CSULB History Social Science Lesson Plan Template

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CSULB History Social Science Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Title: The Rise of Democracy Date: 3/4/2021

Unit Central Historical Why is Greece considered the
Question(s): birthplace of Democracy?

Subject / Course: World History

Grade: 6th Grade
Lesson Duration: 90 minutes

Lesson Objective, Historical Thinking Skill, as well as California Content & Common Core
Lesson Objective: Students will compare and contrast the different forms of government to exist in
Ancient Greece by filling out a graphic organizer working in groups to create a presentation.

Historical Thinking Skill: Compare and contrast.

California Content: 6.4 2. Trace the transition from tyranny and oligarchy to early democratic forms
of government and back to dictatorship in ancient Greece, including the significance of the invention
of the idea of citizenship (e.g., from Pericles’ Funeral Oration).

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.2: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or

secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or

Narrative Summary of Tasks / Actions

Students will log into Zoom
will give a short presentation to review what we learned last class as well as some background information for that day.
will give students a graphic organizer to write down information on the different forms of government.
Students will work in groups to create a presentation with information from the textbook
will give more insight as to why most forms of government failed while democracy was able to continue in Ancient Greece
f there is time left in class, students will begin the peer/self-evaluation, otherwise it will be homework.

Materials / Equipment
Google slides
Graphic Organizer
Peer Evaluations
Textbook/Textbook pdf
Inquiry-Based Lesson Plan for History-Social Science

1. Anticipatory Set Time: 5 minutes

At the beginning of the short lecture, Students will be asked to list out the different forms of
government they are aware of and an example of that form of government.
Students will also be asked to describe what we learned in the last class.

2. Central Historical Question Time: 1 minute

What are the benefits and downfalls of each form of government?

3. Teacher Input (delivery of historical Time: 10

I will be doing a short presentation on the background information as well as giving them the
directions to the presentations. There will also be definitions for academic vocabulary in the chapter.
I show the students where to find all the materials by sharing my screen. I will assign roles to
students as a way to provide some structure. I will be going to each breakout group to see if any
student has questions.
The slides will be posted after class so that students may look back for information or for
instructions for the groups. This is so that my Focus student 3 and other students can look back for
background information if they got lost due to attention issues.

4. Student Activity and Investigation (w/

differentiation) Time: 20 minutes
Students will be split into groups in order to find information on the forms of government. Once
they have all the information for their assigned. Students will use their textbooks in order to find
the information. They will then create a presentation that shows the information.
Differentiation: I will upload a pdf of the chapter on Google classroom that will also be in Spanish
and Vietnamese. Focus Student 1 is an ELL and his reading comprehension is low level. The
translation makes it easier for them to get the information. Another focus student has issues at home
and is often couch surfing so providing the pdf ensures that they have access to our materials. The
pdf can be zoomed into which makes reading easier for my second focus student who has attention
issues. There will also be suggested sentence starters, that students can use for the graphic
organizer. That is again for my first focus student.
5. Lesson Assessment (w/ differentiation) Time: 50
Students will be creating a presentation with the information they have found with their groups.
When the students give their presentations, they will be graded on a couple different aspects. This
includes, the content of their slides, how prepared the students are to speak, and the overall look of
the presentation.
Differentiation: I will also be assigning mixed groups, where all the students in a group are of
varying English Language mastery. This is to benefit Focus student 1.

6. Closure Time: 5 minutes

After the presentations, I will finish my lecture by discussing the downfalls of each of the forms
of government, and why that ultimately led to the rise of a young version of democracy. I will
also use background information my students might now as I discuss and compare the direct
democracy of Ancient Greece with the democracy of the United States and in particular, the direct
democracy of California.
In the peer evaluations there will also be a section where the students are evaluating themselves.

7. Student Reflection (metacognition) Time:

As a part of their asynchronous work, students will synthesis what they learned by completing a
pictoword for each form of government that was practiced in ancient Greece, they will use the
letters to symbolize the word’s meaning.

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