Speaking Intermediate 1

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The magnitude of English mastery urgency has made the author of this

book formulating guidelines provided for students. It aims making

learners to comprehend and apply what they have gotten in English class

into their lives.

Consequently, the book is composed to provide enlightenment for early

age English teachers on how English should be taught and how to

understand the children’s development process. These are efforts to

optimize the teaching learning process. This book can be utilized by

teachers who will teach English for elementary school students; parents

who will start teaching English to their children; and parties who will open

non-formal education institution.

The author is aware that this handbook is still far from perfection and

has weakness in some aspects. Therefore, criticism and suggestion are

welcomed for the improvement of this work. This worksheet, hopefully,

would give significant benefit among teachers, students, as well as people

in general who read it.

Kediri, 20th of July 2020

The Author

Introduction ....................................................................................................... 4

Problem Solving ................................................................................................. 6

Healthy Life ....................................................................................................... 11

Procedure Text ................................................................................................. 17

Debate ................................................................................................................. 19

Telling Story ...................................................................................................... 24

Conversation about Visiting Other Country ............................................. 28

How to teach English for kids ...................................................................... 29



Greeting Response

Good morning Good morning

Good afternoon Good afternoon

Good evening Good evening

Hello Hi

Hi Hello


Formal: Reply:

How are you? I’m fine, thank you

How do you do? How do you do

How are you today? I’m very well, thank you

Informal: Reply:

How’s life today? Very well, thanks

Is everything ok? So so

What’s up? Not too bad


Everything is ok

 Introducing yourself

 May I introduce myself? I’m…

 Let me introduce myself. I’m …

 I would like to introduce myself. My name is …..

 Would you mind if I introduce myself? My name is …..

 Introducing others

 John, I’d like to introduce you to Mary.

 John, let me introduce you to Mary.

 John, this is Mary. Mary, this is John.

 May I introduce you to …..?

 Jane, this is my cousin. Bob


Nice to meet you. It’s a pleasure to meet you.

I’m pleased to meet you. Glad to meet you.

See you later / tomorrow / soon. Have a good day.

It was nice talking with you. Take care

I’m leaving. Bye now! Bye!

Nice to see you. Good bye


Some expression about giving and asking opinion

 Asking Opinion in English

 What do you think of …....?

 What are your views?

 What is your opinion?

 Is it right what I’ve done?

 What about ….....?

 How about ….....?

 What is your opinion?

 What do you think of...?

 How do you feel about…?

 How do you see …?

 Giving Opinion in English

 I’m convinced that ….

 I consider that ....

 According to the expert, I ….

 In my opinion, .…

 I think …

 I believe …

 I feel …

 It seems to me …
Expression of Asking For Suggestion:

 I have a problem. I need your advice.

 What do you suggest?

 Do you have any suggestions?

 What should I do?

 If you were me, what would you do?

 What’s your advice?

 Please tell me what to do.

 What ought I to do?

Expression of Giving Suggestion

 I would like to suggest you that …

 It’s better for you to …

 My advice is …

 My suggestion is …

 You should + verb 1

 If I were you, I would …

 You had better + verb 1

 Why don’t you + verb 1 … ?

 How about + verb-ing …?

 I think you should …

 I advise you to …

 Try to …

 You ought to + verb 1

Expression of Accepting Suggestion

 That’s good idea. I will do it.

 I’ll try. Thank you.

 Sure, I can do it.

 Yeah, you’re right.

 Why didn’t I think of that?

 That’s the best one, I’ll try that.

Expression of Refusing Suggestion

 I can’t do that.

 I’m afraid I can’t.

 Could you give me another way?

 I think it can’t solve my problem.

 I’m not sure.

 How about other suggestions?

 I don’t think I can.

Read this dialogue!

English Course

Pandu : I think I need to improve my English. What do you suggest

me to do?

Dimas : It's better for you to take an English course. The best one

is at Padjajaran street.

Pandu : I've thought about that but I'm not sure I can't take that

course. It's really far from my home.

Dimas : How about taking an online course?

Pandu : Wow, that sounds good. Please tell me what to do.

Dimas : You should visit bahasakuinggris.com then enroll online

course. This website also provides various English lessons.

