3.1 Digital Electronics: Rationale

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This syllabus has been designed to make the students know about the fundamental principles of
digital electronics and gain familiarity with the available IC chips. This subject aims to give a
background in the broad field of digital systems design and microprocessors.

1. Introduction (02 hrs)

a) Distinction between analog and digital signal.

b) Applications and advantages of digital signals.

2. Number System (04 hrs)

a) Binary, octal and hexadecimal number system: conversion from decimal and
hexadecimal to binary and vice-versa.
b) Binary addition, subtraction, multiplication and division including binary points. 1’s
and 2’s complement method of addition/subtraction, sign magnitude method of
representation, floating point representation

3. Codes and Parity (04 hrs)

a) Concept of code, weighted and non-weighted codes, examples of 8421, BCD, excess-
3 and Gray code.

b) Concept of parity, single and double parity and error detection

c) Alpha numeric codes: ASCII and EBCDIC.

4. Logic Gates and Families (07 hrs)

a) Concept of negative and positive logic

b) Definition, symbols and truth tables of NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, EXOR Gates,
NAND and NOR as universal gates.
(c) Logic family classification:
- Definition of SSI, MSI, LSI, VLSI
- TTL and C MOS families and their sub classification
- Characteristics of TTL and C MOS digital gates. Delay, speed, noise margin, logic
levels, power dissipation, fan-in, power supply requirement and comparison between
TTL and C MOS families

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5. Logic Simplification (06 hrs)

a) Postulates of Boolean algebra, De Morgan’s Theorems. Various identities.

Formulation of truth table and Boolean equation for simple problem. Implementation
of Boolean (logic) equation with gates

b) Karnaugh map (upto 4 variables) and simple application in developing combinational

logic circuits

6. Arithmetic circuits (06 hrs)

a) Half adder and Full adder circuit, design and implementation.

b) Half and Full subtracter circuit, design and implementation.
c) 4 bit adder/subtracter.
d) Adder and Subtractor IC (7484)

7. Decoders, Multiplexers and De Multiplexers (06 hrs)

a) Four bit decoder circuits for 7 segment display and decoder/driver ICs.
b) Multiplexers and De-Multiplexers
c) Basic functions and block diagram of MUX and DEMUX. Different types and ICs

8. Latches and flip flops (06 hrs)

a) Concept and types of latch with their working and applications

b) Operation using waveforms and truth tables of RS, T, D, Master/Slave JK flip flops.
c) Difference between a latch and a flip flop
d) Flip flop ICs

9. Counters (8 hrs)

a) Introduction to Asynchronous and Synchronous counters

b) Binary counters
c) Divide by N ripple counters, Decade counter.
d) Pre settable and programmable counters
e) Up/down counter
f) Ring counter with timing diagram
g) Counter ICs

10. Shift Register (07 hrs)

Introduction and basic concepts including shift left and shift right.
a) Serial in parallel out, serial in serial out, parallel in serial out, parallel in parallel out.
b) Universal shift register
c) Buffer register, Tristate Buffer register
d) IC 7495

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11. A/D and D/A Converters (08 hrs)

a) Working principle of A/D and D/A converters
b) Brief idea about different techniques of A/D conversion and study of :
 Stair step Ramp A/D converter
 Dual Slope A/D converter
 Successive Approximation A/D Converter

c) Detail study of :
 Binary Weighted D/A converter
 R/2R ladder D/A converter
d) Performance characteristics of A/D and D/A converter.
e) Applications of A/D and D/A converter.


1. Verification and interpretation of truth tables for AND, OR, NOT NAND, NOR and Exclusive
OR (EXOR) and Exclusive NOR(EXNOR) gates

2. - Realisation of logic functions with the help of NAND or NOR gates

- Design of a NOR gate latch and verification of its operation
3. To design a half adder using XOR and NAND gates and verification of its operation
Construction of a full adder circuit using XOR and NAND gates and verify its operation

4. 4 bit adder, 2’s complement subtractor circuit using an 4 bit adder IC and an XOR IC and
verify the operation of the circuit.

5. To design a NOR Gate Latch and verification of its operation

6 Verification of truth table for positive edge triggered, negative edge triggered, level
triggered IC flip-flops (At least one IC each of D latch , D flip-flop, JK flip-flops).

