Unit 5 Test: Listening

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Unit 5 Test

Listening 5 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

(10 marks)
1  Listen to the conversation. What two free- 1 Fin speaks Italian _________. He sounds like a
time activities does the boy do that involve native speaker!
technology? (2 marks) 2 I _________ a room at university with one other
______________________________________ student. The room is quite big and there are two
______________________________________ beds and two desks.
3 My sister’s bedroom is very _________, but my
2  Listen again and answer the questions. Write room is always tidy.
complete sentences. (8 marks) 4 I think it’s good to _________ up a new hobby or
1 What aspects of lifestyle does the survey focus sport.
on? 5 Lauren likes to _________ her friends over to
______________________________________ her house at the weekend.
2 What does the boy spend most of his money on? Practical English
______________________________________ 6 Complete the dialogue. (10 marks)
3 How does the boy feel about spending time with
Sam (1) ________ do you think of Taylor Swift?
his family? How was it different when he was
Kate To be honest, I don’t think (2) ________ of
Sam Why not? Don’t you like her music?
Kate (3) ________, I don’t think her new album is
4 What does the boy think will be the most difficult
very good. I don’t think she’s (4) ________
thing about going to university?
good a singer as Ariana Grande.
Sam I (5) ________ agree with you. I think Taylor
Swift is much better!

Vocabulary Grammar
3 Complete the sentences with a verb in the
7 Complete the sentences with a modal verb of
correct tense. (5 marks)
ability or permission in the correct tense and a
1 I ________ home when I was eighteen. main verb. (10 marks)
2 Beth wants to ________ to university. 1 Mum, please ________ I ________ to the party
3 James and Jenny ________ married last year. tonight?
4 Teenagers can ________ to drive in the UK 2 I ________ ________ jeans to school when I
when they are seventeen. was a teenager. I always wore a uniform
5 Nowadays, couples in Western Europe often 3 ________ Beth ________ a bike?
________ children later than in the past. 4 ________ you ________ in the pool when you
were five?
4 Complete the definitions with one or two words.
(5 marks) 5 The sign says we ________ ________ or drink
on the bus; it’s not allowed.
1 a series of performances where the performers
have different talents: ___________
2 a person taking part in the last stage of a
competition: ___________
3 a short performance by a singer, actor or dancer
to decide if they will get a role: ___________
4 a person whose job is to make people laugh:
5 a person, usually an expert, who decides who is
the winner of a competition: ___________

2 1
Unit 5 Test
8 Find the errors in the sentences and correct Cumulative Review
them. (10 marks)
1 My mum and dad allows me to has a lie in at the 10 Complete the text. (10 marks)
______________________________________ Kim Ung-yong – Child Genius
2 When Sophie was eleven, she can speek four Kim Ung-yong was born in South Korea. His father
languages. was a university professor. Kim Ung-yong
______________________________________ (1) ________ talk at the age of six months and by
3 Can you watch TV till late while you were the time he was a three-year-old (2) ________, he
young? could read in Japanese, Korean, German and
______________________________________ English! He could also (3) ________ and write
4 Jess can to draws beautiful pictures. poetry in Chinese and Korean. He later appeared
______________________________________ on TV solving difficult Maths problems. Kim became
5 Jamie isn’t allowed go to the cinema next Friday. a celebrity in his country. At the age of three, he
______________________________________ became a Physics student at Hanyang University in
South Korea. When he was eight, he (4) ________
9 Complete the second sentence so that it means
the same as the first sentence. Use the correct home to go and study at NASA in the USA. He was
form of the word(s) in brackets. (10 marks) listed in the Guinness Book of Records as having
1 Chloe’s mum said she couldn’t have a the highest IQ for a child. When he was sixteen,
sleepover. (allowed) Kim grew tired of life in America. Life was lonely for
Chloe wasn’t ___________________________. him there. In fact, it was (5) ________ for Kim in the
2 Of the three English tests I took, the third test USA than in Korea, so he decided to return home.
was extremely hard but the other two weren’t. Today, Kim lives in Korea and works as a professor
(difficult) at Shinhan University.
Of the three tests I took, the third
3 Sarah’s performance at the talent show was
fantastic. (best)
Sarah performed ________________________.
4 Max’s mum says that her son doesn’t have
permission to eat junk food at home. (not allow)
Max’s mum doesn’t ______________________.
5 Juan speaks English less well than Mateo.
Mateo speaks __________________________.

2 2
Unit 5 Test
Reading Hobbies are also important for happiness and well-
being. Hobbies can make you healthier because
11 Read the text. Choose an appropriate heading. they can lower your stress levels by taking your
(2 marks)
mind off any difficulties that you are facing and
A Hobbies: the key to happiness? focusing your mind on something else. Hobbies are
B Physical activity and happiness also a great way to meet new people and make new
C The ingredients of happiness friends. Sharing a common interest makes you feel
closer to others. Learning a new skill through a
There has been a lot of research into what makes
hobby also increases your self-esteem and this also
us happy and scientific interest is rapidly increasing.
makes you feel happier.
Researchers have found that the majority of people
believe that having money, a dream job or a big
12 Read the text again and answer the questions.
house will make them happy but scientists have
Write complete sentences. (8 marks)
discovered that material things don’t actually play a
1 According to the article, what do most people
big role in our happiness. Scientists have come to
believe will make them happy? What is the view
the conclusion that certain factors are important for
of the scientific community?
people to be happy.
They found that people feel happier when they have ______________________________________
an experience rather than when they buy 2 What did the experiment show about how we
something. For example, buying something that you react to experiences?
really want will make you happy temporarily – for ______________________________________
about two weeks. But then the initial rush of joy will ______________________________________
wear off and you will be left with a feeling of 3 What are endorphins and what role do they play
emptiness. Scientists conducted an experiment to in our well-being?
compare what happened when a group of students ______________________________________
bought something and what happened when they ______________________________________
had an enjoyable experience. They found that the 4 What are the social benefits of having a hobby?
feelings created from having an experience like ______________________________________
spending time with friends or family are much ______________________________________
stronger and longer lasting than what we feel when
we buy something.
Fitness is the key to good health. Everyone knows
that. But did you know that exercise can make you
happy? When we exercise we produce chemicals in
our brain called endorphins that make us feel
positive and energetic. Doing just half an hour of
exercise a day can improve how we feel.
Researchers did experiments with people suffering
from depression. The people were asked to do just
30 minutes of exercise a day like walking, running,
swimming or cycling. The people were asked to
record how they felt before and after the exercise
over the course of a month. The results showed a
significant improvement in happiness levels.

2 3
Unit 5 Test
13 Choose a topic. Write a review for a website
comparing three examples of this topic. Use the
prompts to help you. Write about 150 words.
(10 marks)
films actors singers songs albums
Paragraph 1: What or who are you comparing?
Write two positive and two negative things about the
three examples.
Paragraph 2: Compare the three things. Express
your opinions using comparative and superlative
adjectives. Use most and least.
Paragraph 3: Write a conclusion and give each a
star rating from 1–5.


Listening _____ / 10 Vocabulary _____ / 20 Practical English _____ / 10

Grammar _____ / 30 Cumulative Review _____ /10 Reading _____ / 10
Writing _____ / 10 TOTAL __________ / 100

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