Re-Sit Masonary Report

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Course work NG4H102

Masonry Report Structural Timber and Masonry Design to Eurocodes

Masonry Report


ID 30015600 Civil and Structural

Index sheet

Task Description Page No

Part A Different design schemes 2

Part B Cavity Wall Design 4

Part C Lateral Stability 30

Part (A)
Scheme 1: (Recommended)

Cavity Masonary wall Construction:

Cavity Wall: 100 Brick outer Brick 140 Block Inner with Ancon ST1 Wall Tie @450mm c/c spanning vertically and

Red: Timber Posts 150x150 / C24

Blue: Timber Beams 150x250 / C24

Cyan: Wind Posts 100SHS6.3 grade 355 (Vertical & Horizontal Spanning at mid height)

Green: Floor Joists 50X100 @ 450mm c/c.

Scheme 2:

Fin Wall Construction:

Yellow: Fin Wall consists of ‘T ’ form section of masonry comprising of flange (327x562.5) and fin (102.5) Brick Wall
bonded together, with 2m c/c flanges.

Red: Timber Posts 150x150 / C24.

Blue: Engineering Timber 400dp.

Cyan: Floor Joists 50X150@ 450mm c/c.

Part (B)
Email to the Client:
My address

Client’s address


Dear (Client),

RE: <Project reference number and name>

Further to our recent meeting regarding your concern of the proposed timber external walls will not provide the
specified 30-year design life, we have the following comments:
I. A masonry construction would be suitable for the current situation.

II. The proposed external wall will need to meet the Building Regulations requirement for thermal transmittance, (U
values) which we will incorporate in our design.

III. We noted also the floor height has increased to 5 meters to include a mezzanine floor, this will result in a thicker
wall than usual, wind posts might also be needed due to the same reason.

We propose structural options for the masonry external wall construction.

1. A cavity wall using different masonry units for each leaf with potential wind posts for resisting wind forces.

2. Fin Wall Construction, with no need of using wind posts.

However, please note the below comparison for your choice:

Fin Wall Construction:


 By using the fin wall technique, the functions of structure, cladding, insulation, lining, etc., can be achieved with
one material.
 The use of fin walls means that all the environmental advantages of cavity wall construction prevail.
 Fin walls provide wide scope for architectural treatment both within the fin and in the total elevation


 The overall depth of the fin and flange is likely to be more than that of cavity construction, with the result that
the site area is increased, which can have implications on the overall cost/m2 of the building.
 The fin wall demands a higher standard of workmanship than normal masonry construction.

Cavity Wall Construction:

Advantages of cavity wall construction

 cavity wall checks the prevention of dampness from outside to inside of the building in the better way than a
solid brick wall of the same thickness.
 Heat Insulation: since air is a bad conductor of heat, a cavity wall decreases the heat transmission considerably
hence it is easier to maintain uniform temperature inside the building.
 Sound Insulation: sound waves can travel faster in solid media than air, the cavity wall constructions
considerably dampen the external noise and inside the building, external disturbances have little effect.
 Economical: The construction cost of a cavity wall is about 20% less than the construction cost of a solid wall
having the same thickness.

Disadvantage of cavity walls

 Requires a high standard of design and workmanship to produce a soundly construction wall.
 Require good supervision during construction.
 The need to a vertical damp proof course to all openings

Recommended Scheme:

 Both schemes are very durable and has low maintenance, repair, and decoration costs. However, the fin wall
demands a higher standard of workmanship, decrease the internal space and more expensive to build than the
cavity walls, hence we recommend using the cavity construction.

Please be aware that the proposed change could result in:

A. Design cost implication.

B. Increase in scope or program.

Please let us know whether you wish to proceed with your proposed changes. We trust that,

we have informed you sufficiently.

Yours sincerely,

<My signature>

<My name printed>

Cc: Architect, Q.S., Document Control, Contractor, M&E.


Dead Loads:
Dead Load = 1.5 + 1.1 = 2.6 KN/m2 imposed = 0.75 KN/m2 ULS = 4.7 KN/m2

Span = 2.5m Critical Load to wall = 4.7*2 = 9.4 KN/m

Wind Loads:


Directional factor C dir = 1.00
Upwind distance to shoreline along the examined wind direction = 10 Km
Upwind distance inside town terrain along the examined wind direction = Assume 0
Height above ground = 5m
Orography factor Co(*)' = 1
Seasonal Factor = 1

Altitude correction factor

cost = 1 + 0.001 -45 m [ 1 0m / max(0.6 5.000 m, 10m) ]0 2 = 1.045

Fundamental value of the basic wind velocity

22.57 m/s 1.045 = 23.59 m/s

Basic wind velocity

= 1.00 * 1.000 * 23.59 m/S = 23.59 m/S

Basic velocity pressure

The basic velocity pressure qb is the pressure corresponding to the wind momentum determined at
the basic wind velocity vb- The basic velocity pressure is calculated according to the following
fundamental relation, as specified in EN1991-14 #4.5(1):

qb = (1/2) p iz 2 = (1/2) 1.226 kg/m (23.59 m/s)2 = 0.341 kN/m2


Peak velocity pressure

The peak velocity pressure qp(z) at reference height z includes mean and short-term velocity
fluctuations. For sites where either the orography is not significant (Col*)' 1.0) or z 50 m, the
peak velocity pressure may be calculated in terms of the exposure factor Ce(‘) 2.037, as
described in equations (NA.3a), (NA.3b) and (NA.4a) of UK National Annex to EN1991-1-4:
qp(Z) = Ce(’) ' Ce,T
‘/b [(Co(*) + 0.6) / 1. 6]2 = 2.037 1.000 0.341 kN/m2 [(1.000 + 0.6) / 1.6]2
qp(z) = 0.695 kN/m2
Design of cavity wall:
Drawings and Details

Thermal transmittance, (U values)

U values (thermal conductivity) indicate how simple it is for heat to pass through a building, so the

lower number of U values could consider as the better value. In the other words: low U
values mean that only a little sum of warm is getting away through the walls, windows or floors.

Each component of the wall will have an R value (the degree of its warm resistance). To reach at a

U value we should consider all the wall elements. Taking a basic wall, and working from the interior to
the exterior, we might have 12mm plasterboard, 100mm concrete block, 90mm insulation within
the cavity with a 110mm brick external skin. Thickness is important as the thicker wall could consider
as more resistance of heat would occur.

In the event that we take the R value of all those materials, with those thicknesses, and do a
few calculations (some websites and software can do these calculations) we find out a U value for that
cavity wall of 0.3W/m2K. which is Building Regulations standard.
Part (C)

Overall stability of the building:

Lateral Destabilization is occurred due to wind, overall stability of the building is achieved using the
weight of the structure, the end wall of the building parallel to the direction of the wind is used as shear
wall to transfer the load to Ground.

Wind pressure = 0.695 KN/m2

Destabilization moment = 0.695*13.5*5*5*0.5 = 118 KN.m

Stabilization Moment = Dead Load * 7/2

Two walls = 2 * (18*5*0.24*7) = 302 KN

M = 302*3.5 = 1058 KN.m > 118*1.67 … ok.

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