Instruction Vertyanov JIG Ver3
Instruction Vertyanov JIG Ver3
Instruction Vertyanov JIG Ver3
For work you need to have two USB B cords - square like on printers, scanners, etc. One cable to connect to the PC, and
the other to connect the ground (mass) of the programmer and the laptop card. The shell works on all OS Windows XP / 7/8 /
8.1 / 10 32/64 bit. We do not have any activations. You buy the programmer and download all available software in free
access. Free support on well-known forums.
At the moment there are two revisions of the programmer of the third version. Revision 3.1 and 3.2 are absolutely
identical in their capabilities, except for some details. Revision 3.2, assembled completely on one side of the PCB, all
components in smd execution. On the underside of the programmer is an insulating film. All other differences are visible
in the pictures above. Both revisions can be in both a blue and a black mask.
Connect the programmer to the PC and two new devices appear in the device manager, for which you need to install the
drivers before you start. For communication with the PC, a USB-UART FT232RL chip from FTDI is used. The drivers for it are
in the archive along with the program's shell. You can also download a more recent version of the drivers on the FTDI
website by link Deeper into the details and subtleties of driver installation
will not, all this is described in more detail in the FTDI documents on the page
Windows 10 Installation Guide
2. Configure program files for the shell version 6.5 and higher.
In one folder with the program are the following files (EC = embedded controller):
- MB connection ENE.txt (settings for motherboards with EC ENE)
- MB connection ITE.txt (settings for motherboards with EC ITE)
- MB connection NUVOTON.txt (settings DIFFERENT from "standard." Read below)
- MEC settings.txt (settings under MEC, FLASH memory size)
- NUVOTON.vss (service settings for working with NUVOTON EC on JTAG)
- Vertyanov JIG.exe
- UPDATE.txt (empty file, read below in the software update section)
Structure of the setup files for ENE, ITE, NUVOTON.
In each line of .txt files there is a setting for one motherboard. One setting is one line and no transfer to a new line
is allowed. Different manufacturers of multi-controller (EC), different control signals for working with their built-in
flash memory and entering the in-circuit programming mode.
Since when working with these manufacturers EC connections occur through the keyboard connector, the following settings are
needed for easy connection and use of various FFC (FFC - Flat Flexible Cable)
If such parameters are present in the setup line, then you can use any FFC, with the same number of contacts, and with fewer
contacts than in the keyboard connector. The step between the contacts in the FFC and in the connector, of course, should
be one. Thus, in 99% of cases, you can manage three FFCs for all motherboards. It is enough to have FFC for 24 contacts with
a pitch of 1mm, 26 contacts with a pitch of 0.8mm and for 30 contacts with a pitch of 0.5mm. The shell automatically
configures the signals for the desired pins, based on the input parameters for MB and FFC and displays a picture- hint on
the connection. If there are no parameters in the settings line about the number of contacts of the keyboard connector
(KB_pins) and the orientation of the first output (LEFT / RIGHT), only FFC with the same number of contacts can be used.
Any settings in the MB line can be in any order, but I recommend sticking to the same style for all ECs. The number of the
pin should be written immediately after the sign is equal, without spaces and the transfer of the settings to the next line
is not allowed. You can add your own comments to the end of the line, but do not use the reserved words listed above KSO=,
KSI=, TMS=, LEFT etc.
Examples of settings:
LA-7912P KB_pins=26 RIGHT UP 1MM KSO3=4 KSI4=23 KSI7=26 KSI6=25 KSI5=24
LA-C771P KB_pins=30 LEFT DOWN JENK=7 TCK=19 TMS=20 TDI=21 TDO=10
X555UJ KB_pins=24 LEFT DOWN PD0=2 PD1=11 PD2=16 PD3=8 PD4=17 PD5=15 PD6=19 PD7=1 BUSY=5 STB=13 AFD=3 INIT=10 SLIN=12
KSI4=9 KSI5=7
- the setting for X555UJ has been moved only for readability here
- DOWN setting is given for an example and it can be not written
For the EC of ITE, there is an additional setting for FLASH =. After the sign is equal to the size of FLASH memory in
decimal. For example: FLASH = 56, FLASH = 192. If there is no configuration, the default FLASH size is 128KB.
