LP Mapeh 7

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San Jose, Talibon, Bohol




QUARTER: 1st Quarter

The learneron their own will be able

to sing folk songs in the Philippines Singing Folk Song from the Lowlands
found in this lesson as a performer in of Luzon
the cultural show.

The learner performs music of the

lowlands with appropriate pitch,
rhythm, expression and style.

A.1. Identify the prior knowledge about the
EQ: How can knowledge of the music of
Music of Luzon Music of Luzon Luzon help in understanding thecultural
A2. Enumeratesome folk songs from the
practices of the people in Luzon?
A3. Look for a music in the internet about the EU: Learning the music of Luzon (lowlands)
folk song from the Philippines. helps in understanding the cultural practices
A4. Understanding in the examples of folk songs of the people.

ACQUISITION The learner demonstrates understanding of MAKE MEANING

the musicalcharacteristics of representative
music from the lowlands of Luzon.


In this unit, you will revisit and explore the rich musical traditions of the Lowland of Luzon in the Philippines focusing on the different musical elements
through the following processes in music: listening; reading; imitating; recreating; performing; evaluating; analyzing critically; and applying. In these
lessons, you will learn the following music from the Lowlands of Luzon. And you will be more pleasurable if you will become familiar with some basic
musical concepts of Philippine music specifically the Lowlands of Luzon.

Consider this question: What influences the performance of the musical characteristics of Lowlands of Luzon?


➔ Watch the four video clips by cchecking on the links below. Prepare to share your observations about the folk songs of the
Lowlands of Luzon after the presentation of each examples. The first video is a Pangasinan folk song entitled “ Malinak Lay Labi”
second song a Bicol folksong (Sarung Banggi), third song an Ilocano Folk song (Dungdungwen kanto, and the fourth song a
Tagalog folk song (Paru Parung Bukid).
“Malinak Lay Labi” https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=pzlciXdyM08 with lyrics Bicol folksong (Sarung Banggi)
Ilocano Folk song (Dungdungwen kanto
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXx 2SwAMuA Tagalog folk song (Paru Parung

Instructions: What are your impressions about the music forms of the Philippines from the Lowland Luzon as you watch and listen to the
music presented?
Write your answers on a short bond paper using the format below

Song Title Impression/ Generalization

Malinak Lay Labi

Sarung Banggi
Dungdungwen Kan to

Paru parung Bukid

2 Questions:
. What are your initial impressions about the music?
3 Is my initial knowledge about the music from the Lowlands of Luzon same as the others?
. How does the elements of music form the Lowlands of Luzon rendered?
4 Do you think their music reflects the way of life of the people from the Lowlands of Luzon? Why or why not?

Map of Conceptual Change:

Activity 2: Eliciting Prior Knowledge Through the IRF Guide.

What were your initial answers

What influences the performance of the musical characteristics of Lowlands of Luzon?

Initial Answer

Revised Answer:

Final answer:

➔ You gave your initial ideas about the music from the Lowlands of Luzon by answering the IRF Guide.
➔ Let’s find out if your ideas are in line with the standards. You will also learn other concepts that will help you complete a project
found at the end. This project is about participating in a meaningful activity that promotes local music like folk songs form the
Lowlands of Luzon.
➔ We will start by doing the next activity. require
Competency FIRM-UP
LC 1 Describes the Activity 1 : “HARANA” – The Art of Philippine SERENADE
musical Instructions: A. Check the link below and listen attentively to the recording of “Dungawin Mo Hirang” and “ O Ilaw”
characteristics of
representative Links: https://www.youtube/com/watch?v=avQVOliu2G8
music selections https://www.youtube.com/watch?v-DiOGLiPBfik
from the Lowlands
of Luzon after B. Analyze the dynamics of these well- known HARANA songs from the Lowlands of Luzon and write a statement about your
listening observations.

