Apr 2021 - Latest - CG 300 Technical Approval of Highway Structures-Web (9) Core Rev 0 1 0 0

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Design Manual for Roads and Bridges

Highway Structures &

Bridges General Information

CG 300
Technical approval of highway structures
(formerly BD 2/12)

Version 0.1.0

Former DMRB document BD 2/12 has been amended as follows to form this document:
*Amended clauses and model AIP to include Principal Designer, which is stipulated in
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 *Added provisions for structures
options reports.*Clause 2.29.7 added 'Water management' as a specific aspect for
assessment.*Clauses 3.5 - 3.12 have alterations to some height/span ranges for some
structures following feedback.*Added Type N classification to temporary works section to reflect
provisions within PAS 8811 (see references).*Amended procedure to require Designer to agree
design or assessment criteria within AIP with checker prior to submission to TAA.*
Requirements included to identify safety critical fixings.*Updates to model forms.

Application by Overseeing Organisations

Any specific requirements for Overseeing Organisations alternative or supplementary to those given in this
document are given in National Application Annexes to this document.

Feedback and Enquiries

Users of this document are encouraged to raise any enquiries and/or provide feedback on the content and usage
of this document to the dedicated Highways England team. The email address for all enquiries and feedback is:
[email protected]

This is a controlled document.

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Contents

Release notes 6

Foreword 7
Publishing information........................................................................................................................................... 7
Contractual and legal considerations..................................................................................................................... 7

Introduction 8
Background........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Assumptions made in the preparation of this document........................................................................................ 8
Mutual Recognition................................................................................................................................................ 8

Abbreviations 9

Terms and definitions 10

1. Scope 14
Aspects covered.................................................................................................................................................. 14
Contractual responsibilities and procedure.................................................................................................. 14
Implementation.................................................................................................................................................... 15
Use of GG 101..................................................................................................................................................... 15

2. General requirements and principles 16

Overseeing Organisation's requirements............................................................................................................. 16
Proprietary manufactured structures and products..............................................................................................16
Use of UK National Standards............................................................................................................................. 17
Options report...................................................................................................................................................... 17
Category of proposals......................................................................................................................................... 17
Proposals............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Proposals for categories.............................................................................................................................. 18
Proposals for designs.................................................................................................................................. 18
Proposals for assessments......................................................................................................................... 19
Departures from standards.......................................................................................................................... 19
Submission for AIP.............................................................................................................................................. 20
Technical approval.............................................................................................................................................. 21
Design and assessment procedure..................................................................................................................... 22
Checking procedure............................................................................................................................................ 22
Certification.......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Records............................................................................................................................................................... 25

3. Bridges and other highway structures 26

Category.............................................................................................................................................................. 26
Category 0................................................................................................................................................... 27
Category 1................................................................................................................................................... 27
Category 2................................................................................................................................................... 27
Category 3................................................................................................................................................... 28
Assessment and related construction work......................................................................................................... 28
Technical approval.............................................................................................................................................. 28
Certification.......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Documentation.................................................................................................................................................... 28

4. Temporary works 30
Scope.................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Category of temporary works............................................................................................................................... 30
Design criteria relating to permanent works........................................................................................................ 30
Proposals............................................................................................................................................................. 31
Type N proposals........................................................................................................................................ 31

Type S proposals........................................................................................................................................ 31
Type P proposals........................................................................................................................................ 31
Technical approval............................................................................................................................................... 32
Documentation.................................................................................................................................................... 32
Special requirements concerning third party proposals.......................................................................................32

5. Road tunnel and service tunnel structures 34

Scope.................................................................................................................................................................. 34
Category.............................................................................................................................................................. 34
Technical Approval.............................................................................................................................................. 34
Documentation.................................................................................................................................................... 35

6. Mechanical and electrical installations 36

Scope.................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Category.............................................................................................................................................................. 36
Proposals............................................................................................................................................................. 36
Technical Approval.............................................................................................................................................. 36
Mechanical and electrical Installation certification............................................................................................... 36
Documentation.................................................................................................................................................... 37

7. Normative references 38

8. Informative references 39

Appendix A. Model form of Approval in Principle for the design of bridges and other highway structures
where UK National Standards (Eurocodes) are used 40
Project details:..................................................................................................................................................... 40
1. HIGHWAY DETAILS....................................................................................................................................... 40
2. SITE DETAILS................................................................................................................................................ 40
3. PROPOSED STRUCTURE............................................................................................................................. 40
4. DESIGN CRITERIA......................................................................................................................................... 41
5. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS.............................................................................................................................. 41
6. GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS..................................................................................................................... 41
7. CHECK............................................................................................................................................................ 42
8. DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS.................................................................................................................... 42
9. THE ABOVE IS SUBMITTED FOR ACCEPTANCE........................................................................................ 42
SHOWN BELOW20.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 42

Notes................................................................................................................................................................... 42

Appendix B. Model form of Approval in Principle for the design/assessment of bridges and other highway
structures where UK National Standards (Non-Eurocodes) are used 45
Project details:..................................................................................................................................................... 45
1. HIGHWAY DETAILS....................................................................................................................................... 45
2. SITE DETAILS................................................................................................................................................ 45
3. PROPOSED STRUCTURE............................................................................................................................. 45
4. DESIGN/ASSESSMENT1 CRITERIA.............................................................................................................. 46
5. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS.............................................................................................................................. 46
6. GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS..................................................................................................................... 46
7. CHECK............................................................................................................................................................ 47
8. DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS.................................................................................................................... 47
9. THE ABOVE IS SUBMITTED FOR ACCEPTANCE........................................................................................ 47
SHOWN BELOW18.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 47

Notes................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Appendix C. Model form of Approval in Principle for the design/assessment of road tunnel structures and
service tunnels 49
Project details:..................................................................................................................................................... 49
1. HIGHWAY DETAILS....................................................................................................................................... 49
2. TUNNEL DETAILS.......................................................................................................................................... 49
3. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TUNNEL, TRAFFIC AND TUNNEL GEOMETRY.................................................49
4. DESIGN/ASSESSMENT1 CRITERIA.............................................................................................................. 50
STRUCTURES............................................................................................................................................ 50
6. GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS..................................................................................................................... 50
7. WATER MANAGEMENT................................................................................................................................. 51
8. TUNNEL SUPPORT SYSTEM AND METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION...........................................................51
9. CHECK............................................................................................................................................................ 51
10. DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS.................................................................................................................. 51
11. THE ABOVE IS SUBMITTED FOR ACCEPTANCE......................................................................................51
BELOW1............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 52
Notes................................................................................................................................................................... 52

Appendix D. Model form of Approval in Principle for M&E installations in movable bridges and access
gantries 53
Project details:..................................................................................................................................................... 53
1. HIGHWAY DETAILS....................................................................................................................................... 53
2. STRUCTURE DETAILS.................................................................................................................................. 53
4. OPERATIONAL DESIGN CRITERIA (as relevant).......................................................................................... 53
5. BASIS OF OPERATION AND CONTROL....................................................................................................... 53
6. PLANT ROOM................................................................................................................................................. 54
7. DESCRIPTION OF INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE ARRANGEMENTS................................................54
8. CHECK............................................................................................................................................................ 54
9. DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS.................................................................................................................... 54
10. THE ABOVE IS SUBMITTED FOR ACCEPTANCE......................................................................................54
BELOW7............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 55
Notes................................................................................................................................................................... 55

Appendix E. Model form of Approval in Principle for M&E installations in road tunnels and services build-
ings 56
Project details:..................................................................................................................................................... 56
1. HIGHWAY DETAILS....................................................................................................................................... 56
3. AUTHORITIES CONSULTED......................................................................................................................... 56
4. LAYOUT AND BASIC DESIGN CRITERIA..................................................................................................... 56
5. VENTILATION................................................................................................................................................. 56
6. LIGHTING....................................................................................................................................................... 57
7. WATER MANAGEMENT................................................................................................................................. 57
8. FIRE SAFETY................................................................................................................................................. 57
9. COMMUNICATIONS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL............................................................................................ 57
10. TUNNEL OPERATION AND PLANT CONTROL.......................................................................................... 57
11. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION................................................................................58
12. TUNNEL SERVICES BUILDINGS AND PLANT ROOMS.............................................................................58
13. CHECK.......................................................................................................................................................... 58
14. DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS.................................................................................................................. 58
15. THE ABOVE IS SUBMITTED FOR ACCEPTANCE......................................................................................58
BELOW31........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Notes................................................................................................................................................................... 59

Appendix F. Operation, control and maintenance of movable bridges, and bridge access gantries - Safety
Consultation Document 60
Project details:..................................................................................................................................................... 60
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................. 60
2. MAINTAINING AUTHORITY........................................................................................................................... 60
3. TRAINING....................................................................................................................................................... 60
4. MAINTENANCE COSTS................................................................................................................................. 60
5. PROCEDURAL TRIALS AND HANDOVER.................................................................................................... 60
6. The provisions and procedures described in this document, draft No (number) dated (date) were accepted
by the working party on (date)..................................................................................................................... 61
APPENDICES..................................................................................................................................................... 61
Notes................................................................................................................................................................... 61

Appendix G. Tunnel, operation, control and maintenance - Safety Consultation Document 62

Project details:..................................................................................................................................................... 62
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................. 62
2. POLICE AND/OR HE TRAFFIC OFFICERS................................................................................................... 62
3. FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE....................................................................................................................... 63
4. AMBULANCE SERVICE................................................................................................................................. 63
5. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY.............................................................................................................................. 63
6. MAINTAINING AUTHORITY........................................................................................................................... 63
7. TRAINING....................................................................................................................................................... 63
8. MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS....................................................................................................................... 64
9. TUNNEL EMERGENCIES.............................................................................................................................. 64
10. The provisions and procedures described in this document draft No. (number) dated (date), were ac-
cepted by the working party on date............................................................................................................ 64
APPENDICES..................................................................................................................................................... 64
Notes................................................................................................................................................................... 64

Appendix H. Notes for compiling Technical Approval Schedules 65

Appendix I. Model form of certificate for the design/assessment and/or check of highway structures, in-
cluding road and service tunnels 66
Project details:..................................................................................................................................................... 66
Section 1..................................................................................................................................................... 66
Section 2..................................................................................................................................................... 67
Notes................................................................................................................................................................... 67

Appendix J. Model form of certificate for minor structures and telecom masts on motorways and trunk
roads 68
Project details:..................................................................................................................................................... 68
Section 1..................................................................................................................................................... 68
Section 2..................................................................................................................................................... 68
Notes................................................................................................................................................................... 68

Appendix K. Model form of certificate for type 'S' temporary works 70

Project details:..................................................................................................................................................... 70
Section 1..................................................................................................................................................... 70
Section 2..................................................................................................................................................... 70
Notes................................................................................................................................................................... 70
Appendix L. Model form of certificate for type 'P' temporary works 72
Project details:..................................................................................................................................................... 72
Section 1..................................................................................................................................................... 72
Section 2..................................................................................................................................................... 72
Section 3..................................................................................................................................................... 72
Section 4..................................................................................................................................................... 73
Section 5..................................................................................................................................................... 73
Section 6..................................................................................................................................................... 73
Notes................................................................................................................................................................... 73

Appendix M. Model form of certificate for specification variation 75

Project details:..................................................................................................................................................... 75
Section 1..................................................................................................................................................... 75
Section 2..................................................................................................................................................... 75
Section 3..................................................................................................................................................... 75
Notes................................................................................................................................................................... 76

Appendix N. Model form of certificate of construction compliance 77

Project details:..................................................................................................................................................... 77
Section 1..................................................................................................................................................... 77
Section 2..................................................................................................................................................... 77
Notes................................................................................................................................................................... 78

Appendix O. Structure options report 80

O.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................... 80
O.2 Report structure and content........................................................................................................................ 80

Appendix P. Proprietary manufactured structures 83

1. Scope.............................................................................................................................................................. 83
2. Different forms of construction........................................................................................................................ 83
3. Proprietary designs......................................................................................................................................... 83
4. Outline AIP...................................................................................................................................................... 83
CHECK LIST OF OTHER REQUIREMENTS FOR AN OUTLINE AIP (O/AIP)...........................................84
5. Confirmation of compliance............................................................................................................................. 84
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Release notes

Latest release notes

Version Date of Changes made to Type of change
number publication of
relevant change
CG 300 0.1.0 April 2021 Core document, Incremental change to
England NAA requirements
Various changes and amendments for clarity and administration purposes. No technical changes.

Previous versions
Version Date of Changes made to Type of change
number publication of
relevant change
CG 300 0 March 2020

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Foreword

Publishing information
This document is published by Highways England
This document supersedes BD 2/12, which is withdrawn.

Contractual and legal considerations

This document forms part of the works specification. It does not purport to include all the
necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for applying all appropriate documents
applicable to their contract.

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Introduction

This document specifies the technical approval (TA) procedures for highway structures on motorways,
trunk roads or any road designated by the Overseeing Organisation.
In the early 1970s, structure failures at Yarra (Australia), Milford Haven (Pembrokeshire, Wales),
Koblenz (Germany) and over the Danube (Austria) occurred during erection. Resulting from these
failures and the subsequent Merrison Report [Ref 2.I], the following important changes were made by
the then Ministry of Transport:
1) the Department would continue to examine design criteria and methods but not computations;
2) the requirements by the Department for a certificate of independent check of the design
and computations; and,
3) the application of approval in principle (AIP) stage to all but minor structures, which would cover
the selection of bridge type, the materials for its construction and methods of analysis and design
to be adopted.
The TA procedures as described in this document generally require the proposer to submit an AIP to the
Checker for agreement prior to submission to the Overseeing Organisation and to receive endorsement
of the AIP before proceeding with any design or assessment. The completed design or assessment
cannot be implemented until the Overseeing Organisation is in receipt of certified confirmation that the
implementation documents are accurate and fully in compliance with the requirements of the AIP. TA
procedures for proprietary manufactured structures and products are also covered in this document.
The TA procedural requirements impose a discipline on the process that encourages good practice
and should reduce the possibility of errors affecting structural fitness for purpose. Most importantly
however, the procedures minimise the possible risks to highway users and others who are being
affected. The procedures can be applied to any other circumstances where the highway authority
considers the requirements to be appropriate.
The fundamental objectives of the TA procedures are to give increased assurance for the required
execution, refurbishment or demolition of highway structures. This will help ensure that the proposals
are safe to implement, that any new structures procured are serviceable in use, economic to build and
maintain, comply with the objectives of sustainability, have due regard for the environment and that
they satisfactorily perform their intended functions. The TA procedures also ensure, as far as
reasonably practicable, that highway users, the public and any others who may be affected are
protected from adverse effects resulting from any work carried out to any highway structure.

Assumptions made in the preparation of this document

The assumptions made in GG 101 [Ref 9.N] apply to this document.

Mutual Recognition
Where there is a requirement in this document for compliance with any part of a "British Standard"
or other technical specification, that requirement can be met by compliance with the mutual
recognition clause in GG 101 [Ref 9.N].

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Abbreviations


Abbreviation Definition
AIP Approval in principle
CEng Chartered Engineer
CPR Construction Products Regulations
EOTA European Organisation for Technical Approvals
ETA European Technical Approval
M&E Mechanical and electrical
MICE Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers
MIStructE Member of the Institution of Structural Engineers
O/AIP Outline approval in principle
TA Technical approval
TAA Technical approval authority
TAS Technical approval schedule
TDA Tunnel design authority
TDSCG Tunnel design and safety consultation group

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Terms and definitions

Terms and definitions

Term Definition
England only term for a smart motorway which includes
All lane running the permanent conversion of a hard shoulder to a running
Approval in principle the document, which records the agreed basis and criteria
for the detailed design or assessment of a highway
the group of engineers responsible for the assessment. It
Assessment team may comprise an appropriate mix of specialists under
the direction of a team leader.
Assessor the organisation responsible for the overall assessment
the extent to which the design facilitates ease and safety
of construction, allowing the most efficient and economic
use of resources, subject to the overall requirements for
the completed project
the classification of the proposals, which determines the
Category need for AIP, the form of check to be applied and the
certificates to be prepared
the marking that the manufacturer applies to declare
compliance of a product with relevant EU product
CE marking
regulations including the Construction Products
Regulation (CPR) 305/2011/EU [Ref 2.N]
the organisation responsible for the independent check of
the design or assessment
the group of engineers responsible for the independent
check of the design or assessment. It may comprise an
Check team
appropriate mix of specialists under the direction of a
check team leader.
confirmation that the execution works undertaken are in
Construction compliance compliance with the agreed documents (such as AIP,
design, specification, drawings, etc.)
the organisation contracted by the Overseeing
Contractor Organisation to undertake execution works on its behalf.
Also known as Principal Contractor
a representative of the Contractor, with responsibility
Contractor's representative
for overseeing the execution works
criterion, which departs from, or is an aspect not covered
Departure by, the standards contained in, the technical approval
the organisation responsible for the overall design or
assessment. Also known as Principal Designer