3. Firmware update in the controller of the programmer.
The link to the latest version of the shell for working with the programmer, I post on the
first page of my topics:
(the blue arrows in the picture are direct links to these forums and to the YouTube
channel from the shell) Registration on these forums is optional, but it is better to ask
questions on the application there, so I recommend registering. There is one important
point in updating FW - disconnect all other devices from USB from the PC. This is
especially true for devices on FTDI chips. If you forget it, it will be written in the
By running the shell and clicking on the Check connection button, the shell, if you need
to update the firmware (FW) in the programmer, will prompt you to press the reset button.
The reset button is located on the programmer. The FW of the programmer changes once,
while you are working with this version of the shell. If you forget to do this before the
first use of the new version, nothing terrible will happen - the shell will offer it to do
it at the right time.
The second way is forcing the FW programmer to update. Start the shell and hold the reset
button on the programmer. While holding the reset button, in the shell click Check
connection. After the appearance of the window asking to press the reset button - release
it. This method only works if there is a file named UPDATE.txt in the folder with the
shell (it is always present by default for convenience). You do not need to update the FW
of the programmer every time you start the shell "manic". If something does not work for you, it does not mean that it's
the firmware of the programmer - look for the problem in another.
In the shell log everything will be written very simply, therefore, there is nothing more to comment here.
(When working with EC, we will always use the method of connecting the ffc from the first contact, so here it is better to
do the same way to develop the right habit.)
The sequence of enabling the offline keypad check, I propose the following:
- Install the jumper into the socket of the programmer.
- Connect the keyboard for testing.
- Power the programmer from the PC or from the power supply.
You can use another sequence but take for the rule - press the reset button on the programmer after all the connections.
(The jumper is only checked when the power is applied or reset.) The jumper is not interrogated during operation.)
Further, in time with pressing the buttons on the keyboard, you will see a luminous red LED and a "tilim" beep. Remember
that the pressed button is a closure of no more than two lines. Therefore, you will hear "tilim" only under this condition.
If you press two or more buttons, or if you press the button, you will find a short circuit of more than two lines - you
will hear "tadam". More precise information can be obtained by running the Keyboard test mode in the shell.
On some keyboards, the manufacturer has already made jumpers (often visible at the end of the loop), which close two to
three pins on the ffc. The presence of such a jumper, at the first scanning pass by the programmer, will be indicated by a
green LED and will not be considered in the testing. There may be a situation when a LED (in the CAPS or WIFI led button)
with a low drop on the p-n junction will be received for the jumper - the Keyboard test mode in the shell will help to
In most cases, offline mode is much easier and more convenient for quick testing of the performance of keyboards.
6. Testing the keyboards in the program shell and checking the outputs of the ALTERA FPGA.
The colors of the squares can be of four colors. Light blue -
there was no shortage.
Yellow or red - there were closures (the colors change
Black square - disguised, so as not to interfere and not
distracted. You can disguise closed lines, that is, those squares
that change their color alternately.
Now in more detail.
The numbers on the right are the lines to which the programmer
exposes the log.0
Figures at the top - columns on which the scanning log is received.
From the picture on the right:
- Yellow square - 4 and 17 contacts are shorted.
- Red - 24 and 26 contacts.
- Black - disguised 10 and 23 contacts.
Thus, we have a cycle 'X' from 1 pin to 31 (which we set to log.0)
and with each pass we follow the pin of 'X' + 1. This explains the
field of triangle-shaped squares. Passing the scanning log. 0 is
always done in one direction - from the first to the last.
You can exit the check of keyboards in the shell with the Exit
button. At the request of users, the ability to exit the keypad
check mode by pressing the reset button on the programmer or
disconnecting the programmer from the PC is added. In other modes
of the programmer you need to finish the work in regular ways -
by clicking on the exit button or the cross in the upper right
corner of the shell!
