Cathelco Seawater Pipework Anti-Fouling Systems

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Seawater Pipework Anti-fouling Systems

Cathelco… world leaders in seawater

pipework anti-fouling systems
Cathelco is the world’s largest designer and
manufacturer of marine pipework anti-fouling

With a record of 20,000 installations over a period

of more than 50 years, the company has amassed
considerable experience in the problems associated
with marine pipework bio-fouling and developed the
expertise to solve them effectively.

Our customers include some of the largest cruise and

commercial vessel operators in the world and our
systems are used on the ships of over 40 navies.

As the result of continued expansion, Cathelco recently

moved into new, purpose built premises in Chesterfield,
United Kingdom. This has enabled production facilities
to be streamlined and additional space to be devoted
to the company’s research and development facilities.
As a result, we are able to provide a faster response to
customers’ needs.

Cathelco’s major strength is its international network of

agents/installers based in ports throughout the world.
In response to increasing demand, Cathelco have
established strategic stocks of equipment in Brazil,
Canada, China, Dubai, Germany, Iceland, Korea,
Singapore and South Africa.

By continuously developing the product range, Cathelco

can provide an exceptionally wide choice of anodes
and control panels spanning the requirements of large
vessels and the needs of smaller craft such as fishing
vessels, workboats and luxury yachts.

Quality is at the forefront of all of our activities and is

maintained through our in-house monitoring systems
and adherence to Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance
ISO 9001.

All of these factors contribute to providing customers

with cost effective pipework anti-fouling systems,
specifically designed for their application and combined
with the highest levels of customer support.
The problem of bio-fouling in pipework
The purpose of the Cathelco system is to
prevent blockages in seawater cooling systems
caused by various forms of marine growth,
primarily barnacles and mussels.

Blockages are expensive and time consuming

to remove, particularly when whole sections of
pipework need to be cleaned or replaced.

There is also the risk that seawater valves and

other important items of equipment are affected –
jeopardising the operational capability and safety
of the vessel.

Even partial blockages can have serious

consequences, making engines run at abnormally
high temperatures and significantly increasing fuel
usage. This has a direct bearing on the cost of
vessel operation and profitability.

Key benefits of the Cathelco system

With its long record of effectiveness and
reliability, the Cathelco system has become
the most widely used seawater pipework anti-
fouling system in the world. This success is the
result of a combination of factors.
■■ Based on the electrolytic principle, providing
continuous and reliable protection without the
use of chemicals.
■■ A dual system combining pipework anti-fouling
and corrosion suppression.
■■ A range of control panels and anodes to suit
vessels of every size.
■■ Every system custom designed for its particular
application ensuring greater effectiveness.
■■ Automatic operation – requires minimal attention
and makes very little demands on crew time.
■■ Easy installation – anodes can be installed in
seachests or strainers at newbuilding or retrofit.
■■ Environmentally benign – does not involve
the use of chlorine based chemicals or other
■■ Approved by classification societies.
■■ Saves maintenance costs by eliminating
pipework cleaning.

■■ Does not interfere with the production of fresh

water using reverse osmosis desalination
How the Cathelco system operates
The Cathelco system Alternatively, if systems need to be installed prior to
has proved to be an scheduled drydocking, the anodes can be mounted
extremely effective in the seawater strainers. This also simplifies
and versatile system replacement when anode renewal becomes
for eliminating necessary.
blockages in
In special cases, where the Cathelco system
seawater pipework
supersedes existing chemical based anti-fouling
caused by bio-
equipment, the anodes can be mounted in treatment
(electrolysis) tanks in order to economise on the
The system is based installation costs by utilising existing pipework.
on the electrolytic
■■ Steel pipework – protected by copper and
principle and usually
aluminium anodes.
consists of pairs of
copper and aluminium ■■ Cupro-nickel pipework – protected by copper and
anodes which are ferrous anodes.
mounted in seachests
or strainers and wired to a control panel. In the case
■■ Seachest mounted anodes – generally installed at
newbuilding and are replaced at drydocking.
of cupro-nickel pipework, a ferrous anode is used
instead of the aluminium anode. ■■ Strainer mounted anodes – can be replaced at any
time when the vessel is alongside.
In operation, the copper anode produces ions which
are carried by the flow of seawater, creating an ■■ Electrolysis tanks – can be used to replace
environment in which barnacles and mussels will not chemical systems or in specialised applications.
settle or multiply.
■■ Environmentally friendly – does not use chemicals.
Preventing settlement Operates with copper concentrations of just 2 parts
per billion.
During the settlement period, which lasts up to 8
hours, barnacle and mussel larvae are particularly
sensitive to the presence of copper.
By introducing copper ions in very small
concentrations, around 2 parts per billion, the Power in
Cathelco system interrupts the settlement sequence.
Instead of adhering to the surface of seachests,
strainers and pipework, the larvae pass harmlessly
To Heat Exchangers,
through the cooling water system to the point of Oil Coolers,
discharge. Evaporators, Seawater
Fire Pumps and Cooling Line
Without anti-fouling protection, pipes become Ancillary Systems
encrusted with organisms leading to partial or
total blockages which reduce the efficiency of the
seawater cooling system.

