Auffhammer QuantifyingEconomicDamages 2018

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American Economic Association

Quantifying Economic Damages from Climate Change

Author(s): Maximilian Auffhammer
Source: The Journal of Economic Perspectives , Vol. 32, No. 4 (Fall 2018), pp. 33-52
Published by: American Economic Association
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Journal of Economic Perspectives—Volume 32, Number 4—Fall 2018—Pages 33–52

Quantifying Economic Damages from

Climate Change

Maximilian Auffhammer

limate scientists have spent billions of dollars and eons of supercom-
puter time studying how increased concentrations of greenhouse gases
and changes in the reflectivity of the earth’s surface affect dimensions
of the climate system relevant to human society: surface temperature, precipita-
tion, humidity, and sea levels. Recent incarnations of physical climate models have
become sophisticated enough to be able to simulate intensities and frequencies
of some extreme events, like tropical storms, under different warming scenarios.
The current consensus estimates from what may be the most heavily p ­ eer-reviewed
scientific publication in human history, the 5th Assessment Report of the Inter-
governmental Panel on Climate Change, are that the average global surface
temperature has increased by 0.85° Celsius (1.5° F) since the industrial revolution.
Estimates of future warming by the end of the current century range from 0.9 to
5.4°C (1.6 - 9.7°F) (IPCC 2013; Hsiang and Kopp in this issue of the journal).
In a stark juxtaposition, the efforts involved in and the public resources targeted
at understanding how these physical changes translate into economic impacts are
disproportionately smaller, with most of the major models being developed and
maintained with little to no public funding support. This is concerning, because
optimal policy design in the context of addressing the biggest environmental market
failure in human history requires an understanding of the external cost imposed

■ Maximilian Auffhammer is the George Pardee Jr. Professor of International Sustain-

able Development, University of California, Berkeley, California, and Research Associate,
National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts. His email address is
[email protected].

For supplementary materials such as appendices, datasets, and author disclosure statements, see the
article page at doi=10.1257/jep.32.4.33

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34 Journal of Economic Perspectives

by additional emissions of greenhouse gases. Estimating this number is far from

straightforward for two main reasons: First, climate change is a global phenomenon
and hence local emissions result in global damages, the quantification of which
is challenging as damages vary across space and time. Second, greenhouse gases
are ­long-lived, which means that today’s emissions affect generations hundreds of
years from now. Hence if one would like to calculate the external cost of one more
ton of CO2 equivalent emitted—which is about what you would emit if you drove
a Ford Mustang GT from San Francisco to Chicago—you would need to calculate
the discounted stream of global damages from that additional ton over the next 300
years or so relative to a baseline with one less ton of CO2.
The goal of this paper is first to shed light on how (mostly) economists have
gone about calculating this “social cost of carbon” for regulatory purposes and to
provide an overview of the past and currently used estimates. In the second part, I
will focus on where in this literature empirical economists may have the highest value
added: specifically, the calibration and estimation of economic damage functions,
which map weather patterns transformed by climate change into economic benefits
and damages. A broad variety of econometric methods have recently been used
to parameterize the dose (climate) response (economic outcome) functions. The
paper seeks to provide both an accessible and comprehensive overview of how econ-
omists think about parameterizing damage functions and quantifying the economic
damages of climate change. There are a number of more technical surveys, which I
invite the interested reader to consult (useful starting points include Carleton and
Hsiang 2016; Dell, Jones, and Olken 2014; Diaz and Moore 2017).

The Social Cost of Carbon

The social cost of carbon is an estimate of the discounted present value of

damages from one additional ton of CO2 equivalent emitted at a certain point in
time. This social cost of carbon is increasing over time, as later emissions result in
larger damages due to the elevated stock of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,
and because GDP grows over time and some damage categories are modeled as
proportional to GDP (EPA 2016). Calculations of the social cost of carbon are
obtained through s­o-called Integrated Assessment Models. The most w ­ ell-known
of these models are DICE (Dynamic Integrated Climate–Economy model by 2018
Nobel Laureate William Nordhaus), FUND (Climate Framework for Uncertainty,
Negotiation and Distribution model by David Anthoff and Richard Tol), and PAGE
(Policy Analysis of the Greenhouse Effect model by Chris Hope), although there are
a number of more recent and ambitious modeling efforts. These models “integrate”
simple socioeconomic scenarios that produce future emissions trajectories, which
are fed into a simple climate model that translates emissions paths into concentra-
tions and produces scenarios for future temperatures, precipitation, and sea levels.
These climatic outcomes are then fed into a set of damage functions, which map the
climate model output into economic damages at the regional or global level. The
discounted difference in damages between a baseline future and a future with one

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Maximilian Auffhammer 35

Figure 1
Sample of Social Cost of Carbon Estimates Used in Federal Rulemakings

2018 EPA Trump

2016 IWG

2014 EPA


2009 EPA

2009 NHTSA

2009 EPA/NHTSA/DOE Obama

2008 EPA

2008 DOE

2008 NHTSA Bush

0 20 40 60 80 100
Social cost of carbon (2010, 2007$/tCO2)

