BNP b2215 (Eng) Z
BNP b2215 (Eng) Z
BNP b2215 (Eng) Z
Windows and Visual Basic are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the USA.
IBM and PC/AT are registered trademarks of International Business Machines
Corporation in the USA.
MELDAS and MELDASMAGIC are registered trademarks of Mitsubishi Electric
The other company names and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks
of the respective companies.
This manual describes the handling of the PLC development software, a support tool
used to develop the user PLC (ladders, messages) for the MELDAS 64 Series or
Please read this manual before starting use.
Please read the "Precautions for Safety" listed on the following page to ensure safe use
of the MELDAS 64 Series and MELDASMAGIC 64 Series.
General precautions
Refer to the following documents for details on the handling.
DANGER When there is a great risk that the user could be subject to
fatalities or serious injuries if handling is mistaken.
Note that even if the item is ranked as " CAUTION", incorrect handling could lead to
serious results. Important information is described in all cases, so please observe the
1. Outline ........................................................................................................................... 1
2. System Configuration ................................................................................................... 2
2.1 System Configuration for PLC Development ......................................................... 2
2.2 Devices Required for Ladder Development........................................................... 4
3. Development Procedure ............................................................................................... 5
3.1 General Flow of Ladder Development Procedure ................................................. 6
3.2 Before Starting Operations.................................................................................... 8
3.2.1 Menu operation ........................................................................................... 8
3.2.2 Movement of the cursor............................................................................... 9
3.2.3 Explanation of terms ................................................................................... 10
4. Start Up ......................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Installing the Tools ............................................................................................... 13
4.2 Starting Up and Ending PLC4B ............................................................................ 14
5. Registering the Edit File .............................................................................................. 15
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit ............................................................................................. 16
6.1 Creating a New Circuit .......................................................................................... 17
6.2 Modification of Existing Circuit .............................................................................. 19
6.3 Adding a Circuit Block .......................................................................................... 20
6.4 Reading the Circuit ............................................................................................... 22
6.4.1 Reading the circuit with step number ......................................................... 22
6.4.2 Reading the circuit with device number ...................................................... 25
6.4.3 Reading the circuit with contact or coil number .......................................... 26
6.4.4 Reading the circuit with command .............................................................. 27
6.4.5 Reading the circuit with the END command ............................................... 29
6.4.6 Circuit read functions ................................................................................. 30
6.5 Inserting a Circuit .................................................................................................. 31
6.5.1 Inserting with circuit symbol units ............................................................... 31
6.6 Deleting a Circuit .................................................................................................. 34
6.6.1 Deleting a circuit block ............................................................................... 34
6.6.2 Deleting a circuit symbol ............................................................................ 36
6.7 Circuit Extension Function .................................................................................... 38
6.7.1 Examples of extension circuit operation ..................................................... 39
6.7.2 Error messages .......................................................................................... 47
6.7.3 Relation of number of returns and circuit length ......................................... 49
7. Messages ...................................................................................................................... 50
7.1 Initial ..................................................................................................................... 52
7.1.1 Example of settings ........................................................................................... 54
7.2 Writing .................................................................................................................. 56
7.2.1 ALARM MESS and OPERATE MESS ........................................................ 57
7.2.2 PLC switches ............................................................................................. 61
7.2.3 Device (contact) comment and coil comment ............................................. 62
7.2.4 Comment .................................................................................................... 63
7.2.5 Precautions for creating messages ............................................................ 65
7.3 Read ..................................................................................................................... 66
7.4 Insertion ................................................................................................................ 67
7.5 Deletion ................................................................................................................ 68
7.6 Conversion ........................................................................................................... 69
8. Printing ......................................................................................................................... 70
8.1 Printing the Ladder Program (Printer) ................................................................... 72
8.2 Printing the Comment List (Printer) ...................................................................... 73
8.3 Printing the Ladder Program (Printer 2) ................................................................ 74
8.4 Printing the Contact Comments and Coil Comments (Printer 2) ........................... 76
8.5 Example of Printing .............................................................................................. 77
8.5.1 Printing with ladder + comment + cross ..................................................... 77
8.5.2 Example of contact comment printing ........................................................ 78
8.5.3 Example of coil comment printing .............................................................. 79
8.6 Free Form Setting of the Printing Paper................................................................ 80
8.6.1 Outline......................................................................................................... 80
8.6.2 Screen configuration ................................................................................... 80
8.6.3 Details of function ...................................................................................... 81
8.6.4 Precautions ................................................................................................. 81
8.7 External File (PR_DATA)....................................................................................... 82
8.7.1 Outline......................................................................................................... 82
8.7.2 Details of functions...................................................................................... 82
8.7.3 Appendix ESC/P and PR201 printer control codes ..................................... 84
8.8 Canceling the Printing ........................................................................................... 84
9. Linking ........................................................................................................................... 85
9.1 File Linking ............................................................................................................ 85
9.1.1 Operation example ...................................................................................... 86
9.2 File Division ........................................................................................................... 87
9.2.1 Operation example ...................................................................................... 88
9.3 Others.................................................................................................................... 89
9.3.1 Address ....................................................................................................... 89
9.3.2 C Address ................................................................................................... 89
9.3.3 C Address 2 ................................................................................................ 89
9.3.4 Language I/F ............................................................................................... 89
9.3.5 C-Macro....................................................................................................... 89
10. Editing an Existing File ............................................................................................... 90
10.1 Link File ............................................................................................................... 90
10.2 Ladder File .......................................................................................................... 91
10.3 Message File ....................................................................................................... 91
11. Converting Ladder Files ............................................................................................. 92
11.1 Outline ................................................................................................................. 92
11.2 Conversion operation .......................................................................................... 92
11.3 Operation Examples ............................................................................................ 93
11.3.1 Normal Operation Example ....................................................................... 93
11.3.2 Operation Example for Link File Conversion ............................................. 93
11.4 Restrictions.......................................................................................................... 94
11.4.1 File Name Restrictions Before Conversion................................................ 94
11.4.2 File Name Restrictions After Conversion................................................... 94
11.4.3 File Attributes of Output Files .................................................................... 94
11.4.4 Device No. ................................................................................................ 94
11.4.5 Header ...................................................................................................... 94
11.4.6 Check Sum................................................................................................ 94
11.4.7 Message data............................................................................................ 94
1. Outline
This manual describes the handling of the PLC development software, a support tool used to develop
the user PLC (ladders, messages).
Ladder circuits and mnemonic expressions are used as the programming language with this tool, so a
sequence program can be created easily.
A function (message creation function) to create messages such as the alarm messages and operator
messages, and the ladder contact comments and coil comments is also provided.
2. System Configuration
2. System Configuration
Communication terminal
The ladder is developed using the communication
terminal. (Onboard development)
Control unit
Program development,
ladder monitor and PLC
RUN/STOP, etc.
To connector AUX
Base I/O unit
Up/downloading is carried
out with the control unit's
maintenance function.
(Note) When developing (onboard development) with the communication terminal, refer to the "MELDAS
64 Series PLC Onboard Development Manual".
2. System Configuration
(onboard) Utility disk
PLC development
Various utility disk tools
Keyboard PLC
NC Card
Dedicated printer
(Note 1) When developing (onboard development) with the MELDASMAGIC monitor, refer to the
"MELDASMAGIC Series PLC Onboard Development Manual".
(Note 2) Refer to the MELDASMAGIC Monitor Operation Manual for details on the MELDASMAGIC
2. System Configuration
(Note 1) For the various tools of the PLC development software to run properly, a protected RAM
(1M byte or more) in the personal computer and the operating system MS-DOS Version 3.3
and above (MS-DOS Version 5.0 and above for PC/AT compatible unit) must be provided.
(Note 2) Either the PC9800 Series or PC/AT series personal computer can be used.
Note that even if the personal computer is compatible, the PLC development software may
not run in some cases.
3. Development Procedure
3. Development Procedure
The procedure used to create a new user PLC on the personal computer is shown below.
1 Tool installation The PLC development software tools are copied into the personal
Refer to the section "4.1 Installing the Tools".
3 File registration The names of the ladder and message files are registered.
Refer to the section "5. Registering the Edit File".