Terms (continued)
Term Definition
the group of engineers responsible for the design. It may
Design team comprise an appropriate mix of specialists under the
direction of a design team leader
Eurocodes as defined in BS EN 1990 [Ref 7.N]
Execution as defined in BS EN 1990 [Ref 7.N]
generally in a highway structure, that part of the
substructure in direct contact with, and transmitting load
Foundation to, the ground.
Note: Specific elements forming the foundation are to be
given in the AIP
a report that contains geotechnical information relevant to
Ground investigation report
the design or assessment. See CD 622 [Ref 10.N]
limits of the highway that are the responsibility of the
Highway boundary Overseeing Organisation. This includes the road,
footpaths, verges, slopes, etc. within those limits
structure or installation coming within the scope of this
document and situated under, over or adjacent to a
Highway structure
motorway or other trunk road or road designated by the
Overseeing Organisation
range of combinations of column heights and lengths of
brackets together with the weights and windage areas of
Lighting column system
lanterns and attachments for which the column has
been designed
the organisation with delegated responsibility for the
Maintaining agent
maintenance of a highway structure
the document, which records the agreed basis and outline
Outline approval in principle
criteria for the detailed design of a highway structure
this refers to the following organisations (or their
successors): Highways England; Transport
Scotland; Welsh Government (Llywodraeth Cymru)
Overseeing Organisation
and The Department for Infrastructure (Northern
Additionally, it will refer to any other organisation that
chooses to use this document for technical approval.
a senior representative of the designer, assessor,
Principal checker, contractor or works examiner having authority to
sign certificates on its behalf
the organisation or individual appointed by the client to
Principal Contractor plan, manage and monitor and coordinate the
construction phase of work where there is more than one
the organisation or individual appointed by the client to
plan, manage and monitor the pre-construction phase,
Principal Designer
and where appropriate liaise with the principal contractor
during the construction phase
Terms (continued)
Term Definition
representative of the Overseeing Organisation with
Project manager of the
responsibility for project management of execution
Overseeing Organisation
works to highway structures
the proposal relating to the design or assessment of a
Proposal highway structure including the mechanical and electrical
(M&E) installations covered by this document
a structure with CE marking or product with CE
Proprietary manufactured structure
marking manufactured to a system covered by a patent
or products
and/or a registered design
a subsurface highway structure enclosed for a length of 1
Road tunnel
50 m or more
application in which the failure of a post-installed
reinforcement or anchor can:
1) result in the collapse or partial collapse of
Safety critical fixing the structure;
2) cause risk to human life; or,
3) lead to significant economic loss

a tunnel structure installed by trenchless technology

Service tunnel beneath a highway for any purpose. This can be regarded
as a service crossing if the internal diameter is 2m or less
the ability of structure to resist deliberate damage which
Structure resilience may arise from the actions of vandals, thieves and
the ability of a structure not to be damaged
Structure robustness disproportionately in the event of accident, misuse or
generally in a highway structure, the wing walls, piers,
columns, towers and abutments that support the
Substructure superstructure
Note: Specific elements forming the substructure are to
be given in the AIP.
generally in a highway structure, that part of the structure
which is supported by the piers, columns and abutments.
Note: Specific elements forming the superstructure are to
be given in the AIP
the person responsible for overseeing and
co-coordinating the work of the design, assessment or
check team and having authority to sign on behalf of the
Team leader team. The team leader is to be appropriately qualified and
competent in relevant fields of engineering related to the
work and is to be a chartered member of a relevant
institution or suitable equivalent.
Terms (continued)
Term Definition
the submission of proposals for agreement by the
technical approval authority and the subsequent
provision and acceptance of certificates confirming that
Technical approval the design, assessment, specification or construction
works complies with the agreed approval in principle and
design/assessment and specification certificates as
the organisation responsible for agreeing the approval in
Technical approval authority principle and subsequently accepting the relevant
the schedule of documents to be used for the design or
Technical approval schedule
assessment of a highway structure
any person, organisation or other legal identity that is not
Third party employed directly or indirectly by the Overseeing
A central high level governance group - As ENAA for CD
Tunnel Design Authority (TDA)
352 [Ref 1.I]
the suite of Eurocodes to be implemented by BSI as
UK national standards (Eurocodes) UK national standards, covering structural design of all
civil engineering works, including bridges
British Standards that, prior to being replaced by UK
national standards (Eurocodes), were used for the design
UK national standards (non-Eurocodes)
of highway structures or British Standards that apply to
aspects not covered by Eurocodes
the organisation nominated in the contract to undertake
Works Examiner independent examination of the execution, commissioning
(of M&E) or testing of works carried out by the Contractor
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 1. Scope

1. Scope
Aspects covered
1.1 Subject to any exclusions expressly stated in this document, technical approval (TA) procedures
shall be applied to all proposals, including third party proposals and private developments, that are:
1) within the highway boundary;
2) outside the highway boundary, where the structures are to be adopted by the
Overseeing Organisation;
3) outside the highway boundary where works can affect the highway or highway structure; and,
4) outside the highway boundary where works can affect the safety of the highway user.
NOTE Proposals can relate to construction, widening, assessment, improvement, repair (where
structural integrity is implicated), and demolition.
1.2 The scope of TA shall be in accordance with Sections 3 to 6 of this document.
1.2.1 In cases where the design and construction of a third party proposal for temporary works or temporary
structures are outside the competence of the Overseeing Organisation, the special requirements
given in respective National Annexes may be implemented.
1.3 TA procedures shall apply to temporary works where the permanent works proposal has identified
the need for an independent check.
1.4 TA procedures shall not apply where there are no public safety issues.
NOTE Temporary work in green field sites or works within the highway boundary where there will be
no interface with the public are examples of works where there are no public safety issues.

Contractual responsibilities and procedure

1.5 TA shall not in any way modify or reduce the contractual and statutory responsibilities of any party
for the work carried out or the legal responsibilities of professional engineers.
NOTE This document is written such that it is applicable in principle to all current and likely future forms
of procurement (refer to respective National Annexes for exceptions).
1.6 Where departing from the procedures, format or terms used in this document, the
Designer/Assessor shall ensure that the following objectives are achieved:
1) the required design or assessment principles are formally agreed prior to award of any contract; and,
2) execution of the works is not allowed to proceed until there is formal agreement to a
comprehensive submission of the design or assessment principles in accordance with the
requirements of this document.
NOTE Formal agreement of design or assessment principles can avoid contractual repercussions.
1.7 The model AIP forms and certificates provided in the appendices shall be amended and agreed
with the Overseeing Organisation, to suit specific contract requirements.
1.8 Timings and procedures shall be identified in the scheme specific contract requirements.
NOTE It is recommended to consult the TAA in advance to agree timings and include these in the
works programme.
1.9 The contract requirements shall clarify whether the proposals and the AIP are of an outline nature
or whether they are comprehensive and sufficient for detailed design or assessment.
NOTE 1 Outline proposals are sufficient for the invitation or acceptance of tenders.
NOTE 2 For detailed design, the principles, detailed requirements and recommendations of this document apply

1.9.1 The TAA should be consulted to agree the TA procedures where there are any uncertainties with
regard to procurement.
NOTE For example, TA for the design can typically be completed in detail before tender; in other forms of
procurement where design and the TA process is incomplete prior to inviting tenders, submission of
a final detailed AIP can take place following award of contract.

1.10 This document shall be implemented forthwith on all schemes involving the assessment, design,
execution, operation and maintenance of highway structures on the Overseeing Organisations'
motorway and all-purpose trunk roads according to the implementation requirements of GG 101
[Ref 9.N].
1.11 This document shall be used to implement the procedures for private development within the
highway boundary.

Use of GG 101
1.12 The requirements contained in GG 101 [Ref 9.N] shall be followed in respect of activities covered
by this document.
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 2. General requirements and principles

2. General requirements and principles

Overseeing Organisation's requirements
2.1 Technical requirements for the design, execution, operation and maintenance, decommissioning
and demolition of highway structures shall be contained in the technical approval schedule (TAS).
2.1.1 In some forms of contract, such as design and construct, technical requirements may be contained
in the contract requirements.
NOTE The TAs includes the DMRB, the British Standards (including Eurocodes, National Annexes and
Published Documents), MCHW and other supplementary standards for specific projects requirements.
2.2 All submissions shall be in an agreed electronic format in accordance with the
Overseeing Organisations' requirements, unless set out otherwise in contract documents.
2.3 The format selected shall allow the Designer, Checker and TAA to review all information and,
when required, attach unique electronic signatures.
2.4 Third party proposals covered in Section 1 shall be dealt with as follows:
1) the principles given for the TA procedures in this document are adopted;
2) the TAA does not take on the responsibility that belongs to the third party;
3) the principles of special requirements given in the respective NAAs are applied where the
Overseeing Organisation does not have a specific competence or expertise to give an opinion on
whether the third party proposal or temporary works are safe or not; and,
4) for third party proposal of temporary work or temporary structure, Section 4 of this document is to
be followed.
NOTE Third party proposals includes any from adjacent landowners, statutory undertakers,
private developers, government bodies, etc.

Proprietary manufactured structures and products

2.5 Proprietary manufactured structures and products shall be subject to the full TA procedures, with the
exception of those that comply with the requirements of the Construction Products Regulations
(CPR) 305/2011/EU [Ref 2.N].
2.6 Proprietary manufactured structures and products shall be used for their intended purpose.
NOTE 1 An essential consideration for adoption of proprietary manufactured structures or products is the
avoidance of discrimination against any structure or product that has the required declared
performance either under a CE mark applied in compliance with the CPR or a recognised
product registration system and would satisfy the specified end use.
NOTE 2 Any discrimination that does create a "barrier to trade" is in contravention of European
Community legislation. The procedures are to avoid two forms of discrimination in particular: (a)
discrimination between different forms of construction or product that will satisfy the same end
use, and (b) discrimination between directly competing proprietary systems or products.
2.7 Proprietary manufactured structures or products with CE marking in accordance with CPR
procedures shall be accepted for their correct intended use and satisfy the specified performance
2.8 The TA procedures shall not be applied to any aspect related to this acceptance except to confirm
that the declared performance of the product meets that required.
2.9 Additional requirements must not be imposed on manufactured structures with CE markings
or products with CE markings that are used for their intended use.
2.10 Where there are potential safety issues with the use of manufactured structures with CE markings
or products with CE markings, TAA shall be consulted.

2.11 TA procedures shall apply for installation of CE marked structures or products, but not
their manufacture.
2.12 TA procedures shall apply where unintended use is proposed for CE marked structures or products.
NOTE Further information is given in 3.12(6) and Appendix P.

Use of UK National Standards

2.13 For the design of highway structures using UK National Standards (Eurocodes), reference shall be
made to the Overseeing Organisations' current requirements for the use of Eurocodes for the design
of highway structures.
2.14 For the design of highway structures using UK National Standards (Eurocodes), the model AIP form
in Appendix A shall be used.
2.15 For the design or assessment of highway structures using UK National Standards (non-Eurocodes),
the model AIP form in Appendix B shall be used.
NOTE Model forms are intended to be generic and can be enhanced and edited to suit particular proposals
as required.

Options report
2.16 An options report shall be submitted for all works listed below, unless indicated otherwise by
the Overseeing Organisation:
1) where there are a number of realistic cost effective alternatives for permanent structures expected
to be category 2 or 3 (as described in Sections 3 to 6 of this document);
2) for structures to be category 0 or 1 with an estimated construction cost in excess of £0.5M; and,
3) where directed.
2.17 The options report shall be prepared by the Designer.
2.18 The format, content and level of detail of the options report shall be as agreed with the
Overseeing Organisation.
NOTE 1 Guidance is provided in Appendix O.
NOTE 2 It is intended that the options are limited to the primary alternatives rather than numerous iterations of
similar or unrealistic options. Typically, the option report sets out possible alternative structure
solutions considering factors such as complexity, buildability, durability, risk, programme, cost, etc..
2.19 An options report for assessment shall not be required, unless this has been included as an
alternative to new work options above.

Category of proposals
2.20 The proposals shall be placed in one of four categories: 0, 1, 2 or 3, according to the criteria
described in Sections 3 to 6.
2.21 The category from clause 2.20 shall be proposed by the Designer or Assessor and details of
the proposal submitted to the TAA for agreement.
2.21.1 The Designer or Assessor may undertake an initial screening process with the TAA to obtain an
early agreement on the category.
NOTE The category boundaries are not rigid and the category of each proposal is decided on its
merits, having regard to potential consequences of failure, design complexity and whole life
2.22 AIP's shall be required for categories 1, 2 and 3.
NOTE AIP's are not required for category 0.
2.22.1 Where TA agrees that the AIP does not add value, it may be omitted for category 1 and 2.
2.23 Where a structure has been placed in category 0 or 1 and a proposal arises subsequently requiring
a departure, the TAA shall be contacted to request a review of the category.
2.23.1 Typically a change to category 2 will be required, but if the TAA considers that the Departure has
little or no structural implication, then a change of category may not be necessary.
2.24 Where the TAA has reviewed the category and agreed to retain category 0, a new certificate shall
be submitted making reference to the approved departure from standard.
2.25 Where the TAA has reviewed the category and agreed to retain category 1, an amendment
or addendum to the AIP shall be submitted.
2.26 The agreement of the TAA shall be required before any proposal that includes a departure can
be incorporated in the design or assessment.

Proposals for categories
2.27 Proposals for categories 1, 2 and 3 shall provide the following:
1) provide sufficient information and evidence to demonstrate compliance with the
Overseeing Organisation's requirements and to justify their viability;
2) identify, assess and take into account, through appropriate methods of risk management,
potential risks and hazards during the whole life of the structure such as execution, operation,
maintenance and demolition, with a view to eliminating or minimising these risks;
3) list in the AIP only risks and hazards that would not be apparent to an experienced and
competent contractor or are likely to require special attention to manage them effectively;
4) provide evidence that appropriate consultation has taken place with all relevant stakeholders,
and that full and proper consideration has been given to their respective interests;
5) identify, assess and consider risks and hazards that can affect the structure as a result of
other stakeholders' requirements (such as leakage of gas or water mains);
6) identify, assess and take into account risks and hazards posed by the structure to
other infrastructure belonging to a third party;
7) include documentation relating to consultation and special requirements of those consulted
within the AIP;
8) describe the information that is available concerning existing records and assumptions made
regarding the interpretation of available data that will be relevant to the design or assessment;
9) list in the TAS all relevant documents that are being proposed for use in the design or assessment.
2.28 Documentation relating to consultation and special requirements of those consulted shall be
included as part of the AIP submission.

Proposals for designs

2.29 In addition to proposals for categories, proposals for designs shall address the following:
1) sustainability;
2) environment (both the natural and built environment) and the requirements of any cultural
heritage, environmental management plans and walking, cycling and horse riding assessments;
3) aesthetics;
4) buildability;
5) structure robustness;
6) structure resilience;
7) water management (describe how water will be managed within the design of the structure. This
includes internally (transport of water on and through the structure and sealing of elements to
prevent water ingress) and externally (global management considering interface with other
assets, such as watercourses, drainage, pavement, geotechnical features, etc.);
8) maintenance and operational commitments in terms of whole-life costs in design options
and choices of materials;
9) provision of safe access for periodic inspection;
10) avoidance of a 'barrier to trade' and the requirements for using proprietary manufactured
structures or products; and,
11) resilience and security.
2.30 Proposals for designs shall include for the likelihood of future heavier loads, all lane running
and/or widening and describe how the structure may be upgraded.
2.30.1 In the case of road tunnels, proposals for designs should consider future development above
or adjacent to the tunnel.
NOTE It is not intended that additional provision be included within the design unless agreed with
the Overseeing Organisation.
2.31 For major structures and those sited in environmentally sensitive locations the TAA shall be consulted
at an early stage to determine whether submission is required to relevant environmental or
architectural bodies or a design panel.
NOTE 1 Major structures can include tunnel portals, tunnel service buildings and landscaping.
NOTE 2 Environmentally sensitive locations can include National Parks, areas of outstanding natural
beauty, green-belts and urban areas.
2.32 Proposals for designs must comply with the relevant environmental and planning legislation during
the development of the design.
NOTE Legislation includes, but is not limited to, environmental assessments, environmental statements
and habitat surveys.
2.33 Affected stakeholders shall be consulted to ascertain environmental requirements during
the development of the design and post construction.
NOTE For example translocation of endangered species, acceptable environmental mitigation and
other measures where existing habitats are disrupted.
2.34 Where proposals are located close to or cross watercourses, the relevant national environmental
body shall be consulted.
2.35 Proposals for designs shall state any assumptions that have been made with regard to
construction processes or temporary works aspects that are significant factors in the design.
NOTE For example the design of an integral bridge could assume a phi value or stiffness for abutment backfill.
2.36 Where construction processes or temporary works during the course of construction have structural
implications different from those assumed by the Designer, the TA shall be consulted and
agreement obtained before the commencement of construction of that part of the works.
2.37 Proposals by the Designer for an independent checker shall be submitted to the TAA
for consideration/agreement.
NOTE Agreement to checkers for category 3 structures depends on relevant experience and competence.

Proposals for assessments

2.38 In addition to proposals for designs, proposals for assessments shall describe proposed
arrangements for access, traffic management and intrusive investigation where required.
Departures from standards
2.39 All applications for departures shall be subject to the approval procedures of the
Overseeing Organisation.
NOTE Designers or assessors can seek to introduce innovative techniques, research findings
or developments in the state of the art and best practice by the adoption of departures.
2.40 Applications for departures shall include reasons and justification, including benefits and dis-benefits
to the Overseeing Organisation.
2.41 Applications for departures shall allow sufficient time for consideration by the Overseeing
Organisation prior to inclusion in the AIP or an addendum to the AIP.
NOTE In some cases the checker's comments on the proposed departure can be required to assist the TAA
in the deliberation.
2.42 Where UK national standards are used, the limitations for the use of departures shall be given in
the Overseeing Organisation's requirements.
2.43 Where a structure is in the ownership of the Overseeing Organisation but accommodates other
infrastructure that is the responsibility of another party, the party concerned shall be consulted by
the Designer or Assessor.
NOTE Factors that affect the design, construction phasing, and obtaining any required agreements
together with timescales need to be taken account of.
2.43.1 A record of consultation and any agreements in place or to be put in place with the party should
be recorded in the AIP.
NOTE Areas of specific concern can include vehicle restraint systems especially in transition areas, drainage,
slopes, maintenance, etc. It is recommended that where possible individual responsibilities are
agreed and set out during design and operational phases of the work.