Sources: Rose (2012); Rose et al. (2014); IWG (2016); EPA (2018).
Note: Estimates for the social cost of carbon are for emissions of a ton of CO2 in 2010 in 2007 dollars.
NHTSA is National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; IWG is Interagency Working Group; EPA
is Environmental Protection Agency; DOE is Department of Energy. The black diamond indicates the
“central estimate,” if one was identified. The grey bars indicate selected upper and lower bounds used
in regulatory analyses.

more ton of emissions then becomes the social cost of carbon—essentially the
external cost of one ton of additional CO2 emissions at a point in time. There is a
nascent literature calculating social costs of other greenhouse gases (for example,
methane is a more potent greenhouse gas, but with a shorter atmospheric lifetime).
A tremendous number of modeling assumptions need to be made to calculate
the social cost of carbon for use in rulemaking. The modeler needs to decide on
the time horizon to be considered, the approach to discounting and the rate to be
used, the reflection of uncertainties, the changes to risks, which impacts can be
included, the choice of reference conditions, whether one should equity weight
across countries, and what recent literature should be incorporated (Rose 2012).
Among these, the three factors of possibly biggest consequence are the choice of
discount rate, which sectors are omitted (for example, ecosystem services), and
whether one should consider only domestic or global damages. The latter decision
is really a legal question, as the externality is global and hence, from an economic
point of view, the global number is the correct estimate of the externality. Figure 1
shows the evolution of the social cost of carbon for a ton emitted in 2010 (measured
in 2007 US dollars) in federal rulemaking for a sample of rules.

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36 Journal of Economic Perspectives

The first official estimates of the social cost of carbon in 2008 were made under
the Bush administration. The 2008 National Highway and Traffic Safety Adminis-
tration (NHTSA) number was an estimate of global damages used for setting fuel
economy standards. The 2008 Department of Energy (DOE) number was a global
social cost of carbon used for setting air conditioner equipment and gas range stan-
dards. The 2008 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates were used in
the proposed rulemaking for regulating greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean
Air Act. The bar here indicates the distribution of the central number used. The
actual analysis also considered an additional range from −$7 to $781. It is note-
worthy that this first round of proposed rulemaking under the Bush administration
stated that CO2 is a global pollutant and that “economic principles suggest that
the full costs to society of emissions should be considered in order to identify the
policy that maximizes the net benefits to society, i.e., achieves an efficient outcome
(­Nordhaus, 2006).” The document further acknowledges that “domestic estimates
omit potential impacts on the United States (for example, economic or national
security impacts) resulting from climate change impacts in other countries” (US
EPA 2008).
President Obama convened an Interagency Working Group, which was charged
with calculating an official social cost of carbon to be used across the board in
federal rulemaking (Greenstone, Kopits, and Wolverton 2013). Three prominent
Integrated Assessment Models—Nordhaus’s DICE model,1 Anthoff and Tol’s FUND
model,2 and Hope’s proprietary PAGE model—were used to calculate a distribution
of the social cost of carbon across time and scenarios for a set of common socioeco-
nomic assumptions, discount rates, and uncertainty over a number of parameters.
The central and ­often-cited estimate of the social cost of carbon, which is the mean
number across 50,000 simulations for each model at a 3 percent discount rate,
is $42 (in 2007 dollars) for one ton of emissions made in the year 2020.3 If one
uses a 5 percent discount rate, this value drops to $12; if one uses a 2.5 percent
discount rate, it increases to $62. The Interagency Working Group also ran a
­so-called “­high-impact scenario,” which is the 95th percentile number at a 3 percent
discount rate and valued at $123. The central estimate of the social cost of carbon
was projected to rise to $50/ton in 2030 and $69 in 2050.
The Obama administration later commissioned the National Academies of
Sciences to assess the Interagency Working Group modeling exercise and suggest
improvements. The National Academies of Sciences (2017) recommended substan-
tial revisions to the way the social cost of carbon is estimated. President Trump,
however, disbanded the Interagency Working Group, which could have imple-
mented these changes. Two current proposed rulemakings under the Trump
administration use a social cost of carbon that only considers domestic damages and
discount rates of 3 percent and 7 percent.

The DICE model is at­dice-rice.
The FUND model is at http://www.­
Of course, 42 is also the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything,
according to the The Hitchkiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

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Quantifying Economic Damages from Climate Change 37

The top bar in Figure 1 indicates the range of the domestic social cost of
carbon using the 3 percent and 7 percent discount rates currently proposed by the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for the “revision” of the Corporate
Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards for fuel economy of cars and light trucks,
which clearly represent a drastic decrease in the estimated externality to between $1
and $7 for a ton emitted in 2020.
The estimates also do not incorporate any of the major updates suggested by
the National Academies of Sciences (2017) report, which implies that the 2018
estimates do not represent best available science. For example, the National Acad-
emies of Sciences made suggestions relating to how one constructs a baseline future
economy out to the year 2300, assumptions made in the climate modeling, and the
discounting approach taken. Maybe most importantly for the purposes of this paper,
the National Academies of Sciences report points a stern finger at the damage func-
tions used in all three Integrated Assessment Models.
The damage functions in the Integrated Assessment Models, which are used to
calculate the social cost of carbon, are outdated. Greenstone (2016) points out that
the most recent studies in the FUND model stem from 2009, with the majority of the
literature cited stemming from the early and m ­ id-1990s. For example, the damage
function for agriculture in the FUND model implies that warming up to roughly 5°C
produces benefits for the sector (Rose et al. 2014). This is not consistent with the
recent literature on agricultural impacts, which for example, points at the signifi-
cant negative impact of extreme heat days. Moore, Baldos, Hertel, and Diaz (2017)
updated the FUND damage function by incorporating the most recent empirical
estimates for agriculture and find a doubling of the social cost of carbon by simply
updating this sector alone. The literature underlying the DICE damage function also
mostly comes from studies conducted in the 1990s. None of the cites for the PAGE
model are from after 2010. As Greenstone (2016) shows, this ignores more than 100
studies published since 2010—which use more ­up-to-date econometric techniques
and exploit the explosion in data availability.

