ± 0.25 VDC
D11, D16
Working range 50–400 kPa (0.5–4.0 bar)
Power supply 5.00 ± 0.25 VDC
47700583 04-2009 89
30-2 Fault Tracing
Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
FMI 0: The warning symbol in the alarm panel
flashes red. The coolant temperature
symbol in the alarm panel flashes red.
Audible warning.
FMI 4, 5: An orange lamp flashes in the alarm dis-
FMI 0: Engine is derated.
FMI 4, 5: None.
Cable description
b The coolant temperature sensor consists of a thermis-
tor which forms a closed circuit with the engine control
unit. The property of a thermistor is that its resistance
changes non-linearly with temperature in the medium
it measures. The engine control unit connector B pin
27, supplies the sensor, pin 2 with a reference voltage
of +5 Volt. The sensor, pin 1, is connected to battery
negative via the engine control unit, pin 18.
P0007217 When the coolant is cold, the thermistor resistance is
high and the engine control unit senses a voltage close
a Coolant temperature sensor to the reference level. When the coolant heats up, the
resistance in the thermistor falls and the voltage drop
b Connector B
across it falls.
Please refer to the ”Resistance/temperature” table.
90 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Fault tracing
Coolant temperature too high.
Possible reason
• Low coolant level.
• Blocked seawater filter.
• Worn impeller in seawater pump.
• Clamped/leaking/blocked hose on the suction side
(sea water).
• Defective thermostat.
• Blocked heat exchanger.
• Poor flow in the cooling system.
• Worn coolant pump.
• Faulty pressure cap, expansion tank.
• Faulty temperature sensor, coolant.
Suitable action
1 Check the coolant level.
2 Check that the system does not leak.
3 Check that the seawater filter is not blocked.
4 Remove the end wall from the reverse gear oil
cooler and check if the oil cooler is blocked.
5 Check the impeller in the seawater pump.
6 Check the coolant temperature sensor.
7 Clean the heat exchanger in the cooling system.
47700583 04-2009 91
30-2 Fault Tracing
The voltage is less than the normal value or is short
circuited to battery negative.
Possible reason
• Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and
the sensor negative cable.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the sensor.
Current below normal or open circuit.
Possible reason
• Open circuit in signal cable.
• Open circuit in the sensor negative cable.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 18 and 27 in
the engine connector B.
3 Check the sensor.
92 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Special Tools: 9812519, 9998534/885675.
Negative cable
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
Signal cable
1 NOTICE! Turn the starter key to position 0.
2 Connect adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the
cable harness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do voltage measure-
ment towards the engine control unit.
4 Turn the starter key to position 1.
Measurement points Nominal value
1-2 U≈5V
47700583 04-2009 93
30-2 Fault Tracing
°C Coolant Temperature
Ω Resistance
94 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
Cable description
b The coolant level in the engine is monitored by a level
Connector B pin 23 on the engine control unit provides
pin 1 on the level switch with a voltage of approx.
0.8*battery voltage. Pin 2 on the level switch is con-
nected to battery negative via pin 10 on the engine
control unit. The level switch has two states: infinite
P0007222 resistance or zero resistance.
47700583 04-2009 95
30-2 Fault Tracing
Fault tracing
Conditions for fault code
Coolant level too low.
Possible reason
• Low coolant level.
• Coolant leakage.
• Short circuit between pin B23 and battery negative.
• Faulty coolant level switch.
Suitable action
1 Check the coolant level.
2 Check that no leakage occurs.
3 Check the wiring to the coolant level switch.
4 Check the level switch.
Abnormally high voltage or short circuit to higher volt-
age has been detected.
Possible reason
Short circuit to battery voltage on pin B23.
Suitable action
1 Check the cable harness between the coolant level
switch and the EMS2.
96 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Special Tools: 9812519, 9998534/885675.
Supply cable
1 NOTICE! Turn ignition off
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.
4 Turn ignition on.
Measurement points Nominal value
1-2 U ≈ Battery voltage x 0.8
Negative cable
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
47700583 04-2009 97
30-2 Fault Tracing
Stop the engine and let it cool before starting work
on the cooling system. Hot fluids and hot surfaces
can cause burns.
2 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement against the switch.
Measurement points Nominal value
Blue conductor - Black R≈∞Ω
conductor (Coolant level is ok.)
98 47700583 04-2009
30-2 Fault Tracing
Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
FMI 0: Engine is derated and limited to 1200
FMI 3, 5: None.
Cable description
b The sensor which measures crankcase pressure is an
active sensor, which means that the sensor must have
operating current.
47700583 04-2009 99
30-2 Fault Tracing
Fault tracing
Crankcase pressure too high.
Possible reason
• Fault in sensor cables.
• Worn or damaged cylinder liners, pistons or piston
• Blocked crankcase ventilation.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check and clean the crankcase ventilation system.
3 Check the sensor by checking the fuel crankcase
Abnormally high voltage or short circuit to higher volt-
age has been detected.
Possible reason
1 Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and
the sensor 5 Volt supply cable or battery voltage.
2 Open circuit in the sensor negative cable.
3 Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 18 in the
engine connector B.
3 Check the sensor.
Current below normal or open circuit
Possible reason
• Open circuit in 5V supply cable.
• Open circuit in signal cable.
• Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and
the sensor negative cable.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 17 and 28 in
the engine connector B.
3 Check the sensor.
Special Tools: 9812519, 9998534/885675.
Supply cable
1 NOTICE! Turn the starter key to position 0.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 between the
sensor and engine control unit.
3 Turn the starter key to position 1.
4 Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.
Measurement points Nominal value
1-4 U≈5V
Negative cable
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
Signal cable
1 Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
Component specification
Working range 40–140 kPa (0.4–1.4 bar)
Power supply 5.00 ± 0.25 VDC
V Output voltage
kPa Crankcase Pressure
Fault indication
• Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
• An orange lamp flashes in the alarm display.
• Battery indication flashes in the alarm panel.
Cable description
The EMS2 monitors the supply voltage at pin B57 and
pin B60.
Fault tracing
Data valid but below operational range.
Possible reason
• Alternator drive belt, alternator does not charge.
• Fault in battery, cables or connectors.
• Faulty alternator.
• Faulty sensor cable.
Suitable action
1 Check that the alternator charges.
2 Check the sensor cable.
3 Check the battery cables and the battery connec-
4 Check/charge the batteries.
Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
Cable description
Exhaust temperature sensor consists of a Pt-200 sen-
sor where the resistance changes depending on
exhaust temperature. The resistance increases with
rising exhaust temperature.
Fault tracing
Exhaust temperature too high
Suitable action
1 Check that the exhaust pipe has not been damaged
and that there are no restrictions.
2 Check the sensor.
3 Check the exhaust back pressure.
Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage.
Possible reason
• Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and
the sensor negative cable.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check the cable harness between the sensor and
the EMS2.
2 Check the sensor.
Current below normal or open circuit.
Possible reason
• Open circuit in sensor signal cable.
• Open circuit in sensor negative cable.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check the cable harness between the sensor and
the EMS2.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 18 and 44 in
the engine connector B.
3 Check the sensor.
Special Tools: Multimeter 9812519.
Signal cable
1 NOTICE! Turn ignition off.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.
4 NOTICE! Turn ignition on.
Negative cable
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
°C Exhaust Temperature
Ω Resistance
Measure- Nominal resistance value Nominal voltage value measured over the
ment points sensor
1-2 R ≈ 185 Ω at -20° C U ≈ 0.78 V at -20° C
vid vid
1-2 R ≈ 200 Ω at 0° C U ≈ 0.84 V at 0° C
1-2 R ≈ 220 Ω at 25° C U ≈ 0.90 V at 25° C
1-2 R ≈ 238 Ω at 50° C U ≈ 0.96 V at 50° C
1-2 R ≈ 276 Ω at 100° C U ≈ 1.08 V at 100° C
1-2 R ≈ 313 Ω at 150° C U ≈ 1.19 V at 150° C
1-2 R ≈ 349 Ω at 200° C U ≈ 1.29 V at 200° C
1-2 R ≈ 385 Ω at 250° C U ≈ 1.39 V at 250° C
1-2 R ≈ 420 Ω at 300° C U ≈ 1.48 V at 300° C
1-2 R ≈ 454 Ω at 350° C U ≈ 1.56 V at 350° C
1-2 R ≈ 488 Ω at 400° C U ≈ 1.64 V at 400° C
1-2 R ≈ 521 Ω at 450° C U ≈ 1.71 V at 450° C
1-2 R ≈ 554 Ω at 500° C U ≈ 1.78 V at 500° C
1-2 R ≈ 618 Ω at 600° C U ≈ 1.91 V at 600° C
1-2 R ≈ 679 Ω at 700° C U ≈ 2.02 V at 700° C
1-2 R ≈ 738 Ω at 800° C U ≈ 2.12 V at 800° C
1-2 R ≈ 795 Ω at 900° C U ≈ 2.21 V at 900° C
1-2 R ≈ 849 Ω at 1000° C U ≈ 2.30 V at 1000° C
Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
a c FMI 0: Engine is derated.
FMI 4, 5: None.
(+)7 R 4 1
(-)11 SB Cable description
3 P2
GR / OR The sensor which measures oil temperature, is a com-
bined sensor which also measures oil pressure.
The property of a thermistor is that its resistance
changes non-linearly with temperature in the medium
it measures. When the oil in the engine is cold, the
thermistor resistance is high. When the oil warms up,
11 the thermistor resistance falls.
Fault tracing
Engine oil temperature too high.
Suitable action
1 Check the oil level in the engine.
2 Check the coolant level and the engine tempera-
3 Check that no leakage occurs.
4 Check the sensor.
5 Clean the oil cooler system and check the bypass
valve for the oil cooler.
Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage.
Possible reason
• Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and
the sensor negative cable.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the sensor.
Current below normal or open circuit.
Possible reason
• Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and
the sensor 5 Volt supply cable or battery voltage.
• Open circuit in signal cable.
• Open circuit in sensor negative cable.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 11 in the
engine connector A and in socket 11 in the engine
connector B.
3 Check the sensor.
Special Tools: 9812519, 9998534/885675.
Negative cable
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
Supply cable
1 NOTICE! Turn the starter key to position 0.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.
4 NOTICE! Turn the starter key to position 1.
Measurement points Nominal value
3-4 U≈5V
Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
b FMI 0: Engine is derated.
c FMI 4, 5: None.
