LAMP International Arbitration Interim Award

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The arbitration tribunal found in favor of the claimants in a dispute over property taxes and ownership. They awarded the claimants money damages and determined their land patent title to be valid and the property removed from tax rolls.

The tribunal was concerned about issues with documents related to a new case involving the same property, including a lack of case number. They also noted an impersonation of a notary.

The tribunal found that the land patent, being absolute legal title, could not be challenged in state court. They also found the tax sale void.

LAMP International Arbitration Interim Award 2020

Final Arbitration Award

a Foreign Arbitration Award

In the matter of Claim No. 20200202-1CK
Public Case#: #1000000 and #20000000

Conditional Acceptance for the Value/Agreement/

Counter Offer #20191010-dgd-123456789©




§1, §2, AND §9


The Arbitrator Tribunal finds all the elements that form a contractual agreement and a legally
commercial binding obligatory relationship are present. The Arbitrators have Subject Matter
Jurisdiction, acknowledge by Title 9 U.S. Code §1, §2, AND §9.
The Arbitrators are:

1. :Name: Family; Lead Arbitrator

2. :Name: Family; Arbitrator
3. :Name: Family; Arbitrator

Claimants applied to move the Public Case#: #1000000000 to LAMP Arbitration due to lack of
remedy they have/are received/receiving in Thug County Court, 2020 Water Street, Evil, New York
[11111], Tele: (999)111-2222, Fax: (999) 111-2223.

The Arbitration hearing was held, via telephone conference, pursuant to USC 9-16 of the FAA
(Federal Arbitration Act) at 3:00 PM EST on January 1, 2020.

Since the Arbitration Hearing the Claimants have notified LAMP Arbitration of a new Public Case
#200000000 that involves the same private property as Public Case #:100000000000.

LAMP International Arbitration Interim Award 2020
The Tribunal is concerned with some issues which include a Notice of Petition to Recover
Possession of Real Property from Peter Fraudster; Acting Esquire for: ABC Realty, 222 Scam Street,
City, State, [xxxxx]. Issues, but not limited to:

1. The above and here Arbitrators are to pull from evidence, hearing or anything else that they
would like to point out.
2. On the same document (referenced in 1.) there is no Case/Docket Index Number on the
Notice of Petition to connect this to the “assumed” new case that was created.

Fax: (716)
To date the Arbitrators, having considered the Claimant’s request for dispute resolution with
supporting documents, find the following:

1. Claimants have a Land Patent on private property known as: 2468 My Property
City, State.
2. Federal land patents put into evidence by a land owner cannot be challenged by a
state court because it flows from a United States treaty and, therefore, no court has-
jurisdiction over title or ownership to land traced to this paramount source of title.
Only private citizens were given federal land patents, hence the term "private land
claim, "or "PLC” used by the Bureau of Land Management as the date of the original
patent. [145]
3. Because all federal land patents flow from treaties that fall under the supremacy
clause, no state, private banking corporation or other federal agency can question the
superiority of title to land owners who have "perfected" their land by federal land
patent. Jurisdiction by any state court is invalid. Since federal land patents cannot be
collaterally attacked as to their validity or authenticity as the highest evidence of
title, no mortgage institution can claim title to land by its’ "lien." Certified federal
land Patents were given free and clear allodial title with no encumbrances, then and
4. Title 43 USC 59 establishes duly certified copies of federal land patents shall be
evidence in all cases where originals would be evidence. Section 57 covers the states
of Oregon and California. Section 58 covers Louisiana.
5. Title 43 USC 83 covers the evidentiary effect of certified federal land patents for all
states. All the courts in the United States must take judicial notice of these federal
patents and their evidentiary effect under these federal statutes. If the patents are not
certified when entered into evidence, any court may ignore the patent and overrule it
as evidence of superior or paramount title versus the mortgage lien, the county tax
assessment, etc.

