Global and Regional Immunization Profile Global: Population Data in Thousands

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Global and regional immunization profile

Data received as of Next overall update Winter 2020

Global Next WHO UNICEF estimates July 2021

Population data in thousands 1

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2000 1990 1980

Total population 7'668'888 7'586'693 7'503'627 7'419'957 7'335'912 6'103'694 5'291'866 4'427'669
Live births 139'582 139'677 139'720 139'699 139'607 131'627 136'960 124'049
Surviving infants 135'641 135'636 135'573 135'439 135'225 124'596 128'050 114'079
Pop. less than 5 years 674'793 673'691 672'136 670'287 668'106 612'607 640'465 544'300
Pop. less than 15 years 1'967'651 1'957'802 1'946'819 1'935'296 1'923'606 1'841'852 1'738'265 1'565'261
Female 15-49 years 1'897'122 1'886'522 1'875'853 1'864'882 1'853'416 1'568'473 1'313'301 1'055'574
Number of reported cases
Diphtheria 22'986 16'911 8'819 7'102 4'535 11'625 23'864 97'511
Japanese encephalitis 3'709 4'402 4'668 5'399 4'086 - - -
Measles 873'022 360'296 173'457 132'490 214'808 853'479 1'374'083 4'211'431
Mumps 169'799 502'027 560'784 592'174 385'781 544'093 - -
Pertussis 145'486 169'240 163'030 174'624 156'065 190'475 476'374 1'982'355
Polio 375 104 96 42 106 2'971 23'390 52'795
Rubella 49'136 26'010 16'393 23'419 23'760 670'894 - -
Rubella (CRS) 423 449 835 369 282 156 - -
Tetanus (neonatal) 2'194 1'803 2'266 1'997 3'580 17'935 25'293 13'005
Tetanus (total) 14'745 15'103 12'509 13'813 10'338 23'711 64'983 114'251
Yellow fever 459 2'064 876 1'154 72 699 4'339 144

Percentage of target population vaccinated, by antigen

based on WHO-UNICEF estimates
TT2plus is based on reported coverage
BCG 88 89 89 89 87 80 81 15
DTP1 90 90 90 90 89 83 88 30
DTP3 85 85 86 86 85 72 75 20
HepB_BD 43 41 40 35 35 5 - -
HepB3 85 83 84 84 83 30 1 -
Hib3 72 71 71 70 63 13 0 -
IPV1 82 72 57 46 22 - - -
MCV1 85 85 85 85 85 72 73 16
MCV2 71 69 68 67 63 18 - -
PCV3 48 46 44 42 37 - - -
Pol3 86 85 85 85 85 73 75 21
RCV1 71 69 52 48 47 21 8 3
rotac 39 34 27 24 22 - - -
TT2plus 71 72 73 72 70 62 55 9
YFV 46 45 44 42 41 11 - -

Most countries have standard recommendations regarding which vaccines should be offered and at what ages
they should be given. In general, vaccines are recommend for the youngest age group at risk for developing
the disease whose members are known to respond to the immunization without adverse effects.
Estimates for a dose of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) begin in 2015 following the Global Polio Eradication Initiative's Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic
Plan: 2013-2018 which recommended at least one full dose or two fractional doses of IPV into routine immunization schedules as a strategy to mitigate the potential
consequences should any re-emergence of type 2 poliovirus occur following the planned withdrawal of Sabin type 2 strains from oral polio vaccine (OPV).
IPV global and regional coverage calculation is for 144 bOPV using countries.

Unless otherwise specified, data provided by Member States through WHO-UNICEF Joint Reporting Form and WHO Regional offices.
1) "United Nations, Population Division. The World Population Prospects - the 2019 revision". New York, 2019.

WHO vaccine-preventable disease monitoring system, 2020 global summary

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