7. Verification of truth table for encoder and decoder ICs, Mux and DeMux
8. To design a 4 bit SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO shift registers using JK/D flip flops and
verification of their operation.

9. To design a 4 bit ring counter and verify its operation.

10. Asynchronous Counter ICs
Verification of truth table for any one universal shift register IC
Use of IC 7490 or equivalent TTL (a) divide by 2 (b) divide by 10 Counter
Use of IC 7493 or equivalent TTL (a) divide by 2 (b) divide by 8 (c) divide by 16 counter

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Note: Above experiments may preferably be done on Bread Boards.


The digital systems in microprocessors have significant importance in the area of electronics.
Adequate competency needs to be developed by giving sufficient practical knowledge in
microprocessors (programming as well as interfacing), A/D, D/A Converters and other topics. Help
may be taken in the form of charts, simulation packages to develop clear concepts of the subject.
Programming exercises other than the tested in circulation may be given to the students.


1. Digital Electronics: Principles and Integrated Circuits by A.K Maini, Wiley-India Pvt Ltd.
Daryaganj, New Delhi

2. Digital Electronics and Applications by Malvino Leach, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd,
New Delhi

3. Digital Logic Designs by Morris Mano, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi

4. Digital Electronics by Soumitra Kumar Mandal, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd,

5. Digital Electronics by V K Sangar , Raj Publishers, Jalandhar

6. Digital Electronics by Tokheim, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd,

7. Digital Electronics by RP Jain, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, New Delhi

8. Digital Electronics by KS Jamwal, Dhanpat Rai and Co., New Delhi

9. Digital Electronics by Rajiv Sapra, Ishan Publication, Ambala

10. Digital Electronics by BR Gupta, Dhanpat Rai & Co., New Delhi

11. Digital Systems: Principles and Applications by RJ Tocci, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi

12. Digital Electronics by Rajaraman V., Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi

13. Fundamentals of Digital Electronics by Naresh Gupta, Jain Brothers, New Delhi

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Sr. Topic Time Allotted Marks Allocation

No. (hrs)
1. Introduction 2 5
2. Number System 4 5
3. Codes and Parity 4 5
4. Logic Gates and Families 7 15
5. Logic Simplification 6 10
6. Arithmetic Circuits 6 10
7. Decoders, Multiplexers and 6 10
8. Laches and Flip flops 6 10
9 Counters 8 10
10. Shift Registers 7 10
11. A/D and D/A Converters 8 10

TOTAL 64 100

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Computers play a vital role in present day life, more so, in the professional life of technician
engineers. People working in the field of computer industry, use computers in solving problems
more easily and effectively. In order to enable the students use the computers effectively in
problem solving, this course offers the modern programming language C along with exposition to
various applications of computers. The knowledge of C language will be reinforced by the practical


1. Algorithm and Programming Development (05 Hrs)

Steps in development of a program, Flow charts, Algorithm development, Debugging

2. Program Structure (06 Hrs)

I/o statements, assignment statements. Constants, variables and data types, Operators
and Expressions, Use of Header files & Library functions.

3. Control Structures (08 Hrs)

Introduction, Decision making with IF – statement, IF – Else and Nested IF, While and do-
while, for loop, Break and switch statements

4. Functions (06 Hrs)

Introduction to functions, Function Declaration, Standard functions, Parameters and

Parameter Passing, Call by value/reference, Global and Local Variables ,Recursion

5. Arrays (05 Hrs)

Introduction to Arrays, Array Declaration and Initialization, Single and Multidimensional

Array. Arrays of characters

6. Pointers (05Hrs)

Introduction to Pointers, Address operator, pointer and functions, Declaring and Initializing
pointers, Assignment through pointers, Pointers and Arrays

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7. Structures and Unions (05 Hrs)

Declaration of structures, Accessing structure members, Structure Initialization, Arrays of

structures, Unions

8. Strings (04 Hrs)

Introduction, Declaring and Initializing string variables, Reading and writing strings, String
handling functions, Array of strings

