Private International Law Project On Domicile
Private International Law Project On Domicile
Private International Law Project On Domicile
Section C
Semester 6th
I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Dr. Trisha Sharma , who
gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic ‘Domicile’, which
also helped me in doing a lot of Research and I came to know about so many new things I am
really thankful to them.
Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing
this project within the limited time frame.
• Introduction
• General Rules
o Residence
• Domicile of defendants
• Married woman
• Minor Children
• Lunatics
The concept of Domicile in Common Law and Civil Law are distinct and different from each other to a
great extent. In Common Law Domicile means equivalent of a person's permanent residence and in civil law it
means habitual residence. Though the common law variant may seem very simplistic, there are two variant of
the Domicile Theory, they are Domicile of Origin and Domicile of choice. Domicile of Origin is communicated
through operation of law to each person at birth, i.e., Domicile of the father or the mother, dependent on the
legitimacy of the offspring. Domicile of Choice is that Domicile that any person of full age is free to possess
instead of the one he already possesses. The English rule is marred by rules that are very complex, and often
leads to uncertainty in its outcome.
According to WW Cook, the “single conception theory” English law takes the view that any test that
determines place of a person's Domicile must remain constant no matter what the nature of the issue may be
before the court.
There are five general rules that apply to the concept of Domicile they are
1) No person shall be without Domicile. To bring into effect this rule the law assigns to every person a
Domicile of origin to every person at birth, namely to a legitimate child. The Domicile of the mother to
an illegitimate child and to foundling place where the child is found.
2) A person can never have two Domicile. This is to ensure that several factors and Domiciles don’t hurt
his life. Therefore for practical reasons it is necessary that a person shouldn't possess more than
Domicile. This is also called the law of the “Law district”.
3) The fact that a Domicile might signify a connection with a single system of law, but the same law might
not apply uniformly to all the classes of that people of that particular Domicile.
4) There is always a presumption that a Domicile is ever continuing, the burden of proof lies on the
porosities to prove that it has changed. This factor may have a decisive effect on his case, as the law
applied will change drastically.
5) Subject to other statutory exceptions the concept of Domicile shall always be decided according to the
English concept notwithstanding any other foreign concept of law.
In IRC v Duchess of Portland, it was held that Residence in a country for the purposes of the
law of Domicile is physical presence in that country as an inhabitant of it. Whatever weight is given to the
length of residence it is undeniable that time is not the sole criterion of Domicile. Both long residence and short
residence does not constitute negative Domicile everything depends on the attendant circumstances, for they
alone disclose the nature of the person’s presence in a country. In short, the residence must answer “a
qualitative as well as a quantitative test”. Thus in Joppa v Wood it was held that a residence of twenty- five
years in India did not suffice to give a certain John Smith an Indian Domicile because of his alleged intention
ultimately to return to Scotland, the land of his birth.
b) Evidence of Intention
Most disputes as to Domicile turn on the question whether the necessary intention is
accompanied with residence, and this question often involves very complex and intricate issues of fact. This is
because “there is no act, no circumstance in a man’s life, however trivial it may be in itself, which ought to be
left out of consideration in trying the question whether there was an intention to change the Domicile. A trivial
act might possibly be weightier with regard to determining this question than an act which was of more
importance to a man in his lifetime.
Therefore to assess whether there is an intention to acquire a particular Domicile, there should be an evidence
of intention that should be looked for
c) Voluntary Residence
There may be several circumstances where there maybe doubt about the willingness of the person to
acquire a particular Domicile. There are certain categories of persons who fall suspect in this category.
1) Prisoners: A prisoner retains the Domicile of the country which he left before he was imprisoned.
2) Refugees: In the case of Refugees it becomes difficult, as the factors that forced to them to flee their
Domicile, and take residence at a new place, might make become a matter of choice later on. Although
there is a presumption against the loss of Domicile.
3) Fugitives from Justice: If a man leaves his Domicile to escape the consequences of a crime, the
presumption is that he has left the place permanently and that there is a fresh acquisition of a fresh
Under English private international law, the capacity to acquire new Domicile is governed by English law and
not by the law of the previous Domicile or by law of the intended new Domicile.1 There are basically three
classes of dependents, viz., minors, married women and mentally disordered persons.
