30 - Enough Proofs That Liberia Is Made Up of Congau and Country
30 - Enough Proofs That Liberia Is Made Up of Congau and Country
30 - Enough Proofs That Liberia Is Made Up of Congau and Country
https://web.facebook.com/plaintruth2013; @plaintruthrev etc.
A White-Collar Civic Endeavor Intended To Dig Out All of the Country’s Many Troublesome Historical Facts, Connect the
Dots With Today’s Realities, And Then Begin To Question All the Current Narratives About, And Surrounding The Country,
All, in Order to Forcefully Demand, But Not Appeal For Unconditional Change By God’s Grace
Featured in the following few pages are related excerpts from some of our many Revolutionary articles, and the radically
detailed title of this excerpt is:
Enough Proofs That Liberia Is Made Up Of Two Critical Population Segments, Which Are: (1)
The Natives, Also Called, The Indigenous Africans, Or The Aboriginals, Or The ‘Country’
People, And (2) The Black American Settlers, Also Called, The Colonists, Or The Americo-Liberians, Or
The “Congau/Congo People” – Two Groups Which Have Been Dangerous Pitted Against One Another By
The Colonialist Actions Of America, And No One Should Ever Be Intimidated For Constructively Debating
This Congau-Country Issue Until We Find Lasting Solutions To It, Because This Is Where The BIGGEST
Domestic Problem Of Our Country Does LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our biggest inspirations in this huge national endeavor intended to bring final, lasting change to this
country by the grace of God, are proudly and largely drawn from both Qur’an 2:42 and John 8:32. This
strange enterprise of great details, as reflected in just the topic or heading above, demonstrates first, our
fear for God, and next, our extremely honest appreciation of the very immense sacrifices made here over the
past decades by the United Nations, which God moved to come and lay the foundation for the kind of change
that our Revolution now aggressively advocates (meaning fundamental and structural changes to this
society). For instance, we aggressively disagree that the mighty UN spent over US$45 billion here in different
costs, from 1990 to date, 2021, and lost over 190 precious human beings here in peacekeeping operations
etc., just to maintain in place, at the end of the day, a very divisive state name, Liberia, a mocking and
disrespectful Declaration of Independence, some messy Constitution, a long list of illegitimate national
symbols, emblems, and holidays etc., NO, NO, and NO. For 7 years of intensive research into this very
nightmarish 2-century-old Liberian story strongly confirms to us that all of the plagues and curses currently
devastating this country – ranging from grinding poverty, to untold lack of development, to chronic moral
decadence across society, and to extreme lack of independence and sovereignty etc., not to mention the 13
full-scale ghastly civil wars that have wrecked our country between 1822 and 2003, with 4 bloody coup
d’états between 1871 and 1985, plus 1 blood-splattered national riot, all yet for a total of 18 BLEEDING
national experiences that took up over 30 years of our existence etc., do convincingly owe largely to our
society’s willful or conscious, but sorrowful suppression of mighty TRUTH in favor of great LIES. With
these great LIES overwhelming the entire country and blocking every good thing from happening for God’s
children here; and with the fact that “to every action, there must be some opposite and equal reaction” for
change to happen, as propounded by Isaac Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion for instance, our Revolution is
determined to redeem this country through God’s Unbeatable Power by rising up to tell the TRUTH – no
matter how embarrassing and dangerous, and no matter against whom it is told, and even if this very ‘raw’
TRUTH telling works against our personal selves, including, even if it breaks our cherished relationships
with husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, schoolmates, workmates, friends, and those sending us remittances
from abroad etc. and etc.
And because Liberia is so tied to America every step of the way, the Liberian story can NEVER be successfully
told for the purpose of bringing honest positive change while leaving America out, thus demanding the volume of
information that we now have to confront if we truly want a change that will inaugurate working systems, law
and order, decency, civilization etc. in this country once and for all by God’s grace. ***Note: Because we have
discovered that a country’s matter can be so huge and serious, and can normally be solved largely, by either: (a) using
the barrel of the guns, or (b) using some massive soul-searching national dialogue; and we prefer (b) over (a), this
revolutionary Citizens’ Enlightenment Campaign is intended to spark some great societal and even international
debate that will ultimately lead us to some immediate, compulsory National Conference, or Sovereign Citizens’
Convention, to discuss all of these grave societal issues for final collective relief and liberation, God willing . Finally, If
you ever appreciate this kind of constructive, civil effort by a group of fellow citizens to bring change to our country once and for all,
and you believe that instead of always surfacing at ‘Bhutuo’ and using Bazookas and AK47s in the name of revolution, or bring ing
change, we can rather use pens, papers, and different peaceful civic actions to bring about final, positive change to our country by
the grace and power of God, then please contribute whatever cents and dollars you can afford to this lifesaving national cause. Our
Lone Star Mobile Money Number is 0888176055 and our Orange Money Number is 0777484817.