I realized/ notice that …

Learning C. Choose a song from the suggested list of songs and demonstrate it with proper dynamics. Your rendition of the song must properly
Targets: depict the expressive elements/ characteristics of the music. You must use the actual or alternative musical accompaniment during the
I can describe the performance. (Guided Transfer)
characteristics of - O Ilaw
selected folk songs - Dungawin Mo Hirang - Natutulog Ka Na Ba sinta?
from the Lowlands
- Kay Lungkot Nnitong Hating Gabi
of Luzon.
- Umaga Na Pala

Kundiman songs are traditional Filipino love songs written in Tagalog. Its melody is characterized by smooth flowing and gentle
rhythm with dramatic intervals. It was originated from Balayan, Batangas, and Francisco Santiago is famously known as the Father of
Kundiman art Song. Furthermore, the kundiman lent itself to the development of the song as artistic self- expression. This is not
surprising since the kundiman has traditionally been used to ventilate highly personal emotions of sorrow and melancholy.

Process Questions:
1. How would you describe the HARANA songs from the lowlands of Luzon?
2. Why “HARANA” was considered as “The Art of Philippine Serenade?”

Links : https://youtu.be/DfFPJE1EYPo
Activity 2: “KUNDIMAN” The Philippine Art Song
Learning Instructions: A. Learn the tune of your chosen KUNDIMAN songs from the list given. Check the links below. a.
Targets: Ang Tangi Kong Pag- ibig – Diomedes
I can differentiate Links : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5wekHQ_qCc
Kundiman and b. Pakiusap Lyrics – Francisco Santiago
Harana through Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0cOB6Zn3Z8
listening the song. c. Nasaan Ka Irog? – Nicanor Abelardo
Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STkRgJh4oGU

Process Questions:
1. What are the characteristics of Kundiman?
2. How Kundiman is being sung? On what particular event does the Kundiman is appropriately sung?
3. Why “Kundiman” was considered as “The Philippine Art Song?”

Targets: Activity 3: Tracing our Devotional- Liturgical Music
I can identify the
different version of a. Music of the Liturgy
our Devotional and Instructions: The terms below are terms used to denote the different parts of the Catholic mass written in Latin. Can you find out the
Liturgical Music. Filipino and English terms?
Pater Noster
Agnus Dei

b. Devotional Music
Instruction: Listen to the recording following devotional songs used in various religious festivals and identify the festivals that the song is
associated with. Choose your answer from the options given.
Religious Festivals Choose your answer here

Regina Coeli Pastores

Pasyon Senakulo
Dios Ti Salve Pasyon
Exultet Salubong
Pastores a Belen Flores De Mayo
LC 2 Identifies the
instruments and
other sound Activity 4: The music Timbre of Instrumental Music of Lowlands of Luzon
sources from the Instructions: A. Watch and observe carefully how these music groups render their music and fill- in the table after the video
lowlands of Luzon. presentation.
Malabon brass band and Philippine brass band
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H 8Rj y7Qlc Musikong
Learning Bumbong https://www/youtube.com/watch?
Targets: v=cjVxuR85TXQ https://www/youtube.com/watch?
I can identify the v=VNO6owNSK7o Banda Kawayan
different https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLobOiXXKwo
instrumental https://www/youtube.com/watch?v=4lbnfv08kow
musical group from Rondalla
the Lowlands of The Las Pinas Bamboo Organ
Luzon. https:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=uv2y goeYxE

Music assessment form – Instrument music

Learning MUSICAL GROUP Characterize the tone quality Mood – Does the music convey Identify the instruments
Targets: an atmosphere or tell a story? used in the music
I can describe the Malabon brass band/
different Philippine brass band
characteristics of
instruments from Musikong bumbong
the lowlands of
Luzon. Bnada Kawayan


The Las Piñas

Bamboo Organ

Instruction: Put a check (√) on the blank before each statement that describes your skills, attitudes, and feelings during and after
doing the activities in this lesson.
________1. I can identify the musical characteristics of representative music.
________2. I can listen perceptively to the music of Luzon.
S________3. I can express myself after listening to the music of Luzon.
________4. I can expand my imagination while listening to the music.
f________5. I am happy with my work as well as the work of others.
________6. I can express myself in individual activity or group activity.
________7. I can understand my classmate better through their participation in class.
________ 8. I can analyze the musical elements of selected songs and instrumental pieces heard.
________ 9. I can explain the distinguishing characteristics of representative Philippine music selections from Luzon in relation to
its culture and geography.
________ 10. I can be happy with my work.

