Care and Maintenance Assignment (Answer Template)

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A 202




Student Name : WONG SHU YONG

Matriks No. : D20192091750

Group :A

Section Marks
1. Components of String
(10 Marks)
2. Care and Maintenance
of String Instruments
(10 Marks)
3. Maintenance of String
(10 Marks)
4. Problem Solving
(10 Marks)
Total (40 marks)

Make vibrations and sound.
1. Bow

Amplify the sound of strings

2. Body

A flat piece of wood use to press down on the strings to make notes.
3. Fingerboard

Tune the strings

4. Peg box

As decoration at the top of the violin

5. scrolls

The sound of violin comes out

6. f-holes

A device that supports the strings on a stringed musical instrument and transmits the
7. bridge vibration of those strings to another structural component of the instrument.

At the end of the string connected with a tail piece.

8. Tailpiece

Use to make small adjustments to the to the pitch of the strings

9. Fine tuners

The two hourglass shape allows maximum sound production.

10. Upper bout

List Five (5) things that you should do before playing a stringed instrument
1. Rosin the bow
2. Make sure our hands are clean
3. Tighten the bow string
4. Tune the instrument properly
5. Make sure the performing space or the practice space is clutter free
List Five (5) things that you should do after playing a stringed instrument.
1. Loosen the bow string and secure the bow in case
2. Gently wipe instrument with a soft cloth.
3. Store instrument in a safe, temperature sensitive place.
4. Carefully clean the strings
5. Secure the instrument in it’s case

Based on the checklist provided, describe and discuss the maintenance process of a
stringed musical instrument from beginning to end using the items found in the

Before handing the instrument, wash your hands properly, and then, take the bow out from the
instrument case and rosin the hair of bow properly, tighten the bow string properly.

Take the instrument out from the casing carefully and make sure the practice space is clutter free. Use
a clean and soft cloth to wipe it before we play it to maintain the hygienic of our instrument.

Next, after playing the instrument, we have to use the clean and soft cloth to wipe the instrument
again before we keep it back into the casing. Then, check the strings if it is loose or if it is rusty, if it
is loose or rusty, we should send it to the maintenance shop as soon as possible to avoid the strings to
break itself. We have to track the age and brand of the strings by placing the packaging of the new
strings with date on them.

The bridge should be replaced once after a several years, to ensure the bridge is not bend or warp. A
warped bridge should always be replaced by a qualified repair technician.

Then, wipe down the face of your instrument, take care around the F-holes and bridge. The woodwork
of both the bridge and F-holes are very delicate, take care to ensure the cleaning cloth doesn't get
caught. Wipe away the rosin dust off the bridge gently to prevent a muffled sound.

Lastly, before we put the bow back into the casing, make sure if the bow is clean and free of build-up
rosin, if there is a build-up of rosin on the strings that can’t be wiped off, pure alcohol or a special
string cleaner can be used to remove the build-up rosin. Put a few drops of alcohol on the cloth and
rub on the strings, but be careful to ensure that the alcohol does not touch any other part of the violin
as alcohol will damage the varnish.

1. Dirty and rusty strings.

Maintenance: change the whole set of strings or, use a clean cloth and put on some rubbing
alcohol or strings cleaner solution and rub it on the strings.

2. Broken strings.

Maintenance: change the whole set of strings.

3. Fallen bridge.

Maintenance: hand it to a qualified repair technician or luthier to repair it.

4. Pegs are too loose or too tight.

Maintenance: for sticking pegs, pull the peg partially out, and rub pencil graphite on the
sticking part of the peg. For loose pegs, pull the peg partially out, and rub birthday candle
wax on the peg to help it stick (some teachers use chalk or rosin to help pegs stick, but these
substances can be abrasive).

5. Dropped sound post.

Maintenance: loosen all of the strings to take the tension off of the instrument. Bring the
instrument to a trusted repair shop, where a luthier or qualified repair person can set the
post back up. In some circumstances, a new sound post may have to be cut.

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