Effective Listening Transp GB
Effective Listening Transp GB
Effective Listening Transp GB
WHY LISTENING?.......................................................................................................................................3
TEN MOST PRACTICED NONPRODUCTIVE LISTENING HABITS ...................................................5
STEPS IN EFFECTIVE LISTENING.........................................................................................................11
ADVANTAGES OF EMPATHY OVER SYMPATHY.............................................................................16
THE RELATIONS MODEL........................................................................................................................17
Upon completion of this module, you should
Following Directions
A way to demonstrate the difficulties of listening carefully, even to simple
1. Instruct participants that they will be given a simple math quiz. Inform them
that they can only write down their answers; all calculations should be done
2. Proceed to read these math problems at a normal rate (answers are in
1. How many people simply gave up and quit listening when a question got too
2. What are some instances when you don’t feel like listening anymore? Why?
3. When giving a presentation, how can we be sure that our listeners can follow
oral directions? How can we make sure we don’t “lose” our audience when
explaining something?
Listen Up
An easy way to show how hard it is to listen to subjects that are
not topical to us. Also a way that will demonstrate that we retain
more about topics that are interesting to us.
1. Take any article from a magazine or newspaper. It should be
relatively short (a few paragraphs), and it should be about a
topic which your audience will care little about. Read the article
with little introduction. Afterwards, ask participants to write
down three or four details about the article.
1. Why was it so hard to de well on the first quiz?
1. Don’t interrupt
6. Listen empathetically
35. SIMPATHY: - pity, compassion,
36. EMPATHY: - recognition and response,
problem solving
Heartland Information Services 13
MT1 Training: Communication Skills
Heartland Information Services 14
MT1 Training: Communication Skills
Empathizing means understanding another
person’s feelings
The Dream
The boss of a storage warehouse had just arrived at work when one
of his employees burst into his office.
The man explained that while asleep the previous night he had
dreamed that one of the stored boxes contained a bomb that would
explode at two p.m., causing a terrible fire.
The sacked man had not planted the bomb, and his prophetic
dream had saved the warehouse from destruction. Yet the manager
was right to fire him.
The answer:
The sacked employee was the warehouse night watchman. He
should have been awake all night on his security duties. Having a
dream proved that he was asleep on the job. For this, he was fired.