Damage Functions, Weather, and Climate

In the context of climate change studies, a “damage function” refers to a

mapping of climate into economic outcomes—essentially what is broadly called
a “dose response function.” One question arises immediately: What is “climate”?
When we leave our homes in the morning, weather is what we encounter. Weather
outcomes are draws from an underlying distribution. For the purposes of this paper,
I consider the moments of this distribution the climate. This approach is consistent
with the o­ ften-used definition that climate is a 3­ 0-year average of (for example)
surface temperature, although thinking about climate as a set of statistical moments
is broader than just an average. Climate change is hence a slow shift in some moments
of the weather distribution over time. The changes could be v­ ariance-preserving
mean shifts or ­higher-order changes to the distribution. It is important to remember
that even the simple case of a ­variance-preserving rise in mean temperature—think

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38 Journal of Economic Perspectives

of a b­ ell-shaped curve of daily temperature outcomes shifting upward—will lead to a

higher frequency of “extreme events”—the incidence of what would have been 95th
or 99th percentile temperature outcomes under the old climate regime.
To estimate economic effects of such changes, we need to take into account
how economic actors respond to weather generated by a new climate regime. For
example, individuals in San Francisco have historically recognized that extreme
­warm-weather outcomes were rare, and so almost no one had air conditioners
installed in their homes. However, if San Franciscans learn that climate is changing
and their summers will resemble Fresno’s much hotter summers in most future
years, many will go ahead and install room air conditioners or central air units in
new construction. Hence, a hotter climate will result in higher electricity consump-
tion due to the presence of more air conditioners, which consumers incurred costs
to install. In terms familiar to the economist, there is an extensive margin response
in many sectors (the installation of air conditioning, irrigation equipment, sea
walls) as well as an intensive margin response (the more frequent operation of air
conditioners and irrigation equipment).
In order to provide estimates of damages from climate change, one needs to
estimate damage functions that take both extensive and intensive margin adapta-
tion into account—and to do this for all c­ limate-sensitive sectors across the globe
for a number of dimensions of climate. Some key ­climate-related changes would
include changes in temperature, humidity, precipitation, sea level, and the occur-
rence of extreme events like storms.
With this perspective in mind, what are the properties that damage functions
used in policy analysis of the economic impacts of climate change should posses?
First, we would like to parameterize damage functions between the distribution of
pre- and ­post-climate-change weather and economic outcomes of interest. Second,
we would like these functions to identify and estimate parameters that carry a plau-
sibly causal interpretation. Third, we would like the damage function to account
for adaptation and measure the full costs of adaptation. Fourth, we would like the
damage function to allow an estimation of economic welfare impacts.
This sounds as difficult as it is in practice. Figure 2 helps to explain why. The
top left panel shows the weather pattern of temperature generated in two climate
regimes. The light gray time series depicts a ­pre-climate-change world and the dark
series shows a ­post-climate-change world, displaying higher mean and variance of
the temperature series. The top right panel displays two damage functions (the
parabolas) which map weather into an outcome, in this case temperature into house-
hold electricity consumption (measured in ­kilowatt-hours). The damage function,
as has been confirmed in many empirical settings, is highly nonlinear. When it is
cold outside and temperatures rise, electricity consumption falls, as people heat
less. When it is hot outside and temperatures rise, electricity consumption increases
as people air condition the indoor environment. In the ­pre-climate-change San
Francisco, this response is relatively shallow, as few people have air conditioners
as indicated by the solid damage function. If climate changes and produces the
warmer more variable weather, we assume that people eventually will adapt by
buying and operating air conditioners, which changes the damage function to the

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Maximilian Auffhammer 39

Figure 2
Mapping Weather into Impacts—The Importance of Accounting for Adaptation

Time Outcome (for example, electricity in kWh

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 5 10 15

Temperature in degree Celsius

Temperature in degree Celsius

25 Post-climate-change Without adaptation 25

20 20
With adaptation

15 Pre-climate-change 15





0 5 10 15
Outcome (for example, electricity in kWh

Source: Author.
Note: The top left panel shows the weather pattern of temperature generated in two climate regimes. The
light gray time series depicts a pre-climate-change world and the dark series shows a post-climate-change
world, with a temperature series displaying higher mean and variance. The top right panel displays two
damage functions (the parabolas) which map weather into an outcome, in this case temperature into
household electricity consumption (measured in kilowatt-hours). The effect can be seen in the bottom

dotted parabola (labeled “With adaptation”). The response, especially at higher

temperatures, is now steeper—resulting in stronger ­post-adaptation increases in
electricity consumption on a ­one-degree warmer day when it is hot outside.
The effect can be seen in the bottom panel. If climate changes and we use the
flatter (and wrong) ­pre-climate-change response function, which ignores the exten-
sive margin adaptation, projected electricity consumption is the black solid line.
This is clearly incorrect, as one is using the right weather but the wrong damage
response function. The correct response function is the dotted parabola, which
results in the dotted time series of electricity consumption in the bottom panel. It is
much higher and much more variable compared to the no adaptation prediction.
In the literature, this distinction is often referred to as the “weather versus climate
response.” I think it a better way to phrase this is “the impacts of weather simulated
with versus without an extensive margin adaptation response.” In a world changed
by climate, we will still face weather when we walk out of our front door. As I will