A dual action system Valve

The action of the copper ions is assisted by Strainer
aluminium hydroxide created by aluminium anodes Anodes
which flocculate the released copper ions.
This highly gelatinous copper-aluminium hydroxide
floc is carried throughout the system and tends to
spread out into the slow moving areas closer to the
pipe surfaces where marine larvae are most likely to
As a result, marine growth larvae do not settle,
instead passing direct to discharge. At the same
time, a cupro-aluminium film is built up on the internal
surfaces of pipes to suppress corrosion.
In this way, the system has a dual action protecting
seawater pipework against bio-fouling and corrosion.

Seachest or strainer mounted anodes

When systems are installed at newbuilding, anodes
are generally fitted in the seachests using special
sleeves or flange mountings.
A range of control panels
Modular control panels (RS/DD)
A new range of control panels offering significant
savings in size and weight. This is because the
cabinet size can be varied to suit the number of
modules which are required.
■■ Modular design for easy installation and
■■ Compact and lightweight
■■ Up to 16 anode outputs
■■ Clear digital output displays
■■ Individual alarm LEDS
■■ Alarm relays to control deck
■■ Strongly constructed – IP66 Rating

Mini Control Panels (EB/CC)

These control panels have been designed for smaller
craft such as fishing vessels and workboats where
space is at a premium. Although compact, they have
clear digital displays and alarm features.
■■ Dimensions: 2 anode outputs 200 x 300 x 120mm
■■ Dimensions: 4 anode outputs 300 x 300 x 120mm
■■ Output 2 amps maximum per anode
■■ Alarm relays to control deck
■■ Strongly constructed – IP65 Rating

Nano Control Panels (EB/NS)

Ultra compact for small craft and luxury yachts,
these panels will fit comfortably in confined spaces,
whilst offering advanced features and excellent
■■ Dimensions: 2 anode outputs 200 x 200 x 80mm
■■ Dimensions: 4 anode outputs 200 x 300 x 80mm
■■ Input 12/24v DC
■■ Output 0.5amp maximum
■■ Robust design – IP65 Rating
Types of anodes and mounting arrangements

Cathelco has developed a range of anodes with Detailed drawings are supplied for every ship to assist in
mountings which enable them to be installed in the installation and ensure that the anodes are positioned for
seachests or strainers of almost any type of vessel. maximum effectiveness in the seawater flow.
The size of the anodes is determined by the flow rates The anodes can be installed using a number of mounting
and their anticipated design life, taking into arrangements including steel flanges, steel sleeves, nylon
consideration the scheduled dry docking period. mountings, cofferdams and pipe upstands.

Copper anodes
These are used in the majority of installations to protect steel
pipework against bio-fouling through the creation of copper
ions. Standard sizes range from 60mm to 120mm in diameter
and 100mm to over 1,000mm in length and miniaturised
anodes are available for smaller vessels. The photograph
shows the anode fitted with a flange mounting arrangement.

Aluminium anodes
The purpose of aluminium anodes is to assist in anti-fouling
process through the production of aluminium hydroxides
when protecting steel pipework. They also produce a cupro-
aluminium film which acts as an anti-corrosive layer on the
internal surfaces of pipes. The anode is shown with a weld-in
mounting sleeve.