Cable description
The oil temperature and the oil level sensor is a com-
bined sensor.
The oil temperature sensor consists of a thermistor
which forms a closed circuit with an internal resistor in
the engine control unit (EMS2). The thermistor resistor
a changes in a non-linear manner, depending on the oil
Fault tracing
Engine oil temperature too high.
Suitable action
1 Check the oil level in the engine.
2 Check the coolant level and the engine tempera-
3 Check that no leakage occurs.
4 Check the sensor.
5 Clean the oil cooler system and check the bypass
valve for the oil cooler.
Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage.
Possible reason
• Short circuit between the oil temperature signal
cable to the sensor negative cable.
• Short circuit between oil temperature signal cable
and the sensor 5V supply cable.
• Short circuit between oil temperature signal cable
and oil level signal cable.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check the cable harness between the sensor and
the EMS2.
2 Check the sensor.
Current below normal or open circuit.
Possible reason
• Open circuit in the oil temperature signal cable.
• Open circuit in the sensor negative cable.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check the cable harness between the sensor and
the EMS2.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 10 in the
engine connector B and in the socket 31 in engine
connector A.
3 Check the sensor.
Special Tools: 9812519, 9998534/885675.
Negative cable
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
Measurement points Nominal value
4 - Battery negative* R≈0Ω
Signal cable
1 NOTICE! Turn ignition off.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.
Measurement points Nominal value
3-4 U≈5V
Fault indication
• Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
• A red lamp flashes in the alarm display + audible
Fault tracing
The engine control unit has detected that engine speed
exceeds the specified threshold value.
Suitable action
1 After the engine has stopped, search for the reason
for the high speed.
a Battery negative
b Connector B
c Power supply
d Start relay on starter motor
e Pre-start relay
The starter motor is not activated.
Cable description
D9 CC, D11, D16: When ignition on the voltage potential on pin B29 is
approx. 10 V. When the starter is activated the voltage
potential on pin B29 drops to 0 V.
D9, D12:
The engine control unit pin B29 senses when switched
on that the pre-start relay coil is intact by pulling a small
current through it.
a Auxiliary stop
b Connector B
c Power Module
d Start relay on starter motor
Fault tracing
FMI 3, 4, 5
General check for starter motor problems:
• Check the starter motor cables and connections.
• Check that the pre-start and start relay pull during a
start attempt.
Suitable action
1 Check that the pre-start and start relay pull during
a start attempt.
2 Check the cables between the engine control unit
and the start relay.
3 Check the contact pressure in socket B29 in the
engine connector.
4 Look for push-back in socket B29 in the engine
Special Tools: Multimeter 9812519.
Nominal value
R ≈ 2-12 Ω*
A Measurement points
Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
Engine stops or can not be started.
Cable description
A classified electrical system has no external stop relay
as standard, just a connector to use for an external
stop relay. An external stop relay has to be added to
the system.
Fault tracing
Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage.
Possible reason
Short circuit to battery negative in the cable from pin
A27 on the EMS2 to the external stop.
Suitable action
1 Check the cable between the EMS2 pin A27 and
the external stop connector.
FMI 11
Stop input is activated.
Possible reason
• The stop relay is activated.
• Faulty stop relay.
• Faulty relay cables.
• Short circuit between the signal cable to battery
Suitable action
1 Check what triggered activation of the stop relay,
fire alarm.
2 Check the connector that activates the stop relay.
3 Check the stop relay.
4 Check cables and connectors between the control
unit and the relay socket.
Special Tools: Multimeter 9812519.
Fault indication
• Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
• A red lamp flashes in the alarm display + audible
Engine power is reduced.
a Cable description
A valve is installed in the oil filter bracket which opens
10 SB P1
or closes the oil supply for piston cooling, depending
on oil pressure. If the oil pressure is below 240 kPa
(D12) or 300 kPa (D16), the valve closes the oil supply
14 GR / R for piston cooling.
P0007245 The piston cooling pressure is monitored by a pressure
switch. The output signal from the pressure switch, pin
a Piston cooling pressure switch to the engine control unit, can have two distinct poten-
tials, high/low. The switch is supplied with current from
the engine control unit pin 10. A pre-set pressure limit
of 150 kPa determines when it switches potential. The
switch potential is low when the piston cooling pres-
sure exceeds this value.
Fault tracing
Piston cooling pressure is too low.
Suitable action
1 Re-check the piston cooling pressure. If measure-
ment shows that the piston cooling pressure is cor-
rect, change the piston cooling pressure switch.
Special Tools: 9812519, 9998534/885675.
Negative cable
1 Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
Measurement points Nominal value
2 - Battery negative R≈0Ω
Supply cable
1 NOTICE! Turn the starter key to position 0.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.
4 Turn the starter key to position 1.
Measurement points Nominal value
1-2 U ≈ Battery voltage
Fault indication
• Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
• A red lamp flashes in the alarm display + audible
Engine is derated.
Cable description
23 GR/R
2 The sensor is an active sensor, i.e. it must have oper-
(+)7 R ating voltage.
The engine control unit, connector A, pin 7, supplies
(-)11 SB
4 the sensor, pin with +5 Volt. The sensor, pin 4, is con-
a nected to battery negative via the engine control unit,
EMS2 connector A, pin 11.
