Network Questions

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1. What is Azure virtual networking?

2. What are keys networking capabilities of Azure virtual network?

3. What is Isolation and segmentation?
4. Which service is used for name resolution?
5. What are Internet communications of the VMs?
6. What is Azure Virtual Network?
7. Which information's need to create VNet?
8. What is address space?
9. What are subnets?
10. What are the best practices to build your network in Azure?
11. How to Communicate Azure resources with each other on azure cloud?
 Virtual network
 Service endpoints
 Private endpoints
 Peering
12. What is property of the Vnet?
13. What is Azure Bastion?
14. When enable Azure Bastion on Vnet?
15. What is Azure Firewall?
16. How to communicate azure resources with on-premises resources?
17. How to control route network traffic?
 Routing table
 Border Gateway Protocol
18. How to filter network traffic?
 Network security group
 Network virtual appliance
19. What are Azure VNet limits?
 VNets --> 3000
 Peering --> 500
 Subnets --> 1000
20. What is Pricing of VNet?
21. Hub and spoke Vnet Peering connections
22. What is virtual network peering?
23. How to traffic is routed between peered virtual networks or resources VM?
24. How many types of peering connections?
 Local peering
 Global peering
25. When peering is deployed, do it disrupt any resources?
26. Can we connect all VNets with single peering?
27. Can we do Cross-subscription virtual network peering in same tenant and different tenant?
28. What access rights you need when you do peer between subscriptions are in different Azure
Active Directory tenants?
 Peer subscription's administrator
 Network Contributor role on their virtual network.
29. Is Virtual network peering Transitive?
30. What is Gateway transit (gateway peering)?
31. What are Alternative connectivity methods to connect Vnet?
 Expressroute
 VPN gateway
32. When to choose virtual network peering?
33. What is typical on-premises network design and IP addressing?
 Routers
 Firewalls
 Switches
 Network segmentation
34. What is typical azure network design and IP addressing?
 Virtual networks
 Subnets
 Network security groups
 Firewalls
 Load balancers
35. How many ranges of non-routable IP addresses?
36. Do By default; all subnets in an Azure virtual network can communicate with each other?
Yes, By default, all subnets in an Azure virtual network can communicate with each other.
However, you can use a network security group to deny communication between subnets.
37. What is smallest subnet and largest subnet?
/29 /8
38. How many types of IP address?
39. What are Public IP addresses?
40. Which azure resources we can assign public IP address?
 Virtual networks
 Subnets
 Network security groups
 Firewalls
 Load balancers
41. What is Dynamic public IP addresses?
42. What is Static public IP addresses
43. How many types of SKU For public IP addresses?
44. What is Public IP address prefix?
45. What are advantages of a public IP address prefix?
46. IP addressing for Azure virtual networks
47. Why three IP addresses are reserved from all subnets?
An internal DHCP service within Azure assigns and maintains the lease of IP addresses.
48. Which types of resources private IP address is allocated?
 Virtual machine network interfaces
 Load balancers
 Application gateways
49. What is Routing preference of public IP address
Microsoft network
50. What is idle timeout (minutes) of public IP address?
51. What DNS name label of public IP address?
52. What is Availability zone of public IP address?
53. What is Network security group?
54. Which azure resources you can assign Network security group?
55. Network security groups can be assigned to subnet and network interface card at same time?
56. When you assign a Network security groups to both network interface and subnet. Is it
57. How to traffic is evaluated by the network security group applied to the subnet and network
interface card?
58. Which protocols are used by network security group?
59. What are properties of security group?
 Name
 Priority
 Source and destination
 Protocol
 Direction
 Port range
 Action
60. What are Default security rules?
 Allowed inbound and outbound traffic with a subnet.
 Allow traffic from the default load balancer to any VM within the subnet.
 Allow outbound traffic going to the internet from any VM.
 Deny inbound traffic from any external source to any of the VMs.
 Deny traffic from any internal VM to a system outside the virtual network.
61. What are Augmented security rules?
 Multiple IP addresses
 Multiple ports
 Service tags
 App security groups
62. What are Service tags?
Service tags represent a group of IP addresses.
63. What are property of the security group?
Inbound rule
Outbound rule
Network interface

gateway transit

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