Found on the Internet at https://is.gd/ganime
Article identification, plus special words of encouragement for READING……………………...0
General Introductory Notes for all articles………………………………………………………...1
How one must accept the uncontestable fact that ethnic identity is a natural, Godly, and a
modern phenomenon that serves largely to delineate the different groupings of people that
live within any given society ……………………………………………………………………...2
The definition, plus a brief discussion of Ethnicity………………………………………………..2
How ethnic or tribal delineation does strongly characterize and influence Christian History
and Christianity in general ………………………………………...................................................2
Some of the many positive sides of Ethnicity according to modern Social Science……………....2
How every society, including the great United States, is clear about its ethnic and racial
make-up, which the society is proud of, and has got nothing to hide about, but Liberia’s case
is something very strange, as, for colonially criminal purposes, she dodges the truth around
the definite existence of the Americo-Liberian ethnic group.………….………………………….2
10 of the most authoritative proofs to counter those who argue that there have been no
Americo-Liberians in this country, or at least, that there are no more Americo-Liberians in
this country, or that the Americo-Liberian ethnic group does not exist as a visible segment of
this country’s population etc.; or better still, that this country is made up of both the Natives,
as one camp, and the Americo-Liberians as another distinct camp, although some
intermingling keeps going on, as it is normal within any society for that matter…………………3
What did Nicolas Cook, Analyst in African Affairs at the US Congressional Research
Service, Library of Congress authoritatively say about the existence of “Congau and
Country”, or of the Natives and the Americo-Liberians etc. in this country…….....................3
What’s about Dr. James Ciment, Mr. A. E. Yapp and Prof. Dr. Ibrahim K. Sundiatta’s
own takes or opinions on this inescapable reality ……………………………………………3
Sir John Simon of the UK, Wikipedia, the League of Nations, and the UK-based
Conciliation Resources – all are definite about the existence of these both segments
of the Liberian Society: what is each of them saying…………………………………………4
The Truth & Reconciliation Commission was emphatic about the existence of these both
segments, and their enduring DIVISION and ANIMOSITY…………………………………5
A leading official of the current government, Deputy Minister of Information for Public
Affairs, Mr. Eugene Fahngon shot a video right before the 2017 elections in which he was
very emphatic about the existence of these both segments of the Liberian Society, and how
one has been, and continues to be very cruel to the other…………………………………….5
With knowledge about some, or all of these very sensitive issues that border on the survival
and forward-march of the society, after carefully recounting some fishy events of the past,
involving the kind of bloody manipulations being done here by the Americo-Liberians
against the vast Native camp using different formulas, including the fake use of the words
“revolution” and “patriotism”, or “nationalism” and the likes etc., a few top Native
personalities within the current Americo-Liberian GOL Administration (including
Representative Yekeh Kolubah, Senator Prince Johnson, Deputy Minister Eugene
Fahngon etc.) decided to raise some red flags sometime in 2019 about a certain professed
patriotic venture coming under the predominant leadership of the Americo-Liberians once
again. How did the superpower, Liberia’s colonial master, the one that has sown all this
ethnic discord in this country etc., the US Government, ever respond to these
genuine concerns from these astute Native government officials.……………………………..5
The US Embassy’s press release against the comments of these Native government
How does the Plain Truth Revolution react to this colonialist US Embassy Statement……….6
How this same colonial master, America, who was condemning Messrs. Johnson, Kolubah,
and Fahngon, is on record for taking side with the Americo-Liberians in wreaking great
havoc on the Native camp of this country, and she continues to do so to date, again, using
different formulas, and she has not done anything reprieving about these great iniquities
yet. …………………………………………………………………………………………….6
America’s use of different official naval vessels, including the Schooner Shark,
beginning the early 1820s, to supply military-style arms and ammunition to the
Americo-Liberians for use, in killing the Natives…………………………………………...6
How the so-called Matilda Newport Massacre of unarmed Native protesters in
Monrovia in the early 1820s was aided and abetted by the United States Navy …………...6
The US Navy’s official use of their USS Alaska to largely favor the Americo-
Liberians during the the Grebo War (1875-76)……………………………………..............6
How American troops came from onboard their official gunboat/warship, the Gorronoma,
and on behalf of the ever-corrupt and cruel Monrovia Black American Settler
Government, fought and massively killed the unsophisticated Grebo tribesmen in 1893,
in another domestic war, the Mixed Tribal Wars or Confrontations that took place
for about 7 years, between the mid-1880s and the early 1890s.……………………………7
How the United States Government did divert its official warship, the USS Chester, in
route from Turkey, back home to America, to Liberia, only for the purpose of brutally
killing our tribal Krus, as the US Government bloodily squashed the 1915 Kru
Rebellion in favor of the predominantly ever-cruel Americo-Liberians,……………………7
How, fast-forwarding all this to the 21st century, and in line with President Chi’s warning
that once we overlook the past, or even deny it, the past will keep repeating itself today,
let’s see how the very provisions that served the interests of the vast majority of this
country, the Natives, within the framework that ended Liberia’s recent-past 14 year-long
civil war, the Accra Comprehensive Peace Accord, or the CPA, was blatantly thrown
under the carpet by the Americo-Liberian power wielders of the country with the support,
as usual, whether implicit or explicit, of Colonial Master, Uncle Sam, using their proven
fake instrument called their National Constitution.………………………………………………..8
Relative to this systematically ethnocentric treatment of the Native Population of this country
by the Americo-Liberians with their colonial master’s assistance and consent, as it takes two
to tangle etc., some of the puzzles worth identifying or discerning from the handling of this
CPA-born TRC process, including their very iniquitous and egregious final Supreme Court
verdict rendered against it ……………………………………………………………………….10
How a 2002 survey done by the Harvard Institute for Economic Research and featured in
the Washington Post, designated Liberia as the World’s Second Most Ethnically Divided
Country after Uganda.……………………………………….......................................................10
This is the 30th Subject Matter, or Theme among the 35 different topical issues that we have
brought to you during this PTR’s 2020/2021 Citizens’ Enlightenment Campaign. Please get
any other one that you are interested in, or all the rest, very importantly, either from your
friends, or from the street corners, if possible, or better still, simply from the Internet at
either https://is.gd/rawoma or https://is.gd/wigica.
