Bomag Bw216 - 225 Om

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Instructions for repair

BW 216 / 219 DH-3 / BW 219 PDH-3

BW 225 D-3 / BW 225 PD-3

Single drum roller

Catalogue number
008 912 46 09/2002
Table of Contents

General 5
1.1 Foreword 6
1.2 Safety regulations 7
1.3 General repair instructions 9
1.4 Tightening torques 11
1.5 Connection overview 12
Tests and adjustments 15
2.1 Technical data 16
2.2 Technical data 19
2.3 Technical data 22
2.4 Technical data 25
2.5 Special tools 28
2.6 Checking the rotation speeds 29
2.7 Checking / adjusting the mechanical neutral position of the travel pump 31
2.8 Pressure tests in the travel circuit 34
2.9 Checking / adjusting the vibrator shaft speeds 36
2.10 Pressure measurements in the vibration circuit 38
2.11 Checking the leakage rate of the vibration motor 39
2.12 Pressure test in steering circuit 40
Flushing 43
3.1 Special tools for flushing 44
3.2 Flushing schematic for drum drive 46
3.3 Flushing schematic for axle drive 48
3.4 Flashing the travel circuit 50
3.5 Flushing schematic for vibration drive 60
3.6 Flushing the vibration circuit 62
Trouble shooting 69
4.1 General 70
4.2 Trouble shooting diagram 71
Drum 95
5.1 Special tools 96
5.2 Repair overview for drum 98
5.3 Removing and installing the drum 100
5.4 Repairing the drum 104
5.5 Dismantling, assembling the change-over weights 136
5.6 Changing the rubber buffers 139
Drum 141
6.1 Repair overview drum, Vario 142
Oscillating articulated joint 145
7.1 Special tools 146
7.2 Repair overview oscillating articulated joint 148
7.3 Removing and installing the oscillating articulated joint 150
7.4 Dismantling the oscillating articulated joint 152
7.5 Assembling the oscillating articulated joint 155
Suppliers documentation 159
8.1 Travel pump series 90R 161

008 912 46 BOMAG 3

Table of Contents

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041 251

8.3 Travel drive series 51 289
8.4 Transmission CR 371
8.5 Brake system, axle 397

4 BOMAG 008 912 46

1 General

008 912 46 BOMAG 5

1.1 Foreword

1.1 For eword

These repair instructions contain all necessary infor-

mation for training and repair work.
Notes on maintenance, care and trouble shooting can
be found in the operating and maintenance instruc-
1 General
2 Tests and adjustments
3 Flushing
4 Trouble shooting
5 Drum
6 Pivot steering
7 Components
This instruction manual contains only assembly
groups needed for this type of machine.
The repair instructions describe the removal or dis-
mantling and assembly of components and assembly
The repair of disassembled assembly groups is de-
scribed as far as this makes sense with respect to
available tools and spare parts supply and as far as it
can be understood by a skilled mechanic.


Danger of injury
Please observe strictly the safety regulations in
these operating instructions and the applicable
accident prevention regulations.
Spare parts needed for repairs can be taken from the
spare parts catalogue for the machine.

You should only use genuine BOMAG spare parts.

These repair instructions are not subject of an updat-
ing service; for this reason we would like to draw your
attention to our additional technical service bulletins.
In case of a new release all necessary changes will be
In the course of technical development we reserve the
right for technical modifications without prior notifica-
Information and illustrations in this repair manual must
not be reproduced and distributed, nor must they be
used for the purpose of competition. All rights accord-
ing to the copyright law remain expressly reserved.
Printed in Germany
Copyright by BOMAG

6 BOMAG 008 912 46

Safety regulations 1.2
Important notes Tools, lifting gear, lifting tackle, supports and other
1.2 Safety regulations

auxiliary equipment must be fully functional and in

These safety regulations must be read and ap- safe condition.
plied by every person involved in the repair of this l
Use only safe and approved lifting gear of sifficient
machine. The applicable accident prevention in-
load bearing capacity to remove and install parts or
structions and the safety regulations in the oper-
components from and to the machine.
ating and maintenance instructions must be
additionally observed. l
Be careful with cleansing agents. Do not use easily
inflammable or harmful substances, such as gaso-
Repair work shall only performed by appropriately line or paint thinners for cleaning.
trained personnel or by the after sales service of
Cleaning or repair work on the fuel tank is very dan-
gerous. Do not smoke or allow any ignitable sparks
These repair instructions contain headers like „Note“,
or open fire in the vicinity when cleaning or repairing
„Attention“, „Danger“ and „Environment“, which must
a tank. .
be strictly complied with in order to avoid dangers for
health and for the environment. l
When performing welding work strictly comply with
the respective welding instructions.

! Danger
Special safety regulations
Paragraphs marked like this highlight possible
dangers for persons. l
Use only genuine BOMAG spare parts for repair
purposes. Original parts and accessories have
been specially designed for this machine.
We wish to make explicitly clear that we have not
Paragraphs marked like this highlight possible
tested or approved any parts or accessories not
dangers for machines or parts of the machine.
supplied by us. The installation and/or use of such
products may therefore have an adverse effect on
i Note the specific characteristics of the machine and
Paragraphs marked like this contain technical infor- thereby impair the active and/or passive driving
mation for the optimal economical use of the machine. safety. The manufacturer explicitly excludes any li-
ability for damage caused by the use of non-original
parts or accessories.
Environment l
Unauthorized changes to the machine are prohibit-
Paragraphs marked like this point out practices ed for safety reasons.
for safe and environmental disposal of fuels and
lubricants as well as replacement parts.
If tests on the articulated joint need to be performed
with the engine running, do not stand in the articu-
Observe the regulations for the protection of the lation area of the machine, danger of injury!
Do not perform cleaning work while the engine is
If tests must be performed with the engine running
Before starting repair work stand the machine on do not touch rotating parts of the engine, danger of
level and solid ground. injury.
Always secure the machine against unintended roll- l
Exhaust gases are highly dangerous. Always en-
ing. sure an adequate supply of fresh air when starting
Secure the engine reliably against unintentional the engine in closed rooms.
starting. l
Refuel only with the engine shut down. Ensure strict
Mark a machine that is defective or being repaired cleanliness and do not spill any fuel.
by attaching a clearly visible warning tag to the l
Keep used filters in a separate waste container and
steering wheel. dispose of environmentally.
On machines with articulated joint keep the articu- l
Dispose of oils and fuel environmentally when per-
lated joint locked during work. forming repair or maintenance work.
Use protective clothes like hard hat, safety boots l
Do not refuel in closed rooms.
and gloves.
Do not heat up oil higher than 160 °C because it
Keep unauthorized persons away from the machine may ignite.
during repair work.
Wipe off spilled oil and fuel.

008 912 46 BOMAG 7

1.2 Safety regulations

Do not smoke when refuelling or when checking the
acid level in the battery.
Do not check the acid level of the battery with a na-
ked flame, danger of explosion!
Old batteries contain lead and must be properly dis-
posed of.
There is a danger of scalding when draining off en-
gine or hydraulic oil at operating temperature.
on machines with rubber tires a tire may busr if in-
correctly assembled. This can cause severe injury.
Do not exceed the specified highest permissible tire

Hydraulic oil escaping under pressure can pene-
trate the skin and cause severe injury. You should
therefore relieve the pressure in the system before
disconnecting any lines.
Before applying pressure to the system make sure
that all line connections and ports have been prop-
erly tightened and are in perfect condition.
Hydraulic oil leaking out of a small opening can
hardly be noticed, therefore please use a piece of
cardboard or wood when checking for leaks. When
being injured by hydraulic oil consult a physician im-
mediately, as otherwise this may cause severe in-
Do not step in front of or behind the drums/wheels
when performing adjustment work in the hydraulic
system while the engine is running. Block drums
and/or wheels with wedges.

Reattach all guards and safety installations after

all work has been completed.

8 BOMAG 008 912 46

General repair instructions 1.3
General Fill new hydraulic units with hydraulic oil before
1.3 Gener al repair instructions

starting operation.
Before removing or disassembling and parts, hoses
or components mark these parts for easier assem- l
After changing a component thoroughly flush and
bly. bleed the entire hydraulic system.
Before assembly oil or grease all parts, as far as this l
Perform measurements at operating temperature of
is necessary. the hydraulic oil (approx. 40 °C).
After changing a component perform a high and
Hydraulic system charge pressure test, if necessary check the speed
of the exciter shaft.
! Caution
The operating pressure of the exciter shaft to a
great extent depends on the base under the vibrat-
Do not open any hydraulic components if you
ing drum. If the soil is too hard place the drums on
have not been properly trained and without exact
old rubber tires. Do not activate the vibration on a
hard, concreted base, danger of bearing damage.
Please note l
After the completion of all tests perform a test run
Cleanliness is of utmost importance. Make sure that and then check all connections and fittings for leaks
no dirt or other contaminating substances can enter with the engine still stopped and the hydraulic sys-
into the system. tem depressurized.
Clean fittings, filler covers and the area around such Before commissioning
parts before disassembly to avoid entering of dirt.
After changing a component clean the hydraulic oil
Before disconnecting hoses, pipes or similar relieve tank thoroughly.
the system pressure with the engine shut down.
Fill the housings of hydraulic pumps and motors
During repair work keep all openings closed with with hydraulic oil.
clean plastic plugs and caps.
Use only hydraulic oils according to the specifica-
Do not run pumps and motors without oil. tion in the maintenance instructions.
When cleaning hydraulic components take care not l
After changing a component clean the hydraulic
to damage any fine machine surfaces. system as described in the flushing instructions in
Chemical and rubber soluble cleansing agents may order to prevent all other components from being
only be used to clean metal parts. Do not use such damaged by abrasion and metal chips remaining in
substances to clean seals and gaskets. the system.
Rinse of cleaned parts thoroughly, dry them with l
Change the hydraulic oil filter.
compressed air and apply anti-corrosion oil immedi-
ately. Do not install parts that show traces of corro-
sion. l
Bleed the hydraulic circuits.
Avoid the formation of rust on fine machined caused l
Start up the system without load.
by hand sweat. l
Check the hydraulic oil level in the tank, fill up oil if
Grease must not used as a sliding agent for assem- necessary.
bly work. Use hydraulic oil.
After commissioning
Do not start the engine after the hydraulic oil has l
Check system pressures and speeds.
been drained off.
Check fittings and flanges for leaks.
Use only the specified pressure gauges. Risk of
damaging the pressure gauges under too high pres- l
After each repair check all adjustment data, rota-
sure. tional speeds and nominal values in the hydraulic
system, adjust if necessary.
Clean ports and fittings before removal so that no
dirt can enter into the hydraulic system. l
Do not adjust pressure relief valves and control
valves to values above their specified values.
Check the hydraulic oil level before and after the
Electrical system
Use only clean oil according to specification.
Always disconnect the battery before starting work
Check the hydraulic system for leaks, find and rec-
in the electrical system.
tify the cause.
Ensure correct polarity when connecting the bat-

008 912 46 BOMAG 9

1.3 General repair instructions

Do not check voltage by tapping against ground.
When performing welding work always fasten the
earth clamp of the welding unit in the immediate vi-
cinity of the welding location. Strictly disconnect the
cables from the generator before starting work.

Seals and gaskets

Generally use new seals and gaskets when per-
forming assembly work. The required seal kits are
available as spare parts.

10 BOMAG 008 912 46

Tightening torques 1.4
Tightening torques
1.4 Tightening tor ques

Tighten fastening screws and nuts according to the table of tightening torques.
Tightening torques deviating from the ones in the table are specially mentioned in the repair instructions.


Self-locking nuts must be generally renewed.

Tightening torques for screws with metric unified thread

Tightening torque Nm* (ft-lb)

Screw dimension
8.8 10.9 12.9
M4 3 (2) 5 (4) 5 (4)
M5 6 (4) 9 (7) 10 (7)
M6 10 (7) 15 (11) 18 (13)
M8 25 (18) 35 (26) 45 (33)
M10 50 (37) 75 (55) 83 (61)
M12 88 (65) 123 (91) 147 (108)
M14 137 (101) 196 (145) 235 (173)
M16 211 (156) 300 (221) 358 (264)
M18 290 (213) 412 (303) 490 (361)
M20 412 (304) 578 (426) 696 (513)
M22 560 (413) 785 (559) 942 (695)
M24 711 (524) 1000 (738) 1200 (885)
M27 1050 (774) 1480 (1092) 1774 (1308)
M30 1420 (1047) 2010 (1482) 2400 (1770)
Tightening torques for screws with metric fine thread

Tightening torques Nm * (ft-lb)

Screw dimension
8.8 10.9 12.9
M8 x 1 26 (19) 37 (27) 48 (35)
M10 x 1.25 52 (38) 76 (56) 88 (65)
M12 x 1.25 98 (72) 137 (101) 126 (119)
M12 x 1.5 93 (69) 127 (94) 152 (112)
M14 x 1.5 152 (112) 216 (159) 255 (188)
M16 x 1.5 225 (166) 318 (235) 383 (282)
M18 x 1.5 324 (239) 466 (344) 554 (409)
M20 x 1.5 461 (340) 628 (463) 775 (572)
M22 x 1.5 618 (456) 863 (636) 1058 (780)
M24 x 2 780 (575) 1098 (808) 1294 (1416)
M27 x2 1147 (846) 1578 (1164) 1920 (1416)
M30 x 2 1568 (1156) 2254 (1662) 2695 (1988)
* Strength classes for screws with untreated, non-lubricated surface.
The values result in a 90% utilization of the screw’s yield point at a coefficient of friction µ total = 0,14.
Compliance with the tightening torques is checked with torque wrenches.
Tightening torques deviating from the ones mentioned in the table are specially mentioned in these descriptions.
The values specified in the table apply for screws black, oiled and with surface protection A4C.
The quality designation of the screws is stamped on the screw heads.

008 912 46 BOMAG 11

1.5 Connection overview

Fig. 1 Travel pump

12 BOMAG 008 912 46

Connection overview 1.5
1 Travel pump 19 Charge pressure relief valve blocked, vibration
2 Multi-function valve 425 bar (boost check and pump
pressure relief valve), travel system 20 Pressure test port Mb, high pressure vibration
3 Adjustment screw, mechanical neutral position of system
travel pump 21 Port L, leak oil to tank port A
4 Port charge oil to vibration pump and connection 22 Connection L, connection to vibration pump
P to solenoid valve for speed range selector pump 23 High pressure port A, to drum drive motor, front
5 Multi-function valve 425 bar (boost check and 24 High pressure port A, to wheel drive motor, right
pressure relief valve), travel system
25 Pressure test port Ma, high pressure travel sys-
6 Multi-function valve 425 bar (boost check and tem
pressure relief valve), vibration system
26 Charge pressure relief valve, 25 bar
7 Multi-function valve 425 bar (boost check and
27 Adjustment screw, frequency
pressure relief valve), vibration system
28 Port S, suction line from hydraulic tank, internal
8 Port L, leak oil from travel pump
charge pump
9 Port D, charge pressure to hydraulic oil filter
29 High pressure port A, vibration
10 Connection E, charge pressure from travel pump
30 Pressure test port Ma, high pressure vibration
(charge system)
11 Adjustment screw, frequency
31 High pressure port B, vibration
12 Adjustment screw, mechanical neutral position of
32 Internal charge pump
vibration pump
33 Connection C, connection from solenoid valve for
13 Pressure test port Mb, high pressure travel sys-
brake/travel speed range selection
34 Leak oil connection D, leak oil from axle drive mo-
14 Connection, charge oil from hydraulic oil filter
15 High pressure port B, to wheel drive motor, left
35 Leak oil connection A, leak oil from travel pump
16 High pressure port B, to drum drive motor, rear
36 Leak oil connection G, leak oil from drum drive
17 Port L, leak oil to drum drive motor motor
18 Vibration pump 37 Leak oil connection F, leak oil from vibration motor
38 Leak oil connection B, leak oil to cooler

008 912 46 BOMAG 13

1.5 Connection overview

14 BOMAG 008 912 46

2 Tests and adjustments

008 912 46 BOMAG 15

2.1 Technical data

2.1 Technical data

Fig. 1

Dimensions in A B D H2 H K L O1 O2 S W
BW 216 DH-3 3123 2300 1500 2970 2268 490 6114 85 85 35 2130
BW 216 PDH-3 3123 2300 1480 2970 2268 490 6114 85 85 25 2130

BW 216 DH-3 BW 216 PDH-3

Operating weight (CECE) kg 16150 16650
with ROPS and cabin
Front axle load (CECE) kg 10200 10700
Rear axle load (CECE) kg 5950 5950
Static linear load kg/cm 47,9 -

Travel characteristics
Travel speed (1) km/h 0 ... 3,5 0 ... 3,5
Travel speed (2) km/h 0 ... 6,3 0 ... 6,3
Travel speed (3) km/h 0 ... 12 0 ... 12
Max. gradability with vi- % 55 55

Engine manufacturer KHD KHD
Type BF6M 2012 C BF6M 2012 C
Cooling Water Water
Number of cylinders 6 6
Rated power DIN ISO kW 143 143
Rated speed 1 rpm 2300 2300
Fuel Diesel Diesel
high idle speed 1 rpm 2350 ±100 2350 ±100
Electrical equipment V 12 12
Drive system hydrostatic hydrostatic
Driven axles 2 2

16 BOMAG 008 912 46

Technical data 2.1
BW 216 DH-3 BW 216 PDH-3
Electrical equipment
Voltage supply V 12 12
Generator 3-phase current 3-phase current
Voltage/current V/A 14/55 14/55
Battery voltage/capacity V/AH 2 x 12/102 2 x 12/102
Starter voltage/power V/kW 12/3,1 12/3,1

Travel pump
Manufacturer Sauer Sauer
Type 90R100 90R100
System Axial piston/swash plate Axial piston/swash plate
Displacement cm3/rev. 100 100
High pressure limitation bar 435 435
Charge pressure limita- bar 29 29

Drum drive motor

Manufacturer Sauer Sauer
Type 51C 110 51C 110
System Axial piston – bent axle Axial piston – bent axle
Displacement, max. cm3/rev. 110 110

Axle drive motor

Manufacturer Sauer Sauer
Type 51D 160 51D 160
System Axial piston – bent axle Axial piston – bent axle
Displacement, max. cm3/rev. 160 160

Vibration pump
Manufacturer Sauer Sauer
Type 42R 41 42R 41
System Axial piston/swash plate Axial piston/swash plate
Displacement cm3/rev. 41 41
Start up pressure bar 410 410
Operating pressure (soil bar approx. 120 approx. 120

Vibration motor
Manufacturer Sauer Sauer
Type MMF044 MMF044
System Axial piston/swash plate Axial piston/swash plate
Displacement cm3/rev. 44 44
max. leak oil rate (without l/min approx. 1 approx. 1

Steering/charge pump
Type Bosch Bosch
System Gear Gear
Displacement cm3/rev. 16 16

Steering valve
Manufacturer Danfoss Danfoss
Type OSPC 500 ON OSPC 500 ON
Pressure limitation bar 240 240
Steering pressure bar approx. 175 + charge pres- approx. 175 + charge pres-
sure sure

008 912 46 BOMAG 17

2.1 Technical data

BW 216 DH-3 BW 216 PDH-3

Service brake hydrostatic hydrostatic
Parking brake mechanical mechanical
Brake releasing pressure bar min. 15 min. 15

Type of steering Oscill.-articul. Oscill.-articul.
Steering operation hydrostatic hydrostatic
Oscillation angle ±° 12 12
Steering angle ±° 35 35

Vibration system
Drive system hydrostatic hydrostatic
Frequency Hz 31/36 31/36
Amplitude mm 1,8/0,9 1,6/0,9
* The right for technical modifications remains reserved

18 BOMAG 008 912 46

Technical data 2.2
2.2 Technical data

Fig. 1

Dimensions in A B D H2 H K L O1 O2 S W
BW 219 DH-3 3123 2300 1600 3000 2288 450 6114 85 85 40 2130
BW 219 PDH-3 3123 2300 1600 3000 2288 450 6114 85 85 35 2130

BW 219 DH-3 BW 219 PDH-3

Operating weight (CECE) kg 19220 19560
with ROPS and cabin
Front axle load (CECE) kg 12780 13120
Rear axle load (CECE) kg 6440 6440
Static linear load kg/cm 60 -

Travel characteristics
Travel speed (1) km/h 0 ... 3,2 0 ... 3,2
Travel speed (2) km/h 0 ... 5,6 0 ... 5,6
Travel speed (3) km/h 0 ... 12 0 ... 12
Max. gradability with vi- % 57 57

Engine manufacturer Deutz Deutz
Type BF6M 2012 C BF6M 2012 C
Cooling Water Water
Number of cylinders 6 6
Rated power DIN ISO kW 143 143
Rated speed 1 rpm 2200 2200
Fuel Diesel Diesel
Electrical equipment V 12 12
Drive system hydrostatic hydrostatic
Driven axles 2 2

008 912 46 BOMAG 19

2.2 Technical data

BW 219 DH-3 BW 219 PDH-3
Electrical equipment
Voltage supply V 12 12
Generator 3-phase current 3-phase current
Voltage/current V/A 14/55 14/55
Battery voltage/capacity V/AH 2 x 12/102 2 x 12/102
Starter voltage/power V/kW 12/3,1 12/3,1

Travel pump
Manufacturer Sauer Sauer
Type 90R100 90R100
System Axial piston/swash plate Axial piston/swash plate
Displacement cm3/rev. 100 100
High pressure limitation bar 435 435
Charge pressure limita- bar 29 29

Drum drive motor

Manufacturer Sauer Sauer
Type 51C 110 51C 110
System Axial piston – bent axle Axial piston – bent axle
Displacement, max. cm3/rev. 110 110

Axle drive motor

Manufacturer Sauer Sauer
Type 51D 160 51D 160
System Axial piston – bent axle Axial piston – bent axle
Displacement, max. cm3/rev. 160 160