P0008475 The output signal from the pressure sensor, pin 2, to
the engine control unit, connector A, pin 23, is a voltage
a Piston cooling pressure signal which is proportional to the piston cooling oil
The output signal is linear within the sensors working
Fault tracing
Conditions for fault code
Piston cooling pressure is too low.
Suitable action
1 Check the sensor by checking the piston cooling oil
pressure with a manometer.
Conditions for fault code
The voltage on pin A23 in the engine control unit
exceeds 4.78 Volt.
Possible reason
• Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and
the sensor 5 Volt supply cable or battery voltage.
• Open circuit in the sensor negative cable.
• Faulty sensor
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 11 in the
engine connector B.
3 Check the sensor.
Conditions for fault code
The voltage on pin A23 in the engine control unit is less
than 0.30 Volt.
Possible reason
• Open circuit in 5V supply cable.
• Open circuit in signal cable.
• Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and
the sensor negative cable.
• Faulty sensor
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 7 and 23 in
the engine connector B.
3 Check the sensor.
Special Tools: 9812519, 9998534/885675.
Negative cable
1 Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
Measurement points Nominal value
4 - Battery negative R≈0Ω
Supply cable
1 NOTICE! Turn the starter key to position 0.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.
4 Turn the starter key to position 1.
Measurement points Nominal value
1-4 U≈5V
V Component specification
Working range 0–700 kPa (101.5 PSI)
Power supply 5,00 ± 0,25 VDC
V Output voltage
kPa Piston cooling oil pressure
Fault indication
• Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
• An orange lamp flashes in the alarm display.
Fault tracing
Conditions for fault code
Time out on J1587 of the secondary bus.
Possible reason
• Fault in the communication with the PCU.
• Open circuit in the power supply cable between the
engine control unit and the PCU.
• Faulty PCU.
Suitable action
1 Check the communication cables to the PCU.
2 Check the power supply cable between the engine
control unit and the PCU.
3 Check that the PCU is programmed for the correct
engine type.
Fault indication
• Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
• An orange lamp flashes in the alarm display.
Engine goes to idle.
Fault tracing
Conditions for fault code
Time out on J1587 of the secondary bus.
Possible reason
• Throttle signal not found. (A fault code is obtained
together with MID 164, PPID 392 and MID 164,
PPID 390).
• Fault in the communication with the PCU.
• Open circuit in the power supply cable between the
engine control unit and the PCU.
• Faulty PCU.
Suitable action
1 Check that there is a signal between the throttle
linkage and the HCU.
2 Check the communication cables to the PCU.
3 Check the power supply cable between the engine
control unit and the PCU.
4 Check that the PCU is programmed for the correct
engine type.
Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
FMI 1: Engine is derated.
FMI 3, 5: None.
Cable description
(-) 11 The sensor is an active sensor, i.e. the sensor must
SB b
receive operating voltage. Pin 7 on the engine control
(+ ) 7 1 4
unit (EMS2) connector A provides pin 1 on the sensor
R P2 with an operating voltage of +5 Volt. Pin 4 on the sen-
19 sor is connected to battery negative via pin 11 on the
GR EMS2. The output signal from the seawater pressure
sensor, pin 2 on the sensor to pin 19 on the EMS2, is
a voltage signal that is proportional to the seawater
a Connector A pressure.
b Seawater pressure sensor
Fault tracing
Seawater pressure too high.
Suitable action
1 Check that the seawater intake is not blocked.
2 Check that the seawater filter is not blocked.
3 Check that no leakage occurs.
4 Check the impeller in the seawater pump.
5 Check the sensor by control measuring the seawa-
ter pressure.
Voltage above normal or shorted high.
Possible reason
• Open circuit in the sensor negative cable.
• Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and
the sensor 5 Volt supply cable or battery voltage.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check the cable harness between the sensor and
the EMS2.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 11 in the
engine connector A.
3 Check the sensor.
Current below normal or open circuit.
Possible reason
• Open circuit in the sensor 5V supply cable.
• Open circuit in sensor signal cable.
• Short circuit between the sensor signal cable and
the sensor negative cable.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check the cable harness between the sensor and
the EMS2.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 7 and 19 in
the engine connector A.
3 Check the sensor.
Special Tools: 9812519, 9998534/885675.
Negative cable
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
Measurement points Nominal value
4 - Battery negative R≈0Ω
Supply cable
1 NOTICE! Turn ignition off.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 between the
sensor and engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.
4 NOTICE! Turn ignition on.
Measurement points Nominal value
1-4 U≈5V
Signal cable
1 NOTICE! Cut the current with the main switch.
2 Disconnect the connector from the sensor. Connect
adapter cable 9998534 or 885675 to the cable har-
ness connector to the engine control unit.
3 Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance meas-
urement towards the engine control unit.
Measurement points Nominal value
2 - Battery negative R ≈ 80 - 120 kΩ
Component specification
Working range 0–300 kPa (0–3 bar)
Power supply 5,00 ± 0,25 VDC
5.00 ± 0.25 VDC
Fault indication
• Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
• An orange lamp flashes in the alarm display.
Engine is derated.
