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A Framework to Assess the Risks

to Human Health and the

from Landfill Gas

WS Atkins Environment

R&D Technical Report P271

A Framework to Assess the Risks
to Human Health and the Environment
from Landfill Gas

R G Gregory, A J Revans, M D Hill,

M P Meadows, L Paul and C C Ferguson

Research contractor:
WS Atkins Environment

Environment Agency
Rio House
Waterside Drive
Aztec West
Bristol BS32 4UD
Commissioning Organisation
Environment Agency
Rio House
Waterside Drive
Aztec West
Bristol BS32 4UD

Tel: 01454 624400 Fax: 01454 624409

 Environment Agency CWM 168/98 ISBN 1 85705 254 4

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be produced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise without the prior permission of the Environment Agency.

The views expressed in this document are not necessarily those of the Environment Agency. Its
officers, servants or agents accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage arising from the
interpretation or use of the information, or reliance upon views contained herein.

Dissemination status
Internal: Released to Regions
External: Public Domain

Statement of use
This R&D technical report documents the development of a framework for a landfill gas risk
assessment tool to help the Environment Agency and others assess the human health and
environmental risks of landfill gas emissions from landfill sites. The HELGA model is currently
based in Microsoft Excel 97TM and requires further development before being released internally
and externally complete with User Manual. R&D Technical Summary PS257 is also available
and is related to this report.

Research contractor
This document was produced under R&D Project P1-283 (contract HOCO_225) by:

WS Atkins Environment
Woodcote Grove
Ashley Road
Epsom KT18 5BW Tel: 01372 726140 Fax: 01372 740055

The sub-contractor was:

The Nottingham Trent University
Burton Street
Nottingham NG1 4BU

Environment Agency’s Project Manager

The Environment Agency’s Project Manager for R&D Project P1-283 was:
Louise McGoochan - Southern Region
A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas


This is the final report for R&D Project P1-283; A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human
Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas. The project has delivered a model framework
entitled HELGA (Health and Environmental risks form Landfill GAs), to help the Environment
Agency assess the risks to human health and the environment from landfill gas (LFG).
HELGA is a demonstration framework to test the feasibility of a fully developed model. When
developed to commercial standards, the code is expected to be complementary to LANDSIM,
the Environment Agency’s risk assessment model for leachate migration into groundwater.

The HELGA model contain ten related modules:

1. Source term gas generation;

2. Emissions;
3. Atmospheric dispersion;
4. Lateral migration;
5. Migration into houses;
6. Human exposure;
7. Odour;
8. Vegetation stress;
9. Global atmospheric risk; and
10. a summary Output module.

The foundation of the model is a source term module, which is a flexible landfill gas (LFG)
generation model that the user can tailor to an individual landfill site. The user can define the
waste composition in terms of various waste streams, including inter alia, municipal,
commercial, industrial and inert waste types, the era in which the waste was emplaced (to
reflect compositional changes in different decades) and the moisture content of the waste.

These waste characteristics then feed into a first-order decay model that estimates LFG
generation for up to 150 years. Programming limitations exist when combining the Microsoft
Excel™ spreadsheet and Crystal Ball™ probabilistic risk assessment software, which limits the
model working in a fully probabilistic mode. Therefore the source term module has been
designed to be pseudo probabilistic. This means that ranges for gas generation forecasts,
perhaps the most uncertain data to be generated by the model, have been sampled using the
Crystal Ball™ Monte-Carlo sampling package, and the 95th, 50th and 5th percentile results for
gas generation per tonne of waste have been set as constants in a look-up table. The user can
choose which set of forecasts (95th, 50th or 5th percentiles) to use with the other user defined
parameters, to give a maximum, average or minimum result for the outputs from the model.

The Emissions module takes the output (for 95th, 50th or 5th percentiles) of the source-term
module for a specified year and uses it to calculate LFG flux to the environment after allowing
for gas collection, flaring, energy recovery and biological methane oxidation. This module
uses information on the site gas collection system, flare and engine, cap and liner (if any) to
calculate for a given year what proportion of the gas generated is emitted via each route. LFG
generated and not collected is assumed to be in equilibrium with that emitted from the landfill
cap or liner at a steady state.

R&D Technical Report P271 i

A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

The Atmospheric Dispersion module is in two parts:

• Atmospheric dispersion off site; and

• Atmospheric dispersion on site (only for worker exposure).

The off site dispersion module uses a Gaussian plume model that has some probabilistic
aspects incorporated, and includes; chemical deposition, wind direction, flare plume buoyancy
and atmospheric layer stability. On-site dispersion is calculated using a simple box model, and
this gives a good approximation of exposure on site.

The lateral migration module comprises a diffusion model that uses a concentration gradient to
drive LFG migration. The model accounts for the physical characteristics of the soil and gases
or VOCs, and distance to the receptor. The model does not account for advective flow or
methane oxidation in the ground due to a dearth of available information. The risk from a
migration event is accounted for by examining the occurrence of various scenarios that may
lead to advective flow through fractures in permeable ground.

Migration into houses is simulated to allow for gas entry via the ground and the atmosphere.
There are two different types of building considered; those with suspended floors or cellars,
and those with a slab floor design.

The exposure assessment module focuses on calculating intakes of pollutants by members of

the public through three main routes; ingestion, inhalation, and dermal exposure. The data
used for these modules comes mainly from work carried out by NRPB, with some information
from other US or EU sources.

The odour module compares the chemical odour threshold with the concentration in air at the
receptor. Similarly, the vegetation stress module compares the concentration of methane and
carbon dioxide in the ground at the receptor with the concentration where vegetation stress is
first observed.

The global atmospheric risk module uses the total emissions (including VOCs) from the site in
a specified year to calculate the corresponding ozone depletion potential (ODP) and global
warming potential (GWP). These figures can be compared with other model runs on the same
site with different cap designs and gas management options to evaluate the best combination of
gas management options for the environment.

The Output Module collates the results from the various modules in the spreadsheet
workbook, and presents them in an easy to understand tabular form.

Validation of the model has been carried out on five landfills, to evaluate key outputs in the
model. In all cases, the forecasts are in good agreement with observed measurements. Four
Scenarios have also been developed to demonstrate how decisions on landfill gas cap design,
flaring and gas utilisation can be made to optimise LFG emissions to the benefit of the local
and global environment and human health. These scenarios demonstrate that good cap design
together with gas collection and flaring and/or gas utilisation reduce global environmental
risks, and generally reduce local human health risks. The only emissions to increase as a result
of gas utilisation are the engine emission products, and these are not forecast to be generated
in sufficient quantity to appear to be a health risk.
R&D Technical Report P271 ii
A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas


1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Purpose of this report ..................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background to project.................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Aim of project................................................................................................................. 2
1.4 Summary of project tasks............................................................................................... 2
2. CONCEPTUAL MODEL ................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Intended use and limitations of the model..................................................................... 3
2.2 Wastes considered in the model ..................................................................................... 5
2.3 Source term modelling.................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Selection of pollutants to be modelled............................................................................ 8
2.4.1 Bulk gases................................................................................................................. 8
2.4.2 Trace gases and VOCs............................................................................................. 9
2.4.3 Surface emissions ..................................................................................................... 9
2.4.4 Lateral emissions...................................................................................................... 9
2.4.5 Flare emissions ....................................................................................................... 10
2.4.6 Utilisation plant emissions..................................................................................... 10
2.4.7 Odour ..................................................................................................................... 10
2.5 Pathways and targets.................................................................................................... 10
2.6 Probabilistic aspects ..................................................................................................... 11
3. SOURCE TERM ............................................................................................................ 14
3.1 Landfill gas generation................................................................................................. 14
3.1.1 Module description ................................................................................................ 15
3.2 Using the source term module...................................................................................... 19
3.2.1 QA sheet ................................................................................................................. 21
3.2.2 Input sheet ............................................................................................................. 21
3.2.3 Wastes 1 - 4 ............................................................................................................ 23
3.2.4 Waste water content .............................................................................................. 23
3.2.5 Defaults and data ................................................................................................... 23
3.2.6 Data manipulation ................................................................................................. 24
3.2.7 LFG production ..................................................................................................... 26
3.3 Landfill gas emissions................................................................................................... 27
3.3.1 Landfill gas data .................................................................................................... 27
3.3.2 Flare Input ............................................................................................................. 30
3.3.3 Utilisation ............................................................................................................... 33
3.3.4 Water content of the waste.................................................................................... 34
3.3.5 Emission route ....................................................................................................... 34
3.3.6 Model output.......................................................................................................... 34
4. ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSPORT ............................................................................. 36
4.1 Atmospheric dispersion off-site.................................................................................... 36
4.1.1 Types of models and sources ................................................................................. 36
4.1.2 User input............................................................................................................... 36
4.1.3 Equations and parameter values........................................................................... 37
4.1.4 Output .................................................................................................................... 43

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

4.2 Atmospheric dispersion on-site .................................................................................... 43

4.3 Lateral migration under steady state conditions......................................................... 44
4.4 Lateral migration in unusual conditions ..................................................................... 45
5. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT ......................................................................................... 46
5.1 Intakes of pollutants by members of the public and site workers............................... 46
5.1.1 Inhalation exposure model .................................................................................... 47
5.1.2 Ingestion exposure model ...................................................................................... 50
5.1.3 Dermal exposure model ......................................................................................... 55
5.2 Calculation of pollutant concentrations in indoor air ................................................. 55
6. VALIDATION TESTS FOR THE HELGA MODULES ............................................. 60
6.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 60
6.2 Validation of the gas generation module ..................................................................... 61
6.2.1 Assumptions........................................................................................................... 61
6.2.2 Validation Results.................................................................................................. 62
6.3 Validation of gas generation module and surface emission of methane ..................... 65
6.3.1 Assumptions........................................................................................................... 65
6.3.2 Validation results ................................................................................................... 65
6.4 Validation of surface emissions module for VOCs ...................................................... 68
6.4.1 Assumptions........................................................................................................... 68
6.4.2 Validation results ................................................................................................... 68
6.5 Validation of atmospheric dispersion module ............................................................. 71
6.5.1 Assumptions........................................................................................................... 71
6.5.2 Validation results ................................................................................................... 71
6.6 Validation of Lateral Migration................................................................................... 73
6.6.1 Assumptions........................................................................................................... 73
6.6.2 Model outputs ........................................................................................................ 73
6.7 Conclusions from validation tests ................................................................................ 75
6.7.1 Comparison with observations.............................................................................. 75
6.7.2 Uncertainties and deficiencies in the model.......................................................... 75
7. LFG EMISSIONS MANAGEMENT OPTIONS .......................................................... 76
7.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 76
7.2 Results of gas generation simulations .......................................................................... 79
7.2.1 Gas generation ....................................................................................................... 79
7.2.2 Potential for gas migration through cap and liner ............................................... 79
7.2.3 Methane oxidation in the cap................................................................................ 82
7.3 Global environmental burdens..................................................................................... 82
7.4 VOC emissions.............................................................................................................. 83
7.5 Results of site worker exposure simulations ................................................................ 85
7.6 Results of offsite inhalation exposure simulations....................................................... 87
7.7 Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 88
8. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 90

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas


1.1 Purpose of this report

This is the technical report for Environment Agency R&D Project P1-283:

A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas.

This report describes the methodology used in the development of a framework for risk
assessment, and the implementation of this framework as a spreadsheet model, HELGA
(Health and Environmental Risks from Landfill GAs). The model allows both landfill site
operators and regulators to review and plan landfill gas management techniques to benefit
human health and the environment. This final report is designed for widespread dissemination
amongst the waste management community. The project commenced in August 1997 and the
technical work was completed in August 1998. Since that period, the model has been trialled
amongst the project steering group members.

1.2 Background to project

The Waste Management and Regulation Policy Group (WMRPG) of the Environment Agency
for England and Wales (the Agency) recruited this project on behalf of the Agency’s National
Waste Group. The project was designed to assist waste regulators, local authority planners
and landfill site operators, amongst others, to assess the risks to human health and the
environment associated with landfill gas (LFG) emissions. In addition, the project was
intended to help the Agency and other relevant organisations compare the relative risks
associated with different waste management options, and provide a framework that will
contribute to the assessment and valuation of the inventory of burdens associated with
landfilling of wastes.

The work has been undertaken under the guidance of the Landfill Gas Task and Finish
Working Group, set up under the National Waste Group of the Agency to review current
guidance on LFG and to develop new guidance as required. Members of the working group
formed a steering group for the project. The Landfill Gas Group is responsible for reviewing
internal guidance and, for example, to consider appropriate revisions to Waste Management
Paper 27 (DoE, 1991). This group is therefore the expert centre on LFG issues.

Members of the Landfill Gas Task and Finish Working Group are:

John Keenlyside Anglian Region

Jan Gronow Head Office
Richard Smith Head Office
Trevor Howard Midlands Region
Ian Cowie North East Region (Chair)
Dave Walmsley North West Region
Louise McGoochan Southern Region

R&D Technical Report P271 1

A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

Catriona Bogan South West Region

Alan Rosevear Thames Region
Pete Stanley Environment Agency, Wales
Rowland Douglas Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)

This project focused on:

• the risks associated with LFG from waste disposal by landfill;

• explosion and fire hazards from accumulation of landfill methane in buildings or
other enclosed spaces;
• harm to both the local and global environment.

The project complements the following Environment Agency R&D Projects:

• an assessment of the risks to human health from landfilling of household wastes

R&D Project P1-236;
• a risk assessment methodology for landfills (LANDSIM) R&D Project P1-294.

1.3 Aim of project

The overall aim of this project was to develop a useable framework model to help Agency staff
assess the risks to human health and the environment from landfill gas. The framework that
was developed consists of spreadsheet modules integrated to provide a working model, which
may eventually be developed into a package comparable in style and approach to the Agency’s
LANDSIM risk assessment methodology for landfills and groundwater protection.

1.4 Summary of project tasks

The project comprised a number of specific tasks, designed to address the objectives of the
project brief.

• Task 1, Development of the conceptual model. This is described in Chapter 2.

• Task 2, Development of the source term model. This is described in Chapter 3.

• Task 3, Environmental transport models. These are described in Chapter 4.

• Task 4, Exposure assessment. This is described in Chapter 5.

• Task 5, Impact assessment. This is described in Chapter 6.

• Task 6, Validation, simulation and option evaluation. Validation of the model framework
is described in Chapter 7. Simulation and options evaluation is carried out in Chapter 8.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

• Task 7, A user manual for the spreadsheet. This task has been reported separately from
this report, in the form of a user manual and training day programme for Agency staff on
the Task and Finish Group.

These tasks 1-6 are described in the subsequent Chapters of this report.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

This Chapter describes the broad approach adopted for the simulation of LFG emissions.
More detailed descriptions of the approach to each module within the model itself are given in
subsequent sections of this report. This section covers:

• intended use and limitations of the model;

• choice of wastes to be considered;
• the generation and emission of gases and trace components (the source term);
• choice of pollutants to be considered;
• pathways and targets; and
• probabilistic aspects of the model.

Figure 2.1 shows the sources, pathways, and target receptors considered.

2.1 Intended use and limitations of the model

The HELGA risk assessment framework model is intended to help waste regulators, landfill
operators, local authority planners and others assess the risks to human health and the
environment associated with landfill gas emissions. It is a stand-alone spreadsheet model
designed to demonstrate the functions that could ultimately be built into a commercial piece of
software to partner the Agency’s LANDSIM landfill leachate risk assessment model. The model
can be tailored to site-specific parameters and conditions; particularly those that relate to the
types of waste accepted in the site, site design, and gas management options. The model will
help users develop, present and defend decisions about gas management for a specific landfill,
by demonstrating the health and environmental effects of different landfill gas management

In common with all landfill models, this model has significant uncertainties associated with its
outputs. The user should be aware of these uncertainties. The model cannot provide precise
answers to specific questions. It is a support tool within a decision making process but cannot
decide specific licensing and planning issues.

R&D Technical Report P271 3

Global Ozone

Atmospheric dispersion

Vapour / Gases

Agriculture Landfill Gas

Utilisation Qemission
stress risk Worker
exposure and
risk Dust
explosion risk Qoxidation
Outdoor Qutilised Qflared
population risk



Source term methane balance defined as


Figure 2.1 The conceptual model

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

2.2 Wastes considered in the model

Consideration of the fate of pollutants arising from the disposal of household waste is an
important part of the risk assessment framework.. More information is available on the
composition and variability of household waste than any other landfill feedstock. As a
consequence, the capacity to represent a household waste landfill has never been better.
However, very few sites have been developed in the past, or are operated today, which only
accept household waste. In order to make the model more flexible, other categories of waste
have been built into the model framework.. The model in its current version will accept waste
from the following waste streams:

• household;
• civic amenity;
• commercial;
• industrial;
• inert solids and/or daily cover;
• inert sludges;
• sewage sludge; and
• liquid wastes.

Wastes differ in their degradation and gas generation characteristics according to their
composition. For example, household wastes from the 1950s have a very different
composition than those of the 1980s or 1990s. Although the model was conceived against a
brief to examine current or new-build landfills, it became clear that the model could be used
retrospectively on existing sites. In addition, the model could be used to forecast the effect of
future legislation on landfilling at a national policy level. In order that all these options could
be accommodated, the model allows a choice of waste filling era, allowing forecasting to be
tailored to past and future practice. The eras considered are:

• Pre 1970;
• 1970-2010; and
• post 2010

Again, most data are available for household waste compositions, and some waste streams
(e.g. civic amenity wastes) would not have existed in certain eras. Figure 2.2 shows how
household waste composition has changed over the past 60 years. These data are included in
the source term module.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

Composition (%) by weight

70 Metal
60 Plastic

50 Textile



20 Paper


1935 1955 1968 1978 1980 1994

Figure 2.2 Changes in waste composition over the past 60 years. After
Agriculture and Food Research Council (1988), Senior (1989), and the
National Household Waste Analysis Programme (DoE, 1994).