9. Files (04 Hrs)

Introduction, File reading/writing in different modes, File manipulation using standard

function types


1. Programming exercises on executing and editing a C program.

2. Programming exercises on defining variables and assigning values to variables.
3. Programming exercises on arithmetic and relational operators.
4. Programming exercises on arithmetic expressions and their evaluation
5. Programming exercises on formatting input/output using printf and scanf
6. Programming exercises using if statement.
7. Programming exercises using if – Else.
8. Programming exercises on switch statement.
9. Programming exercises on do – while statements.
10. Programming exercises on for – statement.
11. Programs on one-dimensional array.
12. Programs on two-dimensional array.
13. (i) Programs for putting two strings together.
(ii) Programs for comparing two strings.
14. Simple programs using structures.
15. Simple programs using pointers.
16. Simple programs for reading from a file and writing into a file.


The subject is totally practical based. Students should be given clear idea about the basic
concepts of programming. In practical session student should be asked to draw flow chart write
algorithm and then write program for the algorithm and run on computer. It is required that
students should maintain records (files with printouts).


1. Programming in ANSI C by E Balaguruswami, , Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd , New
2. Application Programming in C by RS Salaria, Khanna Book Publishing Co(P) Ltd. New Delhi

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3. Programming in C by Gottfried, Schaum Series, , Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd , New
4. Exploring C by Yashwant Kanetkar – BPB Publications, New Delhi
5. Programming in C by Stefin G. Coachin
6. Programming in C by R Subburaj, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Jangpura, New Delhi
7. Elements of C by M.H. Lewin, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
8. Programming in C by Stephen G Kochan
9. Programming in C by BP Mahapatra, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi


Sr No Topic Time Allotted (Hrs) Marks Allotted

1 Algorithm and Programming 5 10
2 Program Structure 6 12
3 Control Structure 8 16
4 Functions 6 12
5 Arrays 5 10
6 pointers 5 10
7 Structures and Unions 5 10
8 Strings 4 10
9 Files 4 10
Total 48 100

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Database and database systems have become an essential component of everyday life in modern
society. This course will acquaint the students with the knowledge of fundamental concepts of
DBMS and its application in different areas, storage, manipulation and retrieval of data using query
languages. Oracle/My SQL/SQL Server can be use as package to explain concepts.


1. Introduction (04 hrs)

Database Systems; Database and its purpose, Characteristics of the database approach,
Advantages and disadvantages of database systems. Classification of DBMS Users;
Actors on the scene, Database Administrators, Database Designers, End Users, System
Analysts and Application Programmers, Workers behind the scene (DBMS system
designers and implementers, tool developers, operator and maintenance personnel)

2. Database System Concepts and Architecture (08 hrs)

Data models, schemas, instances, data base state. DBMS Architecture; The External
level, The conceptual level, The internal level, Mappings. Data Independence; Logical data
Independence, Physical data Independence. Database Languages and Interfaces; DBMS
Language, DBMS Interfaces. Classification of Database Management Systems

3. Data Modeling using E.R. Model (Entity Relationship Model) (10 hrs)

Data Models Classification; File based or primitive models, traditional data models,
semantic data models. Entities and Attributes, Entity types and Entity sets, Key attribute
and domain of attributes, Relationship among entities

4. Relational Model: (08 hrs)

Relational Model Concepts: Domain, Attributes, Tuples and Relations. Relational

constraints and relational database schemes; Domain constraints, Key constraints and
constraints on Null. Relational databases and relational database schemes, Entity integrity,
referential integrity and foreign key

5. Normalization (04 hrs)

Concept of Normalization, Need of Normalization, Non-loss decomposition and functional
dependencies, First, Second and Third normal forms, Boyce/Codd normal form

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6. Database Access and Security (02 hrs)

Database security, process controls, database protection, 2-phase command protocols,

2-phase working protocols, grant and revoke, Locking methods.

7. MYSQL/SQL (Structured Query Language) (12 hrs)

SQL * Plus. DDL (Data Definition Languages): Creating Tables, Creating a table with data
from another table, Inserting values into a table, updating columns of a table, Deleting
Rows, Dropping a Table. DML (Data Manipulation Language): Database Security and
Privileges, Grant and Revoke Command, Maintaining Database Objects, Commit and
Rollback, various types of select commands, various types of join.


