Arts10 Module 1

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Quarter 2 – Module 1:
Technology-Based Learning
ARTS – Grade 10
Quarter 2– Module 1: Teachnology-Based Art
First Edition, 2020

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impose as a condition the payment of royalties.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

names, trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective
copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to
use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and
authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Mariecris V. Sunga, Glady Lynn Steffany A. Cacdac
Editors: Isaias E. Maghuyop
Reviewers: Maniya J. Hong, Greg Omar Omapas
Illustrator: Mariecris V. Sunga, Glady Lynn Steffany A. Cacdac
Layout Artist: Mariecris V. Sunga, Gladys Lynn Steffany A. Cacdac
Management Team: SDS - Josephine L. Fadul
ASDS - Melanie P. Esctacio
CID CHIEF - Christine C. Bagacay
EPS in MAPEH - Isaias E. Maghuyop
EPS LRMS - Lorna C. Ragos

Printed in the Philippines by

Department of Education – Region XI

Office Address: Energy Park, Apokon, Tagum City, 8100

Telefax: (0840 216-3504

E-mail Address: [email protected]


Quarter 2
Technology-Based Learning
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to Grade10 Arts Self-Engaging Module (SEM) on Technology-Based
Art. This module was designed by educators having you in mind. Through
this module you will be able to discover, explore, learn, and apply various
knowledge and competences on technological arts.

There are three lessons presented on this module that deal with
contemporary integration and application of art in the digital world. These
are lessons most probably interesting, exciting, fun, and relative to your age
and generation. Since art can be is palpable and technology is even more
pervasive, the combination of these two entities makes our modern world
colorful and dynamic.

Learning from this module is guaranteed to be a worthwhile experience. So,

make the most out of your learning time and take the knowledge you can
glean as you learn by and by.

For the learner:

Hello dear learners! You are the very reason why this module was
created. This is designed to give you learning opportunities and meaningful
experience. This will guide you as you move step by step through the
complexity and depth of the lessons given. Finally, this is an excellent
resource for you to successfully develop skills and mastery in Mapeh 10.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

Let us Learn! This will give you an idea of the skills or

competencies you are expected to learn
in the module.

Let us Try!
This part includes an activity that aims
to check what you already know about
the lesson to take. If you get all the
answers correct (100%), you may decide
to skip this module.

This includes a brief drill or review to

help you link the current lesson with the
Let us Study
previous one; various ways of
introducing a new lesson such as a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener,
an activity or a situation; and a brief
discussion of the lesson. This aims to
help you discover and understand new
concepts and skills.

Let us Practice This comprises activities for guided

practice to solidify your understanding
and skills of the topic. You may check
the answers to the exercises using the
Answer Key at the end of the module.

This comprises activities for independent

Let us Practice practice to solidify your understanding
More and skills of the topic. You may check
the answers to the exercises using the
Answer Key at the end of the module.

This includes questions or blank
Let us Remember sentence/paragraph to be filled in to
process what you learned from the

This is a task which aims to evaluate

Let us Assess your level of mastery in achieving the
learning competency.

In this portion, another activity will be

Let us Enhance given to you to enrich your knowledge or
skill of the lesson learned.
This part contains the closing note
related to the lesson. It will help you
Let us Reflect reflect the importance of the concepts
you have learned in this module and its
relevance to real-life situation.
This contains answers to all activities in
Answer Key to the module.
the Activities

At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in

developing this module.

Let Us Learn!

You are now embarking at another phase of your journey in

learning your MAPEH 10. In this quarter, you will be encountering
fascinating facts and samples of arts in the modern age. You may not
consider yourself an artist However, it is universally true that all of us can
appreciate arts. In course you will be introduced to technology-based arts
which somehow can be relatable in your context as learners of the 21st
Century. This will be both challenging and exciting avenue of learning since
at the end of this module you will be creating your own work of art.

Technology has been an important aspect of human progress. Today, it is

impossible to live in the absence of tool necessary for life and survival. Due
to prevalence and developments of technology around the globe, its
functionality and form transforms and evolves in the course of time.
Consequently, such progress in the field of technological advancement has
driven creators and designers to bring a touch of art in the digital world.