Vibration pump
Manufacturer Sauer Sauer
Type 42R 41 42R 41
System Axial piston/swash plate Axial piston/swash plate
Displacement cm3/rev. 41 41
Start up pressure bar 410 410
Operating pressure (soil bar approx. 120 approx. 120

Vibration motor
Manufacturer Sauer Sauer
Type 90M055 90M055
System Axial piston/swash plate Axial piston/swash plate
Displacement cm3/rev. 55 55
max. leak oil rate (without l/min approx. 1 approx. 1

Steering/charge pump
Type Bosch Bosch
System Gear Gear
Displacement cm3/rev. 16 16

Steering valve
Manufacturer Danfoss Danfoss
Type OSPC 500 ON OSPC 500 ON
Pressure limitation bar 240 240
Steering pressure bar approx. 175 + charge pres- approx. 175 + charge pres-
sure sure

20 BOMAG 008 912 46

Technical data 2.2
BW 219 DH-3 BW 219 PDH-3

Service brake hydrostatic hydrostatic
Parking brake mechanical mechanical
Brake releasing pressure bar min. 15 min. 15

Type of steering Oscill.-articul. Oscill.-articul.
Steering operation hydrostatic hydrostatic
Oscillation angle ±° 12 12
Steering angle ±° 35 35

Vibration system
Drive system hydrostatic hydrostatic
Frequency Hz 26/30 26/30
Amplitude mm 2,1/1,2 1,9/1,1
* The right for technical modifications remains reserved

008 912 46 BOMAG 21

2.3 Technical data

2.3 Technical data

Fig. 1

Dimensions in A B D H2 H K L O1 O2 S W
BW 225 D-3 3123 2300 1600 3000 2273 450 6114 85 85 40 2130
BW 225 PD-3 3123 2300 1600 3000 2288 450 6114 85 85 35 2130

BW 225 DH-3 BW 225 PD-3

Operating weight (CECE) kg 25220 24820
with ROPS and cabin
Front axle load (CECE) kg 17040 16640
Rear axle load (CECE) kg 8180 8180
Static linear load kg/cm 80 -

Travel characteristics
Travel speed (1) km/h 0 ... 3,2 0 ... 3,2
Travel speed (2) km/h 0 ...5,5 0 ... 5,5
Travel speed (3) km/h 0 ... 10 0 ... 10
Max. gradability with vi- % 40 40

Engine manufacturer KHD KHD
Type BF6M 2012 C BF6M 2012 C
Cooling Water Water
Number of cylinders 6 6
Rated power DIN ISO kW 143 143
Rated speed 1 rpm 2200 2200
Fuel Diesel Diesel
Electrical equipment V 12 12
Drive system hydrostatic hydrostatic
Driven axles 2 2

22 BOMAG 008 912 46

Technical data 2.3
BW 225 DH-3 BW 225 PD-3
Electrical equipment
Voltage supply V 12 12
Generator 3-phase current 3-phase current
Voltage/current V/A 14/55 14/55
Battery voltage/capacity V/AH 2 x 12/102 2 x 12/102
Starter voltage/power V/kW 12/3,1 12/3,1

Travel pump
Manufacturer Sauer Sauer
Type 90R100 90R100
System Axial piston/swash plate Axial piston/swash plate
Displacement cm3/rev. 100 100
High pressure limitation bar 435 435
Charge pressure limita- bar 29 29

Drum drive motor

Manufacturer Sauer Sauer
Type 51C 110 51C 110
System Axial piston – bent axle Axial piston – bent axle
Displacement, max. cm3/rev. 110 110

Axle drive motor

Manufacturer Sauer Sauer
Type 51D 160 51D 160
System Axial piston – bent axle Axial piston – bent axle
Displacement, max. cm3/rev. 160 160

Vibration pump
Manufacturer Sauer Sauer
Type 42R 41 42R 41
System Axial piston/swash plate Axial piston/swash plate
Displacement cm3/rev. 41 41
Start up pressure bar 410 410
Operating pressure (soil bar approx. 120 approx. 120

Vibration motor
Manufacturer Sauer Sauer
Type 90M055 90M055
System Axial piston/swash plate Axial piston/swash plate
Displacement cm3/rev. 55 55
max. leak oil rate (without l/min approx. 1 approx. 1

Steering/charge pump
Type Bosch Bosch
System Gear Gear
Displacement cm3/rev. 16 16

Steering valve
Manufacturer Danfoss Danfoss
Type OSPC 500 ON OSPC 500 ON
Pressure limitation bar 240 240
Steering pressure bar approx. 175 + charge pres- approx. 175 + charge pres-
sure sure

008 912 46 BOMAG 23

2.3 Technical data

BW 225 DH-3 BW 225 PD-3

Service brake hydrostatic hydrostatic
Parking brake mechanical mechanical
Brake releasing pressure bar min. 15 min. 15

Type of steering Oscill.-articul. Oscill.-articul.
Steering operation hydrostatic hydrostatic
Oscillation angle ±° 12 12
Steering angle ±° 35 35

Vibration system
Drive system hydrostatic hydrostatic
Frequency Hz 26/26 26/26
Amplitude mm 2,0/1,1 2,2/1,25
* The right for technical modifications remains reserved

24 BOMAG 008 912 46

Technical data 2.4
2.4 Technical data

Fig. 1

Dimensions in A B D H2 H K L O1 O2 S W
BW 225 D-3 3313 2380 1700 3050 2300 430 6563 125 125 40 2130

* BW 225 D-3 Vario

Operating weight (CECE) kg 25770
with ROPS-cabin
Front axle load (CECE) kg 17590
Rear axle load (CECE) kg 8180
Static linear load kg/cm 82,6

Travel characteristics
Travel speed (1) km/h 0 ... 3,2
Travel speed (2) km/h 0 ... 5,5
Travel speed (3) km/h 0 ... 10
Max. gradability with vi- % 40
bration (soil dependent)

Engine manufacturer KHD
Type BF6M 2012 C
Cooling Water
Number of cylinders 6
Rated power DIN ISO kW 143
Rated speed 1 rpm 2200
Fuel Diesel
Electrical equipment V 12
Drive system hydr.
Driven axles 2

008 912 46 BOMAG 25

2.4 Technical data

BW 225 D-3 Vario
Electrical equipment
Voltage supply V 12
Generator V/AH 3-phase current
Voltage/current V/A 14/55
Battery voltage/capacity V/AH 2 x 12/102
Starter voltage/power V/kW 12/3,1

Travel pump
Manufacturer Sauer
Type 90R 100
System Axial piston/swash plate
Displacement cm3/rev. 100
High pressure limitation bar 435
Charge pressure limita- bar 29

Drum drive motor

Manufacturer Sauer
Type 51C 110
System Axial piston – swash plate
Displacement, max. cm3/rev. 110

Axle drive motor

Manufacturer Sauer
Type 51D 160
System Axial piston – bent axle
Displacement, max. cm3/rev. 160

Vibration pump
Manufacturer Sauer
Type 42R 41
System Axial piston – swash plate
Displacement cm3/rev. 41
Start up pressure bar 410
Operating pressure (soil bar approx. 120

Vibration motor
Manufacturer Sauer
Type 90M 055
System Axial piston – swash plate
Displacement cm3/rev. 55
max. leak oil rate (without l/min approx. 1

Steering/charge pump
Type Bosch
System Gear
Displacement cm3/rev. 16

Steering valve
Manufacturer Danfoss
Type OSPC 500 ON
Pressure limitation bar 240
Steering pressure bar approx. 175 + charge pressure

26 BOMAG 008 912 46

Technical data 2.4
BW 225 D-3 Vario
Service brake hydrostatic
Parking brake mechanical
Brake releasing pressure bar min. 15

Type of steering Oscill.-articul.
Steering operation hydrostatic
Oscillation angle ±° 12
Steering angle ±° 35

Vibration system
Drive system hydrostatic
Frequency Hz 26
Amplitude mm 2,3
* The right for technical modifications remains reserved

008 912 46 BOMAG 27

2.5 Special tools

2.5 Special tools

1. Vibration Reed frequency meter

BOMAG part-no.: 300 120 80

Fig. 1
2. Hydraulic test case

BOMAG part-no.: 007 610 03

Fig. 2
3. Gear pump testing valve (200 bar)

BOMAG part-no.: 007 610 05

Fig. 3

28 BOMAG 008 912 46

Checking the rotation speeds 2.6
2.6 Checking the rotation speeds
Special tools
Vibration reed frequency meter

! Caution
Perform measurements at operating tempera-
ture of the hydraulic oil (40 °C).
1. Drive the machine with both drums on an elastic
base (rubber buffers) (Fig. 1).
2. Apply the parking brake and block the wheels ad-
ditionally with suitable chocks.
3. Start the diesel engine and shift the throttle lever
to max. speed position.

Fig. 1

Checking the exciter shaft speed

1. Switch the vibration on .
2. Measure the speed, rest the tester (Fig. 2) on
your thumb.

Nominal value
BW 216 DH/PDH-3
low frequency 31 Hz (1860 rpm)
high frequency 36 Hz (2160 rpm)
BW 219 DH/PDH-3
low frequency 26 Hz (1560 rpm)
high frequency 30 Hz (1800 rpm)
BW 225 D/PD-3
low frequency 26 Hz (1560 rpm)
Fig. 2 high frequency 26 Hz (1560 rpm)

Evaluation of test:
If the nominal value is not reached, check the en-
gine speed.
If the engine speed is correct, perform trouble
shooting in the vibration circuit.

008 912 46 BOMAG 29

2.6 Checking the rotation speeds

Checking the engine speed

1. Measure the speed, rest the tester (Fig. 3) on
your thumb.

Nominal value
low idle speed 750 ... 850 rpm high idle speed ap-
prox. 2280 ... 2330 rpm
2. Switch the vibration on.

Nominal value
Nominal speed 2300 rpm

Evaluation of test:
If the nominal value is not reached, perform trou-
ble shooting on the engine or in the hydraulic vi-
bration system.

Fig. 3

30 BOMAG 008 912 46

Checking / adjusting the mechanical neutral position of the 2.7
2.7 Checking / adjusting the mechanical
neutral position of the travel pump
Special tools
Hydraulic test case

! Caution
Perform measurements at operating tempera-
ture of the hydraulic oil (40 °C).
1. Block drums and wheels with suitable chocks
(Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
2. Pull the plug additionally (Fig. 2) off the brake so-
lenoid valve.

Fig. 2
3. Unhook the travel cable (Fig. 3) from the pump.

Fig. 3

008 912 46 BOMAG 31

2.7 Checking / adjusting the mechanical neutral position of the

4. Connect 600 bar pressure gauges to high pres-

sure test ports MA and MB (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
5. Connect the control chamber ports X3 and X4
(Fig. 5)with a hose

Fig. 5
6. Start the diesel engine and shift the throttle lever
(Fig. 6) to max. speed position.

Fig. 6
Nominal value

Both pressure gauges (Fig. 7) must show equal

pressure (charge pressure).

i Note
If necessary repeat the pressure test with 60 bar
pressure gauges, for more accurate readings.

Fig. 7

32 BOMAG 008 912 46

Checking / adjusting the mechanical neutral position of the 2.7
Evaluation of test

If pressure builds up on one side, adjust the me-

chanical neutral position (Fig. 8), until the pres-
sures on both pressure gauges are identical.

Fig. 8

008 912 46 BOMAG 33

2.8 Pressure tests in the travel circuit

2.8 Pressure tests in the travel circuit

Special tools:
Hydraulic test case

! Caution
Perform measurements at operating tempera-
ture of the hydraulic oil (40 °C).
1. Block drums and wheels with suitable chocks
(Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
2. Additionally pull the plug (Fig. 2) off the brake so-
lenoid valve.

Fig. 2
3. Connect 600 bar pressure gauges to high pres-
sure test ports MA and MB and a 60 bar pressure
gauge to the charge pressure test port (Fig. 3).
4. Start the engine and run it at idle speed.
5. Read charge and high pressure gauges.

Nominal value
Charge pressure gauge: 24 ... 29 bar
High pressure gauge: Both identical pressure
(charge pressure).

Evaluation of test

Fig. 3 If the nominal value is not reached, check the

steering/charge pump.

34 BOMAG 008 912 46

Pressure tests in the travel circuit 2.8
6. Run the engine with maximum speed (Fig. 4).
7. Read charge and high pressure gauges.

Nominal value
Charge pressure gauge: 28 ... 30 bar
High pressure gauge: Both identical pressure
(charge pressure).

Fig. 4
8. Move the travel lever (Fig. 5) quickly forward and
backward, read the pressure gauge.

Nominal value
Charge pressure: min. 28 bar
High pressure: 420 ... 450 bar (to both travel di-

Evaluation of test
If the charge pressure drops below 28 bar during
the high pressure test, check the individual com-
If the specified high pressure is not reached,
Fig. 5 check the travel pump.

008 912 46 BOMAG 35

2.9 Checking / adjusting the vibrator shaft speeds

2.9 Checking / adjusting the vibrator shaft

Special tools
Vibration reed frequency meter

! Caution
Perform measurements at operating tempera-
ture of the hydraulic oil (40 °C).
1. Drive the machine on an elastic base (e.g. rubber
buffers) (Fig. 1).
2. Apply the parking brake and block the wheels ad-
ditionally with suitable chocks.
3. Start the diesel engine and shift the throttle lever
to max. speed position.

Fig. 1
4. Switch on vibration high frequency / low ampli-
tude (Fig. 2) or low frequency / high amplitude.

Fig. 2
5. Measure the speed (Fig. 3), rest the tester on
your thumb.

Nominal values:
BW 216 DH/PDH-3
low frequency 31 Hz (1860 rpm)
high frequency 36 Hz (2160 rpm)
BW 219 DH/PDH-3
low frequency 26 Hz (1560 rpm)
high frequency 30 Hz (1800 rpm)
BW 225 D/PD-3
low frequency 26 Hz (1560 rpm)
high frequency 26 Hz (1560 rpm)
Fig. 3

! Caution
In case of deviations beyond 10%, determine
the cause. Check engine, vibration pump and
vibration motor!

36 BOMAG 008 912 46

Checking / adjusting the vibrator shaft speeds 2.9
6. Adjust the speeds on the corresponding adjust-
ment screws (Fig. 4).

i Note
Turning the adjustment screw in reduces the
speed, turning the screw out increases the

Fig. 4

008 912 46 BOMAG 37

2.10 Pressure measurements in the vibration circuit

2.10 Pressure measurements in the vibra-

tion circuit
Special tools
Hydraulic test case

! Caution
Perform measurements at operating tempera-
ture of the hydraulic oil (40 °C).
1. Drive the drum of the machine on an elastic base
(rubber buffers) (Fig. 1) and block drums and
wheels additionally with suitable chocks.

Fig. 1
2. Connect 600 bar pressure gauges to high pres-
sure test ports MA and MB and a 60 bar pressure
gauge to the charge pressure test port (Fig. 2).
3. Start the diesel engine and shift the throttle lever
to max. speed position.

Fig. 2
4. Switch on vibration with high or low frequency
(Fig. 3).

Nominal value
Charge pressure 24 bar
Starting pressure 390 ... 430 bar (both frequen-
Operating pressure (soil dependent) approx. 100
... 150 bar

Evaluation of test
If the charge pressure drops below 24 bar during
the high pressure test, check the individual com-
Fig. 3 ponents.
If the starting pressure is not reached, check the
vibration pump.
If the starting pressure is only reached for one fre-
quency, check the high pressure relief valves.

38 BOMAG 008 912 46

Checking the leakage rate of the vibration motor 2.11
2.11 Checking the leakage rate of the vibra-
tion motor

! Caution
Perform measurements at operating tempera-
ture of the hydraulic oil (40 °C).
1. Drive the drum of the machine on an elastic base
(rubber buffers) (Fig. 1) and block drums and
wheels additionally with suitable chocks.

Fig. 1
2. Block the flushing valve (Fig. 2) with washers.

Fig. 2
3. Disconnect the leak oil hose (Fig. 3), connect a
measuring hose and hold it into a measuring
4. Start the diesel engine and shift the throttle lever
to max. speed position.
5. Switch the vibration on and measure the running
out leak oil during one timed minute.

Nominal value
max. 1.5 litre/min

Evaluation of test
If the permissible leak oil rate is exceeded, re-
Fig. 3
place the vibration motor.

008 912 46 BOMAG 39

2.12 Pressure test in steering circuit

2.12 Pressure test in steering circuit

! Caution
Perform measurements at operating tempera-
ture of the hydraulic oil (40 °C).
1. Connect a 600 bar pressure gauge to the steering
pressure test port (Fig. 1).
2. Start the engine and run it at idle speed.

! Danger
Danger of squashing!
Do not stand in the articulation area of the ma-
3. Turn the steering against an end stop.
4. Read the pressure gauge.

Fig. 1 Nominal value

approx. 210 bar

Evaluation of test
If the nominal value is reached, check the steer-
ing cylinder.
5. Disconnect the hydraulic hoses from ports L and
R (Fig. 2) on the steering cylinders and close
them with plugs.
6. Start the engine and run it at idle speed.
7. Turn the steering wheel.
8. Read the pressure gauge.

Nominal value
approx. 210 bar

Evaluation of test
If the nominal value is reached, replace the steer-
Fig. 2 ing cylinder.
If the nominal value is not reached, check the
steering/charge pump.
9. Reconnect the hydraulic hoses to the steering
10. Close the pump outlet (Fig. 3) with a 200 bar
pressure relief valve
11. Crank the engine with the starter

Nominal value
approx. 200 bar

Evaluation of test
If the nominal value is reached, replace the steer-
ing valve.
If the nominal value is not reached, replace the
steering/charge pump.

Fig. 3

40 BOMAG 008 912 46

Pressure test in steering circuit 2.12

008 912 46 BOMAG 41

2.12 Pressure test in steering circuit

42 BOMAG 008 912 46

3 Flushing

008 912 46 BOMAG 43

3.1 Special tools for flushing

3.1 Special tools for flushing

1. Filling and filtering unit with oil bag

BOMAG part-no.: 007 610 01

Fig. 1
2. Flushing filter for travel circuit

BOMAG part-no.: 007 000 01

3. Filter element

BOMAG part-no.: 079 930 52

4. Flushing hose 20S - 25S (2 pieces)

BOMAG part-no.: 055 509 19

5. Screw socket R1“ - 25S (2 pieces)

BOMAG part-no.: 055 400 52

Fig. 2
6. SAE-flange 1“ - 25S

BOMAG part-no.: 055 142 60

7. O-ring

BOMAG part-no.: 062 203 30

Fig. 3
8. Connecting fitting 25S

BOMAG part-no.: 055 459 45

Fig. 4

44 BOMAG 008 912 46

Special tools for flushing 3.1
9. Reducing fitting 25S - 20S

BOMAG part-no.: 055 422 98

Fig. 5
10. Flanged plate 1“ - 25S

BOMAG part-no.: 007 160 18

11. O-ring

BOMAG part-no.: 062 202 22

Fig. 6
12. Elbow 25S

BOMAG part-no.: 055 421 38

Fig. 7

008 912 46 BOMAG 45

3.2 Flushing schematic for drum drive

Fig. 1

46 BOMAG 008 912 46

Flushing schematic for drum drive 3.2
1 Flushing hose 20S - 25S 5 Elbow 25S
2 Flushing filter 6 Travel pump
3 Screw socket R1 - 25S 7 Drum drive motor
4 Reducing fitting 25 S - 20S 8 Connecting fitting 25S

After changing a component Flushing filter installation (Fig. 1)

1. Always flush the closed circuit. 1. Connect the flushing filter outlet "OUT" with the
travel pump.
! Caution 2. Connect the flushing filter inlet „IN“ with the
Solid particles remaining in the circuit will hoses from the travel motor.
damage the components again within a
short period of time. ! Caution
The flushing filter must be installed in the
In case of excessive oil contamination low pressure side in the return flow to the
(abrasion) pump, so that only cleaned oil will enter the
travel pump.
1. Open and clean all other components.
2. If necessary replace the hydraulic hoses. With the connection shown in the illustra-
tion the travel pump must therefore be actu-
3. Flush also the vibration circuit. ated to forward direction.

Befor flushing Flushing of the hoses

1. Change the hydraulic oil filter element. 1. Take the drum drive motor out of the circuit, for
2. Clean the inside of the hydraulic oil tank. this purpose join the high pressure lines togeth-
3. Filter the hydraulic oil with the filtering unit.
Flushing the complete system
i Note
1. Reconnect the drum drive motor and raise the
For filtering use the filling and filtering unit. drum for flushing, so that the drum can rotate
Pump the tank contents through a fine filter into freely without load.
the oil bag or a clean container.
1. Always bleed the closed hydraulic circuit if lines
Catch hydraulic oil and dispose of environ- had been removed or connected.
mentally! For filling use also the filtering

Change the oil:

in case of excessive contamination,
oil discoloration,
oil change interval almost reached.

008 912 46 BOMAG 47

3.3 Flushing schematic for axle drive

Fig. 1

48 BOMAG 008 912 46

Flushing schematic for axle drive 3.3
1 Flushing hose 25S - 20S 6 Travel pump
2 Flushing filter 7 Travel motor
3 Screw socket R1 - 25S 8 Connecting fitting 25S
4 Reducing fitting 25S - 20S 9 Flanged plate 1“ - 25S
5 Elbow 25S

After changing a component Flushing filter installation (Fig. 1)

1. Always flush the closed circuit. 1. Connect the flushing filter outlet "OUT" with the
travel pump.
! Caution 2. Connect the flushing filter inlet „IN“ with the
Solid particles remaining in the circuit will hoses from the travel motor.
damage the components again within a
short period of time. ! Caution
The flushing filter must be installed in the
In case of excessive oil contamination low pressure side in the return flow to the
(abrasion) pump, so that only cleaned oil will enter the
travel pump.
1. Open and clean all other components.
With the connection shown in the illustra-
2. If necessary replace the hydraulic hoses.
tion the travel pump must therefore be actu-
3. Flush also the vibration circuit. ated to forward direction.