Special Notes: (a) Please take the reading of these items very seriously as God needs
everybody’s attention and input now to either change this only country of ours’ (meaning
“Liberia’s) situation around for the better once and for all, or sadly, to deal it a big blow of
punishment for stubbornly refusing to change in 200 years. Remember that although Liberia was
physically established in 1822, according to very credible sources, the act to create this US
Colony in Africa was nevertheless passed by the American Congress on March 3, 1819, and it
still maintains this ‘US colony’ status in practice today, in 2021. (b) We are encouraging every
petit trader, article publisher, street vendor, and all business people for that matter to please
access these items from us free of charge (although maintaining their originality and integrity),
and then produce and reproduce copies to deal them out to the public at very affordable prices, as
part of this great sensitization campaign for final, positive change in our country by God’s grace.
To re-stress or re-emphasize the very critical need for every member of this society to adopt some
honest appetite and culture for reading, especially for reading every bit of information or item, as
possible, that talks about their country, this only precious home of ours, so that, together, we all can
now change this country’s highly embarrassing situation around for the better by the grace of God,
before we unfortunately lose it to the Devil totally, God forbid, let’s encourage you with these 3
quotes, 3 of our most prominent quotes on reading for that matter, as follows: (1) There are crimes
worse than burning books [or articles, papers, leaflets etc.], and one of such horrible crimes is your
refusal to read them. – Joseph Brodsky (2) Read, Read, and Read!!! Read everything – thrash,
classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and
studies the master, Read! You will absorb it. Then write. If it is good, you will find out. If it is not
good, then throw it out of the window. – William Faulkner (3) If you would tell me the heart of a
man, tell me not what he reads, but [rather] what he rereads. – Francois Muriac
WE STRESS: If everyone fights to read, especially to read the deep things pertaining to our country
right now; and together, we create this new, civilized and lifesaving culture and tradition of reading,
thus pushing this great tradition onto future generations beginning now etc., we could be surprise to
see a brand new, and productive society coming into being immediately during this very lifetime of
ours, and before our own eyes. But if you refuse, thinking that our time is too important to read
things about our own country, or that we are too busy with our jobs, or our business etc., and as such,
we care less about reading what’s happening around us, and to our society etc. and etc., we may be
surprise as well, that during this very lifetime of ours again, and right before our own eyes again, war
could break out in this country, and that cherished job or business that is too important to us today,
including our very lives – God forbid – could be shattered; and in this way, we are going to be
responsible. The blood of our people will be on our hands and heads. A hint to the wise should be
quite sufficient!!!!
Thank you very much for getting properly informed, and joining us to make “Liberia’s 201st anniversary
a year of great change on Planet Earth!!!! **Note: The numbers on the cover page are exclusively for our
money transactions, but to call us, you may kindly use either 0555161001 or 0777484819.
KEY BEGINNING NOTE: (Same Across All 35 Revolutionary Excerpts Released During This
2020/2021 Citizens’ Enlightenment Campaign, Apart from Excerpt #1, and featured at the
beginning of each first page, or on the entire first page of each article; meaning, if you read it with
understanding for a given excerpt or article, then needless to continue reading it for subsequent
excerpts. You may just go straight into the main issues for the rest of the 33 excerpts or articles.
This note reads):To get a good idea of what this big and strange civic campaign is all geared towards
achieving at the end of the day, including its importance, plus why we are presenting things so strangely for
this environment as you see us doing, please first refer to our article, with title abbreviated or paraphrased here
as, “ What Really Does Our Revolution Immediately Want For Country, And How We Intend To Achieve
It”, posted at https://is.gd/hugoku; and to also have an idea of the leading convictions and philosophies that
drive this whole Revolutionary enterprise of ours, please as well, refer to our article ‘abbreviatedly’ entitled
here as, “The 21 leading convictions and philosophies of Our Revolution”, posted too at
https://is.gd/nugaha. But if you are already aware that the overriding goal of this civic campaign is to
‘undo’ and ‘redo’ ‘Liberia’, then you may please just go ahead and read this article before coming back to
the first two recommended above, which will enhance your insight into the issues; with the first being very
crucial for gaining better understanding of how we intend to accomplish this great civic job of re-
foundationing our country (“Liberia”), God willing. Note further that the names and web links of all of the
individual articles accompanying these first two above, and thus forming part of this “2020/2021 Citizens’
Enlightenment” campaign of our Revolution, including this very article, are listed and categorized in a
separate 7-page release that we have decided to publish independently at https://is.gd/lowoza or
https://is.gd/elumem, depending on preferred file type. We will additionally try to produce independent hard
copies of this pretty key, 7-page “Revolutionary menu” for street circulation by God’s grace. For those who
want to investigate further, apart from our Facebook Page and web address provided on the cover page above,
you may politely go to https://is.gd/ilodil to access a single file with the list, abstracts, and links of all of the
articles that we have managed to do within these 7 years of our investigation thus far, ranging from full-
fledged pamphlets to audio recordings, and amateur videos. Remember that we are a white-collar
Revolution of IDEAS, and not of guns, a Revolution that is demanding some radical National Dialogue etc.,
reasons for which all of the issues needed for such dialogue MUST be provided, or largely provided by us,
God willing, even if such intellectually-intensive National Conference, as we are demanding – and not
appealing for – will have to last for 6 uninterruptible months by the grace of God, since you will bear us
witness that the burden of proof always lies with the accuser or claim maker. And we are the claim maker
here, saying in short that: “largely EVERYTHING about Liberia is ABSOLUTELY WRONG, BLOODY,
and very UNSUSTAINABLE, for which we now demand this compulsory national Get Together to forthwith
sit around the table, and set things right for ourselves once and for all, by the grace of God, before ever re-
taking off, although now, on a better and sustainable footing as a people. And finally, please note importantly
here that our main articles do have full ‘pre’ and ‘post’ items – including acknowledgements,
bibliographies/references etc. – but for revolutionary purposes here, mainly to politely push you into
completely reading each of these excerpts/articles without picking and choosing issues for now, we have
decided to omit some of these ‘pre’ and ‘post’ items. Additionally, for the cumbersome nature of compiling
these massive amounts of information, and the very difficult working and other environmental constraints
that have been faced, and continue to be faced by our team, based on the kind of handicapped society in which
we find ourselves, not to mention the natural human aspect, you may experience some errors here and there,
including some probable disconnects, as you read on, especially as these articles are excerpts, randomly
collected from much bigger works. Never mind, please. For we will keep reading these epic articles, and
where faults of any kinds are found within them, we will keep bringing them down, correcting such faults, and
reposting them by God’s grace, as we are systematically committed to care, official correction of faults,
continuous improvements, and ultimate excellence. Thanks for your understanding, and thanks as well for
developing interest in this lifesaving civic agenda. Welcome onboard the reading of this particular article.