You will learn to appreciate the evolution of digital arts from the past to
the present. You will also witness the dramatic development of digital arts
along the way. This will comprehensively run you through computer arts.
This module is indeed made for you to learn and have fun.

To be with, you will be propelled to meet goals of this module for you to
be guided on what to learn and to achieve. Kindly consider the following

• Identifies art elements in the technology based on production

• Identify distinct characteristics of arts during the 21st century in
terms of production and functionality and range of audience
• Identifies artworks produced by technology from other countries and
their adaption by Philippine artists(A10EL-lla-3)

Let Us Try!

The adventure you had in the previous module was definitely a

fantastic adventure. You were filled with amazing fun-facts about the
previous topic. This time is a sure meaningful and terrific encounter as you
step into the world of digital arts. Before you take a leap forward, let us first
check whether you already have idea on our topic. Read the instructions
below and answer the items provided for you. Go and give it a try!

General Instruction. Read the questions carefully. Write your answer on

your answer sheets/notebook.

______1. What are the distinct characteristics of the arts in this 21st
a. Production of artworks is easy and accessible.
b. Artworks can made be manipulated through computers.
c. The functionality of the artworks has reached a wider audience.
d. All of the above
______2. Which of the following art forms was adapted by the present-day
Filipino artists using technology?
a. comic books b.. photography c. painting d. All of the above
______3. Which technology- based art uses graphics software programs to
create an artwork that is totally virtual?
a. Computer/ digital arts b. Digital painting c. Video clips
d. All of the above
______4. Which of the following statements is NOT true about technology-
based art?
a. Computer/digital arts make use of artist’s own hands to
produce desired images and effects
b. Digital painting is creating an artwork using a computer
c. Video technology/imaging videos allows creating and presenting
d. None of the above
______5. When was the computer-generated works were primarily geared
toward illustrating or international comic books?
a. 1960s-1990s b. 1970s- 1990s c. 1980s-1990s
d. 1970s-1980
_______6. Stated below are some of the expertise’s of a digital artist, except:
a. If he/she can capture and edit images and videos
b. If he/she can manipulate, and share works of art
c. If he/she can even compose music
d. If he/she can compose paragraph with hand work concepts
______7. In Philippine arts, what is the meaning of PCCI?
a. Philippine Center for Creative Involvement
b. Philippine Center for Creative Imaging

c. Philippine Creative Centers Institution
d. Philippine Cultural Center Imaging
______8. Where does the exhibit of computer art became highly popular and
critically claimed, as digital artist or computer art masters or ‘’superstars’’?
a. Asia, Russia and Europe
b. Europe, China and Thailand
c. Europe, Russia and United States
d. Italy, Russia and Asia
______9. What are the common creations of many digital artists that appear
a. Scientific, mathematical look and Geometric forms
b. Basic lines, forms and actual figures
c. Natural pigments applied to paper, canvas, fabric, stucco, walls and
d. Typical tints using actual brushes artistic tangible designs
_____10. _________ used actual brushes and palettes, and a whole array of
paints, inks, and natural pigments applied to paper, canvas, fabric, stucco,
walls and ceiling.
a. Visual artists b. Architects c. Draftspersons d. technicians

Let Us Study


1 Computer/Digital Arts

Thumbs up for a great job done! At this time, you are now ready to
gear up yourself with fresh and substantial knowledge of the arts of the
contemporary world. Let’s begin with questions such as, “Do you use
computers? What is the role of computers in your life? You have been using
computers and other similar tools for academic, amusement and other
personal purposes. Now, rethink of your computers not just a mere digital
device but an instrument to create an art. This part of the lesson may
gradually alter your perceptions about computers. Follow this module and
you will see another reason why computers are awesome.

Computer art or also known as digital arts can be complex yet

interesting. Compare and contrast the pictures place side by side. What can
you say? Write your answer on the comment box provided for you.

