A Case Study On Swot Analysis: Course Instructor: Strategic Management Former Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank

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Submitted To:

Md. Ahsan Ullah

Course Instructor: Strategic Management
Former Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank

Submitted By:

Course Title: Strategic Management

Course Code: MGT-600
Section: 03
Group: 05

Md. Abu Taher Mesbah

ID: 2018-2-95-027
Md. Ashraf Imtiazur Rahman
ID: 2019-2-91-007
A.B.M. Tarikul Islam
ID: 2019-2-95-026
Afsana Hossain Nishi
ID: 2019-2-95-028
Shaoli Mofazzal
ID: 2019-2-95-030

Date of Submission: May 25, 2021


May 25, 2021

Md. Ahsan Ullah

Course Instructor,
Strategic Management
Department of Master of Business Administration
East West University

Subject: Assignment on “A Case Study on SWOT Analysis”

Dear Sir,

We have the honor to state that, here is the assignment you asked to prepare and submit as a part
of our Academic curriculum. We have been assigned to prepare an assignment on "A Case Study
on SWOT Analysis". It is a great pleasure for us to submit this assignment.

We have tried our best to make it a good one within given time. Any sort of suggestion regarding
this paper would be gladly appreciated and we should be gratified if this paper serves its purposes.

Thank You.

Yours sincerely

On behalf of the group

Md. Abu Taher Mesbah
ID: 2018-2-95-027
MBA Program
Department of Master of Business Administration
East West University

At the very beginning, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to almighty Allah for giving
us the strengths & the composure to complete this assignment. Words actually will never be
express how grateful we are, but never the lees we shall try our level best to express our
gratefulness toward each member of our team.

We would like to express our special gratitude to our Honorable Faculty, Md. Ahsan Ullah
(Former Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank) for his supervision, co-operation and advices. We
will always be indebted to him for the valuable suggestions and the time that he has spent for
guiding us throughout this assignment.
Table of Contents

SL Page
No. No.

01 SWOT Analysis Case Studies 01

02 The Case 02-03

03 SWOT Analysis: 04-07

a) Strengths 04

b) Weaknesses 05

c) Opportunities 06

d) Threats 07

04 Calculation 08

05 Decision 08

06 References 09
SWOT Analysis Case Studies
The SWOT analysis method is the situation analysis method. It was proposed by Weirik, a
professor of management at the University of San Francisco in the early 1980s. It is often used in
enterprise strategy formulation, competitor analysis and other occasions including analysis
of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Therefore, the SWOT analysis is a method
that comprehensively summarizes the various aspects of the internal and external conditions of the
enterprise, and then analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the organization, opportunities,
and threats faced.

Through SWOT analysis, you can help companies to pool resources and actions in their strengths
and where there are the most opportunities; and to make their strategy clearer.

The analysis of strengths and weaknesses focuses on the strength of the company itself and its
comparison with competitors, while the opportunity and threat analysis focus on changes in the
external environment and possible impact on the company. In the analysis, all internal factors (i.e.,
strengths and weaknesses) should be grouped together and then evaluated by external forces
(opportunities and threats).

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Case Study

The Case:

Mr. Rezaul Karim, a young Graduate from IBA of Dhaka University, joined M/S Amin
Fashionware Ltd. as a Merchandiser. Initially he did not like the job that much. But after sometime
he found that it has been a very challenging as well as an interesting job. He worked there for about
10 years and promoted to the position of Dy. General Manager Sales. After his promotion there
was mixed feeling; he was both happy and frustrated. Happy for obvious reason, but frustration?
He has been superseded by his juniors twice. The hearsay is that he is very rigid, not much
accommodating which is very much required now a days. He is straightforward and candid. There
is also rumor about his poor communication skill. However, there is no question of his integrity,
rather those who compromise with honesty and integrity, he very often opposes it. This attitude is
neither liked by the labor leaders nor by the other managers of the factory. They think it to be a
roadblock towards smooth running of the factory of 4000 workers. In fact, he is more professional
than utilitarian; more idealistic than realistic. None the less, he can hardly develop relationship
with anybody within a very short span of time. In any case, after his promotion he is now earning
fat salary and maintaining a good standard of living. During his job tenure in the garment factory,
he experienced ups and downs in the business including management problem and labor unrest.
He visited many countries of Europe and one or two countries of North America where the garment
items are exported. By this time he has also developed a sort of working relationship with other
garment factory management people. As the garment factory he served was an export oriented
factory, he has good rapport as well with many people working in banks, particularly related to
credit and international trade.