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40 Journal of Economic Perspectives

discuss below, a rapidly growing empirical literature uses weather variation to iden-
tify response functions that partially or fully allow for adaptation.
So how does one go about calibrating these damage functions and using them
to project damages? The question asked of any empirical economist these days is
“what would the perfect counterfactual be?” In this context, a researcher actually
needs to be concerned about two counterfactuals: 1) the counterfactual future
climate; and 2) the counterfactual for identifying the appropriate damage function.
The first counterfactual, the climatic one, asks the question: What level of climate
change will occur? Given our metaphysical inability to experiment by randomly
imposing different levels of greenhouse gases on a large sample of otherwise iden-
tical Planet Earths, researchers instead resort to computational counterfactuals of the
climate system, which are referred to as “global circulation models” (GCMs). These
models use different scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions and physical represen-
tations of the climate system to predict changes in the climate system (IPCC 2013;
Auffhammer, Hsiang, Schlenker, and Sobel 2013). They provide projections of, for
example, surface temperatures, precipitation, and ­sea-level rise at a reasonable level of
disaggregation and make these freely available through public depositories (Climate
Impact Lab 2018; NASA 2018). A companion paper in this symposium by Hsiang and
Kopp discusses these models and their limitations in more detail.
For the second counterfactual, we need to identify how agents in a given loca-
tion respond to weather generated from a different climate regime. As a thought
experiment, what is the right counterfactual for climate change in the United
States by end of century? The US average historical (1986–2005) June/July/August
temperature is 74°F. By end of century (under the aggressive RCP8.5 scenario), this
temperature is projected to be 84° (Climate Impact Lab 2018).
One could contemplate a number of counterfactuals that might be used. If one
has a set of units that are similar on observables and unobservables, but with different
weather due to different local climate regimes, one might use a ­cross-sectional
comparison. If one has long time series over a period of time where climate has
changed, one might exploit ­time-series variation, possibly across units, to get econo-
metric identification. But these approaches become questionable when we are
comparing places that are far apart in characteristics space. Neighboring counties
in California might possibly serve as counterfactuals for each other. However, using
the economies of Pakistan, India, Mali, and Thailand as “hotter counterfactuals”
for the United States or Europe, on the grounds that current mean temperatures in
these countries are close to 84 degrees, is a stretch.
The econometric approaches discussed below all suffer from this issue of a
fundamental lack of comparability, and I am afraid that there is no perfect way to
overcome it. Indeed, the problem is even more severe than thinking about counter-
factuals based on geographic and ­time-series variation would suggest. Comparing
any current day or preindustrial society to a ­climate-changed world 100 years from
now will be an imperfect comparison.
Many of the econometric studies I will describe below, including ones I have
authored, use a counterfactual where we impose e­ nd-of-century climate on today’s
economy, which is a suboptimal way to circumvent the challenge of characterizing

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Quantifying Economic Damages from Climate Change 41

an e­nd-of-century economy as attempted by the Integrated Assessment Models

used to calculate the social cost of carbon. As I will discuss below, the current
state of knowledge predicts that climate change will affect economic growth, the
distribution of population and wealth across space, and also significantly affect tech-
nology—both through mitigation and adaptation channels. An ideal counterfactual
for several decades into the future would need to compare how these demographic
and economic factors would change in the absence and presence of climate change
as well.

Estimating Economic Damages from Climate Change

One of the first known reflections on an association between human/economic

activity and climate goes back to Parmenides, a disciple of Pythagoras writing in the
fifth century BCE, who divided the world into five zones: one torrid, two temperate,
and two frigid (Sanderson 1999). The torrid zones (which we call the tropics today)
he thought were too hot and the frigid zones too cold for human habitation. Aris-
totle later agreed with this view. He believed that the only areas on earth habitable
by humans were located between the tropics and the Arctic and Antarctic circles—
the area where he lived.
The emergence of climate change as field of study in the physical sciences
in the late 1970s led social scientists to think about estimating the possible conse-
quences of a changing climate on economic sectors such as agriculture (D’Arge 1975;
Kokoski and Smith 1987; Adams, McCarl, Dudek, and Glyer 1988; Adams 1989).