Fast Fact:
Computer or digital Arts began in
the early 1960’s. During this time,
technology was dramatically
evolving giving ideas for designers
and artists to bring artistic touch
on internal and external features of
computers to make it more
enjoyable and user-friendly
Fast Fact:
The first computers were used for
consumption of industries and
technology were enormous and
gigantic. However, due to evolution
and advancement, computers were
reduced in size and designed for
personal use. On the left side, we see
a glimpse the classic design of 1974
personal computer.

Fast Fact:
1997 was the year when the first
personal electronic transactor
populary called PET was introduced.
PET was considered also to be
among the first personal computers
sold and distributed for home use. It
is popular for two features: a built in
cassette and a membrane keyboard.

Fast Fact:
DN100 was the first high-power
complex computer Apollo
Laboratory had produced in the
year 1981. It has features such
us computer intensive graphics
that support engineering,
mathematical, and scientific
related applications.

Fast Fact:
Comodore 64 is an 8-bit computer
designed by Comodore International
in the year 1982. It is the first
computer to be successfully sold in
the common market. It has a unique
ability to be plugged into television
without expected modifications.

You have seen several images of computers that were invented in the
last four decades. The effort on human technological innovation led to the
developments of more efficient and cooler product designs of computers over
time. Indeed, technology has influenced almost all aspects of human life
including, business, work, and personal life. Now, this module has taught
that technology also has impacted art in many ways. Younger generation
today just like enjoy and consume much of digitally produced and inspired
Let us take trip into several digital arts in human history. Below are
samples of works of art processed through the help of computers.

Polygon Drawings
Frieder Nake, 1965

Schrotter (“Gravel”)
Georg Nees c. 1965

(Des) Ordres
Vera Molnar, 1974
Plotter drawing

Mountain and Staurolyte

Ronald Davis, 1997
Computer-generated 3D art


In the Philippines, Filipino artists are influenced by the technology
trend in art. For you to have idea of how our artists employ techniques in
creating digital arts, you may visit the following websites:

The Center for Art and Thought-

Deviant Art-
The Ateneo Art Gallery-
Yuchengco Museum –

Let Us Practice

Activity: Fill My Art

You have been introduced to the history of computers and various
arts artists create through digital media. Now let’s try to find out how much
you have learned in the lesson presented. This will be a simple remembering
of what has this self-learning module taught you. This time you are going to
fill in the given timeline with accurate data based on what you have learned
on this topic. You can do this. Make your effort count!

1960’s 2.____ 1977 1981 5.________

1.________ Polygon 4.____________ Mountain

Drawings, 3._________ and
Freider, Nake

Let Us Practice More

You are now familiar with some parts of the history of digital art. At this
point you will be expressing your thoughts regarding the differences you
observed between the past forms of digital arts and the modern ones. Use
the chart below to write down your answers.

Activity: I am Thinking ‘bout Art
My Thoughts
Old Digital Arts Modern Digital Arts

Let Us Remember

The lesson discussed in this module gave you an idea of the origin,
history and developments of digital arts. We all know that to most, it is
almost impossible to live in the absence of computers in our lives today.
Much of our day to day activities depend on computers and the digital
world. I know you are also born in the age where computers became a big
thing in workplaces, homes, and even amusements. All around us we see
the influence of computers; all around us we also see the inspiration of art
in our computers! At this point you will be recalling the important lessons
you learned in this section of the module by doing an acrostic. Define Digital
Arts according to what you know using the letters of the said term. Good
luck! You can do this.

D - ______________________________________________________________
I - ______________________________________________________________
G- _______________________________________________________________
I - _______________________________________________________________
T- _______________________________________________________________
A- _______________________________________________________________
L- _______________________________________________________________

A- _______________________________________________________________
R- _______________________________________________________________
T- _______________________________________________________________

Computer or Digital arts make use of electronic and mechanical
devices, rather than the artist’s own hand, to produce the desired
images and effects. Thus, these are definitely a technology-based art
form. As a result, there is a strong scientific or mathematical look and
feel to the creations of many digital artists--- with geometric forms and
repeating patterns appearing frequently. While such works were not
initially viewed as a true true art form, they have since been widely
accepted and have become a major art genre on their own.