or the sake of the records, please accept the undeniable or unquestionable fact here that
ethnic identity is a natural, Godly, and modern phenomenon that serves largely to
delineate the different groupings of people within any given society based upon some
common characteristics such as ancestral background and common tongue or language. To be
specific and more formal, the Social Scientists define Ethnicity as a person’s belief or
perceived sense of belonging to a particular class, or group of people within a society, and
this particular belief or perception is biological, spiritual, moral, legal, and thus justified.
An Ethnic Group, as such, they say, is a social group of people, or a social formation that is
recognized as a class on the basis of certain distinct characteristics, such as language, religion,
ancestry, culture, or some common national origin.
Ethnicity, as a social phenomenon, can be expressed in either one of two ways, including: (a) In
peaceful pluralism, or multi-culturalism; for instance, the great United States recognizes around
13 racial groupings, and over 500 Native or Indigenous Ethnic groupings; Nigeria has
around 240 ethnic or tribal groupings; Papua New Guinea recognizes over 800 tribes etc., or
(b), It can be expressed through discrimination or violent inter-ethnic confrontation [a familiar
case for condition (b) here, of course, is Liberia, sadly]
To explore a little on the religious and historical accounts of the importance of tribal identity and
characterization, let’s see what this Rabbi said, that also comes from the Bible and World
History. According to Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman of Israel, when the Hebrews left Egypt, they left as
tribes. When they camped at Mount Sanai, they camped as tribes. When they entered and settled
the land of Israel, they settled as tribes. Each tribe had its own allotted portion of land. Each tribe
had its own flag, its colors, its particular tasks, and even its unique personality traits. Referring to
the Hebrew names of the tribes, Rabbi Kleiman said, the Zevalums were on the seashore and they
engaged in commerce; the Yissachars concentrated on full time Torah (Law) scholarship; the
Dans were known for their judicial practices; the Menashes had, and took care of cattle; the
Ashers produced oil; the Levis were responsible for temple service and spiritual instructions; and
the Yehudas (the Judahs) provided kingship and national leadership etc. A Biblical foundation of
organizing a society based upon ethnic or tribal identities, as was explicitly articulated by Jacob
(or later Israel) can even be found in the book of Genesis Chapter 49, among others.
While the negative use of ethnicity is never encouraged, as ethnicity like any concept is a coin of
two sides, Social Scientist are very clear that ethnicity has many positive sides, some of which
include, helping us determine each group’s unique personality traits. According to a 21st
century research, ethnic identity development is related to psychological well-being. It is linked
to positive self-evaluation and self-esteem. Numerous studies show how many positive
outcomes are associated with strong and stable ethnic identities, including increased self-esteem,
improved mental health, decreased self-destructive behaviors, greater academic achievement
and increased constructive competition etc.
And as we mentioned earlier, every society, including the great United States is clear about the
ethnic or racial make-up of its society, which the society is proud of, and has got nothing to hide
about. But Liberia’s case is something very strange, as one of the glaring ethnic groups, though
somewhat a criminally imposed one, the group that is devilishly running the society from the
backend, and enjoying all of the Colonial Spoils here along with their colonial master, the US
Government, has refused to ever be referred to formally as a separate entity that deserves being
blamed or referenced for anything despite the fact that every theoretical and other account of the
country recognizes this group. One common feature of clearly identified ethnic groupings within
a society, as we presented earlier, is the fact that characteristic good about them can be
pronounced, just as characteristic bad deeds about them can also be pronounced. A civilized
people of course, do know for sure that when a common group characteristic is established, it is
normally an average description, meaning, a description of mostly majority members of that
group, especially after having been systematically surveyed or somewhat observed, but not
meaning that such description affects ABSOLUTELY ALL members of that group – a function
of Statistics as well. In Liberia for example, one would normally hear about the Kpellehs being
very submissive and honest, with these traits going to the extreme and being interpreted by the
society as STUPIDITY on their part, on the average. The Dans of Liberia, for their part, are
characterized on the average as being overly ambitious of political power, and with imperial
master, the US, and the Americo-Liberians cleverly wedging some bloody colonial divide
between this group (the Dan) and another one with largely similarly observed characteristics
called the Krahns, and exploiting this divide, then further channeling their bloody insurgency
through these both ethnic African groups in the name of revolution, or change in the 1990s etc.,
the Dans are being commonly characterized as belligerent, and the list goes on. But when
Americo-Liberians are linked to negatives, or made mentioned of in any negative sense in this
country, it pricks the elites and owners of the country and their collaborators so much that the one
making such mention risks being targeted and shut off from society, using any formula possible.