Cable description
D9, D12, D16 D9, D12, D16
b The unit injectors used on the engine has an electron-
a ically controlled solenoid. The solenoid is controlled by
the engine control unit.
a Connector A
b Unit injectors, cylinder 1–6
D11 D11
The unit injectors used on the D11 engines have two
electronically controlled solenoids. Each solenoid is
1 individual controlled by the engine control unit.
a Connector A
b Unit injectors, cylinder 1–6
Fault tracing
NOTICE! Identify the cylinder by using the SID number
in the fault code.
The engine can run on 3 or 5 cylinders.
Possible reason
• Short circuit between high voltage and low voltage
• Short circuit to battery voltage in low voltage, injec-
tion cable.
Suitable action
1 Check the cables between the injector and the
engine control unit.
The engine can run on 3 or 5 cylinders.
Possible reason
Short circuit between the cables on each injector’s low
voltage or high voltage side and battery negative.
Suitable action
1 Check the cables between the injector and the
engine control unit.
Possible reason
• Open circuit in the cables on the low voltage or high
voltage side.
• If three fault codes are set (one bank), the open cir-
cuit is in that bank’s high voltage side.
• If there is only one fault code, the open circuit is on
that injector’s low voltage side.
Suitable action
1 Check the cables between the injector and the
engine control unit.
2 Check the contact pressure in all sockets regarding
the unit injectors in the engine connector A.
Possible reason
• Poor compression.
• Fault in injector.
• Asymmetric engine loading*.
* If the engine is asymmetrically loaded and a fault
code occurs, it is not possible to rectify the fault code
since there is no mechanical fault.
When the engine idles, the engine control unit attempts
to compensate for uneven running by supplying more
or less fuel to the injectors, so-called cylinder balanc-
ing. If the asymmetric loading is to large, the engine
control unit’s attempts at compensation will not be
enough, the engine will run unevenly and a fault code
will be set.
Suitable action
1 Do a compression test and a cylinder acceleration
test, using Vodia, to localize the fault source.
2 Check the injector by changing the injector.
The injectors are manufactured with tolerance clas-
sification. When an injector is changed, a task
called ”Injector Trim” must be done. The trim value
is noted as a code on the injector’s electric conec-
tor, consisting of up to 6 characters. The trim value
is programmed by Vodia and is only done for the
cylinder whose unit injector has been changed.
FMI 12
Conditions for fault code
Injector activated.
Possible reason
Intermittent fault.
Suitable action
1 Check the cables between the injector and the
engine control unit.
2 Check the contact pressure in all sockets regarding
the unit injectors in the engine connector A.
3 Check the cable connection to the injector.
Injector trim
The electronic trim strategy is used to ensure that all
injectors run with nominal timing and fuel delivery.
This is achieved by adjusting the beginning and end of
the electronic drive waveform for each actuator to com-
pensate for spread in actuation and deactuation times
of the two actuators in each injectors and to correct for
variations in fuelling due to nozzle flow variations.
Special Tools: Multimeter 9812519.
Be very careful when measuring inside the connector,
to ensure that no pin is damaged.
Measurement points in Nominal value at 20° C
connector A (68° F)
Pin no.
20 – 62 R ≈ 1,4-3 Ω
12 – 62 R ≈ 1,4-3 Ω
28 – 62 R ≈ 1,4-3 Ω
24 – 59 R ≈ 1,4-3 Ω
16 – 59 R ≈ 1,4-3 Ω
32 – 59 R ≈ 1,4-3 Ω
52 - 61 R ≈ 1,4-3 Ω
44 - 61 R ≈ 1,4-3 Ω
36 - 61 R ≈ 1,4-3 Ω
56 - 60 R ≈ 1,4-3 Ω
48 - 60 R ≈ 1,4-3 Ω
40 - 60 R ≈ 1,4-3 Ω
20 - 57 Open circuit
12 - 57 Open circuit
28 - 57 Open circuit
24 - 57 Open circuit
16 - 57 Open circuit
32 - 57 Open circuit
52 - 57 Open circuit
44 - 57 Open circuit
36 - 57 Open circuit
56 - 57 Open circuit
48 - 57 Open circuit
40 - 57 Open circuit
Fault indication
• Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
• An orange lamp flashes in the alarm display.
• Engine runs unevenly.
D11 • Engine is difficult to start or does not start.
Cable description
The camshaft sensor is an inductive sensor. The cam-
shaft sensor is used in the first instance to determine
the cylinder which is next in line for injection. A toothed
wheel installed on the camshaft is used to determine
the cylinder which is next in line for injection. The
toothed wheel has 7 teeth, one for each cylinder plus
an extra tooth for cylinder 1.
When the camshaft with toothed wheel rotates,
a Connector A impulses are generated in the sensor. The impulses
b Speed sensor (camshaft) generated a pulsed signal in the sensor which the
engine control unit uses to determine the cylinder
which is next in line for injection.
Fault tracing
Conditions for fault code
Signal value is irregular, intermittent or incorrect.
Possible reason
• Polarity fault, reversed cables.
• Incorrectly assembled camshaft.
• Intermittent contact.
• Incorrectly installed sensor (incorrect distance
between sensor and toothed wheel).
• Damaged toothed wheel.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the camshaft position. Please refer to the
workshop manual.
3 Check that the sensor is correctly installed and that
the distance between the toothed wheel and the
sensor is correct. Please refer to the workshop
4 Check the contact pressure in socket 45 and 46 in
the engine connector A.