Source: HORIZONS, Music and Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos, 2015

Let Us Enhance

Congratulations for making it this far on our lesson about digital arts.
It is with joy that you will be filled with exciting knowledge about the world
around you most especially those that your generation find relatable and
interesting. At this point of the module, you will discuss how technology
made and continues to make digital art possible. Use the box to answer.

Let Us Reflect

Reflect on the role of digital technology in capacitating you to create limitless

forms of art. How did the presence of computers help you achieve or create
relevant and artistic outputs. Cite an example. (Write 3-4 sentences only).
Use the phrases below to guide you in this writing activity.

Digital technology has helped me


Particularly, I have created

I believe that digital technology is

Let Us Learn!
Hello grade 10 Learners! Another fresh and awesome trip to modern
arts awaits you in this section of the module. Before we begin our
learning adventure, let this section of the lesson acquaint you with our
objectives. Let this be your guide as you engage yourself with another lesson
to learn.

• Discuss the concept that technology is an effective and vibrant tool for
empowering a person to express his/hers ideas, goals, and
advocacies, which elicits immediate action(A10PL-llh-1)
• Explains the role or function of artworks by evaluating their utilization
and combination of art elements and principles(A10PL-llh-2)
• Uses artworks to derive the traditions/history of a community (e.g.,
landscapes, images of people at work and play, portrait studies, etc.)
• Compares the characteristics of artworks in the 21st century(A10PL-

Let Us Try!
Let us begin with what you know. At this time, you will be invited to
do a matching type activity to measure somehow what you already
know in this topic.

Activity: Pick a Pic, Match what Must

Directions: Below are the different types of compositions in photography.
Your task is to match the items in A with the pictures in B. Write your
answer on the space provided before the items in A.


_____1. Diagonals 1
_____2. Leading lines
_____3. Rule of Thirds
_____4. Framing
_____5. Figure and BackgrounD
_____6. Pattern
_____7. Center Dominant Eye 2
_____8. Symmetry

3 4 5

6 7 8

Let Us Study

Lesson Mobile Phone Art/Digital

2 Photography

That’s truly a very commendable job right there! I believe that

somehow you are already familiar with the lesson that this part of the
module will offer you. Let this module prepare you to a very engaging topic.
Do you like pictures? How about taking pictures? Have you ever dreamed of
becoming a photographer someday? Do you know that it doesn’t take so
much talent in taking good pictures? Let us learn great lessons in
photography this time! You may consider yourself novice on this part,
however, after learning the basic rules you will begin to have confidence in
upgrading the photographer that is in you.

Here are some examples of photos which worth is gold. Yes. Artworks
in photography can be sold in millions of dollars. Who knows, you can
earn just as much through this fun hobby. Take a look at the photos below. https://www.icon-

03341288267/ 2006/feb/15/usa.arts

Digital photography is a technology-based art that evolved from the

earlier type of photography that made use of the action of light on light-
sensitive film as manipulated by a user of a camera. In contrast, digital
photography makes use of devices that automatically set and adjust the
needed elements ( shutter opening, shutter speed, flash lighting, zoon
in/out, etc.) to ensure a good quality image. It then stores these images on
a storage device built into the camera for future retrieval and modification,
if desired.
The two basic types of digital photography are point-and-shoot and
DSLR. Point-and-shoot means that the camera pre-sets the needed
elements so that the user can literally just click away. The DSLR type
enables the photographer to still make his/her own judgements on how to
set the device’s features to achieve the desired image results

In photography, composition is a key word to remember in order to

maximize the use of your cameras to capture beautiful shots of a subject.
However, do you know what composition means in the context of

Composition in Photography is the placement or arrangement of visual

elements or ingredients in a work of art. It is the organization of the
elements of art according to the principles of art. Here are nine basic
compositions to consider in photography.

Below are examples of photos applying rule of thirds.

https://digital-photography- thirds-in-portrait-photography/

Below are examples of photos showing leading lines


Below is an example of photo showing diagonals.

Below are photos showing the art of framing.

Below are images showing figure and background.

Below are images showing Fill the Frame Composition

photography/ repetition-and-patterns-in-photography

ps/9-essential-composition-rules- as-seen-in-photographs-by-steve-mccurry/

Let Us Practice

Now, let us check your knowledge on our topic. You are now familiar
with the nine basic compositions in photography. In this activity, you are
going to identify what particular composition the images below demonstrate.
Use the box to write your answer.