If you have a suspicion that you have damaged one or more outputs of the ALTERA FPGA with your
sloppy actions, then this can be easily check.
It is necessary to disconnect all cables and ffc from the programmer, remove the jumper, and
leave only the cable from the PC.
Then go to the mode of testing the keyboard. After the appearance of the window, as in the
picture above, in case of problems, you will see blinking rows or columns.
If you do not observe such a picture, then there is no high probability of problems with the
output pins of FPGAs.
8. General rules and order of connections when working with EC ENE / ITE / NUVOTON with FFC
cable through the keyboard connector (KB_connector)
Consider the option when in the setup line for MB there are parameters that indicate the location of the first pin of the
keyboard connector- KB_pins, UP / DOWN, LEFT / RIGHT. (The assignment of signals is described in paragraph 2 of this
• Do not connect the power supply for the motherboard!
• Connect the programmer to the PC and start the shell.
• Connect the cable from the GND connector on the programmer to any free
USB connector on the motherboard. So, we connect the ground of the
programmer and the MB. The shorter will be this cable - the better and
more reliable.
• In the shell we enter one of the modes, ENE / ITE / NUVOTON, based on
the EC manufacturer installed on the MB. (1)
• Select MB from the drop-down list. (2)
• Choose a ffc from those that the shell offers in the drop-down list. If
we work with EC of ENE firm with soldering, then we choose Soldering. (3)
• Take the ffc from the programmer's set with the same pitch (0.5/0.8/1mm)
as KB_connector on MB, and the same number of contacts that were selected
in the drop-down list (3) earlier and connect it to the programmer always
to the first pin!
• Select the type of ffc that was set in the programmer - A or B. (4)
A is a direct ffc and the pins are on the same side of the FFC.
B - the reverse ffc and the contacts are on opposite sides.
• We send the settings to the programmer (5) and according to the prompt
that appeared in the new window, connect the second side of the FFC to the
MB. This can be a connection from the first or the last pin of the
KB_connector. On some MB, the FFC can be connected by contacts from MB
upwards - look at the picture carefully. (the UP parameter in the settings
• You can now power the MB from the power supply, but not from the
• Take as a rule, the first thing to press the Check connection button in
the shell, and then read or write.
Further actions with the programmer are described in the relevant sections
under the specific EC manufacturer.
In the picture to the right, the setting for ENE EC on MB LA-7912P is selected.
The KB_connector of this MB has a pitch of 1mm, the number of pins of connector
26, the pins in the connector are at the top.
The user selected a ffc equal to KB_connector size for 26 pins.
From the picture you can determine the location of the first pin on the MB - is
on the right if you look at the connector from yourself.
Another example.
In the picture to the right, the setting for EC ITE and MB ASUS GL553VD is
selected. The KB_connector of this MB has a pitch of 1mm, the number of pins
in the connector is 30. Contacts in the connector are at the bottom.
The user has selected a ffc 24 pin, when as KB_connector has 30 pins.
After sending the settings to the programmer, the shell offers the end of the
ffc to connect from the first pin to the MB, to block all the necessary
signals with the selected ffc.
The first pin on MB, judging by the picture, is on the left if you look at the
connector from yourself.
The second, old version of the connection is based on using a ffc with the number of contacts equal to the number of
contacts in KB_connector. In view of the fact that ffc were added to the programmer's package arbitrarily and for one
number of contacts there was either just a straight line or only a reverse cable, then there was a tuning for the
conversion - the reverse of the contacts. If the first contact of the programmer on the ffc go to on the first contact of
the keyboard connector, then the check mark (the switch was installed). If the first pin goes to on the last contact, the
tick was removed.
This method was convenient and simple in the case when there was an FFC with the required number of contacts. If there was
no suitable FFC, then you can get a complicated situation. The difficulty was to artificially change the position of the
control contacts by upgrading the number of the pins. Mathematically, this problem was solved, but it caused inconvenience
because of what the mechanism was developed and proposed as the main one.
Now, not all MB settings have been modified to use this technique. Not all setup lines have additional settings that
describe the configuration of KB_connector. The name of these settings, I repeat, KB_pins, UP / DOWN, LEFT / RIGHT.