Ricardian ­Cross-Sectional Approaches

Thousands of econometric papers control for weather in regressions, but
Mendelsohn, Nordhaus, and Shaw (1994) offered the first attempt at estimating
a damage function econometrically with the purpose of simulating the impacts of
climate change on an important economic sector. They proposed a ­cross-sectional
Ricardian framework, which is maybe the most widely used approach in climate
impact estimation to this day. The intuition underlying this approach is that in a
stationary climate, farmers optimize their production technology and crop choice
according to the environment they face. This includes soil quality, slope of the
land, a­ gro-ecological zone, and of course climate, as captured by a set of statis-
tical moments of the weather distribution over a substantial period of time. If land
markets function perfectly, the land value should reflect the discounted present
value of expected profits for a given parcel of land. In a regression framework, one
can then decompose land values into their different components, one of which
is ­long-run (for example, 3­ 0-year) averages of weather. In standard practice, one
regresses farmer ­self-reported land values on polynomials of climate, which are
often broken out by season. The marginal effects on the climate variables then indi-
cate the marginal value of a ­one-unit change in a measure of climate.
Figure 3 helps cement the economic intuition behind this approach. Imagine
a single farmer, who is currently growing crop 1 and earning profits corresponding

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42 Journal of Economic Perspectives

to the y value at point A. If faced with a significantly hotter climate, the farmer
becomes indifferent between growing crop 1 and crop 2 at point B. If climate warms
further still, the farmer would be much better off at point C, that is, switching to
crop 2, rather than at point D where the farmer continues to grow crop 1. Because
the ­cross-sectional regression observes optimizing farmers across the climate spec-
trum, this approach estimates the envelope of the individual ­crop-specific payoff
functions and allows for climate adaptation. As a result, this approach both esti-
mates a response that allows for adaptation to climate change and relies on data that
are readily available in many regions in both the developed and developing world.
It uses hotter locations as a counterfactual for the response of cooler location to
climate change.
Three main criticisms of this method have been raised. First, this c­ ross-sectional
approach to damage function estimation is vulnerable to omitted variables bias,
hence putting in question whether the estimates are plausibly causal. Any drivers
of land values (or net profits) that are correlated with the climate indicators and
outcome and are excluded from the model will confound the estimates of the
marginal value of climate. As one vivid illustration, Schlenker, Hanemann, and
Fisher (2005) reexamined the analysis of Mendelsohn, Nordhaus, and Shaw (1994),
and point out that irrigation is an important driver of farm profits. This was omitted
from the original regression model. When correcting for this by limiting the anal-
ysis to agricultural land east of the 100th meridian (the 100th meridian runs down
through the middle of North and South Dakota and down through the middle
of Texas) where agriculture is mostly ­non-irrigated, the marginal value of climate
changed significantly. The estimated impacts of climate change went from being
slightly beneficial to robustly negative.
Second, this Ricardian approach essentially assumes costless adaptation to
climate change. But switching crops is not costless (Quiggin and Horowitz 1999).
The fixed costs to switching from growing one crop to another may include invest-
ment in new harvesting equipment, irrigation infrastructure, and the acquisition of
technical ­know-how. If these costs are big enough, it may be optimal for the farmer
to delay or avoid change—in Figure 3, to continue farming crop 1 at point D rather
than changing to crop 2 at point C. Hence, this method may provide biased esti-
mates of the effect of climate change depending on how costly it is for farmers to
switch from one crop to the next.
Third, this framework is applied retrospectively under the assumption that only
historical climate matters. This assumption may no longer be tenable, as the climate
has been changing since the 1960s. If agents know this, they should base their actions
on expected rather than historical climate. Severen, Costello, and Deschenes (2016)
provide an interesting extension of the Ricardian method by incorporating climate
expectations. They show evidence that farmers already incorporate this information,
suggesting that failing to incorporate expectations leads to a significant underesti-
mation of projected impacts of climate change.
This ­cross-sectional framework has been applied in a number of other sectors.
For example, Albouy, Graff, Kellogg, and Wolff (2016) back out the marginal value
of climate in a ­cross-sectional study looking at residential home values. Mansur,

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Maximilian Auffhammer 43

Figure 3
Crop Choice and Profits in the Long and Short Run

Crop 1
Crop 2
Value of economic activity

Crop 3
Crop 4

Temperature (or other climate variable)

Source: Figure inspired by Mendelsohn, Nordhaus, and Shaw (1994).

Note: Imagine a single farmer, who is currently growing crop 1 and earning profits corresponding to the
y value at point A. If faced with a significantly hotter climate, the farmer becomes indifferent between
growing crop 1 and crop 2 at point B. If climate warms further still, the farmer would be much better off
at point C (switching to crop 2) rather than at point D (continuing to grow crop 1).

Mendelsohn, and Morrison (2008) use this approach to study the effects of
impacts of climate change on energy consumption, where the adaptation is not
­crop-switching, but rather ­fuel-switching.

Panel Data Approaches

Motivated by concern over the possibility of omitted variables in the Ricardian
approach, Auffhammer, Ramanathan, and Vincent (2006) and Deschênes and
Greenstone (2007) proposed using y­ ear-to-year variation in agricultural outcomes,
temperature, and precipitation to estimate damage functions. Observing longitu-
dinal panels of India’s s­tate-level rice output and US corn/soy and wheat yields,
respectively, these papers can control for ­unit-specific and ­time-period fixed effects,
which does away with some of the concerns over omitted variables bias. The regres-
sion equation in this approach regresses outcomes of interest (say, crop yields) on
measures of contemporaneous weather (instead of the l­ong-run averages of histor-
ical weather). If the ­right-hand-side weather variable enters the regression linearly,
the estimated response has often been characterized as a ­short-run/weather/­no-
adaptation response—which is of course different from the weather response after
a future persistent change in climate which accounts for adaptation. In this simplest
version of the framework, econometric identification arises from ­ within-unit
­year-to-year fluctuations in weather and the outcome of interest.

