Seam 5 Activity 9

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Week No.

Effects of squat shallow water and similar effects
Questions and definition:

1. What effect does the shallow water have on turning circle?

The manoeuvrability decreases which, amongst other things, manifests itself in a
substantial increase in the turning circle of the vessel or the required bend

2. How are the effects of squat seen on a moving vessel?

The squat effect is the hydrodynamic phenomenon by which a vessel moving quickly
through shallow water creates an area of lowered pressure that causes the ship to
be closer to the seabed than would otherwise be expected.

3. How can shallow water be reduced?

When the ship is entering a shallow bank then due to restricted cross-section and
reduced pressure under bow portion of the ship trim to bow may occur and the ship
may hit the bottom with the bow.

4. When going astern on shallow water what will the ship experience?
A vessel in very shallow water drags a volume of water astern, which can ibe as
much as 40% of the displacement, When the vessel stops this entrained water
continues moving and when it reaches the vessel's stern, it can produce a strong
and unexpected turning moment, causing the vessel to begin to show unexpectedly.

5. How do you navigate in shallow water?

The dependency of the maneuverability in the lower Under Keel Clearance(UKC) range
is very significant: a small reduction in UKC results in a considerable increase in
the turning circle dimensions. As a result, larger bend radii are required in
shallow navigation channels.
To ensure safe navigation while approaching shallow water, it is the Master's
responsibility, who must calculate precisely under keel clearance requirement for
the vessel and ensure that remains afloat at all times.

6. What are the effect of shallow water on the ship's propeller

As the hull moves through shallow water, the area which it displaces is not so
easily replaced by surrounding water, therefore, leading to a state of partial
vacuum as the propeller and rudder are still working.

7. What are the benefits of squats?

The drop of pressure below the ship’s bottom causes a vertical sinking of the
ship’s hull in the water, at the same time and depending on the vessel’s block
coefficient Cb she will trim forward or aft or will sink deeper into the water on
even keel. T

8. Why do vessels slow down in shallow water?

When a ship moves through the shallow water, some of the water displaced rushes
under the vessel to rise again at the stern. This decreases the upward pressure on
the hull, making the ship sink deeper in the water than normal and slowing the

9. How is squat effect calculated?

The simplified formula for vessels in unrestricted waters (open water conditions)
reads as follows:
Squat= Cb x v2/100[metres]
In restricted waters (confined water condition) Dr. Barras assumes an increase of
Squat as follows:
Squat= 2Cb x V2/100[metres]
According to Dr. Barras both formulas are rough estimates and will err on the safe
side.The following method is more complicated but is providing more realistic

10. Which of the following defines shallow water?

The main factors, affecting the size of Squat, are:
Present water depth,
Ships speed through water,
Ships block coefficient (Cb).
It is also relevant whether the vessel is sailing in shallow and unrestricted
or in restricted waters (Canal, River).

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