In Gray v Formosa2, a rule was underlined that ‘Domicile of a married woman is, during covertures, the same
as, and changes with the Domicile of her husband’, this was the basic common law principle of unity of the
person of husband and wife. According to Blackstone, “By marriage, the husband and wife are one person in
law, i.e., the very being and legal existence of woman is suspended during the marriage, or at least is
incorporated and consolidated into that of husband, under whose wing of protection and cover she performs
everything… Upon this principle of union of person in husband and wife, depends almost all the legal rights,
duties and disabilities that either of them acquires by the marriage.” This rule is also expressed by saying that
the husband’s actual and the wife’s legal Domicile are one, wherever the wife maybe residing. By a valid
marriage, the Domicile of the wife becomes that of the husband, and the fact that married couple is living apart
under separate agreement, or a husband has deserted the wife, does not render her free to choose a Domicile
apart from his.
Re Beaumont, (1893) 3 Ch 490
(1963), P. 259
In Lord Advocate v Jaffery3, one Mrs. Mackinson was married on June 26, 1876 to one Robert Mackinson who
was born in Campbeltown, Aberdeen and at the time of marriage was a Chief Quartermaster in the Navy. On
retiring from the Navy in 1886 till 1893, he lived with his wife in Aberdeen. In 1893, owing to his drunken and
dissipated habits, it was arranged; at the instance of his wife that Mackinson should leave Scotland for Australia
and his passage out was paid by Mrs. Mackinson’s mother. He reached Sydney and for some time remained in
New South Wales. Sometimes before, June 1902, he went to Queensland and resided in Brisbane where he died
on January 1, 1918. On June 2, 1902, he went through a form of bigamous marriage with one Willhemina, with
whom he lived until his death, and from whom he had two children. After his departure from Scotland no
communication passed between him and his wife. In 1915, Mrs. Mackinson, who continued to live in Aberdeen,
filed a petition for divorce on the ground of her husband’s desertion and adultery. Two main questions before
the court were:
a) Whether at the date of Mrs. Mackinson’s petition, Robert Mackinson had acquired a Domicile in
b) If so, whether Mrs. Mackinson had acquired a derivative Domicile in Queensland by virtue of the
marriage then subsisting between them.
The trial court was of the opinion that Robert Mackinson acquired a Domicile in Queensland, but that, in the
special circumstances of the case, wife’s Domicile remained Scottish; on the latter point the first appellate court
reversed the judgment. The House of Lords affirmed the judgment of the first appellate court. Lord Dunedin,
pronouncing the opinion of House of Lords, quoted the following passage from the opinion of Sir Cresswell in
Yelverton v Yelverton4. “The Domicile of the husband is the Domicile of the wife; and even supposing him to
have been guilty of such misconduct as would furnish her with a defense to a suit by him for restitution of
conjugal rights, she could not on that ground acquire another Domicile for herself.”
If the marriage is void, the wife does not acquire the Domicile of her husband.5 But if she goes to another
country and lives with a putative husband, she may acquire a Domicile of choice there.6 But if the marriage is
void on the ground that she was already a wife of someone, she cannot acquire a new Domicile. Then her
Domicile will remain that of her lawful husband.7
The rule that the wife’s Domicile is tagged with that of her husband has been severely criticized.8 It is evident
that in our contemporary world this is socially most undesirable. Attempts to round of its sharpest corners have
(1921) 1 A.C. 146
(1859) 1 S.W. & Tr. 574.
White V White, (1937), P. 111; Mehta V Mehta, (1945) 2 All. E.R. 690; De Reneville v De Reneville, (1948), P.100 (C.A).
Von Lorang v Adm. Of Austrian Property,(1927) A.C. 641
Shaw v Gould, (1868) L.R. 3 H.L. 55.