You can visit this website whenever you want.

Pandu : Sure. I'll try soon. Thank you so much.

I Lost Wallet

Beny : Hei Anton, why do you look so sad?

Anton : I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my wallet.

Beny : Really? Where did you lose it?

Anton : Hmm… Maybe in the park.

Beny : I think you should be more careful with your belongings .

Anton : Yeah, I think so. This is my fault.

Beny : Don’t be sad Anton. I hope you can find it really soon.

Anton : Thank you Beny. Do you have any suggestion for me?

Beny : If I may suggest, you should go to the park and look for it

more detail.

Anton : I have looked for it for hours but I did not find it. Do you

have another suggestion?

Beny : Hmm… You would better tell the securities to help you to

find it and also announce it to the visitors.

Anton : Yeah you are right. I will try it. Thank you for your


Beny : You are welcome Anton. Next time, it is better for you to

keep your important stuffs in a safe place.

Anton : Certainly Ben.

Healthy Life

Tips about how to have healthy life

 Eat a variety of foods

 Base your diet on plenty of foods rich in carbohydrates

 Replace saturated with unsaturated fat

 Eat more fish, including a portion of oily fish

 Enjoy plenty of fruits and vegetables

 Reduce salt and sugar intake

 Eat regularly, control the portion size

 Drink plenty of fluids

 Maintain a healthy body weight

 Get on the move, make it a habit!

 Start now! And keep changing gradually.

 Try something new

Junk Foods’ Effects for Your Health

Fitri : [Sigh] School really makes me hungry. Let’s get something

delicious to eat!

Ratih : Good idea! It’s lunch time anyway. Do you have any idea of

delicious foods for our lunch?

Bobi : Hey, what about that food stall?

Ratih : Huh? Wait a minute. That is fast food stall, isn’t it?

Bobi : Yeah. Come on! My stomach can’t wait any longer.

Ratih : Why fast food? Can we find healthier foods for our lunch?

Bobi : Nope, I think there are no healthier food choices around. I

heard that it sells delicious cheese burgers and French

fries too. Let’s go! I can’t stand hearing my stomach roaring.

Fitri : Come on, Ratih. Hamburger sounds delicious.

Ratih : Oh my, Bobi. You ordered two large cheese hamburgers,

French fries, and coke. Are you going to eat all these junk


Bobi : Of course! I’m a man. I need more foods.

Ratih : Do you ever think what kind of danger that will come for

you by eating these foods?

Bobi : Um… overly full?

Ratih : No….. Bobi. These foods will bring bad effects for your

precious health.

Bobi : Huh? What are the bad effects anyway?

Ratih : I join the “healthy life” club that attempts to motivate its

members to live a healthy lifestyle. We were taught to stay

away from junk foods since junk foods like foods you are

going to eat now are known to be very bad for health.

Bobi : Why is that?

Ratih : You know that these foods contain high calories, fats, and

sugar, but are really low in nutritional value. Due to the high

calories, the more you eat these foods the bigger your body

will be. It is called obesity. These foods are also high in

salt. If you really love eating these foods, they will lead you

to a risk of high blood pressure.

Fitri : Wow, can it get worse then?

Ratih : Of course! Moreover, if you consume these junk foods day

in, day out, then the saturated fats will accumulate in your
body, especially in your blood vessels. Day after day the

fats will pile up in your blood vessels and eventually block

your blood stream and make it clogged. If this happens on

the blood vessels on your brain, you will then get a brain

stroke. The worst one is if you have high blood pressure and

the fats block the blood stream on your heart, then you can

get a fatal heart strike that can lead you to death.

Bobi : [Gulp] is that…. Is that true?

Ratih : there is no use if I tell fake stories.

Bobi : Alright, I think you’re right. I have to start to go with a

healthy lifestyle.

Fitri : Whoa, thanks for that information, Ratih. You really opened

our eyes.

Bobi : So, what should I do with all these foods? I haven’t even

eaten them yet.

Ratih : I heard you have dogs. Maybe they will like it.