Users who did not have previous experience using the old technique may encounter some difficulties connecting to MB, which
does not have these additional settings. In this situation, the easiest solution is to add these settings to the file,
especially since MB will be in front of your eyes at this moment. After adding the parameters, the new method described
earlier will be available to use. The second positive point of the new method with the use of additional settings is the
elimination of errors related to determining the location of the first pin to MB.
If you add the settings to the lines, if the result of work with the EC is positive, then it would not be bad to share
information with the team.
PS Let me remind you that on the programmer all connections to its FFC connectors
are always from the FIRST pin! This applies to both the new method and the old one.
This allows you to use one "wide" connector for each step of the outputs to “cover”
all possible situations and not to install the same type of connector on the
programmer for a different number of pins.
The picture on the right is for illustration.
In such a variety there is no practical benefit, and the downside is an additional lengthening
of the communication line and the possibility of making problems with the contact.
Everything is solved by only three connectors with a pitch of 0.5/0.8/1mm already present on
the programmer.
9. Work with Nuvoton EC installed on MB, with FFC cable.
NPCE288N and NPCE388N
When working with EC NUVOTON, it was noticed that the following pinout
of the necessary signals is mainly used:
KB_pins=30 JENK=7 TCK=19 TMS=20 TDI=21 TDO=10.
The first sign that you most likely have a "standard" pinout is a 30-
pin keyboard connector (KB_pins=30). The word "standard" is my proposal
and by no means is it in a literal sense a kind of standard. It is
entered only for convenience of work.
If on your MB with EC NUVOTON NPCE288N/388N keyboard connector is not
for 30 pins, then you need to compose the line and enter it into the
MB connection file NUVOTON.txt
The list of "non-standard MB", under which settings have already been
made, can be seen in this file.
The settings line in this file has the following appearance:
LA-C771P KB_pins=30 LEFT DOWN JENK=7 TCK=19 TMS=20 TDI=21 TDO=10
the number of contacts of the keyboard connector, the orientation of
the first pin, the location of the contacts, and five signaling
signals. The number indicates the pin number of the keyboard connector to which this signal comes from the EC.
(The file structure is described in the second paragraph above.)
Signals JENK/TCK/TMS/TDI/TDO - JTAG interface. The exception is the JENK signal, and it is always in log 0 to activate the
interface in EC Nuvoton.
To make a string of settings, if you do not have 30 pins keyboard on the MB, or the signals
are not standard, or you do not see them in the list of cards, then you need to use the MB
circuit, "board", or find the signals yourself using a multimeter. The resulting line is
added to the file MB connection NUVOTON.txt
It would be very good, after a successful work with the EC, to share with the team the
setting for a new MB!
The picture shows the EC Nuvoton, whose signals should be found on the keyboard connector
(pins 39, 44, 51, 52, 53).
The procedure for connecting the FFC cable and the sequence has been described in detail in
the general rules and the procedure for connecting with EC ENE/ITE/NUVOTON using the FFC
cable through the keyboard connector (KB_connector)
In the shell, select NUVOTON JTAG. In the motherboard selection field, select MB only if the
settings for it are different from the standard settings. If the settings are standard - do
not touch the field.
If the settings and all connections are made correctly and there are all the necessary
voltages on the EC power pins, ID EC 0FE2201Fh will be received and the service data will
be loaded into the EC. Upon completion of the sending of the service data, EC content will
be read and written. Reading the contents of the FLASH EC takes a little longer than writing.
After the end of reading or writing, first, you need to remove the power to MB, and then
everything else.
10. Work with EC of ENE, installed on MB, over FFC cable.
KB9010 / 9012/9016/9022/9028/902
In the MB connection ENE.txt file there are settings for each MB. A lot
of MB with matching settings, with different names of MB platforms. If
your MB is not in the list, you can try to use the settings for the nearest
by number.