Activity: Picture Talk

Photo credits : Sai Dorothy Lacea

Let Us Practice More

That was definitely a fantastic job! This time we will be sharpening
your knowledge with another fun-filled activity. Cut out pictures
from old magazines or newspaper that show principles of the nine

Activity: Cut It and Paste

7. Fill the frame 8. Symmetry 10. Center dominant eye

1. Rule of Thirds 2. Leading Lines 3. Diagonals

2. Framing 5. Figure and Background 6. Fill the Frame


Category Excellent Good Fair Poor

(5pts) (4pts) (3pts) (2pts)
Followed the Followed Followed Did not
Following direction most of the most of the follow the
Directions correctly directions directions directions

Student’s Student’s Student’s Student’s

Craftsmanship output is output is output is fair output is
very creative good and and has a dull with lots
and tidy tidy few errors of errors

Principles of Principles of Principles of There is no

Pattern the nine the nine the nine visible

compositions compositions compositions principle of
are well used are visible are the nine
from but not somewhat compositions
beginning to clearly visible but
end defined not

Let Us Remember
What a very interesting activity you have just finished. May you
remember what this lesson has taught you.

Remember that photography is an art you can enjoy. In order to

learn how to be a good photographer you can start from the basics.
You may also use available camera of your phones to shoot for photos
around you. Keep in mind the nine compositions which are
fundamental now in your artistic ways of capturing photos. Make sure
that you also enhance the photographer that is in you through
constant practice

Let Us Enhance
We will try to enhance your skills by doing actual application
of the principles and knowledge of basic photography. Paste your
best output on the box provided for you. Name the principle of composition
you applied on the subject.

Activity: I Gotta Picture It Out


Category Excellent Good Fair Poor

(5pts) (4pts) (3pts) (2pts)

Followed the Followed most Followed most Did not follow

Following direction of the of the the directions
Directions correctly directions directions

Student’s Student’s Student’s Student’s

Craftsmanship output is very output is good output is fair output is dull
creative and and tidy and has a few with lots of
tidy errors errors

Principles of Principles of Principles of There is no

Pattern the nine the nine the nine visible
compositions compositions compositions principle of
are well used are visible but are somewhat the nine
from not clearly visible but not compositions
beginning to defined continuous

Let Us Reflect
Congratulations for reaching up to this point. The journey up
to this point is rather enjoyable than difficult, isn’t it? I believe that
it is safe to say that you have the ability to acquire amazing photography
skills by this time. Now, write your thoughts on the use and application of
this lesson to real life situation or experiences. (Write using 3-4 sentences




Let Us Learn!
Modern art is dynamic. It continues to evolve over the course of
time. Technology has also influenced the landscape of art and vice
versa. You have witnessed the evolution of digital arts through this module.
Another lesson will be tackled as you walk through the final phase of
module 2. Before jumping into the lesson, be guided first with our lesson

• Create artworks that can be locally assembled with locally assembled

with local materials guided by 21st century techniques(A10PR-llc-e-1)
• Explains the influence of technology in the 21st century on the
evolution of various forms of art(A10PR-llc-e-2)
• Applies different media techniques and process to communicate ideas,
experiences, and stories showing the characteristics of 21st century
(e.g., the use of graphic software like Photoshop, InDesign, etc.
• Evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas using
rubrics appropriate for the style or form. (A10PR-llf-4)


Category Excellent Good Fair Poor

(5pts) (4pts) (3pts) (2pts)

Followed the Followed Followed Did not

Following direction most of the most of the follow the
Directions correctly directions directions directions