Interactive Quiz 1: True or False

Instruction: Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is in correct. Write your answer on the space provide.
_______1. Mass in the Philippines is for praising, thanksgiving, and requesting from God.
_______2. Senakulo are played during the Lenten Season.
_______3. Most of the pasyon nowadays are sung in contemporary popular ballads, pop music, and contemporary hymns.
_______4. Harana is a tradition where a man sings in a woman outside the woman’s house as a profession of his love to her
_______5. Kundiman is an art song that starts in a major key and goes to the minor key.
_______6. Musikong Bumbong are bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo ram that are strucked to produce sound.
_______7. There are 20 different musical instruments present in rondalla.
_______8. Rondalla came from the Spanishword “ronda”.
_______9. Rondalla is an ensemble of wind and string instrument.
_______10. Harana is a traditional Japanese serenade by man to a woman outside the woman’s house to show one’s love to a woman.

Interactive Quiz 2: Compare and Contrast

Instructions: Using the Venn diagram, differentiate harana from kundiman.

Map of Conceptual Change:

Eliciting Prior Knowledge Through

the IRF Guide.
➔ What ideas are different and need revision? Write your answer by accomplishing the R (revised answer) of the IRF Chart in the
next page.

Whatinfluences the performance of the musical characteristics of Lowlands of Luzon?

Initial Answer

Revised Answer:

Final answer:
Competency DEEPEN
LC 3 Analyze the Instructions:
musical elements of GUIDED GENERALIZATION
some Lowland Essential Situation 1 Situation 2 Situation 3
vocal and Question:
instrumental music How are the Play the video and answer the question Play the video and answer the Play the video and answer the
selection. distinct below. question given. question given.
Learning characteristics Pabasa Bicol Pabasa Pampanga Pabasa Tarlac
Targets: of lowland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
I can describe Luzon 32Nz5cYh0Y LnfFxT7r7fw v1Lso9SaPco
musical performed?
characteristics of
the song. Answer: Answer: Answer:
The pasyon is usually chanted ‘a For the Filipinos in Pampanga, Readers are usually group of
capella’ though occasionally the “senakulo” or “pabasa” which is the individuals taking turn in chanting
LC 4 Evaluates chanters may be accompanied by chanting of the passion of Christ as verses from the book known as the
music and music guitars or a rondalla band, read from a book that locals call Pasyon, as a devotion made in
performances with representing the many innovations that Pasyon. Other penitents called fulfillment of a panata. Pabasa may
rubrics on musical have been introduced- including the “magdarame” carry wooden crosses, be chanted a cappella or with the
elements and use of the accordion by a traveling crawl on rough pavements and slash accompaniment of musical
styles. group of pasyon singers. The song their backs before whipping instruments such as the guitar,
reflect the lifestyle of a region since the themselves to draw blood, to ask for accordion, piano or by a rondalla
Learning City Government of Bicol making this forgiveness of sins committed, to fulfill ensemble. There are two common
Targets: pabasa by the VIVA as a yearly Holy vows (panata), or to express gratitude styles of chanting, the first of which
I can compare and Week activity so that they could blend for favors granted. The “senakulo’ or is the alternate singing of two
contrast the Pabasa with solemnity in their tourism “pabasa” occasion caught national persons or two groups of people.
from the different activities and offer their visitors a rare interest and subsequently became an
region. passionate and mesmerizing show they international tourist attraction.
could only witness in their City of Fun
and Adventure.
Supporting Text: Supporting Text: Supporting Text:
Pabasa of Bicol is the reading of the On Good Friday each year, in the City The Pabasa is a chanting ritual, a
“book of passion” – a verse narrative of San Fernando, particularly in time- honored tradition. The ritual
about the life and suffering of Jesus barangay San Pedro Cutud, thousands starts after Palm Sunday and ends
Christ that has been traditional flocks witness the world- renowned on Good Friday. This is a story-
religious practice in Bicol and across crucifixion telling event where the passion of
the Christ is
Philippine wherein people gather that is reenacted on a man- made hill retold in sing sung by a community
around the readers to listen and after two- hours street paly, choir.