Befor flushing Flushing of the hoses

1. Change the hydraulic oil filter element. 1. Take the axle drive motor out of the circuit, for
2. Clean the inside of the hydraulic oil tank. this purpose join the high pressure lines on the
travel motor together.
3. Filter the hydraulic oil with the filtering unit.
Flushing the complete system
i Note
1. Reconnect the travel motor and raise the axle
For filtering use the filling and filtering unit. for flushing, so that the wheels can rotate freely
Pump the tank contents through a fine filter into without load.
the oil bag or a clean container.

! Danger
Danger of accident!
Catch hydraulic oil and dispose of environ-
mentally! For filling use also the filtering Always lift up both wheels, as otherwise the
unit. locking differential will engage.

Change the oil:

in case of excessive contamination,
1. Always bleed the closed hydraulic circuit if lines
oil discoloration, had been removed or connected.
oil change interval almost reached.

008 912 46 BOMAG 49

3.4 Flashing the travel circuit

3.4 Flashing the travel circuit

Cleaning the hydraulic oil tank

1. Pump the hydraulic oil from the hydraulic oil tank
into a clean container or an oil bag using the filling
and filtering unit.
2. Mark all hoses (Fig. 1) and disconnect them from
the tank cover.
3. Unscrew the fastening screws for the cover and
remove the cover.

Catch hydraulic oil and dispose of environ-
4. Clean the hydraulic oil tank thoroughly from in-
side, reassemble cover and hoses.

Fig. 1

Filter installation for flushing the trav-

el circuit

! Caution
Before installing the flushing filter check hos-
es and connections for cleanliness, clean if
1. Disconnect the upper high pressure hose (Fig. 2)
from the travel pump.

Fig. 2
2. Connect flushing hose 7 (Fig. 3) from the filter
outlet to the travel pump using elbow (5) and re-
ducing fitting (6).
3. Connect flushing hose (4) from the filter inlet to
the disconnected high pressure hose (1) using re-
ducing fitting (3) and double end union (2).

Fig. 3

50 BOMAG 008 912 46

Flashing the travel circuit 3.4
4. Connect flushing hose 1 (Fig. 4) to travel pump
with flushing filter outlet „OUT“.
5. Connect flushing hose (2) joined to the high pres-
sure hose for the drum drive motor to the flushing
filter inlet "IN".

Fig. 4
6. Unscrew the high pressure hoses 3 (Fig. 5) from
the drum drive motor and join them together with
angle fittings (2) and socket (1).
7. Fill the hydraulic oil tank again with the filling and
filtering unit.
8. Keep circulating the tank contents throughout the
complete flushing process.

i Note
If the hydraulic oil change interval is almost
reached use new hydraulic oil.

Fig. 5

Bleeding the travel circuit

Catch hydraulic oil and dispose of environ-
1. Block drums and wheels with suitable chocks.
2. Install pressure test hoses to the charge pressure
test port and to the high pressure test ports.
3. Hold the open ends of the pressure test hoses
(Fig. 6) into a container.
4. Crank the engine approx. 30 seconds with the
starter motor. Wait one minute and repeat this
procedure, until oil starts to run out from the pres-
sure test hoses.
5. Disconnect the pressure test hoses from the high
pressure test ports.

Fig. 6

008 912 46 BOMAG 51

3.4 Flashing the travel circuit

6. Connect a 60 bar pressure gauge to the charge

pressure test hose (Fig. 7) and run the engine
max. 15 seconds at idle speed.
7. Repeat this procedure after a pause of approx. 30
seconds, until the pressure gauge shows a con-
stant pressure of 28 bar.

i Note
Perform these measures with the travel lever in
neutral position. As soon as charge pressure is
present you may start to bleed the system.

Fig. 7 ! Caution
Move the travel lever only to travel direction
forward, as otherwise the flushing filter will be
subjected to oil flow from the wrong direction.
8. For bleeding shift the travel lever (Fig. 8) approx.
1/3 in travel direction forward (I) while running the
engine with idle speed.
9. After running the engine 1 to 2 minutes with idle
speed pause for approx. one minute.

i Note
This waiting time is necessary to allow air bub-
bles to escape through the leak oil return line.
Repeat this measure, until the charge pressure
reading immediately drops to zero when shutting
the engine down.
Fig. 8
In this case the closed travel circuit is properly
10. Remove the pressure test hoses.

52 BOMAG 008 912 46

Flashing the travel circuit 3.4
Flushing the lines to the drum drive
1. Run the engine with maximum speed.
2. Perform the flushing process at various engine
speeds for approx. 10 minutes.

! Caution
Move the travel lever only to travel direction
forward, as otherwise the flushing filter will be
subjected to oil flow from the wrong direction.
3. Perform the flushing process at various engine
speeds for approx. 10 minutes.
4. Shut down the engine.

Flushing the drum drive motor

Fig. 9
1. Reconnect the high pressure hoses to the drum
drive motor.

! Danger
Danger of squashing!
Do not lay under the jacked up machine.
2. Jack up the front of the machine (Fig. 10), so that
the drum can rotate freely.
3. Secure the rear wheels with chocks.
4. Repeat the bleeding process as previously de-
5. Switch to slow travel speed range (turtle).

! Caution
Move the travel lever only to travel direction
forward, as otherwise the flushing filter will be
subjected to oil flow from the wrong direction.
Fig. 10 6. Start the engine, run it with maximum speed and
shift the travel lever to travel direction forward.
7. Run the flushing procedure for approx. 10 min-
utes. During this process keep changing the
pump flow by shifting the travel lever several
times between full and halve forward travel.

008 912 46 BOMAG 53

3.4 Flashing the travel circuit

Filter installation for flushing the axle

drive circuit

! Caution
Before installing the flushing filter check hos-
es and connections for cleanliness, clean if
1. Disconnect the bottom high pressure hose (Fig.
11) from the travel pump.

Fig. 11
2. Connect flushing hose 7 (Fig. 12) from the filter
outlet to the travel pump using elbow (5) and re-
ducing fitting (6).
3. Connect flushing hose (4) from the filter inlet to
the disconnected high pressure hose (1) using re-
ducing fitting (3) and double end union (2).

Fig. 12
4. Connect flushing hose 1 (Fig. 13) to travel pump
with flushing filter outlet „OUT“.
5. Connect flushing hose (2) joined to the high pres-
sure hose for the drum drive motor to the flushing
filter inlet "IN".

Fig. 13

54 BOMAG 008 912 46

Flashing the travel circuit 3.4
6. Unscrew high pressure hoses 1 (Fig. 14) from the
travel motor and join them together with flanged
plate (2) and socket (3).
7. Fill the hydraulic oil tank again with the filling and
filtering unit.
8. Keep circulating the tank contents throughout the
complete flushing process.

Fig. 14

Bleeding the travel circuit

Catch hydraulic oil and dispose of environ-
1. Block drums and wheels with suitable chocks.
2. Install pressure test hoses to the charge pressure
test port and to the high pressure test ports.
3. Hold the open ends of the pressure test hoses
(Fig. 15) into a container.
4. Crank the engine approx. 30 seconds with the
starter motor. Wait one minute and repeat this
procedure, until oil starts to run out from the pres-
sure test hoses.
5. Disconnect the pressure test hoses from the high
pressure test ports.

Fig. 15
6. Connect a 60 bar pressure gauge to the charge
pressure test hose (Fig. 16) and run the engine
max. 15 seconds at idle speed.
7. Repeat this procedure after a pause of approx. 30
seconds, until the pressure gauge shows a con-
stant pressure of 28 bar.

i Note
Perform these measures with the travel lever in
neutral position. As soon as charge pressure is
present you may start to bleed the system.

Fig. 16 ! Caution
Move the travel lever only to travel direction
forward, as otherwise the flushing filter will be
subjected to oil flow from the wrong direction.

008 912 46 BOMAG 55

3.4 Flashing the travel circuit

8. For bleeding shift the travel lever (Fig. 17) ap-

prox. 1/3 in travel direction forward (I) while run-
ning the engine with idle speed.
9. After running the engine 1 to 2 minutes with idle
speed pause for approx. one minute.

i Note
This waiting time is necessary to allow air bub-
bles to escape through the leak oil return line of
the pump.
Repeat this measure, until the charge pressure
reading immediately drops to zero when shutting
Fig. 17 the engine down.
In this case the closed travel circuit is properly
10. Remove the pressure test hoses.

56 BOMAG 008 912 46

Flashing the travel circuit 3.4
Flushing the lines to the travel motor
1. Run the engine with maximum speed (Fig. 18).

Fig. 18
2. Shift the travel lever (I) (Fig. 19) to travel direction

! Caution
Move the travel lever only to travel direction
forward, as otherwise the flushing filter will be
subjected to oil flow from the wrong direction.
3. Perform the flushing process at various engine
speeds for approx. 10 minutes.
4. Shut down the engine.

Fig. 19

008 912 46 BOMAG 57

3.4 Flashing the travel circuit

Flushing the axle drive motor

1. Reconnect the high pressure hoses to the drum
drive motor.

! Danger
Danger of squashing!
Do not lay under the jacked up machine.
2. Jack up the rear of the machine (Fig. 20), so that
the wheels can rotate freely.
3. Secure the drum with chocks.
4. Repeat the bleeding process as previously de-
5. Switch to slow travel speed range (turtle).

! Caution
Move the travel lever only to travel direction
forward, as otherwise the flushing filter will be
subjected to oil flow from the wrong direction.
Fig. 20 6. Start the engine, run it with maximum speed and
shift the travel lever to travel direction forward.
7. Run the flushing procedure for approx. 10 min-
utes. During this process keep changing the
pump flow by shifting the travel lever several
times between full and halve forward travel.

Function test
1. Check the hydraulic oil level (Fig. 21) in the tank,
fill up if necessary.
2. Check all connections for leaks with the engine
running (visual inspection).
3. Perform a test drive, load the travel system in for-
ward and forward, e.g. by driving uphill or starting
on a gradient.
4. Check all ports and connections for leak tightness
(visual inspection).

Fig. 21

Servicing the flushing filter kit

1. Replace the filter element of the flushing filter
when the red control pin of the contamination in-
dicator is pressed out during the filtering process.

58 BOMAG 008 912 46

Flashing the travel circuit 3.4
i Note
This is also possible with very cold oil.
2. Clean hoses and connections and store the flush-
ing kit in a clean and protected environment.
3. Change the flushing filter element of the filling
and filtering unit when the red control pin of the
contamination indicator is pressed out.

008 912 46 BOMAG 59

3.5 Flushing schematic for vibration drive

Fig. 1

60 BOMAG 008 912 46

Flushing schematic for vibration drive 3.5
1 Flushing hose 20S - 25S 5 Vibration motor
2 Screw socket R1 - 25S 6 Connecting fitting 25S
3 Flushing filter 7 Elbow 25S
4 Vibration pump 8 Flanged plate 1“ - 25S

After changing a component Flushing filter installation (Fig. 1)

1. Always flush the closed circuit. 1. Connect the flushing filter outlet "OUT" with the
vibration pump.
! Caution 2. Connect the flushing filter inlet „IN“ with the
Solid particles remaining in the circuit will hoses from the vibration motor.
damage the components again within a
short period of time. ! Caution
The flushing filter must be installed in the
In case of excessive oil contamination low pressure side in the return flow to the
(abrasion) pump, so that only cleaned oil will enter the
vibration pump.
1. Open and clean all other components.
2. If necessary replace the hydraulic hoses. With the connection shown in the illustra-
tion vibration must be switched on with high
3. Flush also the travel circuit. frequency.

Befor flushing Flushing of the hoses

1. Change the hydraulic oil filter element. 1. Take the vibration motor out of the circuit, for
2. Clean the inside of the hydraulic oil tank. this purpose join the high pressure lines togeth-
3. Filter the hydraulic oil with the filtering unit.
Flushing the complete system
i Note
1. Reconnect the vibration motor and pull it out of
For filtering use the filling and filtering unit. the coupling for flushing.
Pump the tank contents through a fine filter into
the oil bag or a clean container.
1. Always bleed the closed hydraulic circuit if lines
had been removed or connected.
Catch hydraulic oil and dispose of environ-
mentally! For filling use also the filtering
unit. Function test
1. Perform a test drive.
Change the oil:
2. Check all ports and connections for leak tight-
in case of excessive contamination,
oil discoloration,
3. Check the exciter shaft speeds.
oil change interval almost reached.

008 912 46 BOMAG 61

3.6 Flushing the vibration circuit

3.6 Flushing the vibration circuit

Cleaning the hydraulic oil tank

Catch hydraulic oil and dispose of environ-
1. Pump the hydraulic oil from the hydraulic oil tank
into a clean container or an oil bag using the filling
and filtering unit.
2. Mark all hoses (Fig. 1) and disconnect them from
the tank cover.
3. Unscrew the fastening screws for the cover and
remove the cover.
4. Clean the hydraulic oil tank thoroughly from in-
side, reassemble cover and hoses.

Fig. 1

Filter installation for flushing the vi-

bration drive

! Caution
Before installing the flushing filter check hos-
es and connections for cleanliness, clean if
1. Disconnect the high pressure hose (Fig. 2) from
the top of the vibration pump.

Fig. 2

62 BOMAG 008 912 46

Flushing the vibration circuit 3.6
2. Connect flushing hose 7 (Fig. 3) from the flushing
filter outlet to the vibration pump using an SAE-
flange (6).
3. Connect flushing hose (5) from the filter inlet to
the disconnected high pressure hose (1) using re-
ducing fitting (4) and double end union (3) and
flanged plate (2).

Fig. 3
4. Connect flushing hose 1 (Fig. 4) joined to the high
pressure hose for the vibration motor to the flush-
ing filter inlet "IN".
5. Connect flushing hose (2) from the vibration
pump to the flushing filter outlet "OUT".

Fig. 4
6. Unscrew the high pressure hoses from the vibra-
tion motor and join them together with elbows 1
(Fig. 5), flanged plates (3) and sockets (2).
7. Fill the hydraulic oil tank again with the filling and
filtering unit.
8. Keep circulating the tank contents throughout the
complete flushing process.

i Note
If the hydraulic oil change interval is almost
reached use new hydraulic oil.

Fig. 5

008 912 46 BOMAG 63

3.6 Flushing the vibration circuit

Bleeding the vibration circuit

Catch hydraulic oil and dispose of environ-
1. Install pressure test hoses (Fig. 6) to the charge
pressure test port and to the high pressure test
2. Hold the open ends of the pressure test hoses
into a container.
3. Crank the engine approx. 10 seconds with the
starter motor. Wait one minute and repeat this
procedure, until oil starts to run out from the pres-
sure test hoses.
4. Disconnect the pressure test hoses from the high
pressure test ports.

Fig. 6
5. Connect a 60 bar pressure gauge to the charge
pressure test hose (Fig. 7) and run the engine
max. 15 seconds at idle speed.
6. Repeat this procedure after a pause of approx. 30
seconds, until the pressure gauge shows a con-
stant pressure of 28 bar.

i Note
Perform all these measures with the vibration
switched off. As soon as charge pressure is
present you may start to bleed the system.

Fig. 7

! Caution
Use only high frequency, as otherwise the
flushing filter will be subjected to oil flow from
the wrong direction.
7. For bleeding switch on vibration with high fre-
quency (Fig. 8).
8. After running the engine 1 to 2 minutes pause for
approx. one minute.

i Note
This waiting time is necessary to allow air bub-
Fig. 8
bles to escape through the leak oil return line of
the pump.
Repeat this measure, until the charge pressure
reading immediately drops to zero when shutting
the engine down.
In this case the closed travel circuit is properly
9. Remove the pressure test hoses.

64 BOMAG 008 912 46

Flushing the vibration circuit 3.6
Flushing hydraulic lines
1. Run the engine with maximum speed .

! Caution
Use only high frequency, as otherwise the
flushing filter will be subjected to oil flow from
the wrong direction.
2. Switch on vibration with high frequency (Fig. 9).
3. Run the flushing procedure for approx. 10 min-
utes. Switch the vibration on and off at intervals of
approx. 30 seconds.
4. Shut down the engine.
Fig. 9
Flushing the vibration motor
1. Unscrew the fastening screws for the vibration
motor and pull the motor out of the coupling (Fig.
2. Reconnect the high pressure hoses to the vibra-
tion motor.
3. Repeat the bleeding process as previously de-
4. Run the engine with maximum speed .

! Caution
Use only low frequency, as otherwise the
flushing filter will be subjected to oil flow from
Fig. 10
the wrong direction.
5. Run the flushing procedure for approx. 10 min-
utes. Switch the vibration on and off at intervals of
approx. 30 seconds.
6. Shut down the engine.
7. Remove the flushing filter and reinstall the vibra-
tion motor.
8. Repeat the bleeding process.
9. After completing the bleeding process circulate
the tank contents with the filtering unit for another
15 minutes.
10. Remove the filtering unit and screw on the tank

008 912 46 BOMAG 65

3.6 Flushing the vibration circuit

Function test
1. Check the hydraulic oil level (Fig. 21) in the tank,
fill up if necessary.
2. Perform a test drive.
3. Check all ports and connections for leak tightness
(visual inspection).

Fig. 11

Servicing the flushing filter kit

1. Replace the filter element of the flushing filter
when the red control pin of the contamination in-
dicator is pressed out during the filtering process.

i Note
This is also possible with very cold oil.
2. Clean hoses and connections and store the flush-
ing kit in a clean and protected environment.
3. Change the flushing filter element of the filling
and filtering unit when the red control pin of the
contamination indicator is pressed out.

66 BOMAG 008 912 46

Flushing the vibration circuit 3.6

008 912 46 BOMAG 67

3.6 Flushing the vibration circuit

68 BOMAG 008 912 46

4 Trouble shooting

008 912 46 BOMAG 69

4.1 General

General notes on trouble shooting in hy- Check the hydraulic oil level before and after the
4.1 General

draulic systems work.

The following tests are performed for fault diagnostics

Use only clean oil according to specification.
and should enable you to encircle a fault in the hy- l
Check the hydraulic system for leaks, find and rec-
draulic system. tify the cause.
At this point it is assumed that there is no fault in the l
Ensure strict cleanliness, clean ports and fittings
electric system, i.e. trouble shooting in the electric before disconnecting.
system has already been performed.
Fill new hydraulic units with hydraulic oil before
In some cases these tests may also be conducted to starting operation.
identify faults on hydraulic components of the power
transmission system.
After changing a component thoroughly flush and
bleed the hydraulic system.
On the basis of preliminary tests the individual meas-
urements have the purpose to limit the cause of the l
AS far as possible conduct all measurements at op-
fault first of all to a general area and then to determine erating temperature 40 ... 50 °C.
exactly which oil circuit or hydraulic component is not l
After changing a component check charge and high
working correctly. pressure, if necessary check the rotational speed.

Important points for trouble shooting and Hydraulic hoses

fault rectification
! Danger
!Danger Danger of injury
Danger of injury! Hydraulic hoses must be visually inspected at
regular intervals.
Do not touch rotating parts of the engine.
Hydraulic hoses must be immediately replaced if:
When working on the travel pump and performing
tests in the travel circuit block the drums with l
the outer layer is damaged down to the inlay (e.g.
suitable wheel chocks. chafing, cuts, cracks, etc.)
Hydraulic oil escaping under pressure can pene- l
the outer layer is brittle (formation of cracks in the
trate the skin and cause severe injury. You should hose material)
therefore relieve the pressure in the system be- l
the hose shows deformations in pressurized and
fore disconnecting any lines. Before repressuriz- depressurized condition, which do not comply with
ing the system make sure that all line connections the genuine shape of the hydraulic hose
and ports are in perfect condition.
the hose shows deformations in bends, e.g.
When being injured by hydraulic oil consult a phy-
squeezing, buckling, layer separation, formation of
sician immediately, as otherwise this may cause
severe infections.
the hose is leaking

the hydraulic hose has separated from the fitting
It is not recommended to open or repair hydraulic l
the fitting shows corrosion that impairs both function
units and components without comprehensive and strength
knowledge. l
the fitting is deformed in a way that both function
Risk of damage to pressure gauges if incorrectly and strength are affected
connected. l
the storage time and utilization period has expired.
When performing trouble shooting it is assumed that
the machine is correctly equipped and connected, that
connections and hoses are free of faults and that set-
screws have not been deadjusted without permission.
Progressive tests drawn up in the trouble shooting di-
agram lead to the detection of faults and their rectifi-
cation by trained personnel.
Ensure strict cleanliness, clean ports and fittings
before disconnecting.
Cover all openings and ports or close with plugs.

70 BOMAG 008 912 46

Trouble shooting diagram 4.2
4.2 Trouble shooting diagram

The machine drives with the travel lever in „NEUTRAL“

Check the neutral position

- Set the travel lever to „Neutral“
- Detach the travel cable from the pump
- check, whether bores of ball socket and
control lever are in line.

Adjust the travel

control cable

Bores are
in line?