Submission for AIP

2.44 Submissions for AIP to the TAA shall be in accordance with the Overseeing
Organisation's requirements.
NOTE Generally submissions comprise a completed AIP, a location plan, a general arrangement drawing,
relevant parts of the geotechnical investigation report, documents relating to consultation and any
other relevant information or reports.
2.44.1 A single AIP for the whole structure, should be submitted by the Principal Designer.
2.44.2 Where the designs of the superstructure, substructure and/or foundation are carried out by different
teams, the designer of the superstructure and/or substructure should give the conditions and loads
to be taken into account by the designer of the substructure and/or foundations respectively.
NOTE The Principal Designer is responsible for ensuring that any separately designed elements
are compatible.
2.44.3 Relevant information and reports submitted to the TAA should be referenced in the AIP and written
with regard to a clear proposal or objective.
2.45 Calculations and detailed drawings shall not form part of the submission.
NOTE Any submitted calculations and detailed drawings will not be reviewed by the TAA.
2.46 The AIP (or O/AIP) shall be based on the relevant sections of the model AIPs provided in Appendix
A, Appendix B or Appendix O.
2.47 The AIP shall record all the agreed criteria on which the design or assessment is to be based.
2.48 Deviations from an agreed AIP to account for subsequent variations during design, assessment
or execution shall render the AIP invalid.
2.49 Revisions to the AIP shall be agreed by the TAA.
2.50 Agreement shall be confirmed either in the form of an amended version of the agreed AIP or as
a separate addendum to the agreed AIP.
2.51 Revised AIP submissions to the TAA for agreement shall:

1) clearly indicate deletions or additions that have been made to the agreed AIP;
2) take account of any comments or conditions of approval imposed by the TAA on the
original submission;
3) be signed by the Designer/Assessor and Checker and forwarded with supporting information to
the TAA; and,
4) ensure addenda refers to the original AIP by the date of agreement by the TAA.

NOTE Retaining the same clause numbering as the original AIP, showing mark-ups, etc. help all reviewers
to understand the changes and to minimise duplication of work.
2.51.1 TA should start at an early stage of development of proposals.
NOTE 1 This is particularly important for structures where early submission of AIP to the TAA allows timely
consideration of other fundamental aspects, such as crossing requirements and carriageway
NOTE 2 The period over which TA extends can vary according to the size and complexity of the structure
and number of departures. To avoid any unnecessary delay, AIP can be given in stages in the form
of interim AIP as principles are evolved. However, the use of interim AIP does not prejudice the
agreement of an AIP for the full structure.

Technical approval
2.52 Sufficient information shall be provided, by the Designer, to enable the TAA to carry out the
following aspects, where applicable:
1) appraise the proposed design or assessment criteria, principles and methods;
2) agree the required working life for the structure and its main components;
3) agree the category of the proposals;
4) ensure consideration has been given to any special studies concerning safety and risk assessment
and management that have a bearing on the final design or assessment or the construction
5) be satisfied that the following have been considered:
a) safety;
b) sustainability;
c) buildability;
d) traffic management;
e) environmental impact;
f) aesthetics;
g) structure robustness;
h) water management;
i) durability;
j) maintenance, access and inspection;
k) upgradeability;
l) whole life costs;
m) demolition; and,
n) compliance with the Overseeing Organisation's requirements;
6) agree the list of documents included in the TAS and departures;
7) appraise the geotechnical conditions and other relevant investigations;
8) appraise the adequacy of existing records and investigation data and the need for further
investigations; or studies that have a significant bearing on the preliminary or final
design, assessment, execution, operation, maintenance or demolition processes;
9) review the adequacy of consultation with other stakeholders and the incorporation of
agreed requirements;
10) agree proposed category 3 Checker based on their relevant experience and competence;
11) resolve any point(s) of difference between the Designer or Assessor and the Checker;
12) confirm agreement of Designer and Checker by signature on AIP; and,
13) for tunnels, confirmation that the tunnel design authority output report has been signed off.
2.53 When satisfied with the proposals, the TAA shall confirm its agreement by signature of the AIP.
2.54 On completion of the detailed design, check or assessment, the TAA shall receive and consider
the appropriate certificates for acceptance.
2.55 The agreement of the AIP or acceptance of the certificates by the TAA shall not relieve the
Designer, Assessor nor Checker of any of their responsibilities.
NOTE Responsibilities include the accuracy of information of all information submitted in TA submissions, the
validity and arithmetical correctness of the calculations, methods and techniques and their
translations into design details and drawings, specification clauses or assessed capacities.
2.56 The AIP shall be valid for three years after the date of agreement by the TAA.
2.57 Where the construction has not yet commenced within this 3-year period, the AIP shall be re-
submitted to the TAA.
2.58 Prior to re-submission of an AIP it shall be reviewed by the Designer.
2.59 Whether any updating or amendment to the design is required shall be determined by the review
and the outcome recorded in an amendment or addendum to the AIP.
2.60 The agreement of the TAA to the re-submitted AIP shall be required before the execution can proceed.
2.61 The works examiner shall inform the TAA of any amendments to the design, during execution,
which have structural implications.
2.61.1 The proposed works examiner should be notified to the TAA prior to construction (unless
already defined in the contract).
2.62 Any amendments which have structural implications shall be included in an addendum to the AIP.
2.63 Certificates shall be revised to take account of the amendments.
2.63.1 Where the proposed erection procedure induces different stresses in the completed structure from
those anticipated in the design, any changes to agreed details in the AIPs or certificates should
be covered by an AIP addendum and/or additional certificates.
2.64 Any AIP addendum and/or additional certificates shall require acceptance by the TAA before
erection commences.

Design and assessment procedure

2.65 The design/assessment shall comply with the AIP.
2.66 The applicability and accuracy of all computer programs used, and the validity of the programs for
each application, shall be ensured by the Designer or Assessor.

Checking procedure
2.67 Assessments, designs, drawings, bar bending schedules and other relevant documentation, shall
be checked as follows:
1) categories 0 and 1 are checked independently by another engineer who may be from
the design/assessment team;
2) category 2 are checked by a check team, which may be from the same organisation but
independent of the design/assessment team; and,
3) category 3 are checked by a check team from a separate organisation proposed by the Designer
or Assessor and agreed by the TAA.
2.68 The Checker shall carry out the check, with due professional skill and care, in accordance with
the agreed AIP.
2.69 The Checker shall carry out a comprehensive examination of all aspects of the design or assessment
in accordance with the Overseeing Organisation's requirements.
NOTE This can include any proposed departures and specification clauses that could affect structural
integrity. (e.g. new materials)
2.70 The check shall include that the calculations are translated accurately into design details and
drawings, specification clauses or assessed capacities.
2.71 During the course of the check a report shall be submitted to the Designer or Assessor and TAA for
any aspect of the agreed AIP, design or assessment where changes are considered necessary.
2.72 The agreement of the TAA to variations in the AIP shall be confirmed in accordance with clauses
2.47 to 2.51.
2.73 Any disagreement arising between Designer or Assessor and Checker that they cannot resolve
shall be notified immediately to the TAA.
2.74 The Checker's analytical models and analytical work shall be independent of that of the Designer or
Assessor and carried out without exchange of calculation sheets, or similar analytical work,
between the Designer or Assessor and the Checker.
2.74.1 The Designer or Assessor and the Checker may consult with each other during the course of their
work to ensure that the results they are obtaining are comparable.
NOTE The method of analysis employed by the respective teams need not be the same.
2.75 The Checker shall take responsibility for the applicability and accuracy of all computer programs
used in the check and the validity of the programs for each application.
2.75.1 Both activities of design/assessment and check may proceed in parallel.

2.76 The certificates shall be signed to declare the satisfactory completion of the work involved and that
the organisations concerned have exercised due professional skill and care.
NOTE For some structures the TAA can call a pre-certification meeting with the Designer/Assessor and
the Checker, to discuss their findings prior to accepting certificates.
2.77 Where structures have an assessed capacity of less than current operational needs or there are
aspects with the potential to lead to other safety or operational risks in the near future, the
Assessor shall notify the TAA and agree any necessary actions before submitting the certificates.
NOTE In agreement with the TAA this can be included within the assessment report and
include recommendations for risk mitigation measures/options with, where possible,
2.78 For all proposals, a single organisation shall assume responsibility for the whole of each activity;
the design, assessment, check or construction compliance for the entire structure.
NOTE Clause 2.78 does not preclude the design of elements of the structure being done by others.
However, the responsibility for the overall structure remains with the Principal Designer. This ensures
that elements are not designed in isolation and the interfaces between any element and the global
performance is included in the design. In relation to the detailed design of elements designed by
others, the Principal Designer could obtain assurance through certification received from another
designer, rely on separate certification (accepted by the TAA) or by producing performance
requirements where elements are supplied that meet those, (such as identifying loading, dimensional
limits, and movement ranges).
2.79 Each certificate shall be endorsed, as required, by the Designer, Assessor, Checker,
Contractor's representative and Works Examiner.
2.80 Each certificate shall be submitted where required for acceptance by the TAA.
2.81 Signatories shall be required from the team leader and another from the principal of the
organisation concerned.
2.81.1 The team leader may be the Designer, Assessor or Checker.
2.82 All signatories to certificates shall:
1) be authorised to sign on behalf of their organisation;
2) be competent in the field of work undertaken; and,
3) have relevant experience and appropriate engineering qualifications.
2.83 Signatories' qualifications shall be clearly indicated on the certificate along with their name and
position in their organisation.
2.84 Signatories for the construction compliance certificate shall comprise a representative of the
Contractor and principals of both the Contractor and of the Works Examiner.
2.85 The signatory for the TAA shall be a person delegated to undertake this task on its behalf.
2.86 Where TAA agrees that the design of the superstructure, substructure and/or foundations of
highway structures are carried out by different teams, the conditions and loads imposed by the
superstructure and/or substructure for the design of the substructure and/or foundation respectively
shall be given in the AIP and/or certificate as applicable.
NOTE Clause 2.86 above does not negate the requirement for a single organisation to take
overall responsibility for the design of the entire structure.
2.87 Where a proprietary structure or product is supplied in accordance with an O/AIP, and the item has
been CE marked in accordance with the CPR, the Designer shall confirm to the TAA in a certificate
that they have inspected the declared performance under the CE mark and that declared performance
the item meets the requirements of the O/AIP (refer to Appendix P).
2.88 For category 1, 2 and 3 structures the design, assessment and check certificates shall refer to the
relevant AIP and any addenda by their respective dates of agreement by the TAA, and any
2.89 Where additional and substitute specification clauses have been prepared by the Designer, they
shall be endorsed by the Checker, if in agreement, and submitted as a Departure from standards for
acceptance by the TAA.
NOTE Many specifications require the designer to prepare a schedules of performance requirements or set
out requirements within an appendix. A Departure is not required for these provided these are
prepared in compliance with that specification.
2.89.1 Additional and substitute specification clauses may be submitted either individually or collectively on a
specification certificate.
2.90 Where additional and substitute specification clauses can affect structural integrity, for example
clauses concerning new materials, they shall be checked in accordance with the AIP.
2.91 For category 0 structures, the design, assessment and check certificates shall refer to the
relevant standards and departures and be submitted for acceptance by the TAA, unless
otherwise stated in Sections 3 to 6.
2.92 A copy of the general arrangement drawing and any relevant supporting information shall
accompany certificates for category 0 structures.
2.92.1 Where several similar category 0 or 1 structures occur in a project, with the agreement of the TAA
a single certificate may be used to cover them.
2.93 Construction of the structure shall not proceed until the design or assessment certificates have
been formally accepted by the TAA.
2.94 The construction compliance certificate shall be submitted to the TAA for acceptance by
the Overseeing Organisation.
2.95 The public shall not be permitted to use a structure or have access to places where their safety
would depend on the integrity of that structure until the TAA has accepted the Construction
Compliance Certificate.
2.95.1 The TAA may agree an interim certificate to allow highways to be opened while the information for
the final certificate is being prepared.
NOTE 1 Typically as-built drawings, bar bending schedules and material schedules are completed
after construction.
NOTE 2 The Interim Construction Compliance Certificate can be based on the model in Appendix N, but
clearly marked as "Interim" and omitting any reference to "as-constructed drawings and bar bending
2.96 Unless otherwise stated in Sections 3 to 6, the construction compliance certificate shall refer to, if
available, the relevant AIP, design and check certificates, specification and as-constructed
2.97 The format of certificates shall be agreed with the Overseeing Organisation.
NOTE 1 The wording on certificates can vary depending on the Overseeing Organisation's
particular requirements/type of contract.
NOTE 2 Model certificates are provided in Appendices I to N.
2.97.1 Where the completed certificate consists of more than one page, each page should be identifiable
by the name of the project and by the name and reference number of the structure and the date of
2.98 The forms of certificate defined in the contract requirements shall be used.
2.99 All certification, after acceptance by the TAA, shall be uploaded onto the Overseeing
Organisation's structures management system.

2.100 Relevant data, information and documents, which have an effect on safety, access, structural or
traffic management, such as assessed load carrying capacity of structure, shall be recorded as
required by the Overseeing Organisation's management system for structures.
2.101 For categories 2 or 3 checks, when Eurocodes are used, the Designer's record for the choices
and options adopted shall not be submitted to the TAA.
2.102 For categories 2 or 3 checks, when Eurocodes are used, the Designer record shall be recorded
as required in the Overseeing Organisation's management system for structures.
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 3. Bridges and other highway structures

3. Bridges and other highway structures

3.1 This section covers specific TA requirements for bridges and other highway structures and shall
be read in conjunction with Sections 1 and 2.
3.2 The TA requirements shall be applied without limitation to:
1) design and execution of new structures;
2) assessment and related construction work, whether refurbishment, maintenance or
strengthening, that affects structural integrity;
3) assessment relating to loading beyond that for which a structure has been designed or
previously assessed; and,
4) assessment relating to loading for which a structure has been designed or previously assessed
but the condition of the critical structural elements has subsequently deteriorated to the extent that
a reassessment is required.
3.3 In addition to 1.1, the procedures described in this Section shall be applied to the following
highway structures:
1) bridge, buried structure, subway, underpass, culvert and any other structure over the highway
or supporting the highway with a clear span or internal diameter greater than 0.9 m;
2) overhead crossing carrying conveyor or utility service;
3) movable inspection access gantry, gantry rail and gantry support system;
4) earth retaining structure where the effective retained height, i.e. the level of fill at the back of
the structure above ground level in front of the structure is greater than 1.5 m;
5) reinforced/strengthened soil/fill structure, with hard facings where the effective retained height
is greater than 1.5 m;
6) reinforced/strengthened soil/fill which is an integral part of another highway structure;
7) portal and cantilever sign and/or signal gantry;
8) minor structures listed below:
a) cantilever mast for traffic signal and/or speed camera;
b) lighting column;
c) high mast of more than 20 m in height, i.e. the vertical distance from top of post to bottom
of flange plate, for lighting;
d) mast for monitoring equipment. i.e. camera, radio and telecommunication transmission
e) catenary lighting support system;
f) noise barrier;
g) traffic sign/signal posts of more than 7 m in height, i.e. the vertical distance from top of post
to bottom of flange plate or top of foundation, whichever is the lesser;
h) other 'mast type' structures identified by the TAA as requiring technical approval.
i) 'fence type' structures, including environmental barriers, visual screens and fencing, identified
by the TAA as requiring technical approval
9) proprietary manufactured structure or product;
10) reinforced/strengthened soil/fill structure where hard facings are not provided and the face
inclination exceeds 45 degrees, unless agreed with the Overseeing Organisation that structural
TA in accordance with this document is not required;
11) fitting of M&E apparatus and fixtures to existing structures, including tunnels, either permanent
or temporary;
12) design, selection and installation of cathodic protection systems for reinforced concrete
structures; and,
13) safety critical fixings (as defined in CD 372 [Ref 4.N])

3.4 In addition to 2.20 to 2.26, the following criteria shall be considered when determining category.
3.4.1 The TAA may require a higher or lower category where deemed appropriate.

Category 0
3.5 Category 0 structures shall:
1) conform in all aspects of design, assessment and execution to DMRB and MCHW standards;
2) contain no departures; and,
3) be a structure covered by clause 3.6
3.6 Unless otherwise indicated by the TAA the following structures shall be category 0:
1) single-span structures with span of less than 5 m;
2) buried concrete boxes, buried rigid pipes and corrugated steel buried structures of less than 3
m clear span/diameter and having more than 1 m cover;
3) multi-cell buried structures, where the cumulative span is less than 5 m, and having more than 1
m cover;
4) earth retaining structures with an effective retained height of greater than 1.5 m but less than 2.5 m;
5) minor structures listed within clause 3.3 (8) and not situated at a very exposed site as defined in
CD 354 [Ref 3.N];
6) high masts 25 m or less in height and not situated at a very exposed site as defined in CD 354
[Ref 3.N].
7) noise barriers less than 7 m high and without overhangs;
8) masonry arches with span of less than 6.5 m (for assessment only); and,
9) portal and cantilever sign and/or signal gantries compliant with a generic AIP.

Category 1
3.7 Category 1 structures shall:
1) conform in all aspects of design, assessment and execution to DMRB and MCHW standards;
2) contain no departures; and,
3) be a structure covered by clause 3.8.
3.8 Unless otherwise indicated by the TAA the following structures shall be category 1:
1) structures with a single simply supported or integral span of 5 m or greater but less than 20 m
and having less than 25° skew;
2) buried concrete boxes, buried rigid pipes and corrugated steel buried structures with a
clear span/diameter of 8 m or less;
3) earth retaining structures with an effective retained height of 2.5 m or greater but less than 7 m;
4) minor structures outside the limits of those listed within clause 3.3 item (8) or situated at a
very exposed site as defined in CD 354 [Ref 3.N];
5) high masts greater than 25 m in height or situated at a very exposed site as defined in CD 354
[Ref 3.N];
6) noise barriers 7 m or more in height or with overhangs; and,
7) portal and cantilever sign and/or signal gantries with a span of less than 20 m.