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44 Journal of Economic Perspectives

From the standpoint of analyzing the economic effects of climate change,

an obvious concern with this approach is that it may capture ­short-run (intensive
margin) adaptation to weather fluctuations, but not ­long-run (extensive margin)
adaptation. For example, this approach captures farmer responses to bad weather
draws in the ­short-run (like lower fertilizer application in a drier year) rather than
in the ­long-run (like installation of irrigation infrastructure).
It is generally true that agents have more adaptation choices in the long run,
especially along the extensive margin, and thus estimates that do not take this adap-
tation into account may overstate impacts. For example, farmers in the long run
can switch crops, change the cropping calendar, or move their operations north, all
of which would dampen the estimated impacts of climate change. However, there
are also examples of adaptation options that are available in the short run and not
in the long run. One example is a farmer with very limited groundwater resources
and a slow refilling aquifer, who can smooth bad rainfall outcomes in the short run,
yet continued water withdrawals would deplete the aquifer. As a result, this kind
of adaptation would be only available in the short run, not the long run. Hence
the bias may work in either direction depending on the nature of the adaptation
options available to economic agents.
The critique that it is difficult to infer ­long-run adaptations based on ­short-run
changes has some validity, but as I discuss later, several methods have been proposed
for deriving l­ ong-run adaptation to climate change from panel data. Moreover, while
the criticism of the lack of ­long-run adaptation in this approach may seem intuitive,
it does not apply to all panel studies using weather as a r­ight-hand-side variable.
McIntosh and Schlenker (2006) consider the case in which the weather variable
on the ­right-hand-side enters as a ­second-degree polynomial. Because the response
function is calibrated by two parameters, the coefficient on the h ­ igher-order term
uses both variation from within units as well as across units. Econometric identifi-
cation arises from both w ­ ithin-unit time series variation as well as c­ ross-sectional
variation across units. Hence, it has been argued, that studies using this nonlinear
specification allow for plausibly causal estimates that incorporate adaptation.
The papers leaning on this approach most strongly are panel studies of GDP
growth rates across countries as a function of annual temperature fluctuations (Dell,
Jones, and Olken 2012; Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel 2015a). The most recent of these
papers find impacts of climate change on global GDP around 20 percent by end of
the century, which is an order of magnitude larger than what is found by most Inte-
grated Assessment Models. There is broad enthusiasm for this approach, especially
in the interdisciplinary climate literature. Aside from the fact that the choice of
growth rate as the dependent variable implies that temperature shocks have persis-
tent effects on economic growth, it is important to remember that this approach
introduces c­ ross-sectional variation and all that comes with it in the identification
of the ­higher-order term.
Another critique of the panel data approach is that if weather is measured
with error, then as more fixed effects are included in the regression, concerns over
measurement error loom larger (Fisher, Hanemann, Roberts, and Schlenker 2012).
In the vast majority of locations, weather is measured with error, and the bigger

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Quantifying Economic Damages from Climate Change 45

the distance between weather stations, the bigger measurement error concerns
become. The United States and Europe have tens of thousands of weather stations,
but many locations in in ­sub-Saharan Africa do not have a weather station within
hundreds of miles. If the measurement error is classical, this is likely to attenuate
the response towards zero.

Long Difference Estimation

Motivated by omitted variables bias issues in Ricardian models and the possible
issues relating to capturing l­ong-run adaptation in panel data models, Burke and
Emerick (2016) proposed an alternate approach, which seeks to provide plausibly
causal estimates of damages that fully account for observable adaptation. Climate has
already changed in the United States over the previous ­half-century; in particular,
they show that warming and precipitation trends are quite heterogeneous across US
counties east of the 100th meridian. Hence, one can use differential climate trends as
a source of econometric identification. The beauty of this approach is that the distri-
bution of observed trends includes changes similar in magnitude to those expected
over the next century, which creates some overlap between the temperature and
precipitation variation used for identification and ­out-of-sample projection.
In their estimation, they use the difference between ­five-year moving averages
of crop yields two decades apart and regress these on ­five-year moving averages
of weather also two decades apart for all agricultural counties east of the 100th
meridian. The differencing is equivalent to the inclusion of county fixed effects
and the variation used to identify a climate effect incorporates adaptation. The
marginal effects from this estimation show that the ­long-run estimates are at best
half of those estimated from panel data models using s­ hort-run variation in weather.
However, given the range of statistical significance, one cannot rule out that the
two are equivalent. The authors interpret this finding as evidence of only limited
­long-run adaptation, which is one interpretation. Those working with panel data
approaches might argue that the comparison here is flawed, because the baseline
used for comparison incorporates some degree of adaptation.
This long difference approach is appealing because it provides plausibly causal
estimates of climate impacts that account for adaptation. However, the data require-
ments are significant. One needs broad spatial coverage of data over long periods
of time. The other application where this long difference approach has been
applied is in measuring the impacts of climate change on aggregate GDP across
countries (Dell, Jones, and Olken 2012). However, other than in the ­cross-country
sense, there are no applications of this estimator in nonagricultural sectors or in the
developing country context. There should be more applications of this method in
settings where data are sufficient.