7 Link file creation The ladder file and message file are linked, and a link file is created.
Refer to the section "9. Linking".
9 Transfer to actual machine The created link file is transferred to the NC.
Refer to the section "11. Transferring Ladder Files (MELDAS 64)" or
"12. Transferring Ladder Files (MELDASMAGIC 64)".
3. Development Procedure
Connect the personal computer and control unit Refer to the section "2. System
used for the PLC development tool (PLC4B). Configuration" for details on the
Stop the PLC using RUN/STOP under the menu Refer to the "PLC Onboard Instruction
file of the onboard function or by setting the rotary Manual" for details.
switch NCSYS on the control unit to "1".
Control unit
Start the PLC development tool (PLC4B) and Refer to the section "4. Start Up" for how to start
create or edit the ladders and messages. the PLC development tool (PLC4B). To edit a
ladder that is already running in the control unit,
start the ladder file's communication program
Quit the PLC development tool, and convert the (COMU.EXE), and read the file into the
ladder file using the MELDAS-compatible ladder personal computer.
conversion tool (chscx.exe).
Start the ladder file's communication program Refer to section "11. Transferring Ladder
(COMU.EXE), and transfer the link file to the Files (MELDAS 64)" for details.
control unit.
Debug using the onboard monitor function, etc. Refer to the "PLC Onboard Instruction
Manual" for details.
3. Development Procedure
Connect the personal computer and NC Card Refer to the section "2. System
used for the PLC development tool (PLC4B). Configuration" for details on the
Stop the PLC using RUN/STOP under the menu Refer to the "PLC Onboard Instruction
file of the onboard function. Manual" for details.
Start the PLC development tool (PLC4B) and Refer to the section "4. Start Up" for how to
create or edit the ladders and messages. start the PLC development tool (PLC4B).
To edit a ladder that is already running in
the NC Card, start the file transfer tool
(MAGICTRS), and read the file into the
personal computer.
Quit the PLC development tool, start the file
format conversion tool (Chgcx.EXE), Refer to section "12.3 Converting the PLC
and convert the file into a format usable by the
Program Data" for details.
Quit the PLC development tool, start the file Refer to the section "12. Transferring
transfer tool (MAGICTRS.EXE), and transmit the Ladder Files (MELDASMAGIC 64)" for
link file to the NC Card. details.
Debug using the onboard monitor function, etc. Refer to the "PLC Onboard Instruction
Manual" for details.
3. Development Procedure
When the title screen is displayed, the menu will appear on the bottom of the screen.
Use the function keys PF1 to PF10 to select a menu. The menu number and function key numbers
correspond to each other.
(These keys may be F1 to F10 depending on the personal computer model.)
The menu configuration is shown below.
3. Development Procedure
Note 1)
The PLC development software title screen will appear when PF10 is pressed.
3. Development Procedure
X∗ X0~X4BF (1216 points) 1 bit Signal input to PLC for machine input, etc.
Y∗ Y0~Y53F (1344 points) 1 bit Signal output from PLC for machine output, etc.
U∗ U0~U178 (384 points) 1 bit Signal input to PLC for No.2 system.
W∗ W0~W1FF (512 points) 1 bit Signal output from PLC for No. 2 system.
Q Q0~Q39 (40 points) 1 bit/16 bit 10ms unit timer (fixed timer)
Q40~Q135 (96 points) 1 bit/16 bit 100ms unit timer (fixed timer)
Q136~Q151 (16 points) 1 bit/16 bit 100ms unit integral timer (fixed timer)
D D0~D1023 (1024 points) 16 bit/32 bit Data register. Register for calculation.
R∗ R0~R8191 (8192 points) 16 bit/32 bit File register. PLC to CNC interface.
The user released registers are R500 to R549 and R1900 to R2799.
R1900 to R2799 are backed up by the battery.
P∗ P0~P255 (256 points) − Label for conditional jump and subroutine call.
(P300 to P511 are used to call C language modules.)
(Note 1) The devices with a ∗ mark in the device column have designated application.
Do not use the non-defined device numbers even if they are blank.
(Note 2) In addition to the above devices, there are the I, J and S devices, but these must not be
− 10 −
3. Development Procedure
(Note 3) There are limits to the usage range, so refer to the "PLC Programming Manual (ladder
section)" for explanations on each device.
(For example, the user release range for point P is P0 to P159.)
(Note 4) The X100 to X13F, Y100 to Y13F, R80 to R83 and R180 to R183 devices cannot be used
with the MELDASMAGIC64 Series.
Circuit block
− 11 −
3. Development Procedure
High-speed processing
Main processing
− 12 −
4. Start Up
4. Start Up
(Operation procedure)
(Note 1) This operation example uses the A
drive of the personal computer for
the hard disk drive and the B drive
for the floppy disk drive.
− 13 −
4. Start Up
(6) When the installation is completed, use a commercial editor, and delete the following device
drivers related to the memory from "CONFIG.SYS".
[Start up method]
(1) The PLC development software will start up by inputting command "plc4b". Refer to section 5 for
explanations on each screen.
(2) When the PLC development software starts, the title screen will appear.
The initial screen of the PLC development software will appear when the PF10 key is pressed on
any screen while PLC4B is running.
[Ending method]
(1) Press PF10 on the keyboard, and display the initial screen of the PLC development software.
(2) Press PF8 ( 8.END ). The prompt (A:\>) will appear on the screen, and the program will return
to the normal MS-DOS mode.
− 14 −
5. Registering the Edit File
[Basic operation]
[Operation procedure]
(1) The PLC FILE screen will display when menu 7.FILE is pressed.
(2) The setting section will appear when 2.WRITE is pressed.
(3) Set the ladder file name and estimated file size, and message 1 file name and estimated file size.
The file name must be a maximum of 10 characters.
(Note) If the file name exceeds 10 characters the last 10 characters will be valid.
MESSAGE 1 Size scheduled
for ladder usage
(Unit: byte)
(Note 1)
Used size
(Unit: byte)
(Note 2)
Unit: K byte
(Note 1) The file name and size scheduled for ladder usage is set in "# LADDER".
The size scheduled for ladder usage is a maximum of 16 Kbytes (16384 bytes).
One ladder step: 4 bytes
(Note 2) Only the file name is set in "# MESSAGE 1".
When various messages are registered with the initial setting on the message creation size,
the size will be displayed automatically.
(Note 3) Set the file that exists in the same directory as PLC4B.EXE or the name of the file created in
the same directory here.
− 15 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
Function item
Circuit write Creation of new circuit
Correction of existing circuit
Addition of circuit block
Circuit read Circuit read with step number
Circuit read with device number
Circuit read with contact or coil number
Circuit read with command
Final circuit read with END command
Circuit insertion Insertion in circuit symbol units
Circuit delete Delete of circuit block
Delete in circuit symbol units
− 16 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
[Basic operation]
4.LADDER → 2.CIRCUT → 2.WRITE → 9.SET → Y → →
[Operation procedure]
(1) Register the edit file before creating a new circuit.
(2) Press function menu 4.LADDER and the sub menu will display.
(3) Press 2.CIRCUT , 2.WRITE , 9.SET and the following interactive screen will display.
(4) Press Y , to create a new circuit or erase an existing circuit. Press 1.READ for other
(5) Only the two vertical lines on both sides and step number 0 will display if Y , are pressed.
(6) Start the writing operation
(1) Write the program from the cursor position using the circuit symbols (menu keys) and
alphanumeric keys.
(2) When approximately one screen worth of program is written, press INS 5.COUNT , .
Note) A maximum of two screens worth of program can be created at once, but INS
5.CONVT , should be pressed after one screen if possible.
The final object will not be created on the screen if INS 5.CONVT , are not
pressed after the circuit is completed.
(3) The message “COMPLETED” will appear on the screen when INS 5.CONVT , are
pressed and the conversion is completed.
The following screen will display when the following are pressed:
Note) The existing circuits will all be deleted when Y are pressed.
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6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
The following screen will display when Y → are pressed. Perform the writing operation on this
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6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
[Basic operation]
[Operation procedure]
(1) Read out the circuit to be modified with the read procedure.
(2) When 2.WRITE is pressed, the circuit block at the cursor position will display and the following
blocks will disappear.
