UST - TOA2 - Handout 4 - Concept Functional Zoning Circulation Building Form
UST - TOA2 - Handout 4 - Concept Functional Zoning Circulation Building Form
UST - TOA2 - Handout 4 - Concept Functional Zoning Circulation Building Form
• Sequence in time
CONCEPT: Functional Zoning • Required Environment
(Activity Analysis and Linkages) o Furniture Types
o Need For View
Introduction o Need for Ceiling Height or shape
Approaches in the Design Process o Special Electrical Needs
• Techniques, models, paradigms, idioms and • Types of effects produced
processes for designing o Radiation Produced
⮚ Serve as a vehicles/catalysts for o Smokes and Fumes
improving the effectiveness of a designer o Chemicals
• Characteristics of people involved
⮚ They broaden and deepen the designer’s
understanding of design activities • Volume of people involved
• Extent of man and machine involvement
⮚ Use to organize and present information
for designing • Degree of emergency or critical situations
• Relative of speed of respective activities
⮚ To provide successful architectural
• Frequency of activity occurrence
Concepts have been the designer’s way of responding to • Duration of activities
the design situation presented in the program • Anticipated growth and change
• They are derived from problem analysis
or initially prompted by it. CONCEPT: Circulation and Building Form
• They are rudimentary in character (Linkages for Efficiency in Shelter)
• They both require and must embrace
further development Circulation and Building Forms CONCEPTS
Although design projects may begin with a single overall
direction, any building design comes is in fact composed Circulation – movement through space
of many concepts. Can be conceived as the perceptual thread
• Concepts may be product or process that links the exterior/interior spaces of a
oriented and can take place in any stage structure
in the design process
• Can occur in any scale Circulation Elements
• Can be generated from several sources The building approach
• Have a hierarchal nature o Frontal
Checklist In Deign o Oblique
o Spiral
2. The building entrance
and zoning)
by activities) o From outside to inside
(circulation, CONTEXT
Implied (change of level)
Real (pillars, gateway)
form (site and
and image) climate)
o Entrance
Flush, Projected, Recessed
enclosing (mechanical,
planes &
electrical, etc.)
Emphasized, Circuitous
(first cost
behavior, etc.)
Centered, placed off-center
3. Configuration of the path (major and minor
Concept by Categories
• Functional zoning
o Linear-
• Architectural space
straight or curvilinear,
• Circulation and building forms
segmented (intersected, have
• Response to context
• Building envelope
ZONING according to use and need. Relating the spaces
o Radial
and areas according to specific activities and service.
o Spiral (stairs, ramps)
Functional Zoning Concepts
o Grid
o Network (random paths that connect
• Need for Adjacency
established points)
• Similarity in general role o Composite (combination of the above)
• Relatedness to Departments, Goals and Systems 4. Path-space relationships
UST Architecture | College of Architecture | TOA2 | Handout 4 | Updated S.Y. 2020-21 Page 1
o Pass by spaces o Hollow columns outside
o Path through spaces o Hollow columns inside
o Terminate in a space o Shafts inside
5. Form of the circulation space o Shafts outside
o Exterior (promenade, malls) o Systems rooms on floors
o Interior (Corridors, balconies, galleries, o Entire floors given to systems
stairs, rooms) o Adjacent systems building
o Enclosed, open on one side, open on o Interstitial space between floors
both sides o Group shafts penetration
o Through structure
Circulation and building form o Use room soffit
o Above, below hallways
Line generated circulation o Roof tunnels, tunnels
Point generated circulation o Integrate with windows
Circulation within circulation o Hollow walls
Space-circulation relationships o dropped or exposed ceiling
o Space to circulation linkages o raised floor
Side, Flanking,
over, under, Building Form
diagonal, through, neck link Semantics-the study of meanings
o Plan Concepts for Spaces of similar size Architectural semantics-architectural
and shape meanings
Single, double loaded Signals and signs
Alternate, solid , void 1.Signs
Random voids, graduated Three types of signs
spacing Indexial sign- a relation
Graduated distances from between a signifier and the
circulation axis signified (arrows indicate
o Sections concepts for spaces of similar direction)
size and shape Iconic signs – a sign which
o Plan Concepts for Spaces of different refer to an object denoted
sizes and shapes by a characteristics
Zone size differences outside Symbolic signs-arbitrary
Zone size differences inside relation between the
o Sections concepts for spaces of different signifier and the signified
sizes and shapes (associated)
o Plan concepts for spaces of different 2. Symbols
shapes Symbolism-
o Sectional concepts for spaces of different basic strategy of perception
shapes based on learning and
Space-circulation sections heredity
Placing unique space shapes in plan An object or phenomenon
Entry points for circulation which has meaning, it
o Definition of overall circulation form evokes emotional reaction
o Entry at special points on circulation Architectural, plumbing, electrical
shape 3. Expression
o Entry definition by space, size, shape and Architectural expression
placement Visual expression of function
Placing vertical circulation at unique points in plan
o Locate at joints in circulation patterns Building form Concepts
o Ends of circulation • Basic forms
o Centers, corners, entry points o Cubes
Movement systems o Rectangular solid
o Systems may occur in plan and section o Dome
o Simple sequence o Truncated half dome
o Multiple parallel sequences o Sphere
o Multiple destinations o Cylinder
o Grouped origins o Half cylinder
o Main sequences feeding other o Truncated cylinder
sequences\ o Truncated half cylinder
o Converging diverging o Barrel vault
o Main sequence and feeders o Truncated vault
o Simple closed loop o Cone
o Feed back loops o Half cone
o Main process and sub-processes o Truncated cone
Routing systems through buildings o Pyramid
UST Architecture | College of Architecture | TOA2 | Handout 4 | Updated S.Y. 2020-21 Page 2
o Truncated pyramid Sources::
o Prism
o Truncated prism Architectural Graphics Standards, CD Rom, 2004
o Irregular prism Ching, Francis D.K. (2007) Architecture Form, space and
• Grouping of forms by qualities Order, 4th edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Retrieved
o By size, proportion, and shape from
• Specific form to form relationships
o Faces to faces _Form_Space_and_Order_4th_edition
o Corners to corners Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, 2003.
o Edges to edges Lifted and updated from Ar. Willa Solomon’s TOA 2 lecture
o Centers to centers materials
• Achieving visual interest Lifted and updated from Ar. Christopher Luna’s TOA 2
o Solid-void lecture materials
o Proportion White, E.T. (1975) Concept Sourcebook: A Vocabulary of
o Spatial pause around focus Architectural Forms. Tucson: Konemann.
o Backdrop
o Aim at focus source-book-edward-white
o Shape
o Position
o Size
o Progression
o Texture
o Scoring
o Material
o Level
o Orientation
o Landscaping
o Paving pattern
• Building images in plan
• Building images in elevations
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