5 Check the sensor.
6 Check that the toothed wheel is not damaged.
Conditions for fault code
Permanent loss of sensor signal.
Possible reason
• Open circuit in one of the cables.
• Short circuited cables.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 45 and 46 in
the engine connector A.
3 Check the sensor.
Conditions for fault code
Abnormal update rate.
Possible reason
• Electrical malfunctions.
• Incorrectly installed sensor (incorrect distance
between sensor and toothed wheel).
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check that the sensor is correctly installed and that
the distance between the toothed wheel and the
sensor is correct. Please refer to the workshop
3 Check the contact pressure in socket 45 and 46 in
the engine connector A.
4 Check the sensor.
885 675
885 675
Fault indication
• Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
• An orange lamp flashes in the alarm display.
• Engine runs unevenly.
• Engine is difficult to start or does not start.
Cable description
The flywheel sensor is an inductive sensor. The fly-
wheel sensor is used to monitor engine speed. It is also
used to measure the cylinder acceleration. The fly-
wheel has three times eighteen depressions for one
These depressions are detected by the flywheel sen-
sor and generate a pulsed signal which the engine
control unit uses to detect flywheel rotation speed.
a Connector A Two cylinders share one sector of the depressions
(cylinders 1 and 6, 2 and 5, 3 and 4) on the flywheel.
b Speed sensor (flywheel)
This means that it is not possible to know which cylin-
der is in line for injection, without the camshaft sensor.
Fault tracing
Conditions for fault code
Signal value is irregular, intermittent or incorrect.
Possible reason
• Polarity fault, reversed cables.
• Incorrectly installed sensor (incorrect distance
between sensor and flywheel).
• Intermittent contact.
• Damaged flywheel.
• Faulty sensor
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check that the sensor is correctly installed and that
the distance between the flywheel and the sensor
is correct. Please refer to the workshop manual.
3 Check the contact pressure in socket 37 and 38 in
the engine connector A.
4 Check the sensor.
5 Check that the flywheel is not damaged.
Conditions for fault code
Permanent loss of sensor signal.
Possible reason
• Short circuit between the cables or inside the sen-
• Open circuit in one of the cables.
• Faulty sensor.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 37 and 38 in
the engine connector A.
3 Check the sensor.
Conditions for fault code
Abnormal update rate.
Possible reason
• Electrical malfunctions.
• Incorrectly installed sensor (incorrect distance
between sensor and flywheel).
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the sensor
and engine control unit.
2 Check that the sensor is correctly installed and that
the distance between the toothed wheel and the
sensor is correct. Please refer to the workshop
3 Check the contact pressure in socket 37 and 38 in
the engine connector A.
4 Check the sensor.
Fault indication
• Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
• An orange lamp flashes in the alarm display.
Engine power is reduced.
b Cable description
The engine is equipped with a turbocharger with
(+) 57 R / BL wastegate valve. The valve is located under the relay
(+) 60 R / BL protection hood. The wastegate valve controls the
amount of exhaust gas flow which should pass through
GN the exhaust turbine. Air pressure taken from the inlet
EMS manifold is used to control the amount that the waste-
P0007253 gate opens.
An electronically controlled regulation valve which is
a Wastegate Valve controlled by the engine control unit controls the air
pressure supplied to the wastegate valve. As the air
b Connector B
pressure supplied by the control valve to the wastegate
valve increases, the valve opens wider. When the
wastegate valve is fully open, the exhaust gas flow to
the exhaust turbine is at its lowest.
The control valve is current controlled by the engine
control valve, using a PWM signal. As the current sup-
plied to the control valve increases, the air inlet pres-
sure increases. The air inlet pressure is constantly
monitored by a sensor installed in the inlet manifold.
Fault tracing
Voltage above normal or shorted high.
Possible reason
• Short circuited control valve signal to battery posi-
• Fault in the wastegate valve.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the control
unit and the control valve.
2 Check the wastegate valve.
Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage.
Possible reason
• Short circuited control valve signal to battery nega-
• Fault in the wastegate valve.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the control
unit and the control valve.
2 Check the wastegate valve.
Current below normal or open circuit.
Possible reason
• Open circuit in control valve signal.
• Fault in the wastegate valve.
Suitable action
1 Check cables and connectors between the control
unit and the control valve.
2 Check the contact pressure in socket 38 in the
engine connector B.
3 Check the wastegate valve.
885 675
Fault indication
• Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
• An orange lamp flashes in the alarm panel or some
values on the display show ---.
Fault tracing
Conditions for fault code
Voltage above normal or shorted high.
Possible reason
Short circuit to battery voltage on the output.
Suitable action
1 Check the supply voltage to the sensors which have
set the fault codes.
2 Check the sensor cables.
Conditions for fault code
Voltage below normal or shorted to lower voltage.
Possible reason
• Coolant temperature sensor, short circuited signal
cable to 5 V voltage.
• Oil pressure sensor, short circuited signal cable to
5 V voltage.
• Charge air pressure sensor, short circuited signal
cable to 5 V voltage.
• Fuel pressure sensor, short circuited signal cable to
5 V voltage.
• Coolant pressure sensor, short circuited signal
cable to 5 V voltage.