To work with the EC of ENE, the following signals are needed: KSO3, KSI4,
For example, for the Compal LA-9102P platform, the settings line looks
like this:
LA-9102P KSO3=16 KSI4=27 KSI7=29 KSI6=28 KSI5=25
The name of the motherboard and five service signals. To compile a line
of settings, if there is not a required list in the list of cards, you
will need to use the MB scheme, the "board", or find the signals yourself
using a multimeter. The resulting line is added to the file MB connection
Signals KSO3/KSI4/KSI7/KSI6/KSI5 - SPI interface. The exception is the
KSO3 signal, and it is always in the log 0 to activate the interface in
the EC ENE.
It would be very good, after a successful work with the EC, to share with
the team tuning to a new MB!
The picture shows EC ENE, whose signals should be found on the keyboard
connector (pins 59,60,61,62,42)
The procedure for connecting the FFC cable and the sequence was described
in detail in general rules and order of connections when working with EC
ENE/ITE/NUVOTON with FFC cable through the keyboard connector
In the shell, select ENE (KB90XX).
If the settings and all connections are made correctly and there are all
the necessary voltages on the EC power pins, then when the button is
pressed, the communication check, read or write in the shell log will be
written about the successful connection to ENE EC.
After the end of reading or writing, first, you need to remove the power to MB, and then everything else.
For EC ENE, there is another way to work by soldering a color cable from the programmer's package. The sequence is similar,
only in the FFC drop-down list you need to select Soldering. A picture appears with a hint of cable soldering points on the
MB keyboard connector. Do not forget to also send the settings to the programmer. The cable is connected to the side of the
programmer. If there are no parameters describing KB_connector in the setup line for MB, then the drop-down list will not
be active until you select any numerical value to the left of it. The value you select does not affect anything, it only
opens access to the FFC list and soldering.
11. Work with EC of ITE firm, installed on MB, on FFC cable.
IT8386 / 8580/8585/8586/8587/8886/8985/8987
In the MB connection ITE.txt file there are settings for each MB. A lot of MB with matching settings, with different names
of MB platforms. If your MB is not in the list, you can try to use the settings for the nearest by number. To work with the
EC ITE, you need the following signals: PD0-PD7, BUSY, STB, AFD, INIT, SLIN, KSI4, KSI5.
For example, for the NM-B321 platform, the settings line looks like this:
NM-B321 KB_pins=32 (JKB1) PD0=20 PD1=16 PD2=14 PD3=9 PD4=13 PD5=17 PD6=10 PD7=12 BUSY=23 STB=15 AFD=26 INIT=19 SLIN=18 KSI4= 22 KSI5=21
The name of the motherboard, the number of contacts in the keyboard connector, and 15 service signals. To compile a line of
settings, if there is not a required list in the list of cards, you will need to
use the MB scheme, the "board", or find the signals yourself using a multimeter.
The resulting line is added to the file MB connection ITE.txt
The signals KSI4 and KSI5 are always in the log 0 for activating the ISP interface
in the EC ITE.
It would be very good, after a successful work with the EC, to share with the team
the setting for a new MB!
The picture shows EC ITE in the LQFP-128 case, the signals of which should be found
on the keyboard connector (pins 58-63,36-43,45).
The 15 required service signals for EC IT8580/8585/8586/8587/8985/8987 are on the
same pins of the chip. Also, on the picture IT8386VG in the case VFBGA128.
The procedure for connecting the FFC cable and the sequence has been described in
detail in the general rules and the order of connections when working with EC
ENE/ITE/NUVOTON with the FFC cable through the keyboard connector (KB_connector).
In the shell, select ITE (IT8XXX).
For some EC (IT8587/8987) there should be a switch for erasing FLASH memory blocks.
For others, this setting does not matter.
If the settings and all connections are correct and there are all the necessary
voltages on the EC power pins, then when you click the link check button in the shell
log, you should see the name of the EC and its revision.
The EC name written on the chip must match the name in the log.
Revision is the letter: 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D, 5-E, 6-F.
After the end of reading or writing, first, you need to remove the power to MB, and
then everything else.
When writing ITE EC, the method of skipping bytes with byte value = FFh is implemented.
