Instructional Approaches
Instructional Approaches
Instructional Approaches
Youtube: What is Universal
Universal Learning Learning Design?
Big Ideas •Students learn more with less 1. Multiple means of representation during the
•Teach a process or approach for introduction/instruction for learning.
learning 2. Multiple means of engagement during the
•Make personal connections for the learning.
students 3. Multiple means of action and expression for
Activating •Students need to be reminded of prior demonstration of the learning.
Prior learning
Knowledge •Teachers need to access prior
knowledge (KWL) and determine skill LEARNING STYLES
•Teacher needs to work
around/eliminate roadblocks Verbal Lecture, story telling, word
•Focus on important skills needed /Linguistic games, choral reading, journal
Strategic •Purposefully blending old learning writing, debates, discussions
Integration with new Logical / Puzzles, analogies, problem
of Learning •Use authentic/real-world learning
Goals •Use project-based learning
Mathematical solving, experiments, outlines,
•Make culture an integral part of timelines, brain teasers, number
learning process. games
•Use anchored instruction (narrative or Bodily / Hands-on, dance, drama, sports,
case study) Kinesthetic relaxation exercises,
•Use technology to address student visualization, field trips
interests Visual / Graphic organizers, artwork,
Use •Clear, concise, explicit steps used to Spatial diagrams, pictures, mind-
Conspicuou present and learn content mapping, metaphors
s Strategies •ALL students benefit from direct Musical / Rhythmic learning, poetry, songs
instruction of interventions and Rhythm
that teach, background music
Apply •Personal guidance, assistance, support Naturalist Field trips, working outside,
Mediated •From a teacher, peer, materials, or task ecological awareness, caring for
Scaffolding •To bridge the gap between current plants & animals, exploring
level of performance to intended level nature
of performance Interpersonal/P Cooperative Learning Groups,
•Decreases over time eople Oriented partner learning, simulations,
•Direct Instruction (extrovert) community gatherings,
Provide •Planned practice conferences
Judicious •Distributed over time Intrapersonal / Individualized instruction,
Review •Cumulative with information Reflective internet research, choice,
integrated into other content (introvert)
•Varied to increase application learning
Reading Rockets
Differentiated Instruction:
Differentiated Its not as hard as you think
Where you teach (the space and the culture)
• Student Centered
• Proactive • Population - Culture of your school/class;
• Provides multiple approaches to content, individual’s physical limitations; academic
process, and product or behavioral need
• Rooted in assessment • Classroom Space - you own room,
• Blends whole-class, small group, and inclusion class, shared classroom, on the
individual instruction rug, small group, one-on-one, on-going
project you can leave out or put away each
WHO: • Consider Other Options - outdoors,
collaborate with colleague to cross content
Who you teach (we must know our students): areas, library, in-school field trips
• Consider strengths and accomplishments.
• Consider areas of deficit. WHAT:
• How is their self-esteem, motivation, and/or
The What? = The Curriculum
learned helplessness?
• Do they have social skill deficits that need
• Content: what students will learn
to be considered?
• Process: activities through which students
• What are their individual interests?
will make sense of key ideas using essential
• Consider personalities.
• Product: how students demonstrate and
HOW: extend what they understand and can do
• Learning Environment: the classroom
How you teach (delivery of your content to conditions that set the tone and expectations
students) of learning.
Teach First 1. I do
Ask Questions 2. We do
Pause 3. You do
Pick a Non-Volunteer
Listen to the Response
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