Reason: Reason: Reason:

The video shows time- honored The video shows how the townsfolk The video shows how the readers
religious tradition in which the sticking to their faith and spiritual has shown interest in participating
participants melodiously read and practice, constantly remaining pure in during the pabasa. They believe that
chant the prayers or Biblical passages their panata which continues to be a this is a good way for people to fully
about the passion, death and source of community and strength. understand the essence of the
resurrection of Jesus Christ Catholic devotion.
Common ideas in reason:
The Pabasa is based on the Filipinos’ deep faith and religion. People put aside work, and daily activities to come
together in prayer and song during Lent. Filipinos find strength in their religion and faith. The videos reveal and show
that how music affects and reflects in every Filipinos’ lives.
The students will understand that the performance of distinct musical characteristic of Lowland Luzon is
influenced by culture or geography.
To gauge your level of understanding about the lesson, your answers will be evaluated using the holistic rubrics in the next page.

Holistic Rubric for Guided Generalization:

Score Description
4 Correct generalization with extensive explanation
3 Correct generalization, enough explanation
2 Confusing generalization, limited explanation
1 No generalization, irrelevant explanation
Competency TRANSFER
LC 5: Transfer Goal:
Perform music from The learner on their own will be able to sing folk songs in the Philippines found in this lesson as a performer in the cultural show.
Luzon Lowlands
with own Performance Task
accompaniment. 1. In GRASPS

Learning Your task is to watch and listen to some examples of mini concert that features Philippine Folk Song of the Lowlands of Luzon
Targets: showing the characteristics of the different Philippine musical forms from the Lowlands of Luzon.
I can show my INSTRUCTIONS:
creativity and sing • You are going to record a five-minute video clip that will be uploaded to your own website. This will be visited by your
folk songs from the online audience from different walks of life. Rubrics will be provided for you to be guided.
selected lowlands • Perform at least 2 Folk Songs or Art Songs from the Lowlands of Luzon.
of Luzon with my • During the presentation, you must observe the following requirements:
own - Sing folksongs from the lowlands of Luzon;
accompaniment. - Improvises simple rhythmic/ melodic accompaniments to selected music from the Lowlands of Luzon;
- Create appropriate movements or gestures ( e.g create dance steps) to accompany the music selections of the
Lowlands of Luzon;
- Assign someone to take a video of your live performance.

2. Differentiated Performance Tasks

Choose from the following differentiated activities.
Singer Choose and sing folk songs in the Philippines found in this lesson as a performer
in the cultural show.
Instrumentalist Play an instrument as accompaniment in the folk songs.
Dancer Choose a music or folk song and interpret this in dancing.

3. Performance Task integrated with 21st century skills

• Creativity
• Innovative
• Critical Thinking and Doing
Scaffold for Use of Web 2.0 App for Output: Activity:
➔ Watch the video clip by checking on the links below. Analyze the video and make a summary out of it.
links: https://youtu.be/C35luDCb2JY

Analytic Rubric:

Map of Conceptual Change:

Eliciting Prior Knowledge Through the IRF Guide.

➔ Based from the different activities done, what new things have you discovered regarding the characteristics/
musical element of Filipino folk songs. Art music and the liturgical devotional music in the lowlands of Luzon.
How much of your initial ideas are found in the discussion? What ideas can you conclude? Write your answer
by accomplishing the F (Final answer) of the IRF chart below.
What influences the performance of the musical characteristics of Lowlands of Luzon?

Initial Answer

Revised Answer:

Final answer:


Did I get It?

Instructions: Go over the list of topics and put a check mark (√) to describe your understanding of a particular topic.
Topics I have a good I still have some questions. I don’t get it.
Sacred Music
Secular Music
Banda Kawayan
Music of Liturgy
Devotional Music
Instrumental and Vocal Music

Value Integration:
The learners will be able to apply their learning to promote and develop in our people an intensified awareness of
our own musical culture. They will also learn to develop their creativity and self- expression in the cultural sphere.

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