Bahasa Inggris Salinan

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Learning Objectives:
After completing this unit, students are expected to be able to:
1. know the words in the reading passage related to education
2. correctly use the words in context
3. correctly answer different types of questions in the reading passage
(main idea, detail, reference, inference, and vocabulary questions)
4. build sentences using the words learned in this unit

Discuss these questions with a pair.
1. What do you think is the most important subject you learn in school?
2. What are schools like in your place? How are they different from
schools in other places?
3. Do you prefer to study indoor or outdoor? Why?
4. If you could create your dream (ideal) school, what would it be like?


A. Labeling. Read the information and label the animals pictured above (1-3).
Kruger National Park is one of the oldest and largest parks in Africa. It was
first set up in 1898 to control hunting and to protect the wildlife living there.
Today, it is home to an incredible variety of species, including more than
500 types of birds and about 150 different types of mammals. Among these
are deer-like (1) antelope (like the steenbok and impala), (2) hyena, and a
wild pig known as a (3) warthog.

B. Skim for main idea. Look at the photos of Southern Cross School on the
next page, and quickly skim the reading. What is unusual about this
school? Read the passage again to check your ideas.

1 Look around your classroom. Do you see students sitting
at desks? Are teachers writing on a board and giving
lectures? At Southern Cross School, near the famous
Kruger National Park in South Africa, things are different.
5 Here, nature is the classroom.

Both the park and the school are home to wild animals such
as giraffes, impalas, and warthogs. Students at the school
study the same subjects as other students in South Africa.
But at Southern Cross, the staff and students
10 go out into the wild to learn.

In one lesson, students apply the principles of

mathematics to study of local wildlife. Younger students
count how many kinds of animals drank at the nearby
water troughs during the night. Older students measure
15 the amount of water the animals drank, and calculate how
much water the animals will need over weeks or months.

In language classes, a common topic is conservation.

In one recent debate, students discussed an important
question: should people give water to the wild animals
20 during a drought? Another project might consist of
finding out how an animal died.

The director of the school is Ant de Boer. His aim is for

students to learn the importance of caring for the
environment. De Boer says, “When they leave school, we
25 want them to be champions of the natural
environment.” As the school motto says, Southern
Cross aims to be a “School for the Planet.”

A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Southern Cross is a special kind of school because its students ___________.

a. don’t study normal school subjects
b. listen to a lot of lectures and about nature
c. use nature to study school subjects
d. take care of animals in their classroom

2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “go out into the wild” (line 10)?
a. go camping c. go away
b. go outdoors d. go to school

3. What is the purpose of the third paragraph (line 11-16)?

a. to give examples of how Southern Cross students study mathematics
b. to describe the various subjects that students study at Southern Cross
c. to explain how much water Southern African animals drink
d. to show why it’s important to learn about mathematics

4. Which of these is a kind of “wildlife” (line 12)?

a. students c. animals
b. mathematics d. troughs

5. Which type of lesson goal is NOT mentioned?

a. measuring how much water animals drink
b. learning how an animal died
c. talking about a conservation topic
d. calculating how many animals there are in the park

6. What does the word “them” refer to (line 25)?

a. the students
b. the animals
c. the school
d. the environment

B. Matching. Match the ending of each sentence (a-f) to its beginning. One ending is

1. Southern Cross is close to ________

2. Southern Cross is different from most schools ________
3. To learn mathematics, students at Southern Cross ________
4. To improve their language skills, students at Southern Cross ________
5. The Southern Cross School wants students to ________

a. might have a debate about conservation.

b. take care of the environment after they leave.
c. Kruger National Park in South Africa.
d. might count how many animals drank at the troughs.
e. because students often have lessons in the wild.
f. such as giraffes, impalas, and warthogs.

C. True or False. R ead the sentences below, and deccide whether each
statement is true ( T) or false (F).
1. The Southern Cross School is close to the famous Kruger Naational Park _____
2. The Kruger National Park is NOT located in South Africa. _____
3. The classroom in Soouthern Cross School is nature. _____
4. The park is home to wild animals, but the school is NOT. _____
5. Students study subjects which are NOT different from the othher students _____
in South Africa.
6. The younger students do NOT need to study mathematics. _____
7. In language classes, a common topic is on how to protect thee wildlife. _____
8. The school director says that he wants the students to win spports _____

A. Completion. Compleete the information using
words from the box. One woord is extra.

aim boards lectuures principle staff

apply local conssists project topics

Utah in the United States is famous for its beautiful desert

and national parks – and an unusual school called
Boulder Outdoor Survivval School (BOSS). The teaching
(1)____Aim _____ at BOSS follow an unusual
(2)_Principle_____: “know more, carry less.” Their
(3)_Consists____ is to teach people to survive in wild
areas with no camping equipment. Teachers don’t give
(4)___Lectures__ on math or science, nor do they teach
students by writing on (5)____Local___. Instead, BOSS
brings students outside, where they learn about
(6)___Topics___ like making fires, finding water in the
desert, and learning about (7)____Project____ plants.
Students then (8)___Apply_____ the lessons they have
learned during 30-mile (48-km) hikes. A student’s final
exam (9)___Boards_____ of going into the desert alone Many movies have been filmed in
for Utah’s famous rocky desert.
three days with only a few simple tools. Even though it’s
difficult, students say it’s an incredible and valuable

B. Definitions. Use the words in the box in A to complete the definitions.

1. If you Aim something, you use it in an acttivity.
2. A(n) Principle is a belief about the way you should act.
3. A(n) Project is a study or piece of research.
4. The Topics of something is your purpose for doing it.
5. The Staff of an organization is all the people who work for it.
6. Boards like making fires, finding water in the desert, and learning about
7. Lectures plants. Students then
8. Something that is Local is only found in a particular area.

Make one sentence using the word(s) given on each item. The sentence must be
at least five (5) words long.
1. aim / champion
2. staff / school
Yesterday I went to school to study
3. local / environment
4. classroom / topics
5. project / lectures


1. - Mathematics
- English
- Indonesian
- Education

2. A. 1. C B. 1. B C. 1. T 6. F
2. A 2. E 2. F 7. T
3. 3. C 3. T 8. F
4. C 4. A 4. T
5. 5. F 5. F
6. A

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