Such mentioning also pricks the colonial master, America, so much to the point that it makes
public statements about this. We will provide later some recent example of how the American
Embassy in Monrovia published an official statement recently because people in Liberia who
know how the Americo-Liberians have always used their part of supremacy over this society for
which they don’t want to be identified with any negative characterizations decided to voice out
their concerns about this negative phenomenon.
But for now, for people who argue that there have been no Americo-Liberians in this country, or
at least that there are no more Americo-Liberians in this country, or that the Americo-Liberian
group does not exist as a segment of the population of this country etc., please read below our
proofs that the Liberian population, from 1822 to date, 2021, is made up of both the Natives, as
one camp, and the Americo-Liberians as another distinct camp, although some intermingling
keeps going on, as it is normal within any society for that matter.
Here thus, in 10 separate counts, are the combined proofs that there existed, and continues to
exist today, a specific group of people called the Americo-Liberians in this country:
(1) Nicolas Cook, Analyst in African Affairs (Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division):
US Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress – he states in some of his many
reports on Liberia that: “……the modern Liberian state was founded by “Americo-Liberians,”
black freemen and former slaves from the Americas, who settled in Liberia beginning in 1821,
[even though it’s good to clarify here that instead of claiming that they founded the country as
done here by Mr. Cook, it is rather truly the US Congress, through the American Colonization
Society (ACS), with all available proofs with us, that established Liberia in theory on March 3,
1819, and went ahead to establish the country physically on ground in April 1822]. Nicolas goes
on to say that state structure and society in contemporary Liberia reflect a blending of indigenous
and Americo-Liberian cultural and political influences, but the latter historically exercised [and
continues to exercise] extensive control over Liberia’s economy and central government… (2)
The indigenous population comprises 16 main ethnic groups who speak 27 languages or distinct
dialects. Americo-Liberians, who include the descendants of African-American settlers from the
United States and “Congos,” those descended from Caribbean freed slaves and captives rescued
from illegal slave ships interdicted at sea, make up about 5% of the population…” etc.
(2) Dr. James Ciment, Professor of History, and Expert in Liberian History/Studies from New
York, also lecturer at the California State Polytechnic University, cka Cal Poly Pomona in
Pomona, California, and author of several books about Liberia, including: (i) Another America:
The Cautionary Tale of Liberia; (ii) Another America, The Story of Liberia and The Former
American Slaves that Rule It etc. – According to him: (a) The settlers set up a society in Liberia
that to a degree replicates the [part] of the US from which they had come…. They cast
themselves up in the role of the oppressing, “superior” Whites in the US, and the indigenous who
live in Liberia as inferior, and sometimes slaves; (b) The Americo-Liberian treatment of the
vast Native population is Liberia’s original sin….”
(3) According to A. E. Yapp of the US Foreign [Policy] Office, in an October 22, 1934 article
entitled “Press Clippings from West African Review”, the US Government sounded a strong
warning in 1929 about the appalling conditions of the Liberian indigenous people, and started to
watch its hands off the Americo-Liberians vs. Native debacle by the middle of 1934 (October
1934, FO 371/18043);
(4) Prof. Dr. Ibrahim K. Sundiatta of the Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts – he had
been categorical that an undiluted, educated Native leadership, was the only way out of Liberia’s
problems. He’s quoted as saying, “…. The reform-minded, unselfish, Native intellectual …. and
the idea of a Native Republic [which has] received very little support from the outside world is
where the greatest possibility of change lays for Liberia”
(5) Sir John Simon of the British Foreign Service – on May 29, 1934, wrote to his counterparts
warning that, “it would be a dereliction of [our] duty to civilization if the misgovernment of the
Native tribes [by the Americo-Liberians] was allowed to continue [in Liberia]”;
(6) A Wikipedia account strongly depicted that the framers of Liberia had designed their country
to be [perpetually] governed by a small minority African American colonists and their offspring,
while suppressing the large indigenous majority…”
(7) The League Nations, the United Nations’ immediate predecessor, declared in the early 1930s
that: “The Government of Liberia [is] in the business of systematically fostering and encouraging
a policy of gross intimidation and suppression of the Native in order to prevent him from ever
asserting himself in anyway whatsoever for the benefit of the dominant and colonizing race [the
Americo-Liberians], although originally of the same African stock as themselves…”
(8) Conciliation Resources, a British Charity – in their 1990s’ Release on Liberia, “Working for
Peace Together”, did assert that Liberia has a very serious unresolved past. The group claimed in
this article that the Americo-Liberians have been able to achieve their political, social, and
economic dominance over the indigenous people through the institutions that they have set up,
including their Judiciary, or entire government by extension, plus the business associations,
religious institutions, and other clubs and fraternal bodies [that they have been running in the
country] etc.…”;
(9) The Truth & Reconciliation Commission – this commission smartly jabbed into this difficult
debate when it asserted: “…. The early founders of Liberia had the choice between whether to
build a united ‘Liberia’ with all of its people involved in the building and development of the
emerging nation, or to form a separatist [so-called] civilized sate with the mission to civilize and
Christianize the ‘savage and barbaric indigenous’ population as a precondition for citizenship and
land ownership in the country of their own birth and nativity… [But] the American-borne early
leadership chose the latter option of building a separatist state as a political direction and
philosophy. This choice of the latter is the root cause of Liberia’s yet unresolved historical
problem of political identity and legitimacy….”