Check the mechanical 0-position

- Connect the control chambers with a

Neutral position no


008 912 46 BOMAG 71

4.2 Trouble shooting diagram

Adjust the mechanical 0-position

- Install 600 bar pressure gauges to the high - Adjust the mechanical 0-position so that both
pressure test ports sides have identical pressure (charge pressure)
- Pull the plug off the brake solenoid valve and - Repeat the test with 60 bar pressure gauges
block the drum
- Run the diesel engine with max. speed
- Read the pressure gauges

Check the servo control

- Remove the servo control
- Check moveability and wear of pistons and

no Replace the
Servo control
servo control


Replace the
travel pump

72 BOMAG 008 912 46

Trouble shooting diagram 4.2

The machine does not drive

(to both travel directions)
Check high and charge pressure
- Install 600 bar pressure gauges to the high pressure test ports
- Install 60 bar pressure gauges to the charge pressure test
- Pull the plug off the brake solenoid valve
- Start the engine and run it with max. speed
- Drive the machine against the closed brake, actuate the travel
lever for a moment and read the pressure gauges
Nominal value:
High pressure approx. 425 bar
Charge pressure approx. 25 bar

High pressure yes



Check the magnetic coil of the

brake valve
- Start the engine and release the
brake (disengage the travel lever)
- Check voltage and current con-
sumption of the coil with a measur-
ing instrument
Nominal value:
14V / approx 5A

no Perform trouble shooting

Magnetic coil
OK? in the electric system

Check the travel control cable

- Check whether the pump con-
trol lever is actuated when op-
erating the travel lever.

no Replace the travel

Control cable
OK? control cable


008 912 46 BOMAG 73

4.2 Trouble shooting diagram

Check the brake releasing pressure

- Install a 60 bar pressure gauge to the
rake releasing hose and check whether
the brake valve opens.
Nominal value:
approx. 25 bar (charge pressure)

Brake valve no Replace the

OK? solenoid valve


Mechanical fault on axle,


Charge pres-
sure OK?


74 BOMAG 008 912 46

Trouble shooting diagram 4.2

Check the steering/

charge pump
- Install a 600 bar pressure
gauge to the steering
pressure test port
- Pull the plug off the start-
ing solenoid and crank
the engine with the start-
- Turn the steering against
the end stop and read the
pressure gauge
Nominal value:
approx. 200 bar (battery ful-
ly charged)

Steering pres- no Perform trouble shooting

sure OK? in the steering system


Check the leakage

of the brake
- Unload the brake and
repeat the charge pres-
sure test

- Loosen the brake

releasing lines to
the drum motor and
the axle motor one
after the other,
close them with
no plugs and repeat
Charge pres-
sure OK? the charge pressure

yes - Repair the unit after

the separation of
which the charge
pressure is OK.

008 912 46 BOMAG 75

4.2 Trouble shooting diagram

Check the charge pres-

sure relief valve

no Replace the charge pressure

Valve OK?
relief valve


Check the flushing valve

for the axle drive motor

Flushing no Replace the

valve OK? flushing valve


76 BOMAG 008 912 46

Trouble shooting diagram 4.2

Check the individual

Check the drum drive motor
- Close the high pressure ports on the
drum drive motor with plugs and repeat
the pressure test

yes Replace, repair the

OK? drum drive motor


Check axle drive motor / travel pump

- Close the high pressure ports on the
travel pump with plugs and repeat the
pressure test

yes Replace, repair the

OK? axle drive motor


008 912 46 BOMAG 77

4.2 Trouble shooting diagram

Check the servo control

Remove the servo control
- Check the nozzles, clean if nec-
- Check the linkage, repair if nec-

no Replace the
Servo control
servo control


Replace, repair the

travel pump

78 BOMAG 008 912 46

Trouble shooting diagram 4.2

Insufficient travel power, max. speed not reached

Check the engine speed

Nominal value:
2200 rpm (nominal speed)

no Perform trouble shooting on

OK? the engine


Check the travel control cable

- Detach the travel cable
- Check bores and pin for excessive
play and wear

no Replace the travel

Control cable
control cable


008 912 46 BOMAG 79

4.2 Trouble shooting diagram

- Actuate the travel lever to forward

and reverse
- check, whether the control lever
reaches the max. positions

no Adjust/replace travel
lever or control cable


Check the charge pressure

- Install a charge pressure gauge (60 bar)
- Start the engine and run it with idle
- Read the pressure gauge
Nominal value:
min. 24 bar

Charge pres- no
sure OK?


80 BOMAG 008 912 46

Trouble shooting diagram 4.2

Check the steering/

charge pump
- Install a 600 bar pres-
sure gauge to the steer-
ing pressure test port
- Pull the plug off the
starting solenoid and
crank the engine with
the starter
- Turn the steering
against the end stop and
read the pressure gauge
Nominal value:
approx. 200 bar (battery
fully charged)

no Perform trouble shooting

Steering pres-
sure OK? in the steering system


Check the leakage

of the brake
- Release the brake, to
do so disengage the
travel lever from brake
position and repeat the
charge pressure test.

- Loosen the brake re-

leasing lines to the
drum motor and the
axle motor one after
the other, close them
with plugs and repeat
no the charge pressure
Charge pres-
sure OK? test.
- Repair the unit after
yes the separation of
which the charge
pressure is OK.

008 912 46 BOMAG 81

4.2 Trouble shooting diagram

Check the charge pres-

sure relief valve

no Replace the charge

Valve OK?
pressure relief valve


Check the flushing valve

for the axle drive motor

Flushing no Replace the

valve OK? flushing valve


82 BOMAG 008 912 46

Trouble shooting diagram 4.2

Check the individual

Check the drum drive motor
- Close the high pressure ports on the
drum drive motor with plugs and repeat
the pressure test

yes Replace, repair the

OK? drum drive motor


Check axle drive motor / travel pump

- Close the high pressure ports on the
travel pump with plugs and repeat the
pressure test

yes Replace, repair the

OK? axle drive motor


008 912 46 BOMAG 83

4.2 Trouble shooting diagram

Check the servo control

- Remove the servo control
- Check the nozzles, clean if nec-
- Check the linkage, repair if nec-

no Replace the
Servo control
servo control


Replace, repair the

travel pump

84 BOMAG 008 912 46

Trouble shooting diagram 4.2

Hydraulic oil overheating, >90 °C

Check the thermostat valve

- Check, whether the hose to the cooler
warms up at a hydraulic oil temperatrure of
>60 °C

no Replace the
opens thermostat valve


Check the multi-function valves

- Pull the plug off the brake solenoid valve
- Actuate the travel control lever to both trav-
el directions and check the multi-function
valves for overheating

- Check the hoses for kinks

Valves no - Check the components for
overheating? excessive heat


Clean, replace the respective

multi-function valve

008 912 46 BOMAG 85

4.2 Trouble shooting diagram

No vibration
(travel system OK)

Check the magnetic coil of the vibration valve

- Switch the ignition on
- Switch the vibration on at high or low frequency
- Check voltage and current consumption with a
measuring instrument
Nominal value:
12 V / 2,5 A

no Perform trouble shooting

Voltage / curent
OK? in the electric system


Check the pilot pressure

- Stand the drum on rubber tires
- Unscrew the plugs from the control chambers
and install pressure test ports
- Install 60 bar pressure gauges
- Run the diesel engine with max. speed
- Switch the vibration on and read the pressure
Nominal value:
approx. 20 bar

no Check the solenoid valve,

Pilot pressure
OK? replace if necessary


86 BOMAG 008 912 46

Trouble shooting diagram 4.2

Check the vibration pump

- Close the high pressure ports on the vibration
pump with plugs
- Install 600 bar pressure gauges to the high
pressure test ports
- Run the diesel engine with max. speed
- Switch the vibration on and read the pressure
Nominal value:
approx. 370 bar

yes Replace / repair the vibration

High pressure


Check the vibrator shaft bearings

- Remove the vibration motor
- Check the axial play and the moveability of
the shaft
- Check the condition of the coupling

Bearings no Replace bearing or

and coupling coupling

Replace / repair the vibration


008 912 46 BOMAG 87

4.2 Trouble shooting diagram

Vibrator shaft speed too low

Check the engine speed

Nominal value:
2200 rpm (nominal speed)

no Perform trouble shooting

Engine speed
on the engine

yes - Adjust the speeds for high or

low frequency

Drop in vibrator no
shaft speed
> 10%

Check the vibration pump

- Install 600 bar pressure gauges to the high pressure test
- Install 60 bar pressure gauges to the charge pressure test
- Stand the drum on rubber tires
- Run the diesel engine with max. speed
- Switch the vibration on and read the pressure gauge
Nominal value:
Starting pressure 350 bar
Operating pressure approx. 100 ... 150 bar
Charge pressure min. 24 bar
Charge pressure


88 BOMAG 008 912 46

Trouble shooting diagram 4.2

Check flushing valve

and flushing spool

Flushing no
valve OK?


Replace the flushing


Check the steering/

charge pump
- Install a 600 bar pres-
sure gauge to the steer-
ing pressure test port
- Pull the plug off the
starting solenoid and
crank the engine with
the starter
- Turn the steering
against the end stop and
read the pressure gauge
Nominal value:
approx. 200 bar (battery
fully charged)

no Perform trouble shooting

Steering pres-
sure OK? in the steering system


008 912 46 BOMAG 89

4.2 Trouble shooting diagram

Check the charge pres-

sure relief valve

no Replace the charge

Valve OK?
pressure relief valve
Operating pres-
sure OK?


Starting pres-
sure OK?

Check the leak oil rate of
the vibration motor
- Block the flushing valves
with washers
- Unscrew the leak oil hose
and fit a testing hose
- Switch the vibration on
and measure the leakage
Nominal value:
max. 3 l/min at approx. 100

no Replace / repair the vibration

Leak oil OK?


90 BOMAG 008 912 46

Trouble shooting diagram 4.2

Check the individual

- Close the high pressure
ports on the vibration
pump with plugs and re-
peat the pressure test

yes Replace / repair the

High pressure
vibration motor


Check the vibrator shaft bearings

- Remove the vibration motor
- Check the axial play and the moveability
of the shaft

Check the multi-function valves



Replace the multi-

function valves

008 912 46 BOMAG 91

4.2 Trouble shooting diagram

Check the way-valve

- Disassemble the way-valve
- Check the nozzle (1), clean if nec-
- Check the linkage

yes Replace, repair the

Way-valve way-valve


Replace, repair the


92 BOMAG 008 912 46

Trouble shooting diagram 4.2

No steering function / steering sticky / end stops not reached

- Note: The steering pump serves also as charge pump

Check the steering pressure

- Install a 600 bar pressure gauge to the
steering pressure test port
- Pull the plug off the starting solenoid
and crank the engine with the starter
- Turn the steering against the end stop
and read the pressure gauge
Nominal value:
approx. 200 bar (battery fully charged)

Steering pres- yes Check moveability of articulated

sure OK? joint and steering cylinders


Check the steering cylinders

- Close the hydraulic hoses at the
steering cylinder ports „R“ and „L“
with plugs
- Repeat the pressure test

yes Replace the

Steering pres-
sure OK? steering cylinders


008 912 46 BOMAG 93

4.2 Trouble shooting diagram

Check the steering/charge pump

- Close the pump outlet port with a 200
bar pressure relief valve
- Install a 600 bar pressure gauge
- Crank the engine with the starter
- Read the pressure gauge
Nominal value:
approx. 200 bar

Steering pres- yes Replace, repair the

sure OK? steering valve


Replace, repair the steering/

charge pump

94 BOMAG 008 912 46

5 Drum

008 912 46 BOMAG 95

5.1 Special tools

5.1 Special tools

1. Disassembly device for side plate

BOMAG part-no.: 007 211 55

Fig. 1
2. Assembly device for side plate

BOMAG part-no.: 971 079 21

Fig. 2
3. Assembly device for coupling hub in flanged hub

Fig. 3
4. Pressing plate for cylinder roller bearing

Fig. 4

96 BOMAG 008 912 46

Special tools 5.1
5. Pressing plate for travel bearing

Fig. 5
6. Pressing bushing for radial seal

Fig. 6
7. Lifting device for exciter unit

BOMAG part-no.: 007 215 08

Fig. 7

008 912 46 BOMAG 97

5.2 Repair overview for drum

Fig. 1

98 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repair overview for drum 5.2
1 Rubber buffer 12 Rectangular rubber buffer
2 Vibration bearings 13 Side plate
3 Housing cover, basic weight 14 Travel bearings
4 Flange 15 Oil level inspection plug
5 Flanged housing 16 Oil drain plug
6 Coupling hub 17 Basic weight
7 Mechanical seal 18 Change-over weight
8 Flanged hub 19 Radial seal
9 Vibration motor 20 Vibrator shaft
10 Compensation plates 21 Fan
11 Spacer block 22 Drum shell

008 912 46 BOMAG 99

5.3 Removing and installing the drum

5.3 Removing and installing the drum

Removing the drum

Environmental damage
Catch running out hydraulic oil and dispose
of environmentally.
1. Mark the hydraulic hoses (Fig. 1) on the drum
drive motor and disconnect them from the ports.
2. Close all hydraulic hoses and motor ports with
suitable plugs.

Fig. 1
3. Mark the hydraulic hoses (Fig. 2) on the vibration
motor and disconnect them from the ports.
4. Close all hydraulic hoses and motor ports with
suitable plugs.

Fig. 2
5. Unscrew fastening screws 1 (Fig. 3) from holding
plate (2) for the hydraulic hoses from both sides.

Fig. 3

100 BOMAG 008 912 46

Removing and installing the drum 5.3
6. Jack up and safely support the front frame (Fig.
4), so that all rubber buffers and rubber elements
are unloaded.

Fig. 4
7. Unscrew the fastening screws from the distance
block on vibration motor side (Fig. 5) and travel
motor side.

! Danger

Danger of squashing! Do not stand or step

under loads being loaded.

Fig. 5
8. Fasten the lifting gear to the drum (Fig. 6) and lift
it out.

i Note
If suitable lifting gear is not available remove the
front cross-member and roll out the drum.

Fig. 6
9. Check rubber buffers (Fig. 7), replace if neces-

Fig. 7

008 912 46 BOMAG 101

5.3 Removing and installing the drum

10. Check rectangular rubber buffers (Fig. 8), replace

if necessary.

Fig. 8

Installing the drum

1. Install a pressure test port to the brake connec-
tion on the drum drive motor (Fig. 9) and pressu-
rize the brake with approx. 20 bar.

Fig. 9
2. Place the drum into the frame and align it parallel
to the frame.

i Note
Assemble the drum drive side first.
3. Fasten the spacer pieces with screws (Fig. 10)
and nuts to the side plate.

Fig. 10
4. On the vibration drive side measure the distance
„X“ between spacer piece and side plate (Fig.
5. Calculate the thickness of the compensation

Nominal value:
Distance „X“ + 2 mm

i Note
Compensation plates of 2 and 5 mm thickness
are available.
Fig. 11

102 BOMAG 008 912 46

Removing and installing the drum 5.3
6. Turn in screws into each welded nut (Fig. 12) and
provide sufficient space to insert the compensa-
tion plates.

Fig. 12
7. Insert the compensation plates 1 (Fig. 13).
8. Assemble fastening screws (2) with tensioning
washers and nuts (3).
9. Unscrew the screws from the welded nuts.
10. Tighten the fastening screws.

Fig. 13
11. Fasten holding plate 2 (Fig. 14) for hydraulic hos-
es with screws (1).
12. Connect hydraulic hoses to the connections on
travel motor and vibration motor according to the

! Caution
After connecting the hydraulic components
and before starting operation bleed the hy-
draulic system, check the function and in-
spect the system for leaks.

Fig. 14

008 912 46 BOMAG 103

5.4 Repairing the drum

5.4 Repairing the drum

Disassemble the travel drive

! Danger
Danger of squashing!
Do not stand or step under suspended loads.
1. Attach the lifting tackle to travel drive 3 (Fig. 1).
2. Unscrew all nuts (1) from the rubber buffers.
3. Take drive disc (2) with travel drive off the rubber
buffers and lay it down.

Fig. 1
4. Unscrew fastening screws 3 (Fig. 2) and take off
support legs (4).
5. Unscrew fastening screws 1 and take off drive
disc (2).

Fig. 2

Disassembling the exciter unit (travel

motor side)
1. Unscrew both socket head cap screws 3 (Fig. 3)
from the flange.
2. Unscrew the fastening screws for the connection
exciter unit – drum (1) out of the flange.
3. Unscrew two fastening screws (2) opposite each
other out of the flanged housing.

Fig. 3

104 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repairing the drum 5.4
4. Mount bracket (Fig. 6) for the lifting device to the

Fig. 4
5. Slide the lifting device over the bracket.
6. Force the exciter unit out of the drum using two
forcing screws (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5

! Danger
Danger of squashing!
Do not stand or step under suspended loads.
7. Pull the exciter unit out of the drum (Fig. 6).
8. Take the coupling element off the coupling half.

Fig. 6

008 912 46 BOMAG 105

5.4 Repairing the drum

Dismantling the exciter unit (travel

drive side)
1. Unscrew fastening screws 1 (Fig. 7) for the fan.
2. Loosen clamping screws (2) for the coupling hub.
3. Pull the coupling hub off the shaft.

Fig. 7
4. Unscrew all other fastening screws 1 (Fig. 8) from
the flange.
5. Press the flange off the flanged housing with forc-
ing screws (2).

Fig. 8

Environmental damage!
Catch running out oil and dispose of environ-
6. Lift the flange off the flanged housing (Fig. 9).
7. Take the O-ring out of the groove in the flanged

Fig. 9

106 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repairing the drum 5.4
8. Unclip the circlip from the groove in the flange
(Fig. 10).

Fig. 10
9. Press the vibration bearing out of the flange (Fig.
11) with forcing screws.

Fig. 11
10. Take the exciter unit (Fig. 14) out of the flanged

Fig. 12
11. Knock the radial seal (Fig. 13) out of the flanged

Fig. 13

008 912 46 BOMAG 107

5.4 Repairing the drum

12. Unclip the circlip from the groove in the flanged

housing (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14
13. Press the vibration bearing out of the flanged
housing (Fig. 15) with forcing screws.

Fig. 15
14. Extract inner ring 1 (Fig. 16) for the radial seal
and inner bearing races (2).

! Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.

i Note
If the rings are very tight, heat them up with a

Fig. 16
15. Unclip the circlip from the basic weight (Fig. 17).

Fig. 17

108 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repairing the drum 5.4
16. To change shaft 1 (Fig. 18) knock out dowl pin (2)
and press the shaft out of the basic weight.

i Note
If necessary disassemble, assemble the change-
over weight (see corresponding chapter).

Fig. 18

Disassembling the exciter unit (vibra-

tion motor side)
1. Unscrew fastening screw 1 (Fig. 19).
2. Take rectangular rubber buffer (2) with spacer
block (3) off the side plate.

i Note
Remove both rectangular rubber buffers.

Fig. 19
3. Unscrew fastening screws 1 (Fig. 20).
4. Force the cover with the attached vibration motor
(2) off the side plate with forcing screws.

Fig. 20

008 912 46 BOMAG 109

5.4 Repairing the drum

5. To change the vibration motor loosen clamping

screw 1 (Fig. 21) and pull off coupling half (2).

Fig. 21
6. Unscrew fastening screws 1 (Fig. 22) and take
the vibration motor off the cover.

Fig. 22
7. Remove the coupling element (Fig. 23) for the vi-
bration drive.

Fig. 23
8. Fasten the lifting device.
9. Unscrew fastening screws 1 (Fig. 24).

! Caution
The four short fastening screws (2) must re-
main screwed in (the two others are not visi-

Fig. 24

110 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repairing the drum 5.4
10. Press the exciter unit out of the drum with forcing
screws (Fig. 25).

i Note
The second forcing screw is covered by the side

Fig. 25

Danger of squashing!
Do not stand or step under suspended loads.
11. Pull the exciter unit out of the drum (Fig. 26).

Fig. 26

Removing, dismantling the side plate

1. Take off V-ring 1 (Fig. 27).
2. Unclip circlip (2).

Fig. 27
3. Attach the disassembly device to the side plate
(Fig. 28) and force off the side plate.

Fig. 28

008 912 46 BOMAG 111

5.4 Repairing the drum

4. Lift the side plate of the flanged hub (Fig. 29).

Fig. 29
5. Knock the travel bearing out of the side plate (Fig.
30) and take out the spacer ring.

Fig. 30
6. Unclip the circlip from the side plate (Fig. 31).
7. Knock the travel bearing out of the side plate.

Fig. 31
8. Take the mechanical seal off the flanged hub
(Fig. 32).

Fig. 32

112 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repairing the drum 5.4
Dismantling the exciter unit (vibration
motor side)
1. Unscrew the fastening from the coupling hub.
2. Pull coupling hub (2) off the shaft using a pulling
device (Fig. 33).

Fig. 33
3. Loosen hose clamp 1 (Fig. 34).
4. Pull coupling hub (2) off the shaft.

Fig. 34
5. Unscrew all other fastening screws (Fig. 35) and
press the flanged hub off the flanged housing with
forcing screws.
6. Take off the flanged hub.
7. Take the O-ring out of the groove in the flanged

Fig. 35

008 912 46 BOMAG 113

5.4 Repairing the drum

8. Unclip the circlip from the groove in the flanged

hub (Fig. 36).

Fig. 36
9. Knock the cylinder roller bearing out of the flang-
ed hub (Fig. 37).

Fig. 37

Environmental damage!
Catch running out oil and dispose of environ-
10. Lift the exciter unit out of the flanged housing (Fig.

Fig. 38
11. Knock the radial seal (Fig. 39) out of the flanged

Fig. 39

114 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repairing the drum 5.4
12. Unclip the circlip from the groove in the flanged
housing (Fig. 40).

Fig. 40
13. Press the vibration bearing out of the flanged
housing (Fig. 41) with forcing screws.

Fig. 41
14. Extract inner rings 1 (Fig. 42) for the radial seals
and inner bearing races (2) from the shaft.

! Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear protective gloves.

i Note
If the rings are very tight, heat them up with a

Fig. 42
15. Unclip the circlip from the basic weight and re-
move the cover (Fig. 43).

i Note
The shafts cannot be pressed out. If damaged
they must be replaced with basic weight and cov-
If necessary disassemble, assemble the change-
over weight (see corresponding chapter).

Fig. 43

008 912 46 BOMAG 115

5.4 Repairing the drum

Assembling the exciter unit (vibration

motor side)
i Note
If the shafts are damaged they must be inserted
into the basic weight or the cover as follows.