LAMP International Arbitration Interim Award 2020
6. Thug County Real Property Tax Services agents refused to remove the stated private
property from the tax roll, ignoring the notices sent by Claimant.
7. Thug County Record of Deed did not file the Land Patent property under “Land”,
but improperly filed under “miscellaneous”.
8. Deed to the private property was signed over to: Name: Family January 12h 1900.
The following months thereafter Claimant(s) created:
a. Notice of Acknowledgment, Delivery and Acceptance of Deed.
b. Affidavit-Declaration of Sovereign American.
c. Public Notice of Land Patent.
d. Grantee Assignees Update of Land Patient.
e. Public Notice: Proof of Publication.
f. Notice of Removal of Land from Tax Roles.
9. Respondent; Thug County still proceeded with a foreclosure Auction September 28,
1900 for an assumed tax lien created on or around May 8th 1900 and allegedly sold
assumed tax lien to “Fake LLC” on or around September 28, 1900.
10. However, the Fake LLC wasn’t created until October 28, 1900. A company owned
by Minnie and Mickey Mouse, evidencing fraud.
11. Soon after, November 29, 1900, Mickey Mouse and the police left a notice on the
private property of Sue and Bob claiming they would be back in 3 days demanding
for them to be let inside the private property. Claimants refused.
12. Claimants were then once again threatened over the phone by Mickey Mouse saying
“the Police, Sheriffs, and S.W.A.T. are going to kick your door down in 10 days if
you (Claimants) don’t vacate”.
13. After 11 days had past, Mickey Mouse handed Claimant(s) a 7 day notice of
Holdover Petition to Recover Possession of Real Property with Minnie Mouse
signing as notary, when according to a FOIA search, she does not have a notary
license.1 Evidence is filed in Public Case #1000000000.
14. Again, the above petition does not have a Docket/Case number, nor has the
Claimant(s) been properly served by the court, per Thug County Court Rules.

On November 19, 1900 Claimant(s) served the Respondents the Conditional Acceptance for the
Value/Agreement/Counter Offer #20202202020202202©. In addition, a Fault to Cure was sent
December 3rd, and a Notice to Default was sent December 10th. None of the respondents have

Jurisdictional Allegations:

 The arbitrators have Subject Matter Jurisdiction, SMJ; as acknowledged by 9 U.S. Code,
Sections §1, §2, §9; 28 U.S. Code §§1346; and established common law not limited to
the following specifics:

LAMP International Arbitration Interim Award 2020
 The Respondent(s) in a related action have made a complaint against the Claimant of this
instant related matter to the Claimant’s interests and/or properties. There exists a matter in
dispute and/or controversy associated with the contractual agreement, thereby extending
jurisdiction to this body to proceed as per the terms of the agreement, as well as relevant laws
and facts in support as presented during the arbitration of this controversy.
 The parties entered into a legally binding contractual relationship and the Arbitrator Tribunal
finds that there is no fraud and/or any attempt to induce fraud and/or to commit fraud, and/or
inducement of contract, and/or fraud in the factum respecting the instant matter and
‘Conditional Acceptance for the Value/Agreement/Counter offer to Acceptance of Offer’.
 Thus, the parties are bound by the terms and obligations agreed upon and imposed upon them
as a direct result of the contractual agreement.

"[T]he integrity of the arbitral process is best preserved by recognizing the arbitrators as
independent decision makers who have no obligation to defend themselves in a reviewing court.2

"[In]dividuals . . . cannot be expected to volunteer to arbitrate disputes if they can be caught up

in the struggle between the litigants and saddled with the burdens of defending a lawsuit.3

If the parties seek modification or vacation of the award the Arbitration Tribunal has jurisdiction
to review.

If Claimant(s) seek confirmation of the award, the district court within the jurisdiction or the
state of residence has jurisdiction.

If the Claimant(s) elects; that jurisdiction for the final award may be had under the Tucker Act in
the United States Court of Federal claims as the exclusive jurisdiction for said Court of Claims
for damages against the United States under contract in excess of $10,000.00. Since this matter
is against an institution registered and licensed with the Unites States, during the time of its’
conduct is construed as on and the same as a matter of law; the Federal Court of Claims would
be at the election of the Claimant(s), a chosen proper jurisdiction to have the matter determined
under common-law.