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

2.3 Source term modelling

The timeframes in which LFG emissions and leachate formation are important in environmental
risk assessment modelling are quite different, and the nature of the source terms are quite
different. Simulation of leachate loss from a landfill, using for example the leachate risk
assessment model LANDSIM, is relatively straightforward. The assumption can be made that
the source term (or the material which gives rise to the leachate), once determined, is non-
variant with time (although a time-dependent source term is also available in LANDSIM for
particular modelling circumstances). The same is not true for LFG. The amount of gas
generation for any particular landfill in any particular year varies significantly with, inter alia:

• the age of the site;

• the nature of the waste deposited in the site;
• the quantity of waste deposited; and
• the hydrological, physical, chemical and biochemical regimes within the site.

The rate at which gas is generated within a site can vary significantly from year to year,
particularly in the early phases of a sites’ gas generation lifespan, and the period over which
gas generation is an important consideration is much less than the time frames considered for
leachate formation.

As a consequence, the approach adopted in this LFG risk assessment model is somewhat
different to that found in LANDSIM. The LFG source term model was developed initially as a
stand alone deterministic model. By this we mean a model which does not operate in a
probabilistic fashion, but which generates for the user ‘best estimates’ of LFG production and
emission over the period of filling for the different waste compositions supplied to the model.

The modelling steps considered in the deterministic model are as follows:

1. Input waste composition as primary user input data on a yearly basis.

2. Input waste quantities deposited in the landfill as primary user input data on a yearly basis.
3. Input user defined information on the usage of LFG flares, and gas utilisation schemes; and
cap and liner designs, on a yearly basis.
4. Calculate bulk gas generation on a yearly basis;
5. Calculate trace gas and volatile organic compounds (VOC) generation on a yearly basis;
6. Pass the bulk gas and trace gas/VOC generation rates to an output file/matrix for plotting.

The user has the option to stop at this stage, in order to:

• reassess the data used in the simulation; or

• run the simulation again, using different gas management options, cap designs, etc.

This deterministic emissions model (DEMI) was a development stage on the route to the more
complex HELGA model, but the flexibility of the source term module in DEMI made it
appropriate to calculate some of the parameters required for the probabilistic HELGA model.
These parameters were the ranges in waste composition available for degradation and the
subsequent degradation rates.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

2.4 Selection of pollutants to be modelled

LFG comprises a complex cocktail of many gases and VOCs. There is no single composition
that is appropriate to all sites. Rather, ranges of concentrations of any particular component
within the gas will be observed between usually well observed and defined limits. The gases
produced will also depend to a certain extent upon the nature of the feedstock.

In selecting gases and VOCs to simulate in the model, we have had to split the method of
representation in the model into two:

1. Those gases, for which mechanistic pathways have been identified, may comprise a
significant proportion of the gas generated, and whose particular temporal behaviour is
reasonably well understood.
2. Those gases and VOCs for which mechanistic pathways may or may not have been
identified, but whose temporal behaviour is not well understood.

Conveniently, gases that fall into group 1 above are produced in sufficient quantities to be
considered as bulk components of LFG. Those which fall into group 2 above are found in
LFG at much lower (but much more variable and therefore less predictable) concentrations.
Group 1 gases are modelled in a different fashion to group 2 gases and VOCs, because of the
concentrations at which they occur in LFG.

2.4.1 Bulk gases

The following bulk gases are represented in the model:

• methane
• carbon dioxide; and
• hydrogen.

Methane and carbon dioxide together represent typically more than 95% of the gas generated
by the decomposition of the waste in the landfill. Methane is flammable, and poses a fire and
explosion hazard to neighbouring property. Laterally migrating methane can also be
responsible for displacing or removing oxygen from the root zone of vegetation, causing
vegetation stress.

Carbon dioxide build up in properties can have an asphyxiant or other physiological affect on
the human body at relatively low concentrations, when compared to that found in LFG.
Laterally migrating carbon dioxide can also be responsible for displacing or removing oxygen
from the root zone of vegetation, causing vegetation stress. Both gases have a global climate
effect, although only methane, because of its high global warming potential relative to carbon
dioxide, is considered in the UK inventories of greenhouse gases.

Hydrogen is represented in the model, as it is produced primarily in the early acetogenic phase
of gas production, and although produced in lesser quantities than methane, has a lower
explosive limit (LEL) than methane.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

Combustion of methane and hydrogen in flares or gas utilisation plant convert a proportion of
the methane to carbon dioxide, and hydrogen to water. Thus the result of running different
simulations, with or without active gas control, will be a quantitative measure of the risk
reduction for particular components of the LFG for certain pathways, and a quantitative
measure of the increased risk from other components in the system. The user will have to
make a decision, based on the tolerability of risk, as well as on other considerations, as to
which management option is the most favourable.

2.4.2 Trace gases and VOCs

There are scant data available on the rate of production of trace gases and VOCs from landfills.
The production of these species is conceptually linked to the rate of production of bulk gases.
Thus, the rate of decomposition of materials in the waste which evolve the bulk gases is used
to similarly evolve trace gases and VOCs at rates proportional to the rate of bulk gas

Trace gases and VOCs in the model’s database have been selected for their potential
contribution to human health and environmental effects. Other trace gases and VOCs may be
added on an ad hoc basis once the model has been completed, as data become available. Not all
trace gases or VOCs will be emitted from each gas emissions pathway, as some are emitted
directly from the landfill surface, as components of the LFG, and others will be products of
combustion or incomplete combustion of LFG from flares or utilisation plant. The emission
pathways, and the key trace gases/VOCs for each emission pathway, are shown in the sections

2.4.3 Surface emissions

The following components were included in the surface emissions model.

• Benzene and vinyl chloride, for their carcinogenic properties.

• Trichloroethene and tetrachloroethene, as representative chlorinated solvents, for their
health effects.
• Dioxin and furans for their health effects.
• Carbon monoxide for its toxicity effects.
• Chlorodifluoromethane and dichlorodifluoromethane for their global climate effects.
• Hydrogen sulphide and methanethiol for their odour effects, as well as the toxicity of
hydrogen sulphide.
• PM10.

Chemical conversion or degradation of any of these species during surface emission and
subsequent atmospheric transport was not considered.

2.4.4 Lateral emissions

The following trace components were included in the lateral emissions model:

R&D Technical Report P271 9

A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

• All components, except PM10, considered for surface emissions.

Chemical conversion or degradation of any of these species during lateral migration was not

2.4.5 Flare emissions

The following components were included in the flare emissions pathway:

• All components considered for surface emissions. Conversion to other species in the flare
reduced the proportion of many of these components for this pathway. The proportion of
some components, e.g. PM10, may increase.
• Additional emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx), hydrogen chloride,
hydrogen fluoride, and carbon monoxide as specific flare emission products.

Chemical conversion or degradation of any of these species during subsequent atmospheric

transport was not considered.

2.4.6 Utilisation plant emissions

This pathway considered emissions for a gas engine used for power generation, rather than
direct use of the gas, as this is the most common use for landfill gas at the present time. The
following components were included in the utilisation plant emissions pathway:

• All components considered for surface emissions. Conversion to other species in the
utilisation plant reduced the proportion of many of these components for this pathway. The
proportion of some components may increase.
• Additional emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx), hydrogen chloride,
hydrogen fluoride, PM10, and carbon monoxide as specific engine exhaust emission

Chemical conversion or degradation of any of these species during subsequent atmospheric

transport was not considered.

2.4.7 Odour

A special case is the consideration of odour. Two gases are represented in the model for
odour emissions from the surface of landfills: hydrogen sulphide and methanethiol. Their
odour properties will be significant reduced via the lateral migration pathway due to sorption
processes, or via flares or utilisation plant, due to destruction in the combustion process.

2.5 Pathways and targets

The pathways considered in the environmental transport module are:

R&D Technical Report P271 10

A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

• atmospheric dispersion off-site;

• atmospheric dispersion on-site; and
• lateral migration through the ground.

Atmospheric dispersion off-site is considered for pollutant emissions from the landfill cap,
landfill gas flares and gas utilisation plant. Dispersion on-site is relevant to the estimation of
risks to landfill workers. In this instance all surface emissions are considered.

For lateral migration of gases through the ground a distinction has been made between a steady
state situation and unusual conditions. For the steady state case annual average emissions from
the landfill boundary will be used as input to the migration model. The unusual conditions part
of the module simulates the sorts of situations in which emission and migration rates increase
well above the annual average for a brief period. The occurrence of such a condition has been
treated as a probabilistic event.

The exposure assessment module has two major functions:

• the calculation of concentrations of pollutants in indoor air, as a result of atmospheric

dispersion and lateral migration; and
• the calculation of intakes of pollutants by humans.

In the latter case both members of the public and workers are considered but the emphasis is
on members of the public. The main exposure pathways included for members of the public
are inhalation, ingestion of home-grown vegetables and dermal exposure. For workers
inhalation and dermal exposure are considered.

The impact assessment module estimates risks to human health, using output from the
exposure assessment module. It also estimates local and global environmental impacts using
output from the source term and environmental transport modules. Vegetation stress is the
local impact considered, while global impacts are greenhouse gases and ozone depletors.

2.6 Probabilistic aspects

Many of the data that drive the model have a wide margin of uncertainty. This could lead to
large uncertainties in the outputs, particularly in the landfill gas generation module. It was a
requirement for the project that the probabilistic approach in the gas risk assessment model
should be consistent with that in LANDSIM. The intention was to couple the Microsoft
Excel™ spreadsheet package to Microsoft Crystal Ball™, which allows probability density
functions (pdfs) to be attributed to certain parameters which have a high uncertainty. This
approach was not adopted in the final version of HELGA for the following reasons:

• pdfs would have been required for a large number of user specified and model supplied
• Crystal Ball™ can only work satisfactorily with a smaller number of probabilistic variables
than would have been required in the model;

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

• the coupled Excel™/Crystal Ball™ model would have run at an unacceptably slow rate for
model users; and
• not all Environment Agency users would have had access to the Crystal Ball™ software,
whereas all had access to Excel™.

With these considerations in mind, a pseudo-probabilistic approach to the model was devised.
The HELGA model now represents uncertainty by using look-up tables generated by sampling
parameter values from probability distributions for the source term (gas generation and
emission) module. The software used to generate these look-up tables was Crystal Ball™, but
there is now no reliance on Crystal Ball™ when using HELGA.

Outputs from the Crystal Ball™ simulations were pdfs of landfill gas generation. From these,
the mean, 95th percentile and 5th percentile values of landfill gas generation were derived.
These were imported into HELGA as look-up tables calibrated per tonne of waste per year,
which could then be scaled up to individual site tonnages. Landfill gas generation is then
predicted as the mean, 95th percentile and 5th percentile values for subsequent use in the
emissions, atmospheric dispersion, exposure assessment and impact assessment modules. The
data on VOC and trace gas concentrations in landfill gas are used directly to calculate the
proportion of trace gases released via each emission pathway. No chemical reactions are
represented in the model which could convert trace gases to other chemical species, although
the emissions pathways (lateral migration, cap, flare or gas utilisation) consider different
components characteristic of those pathways, and methane oxidation is permitted in the
capping layers.

The atmospheric dispersion part of the environmental transport model is probabilistic in the
sense that it produces primarily annual average concentrations of pollutants in air, taking into
account the probabilities of occurrence of various weather conditions during a year.

The exposure assessment module is deterministic, because the people and buildings considered
are notional, and the parameters which characterise them are not subject to the same kind of
uncertainty as those in the source term and environmental transport modules (where the values
of all the parameters are, in principle, measurable). The impact assessment module is also
deterministic, because detailed consideration of uncertainties in parameter values for the
various parts of this module is beyond the scope of this project.

Figure 2.3 summarises the probabilistic and deterministic aspects of the model.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

Gas generation
Global impact
greenhouse gases,
gas generation
ozone depletors
rates/time (e.g.

gas emission rates/time

Gas emission Atmospheric
models dispersion models

emission rates, gas emission

emission periods rates/time

Lateral migration - Lateral migration -

"Events" "Steady State"

gas discharge rates to

discharge rates to air and soil/time and
buildings, discharge
periods, probabilities
of occurrence

Public exposure Worker exposure Vegetation stress

Impact on humans
- health risk, odour,
explosion risk

Probabilistic - sampling of parameter values; Excel + Crystal

Atmospheric dispersion - probabilistic (weather); Excel

Exposure and impact - deterministic;

Figure 2.3 Probabilistic approach, interfaces and software

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

The emission rate of LFG from the landfill site is the source term for the risk assessment model
(see Figure 2.1). The source term module is the critical component of the overall risk
assessment model because the risk from LFG is proportional to its release from the site.

The generation rate and total yield of LFG are landfill site specific. LFG generation depends
on the waste mix1 and composition2 and the environmental conditions in which the waste
degrades. All these factors differ from site to site. Additionally LFG generation and
composition at any site change with time. The actual production and flux of gas from a
particular site at a particular time can only be ascertained by lengthy and comprehensive direct

Mathematical modelling provides an approximation of LFG processes and so is useful to

estimate LFG generation when comprehensive site measurements are not available. This is
usually the case. In particular LFG generation models are necessary to make projections of
LFG generation and emissions.

3.1 Landfill gas generation

The are several methods for modelling LFG generation. Most are based on a description of
LFG formation based on laboratory experiments or full-scale field measurements. The models
range from relatively simple zero-order (time-independent) equations through first-order model
that have a decay function to more complex second-order equations that try to model a number
of different reactions taking place at different rates.

Oonk et al. (1994) validated a number of LFG models using data from gas recovery schemes.
They concluded that the description of LFG formation improves going from a zero-order
model, to a first- and second-order model. However a variant on the single-order model, a
multi-phase model, provided the best correlation with field results (see Section

All LFG models produce uncertain results. This uncertainty derives from the heterogeneity of
both landfilled waste and the conditions under which it degrades, and the limited availability of
information and data to put into models. Any new LFG model should aim to reduce these
uncertainties whilst allowing for limits in input data. We have developed a new multi-phase
LFG generation model. It is based on the model developed originally by Hoeks and Oosthoek
(1981) and described by van Zanten and Scheepers (1996). The model is a significant
development on previous models because it can:

• define precisely the mix, composition and moisture content of waste in the landfill site;
• calculate LFG generation based on the degradation rates of the individual materials in
the landfilled waste.

The proportion of different types of waste, e.g. household, commercial, industrial, in the landfilled waste.
The specific materials, e.g., newspaper, food waste, cardboard, textiles, in each type of waste in the mix.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

These additions make the model highly flexible. It can be tailored to individual landfill sites,
taking account of specific waste streams, filling rates and environmental conditions. As with
all LFG models, the accuracy of this module is limited by the availability of input data. The
more site specific information there is, the more certain the module outputs will be. However,
if there is limited input data, the module has default parameters that can be chosen by the user.
This allows the module to approximate LFG generation using the user’s best knowledge of
any landfill site.

3.1.1 Module description

There are two main processes in the module:

1. Defining the waste in the landfill site; and

2. Calculating LFG generation from a specified mass of waste. Defining the waste

The rate of generation and total yield of LFG depends on the mix and composition of waste
disposed in the landfill site. The main source of carbon in LFG is from the degradation of
cellulose and hemi-cellulose. Different biodegradable materials in the waste have different
proportions of cellulose and hemi-cellulose. The ultimate degradability of the cellulose
polymers also differs between waste materials. Thus the total yield of LFG and its rate of
production depend on the mass and degradability of the cellulose and hemi-cellulose in the

This module is highly flexible because it can accommodate any combination of waste types,
mix and composition This allows the user to customize the module according to the waste in
place or that projected for individual sites.

In all cases the user will choose the proportion of different waste types in the total mix.

The user can also define the composition of each waste in the mix. If the waste composition is
not known then an approximation can be chosen. To help with this, the module at present
contains three pre-selected waste types:

Waste 1 Typical composition of waste during the period 1956 -1976;

Waste 2 Typical composition of waste during the period 1976 to the present
Waste 3 Future Landfill Directive waste composition1; and
Waste 4 User defined (may also cover wastes prior to 1956).

Table 3.1 shows the composition of degradable components in Waste 2. Each waste type also
contains inputs for the non-biodegradable, or inert, components of the mix (not shown in Table
3.1). The composition of Waste 2 is typical of contemporary waste. The proportion of

This is a projected waste stream make up, that will take into account the proposed directives on the landfilling
of wastes.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

different materials in the domestic waste and the cellulose/hemi-cellulose content are from the
National Household Waste Analysis Project (DoE, 1994). The percentage degradability is
from Barlaz et al. (1996).

Although provided in the module, the user can alter all the parameters such as composition,
water content, cellulose and hemi-cellulose content and percentage degradation if better or
alternative information is available.

R&D Technical Report P271 16

Table 3.1 Composition of waste components in a contemporary waste mix

1980's - 1997
Degradable Domestic Civic Commercial Industrial Inert Liquid Sewage Water Cellulose Hemi- Decomposition
Amenity Inert sludge content (%) cellulose (%)
(%) (%)
Newspapers 11.38 10 10 30 48.5 9 35
Magazines 4.87 11 30 42.3 9.4 46
Other paper 10.07 50.1 30 87.4 8.4 98
Liquid cartons 0.51 30 57.3 9.9 64
Card Packaging 3.84 30 57.3 9.9 64
Other card 2.83 30 57.3 9.9 64
Textiles 2.36 3 25 20 20 50
combustible Disposable 4.35 20 25 25 50
Other misc. 3.6 20 25 25 50
Garden waste 2.41 22 65 25.7 13 62
Other 18.38 15 65 55.4 7.2 76
10mm fines 7.11 15 40 25 25 50
Sewage sludge
Sewage sludge 100 70 14 14 75

R&D Technical Report P271 17

A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas Calculating landfill gas generation

At the heart of all LFG generation models is an equation that describes LFG formation from
the degradation of biodegradable organic material.