! Danger
When working with liquid nitrogen protect
your face and wear gloves.
Do not place any unintended parts into liquid
Observe the safety instructions for the han-
dling of liquid nitrogen.
Fig. 44
! Caution
Close the bores on the short shaft with a
1. Cool the shaft down in liquid nitrogen.
2. Slide the cooled down shaft with the bores
aligned into the basic weight until it bottoms (Fig.
3. Secure shaft 1 (Fig. 45) with dowel pin (2).

i Note
Unscrew the screw from the shaft.

Fig. 45

! Caution
Close the bores on the short shaft with a
4. Cool the shaft down in liquid nitrogen.
5. Slide the cooled down shaft with the bores
aligned into the basic weight until it bottoms (Fig.

Fig. 46

116 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repairing the drum 5.4
6. Secure shaft 2 (Fig. 47) with dowel pin (1).

i Note
Unscrew the screw from the shaft.

Fig. 47
7. Insert the fitting key into the keyway in the respec-
tive shaft (Fig. 48).

Fig. 48
8. Insert the circlip into the groove in the basic
weight and on the cover (Fig. 49).

Fig. 49

! Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.
9. Heat the inner bearing race up to approx. 100° C
and press it onto the basic weight against the
shoulder with the larger outer diameter forward
(Fig. 50).

Fig. 50

008 912 46 BOMAG 117

5.4 Repairing the drum

10. Apply Loctite 603 to the recess in the shaft or the

shoulder of the inner ring (Fig. 51).

! Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.
11. Heat the inner ring up to approx. 50° C and slide
it onto the short shaft against the shoulder with
the wider chamfer facing towards the outside.

! Danger
Fig. 51 Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.
12. Heat the inner bearing race up to approx. 100 °C
and press it onto the cover against the shoulder
with the larger outer diameter forward (Fig. 52).

Fig. 52
13. Apply Loctite 603 to the recess in the shaft or the
shoulder of the inner ring (Fig. 53).

! Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear protective gloves!
14. Heat the inner ring up to approx. 50 °C and slide
it onto the longer shaft against the shoulder with
the wider chamfer facing towards the outside.

Fig. 53
15. Press vibration bearing 1 (Fig. 54) with pressing
plate (2) into the flanged housing until it bottoms.

Fig. 54

118 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repairing the drum 5.4
16. Insert the circlip into the groove in the flanged
housing (Fig. 55).

Fig. 55
17. Fit the new radial seal with some grease into the
groove in the flanged housing (Fig. 56).
18. Fill engine oil SAE-15W/40 into the flanged hous-
approx. 1.8 l BW 219/225 D/DH/PD-3
approx. 1.0 l BW 216 DH/PDH-3

Fig. 56

Danger of squashing!
Do not stand or work under suspended loads!
19. Insert the exciter unit with the longer shaft for-
ward into the flanged housing (Fig. 57).

Fig. 57
20. Press vibration bearing 1 (Fig. 58) with pressing
plate (2) into the flanged hub until it bottoms.

Fig. 58

008 912 46 BOMAG 119

5.4 Repairing the drum

21. Insert the circlip into the groove in the flanged hub
(Fig. 59).

Fig. 59
22. Attach the flanged hub to the flanged housing
(Fig. 60).
23. Unscrew eye bolts (1) and replace them with
short screws.
24. Turn short screws (2) into the tapped bores in the
flanged housing (four screws) and tighten them.

Fig. 60
25. Apply some grease to the sealing lip of radial seal
1 (Fig. 61).
26. Insert the radial seal into the flanged hub with the
sealing lip facing down and press it down against
the stop with pressing bushing (2).

Fig. 61

! Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear protective gloves.
27. Heat the coupling hub up to approx. 80 °C and
slide it onto the shaft against the stop (Fig. 62).

Fig. 62

120 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repairing the drum 5.4
28. Apply some grease to the sealing lip of radial seal
1 (Fig. 63).
29. Slide the radial seal with the sealing lip forward
over the shaft and drive it completely into the
flanged housing, using a suitable tube (2).

Fig. 63
30. Cover the thread of screw 1 (Fig. 64) with a screw
retention agent (e.g. Loctite green 270).
31. Slide on the new U-seal ring (2), turn in and tight-
en the screws.

Fig. 64

Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.
32. Heat coupling hub 1 (Fig. 65) with marking letter
“L“ up t approx. 80° C and slide it over the shaft
against the shoulder.
33. Turn in and tighten clamping screw (2).

Fig. 65

008 912 46 BOMAG 121

5.4 Repairing the drum

Assembling and installing the side

1. Fill grooved ball bearing 1 (Fig. 66) on both sides
with grease.
2. Press the grooved ball bearing completely in us-
ing pressing plate (2).

Fig. 66
3. Insert the circlip into the groove in the side plate
(Fig. 67).

Fig. 67
4. Apply a thick coat of grease to the spacer ring on
both sides and insert it into the side plate (Fig.

Fig. 68

122 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repairing the drum 5.4
5. Fill grooved ball bearing 1 (Fig. 69) on one sides
with grease.
6. Insert the grooved ball bearing with the grease
side forward and press it completely in with
pressing plate (2).

i Note
Grease the other side after installing the exciter

Fig. 69
7. Insert the oiled loop-ring into the mechanical seal
(Fig. 70).
8. Clean the sliding surface of the mechanical seal
and cover it with oil.

Fig. 70
9. Lay one half of the radial seal on the flanged hub
with the sliding surface pointing up (Fig. 71).

Fig. 71
10. Lay the second half of the mechanical seal down
with the sliding face pointing down (Fig. 72).

Fig. 72

008 912 46 BOMAG 123

5.4 Repairing the drum

11. Bolt the threaded section of the assembly device

to the flanged hub (Fig. 73).

Fig. 73

! Caution
Danger of squashing!
Do not stand or step under suspended loads.
12. Lay the side plate on the flanged hub (Fig. 74).

Fig. 74
13. Attach bushing 2 (Fig. 75) of the assembly device
and turn on nut (1).

Fig. 75
14. Pull the side plate with the assembly device onto
the flanged hub.

! Caution
During assembly make sure that the mechan-
ical seal slides correctly into the side plate
and the loop rings are not damaged (Fig. 76).

Fig. 76

124 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repairing the drum 5.4
15. Remove the assembly device.
16. Insert the circlip into the groove in the flanged hub
(Fig. 77).

Fig. 77

Assembling the exciter unit (travel

drive side)
When working with liquid nitrogen protect
your face and wear gloves.
Do not place any unintended parts into liquid
Observe the safety instructions for the han-
dling of liquid nitrogen.
1. Cool the shaft down in liquid nitrogen.
2. Slide the cooled down shaft with the bores
aligned into the basic weight until it bottoms (Fig.
Fig. 78
3. Secure shaft 1 (Fig. 79) with dowel pin (2).

Fig. 79

008 912 46 BOMAG 125

5.4 Repairing the drum

4. Insert the circlip into the groove in the basic

weight and on the cover (Fig. 80).

Fig. 80

! Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.
5. Heat the inner bearing race up to approx. 100° C
and press it onto the basic weight against the
shoulder with the larger outer diameter forward
(Fig. 81).

Fig. 81

! Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.
6. Apply Loctite 603 to the recess in the shaft or the
shoulder of the inner ring (Fig. 82).
7. Heat the inner ring up to approx. 50 °C and slide
it onto the shaft against the shoulder with the wid-
er chamfer facing towards the outside .

Fig. 82

! Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.
8. Heat the inner bearing race up to approx. 100° C
and press it onto the cover against the shoulder
with the larger outer diameter forward (Fig. 83).

Fig. 83

126 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repairing the drum 5.4
9. Press vibration bearing 1 (Fig. 84) with pressing
plate (2) into the flanged housing until it bottoms.

Fig. 84
10. Insert the circlip into the groove in the flanged
housing (Fig. 85).

Fig. 85
11. Fit the new radial seal with some grease into the
groove in the flanged housing (Fig. 86).
12. Fill approx. 1.2 l Öl SAE-15W/40 into the flanged

approx. 1.8 l BW 219/225 D/DH/PD-3

approx. 1.0 l BW 216 DH/PDH-3

Fig. 86

Danger of squashing!
Do not stand or work under suspended loads!
13. Insert the exciter unit into the flanged housing
(Fig. 87).

Fig. 87

008 912 46 BOMAG 127

5.4 Repairing the drum

14. Press vibration bearing 1 (Fig. 88) with pressing

plate (2) into the flanged hub until it bottoms.

Fig. 88
15. Insert the circlip into the groove in the flange (Fig.

Fig. 89
16. Lift the flange onto the flanged housing and align
it the bores (Fig. 90).

Fig. 90
17. Turn screws 2 into the tapped bores of the flang-
ed housing and tighten them (Fig. 91).
18. Turn short screws (1) into the forcing bores and
tighten them.

Fig. 91

128 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repairing the drum 5.4
19. Apply some grease to the sealing lip of radial seal
1 (Fig. 92).
20. Slide the radial seal with the sealing lip forward
over the shaft and drive it completely into the
flanged housing, using a suitable tube (2).

Fig. 92
21. Cover the thread of screws 1 (Fig. 93) with a
screw retention agent (e.g. Loctite green 270).
22. Slide on the new U-seal ring (2), turn in and tight-
en the screws.

Fig. 93
23. Insert the fitting key into the keyway of the shaft
(Fig. 94).

Fig. 94

! Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.
24. Slide fan 3 (Fig. 95) with assembly disc on the
25. Heat coupling hub 1 with marking letter “R“ up t
approx. 80° C and slide it over the shaft against
the shoulder.
26. Turn in and tighten clamping screw (2).
27. Assemble the fan to the ciupling hub.

Fig. 95

008 912 46 BOMAG 129

5.4 Repairing the drum

Assembling the exciter unit (travel

motor side)
1. Check coupling elements , replace if necessary.
2. Insert the coupling element into the coupling hub
(Fig. 96).

! Caution
Fitting and contact surfaces of the connection
between exciter unit and drum must be abso-
lutely dry and free of grease, oil, paint and
conserving agent.
3. Fasten the lifting device to the exciter unit.

Fig. 96 ! Caution
Danger of squashing!
Do not stand or step under suspended loads.
4. Insert the vibrator unit into the drum (Fig. 97).

Fig. 97

i Note
Insert the exciter unit so that the oil filler plug (Fig.
98) is in line with the bore in the drum.

Fig. 98

130 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repairing the drum 5.4
5. Turn in and tighten screws 2 (Fig. 99).
6. Remove bracket (1) for the lifting device.

Fig. 99
7. Cover the thread of screws (Fig. 100) with a
screw retention agent (e.g. Loctite green 270).
8. Slide on the new U-seal ring, turn in and tighten
the screws.

Fig. 100

Assemble the travel drive

1. Assemble drive disc 2 (Fig. 101) and supports

Fig. 101 ! Danger

Danger of squashing!
Do not stand or step under suspended loads.
2. Attach the drive disc (Fig. 102) with the assem-
bled travel drive to the rubber buffers. Turn on
and tighten the nut.

Fig. 102

008 912 46 BOMAG 131

5.4 Repairing the drum

Installing the exciter unit (vibration

motor side)

! Caution
Fitting and contact surfaces of the connection
between exciter unit and drum must be abso-
lutely dry and free of grease, oil, paint and
conserving agent.

! Danger
Danger of squashing!
Do not stand or step under suspended loads.
1. Fasten the lifting gear to the exciter unit and insert
it into the drum (Fig. 103).

Fig. 103

! Caution
Ensure correct engagement of coupling and
alignment of shaft (Fig. 104).
If the shafts are not correctly in line determine
the cause, if necessary measure the drum.

Fig. 104

i Note
Insert the exciter unit so that oil filler plug 4 (Fig.
105) is in line with bore (3) in the drum.
2. Turn in and tighten fastening screws (1).
3. Remove the lifting gear.
4. Fit cover (2) to the drum.

Fig. 105

132 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repairing the drum 5.4
5. Check the end float of the exciter shafts (Fig.

Nominal value: 0.6...1.8 mm

Fig. 106
6. Attach disc 1 (Fig. 107), turn in and tighten the
fastening screws (2).

Fig. 107
7. Lay a new V-ring over the journal of the flanged
hub (Fig. 108).
8. Fill the grooved ball bearing with grease.

Fig. 108
9. Check coupling element , replace if necessary.
10. Insert the coupling element into the coupling hub
(Fig. 109).

Fig. 109

008 912 46 BOMAG 133

5.4 Repairing the drum

! Caution
Fasten the vibration motor to the cover so
that hydraulic connections 1 (Fig. 110) and
ventilation bore (5) are opposite each other.
11. Turn in fastening screw (2) with ball disc (3) and
ball socket (4) and tighten.

Fig. 110
12. Slide on coupling half 2 (Fig. 111) and secure with
clamping screw (1).

Fig. 111
13. Attach the cover with the installed vibration mo-
tor, turn in and tighten the screws (Fig. 112).

Fig. 112
14. Install rectangular rubber buffers 2 (Fig. 113) with
attached spacer block (3) and screws (1) to the
side plate.

i Note
Assemble both rectangular rubber buffers.

Fig. 113

134 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repairing the drum 5.4
! Caution
Assemble the rectangular buffers (Fig. 114)
with the higher side (arrow) towards the out-
side, to the frame.

Fig. 114

008 912 46 BOMAG 135

5.5 Dismantling, assembling the change-over weights

5.5 Dismantling, assembling the change-

over weights

Dismantling the change-over weight

1. Unscrew all screws (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
2. Force the cover off the basic weight with forcing
screws (Fig. 2).

Environmental damage!
Catch running out oil and dispose of environ-

Fig. 2
3. Take the change-over weight out of the basic
weight (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3

136 BOMAG 008 912 46

Dismantling, assembling the change-over weights 5.5
4. Pull O-rings 1 and 2 (Fig. 4) out of the grooves.

Fig. 4

Assembling the change-over weights

1. Install new O-rings 1 and 2 (Fig. 5) with grease.

Fig. 5
2. Insert the change-over weight into the basic
weight (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6
3. Fill silicon oil 47 V 1000 cst up to the upper edge
of the change-over weight (approx. 2.3 litres) into
the basic weight (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7

008 912 46 BOMAG 137

5.5 Dismantling, assembling the change-over weights

4. Attach the cover (Fig. 8), so that the raised areas

are in line.
5. Turn in screws with screw retention agent (e.g.
Loctite green 270) and tighten with 120 Nm.
6. Check the end float of the shaft.

i Note
There must be play.

Fig. 8

138 BOMAG 008 912 46

Changing the rubber buffers 5.6
5.6 Changing the rubber buffers
1. Jack the frame up at the side, until the rubber
buffers are unloaded.
2. Unscrw nut 1 (Fig. 1) and remove the washer.
3. Unscrew screws (2).
4. Take off rubber buffer (3).
5. Attach the new rubber buffer to the drive disc and
align the bores to the tapped bores in the drum.
6. Turn in and tighten the fastening screws.
7. assemble the washer, turn on and tighten the nut.
8. Lower the side of the frame.
Fig. 1

008 912 46 BOMAG 139

5.6 Changing the rubber buffers

140 BOMAG 008 912 46

6 Drum

008 912 46 BOMAG 141

6.1 Repair overview drum, Vario

6.1 Repair overview drum, Vario

142 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repair overview drum, Vario 6.1
Fig. 1

Fig. 2

008 912 46 BOMAG 143

6.1 Repair overview drum, Vario

! Caution
Repairs should only be performed by the
service department of BOMAG!

144 BOMAG 008 912 46

7 Oscillating articulated joint

008 912 46 BOMAG 145

7.1 Special tools

7.1 Special tools

1. Assembly mandrel for rocker bearings (console
of articulated joint).

BOMAG part-no.: 007 211 55

Fig. 1
2. Assembly mandrel for rocker bearings (steering

BOMAG part-no.: 007 211 56

Fig. 2

146 BOMAG 008 912 46

Special tools 7.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 147

7.2 Repair overview oscillating articulated joint

Fig. 1

148 BOMAG 008 912 46

Repair overview oscillating articulated joint 7.2
1 Four-point bearing 6 Pivot bearing
2 Console, front 7 Spacer ring
3 Centring disc 8 Washer
4 O-ring 9 Bolt
5 Console, rear

008 912 46 BOMAG 149

7.3 Removing and installing the oscillating articulated joint

7.3 Removing and installing the oscillat-

ing articulated joint
1. Jack the back of the frame (Fig. 1) up and secure
it with trestles or wooden blocks.

Fig. 1
2. Support the rear frame near the oscillating articu-
lated joint (Fig. 2) safely with trestles or wooden

Fig. 2
3. Fasten the lifting tackle to the front frame near the
oscillating articulated joint (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3

150 BOMAG 008 912 46

Removing and installing the oscillating articulated joint 7.3
4. Unscrew fastening screws 1 (Fig. 4) and take off
axle holder (2).
5. Knock out bearing bolt (3).
6. Retract steering cylinder (4).

Fig. 4

! Danger
Danger of accident!
7. Support the oscillating articulated joint in the mid-
dle with a suitable jack or a similar device.
8. Unscrew the fastening screws (Fig. 5) and take
off with washers.

Fig. 5
9. Unscrew nuts (Fig. 6) and take off the clamping
10. Pull out the fastening screws.
11. Pull out the oscillating articulated joint.

Fig. 6
Note on assembly
12. Install the oscillating articulated joint so that bores
1 (Fig. 7) for thearticulation lock is on the left hand
13. Insert the bolt for the steering cylinder so that
groove (2) is in line with tapped bores (3).

Fig. 7

008 912 46 BOMAG 151

7.4 Dismantling the oscillating articulated joint

7.4 Dismantling the oscillating articulated

1. Unscrew fastening screws 1 (Fig. 1) and take off
axle holder (2).

! Danger

Danger of squashing!
2. Take out bolt (3).

Fig. 1
3. Unscrew fastening screws 1 (Fig. 2) and take off
axle holder (2).

Fig. 2

! Danger
Danger of squashing!
4. Turn out bolt 1 (Fig. 3) and separate consoles (2
and 3).

Fig. 3

152 BOMAG 008 912 46

Dismantling the oscillating articulated joint 7.4
5. Take spacer ring 1 (Fig. 4) out of the centring

Fig. 4
6. Unscrew fastening screws 1 (Fig. 5) and take off
the centring disc (2).

Fig. 5
7. Take the O-ring out of the rocker bearing (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6
8. Knock both rocker bearings 1 (Fig. 7) out of con-
sole (2).

Fig. 7

008 912 46 BOMAG 153

7.4 Dismantling the oscillating articulated joint

9. Knock rocker bearings 1 (Fig. 8) out of the steer-

ing cylinder receptacles.

Fig. 8
10. Unscrew fastening screws 1 (Fig. 9) and lift the
front console (2) off the four point bearing (3).
11. Check four point bearing for wear , replace if nec-

Fig. 9

154 BOMAG 008 912 46

Assembling the oscillating articulated joint 7.5
7.5 Assembling the oscillating articulated
1. Lay the four point bearing 3 (Fig. 1) on a level sur-
face, insert console (2) and fasten with screws (1)
and washers.

Fig. 1
2. Knock rocker bearings 1 (Fig. 2) into the steering
cylinder receptacles.

Special tools:
Assembly mandrel for rocker bearings (steering

Fig. 2
3. Knock rocker bearings 1 (Fig. 3) into console (2).

Special tools:
Assembly mandrel for rocker bearings (console
of articulated joint).

Fig. 3

008 912 46 BOMAG 155

7.5 Assembling the oscillating articulated joint

4. Grease the new O-rings and insert them into the

rocker bearings (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
5. Fasten centring discs 2 (Fig. 5) with screws (1).

Fig. 5
6. Insert spacer ring 1 (Fig. 6) into one of the cen-
tring discs.

Fig. 6
7. Spray bolt 1 (Fig. 7) with Molykote.

! Caution
Bolt (1) must be knocked in on the side with
spacer ring 1 (Fig. 6).
8. Join both consoles (2 and 3) together and knock
in bolt (1).

Fig. 7

156 BOMAG 008 912 46

Assembling the oscillating articulated joint 7.5
9. Assemble disc 2 (Fig. 8) with screws (1) and

Fig. 8
10. Spray bolt 3 (Fig. 9) with Molykote and insert it so
that groove (2) is in line with tapped bores (1).

Fig. 9
11. Secure bolt 3 (Fig. 10) with axle holder (2),
screws (1) and washers.

Fig. 10

008 912 46 BOMAG 157

7.5 Assembling the oscillating articulated joint

158 BOMAG 008 912 46

8 Suppliers documentation

008 912 46 BOMAG 159

160 BOMAG 008 912 46
8.1 Travel pump series 90R

008 912 46 BOMAG 161

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

162 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 163

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

164 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 165

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

166 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 167

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

168 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 169

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

170 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 171

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

172 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 173

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

174 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 175

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

176 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 177

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

178 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 179

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

180 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 181

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

182 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 183

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

184 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 185

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

186 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 187

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

188 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 189

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

190 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 191

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

192 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 193

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

194 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 195

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

196 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 197

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

198 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 199

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

200 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 201

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

202 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 203

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

204 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 205

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

206 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 207

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

208 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 209

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

210 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 211

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

212 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 213

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

214 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 215

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

216 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 217

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

218 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 219

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

220 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 221

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

222 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 223

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

224 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 225

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

226 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 227

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

228 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 229

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

230 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 231

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

232 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 233

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

234 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 235

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

236 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 237

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

238 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 239

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

240 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 241

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

242 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 243

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

244 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 245

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

246 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 247

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

248 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel pump series 90R 8.1

008 912 46 BOMAG 249

8.1 Travel pump series 90R

250 BOMAG 008 912 46

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

008 912 46 BOMAG 251

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

252 BOMAG 008 912 46

Vibration pump 42R 041 8.2

008 912 46 BOMAG 253

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

Series 42 Introduction

1. Introduction

1.1 Using This Manual

The Adjustment and Minor Repair procedures de- placed. Lightly lubricate all O-rings with clean petro-
tailed herein may be performed by trained personnel leum jelly prior to assembly. All gasket sealing sur-
without voiding the unit warranty. faces must be cleaned prior to installing new gaskets.
Cleanliness is a primary means of assuring satisfac- All exploded view drawings depict the 28cc frame
tory transmission life. Cleaning parts by using a clean size. For variances in the 41cc frame size, see the
solvent wash and air drying is usually adequate. As outline drawings in section 3. Differences in wrench
with any precision equipment, all parts must be kept size and torquing for the two frame sizes are noted in
free of foreign materials and chemicals. When per- the text. Note that exterior housing screws are mostly
forming service activities, protect all exposed sealing Torx-type T30 or T45.
surfaces and open cavities from damage and foreign
These symbols are used within drawings:
Whenever removing a service component, it is rec- Apply petroleum jelly.
ommended that any gaskets and O-rings be re- Lubricate with clean hydraulic oil.

