Culmination Games
Culmination Games
Culmination Games
SportPlan (2021)
LEST and Rink Rink stage 4 – complex game play
SportPlan (2021)
LEST and Rink Rink stage 4 – complex game play
L – students split in half for two games, then put into teams of 4
E – 1 ball per game – 2 balls
S – two 10x20 metre rectangles
T – 20 minutes
Round Robin
Duration 20-30 minutes
Equipment 2 balls
Area Size Two 20x50 metre rectangles
Instructions - Create two playing fields
- Split students into groups of 5-6 to make 5 groups
- Players must be in their starting halves before play begins
- Tap will start play and after a try is scored
- Offside rule of 7 metres applies
- Attacking team has 6 touches to try score a try
- After 10 minutes teams rotate
- Group 1 and 2 start on playing field 1, group 3 and 4 start
on playing field 2 and group 5 splits up to become umpires
- Group 5 and 2 on field 1, group 1 and 3 on field 2 and
group 4 umpiring
- Rotations continue until all teams have played 2 games
Variation and Begin the game with a tap
Teachable Moment Encourage players to discuss a game strategy prior to playing. Talk
about importance of the use of space and speed.
Two 20x50 metre
rectangles with a
midline marked
SportPlan (2021)
LEST and Rink Rink stage 4 – complex game play