Dual purpose anodes

In cases where there is a requirement for anti-fouling and
corrosion suppression, but only space to fit one anode in a
strainer, this dual purpose design provides an effective solution.
Dual purpose anodes can be produced with either copper/
aluminium or copper/ferrous elements in a single assembly. It is
shown here with a nylon mounting which simplifies installation.

Ferrous anodes
These are used to protect cupro-nickel pipework which is
commonly found on naval vessels. By producing ferrous ions,
the ‘soft iron’ anode helps to maintain a protective oxide layer
on the internal surfaces of pipes to suppress corrosion. The
anode is shown with a cofferdam arrangement.

Omni anodes
Small and versatile, Omni anodes have been developed for
fitting in the smaller types of strainers found on workboats and
luxury yachts. Designed with integral cathodes, they can be
installed in plastic strainers, pipes and areas where a cathode
does not exist.

Cathodes Dedicated Cathode Arrangement

In some cases, when using standard anodes, it may be – +
beneficial to have a dedicated cathode to avoid any problems Seachest
resulting from stray current corrosion. This particularly applies
where strainer bodies are internally lined and the strainer basket
is isolated. It is also advisable in situations where seachests
Copper Aluminium
are well painted and do not contain sacrificial anodes or where
Anode Anode
there is the need to avoid any interference with impressed
current cathodic protection systems (ICCP). The cathode can be
either isolated (dedicated) or connected to the ship’s earth.

Stainless Steel Cathode

The anode and the cathode are isolated from the hull
Anti-fouling systems for box coolers
Seachest mounted system Cathelco have formed an alliance with Blokland Non-Ferro,
Europe’s leading manufacturer of box cooler systems,
to develop a range of anti-fouling systems which are
specifically designed to provide the maximum level of
In operation, copper ions are delivered directly beneath the
cooling tubes where they prevent mussel larvae from settling
and growing.
Seachest mounted systems. A steel cathode plate, running
parallel to the anode, ensures an even distribution of current
flow, producing a uniform wear pattern along the length of the
This is an important advance on original box cooler
installations where the anode was inserted through the
seachest plate. The new system means fewer seachest
penetrations and less installation work, whilst ensuring
effective and reliable protection against bio-fouling.
One of the advantages of the collaboration with Blokland has
Frame mounted system been the design of special mounting arrangements which
simplify the installation process.
Frame mounted systems. In the case of frame mounted
anode arrangements, the anti-fouling anode is attached to
the base of the box cooler on a framework. This enables the
box cooler and anti-fouling system to be fitted as a complete
unit, resulting in faster, easier installation involving less time
for the yard.
Alternatively, the anode can be mounted on the side of the
seachest, directly below the cooling tubes.
Anode replacement intervals can
be designed to coincide with the
vessel’s drydocking schedule or the
service period of the box coolers up
to a maximum duration of 5 years.
■■ Even distribution of copper ions
along the length of the box cooler
for greater effectiveness.
■■ Cathode plate ensures a uniform
wear pattern along the length of
the anode.
■■ Can be supplied as complete unit
involving less installation work.
■■ Systems designed around dry docking schedule or box
cooler service intervals.
■■ Cathelco can adapt anti-fouling systems to suit any size or
shape of box cooler from any manufacturer.
Systems for commercial and cruise vessels
Commercial vessels
Cathelco’s reputation has been built on providing
seawater pipework anti-fouling systems for some
of the largest fleets of commercial vessels in the
With the ability to treat high volumes of sea water,
the system is ideally suited to the requirements of the
VLCCs, container ships, LNG carriers and numerous
other types of ocean going vessels.
For this reason, it continues to be chosen by major
operators, reflecting both the effectiveness of the
system and the on-going support which is provided to
In operation, the system is automatic and makes very
little demands on crew time apart from periodically
monitoring the anode outputs. A log sheet monitoring
service provided by Cathelco ensures that systems
continue to perform effectively.

Cruise ships
Cruise ships use very high volumes of seawater Reflecting the trend of longer intervals between
with flow rates often exceeding 10,000 cubic drydocking for cruise ships, anode replacement can
metres per hour. be timed at 5 years.

