Guía Académica Security Council 2020
Guía Académica Security Council 2020
Guía Académica Security Council 2020
• Approaches :
1. The cyber attacks as a strategy that causes important conflicts, such as wars
between countries.
2. The way countries deal and protect themselves from this kind of attacks and the
importance that this has in the development of the country.
Danna Celis
• Contacts:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dear delegates it is an honor for us to give to all of you the warmest welcoming to the fourth
edition of the United Nations model of Nuestra Señora del Pilar School: Pilmun 2020, also to the
We are Juana Urrutia and Danna Celis from 11° and 10° grade, the current presidents of the
commission. Our main priority is the success of the model but also that our delegates have the
opportunity to increase their knowledge in a problem that affects the welfare of humankind, and
also to improve important skills that are necessary in the world where we live today.
We hope that all of you, delegates, enjoy the time we are going to spend working with the
commission and in the debate, besides, we would like to remind you to not be afraid of
expressing your opinion in the debate but with the rules that have been established in previous
To be one of the most important commissions in Pilmun 2020, we first have to work together as a
team, to trust each other with anything, and if you ever find yourself confuse or even lost in all of
this, don’t doubt in talking to us, we will be pleased to help or guide you.
To conclude we would like to wish you good luck in the model and again, welcome to the United
After Second World War in 1945 in order to give the world an international organization, there
was signed the United Nations charter, in which were established six principal organs to the
United Nations, United Nations Security Council (UNSC) included as one of the most powerful
and important.
Only the UNSC has the power to make decisions known as resolutions that the member states are
obligated to accomplish, not as the most United Nations organs, which are only able to make
recommendations to the member states.
There can be a complaint that threats the peace and security by any United Nation member or
non-member state, and to resolve this international conflicts, the Security Council always must
first consider a peace alternative resolution, such as the creation of an agreement between the
parts or ask the president to take part and achieve a pacific solution, also frequently the council
deploys Peacekeeping missions that bring soldiers and police directly into conflict zones; this
alternative is only used if the dispute turns harmful, and the council can also impose sanctions
such as economic sanctions, arms embargoes, financial penalties and restrictions, and travel bans.
(Encyclopædia Britannica 2019)
The United Nations Security Council is formed by fifteen UN members, five of them are
permanent members which are the United States, the United Kingdom, France, the Russian
Federation, and China; and the other ten are non-permanent
members in the council, which are elected by the General
Assembly to two-year non-renewable terms, with five new
members elected each year. it has a rotary president, held by
each member for a period of one month.
According to as stipulated in the United Nations charter, each member of the council has a vote
regarding decisions discussed at meetings. It will be taken by nine affirmative votes including
votes by the five permanent members, to approve decisions.
But also it was given to the five permanent members the right of "the veto power", which consists
in if any of them, even if just only one disagrees with any motion for a resolution, can exercise its
veto power, thus avoiding the adoption of said resolution. However, this is not obligatory vote, if
it is not executed the resolution will pass if it gets the nine votes required.
However, this special vote has been contemplated as problematic for many years, considering it
an obstacle to the proper functioning of the UN, Analyzing the power given to the five countries
probably used for making decisions in their favor, for self-protection.
Already knowing this information regarding UNSC about its operation and methodology, we
would like to propose the management that we will give as presidents to the committee in the
Each student, whose role is a delegate, will represent a country, also called delegation, designated
by us, and will develop the debate participating with arguments taking in to account the position
of the delegation regarding the contemplate topic, by using information searched by themselves
which will be in their folios, only using real politics and context in their countries, all with the
purpose to establish solutions through debate.
During the debate, any decision or resolution that comes out will be executed by the normal
voting and we won't use the above-mentioned veto power, due to the already explained
controversy of it.
The principal plan of this year's debate as the UNSC normally do, is to achieve a peaceful
solution to the problem, such as an agreement to maintain the security council's purpose, of
course first by each delegation expressing the opinion and actions that they have in the
contemplate problem, each delegation will show its position about the issue and there will be
some problematic crisis during the debate as well to make sure a solution come taking in to
account them, analyzing their harms and why there is a problem.
- Point of Discomfort or
personal privilege personal trouble
that can affect No Yes Chair
during the debate
TOPIC: The cyber attacks: a new weapon that affects worldwide security.
The technological development that has happened for a very long time has been an important
advance for the whole world, obtaining tools that help in multiple ways humanity, here's where
the ICT (Information and knowledge technologies) develop, those resources, tools, and programs
that are used to process, manage and share information through diverse technological tools, all
this reaches a greater development due to the Internet, being its principal function the storage of
any type of information.
This leads to cyberspace, the main "place" in which the role of ICT is reflected, but due to lack of
policy framework and excessive freedom on it, cyberspace is affected by a large number of
This is called cyber attacks, an assault launched by cybercriminals using one or more computers
against single or multiple computers or networks. these can be divided into different types, which
affect society in different ways and lead to several consequences.
One of the most important cyberattacks is the cybercrime, consist of criminal acts committed
online, such as attacks against information systems, Online fraud, and forgery, Illegal online
content, including child sexual abuse material and piracy, all of this also includes hackers, this is
target to a single person or a small group of people, so it represents a threat to the security of
different entities of the government, or talking about the private life of a person these represent a
risk to their privacy, bank accounts, personal information, and own security using extortion and
theft methods.
Then there are the states whose purpose is to attack other states (Our principal approach in the
debate) this is commonly referred to as cyber warfare or cyberwar, according to security
specialist Richard Clarke “actions taken by a State to penetrate computers or networks of another
country, to cause damage or alteration”, its consequences could be bigger than cybercrime.