1.2 Safety Precautions

Always consider safety precautions before beginning a service procedure. Protect yourself and others from injury.
The following general precautions should be taken into consideration whenever servicing a hydrostatic system.
Loss of Hydrostatic Braking Ability Fluid Under High Pressure

When Series 42 units are used in vehicular Use caution when dealing with hydraulic fluid
hydrostatic drive systems, the loss of hydro- under pressure. Escaping hydraulic fluid un-
static drive line power in any mode of opera- der pressure can have sufficient force to pen-
tion (e.g. acceleration, deceleration or “neu- etrate your skin causing serious injury. This
tral” mode) may cause a loss of hydrostatic fluid may also be hot enough to burn. Serious
braking capacity. A braking system which is infection or reactions can develop if proper
independent of the hydrostatic transmission medical treatment is not administered immedi-
must, therefore, be provided which is adequate ately.
to stop and hold the system should the con-
dition develop. Flammable Cleaning Solvents

Disable Work Function WARNING

Some cleaning solvents are flammable. To
WARNING avoid possible fire, do not use cleaning sol-
Certain service procedures may require the vents in an area where a source of ignition may
vehicle/machine to be disabled (wheels raised be present.
off the ground, work function disconnected,
etc.) while performing them in order to prevent
injury to the technician and bystanders.

Copyright 1996-1998, Sauer-Sundstrand GmbH & Co.

F000719 All rights reserved. Contents subject to change. Printed in Germany.

254 2 BOMAG 008 912 46

Vibration pump 42R 041 8.2

Series 42 Introduction


1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Using This Manual................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Safety Precautions ................................................................................................................................ 2

2. Model Code ................................................................................................................................. 4

3. Component and Port Locations ............................................................................................... 5

3.1 Component Locations ........................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Ports and Pressure Gauges .................................................................................................................. 6

4. Adjustment and Minor Repair Instructions ............................................................................. 8

4.1 Size and Torque for Plugs and Fittings .................................................................................................. 8
4.2 Pump “Neutral” Adjustment ................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 Control “Neutral” Adjustment for MDC/EDC Controls .......................................................................... 10
4.4 MDC Control Module ............................................................................................................................ 11
4.5 EDC Control Module ........................................................................................................................... 12
4.6 MDC/EDC Control Spool, Control Linkage, and Control Neutral Adjustment Screw ........................... 13
4.7 MDC Neutral Start/Backup Alarm Switch ............................................................................................ 14
4.8 MDC Solenoid Override Valve ............................................................................................................. 16
4.9 FNR, NFPE, and NFPH Controls ........................................................................................................ 17
4.10 System Check Relief Valves (High Pressure Relief, Charge Check, & Bypass Valves) ...................... 18
4.11 Charge Relief Valve............................................................................................................................. 19
4.12 Loop Flushing Valve ............................................................................................................................ 21
4.13 Shaft Seal and Shaft Replacement ..................................................................................................... 22
4.14 Auxiliary Mounting Pads ...................................................................................................................... 24
4.15 Charge Pump ...................................................................................................................................... 25
4.16 Filtration .............................................................................................................................................. 28
4.17 Servo Piston Covers ........................................................................................................................... 29
4.18 Displacement Limiter Adjustment ........................................................................................................ 30

5. Exploded View Parts Drawings............................................................................................... 31

5.1 Shaft Options ...................................................................................................................................... 31
5.2 Filtration, Charge Relief, System Relief, and Loop Flushing ............................................................... 32
5.3 Charge Pump, Auxiliary Pads, and Servo Covers ............................................................................... 33
5.4 Control Options ................................................................................................................................... 34

008 912 46 BOMAG 3255

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

256 BOMAG 008 912 46

Vibration pump 42R 041 8.2

Series 42 Component and Port Locations

3. Component and Port Locations

3.1 Component Locations

A pump with a manual displacement control (MDC) and no filtration adapter is shown. With non-feedback and
automotive controls, the positions of the case drains vary (shown in gray). With a filtration adapter, the porting in
the "Filtration Options" area varies (see section 4.16).

Control Neutral Adjustment Pump Neutral Adjustment

Control Module (MDC/EDC)
(MDC Shown)
Servo Piston
System Check
Relief Valves
Pump Shaft

Filtration Options
Auxiliary (No Filtration Adapter Shown Here) Charge Relief Valve
Mounting Pad (Loop Flushing

Left Side View (Side "2") Right Side View (Side "1")
P100101 E

Series 42 28cc Variable Pump

Control Neutral Adjustment Pump Neutral Adjustment

Control Module (MDC/EDC)
(MDC Shown)
Servo Piston
Limiters System Check
Relief Valves
Shaft Seal

Mounting Filtration Options
Pad Charge Relief Valve (No Filtration Adapter
(Loop Flushing Valve)
Shown Here)
Left Side View (Side "2") Right Side View (Side "1")
P100102 E

Series 42 41cc Variable Pump

008 912 46 BOMAG 5257

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

Series 42 Component and Port Locations

3.2 Ports and Pressure Gauges

Proper servicing of pumps and motors requires that ments. The following outlines show the locations of
pressure be measured and monitored at various the various gauge ports. The tables show the recom-
points in the hydraulic circuit. The Series 42 pump mended gauge size and the fitting size for each port.
has several locations at which to take these measure- Refer to this page when installing pressure gauges.

Gauge Recommended Fitting

Pressure Measured
Port Name Gauge Size 028 041
System Pressure for
M1 & M2 600 bar or 10 000 psi 9/16-18 O-Ring Fitting 9/16-18 O-Ring Fitting
Ports A and B
M3 Charge Pressure 60 bar or 1000 psi 3/4-16 O-Ring Fitting 3/4-16 O-Ring Fitting
M4 & M5 Servo Pressure 60 bar or 1000 psi 9/16-18 O-Ring Fitting 9/16-18 O-Ring Fitting
L1 & L2 Case Pressure 35 bar or 500 psi 1-1/16-12 O-Ring Fitting 1-5/16-12 O-Ring Fitting
Charge Pump Inlet 1 bar, absolute
S 1-1/16-12 O-Ring Fitting 1-5/16-12 O-Ring Fitting
Vacuum or 30 in Hg Vacuum
T000 025E

System Pressure Servo Pressure

Gauge Port M2 Gauge Port M5
Charge Pressure
Servo Pressure Gauge Port M3
Gauge Port M4 (Charge Pressure
Case Drain Port L2 Supply For
(Non-Feedback No Charge Pump
Port B
Controls) Option)
Pressure Case Drain
Port A Port L1

Case Drain Port L1 Charge Pump

(Non-Feedback Inlet Port S
Case Drain
System Pressure
Port L2
Gauge Port M1

Left Side View (Side "2") Right Side View (Side "1")
P100103 E

28cc Base Unit with MDC and No Filtration Adapter

258 6 BOMAG 008 912 46

Vibration pump 42R 041 8.2

Series 42 Component and Port Locations

System Pressure Servo Pressure

Gauge Port M2 Gauge Port M5
Servo Pressure Charge Pressure
Gauge Port M4 Gauge Port M3
System (Charge Pressure
Pressure Case Drain Supply For
Port B Port L2 No Charge Pump

Port A
Case Drain Charge Pump
Port L1 Inlet Port S

System Pressure
Gauge Port M1

Left Side View (Side "2") Right Side View (Side "1") P100104 E

41cc Base Unit with MDC and No Filtration Adapter

To Filter, Port D
(Pressure Filtration)
Charge Pressure
Gauge Port M3
(Full Flow Pressure Filtration)

From Filter, Port E

(Pressure Filtration)
Charge Pressure
Gauge Port M3
(Partial Flow Pressure Filtration)

Charge Pressure
Gauge Port M3
(Suction Filtration)
P100105 E

Filtration Adapter (28cc and 41cc Models)

008 912 46 BOMAG 7259

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

4. Adjustment and Minor Repair Instructions

4.1 Size and Torque for Plugs and Fittings

Plug and fitting sizes are given here. Place a fresh O-ring, lightly lubricated with petroleum jelly, whenever a plug
is removed. Each should be torqued as indicated. A 28cc unit with manual displacement control (MDC) is shown.

Servo Gage
Port M4

11/16 in Hex
27-47 Nm
(20-35 ft•lbf)

28cc: 9/16 in Int. Hex

95-135 Nm
(70-100 ft•lbf)
41cc: 5/8 in Int. Hex Case Drain
125-250 Nm Port L1
(90-190 ft•lbf) Charge Pressure Gage
Port M3 (Position Varies, Charge Pump Inlet
Refer to Filtration Options) Port S
Torque: 115 Nm (85 ft•lbf)

Case Drain 11/16 in Hex

Port L2 27-47 Nm
Port N (20-35 ft•lbf)
(Unused) Servo Gage
Port M5
System Gage
Ports M1 and M2
11/16 in Hex
27-47 Nm
(20-35 ft•lbf)

28cc: 9/16 in Int. Hex

95-135 Nm
(70-100 ft•lbf)
41cc: 5/8 in Int. Hex
125-250 Nm
(90-190 ft•lbf)

11/16 in Hex
System Ports 27-47 Nm
A and B (20-35 ft•lbf)
115 Nm (85 ft•lbf)
E100001 E

260 8 BOMAG 008 912 46

Vibration pump 42R 041 8.2

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

4.2 Pump “Neutral” Adjustment

The pump neutral adjustment sets the position of the
servo piston and pump swashplate relative to the
controlling mechanism.

The following procedure requires the vehicle /
machine to be disabled (wheels raised off the
Pump "Neutral"
ground, work function disconnected, etc.) while Adjustment Screw
performing the procedure in order to prevent
injury to the technician and bystanders.

1. Disconnect machine function. Pump "Neutral"

Adjustment Seal
2. Connect a hose between gauge ports M4 and M5 Lock Nut
to equalize the pressures on both ends of the
pump servo piston.
3. Install pressure gauges in gauge ports M1 and
M2 to measure system pressure.
4. Start the prime mover and operate at normal E100002 E
Pump Neutral Adjustment Screw
5. Loosen the pump "neutral" adjustment seal lock (MDC Control Shown)
nut [28cc 13 mm Hex; 41cc 17 mm Hex]. Turn
the pump "neutral" adjustment screw [28cc 5
mm Hex; 41cc 7 mm Hex] until the system
pressure gauge readings are equal.
6. Turn the adjustment screw clockwise until one of
the gauges registers an increase in system pres-
sure. Note the position of the adjustment screw.
Turn the screw counterclockwise until the other
gauge registers an increase in system pressure.
Note the position of the adjustment screw.
7. Turn the adjustment screw clockwise to a posi-
tion halfway between the positions noted above.
The system pressure gauges should indicate
equal pressures.
8. While holding the adjustment screw in position,
torque the seal lock nut [28cc 20-26 Nm (15-19
ft•lbf); 41cc 28-51 Nm (21-37 ft•lbf)] .
9. Stop the prime mover and remove the hose
between gauge ports M4 and M5. Remove the
pressure gauges installed in gauge ports M1 and
M2. Reinstall the plugs in the gauge ports.
10. Reconnect work function.

If the pump is equipped with an MDC or EDC,
the CONTROL "neutral" adjustment MUST also
be performed before putting the pump into
service (see next section).

008 912 46 BOMAG 9261

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

4.3 Control “Neutral” Adjustment for MDC/EDC Controls

The control neutral adjustment aligns the pump swash-

plate and the control spool so that a zero angle control MDC / EDC Control
setting provides a zero degree swashplate setting. "Neutral" Adjustment Screw
This adjustment should be performed whenever any
part of the control or swashplate mechanisms is
adjusted or removed or after the pump neutral setting
(previous section) is adjusted.

The following procedure requires the vehicle /
machine to be disabled (wheels raised off the
ground, work function disconnected, etc.) while
performing the procedure in order to prevent
injury to the technician and bystanders.

1. Disconnect the work function. Disconnect the

external control linkage (for MDC) or control
signal input (for EDC) from the pump.
2. Install pressure gauges in gauge ports M4 and MDC / EDC Control "Neutral"
M5 to measure pressure on the pump servo Adjustment Seal Lock Nut
piston. E100003 E

3. Start the prime mover and operate at normal Control Neutral Adjustment Screw
speed. (EDC Control Shown)
4. Loosen the CONTROL "neutral" adjustment seal
lock nut (see drawing) [17 mm Hex] . Turn the
control "neutral" adjustment screw [5 mm Int.
Hex] until the servo piston pressure gauge read-
ings are as close to equal as possible.
5. Turn the adjustment screw clockwise until one of
the gauges registers an increase in pressure on
the servo piston. Note the position of the adjust-
ment screw.
Turn the screw counterclockwise until the other
gauge registers an increase in pressure on the
servo piston. Note the position of the adjustment
6. Turn the adjustment screw clockwise to a posi-
tion halfway between the positions noted above.
The servo piston pressure gauges should indi-
cate nearly equal pressures.
7. While holding the adjustment screw in position,
torque the seal lock nut [14-24 Nm (10-18 ft•lbf)].
8. Stop the prime mover and remove the pressure
gauges installed in gauge ports M4 and M5.
Reinstall the plugs in the gauge ports.
9. Reconnect the external control linkage (for MDC)
or control signal input (for EDC) to the pump.
Reconnect the work function.

262 1 0 BOMAG 008 912 46

Vibration pump 42R 041 8.2

008 912 46 BOMAG 263

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

4.5 EDC Control Module

The Electric Displacement Control (EDC) provides a

control function through connections to the summing EDC Control
link pin within the pump housing. The following pro- Pressure Gauge
cedure shows how to remove and install the control Port X1
housings. The next section explains how to remove
and install the control spool and linkage.
1. Clean the external surfaces of the pump. If nec-
essary, remove control input signal.
2. Remove the seven (7) control retaining screws
[Torx T30] that secure the control to the pump
housing. Note the position of the different length
screws. Remove the control and control gasket
from the pump.
Note: See next section for instructions on remov- EDC Control
ing/installing the control spool and linkage. Pressure Gauge
Port X2 P100106 E
3. Clean the sealing surfaces of the control and the
EDC Module Showing Port Locations
pump housing. Place a new gasket in position on
the housing.

The control orifices are part of the control
Control Retaining
gasket. Refer to the appropriate Service Parts Screws (note different sizes)
List to determine the correct gasket.

4. Hold the summing link pin in position while install-

ing the control. (The spring on the control spool
will tend to push the link to an extreme position.)
The link pin MUST engage the hole in the control
piston fork.
Note: It may be easiest to lay the servo piston Gasket Summing
side of the control down first, then watch the link link pin
Hold summing MUST enter
pin engage from the charge pump side of the link (and control the hole in
pump. spool) in the control
position piston fork!
5. Install and torque the control screws [15-17 Nm
(11-13 ft•lbf)]. Perform Control Neutral Adjust-
ment (Section 4.3).

Failure to properly engage the link pin with
control piston fork will result in incorrect con- E100006 E
trol operation, which may lead to loss of con-
trol of the vehicle / machine. EDC Control Module Assembly

264 1 2 BOMAG 008 912 46

Vibration pump 42R 041 8.2

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

4.6 MDC/EDC Control Spool, Control Linkage, and Control Neutral

Adjustment Screw
The control spool, control linkage, and control neutral
adjustment screw can be removed for cleaning and to Summing Link
change the O-rings or the seal lock nut. Linkage Pivot Screw

Removal of Spool, Linkage, and Adjustment Opposite

Screw Feedback Link Bore Plug
1. Clean the external surfaces of the pump. Adjustment
Seal Lock
2. Remove the MDC or EDC module and the control Control Neutral Nut
Adjust Screw
gasket from the pump housing (see previous two Control
sections). Spool
and Spring
3. Remove the summing link. Note
4. Remove the control spool bore plug [5/16 in Int.
Hex] or screws [Torx T30], cover, and gasket. Housing without
Remove the opposite bore plug [5/16 in Int. Hex], Filtration Adapter
and remove the control spool and spring.
5. Remove the linkage pivot screw [4 mm Int. Hex], Control Spool
feedback link, and neutral adjustment link. Bore Plug

6. Remove the seal lock nut [17 mm Hex] and the

control neutral adjustment screw [5 mm Int. Hex].

Installation of Spool, Linkage, and Adjustment Housing with

Screw Filtration Adapter
1. Install the control neutral adjustment screw and
seal lock nut. Do not tighten the nut.
Control Spool
2. Assemble the "neutral" adjustment link and feed- Bore Cover E100007 E
back link, and install as shown. Install and torque
MDC/EDC Control Spool and Linkage
the linkage pivot screw [8-15 Nm (6-11 ft•lbf)].
3. Lubricate and install the control spool and spring
Feedback link
assembly noting proper orientation. must enter slot in
servo piston
WARNING Pivot screw
The control spool and spring assembly MUST
be oriented in the housing as shown for proper
control operation.

4. Install and torque the control spool bore plug [41- Fork on summing link
must engage flats on
94 Nm (30-70 ft•lbf)]. Or install the control spool
Slot in "neutral" adjust link control spool
cover (with a new gasket) or plug, and torque the must engage groove in
screws [15-17 Nm (11-13 ft•lbf)]. adjusting screw E100008 E

5. Install the summing link. Hold the control spool in Servo Piston Linkage and Control Spool
position while engaging the fork on the summing (Internal Parts Shown with Housing Removed)
link with the flats on the spool. If necessary, rotate
the spool to engage the summing link.
6. Install a new control gasket. Hold the summing
link and control spool in position while reinstalling
the MDC or EDC (see section 4.4 or 4.5). Perform
Control Neutral Adjustment (section 4.3).

008 912 46 BOMAG 1 3265

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

4.7 MDC Neutral Start/Backup Alarm Switch

The Neutral Start Switch (NSS) prevents the engine NSS Cover
and pump from being started when the pump is out of NSS Control Nut
neutral. The NSS should be wired in series with the
engine starting circuit. The switch contact is closed at
the control handle's neutral position and opens when
the control handle is rotated 1.5 to 2° from neutral.
The Backup Alarm Switch (BUA) outputs an elec- NSS Cavity
tronic signal when the control handle is in a reverse
position. This switch is normally wired in series with
an audio output. The switch contact is open until the NSS with
control handle is rotated 2.6 to 3.75° in the reverse Weatherpack

The control handle's neutral position must
NSS with Screw
agree with the pump's neutral position for the Terminals
NSS/BUA to work effectively (see section 4.3).
E100009 E
The Neutral Start / Backup Alarm Switch assembly
can be configured for three different settings. NSS Assembly on MDC
i. A Neutral Start Switch only.
ii. A Neutral Start Switch with Backup Alarm for
units where clockwise (CW) handle rotation re-
sults in "reverse" motion.
iii. A Neutral Start Switch with Backup Alarm for Control
units where counterclockwise (CCW) handle ro- Yolk Cam

tation results in "reverse" motion.

The setting must be in accordance with the configu-
ration of the unit. See the model code (section 2) if
NSS only NSS with BUA NSS with BUA
uncertain of the type of NSS you have.
(CW = Reverse) (CCW = Reverse)
Alignment of the NSS requires a special alignment P100107 E

tool. Dimensions are given at right. Top View of NSS Showing Cam Positions

(continued) 9/16 -18UNF 2A THD

.04 x 45 Chamfer
R.125 ø .236–.030


.306 .354


Material: .75 DIA x 3 ETD150

(All Dimensions in inches)
P100108 E
Alignment Tool

266 1 4 BOMAG 008 912 46

Vibration pump 42R 041 8.2

008 912 46 BOMAG 267

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

4.8 MDC Solenoid Override Valve

The solenoid override valve is a safety feature that
connects both ends of the servo control piston to- Port L4
gether when the solenoid is de-energized. Thus the
Port X7
pump can be put into stroke only when the solenoid
is energized.
The solenoid override with brake release includes
hydraulic control of a safety brake. When de-ener-
gized, a spring-applied, hydraulically-released brake
is drained through port X7. For conditions where case
back-pressure on the spring-applied brake is critical,
an external drain to the reservoir can be connected
through port L4.
The solenoid override valve can be removed to
inspect and remove foreign matter.