We all know that garments industry has developed tremendously in Bangladesh over the last three
decades. Now- a- days, about 80% of our export earning come from garments export. We are not
a big cotton producing country like our neighbors –India and Pakistan. Still then, we are competing
with them and doing quite good. The reason is that we have comparative advantage as far as the
labor force is concerned. In addition to the availability of comparatively cheap laborer, Bangladesh
has long legacy of weaving and sewing. Our women has dexterity of sewing culture with their
nimble fingers and sharp reasoning mingled with aesthetic sense. This is one of the reasons why
most of the garment industry laborers are women.

Due to cheaper production cost, most of the European and North American multinational buying
retailer companies prefer Bangladesh as one their garment sourcing countries. In order to meet
their demand, our garment export businessmen expanded their production unit without giving
much care to the overall environment issue, particularly labor safety, security, health and hygiene

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condition so on so forth. After a number of accidents like fire causing due to electric short circuit,
structural deficiency of the factory building, the compliance issue came in the forefront. Big
companies are mostly compliant, but many small ones are not. Small factories get sub contract
from the big ones and most of them are housed in rented buildings, not properly built for the
purpose. After the Tazrin havoc and Savar (Rana Plaza) tragedy, the Govt. BGMEA, BTMEA,
BKMEA and other related organizations including buyers’ organizations abroad are also coming
forward to help out the Bangladesh Garments industry. They are exerting pressure for ensuring
safety and security of the laborers, and also better working condition. International citizenry as
well as human rights bodies are becoming vocal regarding the poor wages of the workers and hefty
profits of the owners and internal buyers. The USA has withdrawn GSP facility on the plea of
workers’ right i.e. Trade unionism is not allowed in the factories in Bangladesh.

Against this backdrop, Mr. Rezaul Karim is planning to leave his present job and set up a garment
factory with his close friend, a businessman who will provide him 80% financial support having
partnership of 50:50 percent.

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Particulars (Internal)

Strengths Weight Rating Weighted Comments/Justification

(1-5) Score

S1: Mr. Rezaul Karim .30 4 1.20 Experience is considered as a very

has many years of essential element to start any kind of
experience in the business which Mr. Rezaul Karim
garments industry. has as he worked at M/S Amin
Fashion Wear Ltd. for 10 years. The
amount of experience he has
accumulated over this period will
help him understand the business
and set up his own garment factory.
S2: He has established .30 4 1.20 It's known that, Mr. Rezaul Karim
good professional works on an export-oriented factory,
connection. so he has a good relationship with
many people working in banks,
particularly related to credit and
international trade. So when he
starts his Garment factory, he's got
an advantage.
S3: He doesn’t .20 3 0.60 Being an honest person, he very
compromise with often opposes if any dishonesty
honesty and integrity. happened around him. So his
honesty helps him to gain the trust
of important people.
S4: He is a challenge .20 4 0.80 Though he is earning a fat salary, he
taker. still wants to risk his position and
open a new venture, showing his
challenge-taking nature. It also
helped him with his job when
initially he did not like it that much.
Total 1.00 3.80

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Particulars (Internal)