¡ To modify a circuit block other than the one displayed on the top of the screen, move the
cursor to the top of the target block and press 2.WRITE . That circuit block will display on the
top line and the other blocks will disappear.
(3) Move the cursor to the circuit position to be modified and input the commands.
(Use ↑ ↓ ← → keys)
(4) Always press INS 5.CONVT after modifying the circuit.
¡ The message “COMPLETED” will appear when the key is pressed, and the circuit will
display after modification.
(1) When the existing circuit where the step number is changed is modified, the step numbers
of the existing program and the CJ command jump destination will also be automatically
Change to Y35
− 19 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
[Basic operation]
(Circuit read operation) → INS 2.WRITE → + → INPUT → (Command input) → INS 5.CONVT →
[Operation procedure]
(1) Read the circuit to where a circuit block is to be added with the read operation.
(2) When 2.WRITE is pressed, the circuit block at the cursor position will display and the following
blocks will disappear.
¡ To add a circuit block to the block other than the one displayed on the top of the screen, move
the cursor to the top of the target block and press 2.WRITE . That circuit block will display on
the top line and the other blocks will disappear.
(3) Press + and the top circuit block will disappear, and the next step number and vertical lines
of the circuit block will display.
(4) Write the additional circuit block by inputting the commands.
(5) Press INS 5.CONVT after adding the circuit.
− 20 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
INS → 2.WRITE → + → →
→ 1. → X → 5 → → 5. → Y → 1 → 5 → INPUT →
(1) When a circuit block is inserted or added, the following program step numbers and CJ
command, etc., jump destinations will be automatically changed.
− 21 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
[Basic operation]
[Operation procedure]
(1) Press 2.CIRCUT , 1.READ , 9.SET , STEP NO. , and one screen worth of data
following the designated number will display.
¡ Even if in the middle of the designated step number command, the circuit will be displayed
from the start of that command.
(2) Press - and the circuit on the previous screen will display. The circuit on the next screen will
display by pressing + . The succeeding or preceding screens can be displayed by pressing
continuously. “LADDER END” will display in the message display section when the last circuit
block is displayed.
Pressing after - will function in the same manner.
Note) Displaying a screen by pressing - will take three times longer than pressing
+ .
(3) If a circuit block is divided over two screens, use the ↓ key to move the cursor to the bottom of
the screen. Press the ↓ key continuously to scroll the screen one line. Hold down the cursor key
until the whole block appears on the screen.
The screen can be scrolled by pressing ↓ or ↑ even if the circuit block is not split between
screens. Note that pressing the ↓ key will scroll the screen but will not display the next circuit.
− 22 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
(Example 2) When step No. 100 program is read, the cursor is moved to the bottom of the screen
with ↓ , and ↓ is pressed four times and ↑ four times.
Note) If the read circuit is split, the remaining screen can be displayed with the ↓ key, but the
next circuit cannot be displayed. The circuit before the read circuit, step No. 100 above,
also cannot be displayed with ↑ .
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6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
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6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
This operation is used to read the circuit containing a designated device number.
[Basic operation]
[Operation procedure]
(1) Press 2.CIRCUT , 1.READ , DEVICE NO. , and the circuit block containing the
designated device number will appear.
If there are several circuit blocks with the designated device, the screen with the smallest step
number will display first. If is pressed again, the circuit with the next smallest step number
will be displayed under the currently displayed block.
If the screen is full and is pressed, the top circuit block will disappear and another circuit
block will be added to the bottom.
(2) If the device number is changed during the display, that circuit block will be added to the bottom
of the currently displayed block.
(3) If reading is attempted after all blocks with the corresponding device number have been
displayed, the message “PROG NOT FOUND” will appear.
2.CIRCUT → 1.READ → Y → 3 → 0 →
− 25 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
This operation is used to read a circuit containing a designated contact or coil number.
[Basic operation]
[Operation procedure]
(1) Press 2.CIRCUT , 1.READ , CIRCUIT SYMBOL , ( 1. , 2. ,
3. , 4. , 5. ) → DEVICE NO. and .
The circuit block containing the designated contact or coil number will display.
If several circuit blocks contain the designated contact or coil number, the circuit block with the
smallest step number will display. Press again to display the circuit with the next smallest step
number under the currently displayed circuit block.
If the screen is full and is pressed, the top circuit block will disappear and another circuit
block will be added to the bottom.
(2) If the contact or coil number is changed during the display, that circuit block will be added to the
bottom of the currently displayed block.
(3) If reading is attempted after all blocks with the corresponding contact or current number have
been displayed, the message “PROG NOT FOUND” will appear.
(4) Contact A will be read if 1. DEVICE NO. is pressed and a device number is set
when searching with a contact, and contact B if 2. DEVICE NO. is pressed and a
device number is set.
(5) The OUT command will be read out by pressing 5. and setting a device number.
(Example) Read the circuit block containing contact A with device No. X10.
2.CIRCUT → 1.READ → 1. → X → 1 → 0 →
Specified contact A with device No.X10.
− 26 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
[Basic operation]
[Operation procedure]
(1) Press 2.CIRCUT , 1.READ , 6. , COMMAND , and the program with the
designated command will display from the circuit block with the smallest step number. The device
number designation is insignificant.
If is pressed again, the circuit with the next smallest number will display under the currently
displayed block.
(2) If the command is changed during the display, that block will display under the currently displayed
(3) If the screen is full and is pressed, the top circuit block will disappear and another circuit
block will be added to the bottom. (Refer to Example 2)
(4) If reading is attempted after all corresponding blocks have been displayed, the message “PROG
NOT FOUND” will appear.
(Example 1) Read the circuit block with the PLS M80 command. (M80 is insignificant here.)
2.CIRCUT → 1.READ → 6. → P → L → S → M → 8 → 0 →
− 27 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
2.CIRCUT → 1.READ → 6. → M → O → V →
Press after
the screen is full.
− 28 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
This operation is used to read the circuit block immediately before the block with the END command.
[Basic operation]
2.CIRCUT → 1.READ → 6. → E → N → D →
[Operation procedure]
2.CIRCUT → 1.READ → 6. → E → N → D →
− 29 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
Example of displayed
Read method Operation example Remarks
Reads the circuit block
with the designated step
Step number 9.SET 2 8 and succeeding steps.
P 1 0
Device :
number :
− 30 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
[Basic operation]
[Operation procedure]
(1) Using the circuit read operation display the block to where the circuit symbol is to be inserted.
(2) Press 3.INSERT and all circuit blocks other than the one at the cursor position will disappear.
• To insert a circuit symbol into a circuit block other than the one displayed at the screen top,
move the cursor to the beginning of the target block and then press 3.INSERT . The
designated circuit block will move to the top of the screen, and all other blocks will disappear.
(3) Move the cursor to the position where the symbol is to be inserted using the cursor keys, and then
input the command.
(Note) Inputting the data at the top of the screen may not be possible depending on the system.
An operation error will occur if this is attempted in such a system, and "OPERATING
ERROR" will display in the message display section.
(4) Always press 5.CONVT , after inserting the circuit.
• “COMPLETED” will display in the message display section when is pressed and the
updated circuit will display.
(1) When insertion or addition is performed, the step numbers of the succeeding program and
the CJ command jump destinations will also be changed automatically.
(Example) Read step No. 18 and insert contact B with device No. X8 as an AND circuit after the
contact with device No. Y15.
− 31 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
Examples of insertion and addition of other circuit symbols are shown below.
X10 X1
X10 X3
X10 X1 X3
Eight contacts
(b) 3.INSERT → 3. → X → 1 → 0 →
− 32 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
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6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
[Basic operation]
(Circuit read operation) → 4.DELETE → 5. →
[Operation procedure]
(1) Display the circuit to be deleted with the read operation.
(2) Press 4.DELETE and all circuit blocks other than the one at the cursor position will disappear.
• To delete a circuit block other than the one displayed at the screen top, move the cursor to the
beginning of the target block and then press 4.DELETE . The designated circuit block will
move to the top of the screen.
(3) Press 5. or 6. . “DELETE 1-CIRCUIT” will display in the message
display section. Press the key again to delete the designated block.