Category 2
3.9 Structures not included within the parameters of categories 0, 1 or 3 shall be category 2.
Category 3
3.10 Complex structures which require sophisticated analysis or have any one of the following features
shall be category 3:
1) high structural redundancy;
2) unconventional, novel or esoteric design aspects;
3) any span exceeding 50 m;
4) skew exceeding 45 degrees;
5) difficult foundation problems;
6) movable bridges;
7) movable inspection access gantries, gantry rail and gantry support systems;
8) bridges with suspension systems;
9) steel orthotropic decks;
10) post-tensioned concrete structures;
11) earth retaining structures with an effective retained height of 14 m or greater;
12) rock anchorages and anchorages forming part of a structure.
13) portal sign and/or signal gantries with a span greater than 50 m;
14) structures with hidden or difficult to inspect critical elements; or,
15) structures with cathodic protection systems installed in accordance with clause 6.5 of CD 370
[Ref 1.N].

Assessment and related construction work

3.11 The assessment of load carrying capacity of existing structures and related construction work, such
as demolition, repair, renewal, refurbishment and strengthening work that affects structural integrity,
shall be categorised on the same basis that the original structure would have warranted.
3.11.1 The TAA may require a higher or lower category where deemed appropriate.

Technical approval
3.12 Sufficient information to enable the TAA to consider the following aspects, where applicable, shall
be provided by the Designer or Assessor in addition to clause 2.52:
1) cross-section and headroom clearances;
2) the loading and design or assessment criteria;
3) any provision to be made additional to items (1) and (2) for abnormally high and/or heavy loads;
4) the structural adequacy at all stages of construction work, such as repairs,
strengthening, monitoring, partial renewals or demolitions;;
5) proposals for the independent checking of temporary works; and,
6) that proper consideration has been given to the adoption of proprietary manufactured structures
or products with CE markings by the Overseeing Organisation (see Appendix P).
NOTE The list in clause 3.12 above is not necessarily exhaustive.

3.13 For category 0 minor structures as defined in 3.6(5) a certificate in the form given in Appendix J and
an EC certificate or declaration of conformity shall be submitted to the TAA for retention.

3.14 The AIP for highway structures within the scope of this section shall be based on the relevant
model AIP forms given in Appendices A and B.
3.15 TASs shall be prepared in accordance with the notes given in Appendix H.
3.16 Certificates shall be based on the relevant model certificates given in Appendices I, J and N.
NOTE The form of certificates can vary depending on the Overseeing Organisation's particular requirements.
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 4. Temporary works

4. Temporary works
4.1 This section describes the TA requirements for temporary works including temporary structures
and shall be read in conjunction with Sections 1 to 3.
4.2 All temporary works proposals shall be reviewed and allocated into one of the following categories:
1) type N proposals: temporary works having no potential for impact on client or third party assets
or on any person other than those under the direct control of the Principal Contractor;
2) type S (structure) proposals: erection proposals or temporary works which require both:
a) an independent check of the effects of temporary works on permanent works (refer to the AIP
for permanent works), and,
b) where the works would not affect or potentially affect any highway or other way or area used
by or accessible to the public; and,
3) type P (public) proposals: erection proposals, temporary works including those over, under,
alongside or otherwise affecting or potentially affecting any highway or other way or area used by,
or accessible, to the public.
4.3 Where required a summary of the categorised list shall be provided to the TAA.
4.4 The TA requirements shall be applied to type S and type P proposals.
4.4.1 Where necessary and depending on the degree of risk, the TAA may change the proposal from type
N to type S or from type S to type P.
4.4.2 Where the temporary works are permanently left in place (e.g. sheet piling), they may be
considered instead, if appropriate, in the AIP of the permanent highway structure.

4.5 In addition to 1.1, the procedures described in this section shall be applied without limitation to
the following temporary structures:
1) temporary works and falsework for major and complex structures;
2) proposals where erection procedure, method of construction or the procedure for the demolition
or removal of an existing structure is of critical importance;
3) purpose built or prefabricated forms of temporary works that are alongside or temporarily support
or span live carriageways or railway lines or other areas with public access, including facilities or
construction procedures that maintain the structural integrity or safe operation of an existing
structure; and,
4) temporary works details, erection proposals or construction procedures involving work that affects
or potentially affects the structural integrity or operating procedures of a structure during its
reconstruction, demolition and removal, maintenance, monitoring, alteration or repair.

Category of temporary works

4.6 The category adopted shall reflect the adverse consequences of any potential failure and comply
with clauses 2.20 to 2.26.
4.7 For type N proposals, the Contractor's own procedures shall determine the relevant category.
4.8 For type S proposals, the category shall be the same as the category of the permanent structure.
4.9 For type P proposals, the category shall be 2 or 3.
4.9.1 Where agreed with the TAA that the risk is relatively minor and the reasoning is recorded in the AIP
(or certificate in the case of category 0), proposals may be lowered to category 1 or 0.

Design criteria relating to permanent works

4.10 Design criteria for temporary works shall include all relevant design data concerning the design
and construction of the permanent works.

4.11 The design data shall include, where applicable:

1) protection and/or safe operation of the permanent work or live carriageway during the use of
a temporary highway structure; and,
2) temporary conditions of construction of new designs or the alteration of existing structures.

NOTE Relevant design data can include allowable deflections, settlements, rotations, loading, jacking forces,
propping requirements, clearances, impact protection, erection or demolition procedures, traffic
control, carriageway possessions, etc.

4.12 The limits of application of a submission and related certification shall be clearly described and,
where applicable, related to constraints of staged construction.
4.13 Proposals shall state the criteria that have been adopted to encompass the technical, operational
and safety requirements of the authorities consulted.
4.14 Proposals shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the TAA that safeguards and contingency
measures have been introduced and will be maintained throughout the duration of the work.

Type N proposals
4.15 No certification shall be submitted to the Overseeing Organisation.
NOTE The Contractor is responsible for all aspects of this work.

Type S proposals
4.16 For type S temporary works proposals the classification shall be agreed with the TAA.
4.17 Check certificate shall be required to confirm checking is carried out.
4.18 Design certificate and AIP of temporary works shall not be required.
NOTE They are not required as there is no risk to the public and the contractor is responsible for the
safety and adequacy of erection or temporary works proposals.
4.19 Prior to the commencement of the relevant parts of the works, check certificate(s) based on those
given in Appendix K related to type S proposals shall be submitted to the TAA.
4.20 The check certificate shall be recorded and kept in the Overseeing Organisation's management
system for the permanent structure.
NOTE The purpose of requiring a certified independent check is to ensure that not only are the erection
proposals and/or temporary works details properly prepared but also that an independent
engineer examines and certifies for their adequacy.

Type P proposals
4.21 Unless otherwise stated in 4.24 and 4.25 or agreed with the TAA as category 0, proposals for
temporary works shall be described in an AIP in accordance with the requirements and form of
submission described in Section 2.
4.22 Unless otherwise stated in 4.24 and 4.25, all design, checking and certification of temporary works
for type P proposals shall comply with the TA procedures of Sections 1 and 2.
4.23 The type P certificate shall be accepted by the TAA before consent to proceed with the works can
be given.
4.24 Special requirements given in the respective NAAs shall be complied with for third party proposals
of temporary works or temporary structures that are not described in Sections 3 to 6.
4.25 Special requirements given in the respective NAAs shall be complied with where the Overseeing
Organisation has no specific competence or expertise to enable it to review the safety aspects of the

Technical approval
4.26 Sufficient information to enable the TAA to consider the following aspects, where applicable and
in addition to clause 2.52, shall be provided by the Designer:
1) structural adequacy and stability at all stages;
2) precautions during erection/dismantling operations;
3) protection of the temporary works (including protection against vehicle or other impact);
4) general provisions in terms of permanent works execution;
5) loading and design criteria, including factors of safety where limit states design codes for bridges
are not used;
6) effects on any existing structures or earthworks assessed by the permanent works designer
during design;
7) working spaces for installation and removal;
8) clearances and access for construction plant and machinery; and,
9) provision for periodic inspection and checking.
NOTE The list in clause 4.26 above is not necessarily exhaustive.

4.27 The AIP for temporary works within the scope of this Section shall be based on the model forms
given in Appendices A or B, as relevant.
4.28 TASs shall be prepared in accordance with the notes given in Appendix H.
4.29 The certificates shall be based on the model certificates given in Appendices K, L and N.
NOTE The form of certificates can vary depending on the Overseeing Organisation's particular requirements.
4.30 A certificate of construction compliance shall be provided for temporary bridges and any structures
and installations identified by the TAA .
NOTE Generally a certificate of construction compliance is not required for temporary works.

Special requirements concerning third party proposals

4.31 For third party proposals of temporary works or temporary structures that are not described in
Sections 3 to 6, or where the Overseeing Organisation does not have a specific knowledge or
expertise, the OO shall not be able to give an opinion on whether they are safe or not.
4.32 The third party shall have the required experience and competence to carry out the proposed
works and be responsible for them.
4.33 The steps set out in clauses 4.34 and 4.35 shall be taken to ensure that the proposal is safe and
the works are safely carried out.
4.34 The third party shall seek an agreement for its proposal and draw up a legal agreement with
the Overseeing Organisation.
4.35 The legal agreement shall contain, amongst other things, the following:
1) outline procedures in dealing with the proposal which can include:
a) certification to confirm that the principles of design and/or execution have been
appropriately transformed into an appropriate design using due reasonable professional skill
and care;
b) required information to be submitted to the Overseeing Organisation. Where appropriate
this could be a general arrangement drawing, reason for structure, type of highway, traffic
speed, description of structure, span arrangements, headrooms, foundation types,
arrangement for inspection and maintenance, highway and other live loadings, ground
conditions, risks and hazards, period of service, etc.;
c) seeking and taking into consideration of Overseeing Organisation considered comments on the
proposal. If the Overseeing Organisation consider there is any safety issue and that safety
issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of the Overseeing Organisation, the works cannot be
carried out; and,
d) administrative processes e.g. establish contact points; agree relevant periods of notices;
third party to give notifications; Overseeing Organisation to give comments and
Overseeing Organisation to grant agreement; third party to start work; Overseeing Organisation
to serve notice to stop work etc;
2) for temporary works or temporary structures, the following are to be considered:
a) the Overseeing Organisation is not required to approve or disapprove the temporary works
or temporary structures or any of their isolated aspects;
b) a statement to confirm that the proposal is in compliance with normal industry standards
and practices;
c) clearances e.g. headroom;
d) effect of temporary works or temporary structures on roads such as sight line or other
highway structures (load on bridges);
e) where appropriate, requirement of geotechnical certification to CD 622 [Ref 10.N];
f) where there is little or no proven track record of the proposal or the proposal is an
innovative solution, it is recommended that the proposal first be tried on a test site or a
minor road; and,
g) certification to confirm that the proposal has been checked by an appropriately qualified and
competent organisation which is independent from the third party. The relevant
experience/competence of the Checker is to be agreed with the Overseeing Organisation
before employing them;
3) for aspects other than temporary works or temporary structures, the following are to be considered:
a) for road traffic operations and/or management such as signage, parking and access of
support vehicles, coning, lighting etc that are described in sections 3 to 6 or where
Organisation have the necessary expertise, the normal Overseeing Organisation practices
required for appropriate Overseeing Organisation technical approval processes or operational
requirements are to be applied; and,
b) the relevant parts of the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges are to be applied and
Departures sought where appropriate;
4) agreement on an amount of public liability insurance and provision of a copy of the
insurance certificate to the Overseeing Organisation;
5) provide confirmation to the Overseeing Organisation that the third party has taken appropriate
safety advice identifying what advice has been taken and from whom;
6) agree to making good of any damages due to the work by the third party and obtain a certificate
from the Overseeing Organisation area maintaining agent that the condition of the road network is
almost the same before and after the work by the third party; and,
7) confirmation that all costs associated with the proposal will be borne by the third party.
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 5. Road tunnel and service tunnel structures

5. Road tunnel and service tunnel structures

5.1 Technical approval (TA) requirements in this section shall be followed for the following:
1) road tunnel structures;
2) service tunnels where the internal diameter is greater than 2 m; and,
3) major tunnelling or building operations within the zone of influence of an existing road tunnel.
5.2 This section shall be read in conjunction with Sections 1, 2 and 6, and in the case of cut-and-
over construction and for tunnel portals and road decks, the relevant parts of Section 3.
5.3 The requirements of the Tunnel Design and Safety Consultation Group shall be complied with.
5.4 The TA requirements within this document shall not apply to service tunnels where the
internal diameter is 2 m or less.
5.5 For service tunnels where the internal diameter is 2 m or less requirements of CD 622 [Ref 10.N]
shall apply.

5.6 In addition to 1.1, the procedures described in this Section shall be applied to:
1) the design and execution of new road tunnels, tunnel services buildings and service tunnels;
2) the assessment of existing tunnels that are subject to the effects of new temporary or
permanent construction above or adjacent to the tunnel structure; and,
3) the refurbishment and strengthening of existing road tunnels.

5.7 In addition to clauses 2.20 to 2.26, proposals for the design or assessment of road tunnel
structures and service tunnels shall be in category 3.

Technical Approval
5.8 Sufficient information to enable the TAA to consider the following aspects, where applicable and
in addition to clause 2.52, shall be provided by the Designer:
1) structure and form:
a) methods of excavation and construction including proposed ground categorisation for tunnelling;
b) tunnel profile;
c) bore spacing;
d) portal design;
e) waterproofing;
f) maintenance access;
g) ventilation shafts;
h) proposed tunnel wall finish;
i) fire resistance;
j) stability of ground above portals;
k) primary support design;
l) groundwater control;
m) effect on overlying or adjacent structures or tunnels;
n) secondary lining and cladding;
o) ground movements;
p) loading history of the site and effect of proposed new loading sequences;
q) the adequacy of the assessment of the loading conditions involved;

r) water management; and,
s) safety critical fixings.
2) alignment and clearances:
a) site constraints;
b) highway and tunnel alignment;
c) stopping sight distances;
d) carriageway and verge widths;
e) duct provision for services;
f) horizontal and vertical clearances;
g) effect of super-elevation;
h) space requirements for equipment beyond the traffic space;
i) cross-connections between traffic bores and escape passages;
j) emergency point spacing;
k) tunnel signing;
l) parking for emergency vehicles;
m) area for casualty attendance; and,
n) emergency crossovers and portal space.
3) general:
a) provision made for inspection and maintenance;
b) proposals for the checking of temporary works;
c) the safeguards adopted to ensure that construction effects are kept within tolerable limits;
d) an intervention facility being in place to regulate progress or halt work in the event of
unforeseen situations which might adversely affect or compromise the structural integrity or
operational regime of the tunnel; and,
e) the arrangements to sustain all necessary liaison between interested stakeholders.
NOTE This list in clause 5.8 above is not necessarily exhaustive.

5.9 The AIP for road tunnel and service tunnel structures within the scope of this section shall be based
on the model AIP form given in Appendix C.
5.10 TASs shall be prepared in accordance with the notes given in Appendix H.
5.11 Certificates shall be based on the relevant model certificates given in Appendices I and N.
NOTE The form of certificates can vary depending on the Overseeing Organisation's particular requirements.
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 6. Mechanical and electrical installations

6. Mechanical and electrical installations

6.1 This section describes specific TA requirements for mechanical and electrical (M&E) installations
in highway structures and shall be read in conjunction with Sections 1, 2 and 3 or 5 as required.

6.2 In addition to 1.1, the procedures described in this Section shall be applied without limitation to
the following:
1) movable bridges and bridge access gantries;
2) road tunnels and tunnel services buildings; and,
3) pumped drainage installations for underpasses.

6.3 In addition to 2.20 and 2.26, proposals for work covered by this section shall be in category 3.

6.4 In addition to clauses 2.27 to 2.29, proposals shall:

1) be presented in terms of preliminary and/or final design proposals as required with

due consideration to whole life costs;
2) fully describe the provision to be made for component replacement;
3) fully describe the provision for keeping the facility operational in the event of component failure; and,
4) include a draft report on maintenance and operating procedures (safety consultation
document) based on the relevant model document in Appendix F and G.

Technical Approval
6.5 Sufficient information to enable the TAA to consider the following aspects, where applicable and
in addition to clause 2.52, shall be provided by the Designer:
1) the adequacy of the consultation and proposals forming the basis of the draft operating
procedures (safety consultation document);
2) for movable bridges:
a) the provision of integrated methods of incorporating safety of road users and bridge operatives
(e.g. road barriers and traffic lights, linked to the bridge moving mechanism, to safeguard
bridge users);
b) the static and dynamic loading and design criteria under normal and adverse
operating conditions including 'locked-in' stresses and over-turning;
c) that all loads for the M&E design are consistent with those for the design of the bridge structure;
d) the adequacy of system redundancy to guard against single component failure; and,
e) the provision for manual operation (e.g. in the event of power failure or equipment failure).

NOTE This list in clause 6.5 above is not necessarily exhaustive.

Mechanical and electrical Installation certification

6.6 The design and check certificates shall take account of 2.82 to 2.96 and be carried out in two stages.
6.7 Stage 1 certification shall:
1) confirm that the principles in the AIP are valid and that they have been translated into
appropriate levels of equipping, design and specification;

2) confirm that sufficient information has been provided to enable the detailed design of the
installation to be developed and completed in accordance with the Overseeing Organisation's
requirements; and,
3) require that details of work tests for equipment/systems tested at the manufacturer's work site
and commissioning trials have been specified for the purpose of performance verification and
formal handover.
6.8 Stage 2 certification shall confirm that the following meet the Overseeing Organisation's requirements:
1) the completed design proposals;
2) the testing of components; and,
3) the commissioning of the complete installation.
6.9 The format and wording of stage 1 and stage 2 certificates shall be agreed with the TAA.
6.10 A copy of the relevant safety consultation document with original signatures shall accompany
the design and check certificates.