• Crankhouse pressure sensor, short circuited signal
cable to 5 V voltage.
• Seawater pressure sensor, short circuited signal
cable to 5 V voltage.
• Short circuited power cable to battery negative.
• Short circuited signal cable to battery negative.
Suitable action
1 Check the supply voltage to the above-mentioned
2 Check the sensor cables.
Fault indication
• Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
• An orange lamp flashes in the alarm display.
Fault tracing
Conditions for fault code
Software checksum error.
Possible reason
Failed download.
Suitable action
1 Try to re-load the software.
Fault indication
• Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
• An orange lamp flashes in the alarm display.
Fault tracing
FMI 3, 12
Conditions for fault code
Internal fault in engine control unit.
Suitable action
1 Change engine control unit.
Fault indication
• Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
• An orange lamp flashes in the alarm display.
Cable description
A CAN H – Data Link to Engine
B B B CAN L – Data Link to Engine
C Input voltage, 0 V
E H D Input voltage, 24 V
G G E J1708B – Data Link to Engine
H E F Not used
a b
P0007123 G J1708A – Data Link to Engine
H Ignition signal
a PCU connector X3
Color: Pink
b Engine connector
Fault tracing
Conditions for fault code
Data bus, CAN, communication not found.
Possible reason
• CAN H short circuited to battery negative, pin 3.
• Conductors in control link CAN H and CAN L short
circuited to each other.
• CAN L short circuited to supply voltage, pin 4.
Suitable action
1 Check the data bus cables and terminals between
the engine control unit and PCU. Please refer
to ”Malfunctions, Checking the bus cables”.
Conditions for fault code
Abnormal update rate.
Suitable action
1 Check the data bus cables and terminals between
the engine control unit and PCU. Please refer
to ”Malfunctions, Checking the bus cables”.
Fault indication
• Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
• An orange lamp flashes in the alarm display.
Cable description
A CAN H – Data Link to Engine
B B B CAN L – Data Link to Engine
C Input voltage, 0 V
E H D Input voltage, 24 V
G G E J1708B – Data Link to Engine
H E F Not used
a b
P0007123 G J1708A – Data Link to Engine
H Ignition signal
a PCU connector X3
Color: Pink
b Engine connector
Fault tracing
Conditions for fault code
Abnormal update rate.
Possible reason
• AUX stop button is activated.
• Open circuit in CAN L or CAN H.
• One or both CAN conductors short circuited to bat-
tery negative, pin 3.
• Conductors in control link CAN H and CAN L short
circuited to each other.
• CAN H short circuited to supply voltage, pin 4.
• CAN short circuited to ”ignition signal”.
• Intermittent contact in power supply to data bus.
• Open circuit in the power supply cable between the
engine control unit and the PCU.
Suitable action
1 Check that the AUX stop button is not activated.
2 Check the data bus cables and terminals between
the engine control unit and PCU. Please refer
to ”Malfunctions, Checking the bus cables”.
3 Check the power supply cable between the engine
control unit and the PCU.
4 Check the contact pressure in socket 51 and 55 in
the engine connector B.
Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
Cable description
As soon as the power module is powered up (main
switch on) it will supply power the engine connector pin
4. The only way to completely shut down the power unit
is to turn the main switch off. The power unit is moni-
toring the voltage from main battery and it will auto-
matically switch power source if the voltage is to low.
It’s designed only to take power from one source at the
time.The engine has a fully automatic over-voltage
protector built into the power module. If there is an
intermittent fault, re-setting is done automatically.
Fault tracing
General checking
1 Check the batteries fluid level.
2 Check the density in all cells of the batteries.
FMI 3, 4
Poor batteries or charging.
Possible reason
• Battery voltage too low.
• Poor charging.
Suitable action
1 Check that the cable harness between the battery
and the power module is undamaged.
2 Check the batteries condition.
3 Check that the alternator charges.
Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
Cable description
As soon as the power module is powered up (main
switch on) it will supply power the engine connector pin
4. The only way to completely shut down the power unit
is to turn the main switch off. The power unit is moni-
toring the voltage from secondary battery and it will
automatically switch power source if the voltage is to
low. It’s designed only to take power from one source
at the time.The engine has a fully automatic over-volt-
age protector built into the power module. If there is an
intermittent fault, re-setting is done automatically.
Fault tracing
General checking
1 Check the batteries fluid level.
2 Check the density in all cells of the batteries.
FMI 3, 4
Poor batteries or charging.
Possible reason
• Battery voltage too low.
• Poor charging.
Suitable action
1 Check that the cable harness between the battery
and the power module is undamaged.
2 Check the batteries condition.
3 Check that the alternator charges.
Fault indication
• Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
• A red lamp flashes in the alarm display + audible
Cable description
As soon as the power module is powered up (main
switch on) it will supply power the engine connector pin
4. The only way to completely shut down the power unit
is to turn the main switch off. The power unit is moni-
toring the voltage from main battery and it will auto-
matically switch power source if the voltage is to low.
It’s designed only to take power from one source at the
time.The engine has a fully automatic over-voltage
protector built into the power module. If there is an
intermittent fault, re-setting is done automatically.
Fault tracing
Conditions for fault code
Too high current output. (Current feed to other sys-
tems, pin 4 in the 8 pin engine connector).