(10) To cap all this argument up for now, or to give it some contemporary flavor, the current
government’s Deputy Minister of Information for Public Affairs, Mr. Eugene Fahngon shot a
video right before the 2017 elections, in which, among other things, he reveals: (i) that just as
race is an issue in America, so it is with the issue of Congau and ‘Country’ in Liberia, and that
this issue is not going to go away; (ii) He said his mother is a ‘Congau’ while his father is a
Country man; (iii) He laments how in the past, especially during the recent past Liberian civil
war, when the Country man had the opportunity to kill the ‘Congau’ man or woman, he
[stupidly] let this Congo person go, but when the Congo man had the opportunity to kill any
Country man, he never spared one. He described the Americo-Liberians as heathens and
white-collar criminals who kill and marginalize our people; (v) He claimed that there was a
political cartel in Liberia, suggestively controlled and manipulated by the Americo-Liberians,
that works to subjugate the Natives, or keep them at the second-class level, as reflected in the
results and structure of all recent past elections in the country etc.
With knowledge about some, or all of these very sensitive issues that border on the survival and
forward-march of the society, after carefully recounting some fishy events of the past involving
the kind of bloody manipulations being done here by the Americo-Liberians against the Native
camp using different formulas, including the fake use of the words “revolution” and “patriotism”
or “nationalism” and the likes, a few top Native elements within the current Americo-Liberian
GOL Administration decided to raise some red flags sometime in 2019 about a certain professed
patriotic venture coming under the predominant leadership of the Americo-Liberians once again.
Instead of colonial master, America, either staying free of these kinds of true debates since they
seemed domestic, to see how the country would handle it themselves, or intervene in a way that
dignifies the Natives while calling for more of calm etc., she published a statement at her
Embassy’s official website that tried to paint these top governmental Native elements as people
who didn’t know what they were saying, or just mere trouble makers, using such expressions as
“promoting a divide” to describe these officials’ comments and observations. In early May 2019,
the US Embassy posted at its official website a press release in this regard, excerpted as follows:
“The Embassy of the United States is concerned by recent comments made in various fora which
could impede Liberia’s progress”, [as if Liberia was making any progress in the midst of this
kind of bloody ethnocentrism or negative American hegemony]. They continued: “Those who
promote through words or deeds a Congo-Country divide do not have Liberia’s best interests, or
that of their constituents at heart, but rather appear motivated by personal ambitions or fears. It
is unacceptable for Senator Prince Y. Johnson, Rep. Yekeh Kolubah, ex-generals or other
former actors in Liberia’s civil wars to incite unlawful acts through ill-considered rhetoric that
could jeopardize Liberia’s hard-won peace and stability. It is equally irresponsible for people
within leadership positions in government or the ruling party to promote such division as Deputy
Minister Eugene Fahngon has done on Social Media. To take such a public stance and suggest
that it is a private opinion or a personal right reflects a misunderstanding of the nature of public
service in a democracy…”
Note that to this US Embassy comment, the Plain Truth Revolution says, while we don’t
encourage anyone reflecting upon these painful realities in a way that may stir up hatred and
animosity, while keeping the key problem fundamentally unresolved, an honest and impartial
patron, as America wants to always present herself in Liberian affairs, should have recognized
the existential nature of the dirty legacies from the systematically cruel treatment of the vast
Native majority here by the Americo-Liberians, something which their own citizen, Dr. James
Ciment of New York described as “Liberia’s Original Sin”, and as such, empathize with the 99%
citizenry of this country who continue to suffer the legacies of these unresolved American-
backed Americo-Liberian cruelties to date, and talk something positive about it as well, instead of
just making it appear as if Messrs. Johnson, Kolubah, and Fahngon didn’t know what they were
saying, or they were just wicked people trying to stir up confusion, NO, NO, and NO, as this was
some of the usual colonial tactics again being played by the US Government to keep our country
like this forever. For a people who are afraid of their HISTORY and the TRUTH are a cursed and
doomed people, and God forbid, we are NOT!!!!, so we are going to bring back these harsh
unresolved past and debate them as we now search a better independence and sovereign status,
God willing. For we believe President Chi Jinping of China when he said, “To forget history is a
betrayal [of the sufferings, pains and contributions etc. of the people that lived before us], and to
deny past crimes, is to keep repeating them.”
Meanwhile this colonial master America who was condemning Messrs. Johnson, Kolubah, and
Fahngon, is on record for taking side with the Americo-Liberians in wreaking great havocs on the
Native camp of this country, and she continues to do so to date, again, using different formulas,
and she has not done anything about these great iniquities yet. Since the burden of proof always
lies with the accuser or claim maker, let’s just provide you a few accounts here of how the US
Government has explicitly stood on the side of the Americo-Liberians to wreak havoc on the
Natives of this country consistently. 5 of the proofs will be historical, while we will give one
example of current days’ part of accounts, in connection with President Chi’s warning that once
we do nothing about the past, those cruelties of the past will keep repeating themselves. Here we
(a) To so-called aid the expansion of Liberia on behalf of the Black American returnees by force
against every qualm and concern of the Natives, who are the original owners of the land, the
US Government, in the 1820s, according to Wikipedia, began to send down huge supplies of
military-style arms and ammunition to the Americo-Liberians, one of such military vessels
tracked in these cruel activities was the Schooner Shark in 1827.
(b) According to an April 2020 communication delivered to the Liberian authorities by Boston-
based Torli Krua of the Universal Human Rights International, featured as well on
FrontPage Africa online, and other credible sources, the Matilda Newport Massacre of
unarmed Native protesters in Monrovia in the early 1820s was aided and abetted by the
United States Navy. Monrovia was a US Naval Base, and some of the African Americans
who settled came as employees of the US Navy. The cannon used, which is mentioned in
several different narrations of Liberian history, as reportedly fired by Matilda Newport, was
actually a property of the US Navy, and was used by US Naval operatives instead, against our
Native forefathers for agitating for their own lands that were being robbed from them by the
Americo-Liberians with US Government support.
