Experiment No 03

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• To understand the operation theory of an inverting summing operational amplifier (opamp).

• To design and implement the inverting opamp and verify its input-output characteristics using
LM741 IC.
The operational amplifier can be abstracted as a black box having two inputs and one output. Shown in
Fig. 1(a), the op amp symbol distinguishes between the two inputs by the plus and minus sign; Vin1 and
Vin2 are called the “noninverting” and “inverting” inputs, respectively. We view the op amp as a circuit that
amplifies the difference between the two inputs, arriving at the equivalent circuit depicted in Fig. 1(b). The
voltage gain is denoted by A0:
Vout = A0 (Vin1 – Vin2)
We call A0 the “open-loop” gain.

Fig. 1: (a) Op amp symbol, (b) equivalent circuit

It is instructive to plot Vout as a function of one input while the other remains at zero. With Vin2 = 0, we
have Vout = A0Vin1, obtaining the behavior shown in Fig. 2(a). The positive slope (gain) is consistent with
the label “noninverting” given to Vin1. On the other hand, if Vin1 = 0, Vout = –A0Vin2 [Fig. 2(b)], revealing a
negative slope and hence an “inverting” behavior.

Fig. 2 Op amp characteristics from (a) Noninverting, and (b) inverting inputs to output.
An op amp would provide an infinite voltage gain, an infinite input impedance, a zero output impedance,
and infinite speed.
The very high gain of the op amp leads to an important observation. Since realistic circuits produce finite
output swings, e.g., 2 V, the difference between Vin1 and Vin2 in Fig.1(a) is always small:
Vin1 – Vin2 = Vout/A0.
In other words, the op amp, along with the circuitry around it, brings Vin1 and Vin2 close to each other.
Following the above idealization, we may say Vin1 = Vin2 if A0 = ∞.

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Fig. 3 (a) Inverting operational amplifier, (b) currents flowing in resistors.
Depicted in Fig. 3(a), the “inverting amplifier” incorporates an op amp along with resistors R1 and R2 while
the noninverting input is grounded. If the op amp gain is infinite, then a finite output swing translates to
Vin1 – Vin2  0; i.e., node X bears a zero potential even though it is not shorted to ground. For this reason,
node X is called a virtual ground.” Under this condition, the entire input voltage appears across R2,
producing a current of Vin/R2, which must then flow through R1 if the op amp input draws no current [Fig.
3(b)]. Since the left terminal of R1 remains at zero and the right terminal at Vout,

0 − Vout Vin
= ,
R1 R2

Vin Vout
R2 R1

Fig. 4 Summing Amplifier.

Fig. 4 depicts a voltage adder (“summer”) incorporating an op amp. With an ideal op amp, VX = 0, and R1
and R2 carry currents proportional to V1 and V2, respectively. The two currents add at the virtual ground
node and flow through RF:

V1 V 2 Vout
+ =
− .
R1 R 2 RF
That is,

V1 V 2
Vout =
− RF ( + ).
R1 R 2
If R1 = R2 = R, then
Vout =
− (V 1 + V 2). .... (i )
This circuit can therefore add and amplify voltages. Extension to more than two voltages is

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Equation (i) indicates that V1 and V2 can be added with different weightings: RF/R1 and RF/R2,
Equipment and Materials Required:
i) Trainer Board
ii) Function Generator/Audio Generator
iii) Display Device/Oscilloscope
iv) Op amp (LM741 IC)
v) Resistors and capacitors
vi) Connecting wires

Experimental Procedure:
1. Construct the circuit shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5 Practical summing op amp designed in experiment.

2. Apply DC power to the circuit. Connect a function generator set to provide a sine wave signal of 4
Vp-p at 2 KHz to input Vin.
3. Use your oscilloscope to measure the peak-to-peak input (Vin) and output voltage (Vout) levels.
4. Calculate the expected output voltage of designed amplifier.
5. Measure the output voltage using oscilloscope.
6. Compare the measured output voltage with calculated voltage.

Experimental Results:
i) Calculation
By Hand Calculation
Vout =
− (V 1 + V 2).
where RF = 10 KΩ and R = 4.7 KΩ.
By Measurement
Vertically, I square = 2V
1 sub-square = 2V/5 = 0.4V
For input voltage (Vin):
5 square = 5 x 2V = 10V
3 sub-square = 3 x 0.4V = 1.2V
Vin = 10V + 1.2V = 11.2V
For output voltage (Vout):
8 square = 8 x 2V = 16V
4 sub-square = 4 x 0.4V = 1.6V
Vout = 16V + 1.6V = 17.6V

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ii) Waveform

Fig. 5 Inverting summing op amp output waveform – 180° phase-shift with input.


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