1. Exercises on creation and modification of structure of tables.

2. Exercises on inserting and deleting values from tables.
3. Exercises on querying the table (using select command).
4. Exercises on using various types of joins.
5. Exercises on using functions provided by database package.
6. Exercises on commands like Grant, Revoke, Commit and Rollback etc.
7. Design of database for any application.


Explanation of concepts should be done using real time examples, diagrams etc. For practical
sessions, books along with CDs or learning materials with specified activities are required. Various
exercises and small applications should be given along with theoretical explanation of concepts.


1) Fundamentals of Database Management Systems by Dr Renu Vig and Ekta Walia, - an

ISTE, Publication, New Delhi
2) Database Management Systems by arun K Majumdar and P Bhattacharya, Tata McGraw
Hill Education Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
3) Introduction to DBMS by by ISRD Group, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
4) Database Management Systems by Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon; Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
5) An introduction to database systems by Date C.J. Adison Wesley
6) Fundamentals of Database Systems by Elmasri/Navathe/Adison Wesley
7) Database systems, Raghu Ramakrishnan
8) An Introduction to Database Systems by Bipin C. Desai, Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd.,
Daryaganj, New Delhi 110 002
9) SQL Unleashed by Hans Ladanyi Techmedia Publications, New Delhi
10) Relational Database Management System by Vipan Arora, Eagle Publication, Jalandhar

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Sr No Topic Time Allotted Marks

(Hrs) Allotted (%)
1 Introduction 04 10
2 Database System Concepts and 08 16
3 Data Modeling using E.R. Model (Entity 10 20
Relationship Model)
4 Relational Model: 08 20
5 Normalisation 04 10
6 Database Access and Security 02 04
7 MYSQL/SQL (Structured Query 12 20
Total 48 100

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The course provides the students with an understanding of human computer interface existing in
computer system and the basic concepts of operating system and its working. The students will
also get hands-on experience and good working knowledge to work in windows and Linux
environments. The aim is to gain proficiency in using various operating systems after undergoing
this course. While imparting instructions, the teachers are expected to lay more emphasis on
concepts and principles of operating systems, its features and practical utility.

1. Overview of Operating Systems (04 hrs)

Definition of Operating Systems, Types of Operating Systems, Importance of Operating

Systems, Memory organization, Linking, loading and executing control program

2. Functions of Operating System (24 hrs)

Process Management Functions (Principles and Brief Concept); Job Scheduler, Process
Scheduler, Process synchronization. Memory Management Function (Principles and Brief
Concept); Introduction, Single Process System, Fixed Partition Memory, System Loading,
Segmentation, Swapping, Simple Paging System, Virtual Memory. I/O Management
Functions (Principles and Brief Concept); Dedicated Devices, Shared Devices, I/o Devices,
Storage Devices, Buffering, Spooling. File Management; Principles and Brief Concept,
Types of File System; Simple file system, Basic file system, Logical file system, Physical
file system. Dead Lock; Condition for Dead lock, Dead Lock Preventions, Dead Lock

3. Linux Operating System (20 hrs)

Introduction, history of Linux and Unix, Linux Overview, Structure of Linux, Linux releases,
open linux, system requirements, file structures, processor scheduling and memory
management in Unix. Linux Commands and Filters: Shell: concepts of command options,
input, output redirecting and network file, process and communication commands like:
mkdir, cd, ls, who, whoami, cat, more, tail, head, mv, chmod, grep, wc, sort, kill, write,
wall, mail, news

1. Directory commands
2. File commands
3. Process management

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4. Using file permission commands

5. Mail commands
6. Editing file system rights in a Linux environment.

a) Interfacing with the network (Ethernet)

b) Preparing of network cables including hubs, connectors etc.
c) Establishment of LAN network for homogeneous systems
d) Establishment of LAN network for heterogeneous systems
e) Use of protocols and gateways in establishing LAN
f) Writing small programs such as file security, file transfer, remote testing
g) Trouble shooting of networks
h) Writing login scripts


This subject is both theory and practical oriental. Therefore, stress must be given on particulars
along with theory. Laboratory must have windows as well as Linux operating system. Concepts of
O.S. must be taught practically.