We have derived a multi-phase, first-order decay equation:

Ct = C0 − Co ,1e ( − k1t ) + Co , 2 e ( − k 2 t ) + Co , 3e ( − k3 t ) )
And C x = Ct − Ct −1
Equation 3.1


Ct = mass of degradable carbon degraded up to time t (tonnes)

C0 = mass of degradable carbon at time t = 0 (tonnes)
Co,i = mass of degradable carbon at time t = 0 in each fraction (rapidly, moderately and
slowly degradable (tonnes)
Cx = mass of carbon degraded in year t (tonnes)
t = time between waste emplacement and LFG generation (years)
ki = degradation rate constant for each fraction of degradable carbon (per year)

The multi-phase model allows for the different rates of degradation of different waste
components. In this model, a number of waste fractions are distinguished in which LFG
formation is described separately. The usual approach, which we have also adopted, is to
separate degradable waste into three fractions:

• waste that degrades slowly;

• waste that degrades at a moderate rate; and
• waste that degrades rapidly.

The model then assumes that each of these fractions degrades with a specific rate of first-order
decay. For example, putrescible waste will be converted to LFG faster than wood or paper
because of its high moisture content and better hydrolysis properties. Different degradation
rates (k) are assigned to the different degradable fractions.

Figure 3.1 shows the input parameters for Equation 3.1. Once the user has chosen or input the
waste data, the module runs the LFG generation calculation for each component in the waste
mix. The module then sums the LFG generated per year from each component to give a total
LFG production for the waste in question.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

3.2 Using the source term module

The LFG source term model has been constructed in a modular form, that presents the
required inputs and outputs in a logical fashion to facilitate its use. The model is based around
nine Excel work sheets (Figure 3.2):

• QA Sheet;
• Input Sheet;
• Wastes 1 - 4;
• Wastes Water Content;
• Defaults and Data; and
• Data Manipulation.

The inputs, links, calculations and output of the worksheets are described in the following

R&D Technical Report P271 19

Number of k values.
This module has Time after waste
three. emplacement

Ct = C0 − Co ,1e (
− k1t )
+ Co , 2 e(
− k 2t )
+ Co , 3e (
− k3t )

Amount of carbon Initial degradable carbon in Initial degradable Degradation rate of each waste
degraded up to time waste component. carbon in fraction at component. There are three k values
t Calculated from cellulose time t=0 in the module:
and hemi-cellulose • for waste components that are
composition and total rapidly degradable;
degradability of the waste • for waste components that have a
component. moderate rate of degradation; and
• for waste components that are
slowly degradable.
Figure 3.1 Input parameters for decay equation

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

3.2.1 QA sheet

The QA Sheet has been included to allow relevant project details to be entered and saved as an
integral part of each run. It is hoped that these details will be unique, allowing each run to be
traceable to the relevant time, project and user. This sheet allows for the input of:

• project name;
• project number;
• site details (location and owner); and
• site fill time details

The QA sheet as it stands is an initial pass and is expected to be modified once the rest of the
model has been constructed and validated. It is considered to be an important part of the final
model, and will be straight forward to develop once the model is more fully developed.

Details on the commencement of waste filling in the landfill site is linked into the Input Sheet,
so that the specific date for each year of filling is presented.

3.2.2 Input sheet

The Input Sheet requires data input for the fill rate of the landfill site; included in this is the
facility to apportion the waste entering the site to different production streams (see Section

The user can input up to 50 years’ data on the volume of waste entering the site (50 years fill
time is expected to be the maximum likely for a landfill, as agreed with the project steering
committee). The volumes of waste are converted to tonnage using an input density for the
waste, the default will be 1 tonne.m-3. The waste mass entering the site can be used, but the
calculation to convert from volume to tonnes will be overwritten.

The make up of the waste streams coming to the landfill is known to have changed over time,
so the model has the flexibility to input four different waste stream make-ups. The four
defined time periods will initially be:

• 1956 - 1976;
• 1976 - present day;
• Landfill Directive mix; and
• user defined (may also include pre 1956 waste).

Most data available are for the period 1976 to present day.

R&D Technical Report P271 21

WASTES (1-4)

Project Details: INPUT Rain and other water infiltration

Waste fraction K and T (1/2) for the different
INPUT rates
Site composition: degradable carbon fractions:
Waste voulume input to the site
INPUT Location INPUT (1) 1950's - 1970's (1) Rapidly
per year INPUT
Operation company (2) 1980's - 1997 (2) Moderately
Etc. (3) 1998 - 2015 (3) Slowly
(4) User defined

INPUT Waste hydraulic properties

Filling dates:
Commencement Waste stream source
End areas % Cellulose /
Hemicellulose Degradability of each waste fraction
% Moisture in fresh INPUT
waste Leachate conditions
Waste source INPUT
QA details: % Degradability of in the landfill site
composition (1-4 dependant date of
INPUT Signatures INPUT cellulose in each
filling + user defined Methane to carbon
General project description fraction of the waste
waste type) dioxide split in LFG


% Each waste fraction deposited Carbon degraded in waste

in site per year per year (Mt)

Dry weight of waste fractions into Cumulative carbon degraded in site

site per year (Mt) Total dry weight of per year (Mt)
waste in site per year (Mt)

Cellulose and hemicellulose content LFG production in the landfill per

of the waste (Mt) 3
year: (m ), Methane
Carbon dioxide, Hydrogen
Mass of degradable
carbon (Mt)

Cumulative LFG production in the landfill

each year after filling commences: (m )
Mass of degradable carbon (Mt) Methane Carbon dioxide Hydrogen
(1) Rapidly degradable
(2) moderately degradable
(3) Slowly degradable

Figure 3.2 Source term model flow diagram

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

3.2.3 Wastes 1 - 4

The user inputs the waste stream mixes in each of these sheets. The waste streams are
disaggregated into a number of components, as designated in the National Household Waste
Analysis Programme (DoE, 1994), with two other components (soil and brick) to allow for
building wastes. Each of the sheets inputs are taken as the default of the waste stream
composition for a specific time period to allow for temporal trends in the waste make-up.

Included on Waste 4 are the data on the cellulose and hemi-cellulose content of each
biodegradable waste component and the degradability of the cellulose and hemi-cellulose.
These compounds are known to make up about 91%, of the degradable fraction of refuse
(Barlaz et al., 1989). Other potentially degradable fractions, e.g. protein and lipids, are not
included here as they do not contribute significantly to LFG emissions (although they may be a
source of pollutants in leachate).

The degradability of the waste is input at this point in the model, rather than later as seen on a
number of models (Oonk 1994). This allows greater flexibility in describing the wastes
entering the site, and will allow for greater manipulation of the input data as further research
provides more information.

The moisture content of each component is entered on the Waste 4 sheet. This allows the dry
weight of the waste to be calculated on the Data Manipulation Sheets.

The cellulose and hemi-cellulose content of the waste components is linked to the Data
Manipulation Sheet, and is used to calculate the dry mass of each component in the waste for
every fill year.

3.2.4 Waste water content

The hydraulic and physical properties of the landfill are entered on this sheet in order to
determine the percentage saturation of the waste mass. These data are then used to select the
degradation rate constants of the slowly, moderately and rapidly degradable cellulose fractions
in the waste.

3.2.5 Defaults and data

The degradation rate constants for each fraction of the cellulose/hemi-cellulose are related to
the level of saturation of the waste. This is known to have a significant effect on the
degradation rate. Therefore, we have linked the degradation rate constants for each of the
three cellulose fractions to the waste saturation level (Table 3.2).

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

Table 3.2 Degradation rate constants for the three fractions of the degradable cellulose
in the waste, dependent on the saturation level of the waste mass. (These k values are
current best estimates, but will be replace by mean, max and min of relevant published
figures in the final deterministic model.)

Waste Saturation Level Degradation Degradation

(water-filled porosity) rate constant halflife,

<20% k1= 0.694 t ½(1) = 1
k2= 0.116 t ½(2) = 6
k3= 0.076 t ½(3) = 9

≥20% and <50% k1= 0.116 t ½(1) = 6

k2= 0.076 t ½(2) = 9
k3= 0.046 t ½(3) = 15

≥50% k1= 0.076 t ½(1) = 9

k2= 0.046 t ½(2) = 15
k3= 0.013 t ½(3) = 53

The ratio of methane to carbon dioxide in the LFG can also be entered on this sheet. It has
been noted that the ratio of these two gases in LFG change over time in actively extracted
landfill sites. We assume a constant mix of methane to carbon dioxide (entered by user), as the
ratio changes are very site specific.

3.2.6 Data manipulation

The Data Manipulation worksheet contains all the calculations that lead to the determination of
LFG (methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen) production from the waste as described in the
Input Sheet. The parameters calculated include the:

• percentage of each component in the waste;

• dry weight of each fraction;
• dry weight of the waste;
• cellulose and hemi-cellulose content of the waste;
• degradable carbon in the waste;
• fraction of rapidly, moderately and slowly degradable carbon in the waste;
• conversion of carbon; and
• LFG production from the waste (hourly, yearly and cumulatively). Calculation of the percentage of each waste component in the waste

The split of the waste streams entering the site for each year combined with the data on the
Waste 1-4 sheets will give the breakdown of each waste stream into its individual components.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

Using this information, the percentage wet weight of each component in the waste deposited
per year can be determined. Calculation of the dry weight of each fraction in the waste

Using the waste percentage composition of the various components and the moisture content
of each waste fraction entered on Waste (4) sheet, the dry weight of the components and the
total waste deposited yearly can be calculated.

Details on the moisture content of various waste fractions are only available in general terms,
and therefore these can be defined if more reliable data are available for specific waste
fractions. Calculation of the cellulose and hemi-cellulose content of the waste

The cellulose and hemi-cellulose content of each waste fraction are provided along with the
moisture content in Waste (4) sheet. Therefore the cellulose/hemi-cellulose content of the
waste input can be determined for each year. Waste (4) sheet also accepts the degradability of
the cellulose and hemi-cellulose fractions in the waste, and thus the degradable cellulose and
hemi-cellulose mass can be calculated. This is then sub-divided into three fractions:

• rapidly degradable;
• moderately degradable; and
• slowly degradable.

The waste is partitioned into these three fractions using a qualitative evaluation of the
degradability of each waste fraction. The degree of lignification of the cellulose in the waste is
known to reduce its availability and thus the rate of its degradation. The fractions have been
assigned as described in Section

Table 3.3 Degradation rate assigned to each waste fraction

Degradability Fraction
Rapid Putrescibles
Garden wastes
Sewage sludge

Moderate ¼ Paper
Miscellaneous combustible

Slow ¾Paper

R&D Technical Report P271 25

A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas Biodegradation

The degradable cellulose and hemi-cellulose in the waste are converted to degradable carbon
compounds. It is assumed that the anaerobic degradation is generally methanogenic, with the
ratio of methane to carbon dioxide specified in the Defaults and Data sheets.

To allow for the inclusion of hydrogen in the model, a percentage of the rapidly degradable
fraction of the waste is assumed to be degraded acetogenically, with the formation of acetate,
carbon dioxide and hydrogen (no methanogenesis occurs in the newly deposited anaerobic
waste, so the hydrogen and carbon dioxide are free to be produced and not converted to
methane). This is assumed to occur only in the first year after waste is deposited, then the
degradation follows the methanogenic pathway. The percentage of the waste degraded by this
pathway may be entered, but we have set the default at 1%, as this gives a maximum
concentration of hydrogen in LFG of around 10%. This fits our understanding of landfill
processes, including the pioneering work of Farquhar and Rovers (1973). The inclusion of
hydrogen will allow us to initially evaluate the risk it presents, with the result that it may
eventually be removed, depending on the results of the scoping work. Degradation of the degradable carbon compounds

Degradation of the degradable carbon compounds in the waste is described by a first-order,

multiphase equation where each of the three degradable fractions are dealt with separately and
the resultant amount of carbon converted to LFG per year is aggregated. The degradation rate
constants used in the equation are taken from published data, and derived from the waste
saturation levels, as detailed above.

3.2.7 LFG production

Once the carbon available to be converted per year has been calculated, the volume of
methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen can be determined. The ratio of methane to carbon
dioxide in the LFG, is entered on the Defaults and Data sheet and 1 mole of carbon produces 1
mole of methane or carbon dioxide. The conversion of carbon to an equivalent of hydrogen is
given by Equation 3.2. From this the total LFG production, both hourly and cumulative can be

C 6 H 1 2 O 6  A  →
c e t o g e n e s is
2 C H 3C O O H + 4H2 + 2CO 2
o r C e llulose     → A c e t i c A c i d + H y d r o g e n + C a r b o n D i o x i d e
A c e t o g e n e s is

or 6Carbon = 2 Acetic Acid + 4 Hydrogen + 2 Carbon D ioxide

Equation 3.2 Production of hydrogen from the degradation of cellulose

The results produced in this sheet are then copied to the emissions model. Having the two
models running in series, reduced the size of a single Excel file and thus the run time for any

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

3.3 Landfill gas emissions

The LFG generation details are copied from the generation model (both have to be open to do
this) using a macro that is activated using <Ctrl + d>. This pastes data from the generation
model into the LFG Data sheet, where it is then used in emission calculations.

The emissions model is based around six work sheets (Figure 3.3):

• LFG Data;
• Flare Input;
• Utilisation;
• Waste Water Content;
• Emissions Route; and
• Output.

There are currently two graphical outputs. One presents a yearly averaged hourly emission
from the site to the different routes over the assessment period (user defined) and the other
gives the cumulative emissions. The carbon is degraded for a period of 300 years as this
period will result in the degradation of the majority of the carbon, the period of interest
generally may only be 100 years, but it gives the flexibility to look over longer time frames.
The pathways considered are:

• utilisation (energy recovery);

• flare; and
• uncontrolled emissions (cap and liner).

3.3.1 Landfill gas data

The LFG Data sheet is used in the calculation of the emissions from the site for the whole
assessment period (300 years). As detailed above data from the Data Manipulation sheet of
the source term model are copied onto this sheet and, then manipulated to give:

• volume of LFG to engine;

• volume of LFG to flare;
• volume of LFG lost in uncontrolled emissions;
∗ volume through the cap
∗ volume through the liner
• methane oxidation in the cap. Landfill collection

The LFG collection system has been specified to have a maximum and minimum capacity, and
can be specified to commence operation after a fixed time period or when the LFG production
is high enough to allow it to work (as detailed above).

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

It is assumed that if any gas is collected and not utilised in any manner (flared or used for
energy recovery) then that gas is assumed to be emitted through the cap and liner.

The collection system is assumed to have an envelope of operation, and if the gas production in
the site is less than the maximum capacity, then its operation is taken to be trimmed to follow
the gas production curve (in reality it is trimmed to the point just before air is pulled into the

The input of a collection efficiency allows the gas collection system to be less than 100%
effective. Therefore when all the gas is being collected and utilised there will still be some
LFG emissions from the site. This has been shown by other workers (Oonk et al., 1994), and
such emissions are observed in practice (WS Atkins, 1997). Volume of landfill gas to energy recovery plant

The routing of LFG to an energy recovery plant (utilisation) is either dependent on the time as
specified in the Utilisation sheet or linked to the LFG production rate. If the production rate of
gas is below the units utilisation volume, as specified in the Utilisation sheet, it is deemed
inoperative, and the gas collected is either flared or emitted from the site. Volume of landfill gas to flare

As with the collection system the flare has a maximum and minimum operational rate, and this
is usually scoped to deal with all the LFG collected. A flare system can be specified for the site
or not. If no flare is specified then it will be omitted from any of the calculations and assumed
that the gas collection system is being controlled solely on the engine capacity. If a flare is
specified then it will operate if the collection system is in operation and the gas available is
greater than its minimum requirement. Uncontrolled emissions from the site

Uncontrolled emissions from the site are split into two emissions routes, cap and liner. Both
are based on a steady state system where QRES (residual gas production) is equal to the
emissions from the site (Equation 3.3). This QRES results in a slight excess pressure in the site
(Pw) (Equation 3.4), compared to the atmosphere and can be used to calculate QSTORAGE (gas
stored in landfill site). The storage capacity is slightly higher than that determined from solely
the pore volume.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

Qres = Qgen - (Qflare + Qutilisation)

Qgen LFG generated in the landfill
Qflare LFG routed to flare system
Qutilisation LFG routed to the energy recovery plant

Equation 3.3

For a homogeneous medium Darcy’s law gives:

K * Pw2 − Ps2 )
2µ g P0 d

Equation 3.4

Q gas volume flux (volume at pressure P0) to surface
K* effective permeability of medium (taking into account any water
Pw pressure in waste (not a function of depth in this formulation)
Ps pressure at surface
P0 standard pressure
µg gas viscosity
d thickness of medium in direction of flow

Emissions from the cap or liner are regulated by the permeability and thickness of the most
impervious layer. Therefore this data is taken from the Emissions sheet where the thickness
and permeability of the emissions regulating layer have been determined. If the waste is the
most impervious layer then its thickness is assumed to be half the average waste thickness.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

Emissions from the cap and liner can then be calculated using Equation 3.5.