6.11 The AIPs for highway structures within the scope of this section shall be based on Appendices D and E.
6.12 The relevant safety consultation documents that shall be used are given in Appendices F and G.
6.13 TASs shall be prepared in accordance with the notes given in Appendix H.
6.14 The certificates shall be based on the relevant model certificates provided in Appendices I and N.
NOTE The form of certificates can vary depending on the Overseeing Organisation's particular requirements.
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 7. Normative references

7. Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normative references for this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

Ref 1.N Highways England. CD 370, 'Cathodic protection for use in reinforced concrete
Ref 2.N 305/2011/EU, 'Construction Products Regulation'
Ref 3.N Highways England. CD 354, 'Design of minor structures'
Ref 4.N Highways England. CD 372, 'Design of post-installed anchors and reinforcing bar
connections in concrete'
Ref 5.N Highways England. GD 304, 'Designing health and safety into maintenance'
Ref 6.N BSI. BS EN 1991-2, 'Eurocode 1. Actions on structures. Traffic loads on bridges'
Ref 7.N BSI. BS EN 1990, 'Eurocode: Basis of structural design'
Ref 8.N Highways England. GG 103, 'Introduction and general requirements for sustainable
development and design'
Ref 9.N Highways England. GG 101, 'Introduction to the Design Manual for Roads and
Ref 10.N Highways England. CD 622, 'Managing geotechnical risk'

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 8. Informative references

8. Informative references
The following documents are informative references for this document and provide supporting

Ref 1.I Highways England. CD 352, 'Design of road tunnels'

Ref 2.I HMSO. Merrison Report, 'Inquiry into the Basis of Design and Method of Erection of
Steel Box Girder Bridges'
Ref 3.I Highways England. Standards for Highways (website),

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix A. Model form of Approval in Princip...

Appendix A. Model form of Approval in Principle for the design of

bridges and other highway structures where UK National
Standards (Eurocodes) are used
Project details:
Name of project
Name of bridge or
structure. Structure
reference no.
Summary: set out a brief summary of what this AIP covers, why it is necessary and anticipated
construction dates.

1.1 Type of highway
1.2 Design traffic speed 1
1.3 Existing restrictions 2

2.1 Obstacles crossed

3.1 Description of structure and design working life 3
3.2 Structural type
3.3 Foundation type
3.4 Span arrangements
3.5 Articulation arrangements4
3.6 Classes and levels5
1) consequence class;
2) reliability class;
3) inspection level.
3.7 Road restraint systems requirements
3.8 Proposals for water management6
3.9 Proposed arrangements for future maintenance and inspection
1) traffic management;
2) arrangements for future maintenance and inspection of structure. Access arrangements to structure.

3.10 Environment and sustainability7

3.11 Durability - materials and finishes 8
3.12Risks and hazards considered for design, execution, maintenance and demolition.
Consultation with and/or agreement from Overseeing Organisation 9
3.13 Estimated cost of proposed structure together with other structural forms considered
(including where appropriate proprietary manufactured structure), and the reasons for their
rejection (including comparative whole life costs with dates of estimates). Reference should be

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix A. Model form of Approval in Princip...
made to any options reports done.

3.14 Proposed arrangements for construction

1) construction of structure;
2) traffic management;
3) service diversions;
4) interface with existing structures.
3.15 Resilience and security.

4.1 Actions
1) permanent actions;
2) snow, wind and thermal actions;
3) actions relating to normal traffic under AW regulations and C&U regulations10;
4) actions relating to General Order traffic under STGO regulations 11;
5) footway or footbridge variable actions;
6) actions relating to Special Order traffic, provision for exceptional abnormal indivisible;
loads including location of vehicle track on deck cross-section 12, 13;
7) accidental actions;
8) actions during construction;
9) any special action not covered above 14.
4.2 Heavy or high load route requirements and arrangements being made to preserve the
route, including any provision for future heavier loads or future widening
4.3 Proposed minimum headroom to be provided
4.4 Set out measures that will be incorporated into design to minimise maintenance.15
4.5 Authorities consulted and any special conditions required
4.6 Standards and documents listed in the technical approval schedule (TAS)
4.7 Proposed departures from standards listed in 4.6
4.8 Proposed departures from standards concerning methods for dealing with aspects not covered
by standards listed in 4.6
4.9 Proposed safety critical fixings

5.1 Methods of analysis proposed for superstructure, substructure and foundations 16
5.2 Description and diagram of idealised structure to be used for analysis
5.3 Assumptions intended for calculation of structural element stiffness
5.4 Proposed range of soil parameters to be used in the design of earth retaining elements

6.1 Acceptance of recommendations of the ground investigation report (reference/dates) to be used
in the design and reasons for any proposed changes
6.2 Summary of design for highway structure in the ground investigation report
6.3 Differential settlement to be allowed for in the design of the structure
6.4 If the ground investigation report is not yet available, state when the results are expected and
list the sources of information used to justify the preliminary choice of foundations 17

7.1 Proposed category and design supervision level
7.2 If category 3, name of proposed independent checker
7.3 Erection proposals or temporary works for which types S and P proposals will be required,
listing structural parts of the permanent structure affected with reasons


8.1 List of drawings (including numbers) and documents accompanying the submission 18


We confirm that details of the temporary works design will be/have been19 passed to the permanent
works designer for review.20
Name Design Team Leader
Engineering Qualifications 21

Name of Organisation

Name Check Team Leader
Engineering Qualifications 21

Name of Organisation


Position held
Engineering Qualifications 21


1) For a bridge, give over and/or under.
2) Include weight, height, width and any environmental restrictions at or adjacent to the bridge.
3) The design working life of the structure including temporary structure, and replaceable structural
parts are to be given. They are to be expressed as a number of years rather than a range of
years. A design working life is to be based on the DMRB if stated, otherwise it may be based on
the guidance given in the Overseeing Organisation's current requirements for the use of
Eurocodes for the design of highway structures.
4) Bearings and joints are components that will require maintenance and are vulnerable to water
ingress. Where it is proposed not to have a structure with integral construction provide
justification for that.
5) State the classes and levels for the whole structure, as well as those for the individual structural
elements if higher or lower. See the Overseeing Organisation's current requirements for the use
of Eurocodes for the design of highway structures.
6) Describe how water will be managed within the design of the structure. This includes internally
(transport of water through the structure and sealing of elements to prevent water ingress) and
externally (global management considering interface with other assets, (watercourses,
drainage, pavement, geotechnical features, etc.)
7) Designers to set out the measures they will put in place to ensure that the design will follow
industry guidance and best practice on environmental and sustainability aspects in accordance
with GG 103 [Ref 8.N].
8) For concrete structures, give applicable exposure classes for particular structural elements. For
all material strengths given, list the relevant codes/standards.
9) Designers to confirm that they have reviewed the risks and hazards identified in the AIP and
are satisfied. Also see clause 2.27.
10) e.g. Load Models 1 and 2, BS EN 1991-2 [Ref 6.N]
11) e.g. SV model vehicle in Load Model 3, BS EN 1991-2 [Ref 6.N]
12) e.g. SOV model vehicle in Load Model 3, BS EN 1991-2 [Ref 6.N] and/or individual vehicle
which includes the following information as applicable:
a) gross weight of the vehicle in tonnes and vehicle type and number;
b) axle load and spacing (longitudinally and transversely);
c) air cushion in tonnes over area applied (in metres, longitudinally and transversely);
d) single or twin tyres and wheel contact areas.
13) The heavy or high load route requirements should be confirmed by the relevant administration
e.g. Abnormal Indivisible Load team in Highways England.
14) e.g. seismic action, atmospheric icing, floating debris, etc.
15) Designs that have minimal maintenance provide significant benefits in reducing the safety risk to
the workforce and reducing disruption to the network. Designs that include elements with relatively
high maintenance interventions need to be justified through the maintenance and repair statement
in accordance with GD 304 [Ref 5.N].
16) List the main structural elements for superstructure, substructure and foundation. If the designs of
the superstructure, substructure and/or foundation are carried out by different teams, refer to clause
17) When the ground investigation report becomes available, an addendum to the AIP, covering
section 6, is to be submitted to the TAA. The addendum is to have its own sections 8, 9 and 10 to
provide a list of drawings, documents and signatures.
18) Include, without limitation:
a) technical approval schedule (TAS);
b) general arrangement drawing;
c) relevant extracts from the ground investigation report;
d) departures;
e) relevant correspondence and documents from consultations.
19) Delete as appropriate.
20) This statement is applicable to temporary works design AIP only.
21) CEng MICE, CEng MIStructE or equivalent.
22) AIP is valid for three years after the date of agreement by the TAA. If the construction has not
yet commenced within this period, the AIP is to be re-submitted to the TAA for review.
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix B. Model form of Approval in Princip...

Appendix B. Model form of Approval in Principle for the

design/assessment of bridges and other highway structures
where UK National Standards (Non-Eurocodes) are used
Model form of Approval in Principle (AIP) for the design/assessment1 of bridges and other highway
structures where UK national standards (non-Eurocodes) are used.

Project details:
Name of project:
Name of bridge or structure. :
Structure reference no.
Summary: set out a brief summary of what this AIP covers, why it is necessary and anticipated
construction dates.

1.1 Type of highway
1.2 Design traffic speed 2
1.3 Existing restrictions 3

2.1 Obstacles crossed

3.1 Description of structure and design working life
3.2 Structural type
3.3 Foundation type
3.4 Span arrangements
3.5 Articulation arrangements
3.6 Road restraint systems requirements
3.7 Proposals for water management
3.8 Proposed arrangements for future maintenance and inspection/inspection for assessment:1
1) traffic management
2) arrangements for future maintenance and inspection of structure. Access arrangements to structure
3) intrusive or further investigations proposedA
3.9 Environment and sustainability
3.10 Durability - materials and finishes/materials strengths assumed and basis of assumptions1,4
3.11Risks and hazards considered for design, execution, maintenance and demolition.
Consultation with and/or agreement from the Overseeing Organisation 5
3.12 D Estimated cost of proposed structure, together with other structural forms considered
(including where appropriate proprietary manufactured structure), and the reasons for their rejection
(including comparative whole life costs with dates of estimates). Reference should be made to any
options reports done.
3.13 D Proposed arrangements for construction:

1) construction of structure
2) traffic management
3) service diversions
4) interface with existing structures
3.14 Resilience and security
3.15A Year of construction.
3.16A Reason for
3.17A Part of structure to be assessed.

4.1 Actions:
1) permanent actions
2) snow, wind and thermal actions
3) actions relating to normal traffic under AW regulations and C&U regulations 6
4) actions relating to General Order traffic under STGO regulations 7
5) footway or footbridge variable actions
6) actions relating to Special Order traffic, provision for exceptional abnormal indivisible loads
including location of vehicle track on deck cross-section 8
7) accidental actions
8) actions during construction
9) any special action not covered above 9
4.2 Heavy or high load route requirements and arrangements being made to preserve the
route, including any provision for future heavier loads or future widening 10
4.3 Minimum headroom provided
4.4 Authorities consulted and any special conditions required
4.5 Standards and documents listed in the Technical Approval Schedule (TAS)
4.6 Proposed departures from standards listed in 4.5
4.7 Proposed departures from standards concerning methods for dealing with aspects not covered
by standards in 4.5
4.8 Proposals for design/assessment1 of safety critical fixings.

5.1 Methods of analysis proposed for superstructure, substructure and foundations 11, 12
5.2 Description and diagram of idealised structure to be used for analysis
5.3 Assumptions intended for calculation of structural element stiffness
5.4 Proposed range of soil parameters to be used in the design/assessment of earth retaining elements

6.1 Acceptance of recommendations of the ground investigation report to be used in
the design/assessment1 and reasons for any proposed changes
6.2 Summary of design for highway structure in ground investigation report
6.3 Differential settlement to be allowed for in the design/assessment1 of the structure
6.4 D If the ground investigation report is not yet available, state when the results are expected and
list the sources of information used to justify the preliminary choice of foundations. 14

7.1 Proposed category
7.2 If category 3, name of proposed independent Checker
7.3 D Erection proposals or temporary works for which types S and P proposals will be required,
listing structural parts of the permanent structure affected with reasons


8.1 List of drawings (including numbers) and documents accompanying the submission 15
8.2 A List of construction and record drawings (including numbers) to be used in the
assessment 8.3A List of pile driving or other construction records 19
8.4A List of previous inspection and assessment reports


We confirm that details of the temporary works design will be/have been1 passed to the permanent
works designer for review.16
Name Design/Assessment1 Team Leader
Engineering Qualifications 17

Name of Organisation

Name Check Team Leader
Engineering Qualifications 17

Name of Organisation


Position held
Engineering Qualifications 17

D. Indicates clauses to be used in design AIP only
A. Indicates clauses to be used in assessment AIP only
1) Delete as appropriate.
2) For a bridge, give over and/or under.
3) Include weight, height, width and any environmental restrictions at or adjacent to the bridge.
4) In cases of design, give applicable exposure classes for particular concrete structural elements. In
cases of assessment, give material strengths from record drawings or intrusive investigation. For
all material strengths given, list the relevant codes/standards.
5) Designers to confirm that they have reviewed the risks and hazards identified in the AIP and
are satisfied. Also see clause 2.27.
6) e.g. HA Loading
7) e.g. HB or SV Loading
8) e.g. individual vehicle which includes the following information as applicable:
a) gross weight of the vehicle in tonnes and vehicle type and number;
b) axle load and spacing (longitudinally and transversely);
c) air cushion in tonnes over area applied (in metres, longitudinally and transversely);
d) single or twin tyres and wheel contact areas.
9) e.g. seismic loading, atmospheric icing, floating debris etc
10) If in doubt, the heavy or high load route requirements are to be confirmed by the
relevant administration.
11) List the main structural elements for superstructure, substructure and foundation. If the designs
of the superstructure, substructure and/or foundation are carried out by different teams, refer to
cl. 2.84.
12) Factors of Safety are required where limit state design codes for bridges are not used. See 4.24(5).
13) Where no such geotechnical information is available, suggested earth pressure coefficient
values given in relevant DMRB parts should be used instead.
14) When the results of the ground investigation become available, an addendum to the AIP,
covering section 6, is to be submitted to the TAA. The addendum is to have its own sections 8, 9
and 10 to provide a list of drawings, documents and signatures.
15) Include, without limitation:
a) technical approval schedule (TAS);
b) general arrangement drawing;
c) relevant extracts from the ground investigation report, inspection report, intrusive
investigation report, previous assessment report (or reference for report);
d) departures;
e) relevant correspondence and documents from consultations.
16) This statement is applicable to temporary works design AIP only.
17) CEng MICE, CEng MIStructE or equivalent.
18) AIP is valid for three years after the date of agreement by the TAA. If the construction has not
yet commenced within this period, the AIP is to be re-submitted to the TAA for review.
19) Include details of previous structural maintenance and/or strengthening works.
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix C. Model form of Approval in Princip...

Appendix C. Model form of Approval in Principle for the

design/assessment of road tunnel structures and service tunnels
Model form of approval in principle for the design/ assessment1 of road tunnel structures and service

Project details:
Name of project
Name of road/service1 tunnel
Road/Service1 tunnel reference no.

1.1 Type of highway
1.2 Design traffic speed

2.1 Basic layout 2
2.2 Restrictions to traffic


3.1 Structural form of tunnel and design working life
3.2 Structural form of portal structures
3.3 Traffic and geometry:
1) horizontal and vertical alignment of tunnel and tunnel approaches ;
2) cross-section 3;
3) highway standards 4;
4) accommodation of M&E services in tunnel 5;
5) minimum headroom (traffic gauge), horizontal clearances;
6) structure gauge.

3.4 Classes and levels: 6

1) Consequence class;
2) Reliability class;
3) Inspection level.
3.5 Proposed arrangements for future inspection and maintenance
3.6 Provision to be made in the tunnel layout for emergency communication and escape facilities,
fire points, fixed fire fighting systems, cross passages etc
3.7 Landscaping above tunnel and protection of tunnel roof
3.8Sustainability issues considered. Materials and finishes for structural walls, ceiling and
secondary cladding including fire protection
3.9Estimate cost of proposed structure together with other structural forms considered and the
reasons for their rejection - give comparative whole life costs (with date of estimate). Reference to be
made to any options reports done.

3.10Compliance with EU road tunnel Safety Directive requirements or alternatives with
accompanying risk analysis
3.11Risks and hazards considered for design, execution, maintenance and demolition.
Consultation with and/or agreement from Overseeing Organisation 7
3.12 Resilience and security.

4.1 Actions

1) permanent actions;
2) actions relating to normal traffic under AW regulations and C&U regulations 8;
3) actions relating to General Order traffic under STGO regulations 9;
4) actions relating to Special Order traffic, provision for exceptional abnormal indivisible
loads; including location of vehicle track on deck cross-section 10;
5) side verge actions;
6) accidental actions;
7) any special action not covered above.
4.2 Authorities consulted and any special conditions required
4.3 Is the tunnel on a heavy and/or high load route, and any provision for future heavier loads or
future widening?
4.4 Any loading from planned development over or adjacent to tunnel
4.5 Technical Approval Schedule (TAS)
4.6 Proposed departures from standards given in 4.5
4.7 Proposed departures relating to methods for dealing with aspects not covered by standards in 4.5
4.8 Proposals for design/assessment of safety critical fixings
4.9 Equality impact assessments


5.1 Methods of analysis proposed
5.2 Assumptions intended for calculation of structural element stiffness
5.3 Proposed range of angle of shearing resistance ( ϕ ) representative of the soil type(s) concerned
5.4 Proposed fire design including protection of structure and cables

6.1 Acceptance of recommendations of the ground investigation report to be used in the
design/assessment1 and reasons for any proposed changes. (A copy of the ground investigation report
is to be supplied to the TAA in advance of the AIP submission whenever possible)
6.2Summary of design for highway structure in ground investigation report highway structure
summary Information. Give details of any further ground investigation required to validate basis of
6.3 Is there any evidence of past mining or is any current or future mineral extraction likely to affect
the tunnel?
6.4 If the ground investigation report is not yet available, state when the results are expected and
list the sources of information used to justify the preliminary choice of foundations.11

7.1 Details of proposed drainage:
1) ground water seepage, run off through the portal;
2) accidental spillage, water carried in by vehicles;
3) fire main burst;
4) tunnel washing.
7.2 Details of proposed waterproofing
7.3 Articulation arrangement (immersed tube)
7.4 List special requirements of load drainage authority.