As Judge Kavanaugh plainly states; “That conclusion follows not only from the text of the Act
but also from precedent. We have held that a court may not “rule on the potential merits of the
underlying” claim that is assigned by contract to an arbitrator, “even if it appears to the court to
be frivolous.” A Court has ‘“no business weighing the merits of the grievance”’ because the
‘”agreement is to submit all grievances to arbitration, not merely those which the court will deem
meritorious”’ AT&T Technologies principle applies with equal force to the threshold issue of
arbitrator, a court may not decide an arbitrability question that the parties have delegated to an

Fong v. American Airlines
Tamari v. Conrad

LAMP International Arbitration Interim Award 2020

The Findings of the Arbitral Tribunal:

a) There is a matter in dispute and an application to LAMP Arbitration for an alternative

dispute resolution, brought forth by Claimants, Sue Homeowner and Bob Homeowner. A written
Agreement to Arbitration is on the record of the related matter and all parties were notified of the
arbitration hearing.

b) A hearing was held on December 1, 1900 at 3pm EST. Attending the hearing were the
Claimants, LAMP Admin and three arbitrators.

c) All Respondents, Co-Respondents and Respondents by Joinder (and representatives) failed

to appear and were in dishonor. There were no requests made for a continuance.

d) The Respondents and Claimants had nexus by contract with terms and conditions in the
Respondents’ favor.

e) A Conditional Acceptance of the contract was offered by the Claimants and the
Respondents had an obligation to respond under commercial contract law.

f) Being the absolute legal title to land, the land patent, derived from the U.S. Constitution,
makes the United States of America a party of interest in any attack on that title in courts of law.
The only court of original and proper jurisdiction is the Supreme Court of the United States. The
lesser federal courts cannot rule on the force and effect of the patent. They must abide by the
legislative intent [quoting David Johnson, secretary, Oakland Citizens for Justice, quoting corpus
juris secundum.]

g) Considering the testimony of the Claimants, the Conditional Acceptance, the Land Patent,
and the lack of evidence in support of the Respondents by tacit assent, the Arbitration Tribunal finds
in favor of the Claimants.

h) This Tribunal points out the impersonation of a New York State Notary by Minnie Mouse,
assumed wife of Joseph Mickey Mouse responsible woman/man for the Fake LLC.

i)This Tribunal finds the tax sale void. Thus, any adverse action against the Claimants is also
null and void.

j) The Claimant to maintain possession of the property “forever” as stated in the Land Patent.

k) The Tribunal finds the Land Patent Title to said property to be allodial and removed from
the tax rolls of the county.

l) The Tribunal finds that the Claimants be awarded Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars
($350.000.00) for the fraud, threats and intimidation perpetrated on the Claimants.

LAMP International Arbitration Interim Award 2020

Respondents have thirty days to satisfy award or the Arbitration Tribunal may review and award
triple damages.

So, by the best of the Arbitrators’ abilities, having perfectly executed their powers, thus do render
this mutual, final and definite Award upon the subject matter submitted. Title 5 U.S. Code §572 has
been complied with by the Arbitrators and LAMP Arbitration, and

This Interim Award is protected by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 61. Harmless Error and
so, awarded

LAMP International Award Claim No. 2000-1KK.

Be it so this _________ day January, 2020.

:Name: Family
Lead Arbitrator

All Rights Reserved, without Recourse.

By: ____________________________
:Name: Family
Arbitrator #2

:Name: Family
Arbitrator #3

LAMP International Arbitration

1530 PB Ln# M4486
Wichita Falls
Texas, [76302-2612]
[email protected]

LAMP International Arbitration Interim Award 2020


Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal

LAMP International Arbitration Claim Award # 202020-1KK

Re: Public Case(s) #100000000 and # 200000000000
I, ___________________________, being at or more than the age of eighteen (18), and of the
majority and not a party to the action, and one of the people of the United States, did mail the
document entitled: LAMP International Arbitration Award by emailing, faxing, hand delivering or
placing it in an envelope with name and address as follows:


Serviced B
Sue and Bob
In care of Street
City, State, [zip]



LAMP International Arbitration Interim Award 2020
This ________day of January, 2020

All Rights Reserved, without Recourse,


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