Lesson Plan - Oral Health
Lesson Plan - Oral Health
Lesson Plan - Oral Health
In collaboration with
Oral Health
Duration: 20 - 25 minutes
Behaviourism dictates a deductive approach to learning in which students are provided with a general statement followed by specific
examples. A behaviorist is concerned with the learner's response to behavioural change through a stimulus-response or conditioning;
so the ability to perform a practical skill in becoming more efficient and realistic as defined by the environment. Behaviourist theory in
the teaching setting enables the teacher to use reinforcement to strengthen desired behaviours which can be in the form of rewards or
Goal: To educate students about the importance of maintaining healthy teeth through the practice of good oral hygiene.
At the end of the 20-25 minutes teaching session, the students will be able to:
American Dental association. (2020). 5 Steps to a flawless floss. Retrieved from
https://www.mouthhealthy.org/en/az-topics/f/flossing -steps
Community Health of Central Washington. (2019). The importance of brushing and flossing. Retrieved from
Metro South Health. (2019). Brush Song [Video]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7KarL8S9yY
Pugsley, L. (2011). Begin to get to grips with educational theory. Education For Primary Care, 22(4), 266-268. doi:
UnityPoint Clinic. (2016). Best and Worst Foods for Healthy Children's Teeth. Retrieved from
At the end of the 20-25 minutes teaching session the students will be able to:
A short video entitled Greet class and Students will accept and The teacher has gained
"Brush Song" introduce self. return greetings. the interest and attention
peas-sized paste. Just Play the brush song Watch the video ready to proceed.
don’t be slack.
piece. Brushing
everyday and
(Metro South Health,
1. Define Oral Oral Health is the Ask two random Each student will give a Students were able to
Health practice of keeping one's students their definition of oral health define oral health with
mouth clean and free of understanding of oral in their own words. 60% accuracy.
problems by regular
2. Discuss the Good oral health Discuss first importance Students will listen to Each student was able to
importance of prevents gum disease. It of practicing good oral the teacher. identify one importance
teeth for several days Teacher will tell student will ask what
can lead to gum disease. students that the person caused it to look that
removal of plaque,
(Community Health of stand and each state one stand and each stating
Swartout-Corbeil, health.
3. Identify We can keep our teeth Ask four students to Four students will stand Three students were
nutritious foods healthy by stand and name one and name one food that able to stand and each
that promote brushing and flossing food which promotes promotes healthy teeth. identified 2 foods from
healthy teeth. and going to the dentist healthy teeth. the presentation that
teeth include:
fruits can scrub away Ask three students to Three students will
plaque from teeth. As a stand and each to stand and each identify
bonus, this fruit is full of identify two foods from two foods from the
● Eggs
source of calcium,
Vitamin D is needed to
● Milk, Cheese,
and Yogurt
produced by plaque
cavities. Cheeses
Gouda contain
ingredients that
● Celery and
crunchy vegetables
nature’s floss!
make a great,
mouth-friendly snack!
teeth by replenishing
those minerals.
(UnityPoint Clinic,
Remember the next time
thank you.
4. Explain how to Cavities also called Discuss the preventative Students will sit, listen Two students were each
prevent tooth tooth decay are damaged measures that may be attentively and make able to identify two
decay areas in the hard surface taken to prevent tooth additional contributions preventative measures
of the teeth that develop decay and ask for where necessary. that should be taken in
● Use fluoride
● Eating a
diet and
snack, sugary
● Visiting your
dentist regularly.
University of Rochester
5. Demonstrate the Flossing Ask four students from Four students from the Two students were able
proper technique the first four rows of the first four rows of the to re-demonstrate the
1. Cut off about 18
in maintaining class to tell me the class stated the different the flossing and
inches of floss and
good oral different types of teeth. types of teeth. brushing
twist the majority of
hygiene. of the teeth with ninety
it around both index
Show the students a The students observed percent (90%) accuracy.
fingers of each hand.
model of a mouth, the big model of the
2. Place the floss toothbrush, toothpaste mouth, toothbrush,
Demonstrate how to Students observed
3. Direct the floss
floss and brush correctly re-demonstrations and
between the inter
and ask for additional made additional
proximal spaces of
contributions from the contributions where
the teeth using a
students. necessary.
light rubbing
Ask one student to do a One student
proximal spaces are
re-demonstration of how re-demonstrated how to
the spaces between
to floss the teeth floss the teeth correctly.
the teeth.)
mouth mouthwash of
of the last tooth is their choice after
(American Dental
-Distribute toothpaste
Association, 2020)
and toothbrush to each
1. Put a pea-sized
amount of toothpaste
on the toothbrush.
(A soft toothbrush is
2. Place your
toothbrush at a 45
degree angle,
circular motion.
4. Repeat brushing of
a circular motion.
toothbrush in a
movements on the
palatal surfaces.
(American Dental
Association, 2020)
● Advise students
to visit a dental
twice yearly.
● Advise students
to use a
mouthwash of
their choice.