Ricardo Meets Panels: Climate Adaptive Response Estimation

A small but rapidly expanding literature attempts to estimate how the dose
response function between weather and outcomes of interest changes as a function
of a changing climate. There are two approaches. The first is similar to a “split sample
approach,” where one splits a long panel of observable outcomes and weather

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46 Journal of Economic Perspectives

into two periods and estimates the response function separately. One can then use
statistical tests to search for evidence of adaptation between the two periods. For
example, Barreca, Clay, Dechenes, Greenstone, and Shapiro (2016) examine the
mortality response to weather over time in the United States and show a massive
decrease in the effect of a hot day on mortality over time, which is due to the signifi-
cant rollout of air conditioning in the hot and often humid areas of the United
States. One example of this approach is Roberts and Schlenker (2011).
A second approach along these lines represents a marriage of the panel data esti-
mation approach using ­short-run weather fluctuations and the Ricardian approach.
The concept here is that if one observes a large number of units (like counties, house-
holds, or firms) over a significant number of periods covering a spatial area with large
heterogeneity in climate, one can estimate separate response functions for subgroups
of the individual units using observed s­hort-run weather fluctuations (for example,
use ­within-household variation to identify a ­short-run response function by zip code).
By controlling for unit- and ­time-fixed-effects, it is possible to obtain plausibly causal
estimates of local short-run dose ­response functions. One can then either in a second
step regress the slopes of the dose response on climate (for example, long run average
summer temperature) across subgroups, or, through an interaction term in a single
regression, estimate how the slope of the dose response function varies across areas
with different climates, incomes, and other observables that vary across space. Sight-
ings of this approach include Bigano, Hamilton, and Tol (2007), Auffhammer and
Aroonruengsawat (2012), Hsiang and Narita (2012), Butler and Huybers (2013), Davis
and Gertler (2015); Heutel, Miller, and Molitor (2017), and Carleton et al. (2018).
This approach offers two important forward steps beyond the panel studies
discussed above. First, it explicitly models climate adaptation by exploiting
­cross-sectional differences in the slopes of dose response functions. Second, it allows
us to model explicitly the effects of income and population on the damage functions.
While this approach has significant appeal, it does not overcome some of the
shortfalls of the Ricardian and panel methods. The econometrician is always limited
by using historical observations in order to parameterize equations. The best we can
do is simulate how income, population, and climate have affected short-run dose
response functions historically and to assume that this relationship remains stable.
We can approximate a future San Francisco with the climate of Fresno by assigning
the appropriate climate, income, and population, but none of these approaches
properly address the fact that Fresno may be structurally very different from a future
San Francisco—even if we assign the right income and population. We simply lack
the crystal ball that lets us look to 2100 and beyond. But this issue has plagued social
science broadly, because predicting what the world looks like 100 years out is, well,
rather difficult.

Room for Expert Elicitation?

This literature on estimating the economic damages of climate change has

been criticized on four grounds, which have been ­well-enunciated in Pindyck

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Maximilian Auffhammer 47

(2013, 2016, 2017). Ultimately, these criticisms raise the possibility that for studying
climate change, conventional econometric studies may need to be supplemented
with a healthy dose of “expert elicitation.”
Pindyck’s first criticism is that in Integrated Assessment Models, the functional
form of relationships and their parameterization—including those in damage
functions—are “arbitrary.” Second, he expresses concern that many of the studies
cited above “are limited to short time periods and small fluctuations in tempera-
ture and other weather variables,” which is effectively the same as pointing out that
econometricians rely on observed data and technology to parameterize their dose
response functions. In whichever way one phrases this concern, the bottom line is
that existing studies may not account well for l­ong-term adaptation and in partic-
ular for the possibility of very significant changes in technology. Third, the biggest
impacts of climate change may result from extreme and catastrophic events, which
can be thought of as l­ow-probability events with possibly massive economic conse-
quences. Examples would include the shutdown of the Thermohaline Circulation
that gives Europe its lovely climate, the melting of the West Antarctic ice sheet, and
the possible rapid release of significant amounts of methane from the tundra. We
have (fortunately!) not observed these events in the measured historical record and
hence econometric estimation cannot provide estimates of the economic damages
from such events. A final concern is that there is little agreement over the correct
approach to discounting and which discount rate to apply in placing a value on
future damages from climate change.
In response to these concerns, Pindyck has strongly argued for “expert elicita-
tion.” For example, in response to estimating the risks and costs of extreme climate
events, one can imagine that teams of scientists with an understanding of the phys-
ical and economic consequences might be able to provide coarse estimates of the
damages resulting from such large events. There are ­well-established procedures for
such expert elicitation, and this may be a fruitful avenue forward to make progress
on this topic. However, experts in this arena have to rely on “process understanding,”
as there are no data here to help. Similarly, one can imagine a group of experts
who might tackle the question of what discount rate is most appropriate to use,
which is what Drupp, Freeman, Groom, and Nesje (forthcoming) did. The median
answer for the ­risk-free social discount rate is 2 percent in their study, which is quite
different from the 3 percent and 7 percent rates applied in the most recently used
social cost of carbon in proposed US government rulemakings for automotive fuel
economy (CAFE) standards.
However, expert elicitation seems less useful in coming up with better esti-
mates of damages in order to overcome the first two of Pindyck’s critiques. I
would argue that the recent literature has made significant headway in esti-
mating plausibly causal damage functions incorporating adaptive response from
partially ­cross-sectional variation. The formulations doubtless can be critiqued
and questioned, but they are not arbitrary. I question whether experts would
come up with “better” estimates than the ­cutting-edge papers in this literature.
Maybe more fundamentally, a group of experts called upon to participate in an
expert elicitation exercise concerning the functional form of damage models and

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48 Journal of Economic Perspectives

extrapolations to larger climate changes or time periods would begin with—of

course—a review of the existing recent models in this area, which brings us back
to the importance of better econometric models.