1. Operating System Concepts by Silber Schatz, Galvin, Gagne; Wiley-India Pvt Ltd. Daryaganj,
New Delhi
2. Operating Systems by Achyut S Godbole and Atul Kahate: Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd
New Delhi
3. Operating Systems by Dr. R.C. Joshi, Wiley-India Pvt Ltd. Daryaganj, New Delhi
4. System Programming by John J Donovan, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd , New Delhi
5. Linux – The Complete Reference by Ruichard Peterson, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
6. Operating Systems by Stallings Tata McGraw Hill.
7. Operating Systems- A Concept Based Approach by Dham Dhare, Tata McGraw Hill Education
Pvt Ltd , New Delhi
8. System Programming by Dham Dhare, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd , New Delhi
9. Operating System Concepts by Ekta Walia, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
10. Unleashed Linux by Tech Media Publishers, New Delhi
11. Linux – Install and Configuration Black Book by Die Annlebalnc and Issac Yates, IDG Books
India Private Ltd., New Delhi.

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Sr Topic Time Allotted Marks Allotted
No (hrs) (%)
1. Overview of Operating Systems 4 10
2. Functions of Operating System 24 50
3. Linux Operating System 20 40

Total 48 100

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Multimedia is being widely used in web pages, motion pictures and interactive presentations,
animation etc. Multimedia has made a significant impact in training/education, business
presentations, public information access etc. This course intends to introduce and expose
multimedia technology and various factors and features of authoring software. It will also help in
making the internet application richer in content and presentation.


1. Introduction (05 hrs)

Introduction to multimedia, hypertext, hypergraphics, animation, application in education

and training, science and technology, kiosks, business and games

2. Multimedia Hardware (08 hrs)

Multimedia PC configuration, features and specifications of sound and video interfaces,

OCR, touch-screen, scanners, digital cameras, speakers, printers, plotters, optical disks
and drives as CDROM and DVD. multimedia networks

3. Multimedia Software (12 hrs)

Image and sound file formats, multimedia file formats, compression, standards and
techniques, features of software to read and write such files. Video file formats &
compression standards, multimedia operating systems

4. Using Image Processing Tools (10 hrs)

Photo-shop workshop, image editing tools, specifying and adjusting colors, using gradient
tools, selection and move tools, transforming path drawing and editing tools, using
channels, layers, filters and actions

5. Multimedia Authoring Tools (13 hrs)

Types of Authoring programmes – Icon based, Time based, Story boarding/scripting and
object oriented working in macromedia flash, exploring interface using selection pf PEN
tools. Working with drawing and painting tools, applying colour viewing and manipulating
time line, animating, processing, guiding layers, importing and editing sound and video
clips in flash

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1 Installation of various multimedia software like Photoshop, Flash, Director or any open
source software
2. Installing and use of various multimedia devices

- Scanner
- Digital camera, web camera
- Mike and speakers
- Touch screen
- Plotter and printers
- Audio CD and Video CD
3. Reading and writing of different format on CD/DVD
4. Transporting audio and video files
5. Using various features of Flash
6. Using various features of Photoshop
7. Making multimedia presentations combining, Flash, Photoshop, such as department
profile, lesson presentation, games and project presentations


As the subject is practice oriented, more stress should be given to students to do the work
practically. The features of software packages Photo-shop, Flash are to be demonstrated in class
using LCD projector.


1. Principles of Multimedia by Parikh, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd , New Delhi
2. Comdex Multimedia and Web Design Course Kit, W/CD, by Vikas Gupta, Wiley-India Pvt
Ltd. Daryaganj, New Delhi
3. Comdex Multimedia and Animation Course Kit, W/CD, by Vikas Gupta, Wiley-India Pvt Ltd.
Daryaganj, New Delhi
4. Multimedia Technologies by Banerji,Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd , New Delhi
5. Multimedia An Introduction by Villam Casanova and Molina; Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
6. Multimedia Bible by Win Rosch
7. Multimedia Making it work by Vaughan, Tay
8. Photo-shop for Windows Bible by Deke Maclelland IDG Books India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
9. Multimedia Technology and Application by Hillman, Galgotia Publications, New Delhi