Student’s Student’s Student’s Student’s

Craftsmanship output is output is output is fair output is
very creative good with the and has a dull with lots
with the use use of media few errors of errors with
of media techniques with few no media
techniques media techniques
Applies Applies Applies There is no
Pattern different different Media visible Media
Media Media techniques techniques
techniques techniques, somewhat
and well visible but visible but
used from not clearly not

beginning to defined continuous

Let Us Try!
Test your knowledge. Choose the letter of the best answer.
________ 1. What do we call to a method o creating an artwork using an
a. Canvas Painting
b. Digital Painting
c. Poster Painting
d. Broadsheet Image
_________2. In the world of digital games, what major component of digital
gaming entertainment that is very conceivable genre, subject matter, and
skill level?
a. Video Games
b. Assemblage Games
c. Inherent team games
d. Team Interactive Games
_________3. What platform refers to a technique using a graphic software
program to create an artwork that is totally virtual?
a. Digital Video
b. Traditional mediums
c. Realistic Graphic and Motions
d. Digital Printing
_________4. What do we call to another tremendously powerful and
innovative field that digital technology has revolutionized, creating and
presenting videos?
_________5. Stated below are the sample of Online tutorial and guides
available on sites. Except;
a. E-how b. Youtube c. Instructable d. Twitter

Let Us Study

Video Games/Mobile
3 Phone
Have you ever tried to play video games? What were the video games you used
to play when you were young? You must have found these games as part of your
childhood. You must have enjoyed your time winning and even losing during
games. What a thrilling fun to have experience, right? Now, let us recall some of the
old video games through our lesson. We will also explore the evolution of video
games designs.

VIDEO Games Character Creation Application

Video games started with pixelated environment and characters. hat-to-play/30-years-of-Super-
897895c9 Mario/super-mario-bros/

Are you all familiar with these video games? Can you name them one
by one? These are some of the video games which were released in the
earliest years of computer game development. In the current time, video
game developers seek to improve features and face value of video games.
Today, we can now access similar type of video games at the tip of our
fingers. Game designers have reimagined video games by fitting them in our
mobile phones.

Mobile phones are cool and smart. They provide users convenience
and ease. Today mobile phone functions have become more sophisticated
and numerous. From simple text messaging and calling, phones have
developed to meet needs and provide leisure for people in many ways. Our
phones store documents, music, videos, photos, and even movies. However,
it is not only limited to all of these. Continued innovations in mobile phones
functions and features seem to tell that this technology is limitless.

Below is a photo that shows the evolution of mobile phones.


Allows you to make collages A downloadable application for

incorporating photos, stickers, text android phones that allows you to
and frames. make collages out of images from
your photo gallery.
An iPad application(with a free An application for taking photos
downloadable version) that enables and videos using an iPad or iPad
you to “doodle” on your images using mini( a version for the Iphone,
available stickers. called SimpleBooth, is also

A free online photo editing tool that
provides filters,frames,text,and
effects to manipulate your images.

An iPhone application that allows you

to take amusing, distorted images,
simulating camera effects.
A downloadable application that A free photo editor and drawing
allows you to “bring your photos to application, as well as a social
life” in short videos set to music of network for you to share your art
your choice. with others.

A photo application that enables you to enhance, transform, and share

your photos; a free downloadable version for android phones is available.

A fast and fun way to share images with others; snap a photo, choose from
among the available filters, and share via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and

Here are three samples of edited photos using mobile applications.

Let Us Practice
That was an awesome learning experience! Let us practice what you
have learned through the activity given below.

On your notebook, write the specific type of Digital Arts which is

associated with the following statements below. Choose between POINT-

_____________1. Provide film-less instant review of a photo

_____________2. Gives photographer much more freedom and control to
select camera settings
_____________3. Create desired final image with the preferred visual effects
_____________4. Where people now are able to capture image with
professional quality results
_____________5. Automatically makes all the adjustments in lighting,
brightness, focus and imbalances
_____________6. It offers image enhancement features like adjusting color
and brightness, imbalances or blurring the image
_____________7. Allows the user to immediately review the photos taken
without complex development
_____________8. Able to delete unsatisfactory images while storing good ones
for future needs

Let Us Practice More

Do you believe that you have the power to develop and design your
own video games? That is no longer impossible with these free applications
and sites can offer you the possibility to create your own digital games.
Proceed to these websites and feel free to expand your creativity. Submit
your outputs to your teacher after you are done.

You can even create your own game. Using these applications:

If you find video game development complex and complicated, you can take
the other activity.

