Creativity and The Role of The Leader

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by Teresa M. Amabile and Mukti Khaire
Your organization could use a bigger dose of creativity. Here¶s what to do about it.
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Creativity has always been at the heart of business, but until now it hasn¶t been at the top of the
management agenda. By definition the ability to create something novel and appropriate,
creativity is essential to the entrepreneurship that gets new businesses started and that sustains
the best companies after they have reached global scale. But perhaps because creativity was
considered unmanageable²too elusive and intangible to pin down²or because concentrating on
it produced a less immediate payoff than improving execution, it hasn¶t been the focus of most
managers¶ attention.

Creativity has, however, long been a focus of academics in fields ranging from anthropology to
neuroscience, and has enticed management scholars as well. Therefore, a substantial body of
work on creativity has been available to any businessperson inclined to step back from the fray
of daily management and engage in its questions. And that¶s suddenly very fortunate, because
what used to be an intellectual interest for some thoughtful executives has now become an urgent
concern for many. The shift to a more innovation-driven economy has been abrupt. Today,
execution capabilities are widely shared and the life cycles of new offerings are short. As
competition turns into a game of who can generate the best and greatest number of ideas,
creativity scholars are being asked pointed questions about their research. What does it mean?
How relevant is it? Ôoes it offer guidance on the decisions that leaders in creativity-dependent
businesses have to make?

To help make the connections between theory and practice, we recently convened a two-day
colloquium at Harvard Business School, inviting business leaders from companies whose success
depends on creativity²such as design consultancy Iԏ , technology innovator  Ink, internet
giant Google, and pharmaceutical leader Novartis. At the gathering, leading scholars presented
their newest and most important research. In all, we brought together nearly 100 people who
were deeply concerned with the workings of creativity in organizations and let the sparks fly.

ver those two days, we saw a new agenda for business leadership begin to take shape. At first,
we heard skepticism that creativity should be managed at all. Intuit cofounder Scott Cook, for
example, wondered whether management was ³a net positive or a net negative´ for creativity. ³If
there is a bottleneck in organizational creativity,´ he asked, ³might it be at the top of the bottle?´
By the colloquium¶s end, however, most attendees agreed that there | a role for management in
the creative process; it is just different from what the traditional work of management might
suggest. The leadership imperatives we discussed, which we share in this article, reflect a
viewpoint we came to hold in common: ne doesn¶t manage creativity. ne manages 


The first priority of leadership is to engage the right people, at the right times, to the right degree
in creative work. That engagement starts when the leader recasts the role of employees. Rather
than simply roll up their sleeves and execute top-down strategy, employees must contribute
imagination. As Cook put it, ³Traditional management prioritizes projects and assigns people to
them. But increasingly, managers are not the source of the idea.´


Cook told the story of an eye-opening analysis of innovations at Google: Its founders tracked the
progress of ideas that they had backed versus ideas that had been executed in the ranks without
support from above, and discovered a higher success rate in the latter category. Similarly, it was
noted that xhilip Rosedale, the founder and chairman of Linden Lab, the fast-growing company
that manages Second Life, claims to give most workers enormous autonomy, and says the
greatest successes come from workers¶ own initiatives.

Research by Israel Ôrori, a professor at the College of Management in Israel, and Benson Honig,
a professor at Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada, highlights the hazards of not distributing
creative responsibilities across the organization. They observed an internet start-up offering a
new, sophisticated form of computer graphics from its inception in 1996 until its collapse, seven
years later. While the venture enjoyed initial success, it was ultimately unsustainable because it
depended too much on the genius of its award-winning artist-founder²and took organizational
creativity for granted.

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