8.1Give the basis of the design of the tunnel support system for temporary and permanent
conditions and any proposals for ground treatment.
8.2 Show how the proposed method of construction, i.e. excavation and application of ground
support, will ensure the continued safe use of the highway and prevent structural failure of the
8.3 Give details of predicted tunnelling effects on adjoining structures and the carriageway;
including maximum vertical settlement and trough width.
8.4 Indicate any proposals to use explosives. State any vibration limits adopted or imposed. Have
specific site rules relating to charge weight, distance, peak particle velocity and frequency been
determined ?
8.5State method(s) to be adopted to monitor and control the effects of tunnel construction to
ensure compliance with any criteria imposed to limit surface movements or vibrations

9.1 Structure to be category 3 and design supervision level 3 12
9.2 Name of proposed independent Checker


10.1 List of drawings (including numbers) and documents accompanying the submission 13


Name Design/Assessment1 Team Leader
Engineering Qualifications 14

Name of Organisation

Name Check Team Leader

Engineering Qualifications 14
Name of Organisation


Position held
Engineering Qualifications 14


1) Delete as appropriate.
2) Number of tubes, lanes, length between portals.
3) Include widths of lanes, verges, emergency stopping lanes, space outside traffic gauge provided
for M&E equipment.
4) Include design flows and speeds and any proposed Departures.
5) A separate submission is required for M&E functions and tunnel services buildings.
6) State the classes and levels for the whole structure, as well as those for the individual structural
elements if higher or lower. See the Overseeing Organisation's current requirements for the use
of Eurocodes for the design of highway structures.
7) Designers to confirm that they have reviewed the risks and hazards identified in the AIP and
are satisfied. Also, see clause 2.27.
8) e.g. Load Models 1 and 2 of BS EN 1991-2 [Ref 6.N]
9) e.g. SV model vehicle in Load Model 3 in BS EN 1991-2 [Ref 6.N].
10) e.g. SOV model vehicle in Load Model 3 in BS EN 1991-2 [Ref 6.N] and/or Individual vehicle
which includes the following information as applicable:
a) gross weight of the vehicle in tonnes and vehicle type and number;
b) axle load and spacing (longitudinally and transversely);
c) air cushion in tonnes over area applied (in metres, longitudinally and transversely);
d) single or twin tyres and wheel contact areas.
11) When the ground investigation report becomes available, an addendum to the AIP, covering
section 6, is to be submitted to the TAA. The addendum is to have its own sections 10, 11 and 12
to provide a list of drawings, documents and signatures.
12) Category 3 for road tunnel and service tunnel structures
13) Include, without limitation:
a) technical approval schedule (TAS);
b) general arrangement drawing;
c) relevant extracts from the ground investigation report;
d) departures;
e) relevant correspondence and documents from consultations;
f) Tunnel Design Authority output report.
14) CEng MICE, CEng MIStructE or equivalent.
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix D. Model form of Approval in Princip...

Appendix D. Model form of Approval in Principle for M&E

installations in movable bridges and access gantries
Project details:
Name of project
Name of bridge or
structure. Structure
reference no.
Summary: set out a brief summary of what this AIP covers, why it is necessary and anticipated
construction dates.

1.1 Type of highway
1.2 Design traffic speed 1

2.1 Brief description of structure
2.2 Date of AIP for structure


3.1 Proposed mode of operation of structure
3.2 Location of operating and control mechanism
3.3 Electrical power supply and distribution
3.4 Stand-by-power facilities (UPS etc.)
3.5 Design working life, whole life cost and sustainability considerations
3.6 Resilience and security.


4.1 Variable actions
4.2 Traffic actions
4.3 Snow actions
4.4 Wind actions
4.5 Thermal actions including temperature range
4.6 Any special actions not listed above (e.g. ship impact)
4.7 List of relevant safety consultation documents:

1) additional relevant standards and publications

4.8 Proposed departures relating to departures from standards given in CG 300 clauses 4.7 and 4.7.1
4.9 Proposed departures relating to methods of dealing with aspects not covered by standards in
CG 300 clauses 4.7 and 4.7.1
4.10 Proposed safety critical fixings

5.1 Normal operation conditions
5.2 Authorities consulted 2
5.3 State any special requirements imposed during liaison with such authorities.
5.4 Describe communications system involved.
5.5 Design requirements for emergency works testing and site operating conditions
5.6 Fail-safe operation safety systems, failure and mode effect (FME) analysis
5.7 Arrangements for commissioning and handover to maintaining authority including
relevant documentation, operators' manuals

6.1 General layout
6.2 Drainage and associated pumping requirements
6.3 Plant room environment; heating, lighting, humidity, ventilation.
6.4 Mechanical and electrical equipping
6.5 Security; intruder and fire alarm systems
6.6 Proposed fire fighting measures


7.1 Proposals for inspection and maintenance of the movable bridge structure or gantry are given in
the AIP for the structure
7.2 Proposals for inspection and maintenance of M&E installation
7.3 Proposed documentation 3
7.4 Proposals for plant monitoring, data collection and management

8.1 M&E installation to be category 3 4
8.2 Name of proposed independent checker


9.1 List of drawings and documents (including numbers) accompanying the submission 5
9.2 List of documents relating to inspection, maintenance and safe operation


Name Design Team Leader
Engineering Qualifications 6

Name of Organisation
Name Check Team Leader
Engineering Qualifications 6

Name of Organisation


Position held
Engineering Qualifications 6


1) For a bridge, give over and/or under.
2) For example; traffic, Police, highway, maintenance, local, harbour, river, emergency services.
3) Maintenance manual and operator's manual including safe operating procedures.
4) Category 3 for all M&E Installations.
5) Include, without limitation:
a) AIP for structure;
b) general arrangement drawing;
c) departures;
d) relevant correspondence and documents from consultations;
e) relevant loading data from the structural design.
6) CEng from an appropriate Chartered Engineering Institution.
7) Delete as appropriate.
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix E. Model form of Approval in Princip...

Appendix E. Model form of Approval in Principle for M&E

installations in road tunnels and services buildings
Project details:
Name of project
Name of bridge or
structure. Structure
reference no.
Summary: set out a brief summary of what this AIP covers, why it is necessary and anticipated
construction dates.

1.1 Type of highway
1.2 Design traffic speed 1
1.3 General description 2
1.4 Any restriction to traffic including maintenance


2.1 Type of structure
2.2 Accommodation of M&E services in the tunnel
2.3 Location of tunnel monitoring centre and maintenance building(s)
2.4 Proposed arrangements for inspection and maintenance
2.5 Location of tunnel services building
2.6Design working life and estimated costs of M&E services including all running, maintenance
and replacement costs and sustainability considerations

3.1 List authorities consulted and any special requirements 3


4.1 Basic tunnel geometry 4
4.2 Environmental conditions within the tunnel plant rooms and buildings 5
4.3 Technical Approval Schedule (TAS)
4.4 Proposed departures relating to departure from standards given in 4.3
4.5 Proposed departures relating to methods for dealing with aspects not covered by standards in 4.3
4.6 Proposed safety critical fixings
4.7 Equality impact assessments
4.8 Resilience and security.

5.1 General description including justification

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix E. Model form of Approval in Princip...
5.2 Design criteria 6

5.3 Pollution and vehicle emissions 7
5.4 Fresh air requirements 8
5.5 Proposed ventilation system
5.6 Ventilation fans
5.7 Monitoring and control 9

6.1 General description
6.2 Design criteria
6.3 Surface reflectivity 10
6.4 Special operating conditions
6.5 Monitoring and control

7.1 General description, design criteria
7.2 Effluent standards 11
7.3 Amounts to be handled
7.4 Pumping equipment 12
7.5 Safety precautions 13
7.6 Siting of sumps
7.7 Sizing of sumps

8.1 Design criteria 14
8.2 Active protection 15
8.3 Passive protection 16
8.4 Services building and plant rooms 17


9.1 General description, design criteria. Traffic management authority
9.2 Telephone system 18
9.3 Emergency liaison 19
9.4 Traffic signs 20
9.5 Traffic monitoring 21


10.1 Basis of tunnel operation. Operating and maintaining authority 22
10.2 Plant monitoring and control
10.3 Data logging and transfer
10.4 Safety integrity level
10.5 Plant inspection and maintenance


11.1 General description and design criteria including an analysis of power requirements, supply
costs and tunnel operating conditions in relation to security of supply
11.2 Supply distribution 23
11.3 Emergency arrangements 24
11.4 Cabling 25


12.1 General description 26
12.2 Design criteria and layout 27
12.3 Building security and protection 28

13.1 Give proposals for checking M&E installations including the design of tunnel services buildings.
13.2 Name of proposed Checker


14.1 List of drawings (including numbers) and documents accompanying the submission 29


Name Design Team Leader
Engineering Qualifications 30

Name of Organisation

Name Check Team Leader
Engineering Qualifications 30

Name of Organisation


Position held
Engineering Qualifications 30

1) Design speed and during maintenance.
2) Number of tubes, lanes, length between portals
3) For examples: traffic, Police, highway, maintenance, local, harbour, river, emergency services
4) Widths, heights, horizontal and vertical alignments
5) Ambient temperature variations, relative humidity, effects of tunnel washing, road salts etc.
6) Traffic composition and system, tunnel site aspects, environmental effects, air velocities,
response to fire
7) Pollution thresholds and emission criteria
8) Basis of determination of fresh air requirements, provision for smoke control details of
computer modelling
9) Management of carbon monoxide, visibility, wind speed and direction, tunnel air velocity
10) Road and wall surface maintenance factor
11) Including any limitations imposed by the drainage authority.
12) Ground water, precipitation, wall washing, fire fighting supplies
13) Ventilation, gas detectors, fire prevention and control including automatic systems
14) Fire scenarios and fire modelling, fire loading
15) Fire points and equipment communications, escape means, smoke control, fixed
firefighting systems, operating procedures
16) Protection of structure, cabling, role of secondary cladding, cross connection doors
17) Fire detection and control including automatic systems
18) Emergency public, service, fire phones
19) Communication between Police, Fire and Rescue Service, Ambulance, maintaining
authority including system of underground communication
20) Including advance warning and diversions, vehicle overheight detection
21) Automatic traffic surveillance, closed circuit television
22) Provision for various operating conditions and resources entailed
23) Details of high voltage distribution on the road tunnel side of electricity supply authority's boundary.
24) Uninterrupted power supply, justification for standby generator
25) Type, location and protection, including a drawing of all plant floors showing equipment layout
26) Plant room and access way loading indicating any loading restrictions in the provision made for
transfer and temporary positioning of heavy plant during installation maintenance or replacement
27) Include fire alarm systems.
28) Include, without limitation:
a) technical approval schedule (TAS);
b) general arrangement drawing;
c) departures;
d) relevant correspondence and documents from consultations;
e) Tunnel Design Authority output report.
29) CEng from an appropriate chartered engineering institution
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix F. Operation, control and maintenanc...

Appendix F. Operation, control and maintenance of movable

bridges, and bridge access gantries - Safety Consultation
Model form of background discussion document for appending to AIP.

Project details:
Name of project
Name of bridge or
structure. Structure
reference no.

1.1 Purpose of Movable Bridge/Bridge Access Gantry Design and Safety Consultation Group 1
1.2 Terms of reference
1.3 Systems overview (see appendices)
1.4 Safety considerations in the use of movable bridges/access gantries
1.5 Plant
1.6 Communications
1.7 Power supply:
1) emergency supply arrangements
1.8 Emergency breakdown arrangements
1.9 Organisational responsibilities, e.g. maintaining authority

2.1 General
2.2 Lines of communication and cover
2.3 Documentation:
1) operator's manuals ;
2) maintenance & Inspection manuals;
3) permit to work;
4) condition monitoring .
2.4 Day-to-day operations
2.5 Planned maintenance activities
2.6 Emergencies
2.7 Plant failures

4.1 General


5.1 Normal use
5.2 Emergency drill

6. The provisions and procedures described in this document, draft

No (number) dated (date) were accepted by the working party on (date)

Signed Project Manager of the Overseeing Organisation

Engineering Qualifications 2


A General layout
B General details of
system C Communications
1) general provision
2) location of contacts

1) The Movable Bridge/Bridge Access Gantry Design and Safety Consultation Group carries out
similar functions to the Tunnel Design and Safety Consultation Group (TDSCG).
2) CEng from an appropriate Chartered Engineering Institution.
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix G. Tunnel, operation, control and

Appendix G. Tunnel, operation, control and maintenance - Safety

Consultation Document
Model form of background discussion document for appending to AIP.

Project details:
Name of project
Name of bridge or
structure. Structure
reference no.

1.1 Purpose of tunnel design and safety consultation group (TDSCG)
1.2 Terms of reference
1.3 Organisational responsibilities 1
1.4 Overview (see appendices)
1.5 Safety considerations for road tunnels
1.6 Traffic management & signing
1.7 Tunnel plant:
1) ventilation;
2) lighting;
3) drainage;
4) role in emergencies.
1.8 Communications:
1) tunnel;
2) regional;
3) emergency.
1.9 Power supply:
1) normal distribution;
2) emergency arrangements.
1.10 Emergency equipment:
1) fire points;
2) telephones;
3) CCTV;
4) cross connections between tunnel bores.
1.11 Tunnel services building and plant room:
1) functions;
2) maintenance access;
3) security protection;
4) fire protection.

2.1 Functions
2.2 Police HQ facilities
2.3 Traffic control
2.4 Emergency closures
2.5 Radio communication
2.6 Police computer terminal operations manual
2.7 Special requirements


3.1 Fire fighting facilities - tunnel
3.2 Fire fighting facilities - services building
3.3 Accidental spillages
3.4 Radio communications

4.1 General
4.2 Radio communications

5.1 General
5.2 Specific requirements

6.1 General
6.2 Lines of communication and emergency cover
6.3 Documentation:
1) maintenance and Inspection manuals;
2) permit to work;
3) condition monitoring.
6.4 Use of tunnel data
6.5 Day-to-day operations
6.6 Planned maintenance activities
6.7 Emergencies
6.8 Plant failure recording
6.9 Tunnel maintenance equipment:

1) wall washing requirements;

2) maintenance access.
8.1 General

9.1 General
9.2 Fire plan
9.3 Major incident response:
1) use of emergency cross passages (doors);
2) emergency drill exercise.

10. The provisions and procedures described in this document draft

No. (number) dated (date), were accepted by the working party on date.

Signed Project Manager of the Overseeing Organisation

Engineering Qualifications 2


A. Plan of route
B. Cross section of tunnel
C. plan of tunnel identifying:
1) EPD's Fire points by number;
2) bores;
3) cross passages;
4) fan positions, overrides and controls.
D. Communications:

1) general layout;
2) location of CCTV.
E. Tunnel drainage
F. Traffic management plan

1. Police, Fire and Rescue Service, ambulance service, Environment Agency, Maintaining Authority.
2. CEng from an appropriate Chartered Engineering Institution.
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix H. Notes for compiling Technical

Appendix H. Notes for compiling Technical Approval Schedules

Only relevant standards are to be listed. The TAA is to be consulted to confirm whether any specific
documents need to be added to the Technical Approval Schedule (TAS).
The Technical Approval Schedule (TAS) is to include the current, relevant publications of the following
groups of standards and guidance documents:
1) British Standards;
2) Eurocodes and associated UK national annexes;
3) BSI published documents;
4) Execution Standards referenced in British Standards or Eurocodes;
5) Product Standards referenced in British Standards or Eurocodes;
6) The Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works (MCHW);
7) The Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB);
8) Interim Advice Notes (IAN);
9) Specific documents required by the Overseeing Organisation.
The date of the publications (and any amendment) included in the TAS should be given, in the following
1) the year of publication for British Standards, Eurocodes and associated UK national annexes,
BSI Published Documents, Execution Standards and Product Standards;
2) the month and year of publication for MCHW documents;
3) the last two digits of the year of publication for DMRB documents
The latest information on DMRB standards documents can be obtained from the Standards for
Highways (website) [Ref 3.I]
Insert other relevant supplementary references in the TAS. These can include statutory acts and
regulations, Department for Transport or Highways England publications, industry approved codes of
practice or guidance literature on best practice, technical papers/journals, and relevant information from
recognised sources.
For new designs, the use of British Standards conflicting with Eurocodes will require approval from the
An example of a TAS can be obtained from the Standards for Highways (website) [Ref 3.I] and entering
TAS in the DMRB search bar.

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix I. Model form of certificate for the...

Appendix I. Model form of certificate for the design/assessment

and/or check of highway structures, including road and service
Model form of certificate for the design/assessment1 and/or check1 of highway structures, including
road and service tunnels.

Project details:
Name of project
Name of bridge or
structure Structure
reference no.