Let Us Remember
You have discovered and experienced the arts in our modern time.
May your knowledge be transformed into meaningful skills you can
use in this life to color our world with your stroke of art. Before this lesson
finally closes, remember the key terms of our lesson which are shortly
discussed below.

Mobile phone art is a form of modern art that emerged due to the
available technology on mobile phones with built-in cameras that
could capture and store images. This further evolved dramatically with the
development of android phones that can now use image editing applications
to modify and manipulate the captured images right on the phone unit itself.

Meanwhile, computer-generated images are those that are created

from scratch using drawing or illustration software on desktop computers,
laptops and tablets. These can be modified and manipulated as well, using
image editing programs for these devices.

Video games, digital painting, and video imaging are advanced

applications of the digital technology available today for a wide range of

Video games are not only played and enjoyed by countless gamers all
over the world, they can also be developed by amateurs on a personal device
using available software. They now also involve extremely complex and
realistic graphics and animation techniques that may be considered a form
of modern art.

Let Us Enhance
Let us firm up what you have learned in this portion of the module.
On this activity you will choose a photo of yours which you will use
to edit through the given (applications presented at the Let Us Study
section) downloadable mobile photo editor. You may have the freedom to edit
your photo the way you like. The outputs may be submitted as soft copy or
hard copy depending on your preference. The soft copy will be sent via
Facebook or Messenger of your teacher. While the hard copy or the printed
output will be submitted on the same date of your module retrieval.

Let Us Reflect
Finally, you have completed all the lessons on module 2. Great job
for you! You have done really well on this part. May you have
enjoyed your one of a kind experience. May you also treasure everything you
have learned. What is your most precious take away? How can you now use
everything that you have learned in particular life situations? How can you
now take advantage of what you learned on this module applying the skills
and knowledge in real life? Cite an example. Write a 3-5 sentence paragraph
for your answer..

Let Us Assess

Assessment/Post Test

General instruction. Read the questions carefully. Write your answer on

your answer sheets/notebook.

_______1. What are the distinct characteristics of the arts in this 21st
a. Production of artworks is easy and accessible.
b. Artworks can made be manipulated through computers.
c. The functionality of the artworks has reached a wider audience.
d. All of the above
______2. Which of the following art forms was adapted by the present-day
Filipino artists using technology?
a. comic books b.. photography c. painting d. All of the above
______3. Which technology- based art uses graphics software programs to
create an artwork that is totally virtual?
a. Computer/ digital arts b. Digital painting c. Video clips
d. All of the above
______4. Which of the following statements is NOT true about technology-
based art?
a. Computer/digital arts make use of artist’s own hands to
produce desired images and effects
b. Digital painting is creating an artwork using a computer
c. Video technology/imaging videos allows creating and presenting
d. None of the above
______5. When was the computer-generated works were primarily geared
toward illustrating or international comic books?
a. 1960s-1990s b. 1970s- 1990s c. 1980s-1990s
d. 1970s-1980

______ 6. What do we call to a method o creating an artwork using an

a. Canvas Painting
b. Digital Painting
c. Poster Painting
d. Broadsheet Image
_______7. What major component of digital gaming entertainment that is
very conceivable genre, subject matter, and skill level in the world of digital
a. Video Games
b. Assemblage Games

c. Inherent team games
d. Team Interactive Games
_______8. What platform refers to a technique using a graphic software
program to create an artwork that is totally virtual?
a. Digital Video
b. Traditional mediums
c. Realistic Graphic and Motions
d. Digital Printing
________9. What do we call to another tremendously powerful and innovative
field that digital technology has revolutionized, creating and presenting
________10. Stated below are the sample of Online tutorial and guides
available on sites. Except;
a. E-how b. Youtube c. Instructable d. Twitter

1.A 8.C
2.D 9.A
3.B 1.B 10.A
4.D 2.A
5.B 3.D
6.B 4.A
7.A 5.C
Answer key to Activities
For inquiries and feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education – Division of Tagum City
Office address – Energy Park, Apokon, Tagum City, 8100
Telefax: (084) 216 – 3504
E-mail Address: [email protected]


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