Bobi : [sigh] Oh, great

Vocabulary you have to know:

 Delicious: enak

 Food stall: kios/warung makanan

 Fast food: makanan cepat saji

 Health: kesehatan

 Health: sehat (Healthier: lebih sehat)

 Choices: pilihan

 Around: di sekitar (suatu tempat)

 Cheese burger: burger keju

 French fries: kentang goring

 I can’t stand: aku tidak tahan (akan sesuatu)

 Roaring: meraung-raung (My stomach is roaring: Perut saya

bersuara keras karena kelaparan)

 Junk food: makanan sampah (makanan cepat saji tidak sehat)

 Come for you: mendatangi kamu

 Overly full: terlalu kenyang

 Bad effect: dampak buruk

 Precious: berharga

 Motivate: mendorong, memotivasi

 Attempt: berusaha

 Since: sejak, karena

 (to be) known: diketahui, dikenal

 Nutritional value: nilai gizi

 Obesity: obesitas/kegemukan
 Salt: garam

 Risk of high blood pressure: risiko tekanan darah tinggi

 Get worse: menjadi lebih buruk

 Moreover: selain itu

 Consume: mengkonsumsi

 Day in, day out: setiap hari

 Saturated fats: lemak jenuh

 Accumulate: berakumulasi, menumpuk

 Blood vessels: pembuluh darah

 Day after day: hari demi hari

 Pile up: menumpuk

 Blood stream: aliran darah

 Clogged: tersumbat

 Brain stroke: penyakit stroke otak

 Worst one: yang terburuk

 Fatal heart strike: serangan jantung yang fatal

 Lead to: membuat, mengarahkan

 There is no use: tidak ada gunanya

 Fake stories: cerita bohong

 Opened our eyes: (idiom) membuka mata kami (menyadarkan kami)

Procedure text

How to Use Camera

You need:

 A digital camera (DSLR camera or pocket camera or the others

camera that you have)

 The object (find something that interesting to you like animals,

buildings or the others)


Handle the camera and turn on it

Center the object in the lcd and manage the zoom control untill

you get the best view

When you are ready to take the picture, hold the shutter speed,

and various other calculations.

Then, a light should appear that let you know the camera is set

to go.

After that, press shutter all the way down.

How to Make Ice Lemon Tea


 1 bag of Teabag

 2 pieces of Lemon Orange

 2 tsp of sugar

 6 Ice Cubes

 50 ml of hot water

 150 ml of cold water


Brewed Tea bag in 50 ml of hot water.

Add sugar, and then stir until evenly distributed.

Squeeze the lemon. Then, pour lemon juice into the tea.

Add ice cubes and add 150 ml of cold water.

Stir until the lemon juice mixes with the tea.

Add lemon slices as decoration.

Ice Lemon Tea is ready to be served.


Expression of Asking Opinion

 What do you think of …..?

 What’s your opinion about ….?

 How do you see this?

 Do you agree with/ to ….?

 Is there other opinion?

 Do you have different opinion?

Expression of Showing Idea

 I think ….  In my mind ……

 I suppose …..  According to ….

 In my opinion …..

Expression of Showing Agreement

 I’m with you on it  I stand by you

 We are in the same boat  I agree with/ to you

 We have some opinion

Expression of Showing Disagreement

 We are opposition  I’ve other opinion for…..

 I stand on my own feeling  I don’t think so

 I disagree with/ to….  Your opinion is good but…


Arie : I believe thαt the use of mobile phones is very dαngerous

becαuse the cell phone cαn cαuse some problems αnd threαts

humαn life. Those threαts αre: mobile phones αre hαrmful

for the sαfety of its users αnd sociαl αnd fαmily life.

Budi : I do not αgree thαt the use of mobile phones is very

dαngerous. But insteαd the cell phone is very useful for

humαn life. I think cell phone users who do not hαve

responsibility thαt cαuses the phone cαn endαnger their own

lives αnd others.

Arie : No I don’t αgree with you. I think cell phone thαt endαngers

the users. We cαn see nowαdαys, cell phone is not only used

by αdults but αlmost every αge hαve been using cell phones.