• Even if the target circuit block contains the commands for the output device, the block can be
deleted by pressing 4.DELETE , 5. or 6. .
Note: 5.CONVT , do not need to be pressed after deleting the circuit block.
(1) When deletion is performed, the step numbers of the succeeding program and the CJ
command jump destinations will also be changed automatically.
(Example) Read step No. 25 and delete the circuit block containing it.
− 34 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
(Example) To delete the faulty circuit if a “LADDER ERROR”, etc., occurs when 5.CONVT ,
are pressed after creating the circuit, or to delete a circuit block before pressing
5.CONVT , .
Move the Delete Y25 circuit block Convert the Y26 circuit block
cursor down
(Note) “DELETE 1-CIRCUIT” will display in the message display section when a normal circuit
block is deleted. “DELETE 1-CIRCUIT (DISP)” will display when a circuit block with no step
number assigned is deleted.
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6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
[Basic operation]
[Operation procedure]
(1) Display the circuit block with the circuit symbol to be deleted with the read operation.
(2) Press 4.DELETE and all circuit blocks other than the one at the cursor position will disappear.
• To delete a circuit block other than the one displayed at the screen top, move the cursor to the
beginning of the target block and then press 4.DELETE . The designated circuit block will
move to the top of the screen.
(3) Move the cursor to the circuit symbol to be deleted with the cursor keys, and press
1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 7. –– or 8. | and then
press to delete it.
(4) Always press 5.CONVT , after deleting the circuit.
• "COMPLETED" will display in the message display section when is pressed and the
updated circuit will display.
(1) When deletion in circuit symbol units is performed, the step numbers of the succeeding
program and the CJ command jump destinations will also be changed automatically.
Delete X3
− 36 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
(b) 4.DELETE → → → ↓ → 3. →
(c) 4.DELETE → → → ↓ → 3. →
(a) 4.DELETE → → → 7. | →
− 37 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
(1) When 2.WRITE is pressed, a maximum of eight returns can be created if there is
one extended line. When 3.INSERT is pressed a maximum of one return can be created.
The ladder circuit display buffers are 18 stages long and nine contacts (including a coil) wide. The
section not displayed on the screen is displayed with the cursor keys ↑ ↓ .
9 stages × 2 buffers
− 38 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
A maximum of six returns can be created if there is one extended line in the same manner.
• Circuit symbols that can be extended during writing :
If any of these symbols are used, an “OPERATING ERROR” will occur when is pressed.
− 39 −
6. Creating a Ladder Circuit
Write(vertical line)
− 40 −
6. Creation of Ladder Circuit
When writing a function command into the return section, extend with a − (horizontal line) first,
and then write in the function command. An “OPERATING ERROR” will occur if the function
command is written in directly.
− 41 −
6. Creation of Ladder Circuit
This example is completed by
pressing INS 5.CONVT
M7 M8
If any of these symbols are used, an “OPERATING ERROR” will occur when is pressed.
− 42 −
6. Creation of Ladder Circuit
(5) Example 2 of inserting a single extended line (when more than one coil exists)
− 43 −
6. Creation of Ladder Circuit
(6) Example of inserting when a function command exists in the coil section
Note) Insertion is not possible if a function command handled as a contact such as =, >, or < exists
in the return section. An “OPERATING ERROR” will occur if insertion is attempted.
− 44 −
6. Creation of Ladder Circuit
(7) Example 1 of inserting when there are two or more extended lines
− 45 −
6. Creation of Ladder Circuit
(8) Example 2 of inserting when there are two or more extended lines
− 46 −
6. Creation of Ladder Circuit
“CIRCUIT CONTINUATIVE SIZE OVER” occurs. The maximum number of returns is six.
− 47 −
6. Creation of Ladder Circuit
10 stages × 2 = 20 stages
“LADDER OVERFLOW” occurs. The maximum number of stages after extension is 18.
− 48 −
6. Creation of Ladder Circuit
The relation between the number of returns and the maximum length of the circuit that can be created is
as shown below.
Number of returns 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Circuit length (stages) 18 11 7 5 4 3 3 2 2
Max. 18 stages
− 49 −
7. Messages
7. Messages
Sequence programs as well as message data used for the CNC message function and the ladder circuit
printing function can be created with the PLC development software. The messages that can be
created are as follow:
(1) Alarm message (ALARM MESS)
(2) Operation message (OPERATE MESS)
(3) PLC switch name(PLC SW MESS)
(4) Device message (DEVICE MESS)
(5) Coil message (COIL MESS)
(6) Comment message (COMMENT MESS)
Device number
Contact names
Alphanumeric, kana and kanji characters can be used. Two half-byte characters are used to
display one kanji character.
The maximum length of a DEVICE MESS is 6 characters, and a maximum of 1000 device names
can be registered. However, the limits will depend on the CNC memory size.
− 50 −
7. Messages
Coil name
Alphanumeric, kana and kanji characters can be used. Two half-byte characters are used to
display one kanji character.
The maximum length of a COIL MESS is 18 characters, and a maximum of 2700 coil names can
be registered. However, the limits will depend on the CNC memory size.
Semi-graphics cannot be used for messages created on the personal computer. If semi-
graphics are required for the load meter, etc., leave that line blank, and create a message
including the semi-graphics with the CNC onboard.
An odd number of characters must not be used for one message as the CNC may not
function correctly.
− 51 −
7. Messages
7.1 Initial
Select the initial screen and set the message size before creating a new message. Messages cannot be
created if this is not performed. The data length must always be an even number.
[Basic operation]
[Operation procedure]
#( ) DATA ( ) ( BYTE)
Setting section
− 52 −
7. Messages
The maximum number of messages and maximum length of each message are shown below.
Max. number
Item of messages Max. data length Remarks
− 53 −
7. Messages
#( ) DATA ( ) ( BYTE)
2.WRITE 1 → → 2 5 6 → 3 2
3.PLC SW MESS ( 0/ 0) ( 14 BYTE )
4.DEVICE MESS ( 0/ 0) ( 6 BYTE )
5.COIL MESS ( 0/ 0) ( 18 BYTE )
Note) This can be omitted as the default values 6.COMMENT MESS ( 0/ 0) ( 60 BYTE )
are set in the data length. 7.CONTROL CODE ( 0 )
to COMMENT MESS are required.
The display shown on the right will appear when MODE INIT MENU CONVT
5.CONVT is pressed. The size can be changed or 2.WRITE 5.CONVT SUBMENU MENUE
registered by pressing Y .
− 54 −
7. Messages
Number of registered messages : The number of messages registered in the message table.
Number of messages : The number of messages that can be registered.
The number of messages and number of registered messages are displayed in the “MEMORY ( / )” of
each message create screen after this.
If the data length per block of each message is changed, the message data that
had been created previously will be invalid.
The message “SELECT INIT!” will appear if an ALARM or OPERATOR
MESSAGE screen, etc., is selected without setting the number of messages or
data length in the initial setting.
− 55 −
7. Messages
7.2 Writing
The method for writing each message is explained in this section.
[Basic operation]
[Operation procedure]
(1) Press 1.MSSG , select each message menu, and then read.
(2) Press 2.WRITE and the setting section will display.
(3) Press MENUE after writing the message data and then press 5.CONVT , .
"COMPLETED" will display on the top of the screen when the conversion is completed.
Examples of operation for each message are given on the following pages.
− 56 −
7. Messages
Index number
Data register number (D)
#( ) ( ) ( )
MEM ( / 100 STEP)
#( ) ( ) ( )
MEM ( / 100 STEP)
− 57 −
7. Messages
(3) The message data has not been transmitted to the file yet.
Press MENU 5.CONVT .
"COMPLETED" will display when the operation is completed correctly.
~ ~
~ ~
#( ) ( ) ( )
(4) The data register number is 0 here. If 1 to 1023 is input, an identification number can be
displayed after the message when the ALARM MESS is displayed on the CNC.
For example, if 1 is input, the data register (D) 1 contents are displayed after the message. If the
D1 contents are 3, 3 will display. The F or R method can be used for the ALARM MESS display.
To use F, start the index from 0. To use R, start the index at 1. Note that even if a message with
index 0 is created, the message cannot be displayed in the R method.