The cyber wars are the new "battlefield", at first sight, we could say it's non-physical, however,
cyberspace is deeply related and supported by physical means so the attack can overstep and
damage the civilians, for example, when the computers or networks of a State are a target of
attack, infiltration or blockage, the civilian population may be deprived of basic services such as
water supply or health care, Also electrical networks, If this interconnection is attacked, this is
classified as Denial of service attacks (DDoS).
Now, already knowing the basic information of the topic, we are going to explain our two
approaches for the debate:
1. The cyberwar attacks are massive, complex and extensive, they’re difficult to predict and
manage, which makes it the perfect assault strategy promoted by governments of various
countries, becoming a new dangerous weapon and the most powerful war strategy, it represents
the greatest threat not only to a whole society but also to the individual, nowadays the nations
important systems, power structures, critical systems and a lot of things in our society are run by
computers, the fact of someone hacking into that system means that could potentially paralyze a
company, a city, or a government.
Cybercriminals who execute the attacks can use the computer as tools to cause damage,
launching attacks of any kind against computer equipment, networks or information collected in
them which is important to a country, imply serious effects on national and international security
and defense policy.
We could say they mainly cause collective panic, the cybercriminals respond to a specific
ideology or economic motivations, a usual target is the financial and banking systems, also the
media and military offensives and one of the most significant targets: information, which leads us
to a great offensive called cyber espionage, they use as a main mean the ICT, to get any kind of
information of a determinate state, an use it to carry forward their attack, an example could be
stealing money, so they can obtain economic resources or data that can compromise governments
operations, and use it as extortion.
However it's really important to understand cyberwar it's not simply cybercrime or cyber
espionage, for the criminals to win something, yes, those threats happen in cyber warfare as the
means of the attacks, and the consequences of these attacks are also bad and cruel, but we can’t
say its the same thing, the cyberwar goes further as we said a whole country depends of
technology and the threat of it can destroy the state, along the civilians which mean millions of
Here are two of a large list of examples of these attacks, that can explain the problem we are
setting out.
Happened In 2010, the Stuxnet attack, as it came to be known, the United States and Israel
secretly inserted malware into the automated control system at Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility,
causing nearly a thousand centrifuges to self-destruct, Neither Israel nor the United States has
claimed credit for the attack, and one of the consequences was the ensuing nuclear deal, signed
in 2015, was seen as a triumph for the Obama Administration. (Trump unilaterally walked away
from the deal in 2018.) The centrifuges were necessary to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons,
this attack caused slowing down Iran’s nuclear program and making the Iranians to the
negotiating table.
In the winter of 2015, Russian hackers briefly shut down the electrical grid in western Ukraine,
and the lights went out on up to two hundred and twenty-five thousand residents. Over the next
six hours, the trains stopped running, cash machines and gas pumps did not work, credit cards
were worthless, and communications with the wider world were essentially cut off. “It is hard to
set a limit on the potential damage hacking industrial control systems can lead to,” the
cybersecurity researcher Ofer Maor told The Independent, in 2018.
2. The cybersecurity might be the greatest tool to fight this and important government, military,
corporate, financial, and medical organizations, depend on their data from their computers and
economical funds, and this tool could help with the protection of that, which response to what we
said it’s not cyberwar, it means it doesn’t cover our principal massive attacks, only the small
ones, but of course, it could help. However, our society is aware that technology is improving
every day and with it, its threats, that’s why several countries have reacted to fight conflict, with
strategies and answer systems such as cybersecurity system and they have been modifying and
adapting the legislation of the different countries and organizations.
It's clear that most countries have decided to protect their private information by using
cybersecurity, and the reason of this is the increasing threat of cyber attacks.
For example, in response to a presidential directive, on Oct.22nd the U.S. National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) released the latest version of its cybersecurity framework
which aims to better secure U.S. companies and government agencies, later Canada followed the
same procedure due to a hit made by some hackers that used a brute force “denial-of-service”
attack to disable some bank’s websites and mobile applications.
But not only America has applied a legislational solution, this has become rather common
In July 2016, the European Parliament set into policy the Directive on Security of Network and
Information Systems (the NIS Directive), similar to America’s response.
The directive went into effect in August 2016, and all member states of the European Union were
given 21 months to incorporate the directive’s regulations into their own national laws. The aim
of the NIS Directive is to create an overall higher level of cybersecurity in the EU.
This proves that countries actually care about this issue, but it only works as temporary solution,
because technology is always evolving and it will always be a way to trespass this barriers and
cause harm to a country's order and population.
So now we can contemplate two lacks regarding this problem: the regulation and the legislation,
these are in its majority few and weak in comparison to the real threat.
to which every computer is a window, seen or heard objects are neither physical
character, and action, made up of data, of pure information." Benedikt, (1991) quote by Lars-Erik
Janlert (2008)
-TIC: Those resources, tools, and programs that are used to process, manage and share
information through diverse technological tools. economiatic (2011)
-Cyberattack: "A cyber attack is an assault launched by cybercriminals using one or more
computers against single or multiple computers or networks." checkpoint, software, technologies
-Cybercrime: "Cybercrime consists of criminal acts that are committed online by using
electronic communications networks and information." (European commission)
-Does your country has any political action from the government regarding the topic?
-Does your country get a relation with another country against cyberattacks?
Revista Latinoamericana de estudios de seguridad (26, Abril, 2017) , Internet,la nueva era del
delito: ciberdelito, ciberterrorismo, legislación y seguridad, recuperado de
Digital Guardian (2019) what is cybersecurity? Definitin, best practices andmore, recuperado de