The Cathelco system has the ability to treat these ■■ Multiple anode installations can be used to treat
volumes effectively, whilst providing a number of large flow rates effectively.
other benefits. Systems are generally designed ■■ Complete protection for engine cooling systems
with multiple anode installations to protect high and and ancillary services.
low sea chests serving the engines and ancillary
systems. These may include air conditioning systems, ■■ Dual action – pipework anti-fouling and corrosion
refrigeration systems and fire fighting pumps – all suppression.
essential to the safe and efficient operation of the ■■ Automatic system – makes little demand on crew
vessel. time.
Operating with copper concentrations of just 2 parts ■■ Safe - no chemicals are involved for better crew
per billion, the system can be used to protect the and passenger safety.
inlets for desalination plants, coming well within the
safe requirement of 100 parts per billion. ■■ Environmentally friendly.
As no chemicals are involved, the system is also
environmentally friendly and helps to meet the ‘green’
standards of modern cruise vessels.
Systems for naval vessels
Cathelco seawater pipework anti-fouling systems
are installed on the ships of more than 40 navies
around the world. With their durable construction,
Cathelco control panels are ideally suited to
rigorous demands of the naval sector. This is
combined with a range of anodes to serve the
needs of both surface craft and submarines.

Fast patrol craft

Cathelco have considerable experience in the design
of pipework anti-fouling systems for fast patrol
craft where space is at a premium. These vessels
generally have a number of small inlets which can
be protected with compact dual purpose anodes,
consisting of copper/aluminium or ferrous elements
in a single assembly. Alternatively, miniaturised Nano
anodes can be fitted in strainers. The Cathelco Mini
and Nano control panels ensure that systems can be
installed in the tightest areas within engine rooms.

Systems on frigates usually involve a combination of
seachest and strainer mounted anodes. As with most
military vessels, the pipework is predominantly cupro-
nickel and therefore pairs of copper and ferrous
anodes are used to provide effective anti-fouling and
corrosion suppression. Standard Cathelco control
panels can be used as they meet the levels of shock
and vibration resistance required by naval authorities.
Recent contracts for frigates and warships include
equipment for the BAM project in Spain, PVO and
BVL projects in Venezuela and the FREMM project
involving the Italian and French Navy.

The Cathelco system was originally designed for
use on submarines and the company regularly
supplies anti-fouling equipment for some of the
world’s leading builders of submarines including
Kockums, HDW, TNSW and the Australian Submarine
Corporation. Because of space restrictions within
strainers, installations are usually based on compact
dual purpose anodes. Systems are often specially
designed to meet the exact requirements of particular
classes of submarines.

Aircraft carriers
These installations involve the treatment of large
volumes of seawater using multi-anode installations
serving numerous inlets covering the requirements
of engine cooling water systems, refrigeration, air
conditioning and fire fighting systems. Cathelco have
supplied equipment for the HMS Queen Elizabeth
and HMS Prince of Wales, the Royal Navy’s two new
65,000 tonne aircraft carriers.
Systems for smaller vessels
By miniaturising control panels and anodes,
Cathelco have brought the benefits of pipework
anti-fouling technology to a wide variety of smaller
craft including offshore supply vessels, workboats,
small ferries and tugs.
Many of these vessels operate continuously
within in-shore waters where there is a
much higher risk of bio-fouling. By fitting a
Cathelco system and eliminating problems
of blockages in seawater lines serving
engine cooling systems, considerable
savings can be made in fuel usage and
maintenance costs.