Qc =
 dc Kl 
 .  +1
 Kc dl 

Ql =
 dl Kc 
 .  +1
 Kl dc 

Equation 3.5

Qc Flux from cap (l = liner)
the rest are as previously stated

This pressure can be used in the simulation of an ‘event’, where the atmospheric conditions
change radically, for example a rapid decrease in atmospheric pressure. The difference
between the atmospheric pressure and the landfill will be the driving force for such a migration
event Methane oxidation

Methane oxidation in the cap of landfills is well known (DoE 1991; DoE 1994a), but the extent
to which it occurs is related to the cap type, thickness and the LFG flux. This model has two
defaults for methane oxidation in the cap that are related to the residence time of the LFG as it
passes out of the site. The residence time is related to the cap thickness and the emissions rate
from the cap. The model assumes 50% methane oxidation for thick caps with low emissions or
high residence times. The model assumes 10% for thin caps and high emission rates or short
residence times. This part of the model needs further development, but we have included it
now to show how it is to be integrated into the whole framework.

3.3.2 Flare Input

The Flare Input sheet allows data on the operational capabilities of the LFG collection and
flare systems to be entered. Collection system

The LFG collection system is assigned a maximum and minimum extraction capacity, a
commissioning time after waste tipping commences and a collection efficiency. The collection
system, for the sake of this model, follows the gas production trend from its commissioning
until it reaches the maximum capacity of the flare specified. Then gas produced is lost by
uncontrolled emission. When the LFG production rate drops below the minimum operational

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

level of the flare system, the flare is switched off, and LFG is then emitted from the site either
through the liner or cap. Flare system

The flare can be switched off or on, and it is assigned a maximum and minimum capacity. It is
assumed to be operational when the collection system has been commissioned (dependent on
the expected commissioning date entered). The flare is assumed to be running if the collection
system is in service and the LFG available is sufficient for flaring, i.e. greater than its minimum
operational needs. The flare can be used in conjunction with the utilisation plant, when it can
collect any excess gas that is not used for energy recovery.

Details on the flame temperature and residence time in the flare are also input for use in the
emissions model. This section of the model has not yet been developed.

R&D Technical Report P271 31


Collection system: Collection system: INPUT Cap type (1-4)

Maximum collection Maximum collection INPUT Rain and other water
INPUT Minimum collection Minimum collection infiltration rates to the site
Collection efficiency Collection efficiency
Years up to unit Years up to unit Cap details
commissioning commissioning

INPUT Waste hydraulic properties Site dimensions

Flare system: Utilisation system:
Maximum capacity Maximum capacity
Minimum capacity Minimum capacity Leachate conditions in the INPUT Cap physical characteristics
INPUT Comissioning year INPUT Comissioning year
landfill site
De-comissioning Year De-comissioning Year
Air to LFG ratio Air to LFG ratio
INPUT Liner physical characteristics
Residence time in flame Residence time in engine Waste physical/
Temperature of flame Temperature of burn INPUT hydrogeological
characteristics INPUT Waste details

Free void space in the waste INPUT Atmospheric details

Waste moisture content Site pressure

Site dimensions Emissions to site



Source term input: Year of interest

INPUT FROM Date Hourly production


MODEL H2 Moisture content of waste Cumulative production
Wet weight
CH4 yield (m3.t-1)
Dry weight

Collection efficiency Total waste in place

Potential LFG collected

Flus of CH4, CO2, H2 & LFG
Volume LFG to engine

Flux to flare, engine & emissions

Volume LFG to flare

Volume LFG uncontrolled emittion from site

Methane flux through cap (including oxidation)

Volume LFG emitted through cap

Pressure in site
Volume LFG emitted through liner

INPUT Methane oxidation in cap Cumulative emissions to engine, flare,cap and liner

Figure 3.3 Emissions model flow diagram

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

3.3.3 Utilisation

The Utilisation sheet allows for the use of LFG utilisation systems for energy recovery. Data
requirements include:

• number of engines units;

• average run conditions (m3(LFG at x% CH4).hr-1);
• commissioning time for the engines after waste is first emplaced; and
• life expectancy of the units.

The model allows for multiple engines to be commissioned on site and they can be brought on
line if and when sufficient gas is available. The engines are run at a constant gas requirement,
with a constant output. Therefore, if the predicted gas collection is initially only sufficient for
one engine then only that volume of gas will be diverted to the engine. If LFG production
increases, then another unit may be added if there is sufficient LFG to run two units, and so on,
until the units are decommissioned or there is insufficient gas to run a single unit. Figure 3.4
shows for a fictitious scenario how the different emission routes can interact over the
assessment period.

LFG routed to Flare, Engine and Emitted



Collected LFG volume (
Volume per hour

Actual volume to engine (

Volume to flare (
1500.00 Volume emitted from site (



0 50 100 150 200 250 300


Figure 3.4 Collection system, flare, utilisation plant, and emissions displayed for a
particular scenario.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

3.3.4 Water content of the waste

The Waste Water Content sheet allows entry of waste physical and hydrological data as well as
site design details. This is used to calculate the free void space of the waste mass and thus the
effective pore volume (this is the volume available for gas to reside). The effective pore
volume of the waste in conjunction with the over pressure in the site (covered below) is then
used in the calculation of Q storage for the landfill.

No migration of LFG is simulated in the saturated zone of the waste.

The water content of the waste will affect the permeability of the waste and give us an effective
permeability. If this is greater than that of the cap or the liner then it will control the rate of
LFG migration from the site (see the section Emission Route below).

3.3.5 Emission route

Details on the site design are entered here, they include:

• cap design;
• cap permeabilities;
• cap thickness;
• waste thickness;
• waste permeabilities;
• liner thickness;
• liner permeability; and
• site dimensions.

From these data, the layer that controls the emission rate through of the cap or liner can be
determined, this is the layer with the lowest permeability. As mentioned previously, this may
be the waste material. The emissions from the site assume a steady state situation with all the
residual gas (that not collected) in the site being emitted. The emissions via the cap and the
liner are proportional to the effective permeability of these layers and their thickness.

3.3.6 Model output

The Output sheet allows the selection of a year in the landfill life after filling has commenced
and it presents data for that year. Data presented are for:

LFG production
• methane production (;
• carbon dioxide production (;
• hydrogen production (;
• LFG production (; and
• cumulative production of the gases mentioned above (m3).

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

Emission routes
• LFG routed to energy recovery (;
• LFG routed to the flare system (;
• LFG lost from the site in uncontrolled emissions (;
∗ through the cap:
∗ through the liner:
• LFG uncontrolled emission rates from the cap and liner (; and
• cumulative volumes of LFG to the emission routes mentioned above (m3).

The Output Sheet also calculates the theoretical methane potential of the waste in m3.t-1 dry
weight of waste. This is calculated over the 300 years of the assessment period, and it is a
useful calculation check.

The spreadsheet also has two graphical outputs: one that shows emissions to each route in; the other gives a cumulative figure in m3.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

The environmental transport module deals with the following topics:

• atmospheric dispersion off-site;

• atmospheric dispersion on-site;
• lateral migration through the ground under steady state conditions;
• lateral migration through the ground in unusual conditions (“events”).

The atmospheric dispersion parts of the module operates deterministically but takes into
account the probabilities of occurrence of various weather conditions. Sections 4.1 and 4.2
show how this is done, describe the dispersion models used and give sources of parameter
values. In the current version of the code, lateral migration of gas through the ground under
steady state conditions is modelled deterministically. The assumptions, approach and
equations used are given in Section 4.3. For lateral migration under unusual conditions the
approach is to estimate the probability of occurrence of such an extraordinary migration event
but not to attempt to estimate the consequences (see Section 4.4).

4.1 Atmospheric dispersion off-site

4.1.1 Types of models and sources

The models used to calculate pollutant concentrations in air off-site, and corresponding
deposition levels on the ground, are all of the Gaussian plume type. This type of model is used
in a variety of contexts in the UK, particularly when a number of sites are to be considered,
rapid calculations are required and limited site-specific data are available. Gaussian plume
models first began to be used more than 20 years ago and have been the subject of many
validation and uncertainty analysis studies.

In the dispersion calculations three types of source are considered: flares, engines and caps. In
each case releases of pollutants to atmosphere are assumed for the purpose of dispersion
calculations to be continuous over a year. Flares and engines are treated as elevated point
sources, and for flares, plume rise resulting from thermal buoyancy is included. Caps are
treated as ground-level area sources, without any plume rise.

4.1.2 User input

User inputs to the models are:

i) the year to be considered (which the code uses to select the appropriate emission
rates of the pollutant from the results produced by the source term module);

ii) the location at which pollutant concentrations in air and deposition level on the
ground are to be calculated (specified as distances from the source, and directions
as points of the compass);

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

iii) the windrose for the site (see below);

iv) the annual frequencies of occurrence of the various Pasquill stability1 categories
(see below);

v) the deposition characteristics of the pollutant (see below).

The code contains four reference windroses from which the user can choose: a uniform
windrose (the default); and three windroses based on data for sites on the west coast of
England, the east coast of England and central southern England. In addition there is an
option for the user to input a windrose specific to the site being considered. Four sets of
frequencies of occurrence of the Pasquill stability categories are provided, one for each
windrose, and the user has the option to input site specific data. For deposition characteristics
the user chooses whether the pollutant being considered is to be assumed to be a non-reactive
gas or a reactive gas/particulate. There is also an option for the user to input pollutant-specific
values for the dry deposition velocity and washout coefficient. Table 4.1 shows the values of
deposition parameters included in the code.

In the case of the location of the point of interest, the user specifies any distance (in metres) in
the range 0m to 25km. To look at on-site dispersion (see Section 4.2) the distance should be
less than 10m but not zero. Directions must be specified as N, NNE, NE, NEE, E etc.

Table 4.1 Values of deposition parameters

Type of material Deposition velocity, ms-1 Washout coefficient, s-1

Unreactive gases 0 0

Reactive gases, small

particulates 10-2 10-4

4.1.3 Equations and parameter values

The equations used for dispersion from point sources are those given in the first two reports of
a UK working group on atmospheric dispersion and which are summarised in a more
accessible form in a recent report for the European Commission (UK Working Group on
Atmospheric Dispersion 1979 and 1981; NRPB et al 1995). Equations and approximations for
area sources are taken from work for UK Nirex Ltd. Dispersion from a point source, without deposition or plume rise

Without allowance for dry or wet deposition, or for plume rise, the mean concentration of a
pollutant in a sector of width α radians at a downwind distance x (m) and height z (m) from a
point source is given by:

A set of parameters that characterise dispersion.

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X x, z =
Q0  ( he + z ) 2 ( 2 A + he + z ) 2 ( 2 A − he − z ) 2 
exp − + exp − + exp −
 
 

2σ z 2σ z 2σ z
 
αx 2πσ z us 
2 2 2

Equation 4.1


Q0 release rate from the source

(mg s-1 if X is required in mg m-3)
σz standard deviation of the vertical Gaussian distribution (m)
(the vertical dispersion coefficient)
us wind speed at the effective release height (m s-1)
he effective release height (m)
A depth of the mixing layer (m).

In the current version of the code 30o sectors are assumed so α is π/6.

σZ , us and A vary from one stability category to another. σz and us also depend on the
roughness of the ground. Values of σz are given by:

σ z = ax d F( z0 , x)
1 + cx
Equation 4.2
a, b, c, and d are constants which vary from one stability category to another (see
NRPB et al. 1995 for values),
F(zo,x) is the roughness correction factor, and
z0 is the roughness length.

For simplicity only one value of roughness length is used, appropriate to arable agricultural
land, allotments and gardens. This is 0.1m, in which case the roughness correction factor is

NRPB et al. 1995 gives typical values of the wind speed at 10m (u10) and the mixing layer
depth for Pasquill categories A-F. The windspeed at any other height z, for a ground
roughness of 0.1m, is given by:

u(z) = u10 (z/10)0.2

Equation 4.3

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but for release heights below 10m the wind speed is taken to be u10. Dry deposition

Deposition of reactive gases and small particulates in dry conditions is modelled using a
deposition velocity, vg. The dry deposition rate DD (mg m-2 s-1), or its time integral, is then
given by:

DD = vg C
Equation 4.4

C is the concentration (mg m-3) of the pollutant in air at ground level or
its time integral.

The effects of dry deposition on the concentration of a pollutant in air can be estimated by
modifying the source strength, Q0. This is known as the “source depletion” model. The value
of the modification factor is very close to unity for most Pasquill categories at most of the
distances from the source which are of interest here (NRPB et al 1995). However, for ease of
coding, the source depletion model is used at all distances, using the values in NRPB et al
1995. Wet deposition

For long duration releases it is conventional to assume, for simplicity, that wet deposition only
occurs in category D. It is also assumed here that the mean rainfall rate is 1mm h-1 and that the
mean durations of dry and wet weather in the UK are 60 hours and 6 hours, respectively.

The wet deposition rate per unit area is given by:

Λ Q ' w (t )
D =
xα us

Equation 4.5

Λ is the washout coefficient (s-1)
Q’w(t) is the amount of material remaining in the plume at time t (s) if it is
raining at that time.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

To obtain the concentration in air we need Q’(t), the amount of material remaining in the
plume at time t is it has rained for part of that time. The equations for Q’w(t) and Q’(t) are:

Q ' (t ) =
m1 − m 2
[(m 1 + Λ f w )e m 2 t − ( m 2 + Λ f w )e m 1 t ]
Equation 4.6

Q ' w (t ) =
m1 − m 2
[(m 1 + Λ )e m 2 t − ( m 2 + Λ )e m1t ]
Equation 4.7

fw is the fraction of the time for which rain falls (i.e. 0.1 for the UK),
and m1 and m2 are given by:

2m1 = −( Λ + PD + PW ) − ( Λ + PD + PW )2 − 4ΛPD
2m2 = −( Λ + PD + PW ) + (Λ + PD + PW )2 − 4ΛPD
PD is the probability of dry weather;
Pw is the probability of wet weather; PD and PW are equal to the reciprocal
of the mean durations of dry and wet weather (see above). Plume rise

To include the effects of plume rise it is sufficient to adopt a virtual release point directly above
the actual release point, and to modify the value of σz. The effective release height in this
instance is:

he = h + ∆h
∆h is derived from

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

 Fb  13
∆h = 2.6 
 ua s' 
Equation 4.8

The value of σz. with plume rise is related to σzD without plume rise by

σz.2 = σzD2 + zp2/12

Equation 4.9

zp is the plume rise and is derived from:

 3 Fm x 3 Fb x 2  3
zp =  + 3 
β β
2 2
 a u 2 u a 

Equation 4.10 (for neutral and unstable conditions (categories D-F))

( )
 3 s' 12 F sin s' 12 t + F 1 − cos s'1 2 t   3

  m b 
zp =  
β ua s'
 
 

Equation 4.11 (for stable conditions (categories A-C))

Fb is the initial buoyancy flux
ua is the wind speed averaged over the height through which the plume
has risen
s’ is the stability parameter
β is an entrainment parameter (≈0.6)
Fm is the momentum flux of the source

Further details of these parameters are given in NRPB et al 1995 (p25).

R&D Technical Report P271 41

A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas Averages over stability categories and wind directions D

In general the pollutant concentration in air (or the deposition rate) in direction i is given by:

Xi (r,z) = Σ fij Xij (r,z)

Equation 4.12

fij is the frequency with which the wind blows into the sector in direction
i in stability category j, and r is the distance from the source. If only
the windrose and the frequencies of stability categories are available

fij = fi fj
fi is the frequency with which the wind blows into sector i and fj is the
frequency of occurrence of stability category j.


Xi (r,z) = fi Σ fj Xij (r,z)

Equation 4.13 Dispersion from a ground level area source

For a ground level area source the average concentration of a pollutant in air (and also the
deposition rates) can be calculated by dividing the release area into strips of length L(x)
perpendicular to the wind direction and integrating over the strips. In this formulation the
point of interest is at the origin. When the wind is blowing into the same sector as the point of
interest the concentration at ground level is:

Q0 L( x )
X ( 0,0) = ∫
x max
. dx
As x min 2π ασ z u10 x
Equation 4.14

Q0 release rate from the source (mg s-1)
A area of the source (m2)

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

xmax , xmin distances of the point of interest from the nearest and furthest
boundaries of the source.

For distances less than 1km, which are those of most interest for dispersion from the cap, we
can use the approximation:
σz = axb
Equation 4.15
(where a and b are as in Equation 4.2 ).
If L(x) is taken to be independent of x and equal to the mean projected width of the release
area, L, then:

X( 0,0) =
Q0  L −b
  xmin − xmax
As 2παu10  ab 
Equation 4.16

4.1.4 Output

Output from the off-site atmospheric dispersion module consists of annual average
concentrations of the pollutant in air at the point of interest, and corresponding deposition
levels on the ground, for emission rates from the flare, engine and cap, and the sums of the
concentrations and deposition levels from the three types of source. The annual averages are,
in all instances, derived by summing over the windrose and frequencies of stability categories.

4.2 Atmospheric dispersion on-site

For emissions from flares and engines the equations given in Section 4.1 for off-site dispersion
from point sources are also applied to calculate concentrations of gases and particulates on-
site. For gas emissions from capped areas of the landfill the time-averaged concentration in
each release area is calculated using:

f jQ0
X = ∑
j  4 As 
 u jl j 
 π 

Equation 4.17

As release area
uj mean wind speed for category j and
lj the mixing height for category j.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

This formulation assumes a circular release area and a uniform windrose, and is judged to be
sufficiently accurate for making estimates of health risks to landfill workers.

Concentrations of dust in air in open areas of the landfill are not estimated in the current
version of the code. They could be derived using dust loadings in air for various conditions,
rather than by using any dispersion modelling.