Graveson, 176-77; Wolff, 122; Cheshire, 167.
been statutory. The Domicile and Matrimonial Proceedings Act, 1973 has now repealed the old provisions, and
a wife is now allowed her own separate Domicile. New jurisdictional rules have been laid down. Thus the
English law had gone much ahead of the suggestion of the Private International Law Committee that a wife was
living separately under a decree of judicial separation should be allowed to acquire an independent Domicile.
The Domicile and Matrimonial Proceedings Act, 1973 makes fundamental changes in the Domicile of the wife.
The rule of unity of Domicile of husband and wife stands abolished. The act lays down that the wife does not
acquire the Domicile of her husband merely by virtue of her marriage. Now her Domicile is to be ascertained
the same way as the Domicile of an independent person is ascertained. Section 1(1) lays down: “… the
Domicile of a married woman as at any time after the coming into force of the section shall, instead of being
same as her husband’s by virtue of only if marriage, be ascertained by reference to the same factors as in the
case of any other individual capable of having an independent Domicile.” The Act came into force on Jan 1
1974. A woman already married on Jan 1, 1974, retains her husband’s Domicile of dependency (but she retains
it, not as a dependent’s Domicile but as of choice or origin), till she acquires another Domicile. Sub section(2)
provides , “Where immediately before this section came into force, a woman was married and then had her
husband’s Domicile by dependence, she is to be treated as retaining the Domicile in (as a Domicile of choice, if
it is not also her Domicile of origin.) Unless and until it is changed by acquisition or revival of another
Domicile either on or after the coming into force of this section.”9
In the US, the rule of unity of Domicile of husband and wife is not taken to the logical end to which it was taken
in English law. There, a wife living separate from her husband, separation not amounting to desertion, can
acquire her own independent Domicile; separation maybe by agreement or by a decree of court.10
In Indian statutory law also does not follow English law. The Indian Succession Act 1925, ss. 15 and ss. 16
incorporate the general rule: on marriage the wife acquires the Domicile of her husband and during covertures
her Domicile is the Domicile of her husband. Then it is laid down that wife can acquire her own Domicile in the
following cases:
Indian courts have been called upon to dwell in the matter in the several different situations like in the case of
Prem Pratap v Jagat Pratap12. Here it was held that the wife’s Domicile remains that of the husband even if he
IRC V Dichess of Portland, (1982) 2 W.L.R. 367.
William v Osenton, 232 U.S. 619.
R. Dolphin v Robins, (1859) 7 H.L.C. 390
1944 All 97
deserts her. Then was the case of Rani Saeeda Khautan v State of Bihar13 in the wake of partition. The wife of
one Capt. Kumar Singh Domiciled in India, left with her mother to Pakistan. On 14th May 1950 she visited
India on a permit issued by the Indian Commission in Pakistan. On 23rd July 1950 she was served with a notice
of the Government of India to quit India. In a petition for a writ of mandamus it was argued on behalf of the
wife that she, being the wife of Indian Domiciled person, was Domiciled in India and thus, cannot be asked to
quit India, since by going to another country or by any other act of her she could not, during her marriage’s
subsistence acquire any Domicile of her own. Her plea was accepted by the Patna High court. Substantially the
Allahabad High court also accepted the plea of the wife. Justice Mallick, referring to s. 16, Indian Succession
Act, 1925 said that during the subsistence of covertures in the Domicile of the wife is the Domicile of her
It is quite unfortunate to observe that the courts in India tend to blindly follow their English counter-parts, it is
like the persuasive decisions are getting more importance. Even though English precedents are being quietly
followed, American decisions aren’t given much importance. Our courts should have at least extended the
principle of separate Domicile to those cases where husband and wife are living separate, or the husband has
deserted the wife.
For the purpose of Domicile the minority in Indian law continues till a person attains the age of 18years while in
English law, under s. 3 of the Domicile and Matrimonial Proceedings Act, 1973, minority terminates on the
attainment of 16 years.
