Summative Test Module 4
Summative Test Module 4
Summative Test Module 4
Identify the following question based on a poem
I. Identify the figurative Language used in the
entitled "A Martian Sends a Postcard Home." Refer
following sentences. Refer to the given word bank.
to the given word bank.
Simile Irony Personification
Oxymoron Paradox Allusion A. book G. car
Alliteration Metaphor Dues Ex Machina B. Anthoine de Saint-Exupery H. Wrist watch
Litotes Caesura Analogy C. Craig Raine or wall clock
Hyperbole Metonymy Onomatopoeia D. Free Verse I. rain
E. 36 lines or 18 couplets J. dreaming
F. 34 lines or 17 couplet K. telephone
1. Your love is an ocean.
2. The teacher failed the test. l. Comfort room
3. The cash register popped open with a heart
warming ca-ching. 26. Who is the author of the poem?
4. The musician used a coin to strum the guitar. 27. How many lines are there in the poem?
5. My trip to Bali was very much a working holiday. 28. What is the structure of the poem?
6. I had no choice but to do what I was told.
7. The more you try to impress people, the less
Determine the objects being described in the poem
impressed they’ll be.
8. They aren't the happiest couple around.
9. I had to walk 15 miles to school in the snow hill 29. Caxtons are mechanical birds with many wings
very morning. 30. Model T is a room with the lock inside
10. Pencil is to write as to crayon is to color. 31. In homes, a haunted apparatus sleeps, that
11. A fertility counselor has difficulty getting snores when you pick it up.
32. Adults go to a punishment room with water but
12. In the story “Three Little Pigs” the author is
nothing to eat.
trying to emphasize the importance of
protecting oneself from death and disaster 33. Time is tied to the wrist or kept in a box, tickling
13. The story little red riding hood ends happily with patience.
ever after, when a man had saved the little girl. 34. And read about themselves-- in colour, with
14. Arms and the man I sing II who, forced by fate II their eyelids shut.
And haughty Juno’s unrelenting hate II 35. Mist is wheb the sky is tired of flight And rests its
soft machine on ground:
Expelled and exiled II left the Trojan shore II
15. Ralph wakes up late and thinks he is going to be
late to school. After rushing around to get II. IDENTIFY WHETHER THE FOLLOWING
dressed, he realizes it is Saturday. CHARACTERS ARE STATIC OR DYNAMIC
16. Two people are engaged to be married but the CHARACTER. WRITE SC IF THE CHARACTER IS
audience knows that the man is planning to run STATIC, AND DC IF DYNAMIC.
away with another woman. 36. SpongeBob SquarePants
17. He is older than the hills.
37. Snow-white
18. Fish is to water as to birds is to air.
38. Amihan (Encantadia)
19. The trip was not a total loss.
39. Christian Grey (Fifty Shades Darker)
20. He has become an extremely unpopular
40. The Fox (The Little Prince)
21. The harder you push for something, the harder
III. Essay Imagine that you are a Martian visiting
it will feel to achieve.
Earth for the first time. Use any figures of speech to
22. People who talk the most say the least.
write a paragraph or sentence about new and
23. The sunflowers nodded in the wind.
strange things that you have seen on Earth without
24. You are like a brother to me.
mentioning their names.
25. The policeman was caught gambling and was
put in jail.