What We Know and What We Don’t

Cline (1992) put forth a list of important sectors for which we require a better
understanding of their climate sensitivity. Table 1 below replicates his table and I
have subjectively filled in where this literature currently stands in terms of published
and ongoing efforts. A glance shows that there is a lot of work to do.
Yet it is clear that the literature on the econometric estimation of damage func-
tions of climate change is rapidly expanding—both in terms of methods as well as
sectoral and spatial coverage. The previously stagnant state of affairs where most
of the damage functions in Integrated Assessment Models had not been updated
significantly in over a decade has changed dramatically. Economists need to push
forward in improving sectoral and spatial coverage of the damage functions provided
to modelers, using methods that allow us to parameterize plausibly causal damage
functions, which account for adaptation and allow us to estimate welfare impacts of
climate change. The current frontier is probably best described by work using the
“Ricardo meets panel data” approach.
Moore et al. (2017) is one published attempt to incorporate the most recent
estimates of damage functions for the agricultural sector into an Integrated Assess-
ment Model (the FUND model) and this ­one-sector exercise doubles the social cost
of carbon (SCC), which underlines the importance of these efforts.
Those interested in this area will want to keep an eye on two major efforts that
involve ambitious ongoing collaborations between climate scientists and economists.
The Climate Impacts Lab, managed jointly by researchers at the University of Chicago,
UC Berkeley, Rutgers University, and the Rhodium Group, produces damage func-
tions for mortality, migration, energy consumption, agricultural yields, and conflict
which satisfy the characteristics laid out above and have global coverage. At the same
time, a group at Resources for the Future has undertaken the task of implementing
the changes suggested by the National Academies of Sciences in the modeling of the
social cost of carbon. The governments of Mexico and Canada have pledged their
support of these efforts, as all US federal government development of the modeling
behind the social cost of carbon has been halted—a fact which is deeply concerning.
As these and other researchers dig deeper, three key areas require especially
deep thinking. First, we need to improve how we incorporate damages from cata-
strophic events, which may well require abandoning the econometric toolkit and
relying on ­cross-disciplinary expert solicitation. Second, we need to think about
general equilibrium effects across space and spillover effects across sectors in our
models. Collaborations between trade and climate economists (Dingel, Meng, and
Hsiang 2018), as well as academics working on supply chains (for example, Seetharam
2018), will likely yield fruitful insights. Finally, it is shocking how little work has been
done on the effects of climate change on nonmarket goods other than mortality. It is

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Quantifying Economic Damages from Climate Change 49

Table 1
Coverage of the Damage Function Literature

causal Adaptation Global
Sector estimates addressed coverage Examples

Agriculture Yes Yes Yes Schlenker and Roberts (2009); Moore,

Baldos, Hertel, and Diaz (2017)
Forestry No No No
Species loss No No No
Sea-level rise Yes Yes No Houser, Hsiang, Kopp, and Larsen (2015)
Energy Yes Yes No Auffhammer (2018)
Human amenity Yes ~ Yes No Albouy, Graf, Kellogg, and Wolff (2016);
Baylis (2015)

Morbidity and mortality Yes Yes Yes Deschênes and Greenstone (2011);
Carleton et al. (2018)

Migration Yes No No Bohra-Mishra, Oppenheimer, Hsiang

(2014); Missiran and Schlenker (2017)

Crime and conflict Yes No Maybe Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel (2015b)
Productivity Yes No No Peng, Deschênes, Meng, and Zhang (2018)
Water consumption No No No
Pollution Yes Maybe No Bento, Mookerjee, and Severenini (2017)
Storms Yes Yes No Hsiang and Narita (2012); Deryugina,
Kawano, and Levitt (2018)

Source: Cline (1992) put forth a list of important sectors for which we require a better understanding
of their climate sensitivity. Table 1 below replicates this list and I have subjectively filled in where this
literature currently stands in terms of published and ongoing efforts.

paramount that we begin developing approaches that will allow us to quantify damages
from species loss, ecosystem services—as well as effects on human morbidity—and
incorporate these into the models that estimate costs of climate change.

■ I thank the Berkeley Climate Economics Lunch group, the members of the National Academy
of Sciences panel on the Social Cost of Carbon, David Anthoff, Lint Barrage, Marshall Burke,
Tamma Carleton, Chris Costello, Olivier Deschênes, Tony Fisher, Michael Greenstone, Michael
Hanemann, Sol Hsiang, David Lobell, Rob Mendelsohn, Pierre Mérel, Frances Moore, Michael
Roberts, Wolfram Schlenker, Joe Shapiro, Andy Solow, Richard Tol, Fiona Wilkes, Gary Yohe,
and many others for numerous conversations that have informed my thinking on the topics
discussed in this survey over the years. All misguided thinking is solely mine.

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50 Journal of Economic Perspectives


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