Domicile of natural children: in respect of natural children’s Domicile, the established rules of private
international law are:
a) The Domicile of a legitimate minor children, if parents have not separated during minority ,
i) Is the Domicile of the father as long as the as the father is alive and it changes when with the
Domicile of the father,
ii) After the death of the father it is the Domicile of the mother so long as the mother is alive and
changes with the Domicile of the mother;
b) The Domicile of an illegitimate child during minority is the same as that of the mother and changes with
the Domicile of the mother;
c) The Domicile of a minor orphan cannot be changed; and
d) When the minor attains majority he can change his Domicile.15
1951 Pat 454
Smt. Allabandi v Union of India,1954 All. 457
Dicey and Morris, Rule 12, p.110; Cheshire, 176
Indian law is slightly different from English law in this aspect. Indian law recognizes three exceptions when
minor’s Domicile does not follow that of his parent:
Both English and Indian private international law a child on attaining majority can acquire his own
Domicile.16 This proposition came for interpretation in Hnderson v Handerson17.
Adopted children: in English private international law there is yet no authority in the Domicile of adopted
child. The Private International Law Committee suggests that the rule in America should be followed i.e. the
adopted child should have the Domicile that his adopted parents has. In Indian law, the authority was given
by Madras High Court that the Domicile of the adopted child is the Domicile of the adopting parents and
change with the change in the Domicile of the adopting parents.18 The question is: what will be the
Domicile of the adopted child? On marriage the adoptive mother acquires the Domicile of her husband. If
the mother does not take the child with her, then the child retains the Domicile that it had before the
marriage of his mother. In case the child is taken care of by the step father and goes to live with his adopted
mother and step father, Domicile of the adopted child changes with the mother.
Domicile of minor child after death of parents: In English private international law the Domicile of a
legitimate child, after the death of the father is the Domicile of the mother and changes with the Domicile of
the mother, provided that the child is living with his mother. However this change of Domicile is not
automatic. Under the Indian law the Domicile of the legitimate minor child is in the country in which his
father was Domiciled at the time of his death. The Indian law does not say that the Domicile of the child
whose father is dead will be that of his mother. It is like Indian law fixes the Domicile of a legitimate child
with that of the father and that of an illegitimate child with his mother. If the father or mother dies then the
Domicile of the child remains the same as it was at the death of the parent.
In our contemporary world every act of guardianship is weighed on the scales of welfare of children. It is
submitted that the rule should be that the Domicile of an orphan child may be changed by his guardian with
the prior permission of the court in the country in which the child is Domiciled and further that no court will
accord such permission unless it comes to the conclusion that the change would be for the welfare of the
Michael Anthony Rodrigues v State of Bombay, 1956 Bom 729
(1965) 2 W.L.R. 218
(1929) 30 M.L.W. 691
Domicile of the child when the parents have separated: If parents are living separately, legally or otherwise
have obtained a decree of judicial separation then the question arises as to the Domicile of the child.
According to the Domicile and Matrimonial Act, 1973the Domicile of the child continues to be that of the
father unless the following things happen:
a) When the child is living with his mother and is not with his father,
b) If he has acquired the Domicile of his mother by virtue if his having lived with her, then he will continue
to have that Domicile, even when he leaves his mother, provided he is not living with his father, and
c) The child will continue to have his mother’s Domicile even after the death of his mother, if he has
acquired his mother’s Domicile by virtue of his having his home with his mother, and not with his
It is apparent that in the two latter cases, if the child lives with his father and makes home with him, the
child will acquire the Domicile of his father. It is to be noted that in case of separation the child does not
live with his mother, then he continues to have the Domicile of his father even if he is not living with his
father like living with some relative or local authority or even if the situation is such that the father is not
Indian law has no answer to such a situation. It is submitted that the child will have the Domicile of the
parent in whose custody he is living, wither under an order of the court or de facto, and t should be that
parent who should have the right to change the Domicile of the child. In case of disputes between parents,
the interest of the child is the paramount consideration.