Even children who αre still in school in kindergαrten were

αlreαdy using the phone. These under αge users αre the one

thαt is very vulnerαble to αccept the impαct of hαzαrds from

mobile phones. We cαn see lot αccidents hαppening in

highwαy cαused by cell phone αre from teenαger. They αre

αs if αddicted to checking their phones αnywhere, including

on the highwαy while they’re driving. This is whαt cαuses

them lose concentrαtion αnd result the αccident. Thαt is why

we must bαn driver bring the cell phone while driving. So it

will reduce the number of deαths on the highwαy becαuse of

the phone.

Budi : If you sαy thαt cell phone endαnger the users. This is not

fαir becαuse there αre still mαny people out there who cαn

use it responsibly. Users who do not tαke responsibility αre

the trouble mαker becαuse cell phone will not operαte itself;

it needs someone to operαte them. In the cαse of the cαr

αccident, the users who do not tαke responsibility αre guilty

becαuse they operαte it in the wrong time. Responding to

your ideα αbout bαnning the driver for cαrrying α cell phone

is not αppropriαte. Precisely phones cαn be beneficiαl. For

exαmple when see αccident hαppen on the high wαy, other

drivers cαn cαll the police or αmbulαnce to help him. The

study αlso shows thαt cell phone is not the cαuse of the

αccident on the highwαy. However, αctivities thαt disrupts

the concentrαtion which cαused the αccident. This meαns not

only using mobile phones, but αlso doing other things like

mαkeup, combing hαir or tαlking while driving is αlso


Arie : Not only endαnger while driving, other evidence of cell phone

thαt cαn be deαdly is cell phone disrupts their sociαl life αnd

fαmily life. Currently cell phone is the one who closest to the

users. They prefer to interαct with the phone rαther thαn

interαct with the people αround them. This cαuses them to

be indifferent or αnti-sociαl. Good things such αs greeting,

smile, αnd αsk the person they meet hαd been lost in their

sociαl life. They move to the use of sociαl mediα thαt cαn be

αccessed through mobile phones to interαct so thαt it keeps

them αwαy from the people αround them. In fαmily life, they

become too individuαlistic. There is no thing such αs α fαmily

discussion, quαlity time with fαmily like eαting together,

joking with fαmily αnd other things thαt cαn strengthen

fαmily relαtionships. Even todαy αt home the whole fαmily

αre busy with their own phones.

Budi : The loss of good norms in the fαmily is not cαused by cell

phone. We do not αgree with whαt you hαve sαid. Good sociαl

life αnd hαrmony in the fαmily depends on the personαl

quαlities αnd fαmily itself. People αre not going to be

indifferent if they αre more concerned αbout their

environment. Αctuαlly mobile phones cαn help their sociαl

relαtions by meαns of interαcting tools αnywhere αnd

αnytime. In fαmily relαtionships, hαrmony cαn be αchieved by

giving more αttention to others members of the fαmily. In

this cαse pαrents thαt should supervise their children. If

they cαre αnd prioritize the fαmily discussion, their children

will not hesitαte to shαre the problem to them. In this cαse

the cell phone cαn creαte hαrmony in the fαmily by being α

tool or α link between the fαmilies. For exαmple, by using cell

phone pαrents know their fαmily members’ condition

wherever αnd whenever.

Arie : Bαsed on the αrguments which we hαve stαted, once αgαin we

strongly disαgree with the stαtement thαt cell phone is very

dαngerous to humαn life. Cell phone cαn help by providing or

informing informαtion quickly, helping users interαct with

eαch other αnd control their fαmily members wherever αnd


Budi : Considering the αrguments which we hαve expressed, we

remαin stαnd on our opinion thαt the cell phone is very

dαngerous to humαn life. Cell phones cαn cαuse αccidents on

the highwαy, disrupt sociαl relαtionships αnd fαmily of its

Telling story


A Crying Stone

On a hill in area of Borneo, there lived a poor widow and her

daughter. The girl was really beautiful. However, she was very lazy and

spoiled. She loved to dress up every day, but never helped her mother.

One day, they went down to a village for shopping. A market was

far away from their house. They walked there. The girl got dressed very

nice and walked in front of her mother. While the widow walked behind,

carried a basket, wore dirty clothes. Nobody knew they were mother and


While entering village, people looked at them. Young men were so

fascinated by girl’s beauty. However, she was in contrast to a woman

walking behind her. It made people wonder. Some young men asked her
whether woman was her mother. But girl arrogantly replied that she was

her maid. More people asked her along the way to market. She gave a

same answer that widow was her slave.