4.3 Lateral migration under steady state conditions

The gas emission model for the steady state case assumes that there is a pressure gradient from
inside the landfill to outside its liner, but implicitly assumes that there is no pressure gradient
within the ground around the landfill. Lateral migration under steady state conditions is
therefore modelled as a diffusive process. In one dimension the mass flux rate at a distance x
from a source is given by:

dC d 2C
= Ds
dt dx 2

Equation 4.18

Ds effective diffusivity of the gas in soil (m2 s-1)

which for a boundary condition of zero concentration at infinite x has the solution:

C(x,t) = C0 erfc [ x/(4Dst)1/2)]

Equation 4.19

Equation 4.18 and Equation 4.19 are used in the code to obtain the mass flux of gas at any
distance of interest It is assumed that there is no biological oxidation of methane and no other
attenuation or reaction process that reduces the concentration of any gas as it moves through
the ground. The concentration of gas in the landfill (Co) is taken from the emissions module
and the user can select the maximum, minimum or average concentration for the period of
interest. Other user input is the distance to the receptor, the average porosity of the zone from
the soil surface to the unsaturated depth of the landfill, and the ground saturation. The code
uses these latter two parameters to select the appropriate value for the effective diffusivity of
the gas in soil.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

4.4 Lateral migration in unusual conditions

The conditions to be considered are those in which gas migration rates, and gas generation
rates, increase rapidly so that there is a potential for high concentrations of flammable and
toxic gases to suddenly occur in buildings at some distance from a landfill. In such cases
pressure in the landfill will higher than in steady state conditions and there will be pressure
driven gas flow from the landfill through the ground. The approach used in the code is to
estimate the probability that an unusual migration event will occur, given input by the user
about the presence or absence of features of the landfill and its surroundings, and about the
probabilities that various conditions exist or may do so in the future.

The features and conditions for which the user is asked to provide probabilities (as
percentages) are as follows:

• landfill is unlined
• desiccation in cracks in clay liner
• gas collection system out of commission for more than one day
• no gas collection system
• pressure drop over user defined criterion occurs
• impermeable surface layer between landfill and receptor
• wet or frost period occurs after a dry period, leading to an impermeable surface layer
• wet or frost period occurs when gas collection sytem is out of order
• strata contain fractures
• fractures are linked to liner defects.

In the code these are grouped so as to obtain the probabilities that various scenarios will occur,
and hence provides the user with a semi-quantitative indication of the risk of a migration event
with severe consequences (eg an explosion in a dwelling).

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

The exposure assessment module will carry out two major functions:

• the calculation of intakes of pollutants by persons on the site or residents near the
site; and
• the calculation of concentrations of pollutants in indoor air, as a result of
atmospheric dispersion and lateral migration.

Figure 5.1 shows the information flow through these parts of the module and its interfaces with
the environmental transport and impact assessment modules. Section 5.1 describes the models
and parameter values to be used to calculate intakes of pollutants by inhalation, ingestion and
dermal exposure routes. Section 5.2 briefly indicates the models for calculating pollutant
concentrations in indoor air.

5.1 Intakes of pollutants by members of the public

In this module the exposure of residents adjacent to a landfill to chemicals in the air and via
food is assessed using assumptions about their habits and relevant data derived from the
literature. Exposure assessment of site workers could be made using the user defined
‘maximally exposed individual’, with a short distance for the dispersion calculations and an
outdoor occupancy appropriate to the type of work.. However, exposure of site workers
remains a health and safety at work issue rather than a public exposure issue.

In order to provide an idea of the potential range of exposures, the concepts of a “critical
group” and of average persons are used in the exposure assessment. A critical group has been
defined by the NRPB as “those members of the public who are most exposed from a given
source “ (NRPB 1996). This critical group, by way of its particular situation and habits, is
potentially exposed to a greater extent than the average population, and this approach thus
provides conservative estimates of exposure for assessment purposes. In addition, to provide
greater flexibility, the exposure model will include a user defined “maximally exposed

For assessing the direct exposure of residents near a landfill, exposure time in and around the
residence is of greatest importance, thus the critical group is comprised of housewives and
young children at home, and the maximally exposed individual has been chosen to be an active
retired person who spends much time gardening and little time away from home.

From this basis, the conceptual exposure model was derived for 7 types of person:

• average infant, child, and adult;

• critical infant, child and adult; and
• the maximally exposed individual.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

All parts of the model are to be applied to each of these persons.

The exposure routes of concern to the general population living adjacent to the landfill were
defined as inhalation exposure, ingestion exposure and dermal exposure. For each of these
exposure routes, both indoor and outdoor exposures are considered and summed for each

The exposure from each route is provided as annual average exposure to the chemical and also
as a lifetime exposure.

The chemicals to be considered in the exposure model are:

Bulk gases: methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen.

Trace gases: vinyl chloride, trichloroethene, tetrachloroethene, methane thiol,
hydrogen sulphide, dioxin, furans, chlorodifluoromethane,
dichlorodifluoromethane, benzene, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides,
hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, carbon monoxide.
Particulates: PM10, dust from landfill operation (user defined characteristics).

5.1.1 Inhalation exposure model

All the above chemicals are to be considered for the inhalation and dermal exposure routes.
The bulk gases and the nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride
and carbon monoxide will not be considered for the ingestion route as they are unlikely to be
transported unchanged through foodchains, thus human exposure to these chemicals is
improbable via ingestion of food.

The basis for the inhalation exposure model is defined below:

Equation 5.1

EI inhalation exposure (mg d-1)
QI inhalation rate (m3 d-1)
CAIR air concentration (mg m-3)

Pollutant concentrations for indoor and outdoor air will be provided from other parts of the
model (see Figure 5.1).

Following examination of the literature, inhalation rates were taken from the ICRP Human
Respiratory Tract Model (ICRP 1994), following NRPB recommendations. From the
inhalation rate data in NRPB (1996), the values for 3 month and 1 year old infants have been
averaged to provide the infant value for gas risk assessment. The 5, 10 and 15 year old data
were averaged to provide a general child value. Where separate male and female values were
provided for 15 year olds and adults, the values have been averaged, except for the case of the

R&D Technical Report P271 47

A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

maximally exposed individual where the male adult value was chosen to provide the maximum
inhalation rates for any given activity. The inhalation data for various activities

Landfill migration - Landfill migration - Atmospheric

events steady state dispersion off-site

Fluxes into Fluxes into Outdoor air Deposition

building building concentrations levels on
- events - steady state soil

Calculation of Calculation of Calculation of

indoor air indoor air indoor air
concentrations, concentrations, concentrations,
lateral migration lateral migration at atmospheric
events steady state dispersion

Dermal Ingestion
Inhalation Exposure (food and soil)
(skin absorption
and skin surface

Intakes by Intakes by Deposition Intakes by

inhalation skin levels on inhalation
absorption skin

Impact assessment Impact assessment

- explosion risk - health risk

Figure 5.1 Exposure assessment module: members of the public

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

(sleeping, indoors, outdoors) match the categories required for gas risk assessment very well,
and have been used directly apart from the averaging described above. Table 5.1 shows the
inhalation rates included in the exposure assessment module.

Table 5.1 Inhalation rates (m3hr-1)

Activity Average group Critical group Maximally
Infant Child Adult Infant Child Adult exposed
0-1 yr 1-16 yr 16-70 yr 0-1 yr 1-16 yr 16-70 yr individual
Indoors at home sleep 0.12 0.31 0.39 0.12 0.31 0.39 0.45
other 0.25 0.75 1.07 0.25 0.75 1.07 1.18
Outdoors at home 0.31 0.94 1.11 0.31 0.94 1.11 1.69

(Away from home) 0.25 0.75 1.07 0.25 0.75 1.07 1.18

The above matrix of inhalation rates for various populations and activities (NRPB 1996) must
be combined with estimates of occupancy times for each location and activity to provide
inhalation data in units of m3 per day. Occupancy data describing the time spent indoors or
outdoors at home and away from home has been taken from NRPB (1987) utilising data
derived from a BBC survey on population activity conducted in 1978 (BBC 1978). More
recent data on domestic occupancy has not been found. The data in this report was used to
ascertain that housewives would form the critical group for a pollution source adjacent to a
domestic residence; young pre-school children would also have the same high domestic
occupancy as the housewives. The critical group occupancy data has thus been derived from
the housewife data in the report. The average population data has been derived from the
report with some estimations made regarding the time spent outside at home for this group.
The report also provides the data on sleeping time, school hours and time away from home for
the relevant populations. The maximally exposed individual has been based on housewife
occupancy data but with more time spent outdoors at home (e.g. gardening) rather than
indoors or away from home, as this provides higher inhalation rates and probably greater
exposure to higher outdoor air concentrations, though this may be chemical dependent.
Table 5.2 shows the derived occupancy data to be used in the module.

Table 5.2 Occupancy rates (hr day-1)

Activity Average group Critical group Maximally
Infant Child Adult Infant Child Adult exposed
0-1 yr 1-16 yr 16-70 yr 0-1 yr 1-16 yr 16-70 yr individual
Indoors at home sleep 14 10 8 14 10 8 8
other 7 9.5 11 7 9 12.5 12
Outdoors at home 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 3

(Away from home) 2.5 4 4.5 2 4 2.5 1

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

The data in these two tables can be combined for each population set to provide a table of
activity weighted inhalation rates (m3 d-1) as follows:

QIA = A . QI/hr

Equation 5.2

QIA activity weighted inhalation rate (m3 d-1)
A activity (hr d-1)
QI/hr inhalation rate (m3 hr-1)

This provides values for average, activity weighted inhalation rates as shown in Table 5.3.

Table 5.3 Activity weighted inhalation at home (m3 day-1)

Activity Average group Critical group Maximally
Infant Child Adult Infant Child Adult exposed
0-1 yr 1-16 yr 16-70 yr 0-1 yr 1-16 yr 16-70 yr individual
Indoors at home sleep 1.68 3.10 3.12 1.68 3.10 3.12 3.60
other 1.75 7.13 11.77 1.75 6.75 13.38 14.16
Outdoors at home 0.16 0.47 0.56 0.31 0.94 1.11 5.07

(Away from home) (0.63) (3.00) (4.82) (0.50) (3.00) (2.68) (1.18)

Total at home inhalation 3.59 10.70 15.45 3.74 10.79 17.61 22.83
(m3 d-1)

The at home inhalation data can be multiplied by 365 to provide m3 yr-1, which can then be
combined with the indoor and outdoor annual average air concentrations for each chemical.
Annual average (mg yr-1) and cumulative lifetime (mg lifetime-1) exposures via inhalation can
then be derived for any of the population groups over any given time period of the landfill
lifetime. A lifetime has been set at 70 years.

5.1.2 Ingestion exposure model

The ingestion exposure model includes ingestion of locally produced or home-grown

foodstuffs and, additionally, inadvertent ingestion of soil and house dust. Ingestion exposure
via foodstuffs can be described by

EIN = QIN local . C food

Equation 5.3

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

EIN ingestion exposure via foodstuffs (mg yr-1)
QIN local ingestion rate of local foodstuffs (kg yr-1)
C food concentration in the local foodstuff (mg kg-1)

The population groups and the chemicals under consideration are exactly as defined in the
inhalation model. The foodstuffs taken to be representative of home-grown produce are leafy
green vegetables and root vegetables (cabbages and potatoes in winter, lettuces and potatoes in
summer). These crops were selected on the basis that ingestion of them is likely to lead to the
highest health risks. The leafy green vegetables will become contaminated primarily as a result
of deposition from atmosphere, while contaminant concentrations in the root vegetables will
reflect any build-up of pollutants in soils. (Other plants are likely to be considered in the part
of the impact assessment module which deals with vegetation stress.)

Additionally, locally produced milk has been considered because of the importance of this
foodstuff to infants and children. It is recognised that it is unlikely that milk from a farm
adjacent to the landfill will reach the population living adjacent to the landfill in an undiluted
form, however the potential for farmers’ children drinking home-produced milk must be taken
into account.

Data on ingestion rates of various foodstuffs has been taken from NRPB (1996) and based on
an analysis by MAFF of three national dietary surveys examining infant, child and adult diets.
These surveys were designed to provide a nationally representative sample of individual diets.
The child survey was based on sampling of two age groups, 10-11 years and 14-15 years; the
data for the 10-11 year old children have been used here as being most appropriate for the age
range 1-16 years. Data are provided for potato and milk consumption, and the data for ‘green
vegetables’ have been taken to be representative of lettuce and cabbage. Consumption data is
provided for infants aged 6-12 months old and this has been used for the intakes of potatoes
and green vegetables for the infant category, but for milk intake a value representing
generalised milk intake over the whole first year of life has been used. Average intake data are
provided and has been used directly for the average adult, child and infant categories, the 95th
percentile data has been used for critical group categories, and the 97.5th percentile data has
been used for the maximally exposed individual. Table 5.4 shows these data.

Table 5.4 Food consumption rates (kg person-1.year-1)

Foodstuff Average group Critical group Maximally
Infant Child Adult Infant Child Adult exposed
0-1 yr 1-16 yr 16-70 yr 0-1 yr 1-16 yr 16-70 yr individual
Milk 200 110 95 350 220 210 240
Potatoes 10 45 50 25 75 100 120
Green vegetables 2 4.5 15 95 15 35 45

Table 5.4 shows the annual average consumption of these foodstuffs. For these risk
assessment purposes only locally produced food is taken into account and this will only be a
proportion of the annual consumption of the foodstuff. For the maximally exposed individual

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

and the critical group, it may be prudent to assume that their total consumption of these
foodstuffs is home-grown or local. For the average population it is suggested that 50% of
total consumption is of home-grown or local produce (MAFF, personal communication,
Walters, 1995). Thus local food consumption rates can be derived by multiplying the total
food consumption rates by the proportion of this which is home-grown.

QIN local = QIN . h

Equation 5.4

QIN local ingestion rate of local foodstuffs (kg yr-1)
QIN total food ingestion rate (kg yr-1)
h proportion of home-grown produce (unitless)

These food consumption rates are then combined with the concentration of the chemical in
particular foodstuffs to provide an ingestion exposure from home-grown vegetables and locally
produced milk.

EIN = QIN local . C food

Equation 5.5

EIN ingestion exposure via foodstuffs (mg yr-1)
QIN local ingestion rate of local foodstuffs (kg yr-1)
C food concentration in the local foodstuff (mg kg-1)

In order to obtain data on the chemical contamination of the locally produced foodstuffs it is
necessary to simulate the movement of the chemicals through to foodstuff following deposition
from atmosphere. It is assumed that chemicals from the landfill will be deposited on both the
soil and vegetation, and thus be present in garden produce via root uptake, stomatal uptake
and direct contamination of the leaves. To obtain an estimate of the transfer of chemicals
through the foodchain the concept of transfer factors are used where equilibrium
concentrations of a chemical in soil is linked to concentrations in the vegetation growing on
that soil by a linear factor. The factor is thus a method of taking all the potential transfer
routes to vegetation into account in one equation.

Bv = C dry plant / C dry soil

Equation 5.6

Bv transfer factor soil to plant
C dry plant concentration in dry plant (mg kg-1)
C dry soil concentration in dry soil (mg kg-1)


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Bm = C dry milk / DI
Equation 5.7

Bm transfer factor plant to milk
C dry milk concentration in dry milk (mg kg-1)
DI daily intake of chemical (mg d-1)

For various organic chemicals, a relationship between the octanol-water partition coefficient
(Kow) of the chemical and its measured transfer factor (Bv) to vegetation and to milk (Bm) has
been derived by Travis and Arms (1988). These derived values have been used here to obtain
transfer factors for the trace volatile organic chemicals which are released from landfills.
Where it has been possible to obtain a value for the octanol-water partition coefficient of a
chemical, this has been used to model the transfer of these chemicals through the soil to
vegetation and then to milk using the following relationships derived from Travis and Arms

log Bv = 1.588 - 0.578 log Kow

Equation 5.8


log Bm = -8.10 + log Kow

Equation 5.9

Octanol-water partition coefficients have been determined for most of the volatile organic
chemicals and these are shown in Table 5.5. When soil concentrations of the chemicals are
available from the deposition model, the derived transfer factors, Bv and Bm, described above
can be used to provide the chemical concentrations in the vegetation and then milk. These
calculations have been included in the module. Soil concentrations will be provided from the
deposition module for each chemical to be considered. Deposition of chemicals to soil (mg m-
) will be averaged through the top 20 cm depth of soil (the rooting zone) to provide a
concentration in the rooting zone (mg m-3 to 20 cm depth).

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Table 5.5 Transfer coefficients based on octanol-water partition coefficients

Chemical log Kow log Bv Bv log Bm Bm

vinyl chloride 1.36 0.80 6.34 -6.74 1.82E-07
trichloroethene 2.42 0.19 1.55 -5.68 2.09E-06
tetrachloroethene 1.66 0.63 4.25 -6.44 3.63E-07
dioxin 6.02 -1.89 0.01 -2.08 8.32E-03
furans 1.34 0.81 6.51 -6.76 1.74E-07
dichlorodifluoromethane 2.16 0.34 2.19 -5.94 1.15E-06
benzene 2.15 0.35 2.21 -5.95 1.12E-06

For the bulk gases, methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen, and the trace gases, hydrogen
sulfide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride and carbon
monoxide, octanol-water partition coefficients are not appropriate. These gases will not be
considered in the ingestion model as they are unlikely to be transported through the food chain
in their original form. Most of these gases would be chemically altered on being deposited to
soil or on being absorbed through plant stomata, and would not be present in the edible plant
part, or in milk.

The other part of the ingestion model considers inadvertent ingestion of soil and housedust.
Soil and dust can be ingested via hand-to-mouth activity (infants and children sucking fingers,
adults smoking or eating) or object-to-mouth activity, or in rare circumstances by direct
ingestion, usually by children.

Data on the amount of soil and dust ingested by various sectors of the population have been
derived from various experimental approaches and are reported in the literature. These range
from observation of hand-mouth activity, soil loading on skin, and tracer experiments to
monitor soil material ingested. The literature has been reviewed in the context of human risk
assessment from contaminated soil by Ferguson and Marsh (1993), and data for average and
critical soil and dust ingestion rates are derived in NRPB (1996). The NRPB values have been
chosen as the most appropriate for this risk assessment. Table 5.6 shows these. The value for
the maximally exposed individual is taken to represent a high or a deliberate consumer of soil
and is consistent with the higher rates of ingestion recorded in the literature.