Weaknesses Weight Rating Weighted Comments/Justification

(1-5) Score

W1: Mr. Rezaul .40 4 1.60 Now a days, new business tricks are
Karim is not able to taken by managements which makes
change and adapt. us to compromise with honesty and
integrity. If he can't be an adapter of
this stuff then he will unable to make
W2: He has poor .30 4 1.20 Communication skill is a very
communication skill. essential skill for business, without
effective communication teams
can't function and without teams it is
hard to increase production. Since
he can hardly develop relationship
with anybody within a very short
span of time it will make him suffer.
W3: He is a man who .20 3 0.60 Running a garment factory with this
is more idealistic than kind of personality where he can't
realistic. encounter the harsh truth then he
can't take right decision for his own
business. Which may become a
barrier to run business.
W4: He is very rigid, .10 3 0.30 Because of his straightforward
straightforward and nature Mr. Rezaul Karim tell his
not much employees and employer what he
accommodating. truly feels for which people get mad
at him and become demotivated to
finish their task. Which may become
a reason to decrease production.
Total 1.00 3.70

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Particulars (External)

Opportunities Weight Rating Weighted Comments/Justification

(1-5) Score

O1: Garment industry .30 3 0.90 As garments has very well and about
has developed 80% of our export earning come
tremendously in from it, there is a great possibility
Bangladesh. for Mr. Rezaul Karim to flourish in
his business and make a huge profit.
O2: Due to cheaper .25 4 1.00 There is a huge possible for earn
production cost, most success due to lower production cost
buyer from North from any other competitor in the
American and Europe world. He visited many countries of
prefer Bangladesh. Europe and one or two countries of
North America where the garment
items are exported which makes him
an expert.
O3: A close friend of .25 4 1.00 His honesty helps him to gain the
his will provide him trust of his close friend, who will be
80% financial support going to provide him 80% financial
having partnership of support having a partnership of
50:50 percent. 50:50 percent for their garment
O4: We have a .20 3 0.60 Bangladesh has long legacy of
professional labor weaving and sewing. Our women
force. has dexterity of sewing culture with
their nimble fingers and sharp
reasoning mingled with aesthetic
sense. This is one of the reasons why
most of the garment industry
laborers are women.
Total 1.00 3.50

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Particulars (External)

Threats/Challenges Weight Rating Weighted Comments/Justification

(1-5) Score

T1: The Govt. .30 3 0.90 Ensuring safety and security of the
BGMEA, BTMEA, laborers has to be maintained not
BKMEA including only for the compliance issue came
buyer’s organization in the forefront but also a basic
abroad are exerting human right. For this to ensure the
pressure for ensuring cost of Garment industry has gone
safety and security of up. Buyers are not paying any extra
the laborers, and also CM on this ground. Ultimately the
better working industries profit margins are getting
condition. low day by day, certainly a threat for
the new entrants.
T2: International .30 3 0.90 Concern of human rights bodies are
citizenry as well as yet a vocal issue. Soon, this may
human rights bodies drive buyers to make another
are becoming vocal mandatory issue without raising any
regarding the poor CM on to their orders. Ultimate
wages of the workers result is extra CM, again a threat for
and hefty profits of the the new entrants.
owners and internal
T3: The USA has .20 4 0.80 Keeping apart the trade unionism
withdrawn GSP consequence either good or bad for
facility on the plea of the garment industries in
worker’s right. Bangladesh, the withdrawn of GSP
facility pushed the garment
manufacturer to another hurdles.
T4: We are not a big .20 4 0.80 The basic raw materials for textile is
cotton producing cotton from which threads are
country like our produced. A long run cotton import
neighbors - India and uncertainty will always be there as a
Pakistan. back-end threat.
Total 1.00 3.40

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Analysis / Calculation:

Positive Negative
(S+O) (W+T)
Internal S W
(S and W) 3.80 3.70

External O T

(O and T) 3.50 3.40

Total 7.30 7.10

As the positive (i.e. S+O) summation of strengths and opportunities is (7.30) is greater than the
negative (i.e. W+T) summation of weaknesses and threats (7.10). So it will be feasible for Mr.
Rezaul Karim to go for setting up the new venture.

Therefore, in our opinion, Mr. Rezaul Karim should leave his present job and set up a garment
factory with his close friend.

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1. Concepts in Strategic Management & Business Policy by

- Thomas L. Wheelen

- J. David Hunger

2. Md. Ahsan Ullah, “SWOT Analysis” (Class lecture, East West University, April 30 & May7,

3. https://online.visual-paradigm.com/knowledge/swot-analysis/swot-analysis-case-studies/

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