This is since after erasing the EC chip, all FLASH memory contents contain FFh, and it
makes no sense to write the same value. Thus, it is possible to reproach the recording
process, and this explains the uneven progress of the bar at the bottom of the shell by
the places. After writing to the EC, the shell will automatically verify the data.
12. Working with EC of Microchip.
MEC1609/1619/1633/1641/1650/1651/1653/5035/5045/5055/5075/5085 ...
To work with the EC company MICROCHIP (formerly SMSC), you need to
find the MB points for connecting signals to the JTAG interface. Signal
names: TDI/TDO/TCK/TMS/JTAG_RESET#. Do not forget about GND. Very
often, these signals are output in one place to an unplugged connector.
Always ensure that the JTAG_RESET# signal is not pulled to the GND by
a low-resistance resistor. On JTAG_RESET# in the inactive state there
should be a log. 1. If you want to erase and write FLASH to EC, for
example, MEC1609, then the log 1 to nFWP. For example, for MBX-237,
set R412 from 1k to 3k. In some EC MEC, this pin may not be present.
When working with EC, all power pins (VTR_) should be 3v3.
To activate the JTAG mode in EC, you must have a resistor on the
100-ohm-1k through the MSDATA line on GND.
Check its availability!
In addition to the physical connection, data on the size of the FLASH
memory of a specific EC is required. For this purpose, the MEC settings.txt file is in
the folder with the shell. The file structure is very simple.
Let's look at a couple of examples:
CHIP=MEC5035 FLASH_start=0 FLASH_size_bytes=196608 INFO_size_bytes=2048
- MEC5035 EC name, which will be displayed in the shell
- FLASH_start=0 FLASH_size_bytes=196608 address of the beginning of the FLASH memory and
the length of the memory in bytes in decimal.
- INFO_size_bytes=2048 size in bytes of the INFO area. Since the INFO area, if it exists
in a EC, starts immediately after the FLASH area, then there is no point in specifying
the start address.
The following example:
CHIP=MEC1650 FLASH_start=0 FLASH_size_bytes=294912 (EEPROM 2KB) EC_ID=02152445h
There is no INFO section in this EC, therefore there is no in line. It is not necessary
in this case to write INFO_size_bytes=0!
(EEPROM 2KB) work with EEPROM is not implemented now and is left as a reminder.
EC_ID=02152445h is the ID of a EC, in this case MEC1650. Also, while it is informative.
In the MEC EC, the BOOT block can be closed from reading and modification, and access to
FLASH memory via the JTAG interface is blocked. The BOOT block is located at the beginning
of the address space of the FLASH EC memory. If the BOOT block is closed, the first 4KB
(BOOT size of the block) will not be read while reading - EC gives the FFh byte in the
address range from 0 to FFFh. The shell will warn about this.
If the EC will be closed through JTAG, then nothing can be read from the FLASH memory,
and nothing is obtained with the help of registers. When JTAG is closed, EC_ID, and we
get it through registers, it's also impossible to read.
The protection of the BOOT unit and the protection against access via the JTAG interface
can only be removed by a complete EC erase. I must warn that a full erasure of the EC
will destroy the same data in the EEPROM EC. Now, the work with EEPROM did not even begin.
If the EC has EEPROM and the manufacturer used it, then the data will be lost irrevocably.
Before applying a full EC erase, you must find a full firmware with BOOT block. Otherwise,
you will get a "brick".
On the forums are very often laid out EC MEC firmware in which the BOOT block is missing
(the first 4KB contains 00h or FFh). For DELL laptops, the BIOS update file has a full
EC image with a BOOT block. The company SONY, on popular models, BOOT block is not closed,
and it can be considered. On TOSHIBA laptops JTAG access is closed and the update is not
full image, but also cryptic. Remember, there must be a clear understanding of what and
for what you want to do. Just because FLASH memory in EC cannot be damaged.
Do not need to create additional difficulties in repair.
In the complete set with the programmer there is a color cable with a connector on the
end. A pinout of this cable will always appear when you select MEC JTAG in the shell. GND can connect
one of two, RESET is mandatory if you do a complete erasure when the BOOT or JTAG is closed. When
working with MEC EC, the settings are shown in the screenshot.