Removal Solenoid Override Valve

Assembly E100010 E
1. Remove retaining nut [9/16 in Hex].
Solenoid Override Valve Assembly
2. Remove solenoid housing.
3. Remove retaining ring at base of solenoid. Retaining Nut

4. Remove solenoid. This should be connected to Solenoid

internal spool. Housing

1. Replace O-ring. Retaining Ring
2. Place spring and plunger inside of solenoid.
3. Attach spool (male notch) to plunger (female
4. Insert solenoid/spool assembly in solenoid over- Spring
ride bore. Plunger
5. Snap retaining ring over base of solenoid.
6. Place washer at base of solenoid.
7. Install housing and retaining nut [2-4 Nm (1.5-3.5

E100011 E

Exploded View of Solenoid Override Assembly

268 1 6 BOMAG 008 912 46

Vibration pump 42R 041 8.2

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

4.9 FNR, NFPE, and NFPH Controls

The 3-position FNR control and the electric and
hydraulic non-feedback proportional (NFPE and NFPH Ports
(Ports X1 and X2)
NFPH) controls are non-feedback type controls. The
FNR and NFPE controls consist of modules mounted
on the pump housing. The hydraulic input for NFPH
is received through ports on the top of the pump
[9/16–18 SAE O-ring fitting].
The non-feedback controls are set at the factory. The
control modules can be removed to clean the ports
and change the O-rings.
The orifice plugs for the FNR and NFPE are located
inside the servo piston covers. The orifice plugs for E100012 E

the NFPH are located in the NFPH ports. Orifice Position of NFPH Ports
plugs may be cleaned or replaced.
Note: Future models may contain orifice plate
Control Solenoid
between module and pump housing.
Control Module
Removal and Installation of FNR and NFPE
1. Clean pump and module housings.
2. Remove four (4) screws retaining module to
housing [4 mm Int. Hex], and remove module Control Ports
from pump housing. Locator Pin

3. Remove O-rings from the control ports. Examine

ports for cleanliness.
4. Clean sealing surfaces.
5. Replace locator pin.
6. Install new O-rings.
7. Replace screws [4.7-6.1 Nm (3.5-4.5 ft•lbf].
E100013 E
Removal and Installation of FNR and NFPE NFPE Assembly (FNR Similar)
Control Orifices
Note: Future models may contain an orifice plate Non-Feedback
between module and pump housing. This will Control Orifice
take the place of the orifice plugs beneath the
servo piston cover.
1. Remove servo piston cover (see section 4.17).
2. Remove orifice plug [1/8 in Int. Hex].
3. Examine orifice and port for cleanliness.
4. Install orifice plug [2.0-3.4 Nm (1.5-2.5 ft•lbf)].

E100014 E

Location of Non-Feedback Control Orifice

008 912 46 BOMAG 1 7269

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

4.10 System Check Relief Valves (High Pressure Relief, Charge Check,
& Bypass Valves)
The charge check, high pressure relief, and the loop
bypass functions are all contained within the system
check relief (SCR) valve assembly. This assembly
may be removed for cleaning and installation of fresh With
Bypass Valve
O-rings. The model code specifies whether high Seat
pressure relief valves, combination charge check/ Without
high pressure relief valves, and/or loop bypass valves Retaining
Valve Ring
are present or not. Standard
Plug Bypass
1. Remove the valve seat plugs [9 mm Int. Hex] or Plunger
valve seat/bypass plugs [1 in Hex] from the pump Outer O-Ring
housing. O-Ring Valve
2. Remove the check poppet or relief valve assem- Backup Plug
blies from the pump housing. The smaller end of Outer
each conical spring is crimped to retain it on the O-Ring
check poppet or relief valve. Do not remove. Backup
3. Inspect the valves and mating seats in the special Inner
plugs for damage or foreign material. O-Ring

The relief valves are factory set and should not
be tampered with, except for replacing the
entire valve.

4. The O-ring on the standard bypass plunger may Check Poppet or

High Pressure
be replaced by removing the retaining ring and Relief Valve
removing the plunger from the special valve seat Conical Spring
plug. Remove the O-ring from the plunger and
install a new O-ring. Reinstall the plunger and
retaining ring.
5. Install a new outer O-ring, new backup ring, and
new inner O-ring on each valve seat plug.
6. Check that the conical springs are properly re-
tained on the check poppets or relief valves.
Install the check poppet or high pressure relief
valve assemblies into the pump housing .

The conical springs MUST be correctly posi-
tioned on the check poppets or relief valves
after installation for proper pump operation. E100015 E

System Check Relief Valve Components

7. Install the valve seat plugs or valve seat/bypass
plugs into the pump housing and torque [40-95
Nm (30-70 ft•lbf)].

270 1 8 BOMAG 008 912 46

Vibration pump 42R 041 8.2

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

4.11 Charge Relief Valve

The charge relief valve may be removed for cleaning
and installation of fresh O-rings. The pressure setting
may be changed. However, note that the setting will
vary for different charge flows which depends on
charge pump size and pump speed. The factory
setting is set relative to case pressure at 1800 rpm.
The actual charge pressure will vary at different

Shim Adjustable Style

1. Remove the shim adjustable charge relief valve Shim Adjustable
Charge Relief Valve Plug
plug [1 in Hex] from the pump housing. Remove O-Ring
the O-ring from the plug.
2. Remove the spring and poppet from the housing.
3. Do not alter the shims which may be installed Poppet
between the spring and valve plug, or inter-
change parts with another valve. Inspect the
poppet and mating seat in the housing for dam-
age or foreign material.
4. If desired, the charge relief valve setting can be
changed. An approximate rule of thumb is 4 bar
/ 1.25 mm (58 psi / 0.050 in). The effective setting
will vary.
To confirm the charge relief valve setting, mea- E100016 E
sure charge pressure (port M3) with the pump in Shim Adjustable Charge Relief Valve Components
stroke. The charge pressure should level off
when the relief setting is reached.
Approximate Relief Setting vs Shim Thickness
5. Install a new O-ring on the valve plug. Reinstall
4 bar / 1.25 mm (58 psi / 0.050 in)
the poppet, spring, and plug (with shims and O-
T000 023E
ring) into the pump housing [55-135 Nm (40-100

008 912 46 BOMAG 1 9271

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

Screw Adjustable Style Charge Relief Lock Nut

1. Before removing the screw adjustable relief valve O-Ring

plug, mark the plug, lock nut, and housing so as Screw Adjustable
to approximately maintain the original adjust- Charge Relief Valve Plug
ment when assembling, Remove the screw ad- Poppet
justable charge relief valve plug by loosening the
lock nut [1-1/16 in Hex] and unscrewing the plug
[8 mm Int. Hex]. Remove the O-ring from the plug.
2. Remove the spring and poppet from the housing.
3. Inspect the poppet and mating seat in the hous-
ing for damage or foreign material.
4. Install a new O-ring on the valve plug. Reinstall
the poppet and spring. Reinstall the plug with its
lock nut [47-57 Nm (34-42 ft•lbf)], aligning the E100017 E
marks made at disassembly.
Screw Adjustable Charge Relief Valve Components
5. Check and adjust, if necessary, the charge pres-
sure. For screw adjustable "anti-stall" charge
relief valves, an approximate rule of thumb is 2.8 Approximate Relief Setting vs Screw Revolution
bar / quarter turn (40 psi / quarter turn).
2.8 bar / 1⁄4 turn (40 psi / 1⁄4 turn)
To confirm the charge relief valve setting, mea- T000 024E

sure charge pressure (port M3) with the pump in

stroke. The charge pressure should level off
when the relief setting is reached.

272 2 0 BOMAG 008 912 46

Vibration pump 42R 041 8.2

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

4.12 Loop Flushing Valve

The loop flushing function consists of the loop flush-

ing shuttle valve and the loop flushing relief valve. The Loop Flushing
assemblies may be removed for cleaning and instal- Relief Plug
lation of new O-rings. The relief valve poppet may be Loop Flushing Relief
Plug (Defeat) O-Ring
exchanged for one with a different flow rating, but the
O-Ring Shims
relief valve shims should not be changed out unless
specifically instructed so by Sauer-Sundstrand. The Spring
function also can be defeated.
Loop Flushing Valve
1. Remove the loop flushing valve plug from the
pump housing [11/16 in Hex]. Remove the O-ring Loop Flushing
from the plug. Plug (Defeat)
2. Remove the loop flushing valve spool assembly O-Ring
from the housing.
3. Inspect the parts for damage or foreign material. Defeat Flushing
Spool Spool
The centering spring must be securely retained to Assembly
the spool by the washer.
4. Install the loop flushing valve spool assembly into
its bore. Install a new O-ring on the loop flushing
plug and install [27-47 Nm (20-35 ft•lbf)].

Loop Flushing Relief Valve

1. Remove the loop flushing relief valve internal hex
plug [5/8 in Hex] from the pump housing. Remove
the O-ring from the plug.
2. Remove the spring and poppet from the housing.
3. Do not alter the shims which are installed be-
tween the spring and valve plug, or interchange
parts with another valve. Inspect the poppet and
mating seat in the housing for damage or foreign
E100018 E
material. Inspect the orifice in the valve poppet.
Loop Flushing Valve and Loop Flushing Defeat
4. Install a new O-ring on the valve plug. Reinstall Components
the poppet, spring, shims, and plug (with O-ring)
into the pump housing [15-34 Nm (15-25 ft•lbf)].

Defeating Loop Flushing

1. Remove the loop flushing valve from the pump
2. Install the defeat spool into the spool bore in the
housing. Install the plain plug with O-ring into the
housing [11/16 in Hex], and torque [27-47 Nm
(20-35 ft•lbf)].
3. Remove the charge relief valve (these parts are
not necessary).
4. Install the plain hex plug with O-ring into the end
cap [5/8 in Hex], and torque [15-34 Nm (15-25

008 912 46 BOMAG 2 1273

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

4.13 Shaft Seal and Shaft Replacement

A lip type shaft seal is used in Series 42 pumps. This

seal and/or the shaft can be replaced without major
disassembly of the unit. Replacement generally re- Retaining
quires removal of the pump from the machine.
1. Position the pump with the shaft facing up. Seal Carrier
NOTE: If the unit is positioned horizontally when
the shaft is removed, the cylinder block could
move out of place, making shaft installation diffi-
2. Remove the retaining ring from the housing.
3. Pull out seal carrier assembly.
4. Remove the O-ring from the seal carrier. To
install a new shaft only, proceed to step 8.
5. Place the seal carrier in an arbor press with the
shaft bearing side down, and press out the old
seal. An appropriately sized pipe spacer or socket
wrench can be used as a press tool. Once re-
moved, the seal is not reusable. E100019 E

6. Inspect the seal carrier and the new seal for Shaft Seal Components
damage. Inspect the sealing area on the shaft for
rust, wear, or contamination. Polish the sealing
area on the shaft if necessary. O-Ring

7. Press the new seal into the shaft bearing side of

the seal carrier. The seal lip must face the outside Sealant may
Seal be used on
of the pump. Be careful not to damage the seal.
outside diameter
The outside diameter of the seal may be coated
with a sealant (e.g. Loctite High Performance Inside Lip
Seal Carrier (face down)
Sealant #59231) prior to installation. This aids in
preventing leaks caused by damage to the seal
bore in the seal carrier.

Press Seal
to bottom of Seal Carrier
E100020 E

Installation of Shaft Seal

274 2 2 BOMAG 008 912 46

Vibration pump 42R 041 8.2

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

If the shaft is not being replaced proceed to step

11. Retaining Ring
8. Remove the shaft and roller bearing assembly Roller Bearing
from the pump or motor. The bearing assembly
can be transferred to the new shaft (steps 9 and
9. Remove the retaining ring that secures roller Key Shaft
bearing assembly with a snap ring plier. Remove
the roller bearing assembly. OR
Shaft Assembly
10. Place roller bearing assembly on new shaft and OR
secure with the retaining ring.
11. Wrap the spline or key end of shaft with thin
plastic to prevent damage to the seal lip during
installation. Lubricate the inside diameter of the
shaft seal with petroleum jelly.
12. Place the O-ring onto the shaft bearing and
lubricate with petroleum jelly.
13. Slide the seal carrier assembly over the shaft and
into the housing bore. Press against O-ring. Hold
inward pressure against the shaft to compress
the cylinder block spring while pressing the seal
carrier into place.
14. Install the retaining ring.

E100021 E

Shaft Components

008 912 46 BOMAG 2 3275

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

4.14 Auxiliary Mounting Pads

The following procedure can be used to remove and

install a new auxiliary mounting pad or to install a
fresh O-ring for the current auxiliary mounting pad.
Several auxiliary mounting pads are available.
Auxiliary mounting pads are integrated into the charge
pump cover. When nothing is mounted on the pads,
a flange cover is attached to protect the mounting Pad Cover Screws
flange. This cover is removed when mounting a
Charge Aux Mount Pad Cover
Pump Retaining
Removal of Auxiliary Mounting Pad Screws
1. Remove the auxiliary pump or remove the two O-Ring
screws retaining the flange cover ["A" Pad 9/16
in Hex; "B" Pad 3/4 in Hex]. Remove the O-ring.
2. Orient pump so that charge pump cover (auxiliary OR
pad) is facing up.
3. Remove the charge pump cover. The auxiliary
pad is integrated into the charge pump cover.
Use a Torx T45 male driver to remove the screws. Auxiliary
Note: If a different auxiliary pad is being installed, Pad "A"
then a new drive coupling must be installed. To do
this follow the instructions in the section on re-
moving and installing the charge pump (next
Note: If the charge pump components come out Mounting
with the charge pump cover refer to section 4.15 Pad "B"
on how to properly reinstall them. No Charge Pin 1
Pump Defeat Charge Pump
4. Install a new charge pump cover gasket.
5. Install the charge pump cover (auxiliary pump
mounting pad is integrated in cover).
NOTE: The threaded screw holes in the auxiliary Locating
Pin 2
pump mounting pad used on very early produc-
tion pumps with the SAE "A" pad option are drilled
through into the area between the gerotor cover
and charge pump cover. Any of these holes
which are not used to attach the flange cover or E100022 E
auxiliary pump should be plugged with internal
Auxiliary Pad Options and Components
hex set screws installed hand tight to prevent the
entrance of water or dirt into this area.
6. Attach the auxiliary pump. If no pump is to be
attached on an auxiliary mounting pad, the pad
should be protected with a flange cover and O-
ring to prevent leakage.

276 2 4 BOMAG 008 912 46

Vibration pump 42R 041 8.2

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

4.15 Charge Pump

The charge pump may be disassembled to inspect
and clean, or to change the auxiliary shaft drive
(Screw used with
Note: For units without integral charge pumps "No Pad" and
"A Pad" Only)
see the last page of this section for additional
information. Cover
1. Remove auxiliary pump, if necessary. Screws

Charge Pump Cover or Auxiliary Pad

2. Remove the screws retaining the charge pump
cover to the pump housing [Torx T45] (seven (7)
screws are used with the "no pad" or SAE "A"
auxiliary mounting pad charge pump cover, while
six (6) screws are used with the SAE "B" auxiliary
mounting pad charge pump cover). Remove the
charge pump cover, gasket, and the cover locat-
ing pins.
3. Remove the gerotor cover assembly from the
charge pump cover or the back of the pump
housing. Remove the gerotor cover O-rings. Two
(2) O-rings are used on the gerotor cover of all
pumps. (An additional O-ring was used on the
gerotor cover of very early production pumps with
the SAE "A" pad option.) Geroter

Charge Pump Components

4. Remove the gerotor assembly from the gerotor
cover or pump housing.
5. Remove the gerotor drive pin and drive coupling. Assembly
Remove the gerotor cover locating pin from the Drive Coupling
pump housing.
Geroter Cover Geroter Drive Pin
6. Each part should be inspected separately if they Locating Pin
Charge Pump
are to be reused. If either of the gerotor assembly Charge Pump
Cover Locating
parts needs to be replaced, they must both be Cover
replaced. Always replace the O-rings and charge Pin
pump cover gasket. Inspect the journal bearing in
the gerotor cover for excessive wear.
7. Prior to assembly, lubricate the gerotor assembly
with clean hydraulic oil.
8. Install the gerotor drive pin into the hole in the
drive coupling, and retain with grease or petro-
leum jelly.
9. Install the drive coupling onto the pump shaft with
the smaller outside diameter oriented away from
E100023 E
the pump shaft. Different couplings are used
Charge Pump Components
with the different auxiliary pad options.
10. Install the gerotor assembly onto the coupling.

008 912 46 BOMAG 2 5277

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

11. Install the gerotor cover locating pin into the

pump housing. Install the gerotor cover assembly
over the gerotor. The locating pin must engage
the slot in the gerotor cover.
NOTE: The charge pump rotation is determined
by the location of the gerotor recess and pressure
balance hole in the gerotor cover. Different
gerotor covers are used for clockwise and
counterclockwise rotation pumps.
12. Install new pressure balance O-rings onto the
gerotor cover and retain with petroleum jelly or
grease. (An additional O-ring was used on the
gerotor cover of very early production pumps with
the SAE "A" pad option.)
13. Install the charge pump cover locating pins and a
new charge pump cover gasket.
14. Install the charge pump cover. The cover must
engage the gerotor cover and the locating pins. CW CCW
Install the charge pump cover screws and torque P100110 E
evenly [36-43 Nm (26-32 ft•lbf)]. Determining Charge Pump Orientation Looking
Inside of Gerotor Pump Cover
15. If necessary, reinstall auxiliary pump.
For units without an integral charge pump see the
next section.

278 2 6 BOMAG 008 912 46

Vibration pump 42R 041 8.2

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

Units without Integral Charge Pump

Variable Pumps without an integral charge pump do (Screw used with
not have a gerotor assembly, gerotor drive pin, or "No Pad" and
gerotor cover locating pin installed. The charge pump "A Pad" Only)
inlet port is plugged with an O-ring plug.
For these units that are equipped with housings Retaining

Charge Pump Cover or Auxiliary Pad

without filtration adapters, the gerotor cavity outlet
is plugged with a special plug installed in a housing
passage. The 3/4—16 charge inlet fitting should be
torqued to 68 Nm (50 ft•lbf).
For these units that are equipped with housings that
include filtration adapters, the gerotor cavity outlet
is plugged with an O-ring plug installed in the "To
Filter" port of a "Full Filter Flow" (charge relief valve
after filter) filter adapter. The 7/8—14 charge inlet
fitting should be torqued to 95 Nm (70 ft•lbf). Gasket
A "Partial Filter Flow" (charge relief valve be-
fore filter) adapter must not be used on variable

"No Charge Pump" Components

pumps without an integral charge pump. If this
design adapter is used, the charge relief valve Geroter
will be defeated.
Charge Pump
Cover Locating
Drive Coupling Pin 1
Charge Pump
Cover Locating
Pin 2

Outlet Plug
(Charge Charge
Pump Defeat) Inlet

Charge Pump
Charge Pump Inlet Plug Inlet Plug

Charge Inlet
(For Wrench Sizes
and Torquing
See Filtration Section)

E100024 E

No Charge Pump Option Components No Charge Pump Option Components

(Housing with Filtration Adapter) (Housing without Filtration Adapter)

008 912 46 BOMAG 2 7279

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

4.16 Filtration
Filtration of foreign matter from the hydraulic fluid is M3 Gauge Partial Flow
of primary importance. Dirt and foreign fluids within Port Plug Pressure
the hydraulic circuit will greatly reduce the life of the
Full Flow
hydraulic equipment. Pressure
Filter-Related Pump Hardware Filtration Plate
Retaining Screws
Filtration mechanisms for the Series 42 pump may
be before (suction filtration) or after (charge pressure Suction
filtration) the charge pump. Sauer-Sundstrand pro-
vides a filtration adapter to provide for each type of
filtration configuration. If filtration is provided for
elsewhere in the hydraulic circuit, the pump will not
have a filtration adapter.
Pumps equipped with housings without filtration
adapters have an additional construction bore next to
the charge relief valve which is unused and plugged
[5/8 in Hex, 21-33 Nm (15-25 ft•lbf)]. When these
pumps are equipped with suction filtration, the exter-
nal charge inlet is plugged [5/16 in Int. Hex, 41-94 Nm
(30-70 ft•lbf)].
Pumps equipped with housings that include filtration
adapters have the appropriate adapter and gasket
fastened to the housing with screws [Torx T30, 16
Nm (12 ft•lbf)]. The position of the M3 gauge port [11/ Housing with
16 in Hex, 11-13 Nm (8-10 ft•lbf)] will vary depending Filtration Adapter
on filtration type.

Filter Specifications
Charge Inlet
The selection of a filter depends on a number of
factors including the contaminant ingression rate,
the generation of contaminants in the system, the Plug
required fluid cleanliness, and the desired mainte- Bore Plug
nance interval. A filter capable of controlling the fluid
cleanliness to ISO 4406 Class 18/13 or better is
recommended and may be located either on the inlet
(suction filtration) or discharge (charge pressure
filtration) side of the charge pump. E100025 E
Housing without
Filter capacity depends on desired maintenance Filtration Adapter (Suction Filtration Only)
levels. As a rough guide, a capacity in grams equal
to twice the charge flow in gpm or 1/2 charge flow in
l/min has been found to be satisfactory for many Filtration Type β-ratio
closed circuit systems. Closed Circuit Suction Filtration or
β10 ≥ 2
Open Circuit Return Line Filtration
Filter efficiency as measured by a "Beta" (β) ratio* Systems Sharing a Reservoir with
should be as in the table at right. β10 ≥ 10
Other Gears, Clutches, or Cylinders
See Sauer-Sundstrand publication BLN-9887 or Charge Pressure Filtration β10 ≥ 10
697581 and ATI-E 9201 for more information on
* Filter ßx-ratio is a measure of filter efficiency defined by ISO
filtration. 4572. It is defined as the ratio of the number of particles greater
than a given size (x) upstream of the filter to number of particles
greater than the same size downstream of the filter. The ßx-ratio
applies to a specific particle size, measured in microns.

