Culmination Games

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Culmination Games

Guard the Castle

Duration 15-20 minutes
Equipment 15 balls, class set of bibs
Area Size Make one big grid 20x50 metres with two end lines on either side
2 metres from either end where the balls will be situated
Instructions - Split players into even teams, one team will invade, and
others will defend
- Castle guards (defenders) will stand 2-3 metres apart from
each other and are only allowed to move sideways on the
- Invaders are given 2 minutes to attempt to pass the guards
with their ball and put it in the castle on the other side
- Once invaders have put the ball in the castle, they return to
the original start line to collect a new ball
- Guards try to touch invaders and if they are successful,
they go to the dungeon
- To get released from the dungeon, invaders are to throw
their ball up and clap 5 times, then can return to the start
- After the 2 minutes, invaders count the number of balls in
the castle
- The game is repeated with the other team invading, once
they have finished, they add up the balls and see which
team got the highest score
Variation and When guard makes a touch, they need to run back to the backline
Progression and back before making another touch, to make space along guard
Teachable Moment Encourage students to make space. Get students to practice
acceleration and speed. Students practice agility.
20x50 metre grid
with 2 metres on
each end where
balls are to be

SportPlan (2021)
LEST and Rink Rink stage 4 – complex game play

L – students divided evenly into 2 teams

E – 15 balls and 2 sets of bibs
S – 20x50 metre grid
T – 15-20 minutes
Team Waves
Duration 20 minutes
Equipment 1 ball per game – 2 balls
Area Size Two smaller grids 10x20 metres
Instructions - Split students in half then put them in teams of 4, have two
of this drill running at once so students get maximum
- 1 team of 4 begins as defenders and spread out across the
halfway line facing the attacking team
- All other teams start as attackers and line up behind the
start line
- To start play the attacking team performs a roll ball
- Defending team gets back 5 metres after every touch,
attacking team has 3 touches to attempt to score a try
- After 3 touches or a try is score, the attacking team will
become defenders and the defenders will go line up behind
the other attacking teams
Variation and Begin the game with a tap
Teachable Moment Emphasise the use of space and the importance of acceleration
and speed.
Two 10x20 metre
areas with a midline

SportPlan (2021)
LEST and Rink Rink stage 4 – complex game play

L – students split in half for two games, then put into teams of 4
E – 1 ball per game – 2 balls
S – two 10x20 metre rectangles
T – 20 minutes
Round Robin
Duration 20-30 minutes
Equipment 2 balls
Area Size Two 20x50 metre rectangles
Instructions - Create two playing fields
- Split students into groups of 5-6 to make 5 groups
- Players must be in their starting halves before play begins
- Tap will start play and after a try is scored
- Offside rule of 7 metres applies
- Attacking team has 6 touches to try score a try
- After 10 minutes teams rotate
- Group 1 and 2 start on playing field 1, group 3 and 4 start
on playing field 2 and group 5 splits up to become umpires
- Group 5 and 2 on field 1, group 1 and 3 on field 2 and
group 4 umpiring
- Rotations continue until all teams have played 2 games
Variation and Begin the game with a tap
Teachable Moment Encourage players to discuss a game strategy prior to playing. Talk
about importance of the use of space and speed.
Two 20x50 metre
rectangles with a
midline marked

SportPlan (2021)
LEST and Rink Rink stage 4 – complex game play

L – 5 groups of 5-6 students

E – 2 balls, 1 per game
S – mark out two 20x50 metre rectangles
T – 20-30 minutes

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