Table 5.6 Inadvertent soil/housedust ingestion

Average group Critical group Maximally
Infant Child Adult Infant Child Adult exposed
0-1 yr 1-16 yr 16-70 yr 0-1 yr 1-16 yr 16-70 yr individual
Soil/housedust ingestion 100 30 10 300 100 30 3000
(mg day-1)

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These values of soil ingestion will be combined with the concentration of chemicals in the dust
to provide information on the amount of chemical ingested per day and then per year.

5.1.3 Dermal exposure model

For the gases released from landfill, dermal exposure will be related to the concentration of the
gas in air and to the deposition velocity of the gas concerned which is to be provided from
other parts of the model, and also to the surface area of the skin available for deposition. For
gases the assumption has been made that no attenuation of deposition would occur due to
clothing. This may be conservative, but gases have the ability to permeate most materials.
There would also have to be a time weighting for indoor and outdoor exposure depending on
the occupancy rates provided in the inhalation model and the indoor and outdoor air

The adult skin area for an adult is provided as 18,150 cm2 (average of male and female ages
20-30 years, USEPA 1988a), and for a child is provided as 9,400 cm2 (average of male and
female ages 3-12 years, USEPA 1988b).

For particulate releases from landfill, direct dermal exposure to PM10 may pose a health risk in
the same way as gaseous dermal exposure and this can be assessed by the deposition velocity
route outlined above. Additionally particulates may act as carriers for other chemicals such as
heavy metals and other organic chemicals and this can be assessed using dust adherence data,
chemical loading of the dust and exposed skin areas.

5.2 Calculation of pollutant concentrations in indoor air

As indicated in Figure 5.1, models are needed to calculate pollutant concentrations in indoor
air resulting from atmospheric dispersion of emissions from the landfill cap, flares and
utilisation plant, and from lateral migration of gases through the ground. In the migration case
we need to consider steady state conditions and unusual conditions.

The current module enables the user to consider several types of design of houses, spanning
the range from modern houses with slab floors to old houses with cellars. Two main types of
house construction have been modelled, one is a slab based building, the other is a building
with a suspended floor. The first type allows consideration of modern concrete floored
buildings, but would also cover brick floors on soil in older houses and other forms of
construction where there is no void space between the soil and the living space (Figure 5.2).
The second type of model considers a space beneath a suspended floor and the air
concentrations are calculated in the lower space as well as in the living space above (Figure
5.3). This methodology covers houses with cellars or access space beneath the building and
those with suspended floors. Many older houses would fall into this category. Changing the
input parameters regarding dimensions of the building allows the user to model different forms
of building constructions with these two approaches.

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Equations have been derived to calculate indoor concentrations from soil gas concentrations
(available from the lateral migration model) and outdoor air concentrations (available from the
atmospheric dispersion models). Data has been acquired for the calculations although it is
recognised that derivation of parameter values for typical UK houses is likely to be a matter of
judgement. Default parameter values are provided in the HELGA User Manual.

Slab based buildings

C2 = (D12 + α)C1 + βC3

D12 + β

Equation 5.10


α = VsPL/(SaA)

β = D23(w) (Awa - Awd)/A + D23( c) + Exh

C1 concentration of contaminant in soil gas

C2 concentration of contaminant in indoor air
C3 concentration of contaminant in outdoor air
D12 coefficient of molecular diffusion between the soil and the living space
D23(w) coefficient of molecular diffusion between the living space and outdoor air
through building walls
D23( c) coefficient of molecular diffusion between the living space and outdoor air
through building ceiling
Vs suction flow velocity
P perimeter length of house
L character length over which suction flow is effective
Sa air filled soil porosity
A ground area of house
Awa area of house walls
Awd area of external windows and doors
Ex air exchange rate in living space
h height of living space

The equation for the suspended floor building is an extension of the slab based floor model
described above. It includes a sub-floor space and calculates the diffusion between this volume
and the house ground floor (Figure 5.3). Many of the input parameters are the same as those
listed for the slab based floor equations, with additional information required for the
dimensions of the sub-floor void.

For the case of lateral migration under unusual conditions the concern is to determine whether
gas concentrations could build up to levels where the risk of explosion is high, or where there
is a possibility of sudden, serious health effects (e.g. asphyxiation). The equations used for

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

steady state conditions can be adapted for use to calculate air concentrations in the unusual
conditions of weather and lateral migration which are relevant.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

D23( c)


Room volume = Area

Awa = Area of house of floor (A) x height of
walls room (h)
Awd = Area of outside D23(w)
windows and


Soil D12

Figure 5-2. Diagrammatic representation of slab floored house

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

D23( c)


Living Space volume =

Area of floor (A) x height
Awa2 = Area of house (H2)
Awd = Area of outside Living D23(w)
windows and Space

D12 Crawling Space volume =

Awa1 = Area of walls in Area of floor (A) x height
crawling space
Crawling (H1)

Soil D01

Figure 5-3. Diagrammatic representation of a suspended floor building

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas


6.1 Introduction

In order to provide confirmation that the calibrated HELGA modules bear resemblance to
actual behaviour, and can therefore be used with confidence to forecast behaviour at other
landfill sites, a series of validation trials were carried out. The concept behind validation
testing is that model forecast data are compared with data which have been derived by other
means than modelling. The degree of consistency between the two data sets demonstrates the
validity of the model forecasting capability.

It is not necessary to validate all aspects of the model on one site. Indeed, there is no single
site which could provide sufficient data to test all emission pathways represented in the
HELGA model. The approach adopted was to investigate each key module or pathway with
reference to a well characterised set of site measurements. The validation tests concentrate on
the modules which need to be tested, i.e. those which generate the concentration of the emitted
pollutant under consideration at a given distance from the landfill. These modules are
generally those which are concerned with generation, emission and migration. The impact
assessment modules are all based on given exposure levels, and so cannot be validated in this

The following tests were performed (see Table 6.1).

Table 6.1. Validation tests for HELGA modules

Landfill Site Module(s) Description

Auchencarroch Gas generation Well-monitored test cells were used to provide data
test cells for the gas generation (source-term) module of
Unidentified Gas generation and Data from part of a well characterised site in
Buckinghamshire Surface emissions - Buckinghamshire were compared with equivalent
landfill methane data from other sites in the UK, to test the
emissions module for methane.
Greene Valley Surface emissions - A suite of comprehensive monitoring data from this
landfill (US) VOCs US landfill was compared with forecast emissions,
to test the emissions module for VOCs.
Nant-y-Gwyddon Atmospheric This site has been well characterised in terms of
landfill dispersion odour characteristics. Hydrogen sulphide
dispersion modelling was compared with site
monitoring data.
Foxhall landfill Lateral migration This well characterised site has demonstrated some
lateral off-site gas and VOC migration. The model
forecasts were compared to measured
concentrations off site, along the line of the plume.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

6.2 Validation of the gas generation module

6.2.1 Assumptions

The University of Strathclyde has been carrying out some detailed studies of gas generation
under different conditions from test cells at Auchencarroch. The Auchencarroch test cells are
shallow (approximately 10 m or less deep), filled in the space of 1 year, and subsequently
monitored, on an hourly basis, for methane generation. Some cells were treated as control
cells, whilst others accepted pulverised waste or were equipped with recirculation of leachate.
The data used to validate the model applied to the sum of all the waste emplaced in all the test
calls at Auchencarroch.

Data were available covering:

• Waste composition
• Waste mass
• Infiltration of water
• Recirculation
• Gas volume

These data were manipulated into a form that could be directly input or compared with the
model forecasts. Data on gas production rates were available for years 2 and 3 after filling,
and these were averaged over the years to give average production rates in m3.h-1.

The input data for the test cells used in the model are given Table 6.2 below.

Table 6.2. Input data for the gas generation validation scenario

Parameter Value
Waste mass 3500 (t)
Fill time 1 (y)
Surface area 625 (m2)
Waste density 0.75 (t.m-3)
Waste depth 10 (m)
Infiltration rate 676 (mm.y-1)
Leachate head 0.5 (m)
Recirculation 0.5 (m3.h-1)

The composition of the waste placed into these test cells is given in Table 6.3. This shows that
the waste composition is similar to that from the National Household Waste Analysis
Programme (DoE, 1994), which forms the default for the degradable carbon data used in the
model. We have not therefore changed the waste parameters to suit the test cell composition.

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Table 6.3. Waste composition placed in the test cells and from the National Household
Waste Analysis Programme (NHWAP. DoE, 1994).

Waste Category Untreated Pulverised NHWAP

Paper/Card 27.29 32.65 33.49
Plastic Film 5.64 7.25 5.09
Dense Plastic 5.20 8.35 5.34
Textiles 3.67 3.65 2.36
Misc. Combustibles 3.54 3.45 7.94
Misc. Non-combustibles 0.50 1.75 2.02
Glass 4.67 6.40 8.63
Putrescibles 38.40 24.65 20.79
Ferrous Metals 5.88 8.05 6.32
Non-ferrous Metals 0.87 1.55 1.44
Fines 4.39 2.20 7.11

6.2.2 Validation Results

The range of modelled LFG production rates for years 2 and 3 are shown in Table 6.4. These
data can be compared with the experimental results for the LFG production in the test cells,
which are given in Table 6.5.

Table 6.4. Modelled LFG production rates from the test cells (m3 h-1)

Year Max Mean Min Range

1 19.5 15 10.5 9.0
2 9.7 8 6.3 3.4
3 5.4 4.8 4.1 1.3

Table 6.5. Experimentally determined LFG production rates from the test cells (m3 h-1)

Year Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 4

2 8.47 5.80 5.68 5.48
3 5.27 3.67 3.52 5.51

Figure shows the model output, with the experimental data overlain. The figure shows the
mean LFG production rate from the test cells (black dot), the range of results (rectangular box)
and one standard deviation either side of the mean (black bar line). The HELGA forecast data
are shown as three curves (mean - square symbols; 5th percentile - triangles; 95th percentile -

Degradation rates have been chosen which are quite rapid, to reflect recirculation of leachate
and pulverisation of the waste prior to landfilling. The results show that the model and
experimental ranges overlap for years 2 and 3. This therefore indicates that the model

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produces results that are within the range of the experimental data. This is encouraging, as gas
generation in the early years has been notoriously difficult both to forecast, and measure.

R&D Technical Report P271 63

A v e r a g e h o u r l y g a s p r o d u c t i o n r a t e s f o r 9 5 t h , 5 0 t h a n d 5 t h % ile cases


Year 2
Average = 6.4
Average hourly total gas production rates

16.0 Max = 8.47

Min = 5.50
14.0 S.D. = 1.4
n =4 95th% ile

50th% ile
Year 3 5th% ile
8.0 Average = 4.5
Max = 5.51
6.0 Min = 3.53
S.D. = 1.04
4.0 n =4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (y)

Figure 6.1. Auchencarroch Test Cells: Model Output, with Experimental Data Overlain.

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6.3 Validation of gas generation module and surface emission of methane

6.3.1 Assumptions

This Buckinghamshire landfill (otherwise unidentified) has accepted predominantly domestic

waste for many years. For the phase of landfilling under consideration, waste was emplaced
between 1978 and 1985. Table 6.6 gives the model input data for this scenario.

Table 6.6. Input data for the methane surface emissions scenario

Parameter Value
Volume of waste into site 2,000,000 (t)
Waste composition 100% domestic
Filling of site 1978 to 1985
Waste type for model (Era) 2 (current)
Fill regime (average for years):
78/79 200,000 (t.y-1)
80/81 200,000 (t.y-1)
82/83 260,000 (t.y-1)
84/85 333,000 (t.y-1)
Saturation of waste wet
Surface capping 1m clay and 0.8m soil for agricultural
Landfill gas (LFG) collection from 700 to 1000 (m3.h-1)
area modelled (in 1997)

6.3.2 Validation results

Landfill gas production

Two model interpolations have been carried out. The first simulation uses the pseudo-
probabilistic version of the HELGA model, as delivered to the Environment Agency, which is
not dependent upon Crystal BallTM add-in software. The second uses the fully probabilistic
mode, which is expected to be used in subsequent versions of the model. The pseudo
probabilistic mode built into the framework model allows HELGA to be used without the
separate Crystal BallTM probability sampling package.

Figure 6.2 shows the pseudo probabilistic model output for the first 30 years. The forecast
range of LFG production rates for the time period 18 to 20 years after filling commenced is
shown by the box labelled ‘forecast data’. The actual site LFG production (assuming gas
collection = gas production) is shown by the box labelled ‘observed data’. Figure 6.2
therefore shows that, in this case, the HELGA model is underestimating the LFG production
rate by about 28%.

R&D Technical Report P271 65

A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

Average hourly gas production rates for 95th%, 50th% and 5th% cases
Number of years after
3500.0 which assessment of
gas production is made

Average hourly total gas production rates

Total (95th%)
Total (50th%)
2500.0 Total (5th%)


observed range

model forecast


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Time (y)

Figure 6.2. Pseudo-probabilistic output, comparing landfill gas production after 18 to

20 years (observed range) and the modelled landfill gas production rate (model

If, however, the fully probabilistic Crystal Ball ™ mode is used (Figure 6.3), the estimated
range of LFG production from the site and the modelled range overlap. This limited validation
indicates that both the pseudo-probabilistic model and the fully probabilistic model produce
results that are reasonably close to field data.

Crystal Ball Simulation results for LFG production

(each point average of 5 years)


LFG (m3/hr)

observed range

600 model forecast



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Figure 6.3. Fully probabilistic output, with landfill gas production after 18 to 20 years
(observed range) and modelled landfill gas production rates (model forecast).

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As would be expected, the fully probabilistic model appears to deal better with uncertainties in
input data and assumptions to produce a range that matches better the field data.

Surface methane emissions

Surface methane emissions from the Buckinghamshire site have also been determined in the
model for the selected time frame (18 to 20 years after filling commenced). The two scenarios
considered below are:

• Scenario 1: 85% LFG collection efficiency and 70% biological oxidation of fugitive
methane in the cap.
• Scenario 2: 95% LFG collection efficiency and 90% biological oxidation of fugitive
methane in the cap.

The HELGA model calculates average net surface methane emissions after allowing for LFG
collection and biological methane oxidation. The model output indicates the average surface
emissions from this site would be between 10-2 mg.m2.s-1 (Scenario 1) and 10-3 mg.m2.s-1
(Scenario 2) (Figure 6.4). Although site measurements were not available for this landfill, field
measurements of methane flux from a number of other, similar, sites indicate that for a landfill
with an engineered cap and gas collection scheme the average net emissions are in the range of
10-4 to 1 mg.m2.s-1 (Gregory et al., 1998; Milton et al., 1997) This range of measured
emissions is consistent with other published studies (Bogner et al., 1997a).

Figure 6.4 compares the range of measured data with modelled data. The ranges overlap. This
suggests that (1) the HELGA model is calculating results within the expected ranges, and
(2) more work is required to characterise and understand the different results produced by
different methane flux protocols.

Model forecast for Scenario 2 Model forecast for Scenario 1

Flux-box Above-surface emissions

measurements measurements

10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100

Methane flux mg/m2/s-1

Figure 6.4. Surface emissions data modelled for site scenarios 1 and 2 (black crosses)
superimposed on field results for similar sites (WS Atkins flux box measurements, and
NPL above-surface emissions measurements).

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6.4 Validation of surface emissions module for VOCs

6.4.1 Assumptions

Bogner et al. (1997b) monitored the surface emissions of a number of volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) from Greene Valley landfill site (USA). The HELGA model was tested
against measured emission rates of benzene, tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene and vinyl
chloride. Table 6.7 shows the input parameters for this surface emissions scenario.

Table 6.7. Input data for the VOC surface emissions scenario

Parameters Values
Site commenced filling: 1974 (22 years from commencement of
waste deposition to assessment)
Total volume of waste: 32,262,000 (t)
Model input has five 2 year phases
Phase 1 1,400,000 (t.y-1)
Phase 2 1,400,000 (t.y-1)
Phase 3 1,400,000 (t.y-1)
Phase 4 1,400,000 (t.y-1)
Phase 5 560,000 (t.y-1)
Waste type Mainly domestic (model type 2)
Waste saturation Dry
LFG collection system operating 7000 (m3.h-1)
Landfill flare capacity 7000 (m3.h-1)
Landfill engine capacity 4700 (m3.h-1)
Surface cap Clay approx. 1 m and soil approx 1 m

6.4.2 Validation results

For model forecasting, default concentrations of VOC in LFG were used, as provided in the
HELGA model. These were compared with the measured range of surface emissions from
Greene Valley landfill site, given in Table 6.8.

Table 6.8. Measured fluxes of specific VOC from surface of Greene Valley landfill
(Bogner et al., 1997b)

VOC Maximum flux Minimum flux Highest negative

(mg.m-2.s-1) (mg.m-2.s-1) flux (mg.m-2.s-1)
benzene 5.37 x 10-5 0 -1.15 x 10-3
tetrachloroethene 1.23 x 10-5 3.99 x 10-7
trichloroethene 3.10 x 10-6 4.50 x 10-10 -4.92 x 10-5
vinyl chloride 3.18 x 10-5 9.61 x 10-6 -8.68 x 10-3

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Table 6.9 presents the output ranges from the model of VOC surface emissions for a mean
default value of VOC represented in the model. The shaded boxes in Figures 4.1-4.4 show this
forecast range. The range represents the forecast VOC range for maximum and minimum
values of LFG production.

Table 6.9. Modelled surface emissions for mean default VOC concentration in LFG and
mean, maximum and minimum LFG production.