(5) The OPERATE MESS setting method is the same as the ALARM MESS setting method but only
the R method can be used. A message created with index 0 will be insignificant.
Refer to the PLC Programming Manual (Ladder Section) for the specifications of ALARM MESS
The machine name and title used during printing can also be creating using the operator
− 58 −
7. Messages
. .
. ;98-08-18 BY.MITSUBISHI .
. .
. .
......... MODIFY MEMO ...........
− 59 −
7. Messages
Example of OPERATE MESS used for title display and machine name printing
− 60 −
7. Messages
(1) Press 1.MSSG → 3.PLC SW → 1.READ 0 2.WRITE , and the following setting
section will display.
#( ) ( )
Index number
(2) Input 0 → M S T SP L O C K
#( 0) (MST_LOCK )
# 1 ( MST LOCK )
2 ( )
3 ( )
4 ( )
5 ( )
6 ( )
7 ( )
8 ( )
9 ( )
10 ( )
11 ( )
12 ( )
13 ( )
14 ( )
#( ) ( )
MEM ( / 32 STEP)
(4) Execute MENUE and press 5.CONVT . "COMPLETED" will display and the message
writing will be completed. The PLC switch number displayed on the CNC will be the index
number incremented by one.
To use the PLC switch name file created here with the MELDASMAGIC MMI software (option),
a conversion must be made with the "PLC Switch Conversion Tool (CNVPLCSW)" found on
the "Utility disk". Refer to the "Utility Disk Instruction Manual" for details on how to use this
conversion tool.
− 61 −
7. Messages
[Operation example] Write device “M100” and comment “SP.CW” in contact 10.
(2) Input 1 0 → M → 1 0 0 → S P . C W
#( ) ( )
MEM ( 100 / 1000 STEP)
(4) The coil comment can be set in the same manner as the contact comment.
− 62 −
7. Messages
7.2.4 Comment
[Operation example]
(1) Press 1.MSSG 6.COMMENT 1.READ 0 2.WRITE and the following setting
section will display.
#( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Device number
Index number
(2) Set the device as 1, the device number as 0 and create a message for the TOOL
REGISTRATION screen. A maximum of five steps with a maximum of eight characters can be
The CNC will display only the first five steps even if more than five steps are created.
(3) Set the device as 2, the device number as 0 or 1 and create a message for the load meter. The
load meter comment is divided into the title, scale and unit, etc., and created.
No. Device Device No. Details
display length
Device 1 comment is read from top to bottom and
Not used 8 alphanumeric
1 1 displayed from left to right on the TOOL
(default value 0) characters
0: First series
screen comment 30 characters or The comments with a device 2 is read from the top
2 2
1: Second series 10 characters and displayed as the load meter comments.
screen comment
(4) Execute MENUE and press 5.CONVT → after writing the comment messages.
An example of comment creation is shown below.
0 (1) ( 0) ( [Spindle] )
1 (1) ( 0) ( [Standby 1] )
2 (1) ( 0) ( [Standby 2] )
3 (1) ( 0) ( [Standby 3] )
4 (1) ( 0) ( [Index] )
5 (2) ( 0) ( Spindle load 1 )
6 (2) ( 0) (0 50 100 )
7 (2) ( 0) (∗ % )
8 (2) ( 0) (|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| )
9 (2) ( 0) ( Z axis load 1 )
10 (2) ( 0) (0 50 100 )
11 (2) ( 0) (∗ % )
12 (2) ( 0) (|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| )
13 (2) ( 1) ( X axis load 2 )
14 (2) ( 1) (0 50 100 )
15 (2) ( 1) (∗ % )
16 (2) ( 1) (|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| )
17 (2) ( 1) ( Z axis load 2 )
18 (2) ( 1) (0 50 100 )
19 (2) ( 1) (∗ % )
20 (2) ( 1) (|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| )
21 ( ) ( 1) ( )
Device No.
The comments number 13 to 20 (device number:1) are the comment data for the second series when
using a 2-series system.
− 63 −
7. Messages
40 characters
30 characters
1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
The bar graph start position is fixed to the 11th character from the left.
(Note) R152 to 155 control the first series screen display when using a 2-series system, and R352 to
355 control the second series screen display when using a 2-series system.
− 64 −
7. Messages
(1) Semi-graphics (↑, ↓, etc.) cannot be used for the message data created with the personal
computer. If semi-graphics must be used with the load meter, etc., leave that line blank, and
create the message containing the semi-graphics with the CNC's onboard function.
(2) An even number of characters must always be set for each message. The CNC may not function
correctly if an odd number is set.
(3) A maximum of 60 characters (30 characters × 2 lines) can be displayed for the operator message.
Thus, if a Kanji character (2 character data) is used for the 30th or 31st character, it will not be
displayed correctly. Use a blank space for the 30th character here.
− 65 −
7. Messages
7.3 Read
The method for reading the messages is explained in this section.
[Basic operation]
(Set the index number of the
1.MSSG → 1.ALARM → 1.READ → message to be read into the →
setting area.)
[Operation example]
(1) Press 1.MSSG and then select one from 1.ALARM to 6.COMMENT .
(2) Press 1.READ and the setting section will display. Input the index number of the message to be
read into the setting area, and press .
15-lines worth of messages will display from the index number.
(3) Input “+” or “−” into the index number setting area to feed the page and then press .
“+” indicates forward page feed and “−” indicates reverse page feed.
− 66 −
7. Messages
7.4 Insertion
The method for inserting each message is explained in this section.
[Basic operation]
[Operation example]
(1) Press 1.MSSG and then select one from 1.ALARM to 6.COMMENT .
(2) Read the message section to be inserted.
(3) Press 3.INSERT , set the index number and data to be inserted into the setting area, and then
press .
An example is shown below.
For example to insert data between 101 and 102, designate the 102 position, and create the data to
be inserted.
ò # (102) (1002) (
is pressed, the following will occur.
(Note) The inserted data will be invalid if write or read is selected without conversion.
− 67 −
7. Messages
7.5 Deletion
The method for deleting each message is explained in this section.
[Basic operation]
[Operation example]
(1) Press 1.MSSG and then select one from 1.ALARM to 6.COMMENT .
(2) Read the message section to be deleted.
(3) Press 4.DELETE , set the index number to be deleted into the setting area, and then press .
An example is shown below.
Set the index and press .
# (102) (1002) ( SPINDLE ERROR)
The following will occur.
− 68 −
7. Messages
7.6 Conversion
The edited data is written into the message file.
[Basic operation]
[Operation example]
(1) Press 1.MSSG and edit the message (write, insert, delete).
(2) Press INS → 5.CONVT → after editing.
The contents of the message file will be updated when "COMPLETED" is displayed.
− 69 −
8. Printing
8. Printing
The PLC development software can edit as well as print the ladder circuits and messages.
There are two methods of printing: printer and printer 2. Printer 2 allows the size of the ladder circuit to
be selected.
2.COMMENT ( 0) SET = 1
6.PLC SW MSSG ( 0)
23. END STEP ( 100)
24.MODE SELECT ( 0) 0:LAD, 1:LAD. +COM, 2:LAD. +COM. +CRS
26.I/O DEVICE ( )
28. END NO. ( 0)
#( ) DATA ( )
− 70 −
8. Printing
[Basic operation]
(3) Input G O in the index setting section, and press . Printing will start.
When completed, the GO display will disappear and the cursor will appear.
− 71 −
8. Printing
Select LADDER.
Execute printing.
Set the page to start printing from in 34. START PAGE NO. Normally, printing will start from page 1.
Do not use the same name for the ladder file and message file.
− 72 −
8. Printing
Set the comment list mode. 22.POINT START STEP ( 0)
29. MODE SELECT ( ) 23. END STEP ( 100)
Select one of the following: 24.MODE SELECT ( 0) 0:LAD,
2. DEV. + DEV. NO. 28. END NO. ( 0)
#( ) DATA ( )
If 1 or 2 is selected above, set the 3PRINT 5PRI
designated device. Designate device
A to Z.
Execute printing.
The GO message will disappear and
# ( ) DATA ( ) will appear when
printing is completed.
− 73 −
8. Printing
Select LADDER.