(c) The Kru, Grebo and Gola Tribes, notably from the beginning, fed up with how the cruel
Monrovia-based Americo-Liberian elite government decided to just persistently be extorting
monies from them in the name of taxes, without the provision of any social services to them,
while at the same time imposing itself upon them by interfering with their age-old trade
activities with seafarers and other foreigners etc., rose up against the Americo-Liberian
Government in rebellion. Very ‘itchy’ to intervene to the advantage of the Americo-Liberians
in a much more intimidating way, while showing superiority, the US Government, in their
perhaps first showdown on this new agenda, decided to instruct Captain A. A. Seemes to use
his official gunboat, the USS Alaska, to carry Americo-Liberian President James S. Payne to
Cape Palmas for the settlement of one of the Grebo Wars (1875-76), one in a series of
domestic indigenous uprisings against the cruel rule of the Americo-Liberians, and as usual,
tensions quieted down from this war to the advantage of the Americo-Liberians. Because the
root causes of these kinds of uprisings were not tackled, as it remains the same way today, in
2020, the achievement of Captain Semmes and his USS Alaska was short-lived, as our Native
nationalists were not deterred by America’s display of their warships or gunboats on behalf of
their so-called freed slaves, and these tribal uprisings continued after brief cessations.
(d) Because the US Government saw the determination and fearlessness of our Native forefathers
to defend their rights and their God-given heritage, America decided to now be more
physically brutal on behalf of her predominantly criminal Black deportees rather than using
mere intimidation as it was reported in the case of Captain A. A. Semmes and his USS Alaska
in 1876. During the Grebo attack on the Americo-Liberian settlement of Harper, Maryland
in 1893, despite the fact that the Greboes had a legitimate concern, and that this issue was
domestic, American troops came from onboard their official gunboat/warship, the
Gorronoma, and on behalf of the ever-corrupt and cruel Monrovia Black American Settler
Government, fought and massively killed the unsophisticated Grebo tribesmen, people who
were mainly fighting with traditional implements like bow and arrows.
(e) Such official American Government brutality against our poor, un- and underequipped tribal
people didn’t stop with the experience of Gorronoma in 1893. In 1915, when the coastal Kru
people decided to resist the Monrovia’s Black American authorities again for the same reason
above, even expressing the depth of their frustration by declaring their loyalty to Great
Britain, as any reasonable group of people would do, and begging Sierra Leone to annex their
territory etc., the United States Government, in response, diverted its warship, the USS
Chester, in route from Turkey, back home to America, to Liberia, to brutally squash this 1915
Kru Rebellion, and they did again, on behalf of their ever-mischievous and unproductive
Black American Monrovia based government. etc.
Fast-forwarding all this to the 21st century, and in line with President Chi’s warning that once we
overlook the past, or even deny it, the past will keep repeating itself today, let’s see how the very
provisions that served the interests of the vast majority of this country, the Natives, within the
framework that brought an end to Liberia’s just-past 14 year-long civil war, the Accra
Comprehensive Peace Accord, or the CPA, was blatantly thrown under the carpet by the
Americo-Liberian power wielders of the country with the support, as usual, whether implicit or
explicit, of Colonial Master, Uncle Sam, using their proven fake instrument called their National
Constitution. Again, the CPA did help Liberian predominantly criminals, calling themselves
politicians, in their recent past so-called elections, to survive Article 52 (c) of said fake
constitution for their presidency, and Article 30 (b) for Legislative candidates to ascend to state
power etc., as a kind of Special Arrangement. But these same predominantly criminal elements
used their fake Supreme Court and this bogus constitution to declare the CPA by extension,
UNCONSTITUTIONAL, against the blood and wishes of the masses of this country in 2011;
when, in less than 10 days, i.e. January 12 – 21, 2011, the Supreme Court came down with a
definite ruling against the TRC, which by extension meant the entire CPA, in favor of one
Americo-Liberian man, Mr. Richlieu Williams, to cover the remaining 48 criminals, just to give
them an upper hand in some immediate, upcoming bogus elections once again. The Supreme
Court’s and Richlieu’s joint argument for victory drew from Article 20 (a) of this bloody
constitution which reads, “No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, security of the person,
privilege, or other rights, except [based upon] the outcome of a hearing judgment consistent
with provisions laid down in the constitution, and in accordance with due process of law.”
They also drew their authority from the National Transitional Government of Liberia’s
2004/2005 announcement of the coming back into full force of this lying 1986 constitution
without being sincere to exempt provisions of the CPA, which made their governmental or
political authority possible in the first place. Meanwhile, issues pertaining to the authority and
modus operandi of the TRC are outlined in Part 6, Article 13 of the CPA, and based upon this
authority provided the TRC from the CPA, Article 10, Section 48 of the TRC Act or document, as
domesticated by the National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL), explicitly instructs the
President of Liberia (meaning the next immediately ‘elected’ president of Liberia upon the
ratification of the TRC Act), to unconditionally implement all recommendations of the TRC.