Eventually, mother’s heart hurt to hear her daughter’s answer.

Mother prayed to God to punish her ungodly daughter. Suddenly, girl

stopped then slowly turned to be a stone. Daughter cried; she apologized

to his mother. But it was too late. A pretty girl was turned into a stone

but continued to tear; it’s called A Crying Stone.


Battle of Surabaya
The Battle of Surabaya was fought between pro-independence

Indonesian soldiers and militia against British and British Indian troops

as a part of the Indonesian National Revolution.

The peak of the battle was in November 1945. The battle was

the heaviest single battle of the revolution and became a national symbol

of Indonesian resistance. Fighting broke out on 30 October after the

British commander, Brigadier A. W. S. Mallaby was killed in a skirmish.

Although the Colonial forces largely captured the city in three days, the

poorly armed Republicans fought for three weeks, and thousands died as

the population fled to the countryside.

The battle and defence mounted by the Indonesians galvanised

the nation in support of independence and helped garner international

attention. For the Dutch, it removed any doubt that the Republic was not

simply a gang of collaborators without popular support. It also had the

effect of convincing Britain that wisdom lay on the side of neutrality in

the revolution; within a few years, in fact, Britain would support the

Republican cause in the United Nations.

Considered a heroic effort by Indonesians, the battle helped

galvanize Indonesian and international support for Indonesian

independence. 10 November is celebrated annually as Heroes’ Day.

The lion and the mouse

A lion was asleep in the sun one day. A little mouse came out to

play. The little mouse ran up the lion’s neck and slid down his back. The

lion caught him with a great big smack!

‘I’m going to eat you!’ the lion roared, his mouth open wide. ‘No, no, please

don’t!’ the little mouse cried. ‘Be kind to me and one day I’ll help you.’

‘I’m a lion! You’re a mouse! What can you do?’ The lion laughed, very hard,

and the mouse ran away.

But the mouse was out walking the very next day. He heard a big roar,

and squeaked when he saw the king of the jungle tied to a tree. But the

mouse had a plan to set him free. The mouse worked quickly and chewed

through the rope.

The lion said, ‘Oh little mouse, I had no hope. You were right, little mouse

– thank you, I’m free. You’re the best friend there ever could be!’
Conversation about visiting other country

John : Are you planning on going anywhere for vacation?

Mike : Yes, I’m planning to travel to Paris for vacation with my


John : That’s great! I haven’t been to anywhere in Europe.

Mike : You should try traveling to Europe. There are so many

amazing places to visit and tasty food to eat in there.

John : Yes, I think I should. What European countries have you

traveled to?

Mike : So far, I’ve been to England and Germany.

John : Wow that’s awesome!

Mike : I know. I really love traveling to European country.

Tips about how to teach English for kids

 You have to be able to speak English.

 Buy many English books, especially for kids

 Use gadget, because there are so many apps and games which are

good for learning English

 Watch English video from movie or YouTube for kids

 Sing English songs together

 Give simple expression everyday

 Tell English story before sleeping

Read this dialogue!

Giving Permission to My Son

Kid : Mommy, I want to go to the beach this weekend with my


Mom : No, you can’t go to the beach without adults. Are any of

your friend’s parents following the trip?

Kid : No, there are not. But still, we are big enough for doing the

trip alone right now. We are on the 6th grade right now.

Mom : You are still kid son. It is dangerous to travel without adults

on your side. You may involve in an accident or some incident.

Kid : Why? I’m thirteenth now, and we already know the way to

take the bus.

Mom : Okay, let me ask you. If you go to the beach which bus lane

you should take?

Kid : Isn’t that the 2nd lane?

Mom : See? You even don’t know that. It means you are forbidden

to travel without adult’s companion

Kid : Fine, I won’t go.

Mom : Instead, I will go with you to the beach the next two

weekends, you agree?

Kid : Yes mom, I like it. Thank you. I love you so much.

Mom : I love you too.

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