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10. Flash 5 Bible by Rein Hardit, IDG Books India Pvt. Ltd.
11. Flash 5 in easy steps by Vandome IDG Books India Pvt. Ltd.
12. Fundamentals of Multimedia by Li and Drew, Pearson Publications


Sr Topic Time Allotted Marks Allotted (%)

No (Hrs)
1 Introduction 05 15
2 Multimedia Hardware 08 15
3 Multimedia Software 12 20
4 Using Image Processing Tools 10 20
5 Multimedia Authoring Tools 13 30
Total 48 100

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The course aims at making the students familiar with various parts of computers and how to
assemble them, and different types of peripherals desired. In addition, the course will provide the
students with necessary knowledge and skills in computer software installation and maintenance to
make him diagnose software faults.

Part-A (Hardware)
1. Familiarization with various components and parts of personal computers, mother board
details, hard disk drive, floppy disk drive. CD Rom drive, DVD, keyboard, display devices,
various chips (memory chips and CPU); serial and parallel ports, inkjet, USB Ports, Fire
wire, Bluetooth, Dot matrix and Laser printers, Modems, connectors and cables
2. Assembly and Dissembling of PCs : Power supply, linear power supply and switch mode
power supply, trouble shooting of SMPS.

3. Setting up of basic infrastructure for computers (including power layout, air conditioning,
earthing etc.

4. Installation of various operating systems, LINUX/ windows latest versions. Familiarization

of their features with practical demonstrations. Installation and configuration of device
drivers. Disk management, network settings.
5. Installation of latest version of application software like MS-Office/open office, Adobe
Photoshop, Corel Draw, Macromedia Flash etc.
6. Installation and configuration of latest version of database software like Oracle, MySQL/
SQL Server etc.
7. Introduction to Virus/Spyware/Worm/Trojan Horse , their detection, prevention and cure.
8. Installation, uninstallation and use of Antivirus software.
9. Visit to computer manufacturing industry

As the subject is practice oriented, sufficient exercises on assembling and dissembling of computer
system should be given.. Field visits to the places where assembly of computers is taking place will
be helpful to the students. Visits to the manufacturing units of CVT or UPS will also be helpful to
the students.

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1. PC Upgrade and Maintenance Guide by Mark Minasi, BPB Publication

2. Hardware Bible by Winn Rosch, Techmedia Publications
3. IBM PC and Clones by B Govinda Rajalu, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd , New
4. Comdex Hardware and Networking Course Kit, Revised and Upgraded Edition, W/CD by
Vikas Gupta, Wiley-India Pvt Ltd. Daryaganj, New Delhi
5. Understanding Unix Tech Media Publications, New Delhi
6. Linux Unleashed Tech Media Publications, New Delhi
7. Unix Configuration and Installation DPB Publications, New Delhi
8. Teach Yourself Unix BPB Publications, New Delhi
9. Study Guide Windows Server and Workstation 4 Tech Media Publications, New Delhi
10. Complete Guide to Windows by Peter Norton. Tech. Media Publications, New Delhi
11. Training Guide for Windows by MCSE, Tech Media Publications, New Delhi

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A diploma holder must have knowledge of different types of pollution caused due to industries and
constructional activities so that he may help in balancing the eco system and controlling pollution
by pollution control measures. He should also be aware of environmental laws related to the
control of pollution.

This is to be organized at a stretch for 3 to 4 days. Lectures will be delivered on following broad
topics. There will be no examination for this subject.

1. Basics of ecology, eco system and sustainable development

2. Conservation of land reforms, preservation of species, prevention of advancement of

deserts and lowering of water table

3. Sources of pollution - natural and man made, their effects on living and non-living

4. Pollution of water - causes, effects of domestic wastes and industrial effluent on living and
non-living organisms

5. Pollution of air-causes and effects of man, animal, vegetation and non-living organisms

6. Sources of noise pollution and its effects

7. Solid waste management; classification of refuse material, types, sources and properties
of solid wastes, abatement methods

8. Mining, blasting, deforestation and their effects

9. Legislation to control environment

10. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Elements for preparing EIA statements

11. Current issues in environmental pollution and its control

12. Role of non-conventional sources of energy in environmental protection

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