Section 1
We certify that reasonable professional skill and care has been used in the preparation of the design/
assessment1 and/or check1 of (name of structure) with a view to securing that: 2

1) It has been designed/assessed1 and/or checked1 in accordance with

a) the following standards; or 3
b) the Approval in Principle dated (date) including the following: 4, 5, 6

2) It has been checked for compliance with:

a) the relevant standards in 1); or, 7
b) the assessed capacity of the structure, or elements of the structure, is as follows: 8

(iii) It has been accurately translated into construction drawings and bar bending schedules (all of which
have been checked)9. The unique numbers of these drawings and schedules are:

Name Design/Assessment Team Leader
Engineering Qualifications 11

Position held 12

Name of Organisation

Signed 7

Name Check Team Leader7

Engineering Qualifications 11, 7


CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix I. Model form of certificate for the...
Position held 12

Name of Organisation

Section 2
The departures and additional criteria given in paragraph 1 are agreed 13

The certificate is accepted by the TAA

Position held
Engineering Qualifications 14


1) Delete as appropriate.
2) Where several similar category 0 or 1 structures occur in a project, they may be listed on
one certificate.
3) Used for category 0 only. Insert relevant current standards including amendments to date.
This certificate should be accompanied by a general arrangement drawing.
4) Not required for category 0. Insert date of agreement of the AIP by the TAA including the dates of
any addenda. Note the AIP is valid for three years after the date of agreement by the TAA. If the
construction has not yet commenced within this period, the AIP should be re-submitted to the
TAA for review.
5) List any departures and additional methods, criteria or specification clauses.
6) For the certification of M&E functions for highway structures, include here the reference number
and date of the relevant safety consultation document.
7) Delete for categories 2 and 3, which require a separate check certificate.
8) Used for assessments only. Assessed capacity is to be recorded in the Overseeing
Organisation's management system for structures.
9) The statement "(all of which have been checked)" is not applicable to categories 2 and 3
design certificates.
10) Delete as appropriate or repeat two columns if they are signed by both design/assessment
and check teams.
11) CEng MICE, CEng MIStructE or equivalent, but this qualification can be relaxed for Categories 0
and 1 with the agreement of TAA. For Category 3 designs or assessments, the TAA can request a
CV for the Design Team Leader (or Assessment Team Leader) demonstrating experience relevant
to the design (or assessment).
12) A principal of the organisation responsible for the design or assessment.
13) Delete as appropriate. Note: not permitted for categories 0 or 1 unless the TAA considers that
the departure has little or no structural implication.
14) An engineer with appropriate qualification and experience for categories 0 and 1, and with
CEng MICE, CEng MIStructE or equivalent for categories 2 and 3.
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix J. Model form of certificate for min...

Appendix J. Model form of certificate for minor structures and

telecom masts on motorways and trunk roads
Model form of certificate for minor structures and telecom masts on motorways and trunk roads

Project details:
Name of project
Column/mast1 reference no.

Section 1
We certify that the lighting column system/CCTV masts/cantilever masts for traffic signs/signals, speed
cameras, telecom masts and/or noise barriers1 accurately shown on drawing(s) numbers (list drawing
numbers) has/have1 been designed/checked1 for the following range of parameters2 and fully complies
1) The Specification for Highway Works (edition, date),
2) CD 354 [Ref 3.N], or,
3) the following standards (for the design of telecom masts):

Name Design/Check Team Leaders 3
Engineering Qualifications 4

Position held 5

Name of Organisation 6


Section 2
This certificate is accepted by the TAA7
Position held
Engineering Qualifications 4


1) Delete as appropriate.

2) For lighting column system, specify the range of combinations of column heights and lengths of
brackets together with the weights and windage areas of the attachments such as lanterns,
design wind speed and assumed ground conditions for which the column has been designed. For
CCTV mast, cantilever mast and telecom mast, specify the design wind speed and assumed
ground conditions for which the column has been designed. (Note: model data sheets are
contained in
Series NG1300 of MCHW).
3) Delete as appropriate or repeat if signed by both Designer and Checker.
4) Engineer with appropriate position, qualifications and experience for categories 0 and 1, and
with CEng MICE, CEng MIStructE or equivalent for categories 2 and 3.
5) A principal of the organisation responsible for the design or check.
6) Manufacturer or organisation responsible for the design or check.
7) For category 0 minor structures, section 2 is not required.
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix K. Model form of certificate for typ...

Appendix K. Model form of certificate for type 'S' temporary works

Model form of certificate for type 'S' temporary works1

Project details:
Name of project
Name of structure
Structure reference no.

Section 1
We certify that reasonable professional skill and care has been used in the checking of the design for
the temporary works comprising (description of temporary works)2 listed in the attached schedule.
We also certify, but without undertaking any responsibility other than towards (name of organisation
procuring the temporary works) that in our opinion the erection proposals and proposed temporary
works details specified in the attached schedule for the execution of (project title) are satisfactory for
the proper discharge of his responsibilities, for the safety of the said part of the works and for their safe
execution in accordance with the drawings and specification and without detriment to the related
permanent works3, 4.

Name Temporary Works Checker
Engineering Qualifications 5

Name of Organisation

Position held
Name of Organisation procuring the temporary
works Date

Section 2
The permanent works Designer is satisfied that the temporary works have no detrimental effects on the
permanent works6
Name Permanent Works Designer
Engineering Qualifications 5

Name of Organisation

1) A copy of this certificate should be forwarded to the TAA for retention with the AIP, except
for category 0, for the permanent structure to which it relates.
2) The description to be inserted is to define unambiguously the extent of the structure to which the
check is to be applied. Where necessary the extent of the works is be shown on the drawings
and the relevant drawing numbers stated.
3) Delete 'and without detriment to the related permanent works' if the check is carried out
by permanent works designer.
4) If there is a detrimental effect on the permanent works, an addendum to the permanent works AIP
is to be submitted to the TAA for review.
5) Engineer with appropriate qualification and experience for categories 0 and 1, and with CEng
MICE, CEng MIStructE or equivalent for categories 2 and 3.
6) This clause is not required if the check is carried out by permanent works designer.
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix L. Model form of certificate for typ...

Appendix L. Model form of certificate for type 'P' temporary works

Model form of certificate for type 'P' temporary works.

Project details:
Name of project
Name of structure
Structure reference no.

Section 1
We certify that reasonable professional skill and care has been used in the preparation of the design/
check1 of the temporary works comprising (description of temporary works) with a view to securing that:
1) It has been designed/checked1 in accordance with:
a) The Approval in Principle dated (date) including the following: 23

b) The TAA directives for the items listed in 3.ii below.1

2) The design proposals reflect the requirements of the relevant highway authorities for all
affected highways.
3) The design of the temporary works has been accurately translated into temporary works
drawings. The unique numbers of these drawings and schedules are:

Name Design/Check1 Team Leader
Engineering qualifications 4

Position held 5

Name of organisation

Section 2
This certificate is received 6
Position held
Name of organisation

Section 3
1) The departures and additional criteria given in paragraph 1 are agreed. 1

2) It has been directed that the following items are to be dealt with as described. 1,7

Section 4
1) The Permanent Works Designer is satisfied that the temporary works have no detrimental effects on
the permanent works8
Name Permanent Works Designer8
Engineering qualifications 4

Name of organisation

Section 5
We have considered and recommend the TAA to accept this certificate 9
Position held
Name of organisation
Engineering qualifications 4


Section 6
The certificate is accepted by the TAA 10
Position held
Engineering qualifications 4


1) Delete as appropriate.
2) Insert date of acceptance of the AIP by the TAA including the dates of any addenda.
3) List any departures and additional methods or criteria.
4) CEng MICE, CEng MIStructE or equivalent.
5) A principal of the organisation responsible for the design/check.
6) This is to be completed by the organisation that procures the temporary works. This certificate is
to be accepted by the TAA before consent to proceed can be given.
7) Describe the point at issue and the directed course of action.
8) Not applicable to design certificate. Not necessary for existing structures if agreed by the TAA.
9) This is to be completed by the employer's representative on site when applicable.
10) The TAA should inform of its acceptance of this certificate to the organisation that procures
the temporary works so that work may then proceed.
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix M. Model form of certificate for spe...

Appendix M. Model form of certificate for specification variation

Project details:
Name of project
Name of structure
Structure reference no.
Summary: Set out a brief summary of what this certificate covers, why it is necessary and anticipated
construction dates.

Section 1
We certify that reasonable professional skill and care has been used in the preparation/check1 of the
following additional and substitute clauses; list clause numbers2 to the bridgework series clauses of the
Specification for Highway Works for (name of project or structures).
The text of these clauses is appended to this
certificate. Signed
Name Design1 Team Leader
Engineering qualifications 3

Position held 4

Name of organisation

Name Check1 Team Leader
Engineering qualifications 3

Position held 4

Name of organisation

Section 2
The additional and substitute clauses listed in section 1 above and appended to this certificate are
agreed as departures.

Section 3
The certificate is accepted by the TAA

Position held
Engineering qualifications 3


1) Delete as appropriate.
2) Only clauses that affect structural integrity e.g. new materials are required to be checked. The
category of check should be the same as in the AIP.
3) Engineer with appropriate qualification and experience for categories 0 and 1, and with CEng
MICE, CEng MIStructE or equivalent for categories 2 and 3.
4) A Principal of the organisation responsible for the design or check.
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix N. Model form of certificate of cons...

Appendix N. Model form of certificate of construction compliance

Project details:
Name of project
Name of structure
Structure reference no.
Approval in Principle1 dated (date) and addenda1 (date):
Construction drawings (permanent and temporary works1,2) and bar bending schedules listed within the
design and check certificate/certificates1 (date) 3:
As constructed drawings3 and bar bending schedules3, the unique numbers of these drawings and
schedules are:

Schedule of drawings/bending schedules

Document Number Title Revision Date

The Specification for Highway Works (date), including additional and substituted clauses recorded in
certificates for specification variations1,3 (date):

Section 1
We certify that (name of structure) and its equipment4:

1) have been constructed, commissioned and tested1 in accordance with:

a) the construction drawings and bar bending schedules listed within the above design and
check certificate/certificates1, with any modifications in accordance with the technical approval
procedures given in CG300(/date), 1except (list exception(s) and give appropriate information
and reason for non-compliance 5).
b) the above Specification for Highway Works and specification variations, 1except (list
exception(s) and give appropriate information and reason for non-compliance 5).
2) The execution of the works has been accurately translated into 'As Constructed' drawings and
bar bending schedules as listed above.10

Name Contractor's Representative
Engineering qualifications 6

Position held 7

Name of organisation

Section 2
We certify reasonable professional skill and care has been used, relating to the execution of (name of
structure), in the task described below (choose8 either 1), 2) or 3):
1) 1Examining the execution and that it has been constructed, commissioned and tested in
accordance with:
a) the above Approval in Principle, Design and Check Certificate/Certificates 1, with any
modifications in accordance with the technical approval procedures given in
CG300/(date),1 except (list exception(s) and give appropriate information and reason for
b) the construction drawings and bar bending schedules listed within the Design and Check
Certificate/Certificates1 (date)3, as modified by authorised variations accepted by the
Overseeing Organisation,1except (list exception(s) and give appropriate information and reason
2) 1,9Hands off audit role assessment to ensure that the correct quality control procedures have
been followed
3) 1(state task/role required under the contract's work specification or if different, the actual
task/role performed and give appropriate information and reason for non-compliance8)

Work Examiner's Representative
Engineering qualifications 6

Position held
Name of organisation

3. This certificate is accepted by the TAA

Position held
Engineering qualifications 6


1) Delete as appropriate.
2) Temporary works are required where they may have significant effect on the permanent works.
3) A full list to be given including any addenda.
4) Certification for mechanical and electrical installations are not required as they are covered in
Section 6 of CG300. However all the maintenance and operation manuals, including guarantees,
should be provided to the Overseeing Organisation.
5) Consider appropriate measure if required and advise the TAA if it needs to be recorded in
the Overseeing Organisation's management system for structures.
6) Competent engineer with appropriate qualification and experience e.g. for Categories 0 and 1,
and with CEng MICE, CEng MIStructE or equivalent for Categories 2 and 3. The acceptance of
competency criteria may be varied subject to TAA agreement.
7) A principal of the Contractor or organisation responsible for the execution
8) Options 2 & 3 allow for certification by independent parties to provide assurance on work
elements. However Option 1 is a requirement for all projects.
9) A hands off audit role provides additional assurance for complex projects or procedures.
Where required, this will be in addition to the works examiner.
10) Where 'As Constructed' drawings and bar bending schedules have not been completed then
this clause is to be omitted and the certificate marked as 'Interim' – reference Clause 2.95.1.
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix O. Structure options report

Appendix O. Structure options report

O.1 Introduction
The TAA is to be consulted prior to preparing the report to assist in determining the most appropriate
options to be included in the report.
The format is provided in O.2 of a structure options reports for new works, maintenance, modification,
refurbishment, strengthening and demolition where there are a number of realistic cost effective
alternatives to be considered. This applies to permanent structures expected to be category 2 or 3 and
to permanent structures expected to be category 0 or 1 with an estimated cost of more than £0.5million.
The report should contain only necessary relevant information and state 'Not Applicable' in sections not
relevant. Additional sections are to be added where necessary.
The structure options report should briefly summarise the development process for each of the
structure proposals, identifying all significant influences on the form of structure proposed and reasons
for rejecting other structural forms.
Where a proposal has previously been considered in procedures such as value management, it is
important that this is referenced in section 1.1 of the options report. This is to ensure relevant
continuity is maintained between these procedures and the conclusions of the options report. For
consistency, an option brought forward from previous considerations is to be detailed as option 1 in
the options report.
For maintenance work, where options during value management processes have been considered in
sufficient detail to meet the above criteria then, with agreement of the TAA, separate options report may
not be necessary.

O.2 Report structure and content

Project details:
Name of project
Name of structure
Structure reference no.1

Report structure and content

Report section Notes for guidance
Brief scheme overview. State if the structure
has previously been considered in other
procedures such as value management.
For an existing structure give a description of the
structure, current condition and state what
certification exists with the current assessment
1.1 Introduction rating.
List the options considered at pre-options stage,
state which options will be considered in detail
within this report, which have been discounted
and state the reasons.
Append location plan and schedule of structures.

List all parties consulted, e.g. project managers,

maintaining agent, other authorities, specialist
suppliers, Principal Designer, etc. State their
1.2 Consultations and requirements
requirements and what agreements have been
Describe the current and proposed utilities.

Report structure and content (continued)
Where relevant, summarise the geology of
1.3 Geology
the site and any key risks
State high and heavy load route requirements.
1.4 Loading
State any current restrictions and or
Summarise environmental requirements and
1.5 Environment
any constraints.
Summarise land and property requirements
1.6 Land and property
and any constraints.
State if option is brought forward from
consideration in other procedures (as described
in section 1.1).
2.1 Description of proposed structure options Attach an outline general arrangement drawing
to illustrate each option. Include cross sections
showing any construction constraints
associated with carrying out the work.
List major assumptions in determining whole life
2.2 Capital cost and whole life cost List separately any user delay costs during
construction as well as during future
Describe the aesthetic form and the setting, and
if consultation required with Design Panel.
2.3 Appearance
Describe proposed finishes (for preferred option
Give anticipated requirements for use of natural
2.4 Sustainability and use of natural resources resources and potential for use of recycled
State durability assumptions and design life.
State how water will be managed, including
2.5 Durability/design life surface/subsurface drainage and mitigation
measures for controlling leakages from
service ducts.
2.6 Health and safety, and potential risks and
List any unusual hazards and risks.
constraints to the project
Describe the proposed design method. e.g.
2.7 Proposed design method
linear elastic grillage.
Include a brief summary of all departures from
standard proposals necessary for each option,
2.8 Departures from standards
and indicate any yet to be agreed or likely to be
critical to option.
Describe any construction constraints,
including interfaces with existing highway or
2.9 Construction issues other infrastructure. State temporary traffic
management measures agreed with the
Overseeing Organisation project manager.
Report structure and content (continued)
Describe any unusual methods and facilities
2.10 Operation and maintenance required to carry out inspections and

2.11 Preferred option A brief conclusion identifying the preferred option

and reason for selection.
State reason for proposed category of check
2.12 Proposed category of check when not in accordance with guidance in
this document.
Role of the works examiner to be agreed by the
2.13 Role of the works examiner supervising the Overseeing Organisation (i.e. options 1, 2, or 3
works listed in section 2 of the construction
compliance certificate in Appendix N).


Position held
Engineering qualifications 2

Name of organisation


Position held
Engineering qualifications 2


1. Ideally this should be a structure key from the Overseeing Organisation's asset
management database if available.
2. CEng MICE, CEng MIStructE or equivalent
CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Appendix P. Proprietary manufactured structur...

Appendix P. Proprietary manufactured structures

1. Scope
The range of proprietary manufactured structures may include various types of culverts; small span
underbridges (up to eight metres span) in precast concrete; various systems for earth retaining
structures such as reinforced/anchored earth systems; crib and gabion walls, lighting columns, large
sign supports (greater than 7 m high) and environmental barriers.
These structures may be supplied with their performance declared in accordance with the
requirements of the CPR (under a CE mark) either through compliance with a European harmonised
standard or a
European Technical Approval (ETA) issued by the European Organisation for Technical Approvals
Requirements for avoiding "barriers to trade" when specifying proprietary manufactured structures and
products and for application of the TA procedure to proprietary products that have their performance
declared in accordance with the CPR are given in CG 300 clause 2.5.

2. Different forms of construction

Generally the form of structure appropriate for a particular application will fall into one of the following
1) those where a uniquely designed structure is most suitable for the site conditions and end
requirements. Such a design will be based substantially on non-proprietary materials such
as reinforced concrete or structural steel, although some of the individual components may
be proprietary products;
2) those where a proprietary manufactured structure is the most suitable, e.g. a corrugated steel
buried structure, a precast concrete culvert selected from a manufacturer's range of products, or a
proprietary reinforced earth wall system;
3) those where either form of construction would be more or less equally suitable.
To avoid the risk of discrimination, the Designer is to demonstrate to the TAA at the AIP stage that all
three groups as described in 2, as above, have been considered. However, there is no obligation on
the Designer to adopt a design in a particular form, if there are sound engineering or aesthetic reasons
for believing it to be inappropriate, or another option has clearly identified advantages that justify
limiting the choice. The reasons for the final selection should be clearly recorded on the AIP form
agreed by the TAA.
Where the use of a proprietary manufactured structure is not considered appropriate for aesthetic or
other reasons, the status and authority of the person(s) making that judgement should be clearly
established and recorded on the AIP form. Where others, such as planning or water authorities, with a
legitimate interest or statutory duty to consider the form of structure to be provided, will not permit a
particular form, that authority should be asked to provide a written justification of its position and
confirmation that it is aware of the legal implications.
In assessing the suitability of a particular form of construction, the Designer will consider whether
maintenance costs can affect the choice. In order to ensure fair competition between different
structures, the foreseeable special maintenance costs could need to be added to the contract
construction costs. Where this is considered necessary, it should be made clear in the O/AIP (see
clause 4).