And meanwhile further, TRC was established, among other things: (1) To promote national
peace, security, unity, and reconciliation in the country by investigating the gross human rights
abuses and other violations of humanitarian laws, including sexual violations and economic
crimes that took place during the 25-year scope allotted to the Commission for such
investigation; (2) To determine whether abuses were isolated incidents, or parts of systematic
patterns; (3) To establish the antecedents, circumstances, factors, and context of each violation
and abuse; (4) To determine those responsible for these violations, including their motivations
and motives; and (5) To determine the impacts of each of these violations and abuses on victims
Section 14.2 of the TRC Report (page 360), entitled “Lustrations and Debarment from Public
Office”, and Section 14.3, “List of Persons Subject To, or Recommended for Public Sanctions”
respectively call for the sanctioning of 49 proven criminals from holding public office for 30
years, including this Richlieu Williams at #14, the one that took the Truth Commission to the
Americo-Liberian Civil Law Court of Montserrado’s 6th Judicial Circuit, on November 30,
2010, with other prominent convicts including Ellen Johnson Sirleaf at #11; Kabineh J’anneh,
#13; Isaac Nyenaboe, at #12 etc.
After less than 8 working days of deliberation on the TRC because the lower court had earlier
relinquished jurisdiction over the matter rightfully, Americo-Liberian Chief Justice Johnny
Lewis renders his judgement as follows: “Wherefore, and in view of the foregoing, it is the
considered opinion of this court that the portion of Section 48 of the TRC Act directing
mandatorily, that the President implements all of the recommendations of the TRC is
UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and of NO legal effect, and therefore unenforceable, and is hereby so
declared.” He continued, “Accordingly, the Act of the TRC adjudging the petitioner guilty of
certain criminal offenses and imposing a 30-year ban on him from holding any public
office, elected or appointed, without according him, the petitioner, and ALL OTHER
PERSONS named in the TRC report, and subject to the ban, relying on Section 48 of the TRC
Act as the basis for the decision, is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and of no legally enforceable
effect. The petition is hereby granted.”
Another key provision of the TRC report killed instantly by this criminal January 21, 2011 crazy
verdict of the Supreme Court of Liberia was the provision that instructed the GOL to take full
responsibility of, and then to systematically disburse, over a period of 30 years, the sum of $500
million as reparations to all those individuals and communities that were badly victimized by the
Liberian Uncivil War etc.
Note: Relative to this systematically ethnocentric treatment of the Native Population of this
country by the Americo-Liberians with their colonial master’s assistance and consent, as it takes
two to tangle etc., some of the puzzles worth identifying or discerning from the handling of this
CPA-born TRC process, including their very iniquitous and egregious final Supreme Court
verdict rendered against it, as mentioned above, are among others, the following: (a) will anyone
ever be wrong to reason that: just for the purpose of protecting these criminals, because they had
just implemented this brutal 14-year ‘uncivil’ war to largely serve Americo-Liberian and US
Government interests, as always the case has been, Richlieu Williams (as Liberian politician
Benoni Urey insinuated in early 2017), was smartly introduced into the TRC process, to
neutralize it; so that in the end, he and his 48 other partners-in-crime would go scot-free, as their
privileges to hold public office would become more important, compared to the lives of millions
of our citizens; again, largely indigenous Africans, for which these criminals’ so-called 1986
military junta constitutional rights, in line with Article 20 (a) of such instrument, were upheld
over the inalienable rights to LIFE of our hundreds of thousands, to millions of citizens that were
murdered in cold blood as a result of this STUPID purported civil war? (b) Where was their so-
called 1986 Military Junta Constitution when thousands of our poor, helpless people were being
savagely beheaded, maimed, chopped to death, killed in cold blooded massacres in this country?”
, and (c) If a ban of 30 years from politics is so painful and unbearable to the point that they had
to constrain their Supreme Court to rule against it, then what’s about their part of ban that they
imposed through the barrels of the guns, knives and machetes, against our poor people’s
inalienable rights to life etc. and etc.?
Finally, for this excerpt, because of the very iniquitous and colonial handling of this Americo-
Liberian-Native debacle, a 2002 survey done by the Harvard Institute for Economic Research
and featured in the Washington Post, designated Liberia as the World’s Second Most
Ethnically Divided Country after Uganda. According to the survey, Liberia, a small country, the
size of Ireland in Europe, and with a population of about 4 million would normally never have
earned such [negative] classification over grossly populated and ethnically diversified countries
like Kenya (with about 40 different ethnic groups), Nigeria (with over 250 different ethnic
groups), Papua New Guinea (with over 850 ethnic groups) etc., but taking into account different
indices or perspectives, Liberia deserves this [negative] designation. For example, some of the
variables employed by the Harvard surveyors included:
As you may have been previously informed, this is just one of the 51 main articles that form part
of our ongoing 2020/2021 citizens’ enlightenment campaign, or our Revolution’s honest, but
painstaking effort and determination never to leave any stone unturned – relative to exposing
ALL of the big and bloody problems of this country (“Liberia”), as we prepare the mind of every
citizen and well-wisher for our demanded National Dialogue, or National Convention, or
Sovereign Citizens’ Convention etc., whichever way one prefers to call it, so that if this
dialogue will have to last for days, weeks, or even months, there can absolutely be no dull
moment at that event. Remember that such activity or event promises to eat up considerable
national resources, and as such, it will rightly be expected to produce the much-needed final,
lasting solutions to our country’s seemingly unsolvable problems by the grace of God, a strong
reason for which we MUST do all we can to provide every bit of information needed to guide and
sustain this process. The file that lists all of these 51 main articles, including the one you just read
(exposing the huge mess of this country, ranging from its colonial understanding of religion –
without prejudice to our many good people in the religious circles here - to its broken reasonings
behind deeds and actions, and to its colonially sorrowful activities in the areas of education,
health, governance, politics, civics and economics etc. and etc. – all of which make
REVOLUTION the ONLY most viable remaining alternative for change, in line with GOD’s
WORDS), can be found at https://is.gd/lowoza or https://is.gd/elumem. Thanks once again.