#( ) DATA ( )
Set the message file when "20. 3PRINT 5PRI
SELECT (with comment)" are
Note) Only the ladder will be printed if the
message file is not designated. PRINT 2
To next page.
− 74 −
8. Printing
Execute printing.
Set the page to start printing from in 34. START PAGE NO. Normally, printing will start from page 1.
1. Do not set the same name for the ladder file and message file.
2. Only the ladder will be printed if the message file name is not designated even if “1” or “2”
is set in 24. MODE SELECT ( ).
3. The contact comments and coil comments must be created with the message function. A
maximum of 6 characters can be set for the contact comment and 18 characters for the
coil contact.
4. The OR circuit is not separated when the page is changed, but if the coil’s cross section is
more than four lines when the OR circuit is printed on the last line of the page, the OR
circuit will be continued on the next page.
− 75 −
8. Printing
− 76 −
8. Printing
Single block
Dry run
− 77 −
8. Printing
− 78 −
8. Printing
− 79 −
8. Printing
8.6.1 Outline
When "6. FREE FORM" is selected for "30. USED PAPER" on the "PRINT2" screen, the following
printing is possible.
#( ) DATA ( )
− 80 −
8. Printing
8.6.4 Precautions
(1) If the ladder mode is 0 or if the number of columns does not satisfy 75, the comment or cross
reference cannot be printed.
(2) The reduction and left margin settings are valid only when the “30. USED PAPER” setting is “6.
(3) The default value of each data can be changed to an arbitrary value by using the external file
Refer to the section "8.7 External File (PR_DATA)" for details.
− 81 −
8. Printing
8.7.1 Outline
If the printer output setting data and control codes are registered in the external file (PR_DATA), the
following settings and changes will be possible.
• Setting of initial value of parameters for printing
• Changing of printer control codes.
(1) If there is no external file, the default values will be set as the initial values for all parameters.
(2) The default value will be set as the initial values for any parameter that is not designated.
If a value that exceeds the setting range is set, or if a character other than a number is set,
the default value will be set as the initial value.
Setting range : LDM 0~2
PPP 0~6
CRW 0 / 1
LNS 40 ~ 100
CLS 70 ~ 136
RED 0/1
LFT 0 ~ 40
If LDM is set to 1 or 2, and PPP is set to 1 or 5, both LDM and PPP will be invalid.
(This is because the printing details and paper size do not match.)
− 82 −
8. Printing
(1) If a control code is not designated, the default control code will be used.
Default control code: For PC/AT .... Follows ESC/P
For PC98 ...... Follows PR201
(2) The control codes are sequentially output one byte at a time. The output will stop at the point
that an illegal code is found (more than three digits, or other than 0-9, A-F or special codes).
Even if an incorrect code is designated, the output will continue to the end if the format is
correct. In this case, the following printer operation cannot be guaranteed, so take special
care when designating the control code.
(3) If the length of one line exceeds 256 characters, the line following the 257th character will be
Thus, if all control codes are described with two digits, up to 84 control codes can be output.
− 83 −
8. Printing
Special code: The data that starts with an "X" such as "X0" in the control code is called a special code.
The special code indicates a code that cannot be designated because the code changes
due to the conditions, etc.
Currently, the left margin width is a special code. The method of expressing the margin
width differs according to the printer, so the width is changed by the special code type.
ESC/P : Binary, 1 byte (0A for 10 digits)
PR201 : Character string, 3 bytes (30,31,30 for 10 digits)
For ESC/P type : Designate the special code "X0".
For PR201 type : Designate the special code "X1".
(Example) ESC/P_LFT=1B,6C,X0
If set as shown above, the tool will generate the margin width data from the left margin
setting value, and will output the data to the printer.
The left margin value can be applied with a fixed value, but in this case, the left margin
setting value set on the screen will be ignored.
− 84 −
9. Linking
9. Linking
Linking is a function used to merge the ladder file and message file described earlier into one file. The
file created by merging the ladder file and message file is called a link file. Normally, this link file is
transferred to the control unit. The ladder file and message file will remain intact even after they are
There is also a function used to divide the link file into a ladder file and message file.
Up to eight message files can be linked.
# ( ) NAME ( )
Link screen
− 86 −
9. Linking
[Basic operation]
5LINK → 1READ → (Designate link file name) → 7DIVIDE
[Operation example)
(1) The following setting area will appear when 5LINK → 1READ are pressed.
#( ) NAME ( )
File name
(2) Register the name of the link file created previously in "#1 LINK". The names and sizes of the
ladder file and message files in the link file will appear.
(3) When 7DIVIDE and are pressed " ( ) " will appear.
If Y and are pressed, the message "EXECUTION" will appear.
When the division is completed, the message "COMPLETED" will appear.
− 87 −
9. Linking
( )
− 88 −
9. Linking
9.3 Others
9.3.1 Address
This is not used with the MELDAS 64 Series and MELDASMAGIC 64 Series.
9.3.2 C Address
This is not used with the MELDAS 64 Series and MELDASMAGIC 64 Series.
9.3.3 C Address 2
This is not used with the MELDAS 64 Series and MELDASMAGIC 64 Series.
9.3.5 C-Macro
This is not used with the MELDAS 64 Series and MELDASMAGIC 64 Series.
− 89 −
10. Editing an Existing File
[Basic operation]
[Operation procedures]
(1) The following setting area will appear when 5LINK → 1READ are pressed.
# ( ) NAME ( )
(2) When the following is input, the ladder file name, message file name, capacity of each file and
used size will appear.
# ( 1) NAME (Name of link file to be edited)
(3) The parentheses ( ) will appear when the keys are pressed in the order of 7DIVIDE → .
(4) The message "EXECUTION" will appear when Y → are pressed, and the division will start.
The message "COMPLETED" will appear when the division is completed.
(5) When 4LADDER → 2CIRCUIT are pressed on the Title screen, the ladder file can be edited.
(6) When 1MESSAGE → (Each message file) are pressed on the Title screen, the message file
can be edited.
(7) When completed with the editing, return to the Title screen, and press 5LINK → 5LINK → .
The message "EXECUTION" will appear, and the edited files will be linked.
The message "COMPLETED" will appear when the linking is completed.
− 90 −
10. Editing an Existing File
[Basic operation]
[Operation procedures]
(1) The following setting area will appear when 5LINK → 1READ are pressed.
# ( ) NAME ( )
(2) When the following is input, the ladder file capacity and used size will appear.
# ( 2) NAME (Name of ladder file to be edited)
(3) When 4LADDER → 2CIRCUIT are pressed on the Title screen, the ladder file can be edited.
[Basic operation]
5LINK → 1READ → [Designate message file name] → [Edit message file]
[Operation procedures]
(1) The following setting area will appear when 5LINK → 1READ are pressed.
# ( ) NAME ( )
(2) When the following is input, the message file capacity and used size will appear.
# ( 3) NAME (Name of message file to be edited)
(3) When 1MESSAGE → (Each file name) are pressed on the Title screen, the message file can
be edited.
− 91 −
11. Converting Ladder Files
Using this tool, PLC programs developed on a personal computer and MELDAS500/50 Series ladder
assets can be used and smoothly transferred to the M64 Series.
(1) PLC program files converted and created with this conversion tool cannot be corrected
with the PLC development software.
(2) PLC program files converted and created with this conversion tool cannot be operated
by any control unit (MELDAS500/50 Series) besides the MELDAS64 Series, even if
transferred to such a unit.
Always add the above options "−h" and "−p" in the MELDAS64 Series.
− 92 −
11. Converting Ladder Files
The conversion operation is carried out as follows when the file type to be converted is a ladder file.
The conversion operation for the above conversion example is as follows. (In this case, options "h" and
"p" are added.)
When the file type to be converted is a link file, the file names of the ladder file and message file
included in the link file can be converted using the option "n". If option "n" is not used, the file name
before conversion will be used as is.
− 93 −
11. Converting Ladder Files
11.4 Restrictions
The following restrictions apply to designated file names before and after conversion.
2) The file name must be within 128 characters (including drive name, backslashes, extensions and
3) All characters in the file name must be characters that can be used normally.