Domicile of Married Minor Child: Before January 1, 1974, the position in English law was that a minor child
on marriage retained the Domicile of his father or mother, i.e., its original Domicile of dependency, while
the minor child acquired the Domicile of her husband. Now under Domicile and Matrimonial Act, 1973, the
position is that a minor child attains capacity to acquire independent Domicile on marriage, applying to both
males and females. The Indian law is still stuck to the situation before January 1, 1974. The Domicile of a
female minor on her marriage changes on her marriage to the Domicile of her husband.19 It is seen that if the
husband is minor and thus, has a Domicile of dependency of either the father or mother, then the Domicile
of the minor married female child will be the same as that of her husband and will change with the change
in the Domicile of her husband. Even when she becomes a widow while being a minor, her Domicile will be
that of her husband had when he died. She cannot acquire back her pre-marriage Domicile of origin. Even
when the minor widow becomes a major she would continue to have the Domicile of her dead husband,
unless she acquires a Domicile of her choice.
Section 15, Succession Act, 1925
In English private international law there is no direct authority on the Domicile of lunatics. It seems that an
independent person who becomes insane cannot change his Domicile, as he is incapable of exercising his
will. It seems that even his guardian cannot change it. Thus it seems that the lunatic will retain the Domicile
which he had when he became a lunatic (i.e. when he began to be legally treated as insane) even if he goes
to another country and settles there.20 In the modern English law lunacy is categorized on the basis of
degrees of mental disorder.
It is submitted that if they have sufficient ability to form the necessary intention, they should be able to
change their Domicile. It is also submitted that those who are kept under guardianship should also be able to
acquire new Domicile, if their guardianship thinks it is proper to do so. The guardian court or the court of
protection should be able to accord permission to the guardian to do so whenever it is thought to be in the
interest of the child.
In Indian law we have a statutory provision in s. 18, Indian Succession Act, 1925 which runs: “An insane
person cannot acquire a new Domicile in any other way than by his Domicile following the Domicile of
another person.” The Act does not specify who this “another person” is. But it seems clear that if the lunatic
is a minor then it is the parent on whom he is dependent and if lunatic is a married woman, then it is her
husband. It is submitted that if the lunatic is a major and has a guardian, then this “another person” should
be guardian of the lunatic. There is no reason why Indian courts should follow the old English decision in
Urquhart v Butterfield21which lays down that a major lunatic’s Domicile remains static, i.e., it remains the
same as it was at the time when he legally began to be treated as insane.
Urquhart v Butterfield, (1887) 37 Ch. D. 357; Hepburn v Skirving, (1861) 9 W.R. 764
(1887) 37 Ch. D. 357
married woman is to be treated as capable of acquiring a separate Domicile; though in vast majority of cases she
and her husband will, independently acquire the same Domicile. It is, however quite possible for happily
married spouses to have separate Domiciles as where, for example, a student at an English university who is
Domiciled in New York marries a fellow student Domiciled in England, both intending at the end of their
studies to go and live in New York. The 1973 act also deals with transitional problems of the Domicile of
dependence of a wife acquired before 1974. A woman married before 1974 who therefore acquired her
husband’s Domicile on marriage is to be treated as retaining that Domicile as a Domicile of choice if it was not
the wife’s own Domicile of origin, until its changed by acquisition of a new Domicile of choice or revival of the
Domicile of origin on or after 1st January 1974. This meant that after that date, the wife’s Domicile is not to be
treated as dependent on her husband but as her own Domicile of origin, or of choice until she acquires a new
Domicile of choice or until her Domicile of origin revives.
It is a well known principle that no person can be without a Domicile. For the practicality in applying this rule
the law confers a Domicile on every person on birth. This is known as the Domicile of origin. It continues to
exist as long as the concerned person does not acquire another Domicile. Even if a person with a view to
acquire another Domicile gives up his Domicile of origin, it will continue to exist as long as he does not acquire
a new Domicile. The moment a person gives up his Domicile of choice, his Domicile of origin revives. Since
Domicile of origin is attributed to every person at birth by operation of law, the basis of Domicile of origin is
paternity or maternity. According to English private international law legitimate child born during the lifetime
of father has his Domicile in the country in which his father was Domiciled. A legitimate child born after the
death of the father has Domicile in the country in which the mother was Domiciled at the time of his birth. An
illegitimate child has the Domicile in the country in which his mother was Domiciled at the time of his birth.