Surface emissions (mg.m-2.s-1)

VOC Maximum Mean LFG Minimum LFG
LFG production production
benzene 1.39x10-5 7.08x10-6 1.51x10-6
-5 -5
tetrachloroethene 6.89x10 3.51x10 7.51x10-6
trichloroethene 3.79x10-5 1.93x10-5 4.13x10-6
-5 -5
vinyl chloride 3.49x10 1.78x10 3.8x10-6

Table 6.10 shows the output range from the model using the maximum and minimum default
range of VOC concentrations, supplied in the model, as opposed to the mean concentration
which was used to calculate Table 6.9. Maximum emissions are derived from maximum VOC
concentrations and maximum LFG production. Minimum emissions are derived from minimum
VOC concentrations and minimum LFG production. This range is represented by the thick
dashed line bar on Figure 4.1 - 4.4. Field observations (Table 6.8) are represented by the
dashed box in Figure 6.5 - 6.8.

Table 6.10. Model output for the maximum default VOC concentration in LFG and
maximum LFG production; and minimum default VOC concentration in LFG and
minimum LFG production.

Surface emissions (mg.m-2.s-1)

VOC Maximum Minimum emission(2)
benzene 9.05x10-5 8.96x10-11
tetrachloroethene 5.12x10 2.91x10-10
trichloroethene 2.9x10-4 2.46x10-9
vinyl chloride 2.53x10 2.96x10-8
1. Calculated for the maximum LFG production rate and maximum VOC concentration in the default range.
2. Calculated for the minimum LFG production rate and minimum VOC concentration in the default range.

There is excellent agreement for all VOCs, except trichloroethene, between the mean modelled
value and the range of field measurements observed. The trichloroethene data are within half
an order of magnitude, and are within the maximum/minimum range of default emissions data
provided in the HELGA model.

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From this validation procedure , it is clear that the model outputs for surface emissions agree
well with observations collected in the field.

1 x 10-4 5 x 10-5 0
-2 -1
mg.m .s
Figure 6.5. Benzene: Range of modelled average emissions results for default mean
benzene concentrations (shaded box), maximum–minimum range produced by the
model for full range of benzene concentrations (thick dashed line) and field emissions
data range (dashed box).

5.12 x 10-4

1 x 10-4 5 x 10-5 0
Figure 6.6. Tetrachloroethene: Range of modelled average emissions results for default
mean tetrachloroethene concentrations (shaded box), maximum–minimum range
produced by the model for full range of tetrachloroethene concentrations (thick dashed
line) and field emissions data range (dashed box).

2.9 x 10-4

5 x 10-5 0
2.5 x 10-5
Figure 6.7. Trichloroethene: Range of modelled average emissions results for default
mean trichloroethene concentrations (shaded box), maximum–minimum range produced
by the model for full range of trichloroethene concentrations (thick dashed line) and
field emissions data range (dashed box).

2.55 x 10-4

5 x 10-5 2.5 x 10-5 0

Figure 6.8. Vinyl chloride: Model average emissions results range for default mean
VOC concentrations (shaded box), maximum–minimum range produced by the model
for full range of VOC concentrations (thick dashed line) and field emissions data range
(dashed box).

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6.5 Validation of atmospheric dispersion module

6.5.1 Assumptions

Scott et al. (1997) monitored the concentration in air of various LFG trace components at
Nant-y-Gwyddon landfill in response to complaints of odours allegedly arising from the site.
The atmospheric dispersion module in the HELGA model was validated against actual ambient
air quality measurements of hydrogen sulphide various distances from the landfill site. The
hydrogen sulphide concentration in the raw LFG was an average 2000 ppm (~3000 mg.m-3),
with a maximum recorded concentration of 6000 ppm (~9100 mg.m-3). The reason for the
high hydrogen sulphide concentrations detected in the LFG is thought to be due to disposal of
high sulfate containing wastes with domestic waste.

Table 6.11 shows the input parameters for the modelling of the Nant-y-Gwyddon atmospheric
dispersion scenario.

Table 6.11. Input data for the atmospheric dispersion scenario

Parameter Value
Site commenced filling: 1988 (9 years from commencement of
waste deposition to assessment)
Total volume of waste: 850 000 (t)
Model input has five 2 year phases
Phase 1 52 000 (t.y-1)
Phase 2 52 000 (t.y-1)
Phase 3 52 000 (t.y-1)
Phase 4 178 000 (t.y-1)
Phase 5 178 000 (t.y-1)
Waste input type Thought to be mainly domestic (except
for calcium sulphate waste).
Saturation of waste Average
Surface capping None of any significance
(at the time of monitoring)
Landfill gas (LFG) collection from None (at the time of monitoring)
area in 1997
Distance to receptor 500 to 1000 (m)
Windrose conditions User defined, direction 1, value for
direction 1 = 1 (i.e. wind blowing in
that direction, which is correct for an
instantaneous effect like odour)

6.5.2 Validation results

Scott et al. (1997) measured hydrogen sulphide at a concentration of 4.5 x 10-3 mg.m-3 at the
receptor (Blean Clydach), which is located between 500 to 1000 m from the site.

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Figure 6.9 show the outputs from the model for hydrogen sulphide in the air at receptors
ranging from 250 to 1250 m from the site boundary, for the maximum, mean and minimum
LFG production rates forecast by the HELGA model. The output curves are derived from a
range of hydrogen sulphide concentrations in LFG (500 and 9500 mg.m-3) observed at the site
and input in the emissions module of the HELGA model, overriding the default data already
present in the model.

Superimposed on Figure 6.9 are the odour threshold limit (4.7 x 10-4 mg.m-3), the
concentration of H2S detected in the air at the receptor (4.5 x 10-3 mg.m-3) and the range of
possible distances to the receptor (500 to 1000 m).

The range of model forecast outputs for hydrogen sulphide concentrations in the air between
500 and 1000 m from the site boundary is 9 x 10-4 – 8.3 x 10-3 mg.m-3. These are above the
odour threshold and bracket the concentration measured in the field (4.5 x 10-3 mg.m-3).

The model predicts that hydrogen sulphide migrating offsite would be observed at
concentrations above the odour threshold at the receptor when site specific source term data
are used in the HELGA model. For this scenario, the model produces results that are in
excellent agreement with field data.

Concentration of H2S in air (mg.m-3)

Max LFG production

0.008 Mean LFG production

Min LFG production
0.006 rate

Concentration detected in air between

0.005 500 and 1000 m from the site




Odour threshold limit (0.45 ug.m-3)

250 500 750 1000 1250
Receptor distance from site (m)

Figure 6.9. Modelled concentrations of H2S in the air at receptors 250 to 1250 m from
the site. The three lines represent different source terms for maximum, mean and
minimum production rates of hydrogen sulphide in LFG, derived from the average site-
specific hydrogen sulphide concentration in LFG emanating from the site.

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6.6 Validation of Lateral Migration

6.6.1 Assumptions

The lateral migration module has been validated against data from Foxhall landfill site, which
has been well characterised and monitored for VOCs in a lateral emission plume from part of
the site (Ward et al., 1996). Table 6.12 shows the module input parameters for this scenario.

Table 6.12. Input data for the lateral migration scenario.

Parameter Value
Ground porosity 40 % (assume the geology is sandy
gravel, taken from published data)
Assume at field capacity 10 % (assume a well drained
unsaturated material)
Ground saturation 25 %
VOC concentrations in LFG model defaults have been used

Table 6.13 shows the measured concentration of three VOCs detected in the ground at 5m
depth, 40m away from the site.

Table 6.13. VOC concentrations at 5m depth, 40 m from the site boundary.

VOC Maximum Measured

concentration in concentrations at
LFG at the site 40 m offsite (ppm)
boundary (ppm)
Vinyl chloride 4.25 15.4
Dichlorodifluromethane 0 13.7
Chlorodifluromethane 11.54 3

6.6.2 Model outputs

Figures 6.10 - 6.12 show the range of model forecasts for concentrations of VOCs at 40m
from the site boundary (shaded box), with the detected concentration superimposed (black
cross) for the three VOCs considered: vinyl chloride, dichlorodifluromethane and
chlorodifluoro-methane. The range of concentrations calculated in the model bracket the
concentrations detected in the field investigation.

The lateral dispersion module operates outside the probabilistic framework, but a range of
VOC concentrations has been used to determine the model forecast range. The VOC
concentrations at 40 m are derived from the range of VOC concentrations in LFG provided as
model defaults before the plume migrates from the site. No biochemical or chemical reactions
are simulated during migration, which is simulated as a diffusion-only system. The results

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confirm that the ranges of concentration of these VOCs selected for the model are appropriate
for a diffusion-driven system. Ward et al (1996) have analysed the data closely, and have
suggested that a combined diffusion-advection model best fits the data. Advective flow has
not been built into the HELGA model in this version, but nevertheless the results are

50 40 30 20 10 0
Concentration (ppm)
Figure 6.10. Forecast model output range for vinyl chloride in the ground 40m from the
site (shaded box), with detected concentration (X) 40m from the site (Ward et al., 1996).

50 40 30 20 10 0
Concentration (ppm)

Figure 6.11. Forecast model output range for dichlorodifluromethane in the ground
40m from the site (shaded box), with detected concentration (X) 40m from the site
(Ward et al., 1996).

50 40 30 20 10 0
Concentration (ppm)

Figure 6.12. Forecast model output range for chlorodifluromethane in the ground 40m
from the site (shaded box), with detected concentration (X) 40m from the site (Ward et
al., 1996).

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6.7 Conclusions from validation tests

6.7.1 Comparison with observations

The findings of the validation tests performed on the HELGA model are encouraging. Not only
do the key modules produce forecasts which are generally in accordance with field
observations, but they do so when driven by a relatively small data requirement. This small
data requirement is important.

The HELGA model was conceived for use in the planning of landfill gas management for new-
build landfills, but could be equally effective when applied to existing sites for landfill gas
health and environmental risk assessments. In both instances, the availability of reliable data
with which to drive the model has a direct effect on the forecasting capability of the decision
tool. For many existing landfill sites, and certainly for new build landfills, much data will be
best estimates, or model defaults. It is encouraging to observe that when data are scarce or
non-existent, the forecast range of results from the HELGA model, using model default data,
overlap with actual site measurements.

6.7.2 Uncertainties and deficiencies in the model

As the source-term module determines the amount of landfill gas produced, and the rate at
which this amount is generated, the user should acquire as much site-specific waste and landfill
design data as is available.

Model default values for VOCs are acceptable for emissions, but the database for trace landfill
gas components and VOCs would benefit from more data to determine the probability density
functions for these species. This will be essential for when the model is coded as a free-
standing probabilistic decision tool.

Waste composition data for commercial and industrial waste streams are still poorly
characterised today, so the ability to forecast emissions from landfills which accept these
wastes is limited by the lack of data.

The steady state lateral migration model uses only diffusion driven flow. Advective flow, to
simulate flow in fractures, could be added to enhance the model’s forecasting abilities.

The migration event module is not as sophisticated as other modules in the model, and does
not sit comfortably within a probabilistic decision tool. We would suggest that this module is
omitted from future developments of the code.

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7.1 Introduction

The primary purpose of the HELGA decision tool is to aid the implementation of appropriate
landfill gas management methods at the planning and subsequent stages of operation of a
modern-day landfill. In order to demonstrate the flexibility of the HELGA model to do this,
four scenarios have been simulated which demonstrate the effect of different cap designs on a
landfill site, and the effect of different landfill gas management options employed on the site.

All the scenarios considered apply to a notional site in eastern England accepting 5Mt
household waste over a ten-year period. The scenarios considered are as follows:

• Scenario 1. A minimal soil cap of 0.3m thickness, and no other gas controls.
• Scenario 2. A 1m clay cap with 0.8m soil cover, and no other gas controls.
• Scenario 3. As Scenario 2 with the addition of gas collection and flaring.
• Scenario 4. As Scenario 2 with the addition of gas collection, flaring and gas utilisation.

For each scenario, we have considered the effect on emissions 12 years after the start of site
operations, i.e. 2 years after completion of filling, when gas generation and control will be an
important environmental concern. HELGA has the ability to produce a vast array of useful
information for each year after commencement of filling (up to 150 years after start of
landfilling), for landfill gas and each VOC on the database. The choice of 2 years after
completion of filling allows for a like-for-like comparison between the scenarios. We have
chosen to compare the following indicative parameters for each scenario.

• Gas generation.
• Carbon dioxide and methane generation rate.
• Landfill gas migration through the cap and liner.
• Methane oxidation in the cap.

• VOC emissions through the cap.

• Comparison of emission rates of hydrogen sulphide, methanethiol, benzene, vinyl
chloride, dioxins, hydrogen chloride and NOx.

• Site Worker Exposure.

• Comparison of air concentrations on-site with LTELs for hydrogen sulphide,
methanethiol, benzene, vinyl chloride, dioxins, hydrogen chloride and NOx.

• Offsite Inhalation Exposure.

• The scenarios consider a suspended floor single storey house located 200m WSW
from the landfill site.
• Indoor and outdoor concentrations of VOCs hydrogen sulphide, methanethiol,
benzene, vinyl chloride, dioxins, hydrogen chloride and NOx are evaluated.
• Average annual exposure to the maximally exposed individuals are determined.

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• Comparison is made to the inhalation exposure limit (if any).

Table 7.1 below gives all the base case simulation data that remain constant throughout the
four model scenarios. Table 7.2 sets out the variables for the four scenarios compared.

Table 7.1 Simulation data common to all scenarios

Parameter Value Units of measurement

Source Term
Waste composition 100% domestic %
Fill rate 500,000 tonnes per year
Fill period 10 years
Site capacity/void space 5,000,000 m3
Landfill gas composition 50% methane %
Adsorbtive capacity of waste 10 %
Effective waste porosity 10 %
Hydraulic conductivity of waste 1 x 10-6 m s-1
Waste conductivity to gas 9.8 x 101 m s-1

Liner and ground conditions

Surface area 25 Ha
Site dimensions 500 x 500 x 20 m
Basal clay liner thickness 1 m
Gas conductivity of basal liner 9.8 x 10-5 m s-1
Soil porosity (for lateral migration) 0.1 unitless (i.e. 10%)
Ground saturation 10 %
Leachate recirculation none

Receptor details
Distance to receptor 250 m
House perimeter 35 m
Ground floor area 75 m2
Area of windows and doors 20 m2
Height of living space 2.5 m
Height of suspended floor area/cellar 0.5 m
Area of walls in living space 320 m2
Area of walls in suspended floor area/cellar 186 m2
Receptor target height above ground level 2 m
Pollutant/VOC release height 0 m
Pollutant/VOC characteristics non-reactive
Wind rose location east coast
Vector of property from landfill site WSW
Year of interest 12 years after site
commenced filling

Note: Many of the parameters listed here which are not site specific can be used as defaults in the absence of
site-specific data.

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Table 7.2 Key variables in the four scenarios

Parameter Scenario 1: Scenario 2: Scenario 3: Scenario 4: Units of

Sandy soil Clay cap, Clay cap Clay cap measurement
cap, no no gas with gas with gas
gas collection flaring utilisation
Cap details
Soil Thickness 0.3 0.8 0.8 0.8 m
Clay thickness 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 m
Thickness of layer
with lowest gas 0.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 m
Gas conductivity 1 x 102 9.8 x 10-5 9.8 x 10-5 9.8 x 10-5 m s-1
of this layer
Infiltration 100 50 50 50 mm y-1
Leachate head 6 1 1 1 m
Summary of site Calculated
water balance average dry dry dry from data on
conditions infiltration and
leachate head
Gas collection system details

Flare details

Utilisation scheme details

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It should be noted that the database of VOCs and trace gases used to derive the ranges of
emissions reported below is not complete, although it does comprise an accurate record of the
UK data available at the time of construction of the HELGA model. In order to provide even
more confidence in the HELGA forecasts, new data should be added to the database, as it
becomes available.

7.2 Results of gas generation simulations

Gas generation, migration and methane oxidation rates for the four scenarios are shown in
Table 7.3 below.

7.2.1 Gas generation

Results for the mean (50th percentile) and one standard deviation either side of the mean
(5th percentile and 95th percentile) are given for each of the four scenarios. These data show a
wide range of potential gas generation rates possible for the quantities of waste emplaced.
This is because the relatively poorly understood mechanisms of gas generation, and other site-
specific factors, have to be represented in a model of this nature by probability density
functions, or their equivalents.

Table 7.3 shows the total quantities of landfill gas produced, and the rates of landfill gas
production per year. The landfill gas generation profile is identical for Scenarios 2-4. This is
because these three scenarios had the same water infiltration and waste degradation conditions,
and were calculated by the model to be analogous to a ‘dry’ site (the model allows dry,
average and wet sites to be simulated, and will also calculate this from infiltration and leachate
head data). The landfill gas generation profile for Scenario 1 shows higher gas generation
rates in the early years of the site’s gas profile. Infiltration and water content of the waste is a
key parameter in regulating the rate of decomposition of landfilled waste, and because
infiltration through the soil cap will be higher than that for a clay cap, the consequent rate of
gas generation was raised to that of ‘average’ moisture content. Figure 7.1 shows the gas
production curves for Scenario 1, and Figure 7.2 for the other three scenarios.

7.2.2 Potential for gas migration through cap and liner

The potential for gas migration through the cap or liner is proportional to the thickness and
permeability of each liner. Table 7.3 shows that Scenario 1, with the soil cap, and no other
forms of gas control, performs worst of all, with all gas generated migrating through the cap.
Scenario 2, with a 1m clay cap, also loses most of the gas generated through the cover
materials. Only Scenarios 3 and 4, where gas collection and flaring/utilisation is simulated,
reduces surface emissions significantly, compared with the base case.