280 2 8 BOMAG 008 912 46

Vibration pump 42R 041 8.2

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

4.17 Servo Piston Covers

The servo piston cover can be removed to change the
gasket or to inspect/change the control orifices for
NFP or FNR controls (section 4.9). Pump Neutral Ajustment
Seal Lock Nut
1. On the right side (side “1”) of the pump, remove
the pump “neutral” adjustment seal lock nut [13
mm Hex]. (Not necessary on side "2") Servo Piston
Servo Piston Cover Cover Screw
2. Remove the servo piston cover screws [Torx
T30]. Servo Piston Cover
(Non-Feedback and
3. The left side (side "2") servo cover can be re-
Automotive controls only)
moved directly.
On the right side (side “1”) of the pump, the cover Pump "Neutral"
Adjustment Screw
should be pushed away from the pump housing.
It is then necessary to turn the “neutral” adjust-
ment screw [5 mm Hex] clockwise (inward) far
enough for the servo cover to clear the nearby
drain port. Then pull the cover away from the
housing and turn the cover counterclockwise to
disengage it from the adjustment screw.
Servo Piston Cover – Right Side (Side "1")
4. Remove the gasket.
Note: FNR and NFPE control orifice plugs are
located here, see section 4.9 for more informa- Servo Piston
tion. Cover Screws

5. Install new gasket. Servo Piston

6. On the right side (side "1"), screw the servo piston
cover on the neutral adjustment screw. Then,
while holding the cover, turn the neutral adjust-
ment screw CCW to engage the cover to the
screw threads.
7. Install servo piston cover screws (15-17 Nm (11-
13 ft•lbf)].
8. On the right side (side "1"), loosely install neutral Servo Piston Cover – Left Side (Side "2")
adjustment seal lock nut. Perform pump neutral
adjustment (section 4.2). E100026 E
Servo Piston Cover Components
After installing the servo piston cover on right
side (side “1”) of the pump, the pump “neutral”
adjustment and control neutral adjustment
MUST be performed before the vehicle / ma-
chine is put back into service.

Performance of the above procedure may ad-
just the position of the displacement limiter

008 912 46 BOMAG 2 9281

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

Series 42 Adjustments and Minor Repairs

4.18 Displacement Limiter Adjustment

Displacement limiters can limit the maximum swash- Displacement Limiter

plate position. For Series 42 pumps, displacement Seal Lock Nut
limiters are available on one or both sides of the servo
Displacement Limiter
Servo Piston
Adjustment of the displacement limiters should be Cover
performed on a test stand.

Care should be taken in adjusting displace-
ment limiters to avoid undesirable speed con-
ditions. The limiter screw must have full thread
engagement in the servo piston cover, and the
seal lock nut must be retorqued after every
adjustment to prevent unexpected changes in
operating conditions and external leakage dur-
ing unit operation.
Displacement Limiter – Right Side (Side "1")
1. Mount pump on test stand. (Exploded View, No Need to Remove Limiter or Nut)
2. Loosen displacement limiter seal lock nut [13 mm
Hex]. Do not remove.
Displacement Limiter
3. Adjust displacement limiter [4 mm Int. Hex]. Seal Lock Nut
Tighten the seal lock nut every time the pump
is to be tested [20-26 Nm (15-19 ft•lbf)].
One full turn of the displacement limiter adjust-
ment screw will change the displacement of the Servo Piston
pump approximately as follows.

28 cc 3.6 cc/rev 0.22 in3/rev

41 cc 5.0 cc/rev 0.31 in3/rev
T000 026E

4. After reaching proper displacement tighten the

Displacement Limiter – Left Side (Side "2")
seal lock nut [20-26 Nm (15-19 ft•lbf)]. (Exploded View, No Need to Remove Limiter or Nut)
If necessary, repeat procedure for displacement lim- E100027 E
iter on other side. Displacement Limiters

282 3 0 BOMAG 008 912 46

Vibration pump 42R 041 8.2

Series 42 Exploded View Parts Drawings

5. Exploded View Parts Drawings

5.1 Shaft Options




C015 F001




008 912 46 BOMAG 3 1283

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

Series 42 Exploded View Parts Drawings

5.2 Filtration, Charge Relief, System Relief, and Loop Flushing


(F040) OR

F043A OR K001
F040 OR K001
F091 K001A
F091A K001B
F030 K001C K006
F030A K007
G040 K008
G040A G043 K009
G041 G042 K010
045A F062
G045 F061 J003
F063 H005
F060 H002
OR F051 F0511
(F060) F0512
F050 (F091A)
OR F093A
(F050A) F093A
(F050) N002A


284 3 2 BOMAG 008 912 46

Vibration pump 42R 041 8.2

Series 42 Exploded View Parts Drawings

5.3 Charge Pump, Auxiliary Pads, and Servo Covers


G002 G020
G030 G023


(M005) OR
(M010) (G080)

(G001) (G036) G090

(G036) (G080)



008 912 46 BOMAG 3 3285

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

Series 42 Exploded View Parts Drawings

5.4 Control Options

D038 D039
D080 D082 D019

D002 OR

D056 D017


F035 D012

F035A E001 D070

D013 D004

F034 D081








286 3 4 BOMAG 008 912 46

Vibration pump 42R 041 8.2

Series 42 Exploded View Parts Drawings


008 912 46 BOMAG 3 5287

8.2 Vibration pump 42R 041

288 BOMAG 008 912 46

8.3 Travel drive series 51

008 912 46 BOMAG 289

8.3 Travel drive series 51

290 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 291

8.3 Travel drive series 51

292 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 293

8.3 Travel drive series 51

294 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 295

8.3 Travel drive series 51

296 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 297

8.3 Travel drive series 51

298 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 299

8.3 Travel drive series 51

300 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 301

8.3 Travel drive series 51

302 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 303

8.3 Travel drive series 51

304 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 305

8.3 Travel drive series 51

306 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 307

8.3 Travel drive series 51

308 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 309

8.3 Travel drive series 51

310 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 311

8.3 Travel drive series 51

312 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 313

8.3 Travel drive series 51

314 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 315

8.3 Travel drive series 51

316 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 317

8.3 Travel drive series 51

318 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 319

8.3 Travel drive series 51

320 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 321

8.3 Travel drive series 51

322 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 323

8.3 Travel drive series 51

324 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 325

8.3 Travel drive series 51

326 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 327

8.3 Travel drive series 51

328 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 329

8.3 Travel drive series 51

330 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 331

8.3 Travel drive series 51

332 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 333

8.3 Travel drive series 51

334 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 335

8.3 Travel drive series 51

336 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 337

8.3 Travel drive series 51

338 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 339

8.3 Travel drive series 51

340 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 341

8.3 Travel drive series 51

342 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 343

8.3 Travel drive series 51

344 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 345

8.3 Travel drive series 51

346 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 347

8.3 Travel drive series 51

348 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 349

8.3 Travel drive series 51

350 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 351

8.3 Travel drive series 51

352 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 353

8.3 Travel drive series 51

354 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 355

8.3 Travel drive series 51

356 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 357

8.3 Travel drive series 51

358 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 359

8.3 Travel drive series 51

360 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 361

8.3 Travel drive series 51

362 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 363

8.3 Travel drive series 51

364 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 365

8.3 Travel drive series 51

366 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 367

8.3 Travel drive series 51

368 BOMAG 008 912 46

Travel drive series 51 8.3

008 912 46 BOMAG 369

8.3 Travel drive series 51

370 BOMAG 008 912 46

8.4 Transmission CR

008 912 46 BOMAG 371

8.4 Transmission CR

372 BOMAG 008 912 46

Transmission CR 8.4

008 912 46 BOMAG 373

8.4 Transmission CR

374 BOMAG 008 912 46

Transmission CR 8.4

008 912 46 BOMAG 375

8.4 Transmission CR

376 BOMAG 008 912 46

Transmission CR 8.4

008 912 46 BOMAG 377

8.4 Transmission CR

378 BOMAG 008 912 46

Transmission CR 8.4

008 912 46 BOMAG 379

8.4 Transmission CR

380 BOMAG 008 912 46

Transmission CR 8.4

008 912 46 BOMAG 381

8.4 Transmission CR

382 BOMAG 008 912 46

Transmission CR 8.4

008 912 46 BOMAG 383

8.4 Transmission CR

384 BOMAG 008 912 46

Transmission CR 8.4

008 912 46 BOMAG 385

8.4 Transmission CR

386 BOMAG 008 912 46

Transmission CR 8.4

008 912 46 BOMAG 387

8.4 Transmission CR

388 BOMAG 008 912 46

Transmission CR 8.4

008 912 46 BOMAG 389

8.4 Transmission CR

390 BOMAG 008 912 46

Transmission CR 8.4

008 912 46 BOMAG 391

8.4 Transmission CR

392 BOMAG 008 912 46

Transmission CR 8.4

008 912 46 BOMAG 393

8.4 Transmission CR

394 BOMAG 008 912 46

Transmission CR 8.4

008 912 46 BOMAG 395

8.4 Transmission CR

396 BOMAG 008 912 46

8.5 Brake system, axle

008 912 46 BOMAG 397

8.5 Brake system, axle

398 BOMAG 008 912 46

Brake system, axle 8.5




maintenance and repair


008 912 46 BOMAG 399

8.5 Brake system, axle

Vietata la riproduzione anche parziale di testo ed illustrazioni
Realizzazione a cura dell'Ufficio PubblicitaÁ e dell'Ufficio Post Vendita della DANA SPICER CLARK-HURTH
Impaginazione: TEMAS s.r.l. - Gallarate (Va)
Stampa: Febbraio 1998 (N.L. 7331)

Data subject to change without notice. We decline all responsability for the use of non-original components, or accessories which have
not been tested and submitted for approval.
Dati soggetti a modifiche senza impegno di preavviso. Si declina ogni responsabilitaÁ per l'utilizzo di componenti non originali o accessori
non collaudatied apporvati.
AÈnderungen ohne vorherige AnkuÈndingung vorbehalten. Es wird jede Verantwortung fuÈr die Verwendung von Nichtoriginalteilen oder
nicht abgenommenem und genehmigtem ZubehoÈr abgelehnt.
Los datos pueden ser modificados sin aviso previo. Se declina toda responsabilidad en el caso de uso de componentes no originales o
bien de accesorios no ensayados y aprobados.
Le constructeur se reÂserve le droit d'apporter des modifications aÁ sa production, sans pour cela eÃtre tenu d'en donner preÂavis. Nous
deÂclinons toute responsabilite pour l'utilisation de pieÁces non originales ou d'accessoires non testeÂs et homologueÂs.

2 008 912 46
Brake system, axle 8.5



HOW TO REMOVE THE ANNULAR UNIT AND THE DISK PUSH DEVICE................................................................................................................ 7
HOW TO INSTALL THE ANNULAR PISTON UNIT AND THE DISK PUSH DEVICE ................................................................................................... 9
AXLE MANUAL RELEASE .................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
ADJUSTMENTS AFTER EACH MANUAL RELEASE .............................................................................................................................................. 13

HOW TO REMOVE THE ANNULAR UNIT AND THE DISK PUSH DEVICE.............................................................................................................. 17
HOW TO INSTALL THE ANNULAR PISTON UNIT AND THE DISK PUSH DEVICE ................................................................................................. 19
AXLE MANUAL RELEASE .................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
ADJUSTMENTS AFTER EACH MANUAL RELEASE .............................................................................................................................................. 23


The efficiency and continued operation of me- In particular, thoroughly check the condition of all moving
GB chanical units depend on constant, correct parts (bearings, gears, crown wheel and pinion, shafts) and
maintenance and also on efficient repair work, sealing parts (O-rings, oil shields) which are subject to major
should there be a break-down or malfunction. The instruc- stress and wear. In any case, it is advisable to replace the
tions contained in this manual have been based on a seals every time a component is overhauled or repaired.
complete overhaul of the unit. However, it is up to the During assembly, the sealing rings must be lubricated on the
mechanic to decide whether or not it is necessary to sealing edge. In the case of the crown wheel and pinion,
assemble only individual components, when partial repair replacement of one component requires the replacement of
work is needed. The manual provides a quick and sure guide the other one. During assembly, the prescribed pre-loading,
which, with the use of photographs and diagrams illustrating backlash and torque of parts must be maintained.
the various phases of the operations, allows accurate work to
be performed.
All the information needed for correct disassembly, checks CLASSIFICATION: This manual classifies units according to
and assembly of each individual component is set out below. part numbers. For a correct interpretation, classification is
In order to remove the differential unit from the vehicle, the indicated as follows:
manuals provided by the vehicle manufacturer should be
consulted. In describing the following operations it is = up to the part number
presumed that the unit has already been removed from the
vehicle. = from the part number on
IMPORTANT: In order to facilitate work and protect both When no classification is given, disassembly and assembly
working surfaces and operators, it is advisable to use proper operations are the same for all versions.
equipment such as: trestles or supporting benches, plastic or
copper hammers, appropriate levers, extractors and specific SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT AND SPARE PARTS: The drawings
spanners or wrenches. of all specific tools required for maintenance and repair work
Before going on to disassemble the parts and drain the oil, it can be found at the end of this manual ; spare parts may be
is best to thoroughly clean the unit, removing any encrusted ordered either from the vehicle manufacturer or directly from
or accumulated grease. the Service Centers or Authorised Distributors of SPICER
INTRODUCTORY REMARKS: All the disassembled me-
chanical units should be thoroughly cleaned with appropriate
products and restored or replaced if damage, wear, cracking
or seizing have occurred.

008 912 46 BOMAG

3 401
8.5 Brake system, axle

402 BOMAG 008 912 46

Brake system, axle 8.5

008 912 46 5 BOMAG 403

8.5 Brake system, axle

404 6
BOMAG 008 912 46
Brake system, axle

F1240218 F1240219

GB a GB b
Remove screws (1) and nuts (2) from the side where the operation Sling the arm (3), remove the two screws (1) which have been left
is being carried out. on for safety and remove the arm.
NOTE. Leave two opposite screws on for safety. CAUTION! Unloose screws in an alternate and even way.

F1240220 F1240221

GB c GB d
Remove the two check screws (4) from the cylinder (5). Extract the entire cylinder unit (5).
CAUTION! Unloose screws in an alternate and even way.

6 7


F1240222 F1240223

GB e GB f
Remove the safety spring ring (6) from the Belleville washers (7). Remove the Belleville washers (7) from the annular piston (8).
Note down direction for the assembly of the Belleville washers.

008 912 46 BOMAG

7 405
Brake system, axle



F1240224 F1240225

GB a GB b
Use a plastic mallet to extract the annular piston (8) from the Remove O-rings (9) and (10) from the piston (8); they have to be
cylinder (5). replaced each time the unit is disassembled.


F1240226 F1240227

GB c GB d
To check or replace the braking disks, remove the check screws Remove the disk push device (12).
(11) and the ways from the disk push device (12). CAUTION! Note down direction for assembly.
CAUTION! Unloose screws (11) evenly and in sequence.




GB e GB f
Check the state of springs (13) and ways of both screws (11) and
disk push device (12).

8 008 912 46
Brake system, axle

A 12

11 12

F1240227 F1240226

GB a GB b
Insert the springs (13) in the slot of the arm and position the disk Fasten the disk push device (12) into place by turning the screws
push device (12) making sure that exhaust "A" is facing down- (11).
wards. CAUTION! Turn the screws in sequence and at different stages.

11 11

F1240229 F1240225

GB c GB d
Lock the screws (11) using the dynamometric wrench. Fit O-rings (9) and (10) on the piston (8).
Torque wrench setting : 15 ± 20 Nm.


F1240230 F1240231

GB e GB f
Lubricate the surfaces of the cylinder (5) and position the annular Using a push-tool and a plastic mallet, bring the piston (8) to the
piston (8). end of stroke inside the cylinder (5).
Adjust hole "B" positioning it on the axis between the two upper
holes "C".

008 912 46 BOMAG

9 407
Brake system, axle

6 8

F1240222 F1240221

GB a GB b
Fit the Belleville washers (7) and the safety spring ring (6) on the Fit the complete cylinder (5) on the studs.
piston (8). CAUTION! Make sure that hole "B" of the annular piston (8)
CAUTION! Check direction for the assembly of the washers. centres upper dowel "C".

F1240232 F1240233

GB c GB d
Lubricate the screws (4) with grease and manually screw them Alternately turn the screws (4) and tighten using a dynamometric
down in the main body. wrench.
CAUTION! Keep the support planes parallel to each other.
Torque wrench setting : 86 ± 89 Nm


F1240234 F1240219

GB e GB f
Fit the O-ring seal (14) on the cylinder (5), positioning it between Lubricate the O-ring (14) and install the arm (3).
the arm and the main body.

10 008 912 46
Brake system, axle

5 2 3 3


F1240218 F1240235

GB a GB b
Apply Loctite 242 on screws (1) and nuts (2). Tighten the check screws (1) and nuts (2) on the arm (3) using a
Turn screws (1) and nuts (2) until the arm (3) is fastened on the dynamometric wrench.
cylinder (5). Cross tighten.
Cross tighten in an even way. Torque wrench setting: 190 Nm


15 --


GB c GB d
IIntroduce a pressure of 14 ± 30 bar in the braking circuit. Rotate the adjuster (15) clockwise (+) so as to obtain the
Rotate the adjuster (15) anti-clockwise (±) so as to eliminate any prescribed slack.
slack between the braking disks. NOTE. 1 turn of the adjuster yields a slack of 0.188 mm (0.75 mm
Rotate up to a torque wrench setting of 8 ± 10 Nm. slack = 4 turns; 1 mm slack = 5.5 turns).
Fit the safety catch (16).

GB e GB f

008 912 46 BOMAG

11 409
8.5 Brake system, axle

410 BOMAG 008 912 46

Brake system, axle

19 17
18 19,5 0+1

F1240239 F1240240

GB a GB b
Remove the screws (18) complete with nuts (17) and seals (19). Adjust the screws (18) so that they protrude 19.5 mm from the
Substitute seals, lubricate screws (18) using silicone-based grease arm.
and fit the units inside the arm (3).



GB c GB d
Lock into position by tightening the nuts (17).
CAUTION! Lock the nuts (17) holding the screws (18) into position.
Check the protrusion of the screws (18) once again.

GB e GB f

008 912 46 BOMAG

13 411
8.5 Brake system, axle

412 BOMAG 14 008 912 46

Brake system, axle 8.5

008 912 46 15 BOMAG 413

8.5 Brake system, axle

414 BOMAG 16 008 912 46

Brake system, axle

1 3

F1240207 F1240208

GB a GB b
Remove screws (1) and nuts (2) from the side where the operation Sling the arm (3), remove the two screws (1) which have been left
is being carried out. on for safety and remove the arm.
NOTE. Leave two opposite screws on for safety. CAUTION! Unloose screws in an alternate and even way.

5 6
4 5

F1240209 F1240210

GB c GB d
Remove the two check screws (4) from the cylinder (5). Extract the cylinder unit (5) and the Belleville washers (6).
CAUTION! Unloose screws in an alternate and even way. Note down the direction for the assembly of the Belleville washers.


8 F1240213

GB e GB f
Use a plastic mallet to extract the annular piston (7) from the Remove O-rings (8) and (9) from the piston (7); they have to be
cylinder (5). replaced each time the unit is disassembled.

008 912 46 BOMAG

17 415
Brake system, axle




F1240211 F1240215

GB a GB b
To check or replace the braking disks, remove the check screws Pull out the disk push device (11).
(10) and the ways from the disk push device (11). CAUTION! Note down direction for assembly.
CAUTION! Unloose screws (10) evenly and in sequence.

10 11



GB c GB d
Check the state of springs (12), check screws (10) and ways of the
disk push device (11).

GB e GB f

18 008 912 46
Brake system, axle

11 11

12 10

F1240190 F1240191

GB a GB b
Insert the springs (12) in the slot of the arm and position the disk Fasten the disk push device (11) into place by turning the screws
push device (11) making sure that exhausts "A" are facing (10).
downwards. CAUTION! Screw down in sequence and at different stages.

10 10

8 F1240213

GB c GB d
Lock the screws (10) using the dynamometric wrench. Fit O-rings (8) and (9) on the piston (7).
Torque wrench setting: 50 Nm


F1240193 F1240194

GB e GB f
Lubricate the surfaces of the cylinder (5) and position the annular Adjust exhaust "B" of the piston (7) centring it between the two
piston (7). holes of the lower screws.

008 912 46 BOMAG

19 417
Brake system, axle


F1240195 F1240196

GB a GB b
Centre O-rings (8) and (9) in the cylinder (5) by applying manual Use a plastic mallet to bring the piston (7) to the end of stroke
pressure on the piston (7). inside the cylinder (5).

6 6

5 F1240198

GB c GB d
Fit the complete cylinder (5) on the studs and insert the Belleville While holding the Belleville washers (6) centred, push the cylinder
washers (6) in the piston. (5) until the washers are centred in the slots of both the cylinder
CAUTION! Accurately check the orientation of the Belleville and the main body of the axle.


F1240199 F1240200

GB e GB f
Lubricate the screws (4) in the main body using grease and Alternately turn the screws (4) and tighten using a dynamometric
manually screw down. wrench.
CAUTION! Keep the support planes parallel to each other.
Torque wrench setting : 86 ± 89 Nm

20 008 912 46
Brake system, axle

13 3


F1240201 F1240202

GB a GB b
Fit the O-ring seal (13) on the cylinder (5), positioning it between Lubricate the seal (13) and install the arm (3).
the arm and the main body.

2 1

F1240207 F1240203

GB c GB d
Tighten screws (1) and nuts (2) so as to fasten the arm (3) on the Tighten check screws (1) and nuts (2) on the arm (3) by using a
cylinder (5). dynamometric wrench.
Cross tighten in an even way. Cross tighten.
Torque wrench setting: 190 Nm


17 --


GB e GB f
Introduce a pressure of 14 ± 30 bar in the braking circuit. Rotate the adjuster (17) clockwise (+) so as to obtain the
Rotate the adjuster (17) anti-clockwise (±) so as to eliminate any prescribed slack.
slack between the braking disks. NOTE. 1 turn of the adjuster yields a slack of 0.25 mm (1 mm = 4
Rotate up to a torque wrench setting of 8 ± 10 Nm. turns).
Fit the safety catch (18).

008 912 46 BOMAG

21 419
Brake system, axle

6 11


16 15

GB a GB b
Unloose the nuts (15) of the screws (14) for the manual release of Turn the screws (14) until they are fastened on the disk push device
the braking units. (11).
Draw the nuts back of about 8 mm.



GB c GB d
Using a wrench, alternately turn the screws (14) one fourth turn at a
time, so as to compress the Belleville washers (6) and release the
braking disks.

GB e GB f

22 008 912 46

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