Mini systems
These systems are ideal for the protection of small
to medium sized vessels where space is limited.
The units can be fitted solely to provide anti-fouling
protection or as dual purpose systems offering the
advantages of corrosion suppression in pipework.
Although the control panels are only a fraction of the
size and weight of standard models, they incorporate
many features including digital displays and built in
A complete range of seachest and strainer mounted
anode types is available to protect steel and cupro-
nickel pipework. There are also special dual purpose
anodes – copper/aluminium or copper/ferrous which
can be fitted directly within pipework.
■■ Compact, lightweight control panels for ease of
■■ Anodes are available for use with plastic strainers.
■■ Control panel to protect 1 seachest or strainer
300mm (height) x 200mm (width) x 120mm
(depth). Weight 5 kgs.
■■ Control panel to protect 2 seachests or strainers
300mm (height) x 300mm (width) x 120mm
(depth). Weight 8kgs.
■■ Anodes with minimum dimensions of 62mm
diameter x 108mm length.
Nano Systems
This system represents the ultimate in
miniaturisation with a control panel designed to fit
into the tightest areas on patrol craft, workboats
and luxury yachts.
Now fitted to hundreds of small craft, Nano systems
provide effective and reliable protection using a
range of very compact anodes which can be fitted in
strainers or small seachests.
In addition to small copper and ferrous anodes
to protect steel or cupro-nickel pipework, special
anodes with integral cathodes are available which
can be fitted within plastic strainers.
■■ Ultra-compact system to protect seawater lines
and ancillary equipment.
■■ Anodes available with integral cathodes for use
with plastic strainers and any type of pipework.
■■ Can be powered from the craft’s battery supply.
■■ Control panel for anodes in 1 or 2 strainers
measures 200mm (height) x 200 (width) x 80mm
depth. Weight 2.5 kgs.
■■ Control panel for anodes in 3 or 4 strainers
measures 300mm (height) x 200 (width) x 80mm
(depth). Weight 3kgs.
■■ Anode sizes from 25mm diameter to 75mm length
Omni Anodes
Small and versatile, Omni anodes are proving their
value in applications where space is limited and
other factors may prohibit the use of standard
They are designed with integral cathodes providing a
dedicated earth return and avoiding the risk of ‘stray
current’ corrosion.
Suitable for applications on work boats, fishing
vessels and luxury yachts they combine a number of
■■ Can be fitted within plastic strainers.
■■ Can be fitted within pipe upstands.
■■ Overcomes space restrictions in numerous small
craft applications.
ICCP hull corrosion Worldwide Service Network
protection systems Our worldwide network of sales and service centres
can provide immediate advice and assistance on the
complete range of Cathelco products. Agents’ contact
details are available on our website:

Algeria Holland Romania

Argentina Iceland Russia
(St Petersburg,
Australia India Murmansk, Vladivostok)
Belgium Indonesia Saudi Arabia
Cathelco are maintaining their position as Brazil Iran Scotland
technological leaders in the design and Canada Ireland Singapore
production of impressed current cathodic (East & West Coast)
protection (ICCP) systems for ships. Israel South Africa
A new generation of anodes and control Italy Spain
panels ensures that the optimum level China
Japan Sweden
of corrosion protection is achieved (Dalian, Guangzhou,
on vessels ranging from VLCCs and Shanghai, Hong Kong) Korea Switzerland
container ships to ferries and cruise Croatia
ships. This also includes the supply of Malaysia Taiwan
sophisticated ICCP systems for warships Cyprus Malta Thailand
and other naval vessels.
Denmark Mexico Turkey
A range of hull mounted anodes are
Dubai Monaco
available to suit all hull configurations and United Arab
customers have the choice of thyristor or Egypt New Zealand Emirates
modular control panels incorporating the
Finland Norway United Kingdom
latest information systems.
France Peru USA
Cathelco Seafresh reverse (Atlantic &
Mediterranean Coasts) Philippines
(East, West and Gulf
osmosis desalinators
Germany Poland Venezuela
Cathelco has recently acquired Seafresh Greece Portugal Vietnam
Desalinators, a company with over 30
years of experience in the design and
manufacture of desalination systems for
commercial vessels, naval vessels and
luxury yachts.
With a reputation for quality, durability
and ease of installation, the company
has installed systems on over 1,800
craft around the world. Their success
combines engineering expertise with the
use of high quality components.
Now a division
of Cathelco,
benefits from
an international
sales and
service network
putting the
advice and
experience of Cathelco Ltd, Marine House, Dunston Road
fully trained Chesterfield S41 8NY United Kingdom
personnel at Telephone: +44 (0) 1246 457900
your disposal
for installation Fax: +44 (0) 1246 457901
and servicing. Email: [email protected]

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