In these examples, Scenario 4 shows most reduction in emissions. This need not be the case,
however. The absolute value of emissions reduction in Scenarios 3 and 4 for any particular
year (note that this is year 12) will depend upon the sizing of flare and/or utilisation scheme
employed on the site. This sizing must be done by examining the base case gas generation

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profile over a number of years, and selecting a flare and/or utilisation scheme combination
which fits best the gas generation profile.

Average landfill gas production rate




3000.0 Total (95th%)


Total (50th%)
Total (5th%)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150

Time (y)

Figure 7.1. Landfill gas generation profiles for Scenario 1.

Average landfill gas production rate



Total (95th%)

Total (50th%)
2000.0 Total (5th%)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150

Time (y)

Figure 7.2. Landfill gas generation profiles for Scenarios 2-4

R&D Technical Report P271 80

Table 7.3 Gas generation, migration and methane oxidation rates

Scenario 1: Sandy soil Scenario 2: Clay cap, no Scenario 3: Clay cap with Scenario 4: Clay cap with
Parameter cap, no gas collection gas collection gas flaring gas utilisation
5th %ile 50th %ile 95th %ile 5th %ile 50th %ile 95th %ile 5th %ile 50th %ile 95th %ile 5th %ile 50th %ile 95th %ile

LFG generation
LFG generation in year 12 (m3 h-1) 1800 2410 2596 1244 2110 2644 1244 2110 2644 1244 2110 2644
methane content (%) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

LFG migration potential

Through cap (m3 h-1) 1800 2410 2596 1236 2095 2625 618 1048 1313 740 605 640
Through liner (m h ) -1
0 0 0 9 15 19 5 8 9 5 4 5

Methane oxidation in the

Methane flux at base of cap (m3 h- 900 1205 1298 618 1047 1312 309 524 656 370 303 320
Methane flux at surface (m3 h-1) 720 964 1038 370 838 1050 185 314 525 222 182 192
Methane oxidation (%) 20 20 20 40 20 20 40 40 20 40 40 40

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7.2.3 Methane oxidation in the cap

The degree of methane oxidation in the cap is a function of the rate of transmission of landfill
gas through the cap thickness, which is driven by the rate of gas generation (after collection of
a fraction of the gas for flaring and/or utilisation. If the rate of gas generation is sufficiently
high that the movement of gas through the cap takes less than one second (an arbitrary value,
but one which appears to work well and mimic observed behaviour), then the degree of
methane oxidation observed is 20%. If gas movement takes longer than one second, then the
degree of methane oxidation observed is 40%. These values of 20% and 40% are again
arbitrary, as there are no data to confirm these values, but again, the pattern of behaviour and
the results produced agree well with observed, but unquantified, gas behaviour.

The scenarios in Table 7.3 show a steady increase in the likelihood of high levels of methane
oxidation in the capping layers as the quantity of landfill gas which is collected and flared or
otherwise utilised increases. This means that the more gas diverted to flare or utilisation, away
from the cap, the lower the ‘loading’ on the cap, and the higher the opportunity for methane
oxidising bacteria to cope with the flux of uncontrolled gas.

These figures will also impact on global environmental burdens (global warming potential and
ozone depleting potential. See section 7.3 below.

7.3 Global environmental burdens

The HELGA model takes the emissions data and calculates the global warming potential
(GWP) (in tonne equivalents of carbon dioxide), and the ozone depletion potential (ODP) (in
tonne equivalents of fluoro-trichloromethane (CCl3F)). The results of the simulations (for the
50th percentile gas generation rates) are shown in Table 7.4.

These results clearly show that for any given site that generates landfill gas, the effects of
capping, flaring and gas utilisation progressively reduce the global environmental burden due
to that particular site. Obviously, these figures only apply to year 12. Over the site’s entire
life, a reduction in GWP and ODP of over 70%, compared to the base case, will not be
attained, as flaring and gas utilisation are only appropriate over the most productive phases of
gas generation. However, since flaring and utilisation can manage the bulk of the gas, the
benefits to the environment of these landfill gas management systems are obvious.

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Table 7.4. Global environmental burdens

Scenario 1: Scenario 2: Scenario 3: Scenario 4:

Sandy soil cap, Clay cap, no Clay cap with Clay cap with
no gas gas collection gas flaring gas utilisation

GWP (tonnes 130,000 113,000 47,000 30,500

equivalent CO2)
Percentage 0 13 64 77
reduction from
base case

ODP (tonnes 0.35 0.30 0.15 0.09

equivalent CCl3F)
Percentage 0 14 57 74
reduction from
base case

Note: The base case is Scenario 1

7.4 VOC emissions

VOC and trace gas emissions through the cap, flare and utilisation scheme have been
calculated for the following substances:

• benzene
• hydrogen sulphide
• methanethiol
• vinyl chloride
• dioxins
• hydrogen chloride
• nitrogen oxides

The HELGA model generates mean, minimum and maximum forecast values for each of the
5th, 50th and 95th percentile gas generation rates. The data given in Table 7.5 below were
derived using the 50th percentile gas generation rate. Not all the compounds listed above are
released via each emission pathway, and it should be noted that the quantities of VOCs
released via each pathway are directly proportional to the volumes of landfill gas emitted via
each pathway. All dioxin forecasts should be treated with great care, as only one data value for
surface emissions, flare and engine emissions exist in the HELGA database.

The data in Table 7.5 only show the total site surface emissions, and emissions from the flare
or utilisation scheme. They should not be interpreted as exposures. Site worker exposure and
offsite inhalation exposures are discussed in Sections 7.5 and 7.6 respectively.

R&D Technical Report P271 83

Table 7.5. VOC emissions from the surface, flare and engine for the 50th percentile gas generation rate

Scenario 1: Sandy soil Scenario 2: Clay cap, no Scenario 3: Clay cap with Scenario 4: Clay cap with
Emissions (mg.s-1) cap, no gas collection gas collection gas flaring gas utilisation
min mean max min mean max min mean max min mean max
Emissions through the cap
benzene 3 x 10-4 4 30 2 x 10-4 4 26 1 x 10-4 2 13 7 x 10-5 1 7
hydrogen sulphide 3 x 10-3 8 37 3 x 10-3 7 32 1 x 10-3 4 16 8 x 10-4 2 9
methane thiol 7 x 10-2 60 290 6 x 10-2 53 250 3 x 10-2 26 125 2 x 10-2 15 72
vinyl chloride 9 x 10-2 11 82 8 x 10-2 10 72 4 x 10-2 5 36 2 x 10-2 3 22
dioxin 2 x 10-6 2 x 10-6 2 x 10-6 2 x 10-6 2 x 10-6 2 x 10-6 1 x 10-6 1 x 10-6 1 x 10-6 6 x 10-7 6 x 10-7 6 x 10-7
Emissions from the flare
benzene 6 x 10-1 26 51
vinyl chloride 0 4 x 10-1 9 x 10-1
dioxin 8 x 10-7 8 x 10-7 8 x 10-7
hydrogen chloride 7 29 72
nitrogen oxides 36 160 370
Emissions from the engine
dioxin 2 2 2
hydrogen chloride 37 66 95
nitrogen oxides 150 2000 3300
Total emissions
benzene 3 x 10-4 4 30 2 x 10-4 4 26 6 x 10-1 26 51 7 x 10-5 1 7
hydrogen sulphide 3 x 10-3 8 37 3 x 10-3 7 32 1 x 10-3 4 16 8 x 10-4 2 9
methane thiol 7 x 10-2 60 290 6 x 10-2 53 250 3 x 10-2 26 125 2 x 10-2 15 72
vinyl chloride 9 x 10-2 11 82 8 x 10-2 10 72 4 x 10-2 5 36 2 x 10-2 3 22
dioxin 2 x 10-6 2 x 10-6 2 x 10-6 2 x 10-6 2 x 10-6 2 x 10-6 2 x 10-6 2 x 10-6 2 x 10-6 2 2 2
hydrogen chloride 7 29 72 37 66 95
nitrogen oxides 36 160 370 150 2000 3300

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

What these data do show is the relationship between emissions due to natural landfill gas
emissions, the effect of flaring or gas utilisation on these natural emissions, and the additional
combustion products resulting from flaring or gas utilisation.

The emissions data show the following.

• Increasing the level of gas collection and flaring or utilisation reduces the uncontrolled
surface emissions of VOCs proportionately.
• The available data for VOC emissions show wide uncertainty ranges (or wide variations in
landfill gas trace gas compositions) for some components. The forecast emissions of
benzene, for example, could vary over six orders of magnitude. Additional VOC emissions
measurements should be made to drive this model if reliable forecasts are to be made.
• Some results will be unreliable because of the lack of sufficient monitoring data (e.g.
• Flaring or combustion destroys compounds to different degrees. Hydrogen sulphide and
methanethiol, for example, have not been recorded in significant concentrations from flare
or gas engine emissions. The dioxin content of flared landfill gas is comparable to the
unflared gas.
• Some flare or gas engine combustion products (hydrogen chloride, nitrogen oxides) occur
in much higher concentrations that the landfill trace gases or VOCs represented in the
model. This is because they are derived from combustion of many other VOCs not
represented in the model, and more than one atom of the combustion products are produced
from each VOC molecule, i.e. there are more of them per cubic metre than the VOCs they
are derived from.

7.5 Results of site worker exposure simulations

Comparisons of the concentrations in air on site of the selected compounds with long-term
exposure limits (LTELs) are made in Table 7.6. All exposure concentrations are very low, and
where LTELs exist, are below the LTEL by between 4 and 5 orders of magnitude.

It is clear from the simulations that the use of flaring and/or gas utilisation diverts VOCs from
direct emission through the cap, and these combustion processes destroy a fraction of the
VOCs sent to the flare or gas engine, thereby reducing the total emissions of landfill-sourced
VOCs released. However, combustion products from the gas engines are in significantly
higher concentrations than the naturally emitted landfill VOCs.

R&D Technical Report P271 85

Table 7.6. Site worker exposure to VOC emissions from the surface, flare and engine for the 50th percentile gas generation rate

Scenario 1: Sandy Scenario 2: Clay Scenario 3: Clay Scenario 4: Clay Long term exposure
Airborne concentrations soil cap, no gas cap, no gas cap with gas flaring cap with gas limit
(mg.m-3) collection collection utilisation (LTEL)
benzene 6 x 10-4 5 x 10-4 3 x 10-4 2 x 10-4 16
hydrogen sulphide 1 x 10-3 1 x 10-3 5 x 10-4 3 x 10-4 14
methane thiol 8 x 10-3 7 x 10-3 4 x 10-3 2 x 10-3 7
vinyl chloride 2 x 10-3 1 x 10-3 7 x 10-4 4 x 10-4 1
dioxin 3 x 10-10 3 x 10-10 1 x 10-10 4 x 10-4
hydrogen chloride 2 x 10-2
nitrogen oxides 5 x 10-1

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7.6 Results of offsite inhalation exposure simulations

Offsite inhalation exposure here considers the average annual exposure, from indoor and
outdoor exposure, for the most highly exposed individual living in a property with a suspended
floor 250m from the landfill. The wind rose for eastern England has been used, and the
property is downwind of the prevailing wind direction. The results of these simulations are
given in Table 7.7.

Table 7.7. Offsite inhalation exposure scenarios

Concentration Concentration Average annual Is inhalation

Scenario/VOC outdoors (mg.m3) indoors (mg.m3) exposure (mg.y--1) exposure limit

Scenario 1: sandy soil cap, no gas collection

Benzene 2 x 10-6 0 4 x 10-3
Hydrogen sulphide 4 x 10-6 7 x 10-7 1 x 10-2 no
Methanethiol 3 x 10-5 6 x 10-6 9 x 10-2
Vinyl chloride 5 x 10-6 0 9 x 10-3
Dioxins 1 x 10-12 0 2 x 10-9

Scenario 2: clay cap, no gas collection

Benzene 2 x 10-6 0 3 x 10-3
Hydrogen sulphide 3 x 10-6 7 x 10-7 1 x 10-2 no
Methanethiol 2 x 10-5 6 x 10-6 8 x 10-2
Vinyl chloride 4 x 10-6 0 8 x 10-3
Dioxins 9 x 10-13 0 2 x 10-9

Scenario 3: Clay cap with gas flaring

Benzene 9 x 10-7 0 2 x 10-3
Hydrogen sulphide 2 x 10-6 7 x 10-7 8 x 10-3 no
Methanethiol 1 x 10-5 6 x 10-6 6 x 10-2
Vinyl chloride 2 x 10-6 0 4 x 10-3
Dioxins 4 x 10-13 0 8 x 10-10

Scenario 4: clay cap with gas utilisation

Benzene 5 x 10-7 0 9 x 10-4
Hydrogen sulphide 9 x 10-7 7 x 10-7 7 x 10-3 no
Methanethiol 7 x 10-6 6 x 10-6 5 x 10-2
Vinyl chloride 1 x 10-6 0 2 x 10-3
Dioxins 2 x 10-6 0 4 x 10-3
Hydrogen chloride 9 x 10-5 0 2 x 10-1 no
Nitrogen oxides 3 x 10-3 0 5

These results mimic the pattern shown for workers above, but because of distance from the
landfill, the outdoor concentrations are typically two to three orders of magnitude lower than
those over the site. It is unlikely that any exposures will exceed the inhalation exposure limit.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

Again, it is clear from the simulations that the use of flaring and/or gas utilisation diverts VOCs
from direct emission through the cap, and both flaring and gas utilisation plant destroy a
fraction of the VOCs, thereby reducing the human exposure to landfill-sourced VOCs.
However, combustion products from the gas engines are in significantly higher concentrations
than the naturally emitted landfill VOCs. The absence of inhalation exposure limits for many
substances makes further interpretation of the values difficult, but it is obvious that emissions
are of a low order.

7.7 Conclusions

The aim of constructing the four scenarios set out above was to demonstrate the effect of
changing cap type and employing gas collection, flaring and utilisation as landfill gas
management techniques. To date there has been little in the way of quantitative measurements
on the need or effectiveness of landfill gas management techniques. Whilst the data in these
scenarios apply to a notional landfill site, the main findings will apply to all landfills which
accept biodegradable waste.

These findings are summarised as follows.

• The gas generation rate for Scenario 1, the sandy soil capped site, was higher than the rate
for any of the clay capped site scenarios (Scenarios 2-4). This was due to a combination of
a higher rate of rainfall infiltration into the site, and a higher standing head of leachate
within the site. This increased the net water content of the waste, and therefore accelerating
decomposition of the waste.

• The stepwise effect of improving cap quality on the site, from a soil cap (Scenario 1) to a
clay cap (Scenario 2), introducing gas collection and flaring (Scenario 3) or gas utilisation
(Scenario 4) has the following benefits:
• surface emissions are reduced; and
• as more gas is collected and flared or utilised, the fraction of landfill gas remaining
which can undergo methane oxidation increases, because the net methane flux is

• The global warming potential (GWP) and ozone depleting potential (ODP) results clearly
show that for any given site which generates landfill gas, the effects of capping, flaring and
gas utilisation progressively reduce the global environmental burden due to that particular
site. In year 12 of the site’s life, a reduction in GWP and ODP of over 70% could be
attained. This percentage will not be sustained over the site’s entire life, but since the bulk
of the landfill gas generated within the site can be managed by flaring and utilisation, the
benefits to the environment of these landfill gas management systems are obvious.

• VOC emissions from the surface of the site are proportional to the rate of bulk landfill gas
emissions, and so the quantities of VOCs emitted from the landfill are reduced by the
addition of a clay cap (Scenario 2), introduction of gas collection and flaring (Scenario 3) or
gas utilisation (Scenario 4).

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

• Site worker exposures to landfill gas VOC emissions are reduced by flaring or gas
utilisation (Scenarios 3 and 4). The emissions of all trace gas components are well below
permitted levels of exposure (where exposure limits exist) in all scenarios, although
emissions from landfill gas engines are, as would be expected, in higher concentrations than
the uncollected landfill gas emitted from the site.

• Maximally exposed individual exposures to landfill gas VOC emissions are also reduced by
flaring or gas utilisation (Scenarios 3 and 4). Although combustion products are produced
from the landfill gas engine, the emissions of all trace gas components are well below
permitted levels of exposure (where exposure limits exist) in all scenarios.

On balance, taking into account uncertainties and omissions of data from the landfill gas and
VOC database, the scenarios modelled offer the following interpretation for gas management
at this notional landfill site, which can be applied to the majority of modern landfills.

The provision of an engineered cap on a landfill has been shown to reduce annual landfill gas
emissions, but this is due to changes in waste degradation rates rather than positively
destroying trace gases or VOCs.

However, landfill gas flaring and/or gas utilisation provide positive steps to reducing trace gas
and VOC emissions, by collecting a significant fraction of the landfill gas generated by an
individual landfill site, and destroying a high percentage of the bulk and trace landfill gas
constituents in the combustion process. These combustion processes are not without their
own environmental burdens, and low temperature combustion processes, particularly those
from landfill gas engines, generate higher concentrations of emission by-products such as
hydrogen chloride and nitrogen oxides.

Landfill gas flaring and/or gas utilisation provides significant global environmental protection,
as these gas management options reduce the quantities of landfill gas emitted to atmosphere,
and consequently reduce the landfill site’s individual GWP and ODP.

The interpretation of the environmental impact of landfill gas flaring and/or gas utilisation in
terms of local human health effects is difficult to quantify, as destruction of some trace gases
and VOCs results in formation of different combustion products. Exposure limit standards or
health risk data are not available for many of the components in landfill gas, so it is difficult to
determine whether these emission products are a significant risk. All the data show that where
exposure limit data are available, the emissions for all scenarios considered do not exceed
exposure limits.

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A Framework to Assess the Risks to Human Health and the Environment from Landfill Gas

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