11.4.5 Header
Header address information is required in the M64 Series. An output in which the header is not deleted
can be obtained by adding the "-h" option. Always add the "-h" option in the M64 Series.
− 94 −
12. Transferring Ladder Files (MELDAS 64)
12.1 Outline
The communication program required to transmit and receive the PLC program files (ladder and
message link file) between the [NC] and [personal computer] will be described in this section.
(File name: COMU.EXE. Hereafter, communication program.)
A PLC program file (ladder + message) developed on the personal computer can be transferred to the
control unit.
(Note 1)
The following two types of files can be communicated.
(1) Files generated by linking with PLC development software and converted into
MELDAS64 Series format.
(2) PLC program created with NC onboard PLC development function and
input/output with the maintenance data input function (#99 250).
When linking with the PLC development software, if a link file with the same name
as the ladder file is designated, the file cannot be sent.
(The linking will be completed normally, but the transmission capacity will be 0.)
Do not designate the same name as the ladder file for the link file name.
The communication program screen will appear when the communication program starts.
− 95 −
12. Transferring Ladder Files (MELDAS 64)
− 96 −
12. Transferring Ladder Files (MELDAS 64)
635W035 - (MELDAS64 )
<Fig. 12.1>
(Note 2)
The system number shown on the first line of the screen is BND-655W036-**for
the PC-AT compatible unit communication program.
(Note 3)
• The cursor used to select the items by moving vertically (using the ↑ and
− 97 −
12. Transferring Ladder Files (MELDAS 64)
(Note 4) Use the following keys when the arrow keys cannot be used.
↓ = CTRL + J
↑ = CTRL + K
← = CTRL + H
→ = CTRL + L
To receive data, indicate the name of the file to be received.
(Example) To save the reception data in the file "READ1.DAT" under the directory "USER" in drive B.
− 98 −
12. Transferring Ladder Files (MELDAS 64)
12.5.4 Execute?
If the key is pressed when "START" is highlighted, the transmission or reception will start according
to the "Com.Mode" setting.
(Note 5)
If the designated transmission file is not found, error message 7 (refer to Table
12.1) will appear.
(Note 6)
• If a file with the same name exists, it will be overwritten.
• If the file is not found, a file will be created.
• A directory will not be created. If a directory that does not exist is designated,
error message 8 (refer to Table 12.1) will appear.
• If the FLD is write-protected, a message will be output from MS-DOS.
(The screen will be distorted in this case, but work can be continued by
following the given instructions.)
If the key is pressed when "MS-DOS" is highlighted, this program will be quit, and the system will
return to MS-DOS.
12.5.5 Monitor
TRANSMIT DATA : The transmission data will be displayed when the Monitor is ON.
RECEIVE DATA : The reception data will be displayed when the Monitor is ON.
12.5.6 Message
Instructions or warnings will be displayed in this area as required.
Refer to section "12.6 Message List" for details on the messages.
(Note 7)
If the communication is not completed normally (including when an error is judged
during [COMP]), the personal computer may not accept the STOP key (including
Ctrl + C ).
Reset the personal computer if communication is not completed normally.
− 99 −
12. Transferring Ladder Files (MELDAS 64)
− 100 −
12. Transferring Ladder Files (MELDAS 64)
(Note 8)
The message area will be cleared when the vertical cursor (cursor that moves
with ↓ and ↑ ) is moved.
(Note 9)
If reception is executed while the FLD is write-protected, a warning message
will be output from the MS-DOS, so the screen will be partially distorted.
If the FLD write-protection tab is released and the instructions are followed,
work can be continued.
(Note 10)
When message 14 appears:
This message means that when the 164H to 223H bytes from the head of the
received file were checked, data that was not the binary [00H] was found.
If this area is not [00H], the file may not run correctly on the "PLC development
software". Thus, this message will appear and request the user to take
When [Y] is pressed, 164H to 223H in the reception file will be unconditionally
changed to [00H].
(The uncorrected file will not be saved.)
An error will always occur if [COMP] is carried out on the corrected file.
When [N] is pressed, nothing will be changed, so there will be no guarantee that
the file will run correctly on the "PLC development software".
− 101 −
13. Transferring Ladder Files (MELDASMAGIC 64)
13.1 Outline
The PLC program data (ladder and message) created with "PLC4B" on the personal computer can be
transferred to the NC (MELDASMAGIC 64).
The PLC program data created with the PLC development function (onboard) on the NC side can also
be transferred to the personal computer.
In this section, the methods for transmitting and receiving the PLC program data (ladder and message)
between the [NC] and [personal computer] using the transfer tool (magictrs.exe) will be described.
The data is transferred from the personal computer to the NC with the following procedure when using
1 Create PLC program file The PLC program file is created using "PLC4B". (*1)
*1 Refer to sections "4. Start Up" to "9. Linking".
Onboard PLC
development tool
Onboard PLC
development tool
PLC development software
The PLC development software (PLC4B) can be used on the PC-9800 Series, but the
conversion tool (CNV4BMM) is dedicated for the PC/AT compatible unit, and thus will
not run on the PC-9800 Series.
Before converting a PLC program developed with the PC-9800 Series, load it into a
PC/AT compatible unit using a FLD, etc.
− 103 −
13. Transferring Ladder Files (MELDASMAGIC 64)
(3) Following the explanation above, designate the file name and option, and type in the command.
(Example) To convert a file (c:\plc1) created with the PLC development software, etc., and
located in the drive C root directory into a file that can be input into
C:\>C:\meltools\dos\cnv4bmm.exe -m plc1
− 104 −
13. Transferring Ladder Files (MELDASMAGIC 64)
− 105 −
13. Transferring Ladder Files (MELDASMAGIC 64)
− 106 −
13. Transferring Ladder Files (MELDASMAGIC 64)
(4) Select the NC side directory "M01:\LAD" with the following procedure.
1) Double-click on "M01:\".
2) Double-click on "LAD".
(5) Designate the PLC file to be transferred (file that has been converted with CNV4BMM) with the
following procedure.
1) Double-click on the directory containing the PLC file to be transferred.
2) Select and click on the file in the file list.
− 107 −
13. Transferring Ladder Files (MELDASMAGIC 64)
(1) Always set the file name to "USERPLC.LAD" when transferring from the PC to the NC.
(2) Refer to section "13.5 Message List" for details on the error messages.
− 108 −
13. Transferring Ladder Files (MELDASMAGIC 64)
(3) Select the PLC file "M01:\LAD\USERPLC.LAD" (NC side) to be transferred with the following
(1) Double-click on "M01:\".
(2) Double-click on "LAD".
(3) Select and click on "USERPLC.LAD" in the file list.
(4) Designate the file transfer destination (personal computer side directory).
(6) The Copy window will open. The "USERPLC.LAD" will appear in the text box. Change the file name
(7) Click on the [OK] button. If an error message does not appear, the transmission is completed.
− 109 −
13. Transferring Ladder Files (MELDASMAGIC 64)
(1) The following steps must be taken to edit the file transferred to the personal computer
with the PLC4B.
1. Using the conversion tool CNV4BMM, convert the transferred file into a format that
can be read by the PLC4B. (Refer to the section "13.3 Converting PLC program data".)
2. Divide the link file (converted) into a ladder file and message file.
(Refer to the section "9.2 File division".)
(2) Refer to section "13.5 Message List" for details on the error messages.
− 110 −
14. List Mode Function
The list text file can be edited using an editor such as mifes. Changing of the devices, etc., on the NC
side can be performed easily with the function to convert the ladder sequence file into a list text file.
− 111 −
14. List Mode Function
The function to convert the ladder sequence file into a list text file is used as shown below.
To convert LD X0 in the ladder sequence file to LD Y0 (device batch conversion)
− 112 −
14. List Mode Function
When the title screen is displayed, the menu will appear on the bottom of the screen.
Use the function keys PF01 to PF10 to select a menu. (These keys may be F1 to F10 depending on
the personal computer model.)
The menu number and function key numbers correspond to each other.
The menu configuration is shown below.
− 113 −
14. List Mode Function
The PLC development software title screen will appear when PF10 is pressed.
[Start up method]
(1) Input the following startup command to start the list mode function.
A:\> list4b
(2) The list mode function will start, and the title screen will display.