Possible reason
• Short circuit in the system.
• Too high load.
Suitable action
1 Check the cable harness from the power module to
the 8 pin engine connector for short circuit.
2 Reduce load.
Fault indication
• Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
• A red lamp flashes in the alarm display + audible
Engine stops or can not be started.
Cable description
As soon as the power module is powered up (main
switch on) it will supply power the engine connector pin
4. The only way to completely shut down the power unit
is to turn the main switch off. The power unit is moni-
toring the voltage from main battery and it will auto-
matically switch power source if the voltage is to low.
It’s designed only to take power from one source at the
time.The engine has a fully automatic over-voltage
protector built into the power module. If there is an
intermittent fault, re-setting is done automatically.
Fault tracing
Faulty supply voltage to the engine control unit.
Possible reason
• The aux stop button may be activated (button locked
in the down position).
• Open circuit in one of the cables to the aux stop but-
Suitable action
1 Reset the aux stop button to its original position
(pull the button upwards until you hear a click).
2 If installed check the fire alarm installation.
3 Check that the engine control unit has supply volt-
Faulty supply voltage to the engine control unit.
Possible reason
• Short circuit in the system.
• Too high load.
Suitable action
1 Check the cable harness from the power module for
short circuit.
2 Reduce load.
Fault indication
• Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display.
• A red lamp flashes in the alarm display + audible
Cable description
As soon as the power module is powered up (main
switch on) it will supply power the engine connector pin
4. The only way to completely shut down the power unit
is to turn the main switch off. The power unit is moni-
toring the voltage from main battery and it will auto-
matically switch power source if the voltage is to low.
It’s designed only to take power from one source at the
time.The engine has a fully automatic over-voltage
protector built into the power module. If there is an
intermittent fault, re-setting is done automatically.
Faulty supply voltage to the engine control unit.
Possible reason
• Short circuit in the system.
• Too high load.
Suitable action
1 Check the cable harness from the power module for
short circuit.
2 Reduce load.
D11 engines
(24 Volt system voltage)
D12 engines
(24 Volt system voltage)
7 Engine connector
Cable areas in mm2 are specified after the color code
8 Sensor, coolant temperature in the wiring schedule.
9 Sensor, boost air pressure / temperature When no cable area is specified, 0.75 mm2 (0.00116
in2) should be used.
10 Sensor, crankcase pressure Broken cables (lines) are not connected by Volvo
11 Sensor, camshaft speed Penta.
7 Engine connector
Cable areas in mm2 are specified after the color code
8 Sensor, coolant temperature in the wiring schedule.
9 Sensor, boost air pressure / temperature When no cable area is specified, 0.75 mm2 (0.00116
in2) should be used.
10 Sensor, crankcase pressure Broken cables (lines) are not connected by Volvo
11 Sensor, camshaft speed Penta.
7 Engine connector
Cable areas in mm2 are specified after the color code
8 Sensor, coolant temperature in the wiring schedule.
9 Sensor, boost air pressure / temperature When no cable area is specified, 0.75 mm2 (0.00116
in2) should be used.
10 Sensor, crankcase pressure Broken cables (lines) are not connected by Volvo
11 Sensor, camshaft speed Penta.
39-0 General
Adjustment parameters for
lowspeed or trolling function
The lowspeed or trolling function can be fine-tuned
using VODIA. Go into “parameter programming” and
adjust the parameters given below.
3 Slip valve
4 Secondary solenoid valve
5 Cable marking ”SECONDARY”
The illustration shows the reversing gear with trolling valve and
cables connected for left-hand rotation. 6 Cable marking “PRIMARY”
MID 128: Engine control unit
Caption PID PPID SID PSID FMI See page:
Extended Range Engine Coolant 20 1, 3, 5 53
Fuel Delivery Pressure 94 1, 3, 5 58
Water in fuel indicator 97 0, 3 63
Engine oil level 98 1, 3 68
Engine oil pressure 100 1, 3, 5 73
Intake manifold temperature 105 0, 4, 5 79
Air inlet pressure 106 0, 3, 5 84
Engine coolant temperature 110 0, 4, 5 90
Coolant level 111 1, 3 95
Crankcase pressure 153 0, 3, 5 99
ECU battery potential 158 1 104
Exhaust gas temperature 173 0, 4, 5 106
Engine oil temperature (D9, D11, 175 0, 4, 5 111
Engine oil temperature (D16) 175 0, 4, 5 117
Engine speed 190 0 122
Starter Output 3 3, 4, 5 123
Key off input sensor 6 4, 11 126
Piston Cooling Oil Pressure (D9, D12, 8 1 129
Piston Cooling Oil Pressure (D11) 8 1, 3, 5 131
Engine sync acknowledge 98 9 135
Throttle Calibrated Position 132 9 136
Sea water pressure 267 1, 3, 5 137
Injector # 1-6 1/2/3/4/5/6 3, 4, 5, 7, 12 142
Engine position 21 2, 3, 9 150
Timing sensor, crank 22 2, 3, 9 154
Wastegate output driver 32 3, 4, 5 157
5 V supply 232 3, 4 160
Program memory 240 2 162
Controller 1 254 3, 12 163
SAE J1939 data link 231 2, 9 164
Data Link, MID187 216 9 166
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47700583 English 04–2009