This is also the position in Indian law except that the legitimate child born after the death of his father has his
Domicile in the country in which the father was Domiciled at the time of his death. Thus the Domicile of origin
is not dependent upon the place where a child is born, or on the place where a child is born, but on the Domicile
of the father or mother, as the case may be. There is only one exception to his rule, viz; Domicile of founding is
the Domicile of the country in which he is found. Domicile of origin is a creature of law and no person can give
it up totally. Every person must have a Domicile and the Domicile of origin continues to exist till a person
acquires a new Domicile. For the revival of the Domicile of origin it is necessary that the Domicile of choice
should be abandoned voluntarily. Another important aspect of the Domicile of origin is that it automatically
revives by operation of law on the abandonment of the Domicile of choice, whatever time might have elapsed
after its abandonment. This rule results in arbitrariness and injustice. The Indian Succession Act, Section 13
provides: “A new Domicile continues until former Domicile is has been resumed or another has been acquired.
Thus under Indian law of Domicile of choice continues until a new Domicile is acquired or the Domicile of
origin is resumed amino et facto. In the United States also the rule is different; the previous Domicile, whether
of origin or choice, is retained till a new one is acquired.
Any independent person may acquire a Domicile of choice. Whether a person has capacity to acquire a
Domicile of choice is determined by the law of his existing Domicile. Under English law, before coming into
force of the Domicile and Matrimonial Proceedings Act, 1973, a minor, lunatic and married woman had no
capacity to acquire a Domicile of choice, while under the Indian law a married woman can acquire a Domicile
of choice under certain circumstances. For the acquisition of Domicile of choice the following two conditions
must be satisfied 1) Residence in the country of Domicile of choice and 2) intention to live in the country of
Domicile of choice permanently. The Indian Succession Act, 1925, Section 10 lay down, “A man acquires a
new Domicile by taking up his fixed habitation in a country which is not that of his Domicile of origin”.
Intention may precede the residence, but the coexistence of intention and residence is essential for acquiring
Domicile of choice. The residence of a person is a tangible fact, from which intention may be inferred, while
intention is an intangible fact which can be gathered from certain facts in which it is manifested. “Residence” is
an elastic term of which no exhaustive definition is possible. It is differently construed in accordance with the
purpose and the context in which it is used. The meaning of the term and the sense in which it is used are
controlled by reference to the object. In Kumund v Jotindranath22 the Calcutta High Court held that residence
means a place where a person eats, drinks and sleeps, or where his family or servants eat, drink and sleep.
Intention is an act of mind and like other mental facts it can be gathered from all events and circumstances of
the life of a person. The intention must be fixed and not fickle and must be directed towards one particular place
or country. In the case of refugees they may go to another force not voluntarily but due to pressure of
circumstances and later they may settle down there. “What is dictated in the first instance may become choice in
next instance”. In that case they may acquire Domicile of the country of his refuge. In the Indian case of
Mandal .v. Mandal23 two Austrian Domiciled persons were married in Vienna in 1936. In 1939, on the invasion
of Austria by Nazi Germany they fled to India. Since they lived in India and had no intention of returning to
Austria. A full bench of the Punjab High Court held that they had acquired a Domicile of choice in India. In
case of fugitives there exist two categories. Those who go to another country to escape from the consequences
of their crime and those who escape from their civil liabilities. In such cases there arises an inference that they
have acquired Domicile of choice in the new country even though their departure was not voluntary but it can
only be confirmed with the length of stay of the fugitive. Similarly if there is no possibility of fugitive escaping
punishment in case he returns to his country, then it would be a natural inference that he intended to acquire a
new Domicile of choice in the country which has given him refuge. In the case of invalids those who
permanently settle down in another country because of suitability of climate naturally acquires Domicile of
choice but those who go to another country for a temporary stay does not acquire Domicile. In case of public
servants like Ambassadors, consuls the natural inference is that they do not acquire Domicile of choice in such
(1911) 38 Cal .394
ILR (1956) Punj.215
countries but if a public servant continues to live in that country even after his discharge from duties then he
may acquire Domicile of choice in that country.
(1868) L.R 1 Sc & Div. 307