Molarity POGIL (1) - 1

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Chemistry Name……………………………………...……..

Unit 7 – Molarity Hour…………

When you buy a bottle of a certain brand of lemonade you expect it to taste just as sweet as the last
time you bought that kind of lemonade. Likewise, when doctors prescribe a certain ointment, they
expect the concentration of medicine to be consistent. How do companies ensure that their
products taste or perform the same every time you purchase them? Many companies, including
pharmaceutical companies, keep track of the concentration of a solution by measuring its molarity
– a ratio of the number of solute particles to the volume of the solution. In this activity you will learn
about molarity and how to represent concentration quantitatively.

Model 1 – Lemonade Mixtures*

* Both pitchers were filled with enough water (solvent) to provide 2 L of solution. The solid
lemonade mixture consists of several molecules. The dissolved sugar molecule (solute) is
indicated with a •

1. Refer to Model 1.

a. What is the solvent in this scenario? ____________________ The solute? ____________________

b. Lemonade Solution 1 has (more/less/the same) volume of solution as Solution 2.

c. Lemonade Solution 1 has (more/less/the same) quantity of solute as Solution 2.

2. Lemonade Solution 2 is considered to be concentrated, and Lemonade Solution 1 is

considered to be dilute. Examine the two pictures in Model 1. List two ways to differentiate
a concentrated solution from a dilute solution.


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3. A glass is filled with the concentrated lemonade solution from Model 1.

a. The concentration of the lemonade solution in the glass is (the same, different than)
the concentration of the lemonade solution in the pitcher.

b. Does the solution in the glass contain the same number of solute particles as the
solution in the pitcher? If no, explain how your answer to part a can be true. Hint:
Consider both amount of solute and amount of solvent.

4. Do the terms “concentrated” and “dilute” provide any specific information about the
quantities of solute or solvent in a solution? Explain.


5. The lemonade solution in Model 1 is classified as a mixture because it contains more than
one type of particle (e.g. sugar molecules, flavoring molecules, coloring molecules, water
molecules, etc). A homogeneous mixture is a mixture that is uniform throughout while a
heterogeneous mixture is non-uniform throughout. Identify the following mixtures as being
homogeneous or heterogeneous.

a. Air ______________________________________

b. Trail mix ______________________________________

c. Mint chocolate chip ice cream ______________________________________

d. Soda ______________________________________

e. Lemonade ______________________________________

f. Cheeseburger ______________________________________

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Model 2 – Chemical Solutions

Dilute Solution Concentrated Solution

1 M CuCl2(aq) 3 M CuCl2(aq)
0.06 mole CuCl2 in 0.06 L 0.18 mole CuCl2 in 0.06 L

1 M C6H12O6(aq) 3 M C6H12O6(aq)
0.06 mole C6H12O6 in 0.06 L 0.18 mole C6H12O6 in 0.06 L

M = molarity
3 M is read as “three molar”

3 M C6H12O6(aq)
0.06 mole C6H12O6 in 0.02 L

6. List the beaker numbers for the solutions in Model 2 that are considered to be
“concentrated” _____________________________.

7. What does the letter “M” stand for in Model 2? _____________________________________________________

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8. Use the data in Model 2 to answer the questions below.
a. Calculate the ratio of the moles of solute to liters of solution for each solution,
𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑒
𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

b. How does the ratio compare to the molarity of each solution? ____________________________

c. Write a mathematical equation to show how the molarity (M) of a solution is



d. Which type of solution (dilute or concentrated) will have a larger molarity value?


9. Consider beakers 3 – 5 in Model 2. Circle the answer below for the quantity that is the same
in all of the beakers that contain three molar solutions.

Number of moles of solute Volume of solution Ratio of moles of solute to liters of solution

10. Explain how beaker 5, with fewer moles of glucose, can have the same molarity as beaker 4.


11. Calculate the molarity of a solution containing 1.5 moles of NaCl in 0.50 liters of solution.
Show your work.

12. Calculate the molarity of a solution containing 0.40 moles of acetic acid (HC2H3O2) in 0.250
liters of solution. Show your work.

13. A 0.5 M KCl solution contains 74.55 g of KCl (molar mass 74.55 g/mol) in 2000 mL of
a. Does the ratio 74.55 g KCl / 2000 mL provide the correct molarity for this solution?

b. What units do the amount of solute and the volume of solution need to be in to obtain
the molarity of 0.5 M?

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14. Which types of particles – molecular or ionic – are found in beaker 1 in Model 2? ______________
beaker 2? ______________

15. Can both dissolved ionic and dissolved molecular compounds produce dilute solutions?
______________ Concentrated solutions? ______________

16. Beakers 1 and 3 in Model 2 contain two types of particles (ignoring water), indicated by a •
and a *.

a. What two particles (ignoring water) are in both beakers?(Hint: look at the chemical
formula and your solubility rules) ________________________________

b. Which particle is indicated by the •? _______________ The *? _______________

c. A compound that “splits apart” when it dissolves in water is said to have both
dissolved and ________________________________.

17. Beakers 2, 4 and 5 in Model 2 contain only one type of particle (ignoring water), indicated by
a •.
a. What particle (ignoring water) is found in these beakers? ___________________________
b. Why is there only one type of particle (ignoring water) in these beakers?
18. Electrolytic solutions contain free ions and conduct a current as indicated by a glowing light
bulb. Which beaker in Model 2 is the most electrolytic? Briefly explain your answer.


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While it is appropriate to write beaker 1 as “1 M CuCl2(aq)” it is important to note the beaker does
not contain CuCl2. Instead, the beaker contains Cu2+ ions and Cl1- ions solvated by water molecules.
The formula of CuCl2 indicates that one CuCl2 produces one Cu2+ ion and two Cl1- ions. Thus, a 1 M
CuCl2 solution contains 1 M Cu2+(aq) and 2 M Cl1-(aq).

19. Given what you’ve read above, beaker 3 contains ______ M Cu2+(aq) and ______ M Cl1-(aq).

20. A student adds 15.0 grams of Na2SO4 to 150 mL of water. Calculate the following:

a. The molarity of Na2SO4(aq), [Na2SO4]

b. The molarity of Na1+(aq), [Na1+]

c. The molarity of SO42-(aq), [SO42-]

21. An additional 150 mL of water is added to the solution in Question 20. Calculate the

a. The molarity of Na2SO4(aq), [Na2SO4]

b. The molarity of Na1+(aq), [Na1+]

c. The molarity of SO42-(aq), [SO42-]

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