3. Proprietary designs
Where the Designer decides that a proprietary manufactured structure is the most suitable, an outline
AIP (O/AIP) should be provided for all the relevant design parameters and end use requirements for
the structure. This should include appropriate statements regarding appearance, environment and
maintenance considerations. A check list of requirements for the O/AIP is given in P.4. The O/AIP
should be submitted to the TAA for agreement.

4. Outline AIP
The O/AIP for proprietary manufactured structures may be based on the relevant sections of the model
AIP Appendix O and include any other additional requirements. A check list of requirements for the
O/AIP is given as follows:


1. Location
2. Operational dimensions/levels
3. Requirements for traffic loads
4. Requirements for other actions
5. Relevant Overseeing Organisation standards, UK national standards (Eurocodes
and non-Eurocodes), BSI Published Documents, Codes of Practice, etc.
6. General arrangement drawing including the designated outline


7. Ground investigation data
8. Appearance of structure
9. Environmental factors
10. Constraints/external control during execution
11. Operational or user requirements
12. Special maintenance
13. Any other essential requirements

5. Confirmation of compliance
Where a proprietary structure or product is supplied in accordance with an O/AIP and the item has
been CE marked in accordance with the CPR the designer is to confirm to the TAA in a certificate that
they have inspected the declared performance under the CE mark and that declared performance of
the item meets the requirements of the O/AIP.
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You may re-use this information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of
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Design Manual for Roads and Bridges

Highway Structures &

Bridges General Information

CG 300
England National Application Annex to CG
300 Technical approval of highway structures
(formerly BD 2/12)

Version 0.1.0

This National Application Annex sets out the Highways England-specific requirements on
technical approval (TA) of highway structures.

Feedback and Enquiries

Users of this document are encouraged to raise any enquiries and/or provide feedback on the content and usage
of this document to the dedicated Highways England team. The email address for all enquiries and feedback is:
[email protected]

This is a controlled document.

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Contents

Release notes 2

Foreword 3
Publishing information........................................................................................................................................... 3
Contractual and legal considerations..................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction 4
Background........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Assumptions made in the preparation of this document........................................................................................ 4
Mutual Recognition................................................................................................................................................ 4

Abbreviations 5

E/1. Particular requirements for DBFO schemes (CG 300, whole document & 3.4-3.10) 6
Use of interim requirements for technical approval of highway structures in English DBFO schemes..................6

E/2. Normative references 7

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Release notes

Latest release notes

Version Date of Changes made to Type of change
number publication of
relevant change
CG 300 0.1.0 April 2021 England NAA Incremental change to
Update to clause E/1.3

Previous versions
Version Date of Changes made to Type of change
number publication of
relevant change
CG 300 0 March 2020

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Foreword

Publishing information
This document is published by Highways England.
This document supersedes part of BD 2/12, which is withdrawn.

Contractual and legal considerations

This document forms part of the works specification. It does not purport to include all the
necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for applying all appropriate documents
applicable to their contract.

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Introduction

This National Application Annex gives the Highways England-specific requirements and advice for the
application of technical approval (TA) procedures in England.

Assumptions made in the preparation of this document

The assumptions made in GG 101 [Ref 1.N] apply to this document.

Mutual Recognition
Where there is a requirement in this document for compliance with any part of a "British Standard" or
other technical specification, that requirement may be met by compliance with the Mutual Recognition
(See GG 101 [Ref 1.N]).

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Abbreviations


Abbreviation Meaning
DBFO Design, build, finance, operate (contract scheme)
TA Technical approval

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 E/1. Particular requirements for DBFO schemes (CG ...

E/1. Particular requirements for DBFO schemes (CG 300, whole

document & 3.4-3.10)
Use of interim requirements for technical approval of highway structures in
English DBFO schemes
E/1.1 When used on the A69 Carlisle to Newcastle DBFO Contract, this document shall be amended
as follows:

Table E/1.1 A69 Carlisle to Newcastle DBFO Contract

Paragraph no. Description
Delete whole document except the paragraphs identified
Whole document
3.4 to 3.10 Criteria for Categories 0, 1, These criteria replace the criteria in Paragraph 34
2 and 3. of Section A of Part 3 of Schedule 4.

E/1.2 When used on the A1(M) Alconbury to Peterborough DBFO Contract, the A417/A419 Swindon
to Gloucester DBFO Contract, the M1A1 Link Road (Lofthouse to Bramham) DBFO Contract,
A50/A564 Stoke-Derby Link DBFO Contract, the A30/A35 Exeter to Bere Regis DBFO Contract, the
M40 Junctions 1 to 15 DBFO Contract, the A19 Dishforth to Tyne Tunnel DBFO Contract, the A1
Darrington to Dishforth DBFO Contract and the A249 Stockbury (M2) to Sheerness DBFO Contract,
this document shall be amended as described in Table E/1.2:

Table E/1.2 CG 300 amendments for specific DBFO contracts

Paragraph no. Description
Delete whole document except the paragraphs identified
Whole document
3.4 to 3.10 Criteria for Categories 0, 1, These criteria replace the criteria in Paragraph 35
2 and 3. of Section A of Part 3 of Schedule 4.

E/1.3 When used on the M25 DBFO Contract, this document shall be amended as described in Table E/1.3:

Table E/1.3 Document amendments for M25 DBFO Contract

Paragraph no. Description
Delete whole document except the paragraphs identified
Whole document
3.4 to 3.10 Criteria for Categories 0, 1, These criteria replace the criteria in Paragraph 12.2
2 and 3. of Section A of Part 1 of Schedule 8

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 E/2. Normative references

E/2. Normative references

The following documents, in whole or in part, are normative references for this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

Ref 1.N Highways England. GG 101, 'Introduction to the Design Manual for Roads and

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You may re-use this information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of
the Open Government Licence. To view this licence:
visit www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/,
write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9
4DU, or email [email protected].
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges

Highway Structures &

Bridges General information

CG 300
Northern Ireland National Application Annex to
CG 300 Technical approval of highway
(formerly BD 2/12)

Revision 0

This National Application Annex sets out the Department for Infrastructure,
Northern Ireland-specific requirements on technical approval of highway structures.

Feedback and Enquiries

Users of this document are encouraged to raise any enquiries and/or provide feedback on the content and usage of
this document to the dedicated team in the Department for Infrastructure, Northern Ireland. The email address for
all enquiries and feedback is: [email protected]

This is a controlled document.

CG 300 Revision 0 Contents


Release notes 2

Foreword 3
Publishing information........................................................................................................................................... 3
Contractual and legal considerations..................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction 4
Background........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Assumptions made in the preparation of this document........................................................................................ 4
Mutual Recognition................................................................................................................................................ 4

Abbreviations 5

NI/1. General requirements and principles (CG 300, 2) 6

Overseeing Organisation requirements (CG 300, 2.2 & 2.3).................................................................................6
Use of UK national Standards (CG 300, 2.14 & 2.15)...........................................................................................6
Options report (CG 300, 2.16)............................................................................................................................... 6
Submission for AiP (CG 300, 2.46)........................................................................................................................ 6
Certification (CG 300, 2.94)................................................................................................................................... 6

NI/2. Bridges and other highway structures 7

Bridges and other highway structures (CG 300, 3.3 parts 4), 5) & 6))...................................................................7
Certification (CG 300, 3.13)................................................................................................................................... 7
Documentation (CG 300, 3.14 & 3.16).................................................................................................................. 7

NI/3. Temporary works (CG 300, 4.0) 8

Temporary works (CG 300, 4.2 & 4.4.1)................................................................................................................ 8
Type S proposals (CG 300, 4.19).......................................................................................................................... 8

NI/4. Normative references 9

CG 300 Revision 0 Release notes

Release notes
Version Date Details of amendments
0 Mar 2020 Department for Infrastructure Northern Ireland National Application Annex to
CG 300.

CG 300 Revision 0 Foreword

Publishing information
This document is published by Highways England on behalf of the Department for Infrastructure
Northern Ireland.
This document supersedes BD 2/12, which is withdrawn.

Contractual and legal considerations

This document forms part of the works specification. It does not purport to include all the
necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for applying all appropriate documents
applicable to their contract.

CG 300 Revision 0 Introduction

This National Application Annex gives the Department for Infrastructure, Northern Ireland-specific
requirements and advice for the application of technical approval procedures on all roads in Northern

Assumptions made in the preparation of this document

The assumptions made in GG 101 [Ref 1.N] apply to this document.

Mutual Recognition
Where there is a requirement in this document for compliance with any part of a "British Standard" or
other technical specification, that requirement may be met by compliance with the Mutual Recognition
clause in GG 101 [Ref 1.N].

CG 300 Revision 0 Abbreviations


Abbreviation Meaning
AiP Approval in Principle
TAA Technical approval authority

CG 300 Revision 0 NI/1. General requirements and principles (CG 300, ...

NI/1. General requirements and principles (CG 300, 2)

Overseeing Organisation requirements (CG 300, 2.2 & 2.3)
NI/1.1 The initial submission of Approval in Principle (AiP) and certificates shall be in hard copy and
electronic format.
NI/1.1.1 Subsequent re-submissions of AiP and certificates may be in electronic format only, where agreed
by the TAA.
NI/1.2 Original manuscript signatures shall be submitted on all documents.

Use of UK national Standards (CG 300, 2.14 & 2.15)

NI/1.3 Model forms specific to Department for Infrastructure, available on the Department for
Infrastructure website, shall be used.

Options report (CG 300, 2.16)

NI/1.4 An options report shall not be required unless specifically requested by the TAA.

Submission for AiP (CG 300, 2.46)

NI/1.5 Model forms specific to Department for Infrastructure shall be used and are available on
the Department for Infrastructure website.

Certification (CG 300, 2.94)

NI/1.6 Construction compliance certificate shall be submitted to the Department for Infrastructure
Roads divisional office for acceptance.

CG 300 Revision 0 NI/2. Bridges and other highway structures

NI/2. Bridges and other highway structures

NI/2.1 Where the document mentions Interim Advice Notes (IAN) confirmation shall be sought from the
Overseeing Organisation as to the applicability of the information within that note to any
particular proposal or if alternative documents are referenced.

Bridges and other highway structures (CG 300, 3.3 parts 4), 5) & 6))
NI/2.2 In addition to to the requirements of 3.3, the procedures described in Section 3 shall be applied to
1) earth retaining structures where the effective retained height, i.e. the level of the fill at the back
of the structure above the finished ground level in front of the structure, is 1.0m or greater;
2) reinforced/strengthened soil/fill structure, with hard facings, where the effective retained height
is 1.0m or greater;
3) reinforced/strengthened soil/fill structure where hard facings are not provided and the
face inclination exceeds 70 degrees.

Certification (CG 300, 3.13)

NI/2.3 Model forms specific to the Department for Infrastructure shall be used and are available on
the Department for Infrastructure website.

Documentation (CG 300, 3.14 & 3.16)

NI/2.4 Model forms specific to the Department for Infrastructure shall be used and are available on
the Department for Infrastructure website.

CG 300 Revision 0 NI/3. Temporary works (CG 300, 4.0)

NI/3. Temporary works (CG 300, 4.0)

Temporary works (CG 300, 4.2 & 4.4.1)
NI/3.1 Type N temporary works proposals shall be dealt with under the Principal Contractors' own
procedures and do not require involvement of the Overseeing Organisation, nor any submission to be
made to the technical approval authority.

Type S proposals (CG 300, 4.19)

NI/3.2 Model forms specific to the Department for Infrastructure shall be used and are available on
the Department for Infrastructure website.

CG 300 Revision 0 NI/4. Normative references

NI/4. Normative references

The following documents, in whole or in part, are normative references for this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

Ref 1.N Highways England. GG 101, 'Introduction to the Design Manual for Roads and

© Crown copyright 2020.
You may re-use this information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of
the Open Government Licence. To view this licence:
visit www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/,
write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9
4DU, or email [email protected].
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges

Highway Structures &

Bridges General information

CG 300
Scotland National Application Annex to CG
300 Technical approval of highway structures
(formerly BD 2/12)

Revision 0

This National Application Annex sets out Transport Scotland's specific requirements on the
technical approvals of highway structures.

Feedback and Enquiries

Users of this document are encouraged to raise any enquiries and/or provide feedback on the content and usage
of this document to the dedicated Transport Scotland team. The email address for all enquiries and feedback is:
[email protected]

This is a controlled document.

CG 300 Revision 0 Contents

Release notes 2

Foreword 3
Publishing information........................................................................................................................................... 3
Contractual and legal considerations..................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction 4
Background........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Assumptions made in the preparation of this document........................................................................................ 4
Mutual Recognition................................................................................................................................................ 4

S/1. Bridges and other highway structures (CG 300, 1) 5

Scope.................................................................................................................................................................... 5

S/2. Normative references 6

CG 300 Revision 0 Release notes

Release notes
Version Date Details of amendments
0 Mar 2020 Transport Scotland National Application Annex to CG 300.

CG 300 Revision 0 Foreword

Publishing information
This document is published by Highways England on behalf of Transport Scotland.
This document supersedes BD 2/12, which is withdrawn.

Contractual and legal considerations

This document forms part of the works specification. It does not purport to include all the
necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for applying all appropriate documents
applicable to their contract.

CG 300 Revision 0 Introduction

This National Application Annex gives the Transport Scotland-specific requirements for technical
approval procedures of highway structures.

Assumptions made in the preparation of this document

The assumptions made in GG 101 [Ref 1.N] apply to this document.

Mutual Recognition
Where there is a requirement in this document for compliance with any part of a "British Standard" or
other technical specification, that requirement may be met by compliance with the Mutual Recognition
clause in GG 101 [Ref 1.N].

CG 300 Revision 0 S/1. Bridges and other highway structures (CG 300,...

S/1. Bridges and other highway structures (CG 300, 1)

S/1.1 Where the document mentions interim advice notes (IANs) confirmation shall be sought from the
Overseeing Organisations as to the applicability of the information within that note to any
particular proposal or if alternative documents are referenced.
S/1.2 CG 300 clause 3.3 list item 1) shall not apply and be amended to the following:
1) highway structures with clear span or internal diameters of 2.0 m or greater;
2) corrugated buried structures 0.9 m span or greater.

CG 300 Revision 0 S/2. Normative references

S/2. Normative references

The following documents, in whole or in part, are normative references for this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

Ref 1.N Highways England. GG 101, 'Introduction to the Design Manual for Roads and

© Crown copyright 2020.
You may re-use this information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of
the Open Government Licence. To view this licence:
visit www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/,
write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9
4DU, or email [email protected].
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges

Highway Structures &

Bridges General Information

CG 300
Wales National Application Annex to CG 300
Technical approval of highway structures
(formerly BD 2/12)

Version 0.1.0

This National Application Annex gives the Welsh Government-specific requirements for the
technical approval procedures of highway structures in Wales.

Feedback and Enquiries

Users of this document are encouraged to raise any enquiries and/or provide feedback on the content and usage
of this document to the dedicated Welsh Government team. The email address for all enquiries and feedback is:
[email protected]

This is a controlled document.

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Contents

Release notes 2

Foreword 3
Publishing information........................................................................................................................................... 3
Contractual and legal considerations..................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction 4
Background........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Assumptions made in the preparation of this document........................................................................................ 4
Mutual Recognition................................................................................................................................................ 4

W/1. Bridges and other highway structures (CG 300, 1) 5

Scope.................................................................................................................................................................... 5

W/2. Normative references 6

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Release notes

Latest release notes

Version Date of Changes made to Type of change
number publication of
relevant change
CG 300 0.1.0 April 2021 Wales NAA Incremental change to
Revision 1 (DATE TBC) W/1 - alternative requirements to list in clauses 3.6 and 3.8 of core document. Revision 0
(March 2020) Welsh Government National Application Annex to CG 300.

Previous versions
Version Date of Changes made to Type of change
number publication of
relevant change
CG 300 0 March 2020

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Foreword

Publishing information
This document is published by Highways England on behalf of the Welsh Government.
This document supersedes BD 2/12, which is withdrawn.

Contractual and legal considerations

This document forms part of the works specification. It does not purport to include all the
necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for applying all appropriate documents
applicable to their contract.

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 Introduction

This National Application Annex gives the Welsh Government-specific requirements for the technical
approval procedures of highway structures in Wales.

Assumptions made in the preparation of this document

The assumptions made in GG 101 [Ref 1.N] apply to this document.

Mutual Recognition
Where there is a requirement in this document for compliance with any part of a "British Standard" or
other technical specification, that requirement may be met by compliance with the Mutual Recognition
clause in GG 101 [Ref 1.N].

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 W/1. Bridges and other highway structures (CG 300,...

W/1. Bridges and other highway structures (CG 300, 1)

W/1.1 Where the document mentions interim advice notes (IANs), confirmation shall be sought from the
Overseeing Organisation as to the applicability of the information within that note to any
particular proposal, or if alternative documents are referenced.
NOTE For example the TRMM (Trunk road maintenance manual) and asset management strategy & plan.
W/1.2 Clause 3.6 7) shall be amended to apply to noise barriers less than 3m high and without
overhangs. W/1.3 Clause 3.8 6) shall be amended to apply to noise barriers 3m or more or with overhangs.

CG 300 Version 0.1.0 W/2. Normative references

W/2. Normative references

The following documents, in whole or in part, are normative references for this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

Ref 1.N Highways England. GG 101, 'Introduction to the Design Manual for Roads and

© Crown copyright 2021.
You may re-use this information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of
the Open Government Licence. To view this licence:
visit www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/,
write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9
4DU, or email [email protected].

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