In more detail, I'll talk about the switch positions using the MEC5075 as an example. The MEC5075
contains 288KB FLASH memory and INFO area it does not. I did not find information on EEPROM in it.
When reading from the MEC, a 288KB file will be created. If the BOOT block is closed from reading,
the shell will issue a warning, but will read the entire MEC. In this file, the first 2KB will be
filled with the value of FFh since BOOT is closed from reading. If BOOT is not closed, the file
contains the full contents of FLASH.
In the case of a write, you must have a file of 288KB in size. If you do NOT plan to overwrite the
BOOT area and JTAG is not closed, then the upper slider in the shell to the left position -
Skip BOOT. In this case, the EC write will start immediately after the BOOT area (offset FFFh + 1), and the data will be
taken from the file with the same offset. If you need to overwrite the BOOT block or if JTAG is closed, the EC erase, and
the position of the upper engine will be done as in the picture to the right. In this
case, the BOOT block must be present at the addresses 0-FFFh, otherwise the positive
result will not be accurate.
If the BOOT block is not closed, JTAG access is not denied, then in this position of the
cursor (to the right) the blocks will be erased and the contents of the EEPROM will
remain untouched. Of course, the BOOT area will be overwritten, and it should also be
present in the firmware file. Thus, two types of memory erasure MEC - complete and
blocks, affecting only the necessary places are realized.
The bottom engine is only active when we write to the BOOT area. It is responsible for
setting the lock BOOT area.
When the shell starts, by default, the BOOT area is skipped on the engines and the BOOT
area is not protected.
Documentation on EC Microchip began to spread on its website, but there are typos,
copying pages from one EC to another and it is not entirely clear that this or that
mechanism of operation of both protection and locking is described. According to scraps
of information from different sources, through work and experiments, work was done with
the EC to remove the locks.
A few words about the blocking of the BOOT area. MEC controllers are 32-bit. If the low
bit in the last 32-bit word is log 0 then after blocking the POR (one of the reset
signals), the BOOT area lock will be set. In other words, the EC lock can be installed
not only by the engine, but also by the dump that you write. The minor bit that I'm
talking about is at the FFCh address (0th bit) of the BOOT area. The engine we tell the
shell "impudent" set the bit to zero and make a reset.
Below is a table that indirectly confirms the idea of blocking the BOOT area.
A small addition to the size of the file that we write to the EC.
The buffer size for FLASH and INFO is selected, according to the settings for the specific EC that the user chooses (the
settings line of the MEC settings.txt file). The buffer under FLASH is filled with the value FFh, and INFO is filled with
the value 00h. If you plan to write FLASH + INFO, then in the file, immediately after the FLASH area, the data for the INFO
area should be located. Everything should be in one file.
For example, if the FLASH EC size is 288KB, the same amount will be allocated and filled with the value of FFh. Then a file
for recording is loaded into the prepared buffer. If the file is shorter than necessary, then a message will be issued to
the log, but all 288KB will be recorded. If the file is longer, the extra file will be discarded.
If the EC has an INFO area and a record and INFO is selected, and the file does not "lie" on the INFO area, it will be
written 00h.
13. Working with the modules TETRIS, SPIDER, JAWS.
This kit is used to work with EC firms ITE/ENE/NUVOTON separately from MB.
Installation in their positions in the pictures.
The procedure for connecting to the programmer and the actions in the shell:
- Connect a ffc to the 32-pin TETRIS card and the programmer.
- Connect the programmer and TETRIS card to one PC with USB cables.
- In the program shell, select the External board item (1).
- Choose an EC producer with which you will work (2).
(If you work with EC ITE, temporarily remove the SPIDER from the TETRIS card or open
the JAWS socket to determine the latter correctly.)
- If you are working with IT8587/8987, a switch (3) must be set to right
For other ITEs this parameter is not important.
- Send settings to the programmer.
- You can return SPIDER or JAWS and start working with EC.