[Ending method]
(1) Press PF10 on the keyboard, and display the title screen of the PLC development software.
(2) Press PF8 ( 8 EXIT ) to end LIST4B. The prompt (A:\>) will appear on the screen, and the
program will return to the normal MS-DOS mode.
− 114 −
14. List Mode Function
Function item
List write Creation of new list
Correction of existing list
List read List read with step number
List read with device number
List read with command
List insertion Insertion in list command units
List delete Deletion of list in command units
Deletion of list with range designation
− 115 −
14. List Mode Function
[Basic operation]
7.FILE → 2.WRITE → (Set the necessary setting number and file name.) →
[Operation procedure]
(1) Press function menu 7.FILE and the PLC FILE screen will display.
(2) Press 2.WRITE and the setting section will appear.
(3) Set the ladder file name, message file name 1 and text file name.
• Set the estimated file size for the ladder file.
• A maximum of 8 characters can be used for the file name.
− 116 −
14. List Mode Function
[Basic operation]
7.FILE → 5.CONVT → 1 → → Y →
[Operation procedure]
(1) Press function menu 7.FILE .
(2) Press 5.CONVT and the text file and ladder file conversion direction will appear.
(3) Designate the conversion direction.
• 1 : The ladder file will be converted to a text file.
• 2 : The text file will be converted to a ladder file.
The message "COMPLETED" will appear when the conversion is completed.
(Note) After conversion, the converted details will be written into each designated file. If the
designated file name (for example, a text file name when 1 is selected above) already
exists, the message "V1-FILE IS EXIST. OK (Y/N)" will display.
If Y is pressed here, the conversion process will start.
If N is pressed or if another operation is carried out, the conversion process will be
(Note) There must be only one “END” command when converting from a text file to a ladder file.
An error will occur if there are several “END” commands.
− 117 −
14. List Mode Function
[Operation procedure]
(1) Register the edit file before creating a new circuit.
(2) Press function menu 4.LADDER and the sub menu will display.
(3) Press 1.LIST , 2.WRITE , 1.SET and the following interactive screen will display.
(4) Press Y , to create a new circuit or erase an existing circuit. Press 1.READ for other
(5) Only the bus bar on both sides and the step number will display if Y , are pressed.
(6) Start the writing operation.
(a) Create a program from the cursor position using the alphanumeric keys.
(b) When approximately one screen worth of program is written, press 5.CONVT , .
Note) A maximum of two screens worth of program can be created at once, but
5.CONVT , should be pressed after one screen if possible.
The final object will not be created on the screen if 5.CONVT , are not pressed
after the list is completed.
(c) The message “COMPLETED” will appear on the screen when 5.CONVT , are pressed
and the conversion is completed.
(Example) The following screen will display when the following are pressed:
Note) The existing lists will all be deleted when CLEAR MEMORY FOR NEW PROGRAM?
MEM ( 0/ 512 STEP )
− 118 −
14. List Mode Function
[Basic operation]
(Read out program list) → ↑ → 2.WRITE → (Input commands) → 5.CONVT →
[Operation procedure]
(1) Read out the PLC list to be modified with the read procedure.
(2) Move the cursor to the PLC list position to be modified. (Use ↓ ↑ keys)
(3) Press 2.WRITE and the step number at the cursor will display at the setting section.
Press 4.DATA and the data at the cursor position will display in the setting section.
• Move the cursor at the setting section with the → ← keys and modify the command.
(4) The program list can also be changed by inputting the step number and command instead of step
(5) Always press 5.CONVT , after modifying the PLC list.
• The message “COMPLETED” will appear in the message section after the PLC list is written
into the file. The step number will also be updated at this time.
(6) When the data is rewritten, the step numbers will be updated according to the number of steps in
the command. The step number on the left will also be updated.
(1) When the existing circuit where the step number is changed is modified, the step numbers
of the existing program and the CJ command jump destination will also be automatically
→ 5.CONVT →
MEM ( 0/ 512 STEP )
− 119 −
14. List Mode Function
MEM ( 0/ 512 STEP )
− 120 −
14. List Mode Function
This operation is used to read the PLC list by designating a step number.
[Basic operation]
1.LIST → 1.READ → 1.SET → STEP NO. →
[Operation procedure]
(1) Press 1.LIST , 1.READ , 1.SET , STEP NO. , and one screen worth of data following the
designated number will display.
• The PLC list will be displayed from the start of that command even if in the middle of the
designated step number command.
(2) Press + and the list on the screen following the current PLC list screen will display.
Press - and the list on the screen before the current PLC list screen will display.
The succeeding or preceding screens can be displayed by pressing continuously.
(3) The cursor can be moved down one line by pressing ↓ . If pressed continuously, the cursor will
continue to move down. When pressed on the last line, the PLC list will scroll over to the right.
The cursor can be moved up one line by pressing ↑ . If pressed continuously, the cursor will
continue to move up, and will stop at the top line of the left column.
1.LIST → 1.READ → 3 0 0 →
MEM ( 400/ 512 STEP )
MEM ( 400/ 512 STEP )
− 121 −
14. List Mode Function
This operation is used to read the PLC list by designating a device number.
[Basic operation]
[Operation procedure]
(1) Press 1.LIST , 1.READ , 2.DEVICE , DEVICE NO. , and one screen worth of data from
the command with the designated device will appear.
If there are several commands with the designated device, the screen with the smallest step
number will display first.
(2) If reading is attempted after all program lists with the corresponding device number have been
displayed, the message “PROG NOT FOUND” will appear.
MEM ( 400/ 512 STEP )
When the key is pressed again, the next "D500" will be searched for and displayed.
− 122 −
14. List Mode Function
[Basic operation]
[Operation procedure]
(1) Press 1.LIST , 1.READ , 3.COMMAND , COMMAND CODE , , the PLC list with
the designated command will display from the list with the smallest number.
If is pressed again, the PLC list with the next smallest number will display.
(2) If reading is attempted after all commands have been displayed, the message “PROG NOT
FOUND” will appear.
MEM ( 400/ 512 STEP )
When the key is pressed again, the next "MOV" will be searched for and displayed.
− 123 −
14. List Mode Function
[Basic operation]
(Program→ list read ↑ 3.INSERT → (Input command) → → 5.CONVT →
[Operation procedure]
(1) Display the position to where the PLC list is to be inserted using the circuit read operation.
(2) Move the cursor to the position where the PLC list is to be inserted. (Use ↑ ↓ )
(3) Press 3.INSERT and the step number at the cursor position will display in the setting section.
Press 4.DATA and the data at the cursor position will display in the setting section.
(4) Write the command to be inserted in the setting section, and press .
(5) Always press 5.CONVT after inputting the command.
• The message “COMPLETED” will appear in the message display section when the PLC list has
been written into the file. The PLC list read will display again after being written into the file.
The step number will be updated simultaneously.
(1) When the existing circuit where the step number is changed is modified, the step numbers
of the existing program and the CJ command jump destination will also be automatically
→ → 5.CONVT →
MEM ( 400/ 512 STEP )
− 124 −
14. List Mode Function
[Basic operation]
(Program→list read (No. of steps to
↑ 4.DELETE → be deleted)→ → 5.CONVT →
[Operation procedure]
(1) Display the PLC list to be deleted with the read operation.
(2) Move the cursor to the PLC list position to be deleted. (Use ↑ ↓ )
(3) Press 4.DELETE and the step number at the cursor position will display in the setting section.
To delete several commands in a batch, set the last step to be deleted in the brackets on the right
of the setting section.
(4) Press and the step number displayed in the setting section will be deleted.
(5) Always press 5.CONVT after inputting the command.
• The message “COMPLETED” will appear in the message display section when the PLC list has
been written into the file. The read PLC list will display again after being written into the file.
The step number will be updated simultaneously.
(1) When part of the PLC list is deleted, the step numbers of the following program and the
CJ command jump destination will also be automatically changed.
MEM ( 400/ 512 STEP )
− 125 −
14. List Mode Function
MEM ( 400/ 512 STEP )
− 126 −
15. Messages
15. Messages
15.1 Alarm Messages
− 127 −
15. Messages
15.2 Messages
− 128 −
Revision History