In other respects, working with EC does not differ from work on a ffc and is
described in the relevant sections.
Modules TETRIS and JAWS allow you to check the chips from the supplier before
transferring them to the warehouse of the enterprise. Almost all EC, sold under
the guise of new ones, are shot with MB and prepared for sale. Among such EC,
you can get into your hands frankly faulty ones, at least on power circuits,
and in this case such a device will help to weed out the marriage before
installing it on a laptop card. In the case when you are reliably aware of the
need to replace the EC with a new one on the repaired MB, you can program it
before installation. Incorrectly programmed EC, not by its firmware, on
"special" MBs, or when the ffc cable solution does not help, this module will
help you program the EC.
14. Work with the EC company Explore EPF035 (iROG), EPF036 / 021/011.
To work with the EC of Explore, you need a pairing module - a EPF whistle.
It is inserted into the side connector of the programmer.
Below is a table of necessary signals for working with Explorer's EC, located outside the motherboard. If EC is on the MB,
then at least three signals are used - RXD_EC, TXD_EC, GND. The EC_OP_MODE signal must be pulled to the log. 1 to enter the
programming mode. Many ASUS MBs that use EPF035/036/037 have unused contacts for programming and can be found on the MB
board. From the interface module, in addition, you can use the RESET_EXPLORE signal for complex cases, but DO NOT use + 3v
when working with MB! (+3v is derived for convenience.)
Pin number
EPF037 EPF036
NAME Purpose EPF035 LQFP- LQFP- EPF011 EPF021J
SIG. LQFP128 64 64 TSOP24
EC_OP_MODE PULL_UP! 4 50 1 9 17
GND 13 6 7
3V3 30 15 12
3V3 31 13 16 13
3V3 32 14 17 16
GND 43 15 26 17
3V3 48 16 37
GND 51 38
GND 60
RX_EC data in 61 17 33 1 59
TX_EC data out 62 18 34 2 60
3V3 65 33 35
GND 80 42 50
3V3 83 46
3V3 96 20
GND 114 59 59 21
RESET_EXPLORE PULL UP 119 64 64 8 16
XTL_IN 24MHZ 81 43 44 18 39
XTL_OUT 82 44 45 19 40
Output signals on the interface module.
For beginners, be sure to read!
The most common step of the contacts of the keyboard connector is 1 mm. Less common, but can be - 0.8 mm and 0.5 mm.
If you find it difficult to determine the step of the contacts, and the loop plugged into the connector does not make it
clear, the solution is as follows. Take the metal ruler and measure the distance between the first and last pin of the
connector in millimeters. This distance in millimeters, divide by the number of contacts in this connector minus one and get
a step between the pins.
For example, we have 30 contacts and a distance from 1 pin to 30 pin is approximately 29mm. We get 29/(30-1)=1mm.
Round off the result you need to the closest applicable "running" dimensions - 0.5 mm, 0.8 mm, 1 mm. If you get several
0.78, then apply a ffc with a step of 0.8 mm, etc. FFC with a pitch of 0.78 mm or 1.1 mm do not exist, and the reason is
exactly your measuring ruler.
With the definition of the first output on the motherboard sometimes there are difficulties.
Very often for the first pin take this long white strip on the MB (red
arrow). In fact, long strips denote tens (10,20,30, etc.), and short strips
- five (5,15,25, etc.). Therefore, in this picture, the first pin is on the
right! The green arrow points to the "key" of the connector and the first
terminal is on the same side.
In the pictures below, everything is unambiguous and understandable about the position of the first conclusion.
Another "not convenient" type of connectors that Samsung
applied to MB from Compal.
A distinctive feature is the 25-pin connector under the
keyboard cable with ears. The fact is that in the depth of
this connector there is a slight narrowing and when the loop
is installed to the end, the plume itself slides to the
center slightly and there can be no contact. After installing
the loop in such a connector, I recommend checking the pin
contact with the terminals of the connector with a
multimeter. It is enough to check 2-3 to determine.
The next common mistake is since on some (not flip) connectors the contacts can be located from the top and you need
to insert a loop correctly in such connector.